Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Jul 1907, p. 10

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* | soul his present Ps aad work is {Poe from To ; i i : i fl ¢ Ti FE I i 5; -- is heart and 2 i i g z 3 jes and workers of va- "Much good has beeh done from "a small beginning," said Mr. Wilson, 4"and the prospects for the work were "never better." Yesterday some ultra-loyal persons to the harbor-master to insist t the Stars and Stripes on a Uni ted States craft in the Babe be or- dered down, They didn't like the idea Yankee ship flaunting its coun oa bo mong I) Brith arr ou he Glorious Fou yt Ui I ton of Se deciivd sits from Bri Jn a Tie Darbar master = un dnd a very loyal men, but 't see how he Sond order the w thon did nothing. Two va there firebrand Yan- © ri 4 Re whe ted to make Simmons, of the schooner Aca- 4 Kingston, take down, 2 Cana- A from his masthead on = the [ -- iE - ; £ '4th of July. That flag infuriated fhe the Yikes over there, but it didn't come down. Copnda and the United States ave fiutionk," and there is non 'The Vniied Staten consuls floated all day from ki office on Welli --- ie re of passers as it hung from a win DE aa band va lal on 1% ul nob a protest uttered. It's time the {old spirit of ill-feeling disappeared, and it is quite bere, This mokning, the civic authorities were dppealed to by Clarence street business © men, to have a nuisance » . Workmen tearing out the the interior the three stone buil to be renovated for the vernment offices, 'were Jechiel ce" Beir erican hotel, 1 ate action was takes, and: the nuisence stopped. | {Hirst started in business , | eantile « |oier, He is dug store. '1 Baby's Own T 0 8 alii 's, and other baby requisites] c=... tion '| to | Tnden 1 3 J] Ryan | Thomas Fortune Ryan, the emin nt financier, was horn in Nelson county, Va., on October 17th, 1851, He mar- ried on November 25th, 1873, in Balti- more, Miss Ilda M. Barry, Mr. Ryan with a dry goods house in Baltimore, where be went to work in 1868, He quit 'mer- its and started in on 1870, Wall street to study finance in and in four Jers had gained a place f Exchange, and was counted a wealthy and rising finan- i to control the voting stock in the great Equitable Life Insurance company, and is heavily interested in many © valuable corpora- tions. "He has a home in New York city, and a. noted country place in Virginia. at OBJECTION IS TAKEN, By Humane Society To The Cab Stands. Thé 'cabmen's attention has been di- rected by the police commissioner to ¢ [\the = newly-fixed cabstands, which aro as follows : On the east side of Wellington street, between Clarence. - street and Brock street, On the tast side of Wellington street, between Clarence street and St. George's hall, On the south side of Clarence street, from the customs house gate to the post office gate. On the north side of Clarence street, from Ontario street to the inland rev- enue building. On the north side of Clarence street, from King street to the Chinese jaun- dry. No licensed cab or vehicle is to be placed for hire upon any other streets, or those doing #6 will be prosecuted. Of late years, the cabmen have oc- cupied the one block, on Clarence stroot, between King and = Ontario street. This place had become con- ted, and the cab limits required to i extended. Years ago, the block above was also used. The cabmen are not satisfied with the changes. They are paying $250 a year for an office on Clarence street, which will be of use to only a por- tion of them if they are to be spread | out. Those farthest away could not hear the gong rung from the office. This is their chief int. Then again, the Humane Society has taken up the s on behalf of the cabmen. An extension of the limits is, no doubt, needed, but the localities picked out are all on the sunny sides of the streets, and in the hot summer the cabmen would have to keep their horses standing in the hot sun. The Humane Society objects to this, and will appeal to the police commission- ers in the mafer. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters on Their Rounds, Try Bibby's 26c. garters, . Only all-cream ice cream in the city at Price's. E | Soe. girdle corsets for 35¢. New York Dress Reform. 2 Loads of fruit and southern vege- fables, at Henderson's, Saturday. Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Com- lpound fresh at Gibson's Red Cross , Steedman's and 8. Bil % for roller neckwear, 50, Me. Stevenson, a clever Queen's theo graduate, has been licensed by Peterhoro. Cross store, 's for men's bathing Suits. tA s tour, carly. Supper on board , FRIDAY. JULY 5 w 4 ~4§ x x BOTTLE. 