hirt Waists ced ones are models of als and taste in the muk- JAISTS, 75c, 99¢, 1.25. JAISTS, 1.49, 1.75, 2.00. NAISTS, 2.50, 2.75, 3.00 yarison with the stocks of- n Says CES," Valenciennes Laces. e assortment. Some pretty lay. Maay of them are c, 6c, 8c. roc, 12ic, 15¢C uite a number of patterns. -- hite 2S :D TO-DAY. adhe Weight - Corsets in order and we are meeting nand in fine style. ver before have we sold = orsets as now. e values we offer keep ou Department busy, IMMER CORSETS in fine ight Percale, ; 'MMER CORSETS in gir- 10e Polish LAND hoe Laces dy wants and you might as well have . . » : I liquid," put up in 10c. and Be. sizes, n tins at' e., and in boxes at 10c. sively by the militia, : up in 10e. size. End Laces at 25c. l End at 150. 1 End at 10c. rs for Se. t Shoe Store. yles in Club Ba adies $12 to $95. gs; both for Ladies h 4 Attention 1h § Given at #hik time of year to remaking and re- pairing isd bd FUR GARMENTS Conditions are favorable for having the best pos- sible work done, and you are positively assured that your Furs will be ready for you when required. Tele- phone 489, or drop a post- card and we will send our waggon for your FURS. Only experts in our Fae- tory. John McKay Fur House 149-1656 Brook St. 7 « Fact i That most men know The hats of style and quality Come from Campbell Bros'. Roller Rink, afternoon and evening: Vaudeville. Ontario Park, to-night. Wonderland, every afternoon and even- ing. R Yacht Club Race, 2:30 p.m., Saturday. This day in history : Strathcona Horse defeated Boers at Standerton, 1900; Battle of Chippewa, 1814; ¢ East India company formed, 1690. " WHIG TELEPHONES 243--Business OMices 220--BEditorial Rooms. 293--Jobbing Department: Try us for Billheads, ete. Dinner Sets We have a few of those job sets left, you can save THREE OR FOUR DOLLARS All new up-to-date patterns, on every one of these sets. ONLY SHORT A FEW PIECES. Robertson Bros. ALWAYS IN SEASON Whether we have warm weather or cold, sunshine or rain, our QUEEN BEE TEA Is always in season and always in de mand. Imported direst from Ceylon, in hall nb. and one Ib. packages omly, 50 and 60c. Jas, Redden & Co. IMPORTERS OF FINE GROCERIES. ------------------------ NOTICE Sc Sc Will not be pen on THURSDAY, the 4th of July, otal Teceipts of Wond- erland, on TUESDAY, July 2nd, be for the benefit of the llotel Hospital. 3 Moving Pictures for Monday and Tues- day are the best. 'Charlie's Paints." "Carman In Danger." "Pussy's Breakfast." 8c New Illustrated Songs. Sc Put in Your Tank at Our Dock. A large stock of Dry Bat- teries, Spark Plug and Coils always on hand. SELBY & YOULDEN, LIMITED. Kingston & Pembroke Ry. Co. TENDERS. @: MARKED "TENDERS For Station "At Ualabogie,"" will be re- ceived at the office of the undersigned until noon, July 186th, 1907, for building a station and platform at Calabogie, Ont. Detail planf and specifications may be will Dieu seen at the office of the undersigned, Kingston, or at the office of Mr. A. Barpet, Renfrew, Ont, The lowest or any tender not neces sarily accept \ ¥. CONWAY, Acting General Superin- tendent, Kingstony & Pembroke Ry., Kingston, Ont. Kingtton, Ont., July 2nd, 1907. C. H. Powell, Carpenter and Jobber, 103 Raglan St. Band every evening and Saturday after- hoon. Select patronage. IT IS A FACT Wh ood stull you gain nr To gia 1 do that by buying a ur Stoves, Furpiture amd TURK'S Second-Hund Store, 898 Prin- cess street. TRY A POUND OF . MYBR'S 55% SAUSAGES For Sunday's Breakiast, 60 Brock St. SAVED BY CLOTHES LINE. - Acts As Net In.Mid-Air--Saved Baby's Life. : New York, July 5.--Edward Smith, two years old, fell from a . sixth storey fire escape, struck a clothes line running out from the fourth 'storey window below, and rebounded from. ity the rebound landing him back on the fire escape platform.' Thiz almost miraculous escape from death was witnessed by hundreds; who happened {0 be in the neighborhood of 23 Grove street, where. the boy ved. The clothes iine.acted fike & nei in a circus, A " ENRICO CARUSO, M.V.O0. Royal Victorian Order Conferred By King. London, July 5.--H thé Standard is correctly informed Enrico Caruso will henceforth be entitled t6 write the letters M.V.0. after his name, the king, 'according to the newspaper, having been pleased to confer the Royal Victorian Order upon the singer in recognition of his artistic work in apera. There ave five classes of the order. The class bestowed upon Car- uso is not stated, but it doubtless is the. fifth, It is stated that the singer Gilbert has been similarly honored. MANY CASUALTIES. As a Result Of Fourth Of July 3 Celebration. New York, July B5.gThe list of casualties, as a 2esult of yesterday's] celebration of the Fourth, is not yet complete, but saven persons are known to be dead, a half dozen dying, and hundreds of others are being treated at the hospitals for injuries ranging from slight burns, with' the possibil- ity of tetanus, to bullet wounds and lost limbs. Of the dead three died in premature celebrations. the others were killed during the day. Many Were Ruined. Berlin, July 5.--It developed that last week's bank failure, at Marien- burg, due to the defalcation of the manager of the concern was mare serious than at first reported. The losses are now said to total about $1,100,000. Thousands of small de- positors lost their savings and many tradesmen were ruined, Injury On A Trial Trip. Toulon, July 5.--During the trial trip of the French battleship Justice, a joint of the main steam supply pipe gave way, and the stoke hole was at once filled with steam. A panic among the stokers followed, but fortunately only one man was injured. The trial was abandoned for the present. He Stole Funds. Pans, July 5.--~The police have re- ceived a telegram announcing the ar- rest, in Athens, of a man named De- lorme, charged with the misappropri- ation of $1,100,000 which had been entrusted to him for investment. ------ Campbell - Bros'. For children's crash hats at 25. Try Bibby's French underwear. Raisuli annonnces that his terms for giving wp General Sir Harry Mac lean are reconstruction of his house at Zinat, his reappointment as governor of Tangier and Fez, and the payment of an indemnity of $200,000. The Brig: ish government has to-day demanded his release. , Lines that will hold fish and catch them, at J. Routley's, 173, 175 Prin cess street; branch, 254 King street. . See Bibby's $1 bathing suits. S---------------------------- " The Government Mint," Said Mr. Jofifion, 'Can n.ake money without ad- 'vertising, and it's about the, only business that can." Printer's ink in The 'Whig's advertising columns is the open sesame to greater wealth than Ali Baba ever dreamed of. A' man who attempts to do business on reputation and save the advertising appropriation is like a round peg in a square hole --his method will not fit in with present day pro- gressiveness. ? The public likes to be fold what you have to sell d why you expect. them to buy it. - 2 Include Some of Montreal's GATHERED - $15,000 THE NEAT WORK OF A CON- FIDENCE MAN. A Large Still Was to Manufacture Illicit Whiskey In a Subter- ranean Chamber -- Fled and Will Not Be Prosecuted. Montreal, July 5~The man who caused the subterranean chamber and passage to _be dug in the warchouse, back of Mr. McKeyes' Dominion But ton works, at 428 Visitation street, turns out to be one of the most ac- complished confidence men Montreal has ever produced, according to the information furnished by some of the people who are very close to some of his victims. It is estimated that he got about $15,000 from the latter, which, even admitting that he spent about $2,000 for the biggest illiat still that was ever made im Montreal, his warchouse rent and his Italian labor employed in digging the subterranean passage, would leave him fairly good profit for a couple of months" work. The beautiful part of his scheme, looking at it from a confidence man's point of view, is that he is almost certain not fo be bothered by eriminal or civil prosecutions, hecause the peo- ple from whom he got his money are all so badly mixed up in the conspir- acy to make illicit liquor that they are afraid to aet. His proposal to" each individual, supposed to be absolutely confidential, and only made to that person, was to become partners with him in a scheme to make illicit whiskey. He had all the plans arranged, he claimed, to make a thousand gallons a week. The still, one of tne largest illicit stills ever manufactured in Montreal, was ordered, and he had se- cured a place which was absolutely free from detection in which