3 Ne epee i ©. COMMISSIONERS. may say their ice cream i8 iy "Rio ctonians upheld the repute. tion of their home in exemplary style |] ust the thing for campers. Seidlite tin boxes. Sold at Gib delightful sail take the steam- A Saturday, 2.30 Ci ---- A Celestial Dismissed on a Charge of Manslaughter--The Acci- | dent Was Due to a Misreading | of Oder commission, morning, the applica- tion of the Canadian' Northern Ontario ¥ailwa: eurspany for leave to take porticns of Parry Sound town lots for diverting the Great Northern road to Ottawa, July 5.--Beore the raitway 1° avoid a crossing of the road by a right of way was granted. The Sydenham Glass company, - of Wallaceburg, Ont., asking for classifi- cation of a certain class of glass bot- Yles in regard to freight rates. 'The commission decided that the glassware 1 was a bottle not a fruit far. - 5 Town Hui, the Chinaman charved with the manslaughter of Lee Sing, another Celestial, on June 6th, was dismissed, to-day, in the poiice court, | the magistrate not considering the cvi- dence sufficient to send Hum for trials The inquest into the death of Brake- man Douglas, killed at Eastman Springs, on June 2nd, in a Grand Trunk collision, resulted in a verdict that: the accident was caused hy a witreading of train orders 6¢ the en: gineer on train 1,337, which erashed J into train 70 on the night in question. It was recommended that all stations on the main line of a railway be kept [ open: day and night in charge of com- | petent officers and with telegraphic or teieplione communication hetween sta- tions. } 14TH REGIMENT HOME. -- After Spending a Fine Time Watertown; N.¥. Shortly after nine o'clock Wednesday evening the Mth regiment P.W.0. | Reifles embarked for Cape Vincent en route to Watertown, N.Y., where they | were fo spend the 4th of July. An ff admiring "throng of citizens "fined he streets and gathered at the wharf as |] the troops were leaving. It is ° safe to say that the regiment was In | never | sically and morally than on the: cyen ing in question and they received um- | stinted praise and much lavorah': com- | ment from their civilian critics, This morning as the hour of eleven ap- proached these same volunteers, slight- ly tired but none the less happy, re turned to the city after a most de- lightiul holiday. As they stepped cut on the mareh to the armouries they presented as fine an appearance as on thy eve of departure. Lieut.<Col. Kent 'was in command and the celehra- i @laddened the arts of all. The oldest veteran, as watched the boys troop past had to admit that the t was ion. The trip shad trim as they departed. The trip over was quite apevan:ivl, | though it was midnight when Water- | town was reached. ite the feet that' the train was two hours he- hind time in arriving an emormous |: crowd welcomed the Canucks. There were fireworks galore dnd cheer after cheer went up as the crack corps from the Limestone City passed along the route to their ymarters at the ar mouries, It did the hearts of every Canadian geod to see the way the old they were held spellbound. After see ing their men comfortably quartered, the officers returned to the Woodruff | House, where they were entertained during the regiment's visit in Unele Sam's ternitory. The following. morning a march: of H six miles fell to the visitors" lot, but they hed the satisfaction of knowing that they were the cynosure of all eyes, and moh upheld the Bonor of the country so dear to their hearts. The afterncon was given over to enjoyment and the rifle regiment had the fre.dom of the city. Too much could not be done by thdr Yankee cousing to enm- [| tertain the boys and right royally | were 'they cared for. The people of | Watertown are fine entertainers. In the evening an -elaborate and megnifi- | cent fire works display constituted the On the even of the arsival of the regiment the Black River Valley club gave a banquet for the officers. F in It was eight o'clock this morning when the start was made for home. fand won golden opinions their hosts. Both visitors and visited hope for a _ venewal of acquaintanceship avain in the near future. Before dis- i regiment this moming e particularly good things just received will be offered TO-MORROW. 