to carry on his operations. The manufacture of whiskey was ta be carried on under the cloak of a Ca- nadian wine factory. The whiskey was to he made from sour wine, which, experts say, furnishes a 'whis- key of sixty over-proof Nearly every man he approached hit, but in most cases only a few dol- lars were ndvanced, the greater part of the money to be paid gs soon as the plant was installed. In letting his accomplices have a look at the machine that was to turn out' their thousand gallons of whiskey a week, which was to be sold for three thousand dollars, he told them that he would have a démall, inexpensive still on the premises for. the revenue men to find in case they should be warned in some way or other of what was going on. The thousand-gallon still, "Alam- bie," as they call it in French, cost eleven hundred dollars, and those who saw it say it was a beauty. That night, while the arch-schemer was buying champagne for some of his victims, the big stil was quietly taken apart and shipped away to no one knows where, A few days later the' gentleman him- self also weit away. MARRIED AFTER ALL. Bride Forcibly Taken To The Church Altar. Chester, Pa., July 5:~Attired inher wedding gown, Miss Annie Arn- bawk, a comely girl, stood in her home, on West Second street, sur- rounded by her relatives, waiting for the cab that was to convey her to St. Hedwig's Polish Catholic church, where she was to be married to Joi eph Stenhisky. The eab finally arrived, but when the time arrived to enter the vehicle Miss Arnhawk drew back as her broth- er approached to escort her to the conveyance, exclaiming : 3 "I have changed my mind. decided not to get married." The sudden announcement caysed consternation among her relatives and friends. They endeavored to eonvince her that it was not the proper time to resist, but the young woman wag obdurate, and, after: trying" to per suade her for half an hour to recon- sider, her relative picked her up bodily and carried her to the rab. The unwilling bride was hurried to the church, which was filled with ests, who wondered what was cous- ing the delay. It was expected that Miss Arnhawk would decline to. enter the church, but she had evidently concluded that the easiest way was the best, for she as. sumed her part in the ' nuptial cere many, apparently satisfied again with the step she was taking. : After the ceremony the couple were driven: fo the bride's home, where they were tendered a reception. 1 have Bibiy's for boys' shirts, 5c. Irish anti-grazing prosecutions are being carried through higher "courts without, so far, a single cattleman be- ing onvicted. The land conimissioners are fust taking up the land to divide it. among the "people, and the owners are selling. readily, realizing, it 1s said, pired by the graziers, that that is th ir best plan, Soi Bibby's 500, boys' Shirts. that since the lots will no longer be He Hay Shown Apts 1a His Po Y ' Truman H. Newberry Assistant Secretary Truman Handy Newberry of ULS. navy department has been connected with the naval admin- istration since early in 1905. Mr. New- herry was born in Detroit, November 5th, 1864, and was splendidly edueat: ed, taking the degree of WA. at Yale University in 1585, He married Miss Harriet Josephine Barnes in Brooklyn, N.Y., on _Febraary 7th, 1588, shortly after being clected presi- dent of the Detroit Steel and Spring Co. Mr. Newberry has always been in- terested in naval affairs apd served in .the US. S, Yosemite throughout the Spanish-American war, He aiter- wards published his experiences under the title of "The Log of the US.S. Yosemite." e---- RAILROAD TO GOOSE BAY. P.oposes to Build a Spur For Ship Clayton, N.X., July B.-A few months ago C. G. Emery acquired a long strip of land skirting Goose bay near here, and upon this the million- gire now proposes to run a spur of railroad to facilitate shipping the Picton Island granite, uring the spring the refuse stone, has been dumped on Goose bay at a point where there will be a dock construct ed. later. The granite will be brought direct to this god loaded oo cars The cutis the dock front at Clayton -abandon-~ od, the gang of being car: tied to the quarnes each morning. HAYWOOD WITNESS KILLED. Frank Schmelzer Jumped From a Moving Train. Penver, Col. July 5.--Francis Schmelzer, of Silverton, Col., who, on Tuesday, was elected a member of the executive board of the Western Federation of Miners, jumped from a moving train, last night, and was killed. Schmelzer was on his way to Silverton, for a short visit prior to going to Boise, to testify in the Hay- wood trial. In the suburbs of the city he discovered he was on the wrong train and jumped off, calling to the conductor to throw his grip after him. GAINING WEIGHT. At the Rate Of 100 Pounds Per Year. : Pittsburg, Pa, July 5- Ruffering with the most pronobnced case of "clephaptiasi¢' in medical history, Mrs. David Lynch, aged sixty years, is attracting scores of physicians to her home in State street, McKeesport. Five vears ago Mrs. Lynch weighed 125 pounds, She now tips the beam at a shade over 500 pounds. . The calf of her left log is seven feet in circumfer- ence, or about two and a hali feet thiek, For months the woman has been unable to walk 'Because of the size of her lower limbs. Her entire body is affected, and the attending phy- sicians state that Mes. Lynch has absolutely no chance of recovery. dn Bequest To Papal Delegate. Ottawa, July 5.--Rev. Father Rem iNlard, who died a few days ago, at Thurso, and who was buried in Ot tawa, kft a considerable estate. 1tid understood that the last will and testament of the deceased will show that he loft $25,000 to the papal dele- gate for purposes of the church. Disappointed In Love. Winnipeg, July B--dr, 8. W. Axtell has identified a man who committed suicide in Central Park as Israel Scott, of Elgin, Man., alarmer, reputed to Le worth $30,000. Scott, who was a bachelor, was i i in love and came to Winnipeg recently to get away from his trou! : ------ Dr. Jamieson Will Retire. Purham, Ont., July 5.--It is an- nounced 'that Dr. Jameson, M.P.P. for South Grey, will not stand again as candidate for the legislature. He has determined to retire from public life. He has been in. the Tegislature since 1898, Winnings Of Canadians. Bisley, July §.~The '(Canadian team, yesterday, beat the Royal Marines. six- teen a &ide, by 1,434 to 1,304. Lieut. McVittie and Sergeant Snowball made ninety-six each, The Canadiens also won a friendly match with the Ugan- da team. Campbell Bros'. For New York's latest straw hats. Never break rods, . $3, 8. 0-810. The British Govérnment To Ald It. AN IRISH ROUTE PRESSED UPON ATTENTION OF AUTHORITIES. Insisting Upon the Prompt Re- lease of Gen. Waclean --The Color Line Drawn Against a Lad, Son of a Negro Father And an English Mother. London, July §.--The Telogram says rumor has it that the govérmment is seriously entertaining the idea of granting a subsidy to the all-red route, £300,000 being mentioned. Many friends of the route across Ire land are vigorously pressing the ad- vantages of that scheme upon the gov- ernment. The British government has com- municated with the Moroccan govern- mont, demanding that prompt steps be taken to ensure the release of Kaid General Sir Harry Maclean, comman- der of the Sultan's bodyguard, who was captured hy Raisuli, the bandit chief, and is being held as a prisoner pending the granting of Ruisuli's terms for his surrender. The British admiralty and war of fice have both drawn the color line againet a vouth born in London of a negro father and English mother. On the death of his parents the Strand board of guardians took charge of the boy, who has now grown up and de sires To serve his country, hut the au- thorities refuse to permit him to en. list in the navy or army, PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From 'All Over The World. Petroff, the murderer of M. Petkoff, the premier of Bulgaria, has been sen- tenced to death. A tornado' in Wisconsin caused the death of four persons and greatly damaged property, The conservatives of wick are to give St, John its newspaper; the Standard. Dr. Henry Smith, of Norfolk, Va., is New Bruns- sixth in Hamilton trying to induce Cana- dian farmers to go south. William Mackenzie - King, deputy mifister od Jabor, was banqueted at Berlin, or ight | The prohibitionists, of Dufferin, nom- inated R. J. Woods to oppose C. McKeown for the legislature. Winnipeg civic authorities have ro- ceived an offer of ninety-four for $3 000.000 city thirty-yvear bonds. Alexander Crombie, Vancouver, was