1108 Good Quality Vhite Sheets Made from a round thread, good quality Boglish Cotton, that is easily washed. These sheets are considered extra good value regularly at 2,00 a pair. Yours To-morrow while the lot lasts, rn Z5c Each. composed of a better class of 'men phy- |] : near done all hands good and they returnod as i 14th marched and as for the Yanki¢s, 1 480 Linen Huckaback Towels " Good size, regularly worth 25c each or 3.00 per dozen. Yours To-morow Morning. 18c Each Or 35¢c a pair. Special Bargain 216 Remnants White India Linen White Persian Lawn White Waisting Linens Lengths range from 2 1-2 yards, 3, 312, 4 yards. Also a lot White Nainsook Remnants These are suitable for Corset Covers and E Underwear. All will be offered at One-Third Off. Sale at 9.30. the trip pnd the mauner in which each mon did his duty: Cheers for the colonel and for the adjutant, Capt. ns Hughes, brought the outing to a close. New Invention By Wm. Besh. To-day Wiliam Besh sold to John Ballantyne, for use at éoncerts, in the City Hall, a William Besh Bell Metal Bridge piano. The metal bridge is a new invention in pinno making. ---------------- One More For The Public. Saturday night sale of ripe bananas at Carnovsky's usual low prices. We make a specialty of underwear, corsets and stockings, all™sizes, fan- cy or in and i stock. New "Nay ™ big song suceess, will be sold at 15e. a copy on Satur day, McDermott Bros. Splendid sumimer corsets, 50c. and 68¢c, Pip Hip special corset, 63c. New York Dress "Chotolnte™ covered cherries," Me- Conkeéy's. "Fresh at Gibson's Red , | Cross drug store. Leave your orders sarly toahorrow for strawberry: short eake. R. H. Toye, King street, : "McConkey's chocolate covered cher ries," fresh at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, All-cream joe eréam; 'in bricks, - ény missing the Lieut.-Col. = Kemt addressed the men, |i thanking them for their behavi flavor, delivered at any hour, ay od ! £5 Dt: AND __. Something almost every lady wants and you might as well have "the Hest. iow bd a pure white and dries quickly. Blanco, "a paste," put up in tins at 28¢c., and in boxes at llc. minde in England and used extensively by the militia. Two-In-Oné, "a liquid," put up in 10c. size. We have--Wide Silk Tassel End Laces at 25c. A Narrower Whita Silk Tassel End at 5c And a Mercerized Silk Tassel End at 10c, White Cotton Laces, two pairs for Se. The Lockett Shoe Store. Binds agai Sulit in Ob Sues. bth: foe mien we a 2 Fo bi Libby's new néckwear is swell, pa Tg : EYRE White Shoe Polish | We sdll-White Beauty, "a liquid," put up in 10c. and 25¢. sizes, ; 3 'accepted. Given at this time year to remaking and airing FUR GARMEN Conditions are favor for having the best sible work' done, and are positively assured your Furs will be read; you when required. phone 489; or drop a § card and we will send waggon for your FU Only experts in our tory. John McKay Fur Ho 139-156 Brock St. ALWAYS IN SE Whether we have warm cold, sunshine or rain, our QUEEN BEE Ti ds always in season and always mand. wea Imported direct from Ceylon, hb. and one Ib. packages omly, 50 and 60c. Jas. Redden & | IMPORTERS OF FINE GHOC GASOLI! Put. in Your Tan at Our Dock A large stock of Dry teries, Spark Plug and always on hand, SELBY - & YOULI LIMITED. SAND! SANL All kinds of building sa: sale. Leave orders at 163 PRINCESS Where they will receive } and careful attention, TELEPHONE 2. Kingston & Pembroke R TENDERS MARKED "TE For Station At Ounlabogie," will ovived at the office of the und until noon, July 15th, 1907, for | a station and platiorm at Ca Ont. Detail plane and specifications seen at the oihice of the unde Kingston, or at the office of ) Burvet, Renirew, Ont, The lowest or any sarily accepted. ¥F. CONWAY, Acting General ¢ tendent, Kingston & Pembrol Kingston, Ont, Kingtton, Ont., July 2nd, 1907 Queen St. Methodist Gl Under Auspices of Ladies' A Excursion to Toronto and | VIA G.T.R. Tuesday, July 16th, Special Train, 8 a.m. Fare, Adults $3.35 ; Children u $1.70. All tickets good. returni regular train except No. 4, up including July 18th. To Contractors TENDERS WILL BE RECEIV the undersigned up to 3 p.m, of day, July 18th, for the several works. required in the erccti ton's house, and making and alterations und heating in the St. Geo Lowest or any tender wn med Plans awd specilicatio be seen at our office. POWER & 1907, tender not SON Arch July 6th, Merchants' Chambers. C. H. Powel Carpenter and Jo 103 Raglan | ROLLER RID AFTERNOON, .2.30 to EVENING, 7.30 to 10, Band every evening and Saturd: woon. Select pa See Bibby's display of straw

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