whitled ground a shaft in the Royal City Mills and may die of his injuries. The annual report of the inspector of ums advises the mental exam- ination of new arrivals into Canada. Richard Strauss, the composer, has been invested by the French govern. ment with the Cross of the Legion of Honor, The kaiser, it is said, is anxious for his son, Prince Adelbert, to marry Princess Thyra of Denmark, niece of Queen Alexandra. A movement to raise a fund of half a million dollars has been started by the National Association of the Deaf in the United States, James Thomas, who lives in Sid- ney township, west of Belleville, re- weived probably fatal injuries through being kicked by a horse, Albert Greenhill, charged with mur- derous assault on Lily Lynn, at Rich- mond Que., has been captured. The girl is near death's door. J Rov. Dr. Shearer has decided to ae cept the office of general agent of the newly organized Presbyterian Temper-, ance and Moral Reform Association. Rear-Admiral We J, Thompson, U.. §.N., retired, who has arrived home, from a. short stay in the Orient, pre- dicts a war with Japan within five years. . "GG. 8. Lindsey, gepezal manager | of the Crow's Nest Coal company, 6s in Medicine Hat, negotiating for the sovin-foot conl seam along the rivers front. There are 719 high school teachers, in Outario at the present time, Of these 28.65 per cont. are women, which is an increase of eight per t. in three vears. é Merritt Treadwell, Binghampton, N.Y., a letter carrier, commitied sui- cide by fasten'ng an aachor to his aist and jumping into the Susque- ana river. : : : A levee on the "Buena Vista Lake, ] 200 miles southeast of Monterey, California, has broken ing 30,000 acres of land, and doing ; to the extent of a million dollars, ; | A big burfle of expensive fur coats, both men's 'and women's was found in Ceylon. Ont., under the platform of a grain elevator. There is as yet no clue! #8 to whose they are or how they got there, In spite of promises to* the cone trary. the Manitoba government has granted whi licenses along the fine of the Grand Trunk Pacific outside of the fivemile limit to every ane who has applied. : Big Doings. These are straw hat days, and that' means big, 'de here. See our nob-| FS I Rout 1, : stront; Hd 354 King street, re men's hats, '} Taye, King street. 000 books Bi se Sal USKY MEMBER WINS. Only Negro In Georgia Legisla- ture Is Sustained. ul Atlanta; July 5.-W. H. Rogers, the only negro. member in the Georgia legislature, representing Melntosh country, has won in the contest in. stituted against him before the house by George E. Atwood, a white man, who alleged that. he should have the seat of the negro member. Atwood declared that two precincts should be thrown out on account of technicali- ties. The case is all the more interest- ing becanse the present legislature will probably pass the disfranchise- ment measures, The committee on pri- vileres and elections, however, decid: od in the negro's favor, DISCUSSES ALL RED. Cannot Carry Mails Alone Make Money. London, "July "5.~The News pub- lishes an interview with a leading ship-| owner of whom it asked if the white labor clause difficulties might not lead » the adoption of the all-red route Ol RR And r_earrying Australian mail. The shipowner answered in the nega- | tive, A steamship, he says, cannot live }' by mails alone, except at almost a prohibitive cost a duh orities, and, emphasized tral x Shipp difficulty in connection wi ing 8 ang passenger traffic on account of i the coaling question on the Pacifio} route, 3 --------------_ CHANGES MADE. -- F Trt v sttraeyive, | Mylish on r the Offices the Trunk] os Po. ow ts - Son or Tike on, di Sractiui Heht u them. Graceful, Railway. comfortable--and with such Montreal, July 5.--Several important oficial changes bid ulpopsed by th t 3. T.R. to-day. William Wainwright becomes fourth § vice-president, the office vacated some time age by F. H. McGuigan. 1 3 Baseball Record. Eastern League--At Bufialo, 5; To- rontf, 9.iuAt Rochester, 3; Toronto, 2. At Rochester, 3; Montreal, 0. = At] Buffalo, 4; . Montreal, 0. At Balti-} more, 11:3; Providence, 14. At Jersey AE RT set il "At Brooklyn, 1-8:f distinction in their styles that the show in the Ready-To-Wear See- tion is a focus of attention every day. Call at your leisure und sce 'these beautiful dresses. < LADIES' SHIRTWAIST SUITS Made of fine French Wash Mus din, pot of navy snd White. ast Bolero with Swiss flounde, tl sertion; a $10 dress. $7.50. SICILIAN SHIRTWAIST Philadelphia, 5-2. New York, At Mshurg, j me suits Louis, 0-5. At Chicago, 5- Tn colbu, Slate and Black. egy style, oh wih a Very special $7.00 3 x < nati, 1-0, American Leaguo--At Washington, 140; Boston, a Si. Tenia 36: De-. troit, 9-7. At Cleveland, 2-1; 27. At New York, 1-7; Philadelphie, 3-3. - aon Lava, One er iran wh, Won By Burns. ; --_ V-shaped yoke of Swiss Fin- | Colma, Cal, July 5~"Tommy" oo lace Burns, who is Noah Brusso, of Ham- fancy slouves with lh Jills, wood over, Ont., met "Bill" Squires, of Australia, for the heavyweight cham: pionship, and defeated him, "Tommy" Burns (Noah Brueso) has! been fighting professionally only six years, but he has scored twenty-six knock-outs and over forty victories. Sucks. Very especially priced at $ 3 das Square Yoke of fine tucks and . ce, collar of Twn, With Jace medatitons and' nished with lace, fancy sleeves. In that time he has only had three WH Skire has: five hem. one oe rerdi iv i i { lace insertion, snd 13 verdicts given against him, and one of | ® of on, Soper oy or! those was on a foul. He lost on a} foul to Mike Sheeck, in 1002, after he | "oH sire. and ove or Ladies he had the battle won, 'yes Three Men Drowned. Bangor, Maine, July 5.--~By the cap- sizing of a cance, in St. Croix Lake; § near Howe Brook, Arostook county, yesterday, three employees of the fish ------------ and lumber company wets drowned. DIED. The victims were, Frederick Logan and | gYpER--1In_ Willamsville, July Oth, Thomas Hillyard, 8t. John, ., and Joseph Ryder, aged 46. k Pimgral from hla late Jesiderice, Monday © . onda aud BOG tances are. respect 1y dn to attend, OT SCR SL CWE ST Sr, Charles Cough, Fredericton, N.B. ---------- Hampered By Long Skirt. Catskill, N.Y., duly 5. Her efforts to swim, being hampered by a long shirt which she wore while bathing in the Hudson river, last ovening, Mim Ruth B. Dederick, aged sixtoem, be: came exhausted, and was drowned in the presence of several girl compan: ions. -------- 'Best On Earth." Cunningham & De Hourier's goods (made in England). Come in and look at them. Soups in glass, pints and half pints, Hoi Gras, potted meats whole roast chicken in tins, pickled walnuts, preserved ginger, ete, etc, at Henderson's. I -------------- will Bring Him Back. Hamilton, Ont; July S.«Detective Bleakoly, of Hamilton, has gone to Windsor to bring back John D. Tra- verse, who was arrested there, about a week ago, on the charge of obtain: ing #100 under false pretences. Swallowed - Quinine Tablets. Vancouver, B.C, July 5.--John Har old Conrad, aged nineteen months, re: covering {rom pneumonia, swallowed & boxful of bromo-quinine tablets and' died a few hours Liter. ; -------- On A Saturday Afternoon Take the America's tour among the. islands, 2.30 p.m. Supper on Fare, 50c. -------------- AFFECTED BY COCKTAILS. h Foitbanks Said To Have Served You Will Find Lots Of Berries Them To: Roosevelt. Melons, apricots, plums, cherries. }* Chicago, July ' B.~Cocktails "with Henderson's, Saturday. y cherry," as related to the ecandiducy er ------------ i, of Vie Prosidat Fairbanks for - elec Sale of stockings, 2 pairs i; 2] tion as lay delegate to the general irs dress shields : He , | conference of his church in Baltimore Se. strong hose supporters, next May, are agitating Chicago Meth- 25c.; drawers, 'all sizes 260. | odists and temperance workers. New York Dress Reform. C4 The strenuous: fight that is being - A new shipment of chotolates just | made against the vieo-president in his arrived, made by J. 8. Fry & Sons, | own district by the strong anti-liquor London, Eng. Try a sample. RB. H.| element of the church because of the ° 4 report that he served cocktails with writers [cherries in them at a luncheon, for 3 cop-|. President | Roosevelt 'at his home on w ge Decoration Day, may be the cause ol "' antisep | Fairbanks withdrawal from the cons tubes, at] test, leaving the place to Semator = | Beveridge, The fight is also having an effect upon: his presidential campaign, by of popular fiction, 10, Von, Sc at Hehe m 3 ve you tic tooth powder Try. Bibly