JARKS. \g to pass the hat. have an idea that you have y soon. s, Eh? your selections, if you will ! wits at $10, $12.50, $14, $15 ¢ t and ideal garments. the exclusive tailor's. nd Black Suits. Suits. Trousers, $2.50, $3, $3.25 to Vests, $1, $1.25 to $3. Hats our head, ' your comfort de- I" enltivates a calm, content- ing one of our new Hats You can save from 50c. to $1, Shirts $1 and $1.50 Soft Shirts will ney. Negligees, 75c. and $1. nd nobby patterns. a, the best yet, 25¢., 33c., and lerwear, Suits. IBBY C0. t of Refrigerators {rom $32.00 , fine line of $3.00 1035.50 reen Doors, all sizes, - FEEL Es inhi diseases come before Mrs. Pinkham every year, some personally, others by mail Mrs. Pinkham is the daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham and for twenty-five years under her direction and since hex decease she has been advising sick women free of charge. Mrs. Pinkham never violates the confi- dence of women, and every testimonial letter published is done so with the written consent or request of the writer, in order that other sick women may be benefited as she has been. Mrs. Fred Seydel, of 412 North 54th Street, West Philadelphia, Pa., writes : Dear Mrs. Pinkham =~ "Over a year ago I wrote you a letter asking advice, as I had female ills and could not carry a child to maturity. Ire ceived your kind letter of instructions and followed your advice. Iam not only a well 'woman in consequence, but havea beautiful baby girl. I wish every suffering woman in the land would write you for advice, as you have done so much for me." Just as surely as Mrs Seydel was cured, will Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound cure every woman suffering from any form of female ills. If you are sick, write Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass, for special advice. It is free and always helpful. GETS HARD LABOR. William John Griffin Stole From Fellow Boarder. William John Griffin, Napanee, Ont. was arrested in Buckingham, Que. charged with stealing $13.05 from a fellow-boarder named Lafontaine. The prisoner appeared before Recorder Baudry, and on pleading guilty to the charge, was sentenced to three months' hard labor at the Hull jail. < Griffin boarded at the Victoria hotel, where he had put up several days be fore his iniquitous action. He roomed near Lafontaine. Wednesday he rifled the room of his fellow-hoarder. Campbell Bros'. For advance styles in men's hats. Bibby's for roller neckwear. Trap Shots ight man uses "* Sovereign '* Shells because they give great penetration with minimum recoil and no fouling. 2 "Sovereign" Shells are loaded with Nobel's Empire Bulk Smokeless; and are made in Canads by the Dominion Cartridge Co., Every trap shet should use Sovereign ip Shell The quality 1s guaranteed by the trademark, Dominion Cartridge Co. Lid, Montreal, Something for nothing is what' you seldom get in this world. Our Flour is not cheap, but we give you the bhest value and the greatest satisfaction. Ask for PATENT HUNGARIAN For Bread WHITE ROSE For cakes, biscuits, ete. @ sens eran MANY BAD BILLS], a y Mrs. Stoops Was Formerly Of -- ~ Sand Bay. Brockville Recorder. After an illness of three months Mrs, J. Maxwell Stoops, a young women 'of i character, estimable away in St. Yineant de Paul hospital, Wednes- al TROON. \ Herman Bartels, the Syracuse, Dart who was Miss Lizzie, fourth LN, Brewer, is Still at!ggq of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lap- Large--A Curious Point As to |pan, Sand Bay, near Lansdowne, was . Whie- Is Responsible. barn, there went ine years aio, and * Bm i wi pr parents until er Toronto, Juty 5.--The Bova) Teust marriage. to Mr. Stoops, a young Bark of G.T.R. brakeman, in September, 1905, Richey They immediately took up their resi- Bank ol denoé here, but last winter she was Montreal, at Fredericton, N.B., is taken ill, and though every care and manager ad T. Bogert secretary. attention was given her, she gradually Outside of the head office, in Montreal, | ET YOTS¢: siatrickes ki the Royal Trust company has now Besides her gri hair en husband thirteen branches. Ome was recently and parents Mrs. Stoops is survived opened in Ottawa. by two brothers and four sisters. Fite dollar counterfeit bills of the | These are George and Charles & Lap- Traders' Bank of Canada, are in cir- | PaB, Mrs. David Graham, Mrs. Emma culation. They are of series D signed Smith, all of Lansdowne; Mrs, Thomas (W._ G. Bryans) provincial general Pie, Hallcryiown, sui Mrs. C. L. manager, and Charles D. Warren, pre- | "nt ta, of Hay le tak Yo ok sident. They are a poor photographic h 0: Telaing were en to her dd reproduction. The green on the back | home at Sand Bay. of the mote ie of a much brighter color than on the genuine note, and the words British America Bank Note . company, Montreal, are much blurred. George Hendrickson was, to-day, brought back from Nebraska state rison, where he had just completed a term of four years. Previous to this Hendrickson had passed two false cheques here and then skipped to the states, where he was captured and comicted of a similar offence. He was brought before Police Magistrate 'Umgsford, this morning, and was re- manded for a week, The body of Thomas Gilbert, Mont- real, who was drowned in the lake, off the island, on Dominion day, was recovered, by Francis Ward, this morn- ing. Gilbert was in a canoe with a friend, Leonard Hartle, and in turn- ing in the canoe, upset it. He was employed in the claims department of the Canadian Pacific railway, at y Montreal, and the body will be taken f there for burial. . Herman Bartels, the millionaire 2 brewer of Syracuse, who, yesterday, The hat here illustrated is a grace escaped from the custody of Shenf ful and serviceable design for summer Smith, of Welland, at Osgoode Hall, | Wear An odd. shape, with high crown where he had been produced on ex- | and medium brim in olive green straw tradition proceedings, is still at | trimmed with wide liberty ribhon to large. A curious point has arisen as Match, draped about the crown and to" whether ~Sherifi- Smith was really | looped to form a large bow at the responsible for Bartels or not. It is left side falling over the brim. A full now claimed that on a writ of habeas 'bunch of paradise plumes, in a deli- corpus, when the sheriff produces the | cate shade of green, fall gracefully man in court, his responsibility for | over the back. the prisoner ends, and that it is the duty of the court to look after him. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, This, apparently, was not done yes- Justice Riddell was unable, | Newsy Baragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. terday. See Bibby's new wash ties. this morning, to give a decision upon the motion to quash the order of ex- Buy Castoria and Winslow's Sooth- syrup at Hoag's. tradition made by Judge. Wells, Well- esh Bittersweets, McConkey's, only and. The law says that the prisoner 'j must be produced and there was no at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. finest orange frisoner to produce to-day. sp Late Valencias, the now in the market. R. H. Toye, King street. A MAN KILLED. Sale of wash belts with pretty buck- Jes, 10c.; wash collars, worth 25¢. for ARE IN CIRCULATION THEY ARE POOR LOOKING. Co... bas just opened a onto, with offices in the Montreal building. M. S. L. formerly man of the And a Woman Was Fatally It- jured. Brighton, Ont., July 5.--A sad fa-| tality occurred about four miles east | of he, ths moming. Mr. McCul- | lough, Trenton, accompanied by Mrs. 1 McCoy, was driving to Brighton ina ' single buggy and was crossing the Htrick when the buggy was hit by the | up-hound freight on the Grand Trunk. | Mr. McCullough was killed and Mrs. | McCoy was badly injured. It is ex- | pected that the latter will recover. | The man was hard of hearing and did | not hear. the train coming, although | the woman saw the danger and tried | to stop him. | Rp oo t Conscience Money. Op uly 5--J. D. Fraser, se C "treasurer of the Ottawa FElec- tric Railway company, has received a | . | typewritten anonymous letter, enclos- The writer stated ing $91 in bills. money, $100 having nen id in the same manner last Marh. | shead of the company. At Henley, on Friday, the Belgian crew defeated Christ Church in the finals for the Grand Challenge cup. Only when one has children of his own to bring up does he realize how | badly brought up he himself is. { Er ----ET------ DON'T MISS IT Great sale of all kinds of choice Meats, "| commencing Saturday morning. Thousands of pounds to select from. Some of the lines we carry in stock i-- 5,000 lbs. choice Western Beef, at closest prices. Fresh Pork, 10c., 12jc., 15¢. lb. Spare Ribs. Tenderloins. Spring Lamb, 12}c., 15c., 18c. 20c.+1b. Sausages, fresh made, 3 lbs. Pure Lard, our own fresh render- ed, 14c. Ib. 500 lbs. Salt Pork, for boiling, 10c. 1b. 50 Choice Smoked Roll Bacon, 100 Sides, our mild cured Br. Bacon, 17¢. 1b. 50 Rams, selling at 16¢. 1b. P.S. ~Smoked Meats, not sliced, at above price. Sweet Pickled Corn Beef. Sweet Pickled Green Bacon, 15c. DON'T FORGET OUR .. COOBER MEATS ir the city to choose from, all fresh for 'Saturday. and Anderson Bros "PHONE 458. The largest stock of Vegetables "500 bs. Fresh Creamery Butter; 15¢c., New York Dress Reform. Miss Daisy Smallridge, Kingston, is visiting Miss Florence Walker, Blooms- grove avenue, Port Hope. Miss Irene Donoghue and Miss Laura Cosgrove left for Buffalo and Tona- wanda, to-day, on a month's visit with friends. Black drawers for children, all siz- es, 25¢c.: stockings that will weat, all colors from 10c. up. We have the proper stock to choose from. New York Dress Reform. ; Gordon Chown has returned from the Soo and, to-day, entered the gen- eral hospital for a few days' treat- ment, the trouble arising from his re- cent attack of appendicitis. The Offica Closed. Napanee Beaver. 'Ihe post-office department has or- dered the closing of the office 'here that this completed the payment of on Sunday, between the hows ci 12| advantage and 1 o'clock. For the past four yeurs the public has been greatly convenien- 'he sender did not say how he had got ! ced through this privilege, and no ad- } session: the former appropriation was diticnal work was imposed on the postmaster or his stafi. 'The front doors were simply opened, and people having boxes were allowed to get their mail, often very important and &nx-| iously awaited. There was no dis- order or cause for cowplaint from the Lord's Day Alliance, which is evident- ly "straining at a knat."" We under- stand a largely signed petition from our leading citizens will he forwarded to the government asking that the old privilege be restored. Bit At Stranger's Strategy. A wandering pool player dropped into town on Wednesday. He carried with him a cue in a leather case, and announced himself willing to meet the city's very best. He was accommo- dated, and the local man who con- tested with him won a 'five dollar stake. Another match was arran for last evening, for a ten dollar stake between the same couple. The pool room was crowded and much money was staked on the local man, and all covered by the stranger. The local player ran the score up to 38 to 3. Then the stranger began to play. He won, afd cleaned up all the coin in sight. In A Critical State. Richmond, Que.; July 5.--Lily Lyons, the victim of an assault, here, on Monday last, is still in a very criti cal condition. 'She has not regained consciousness. The doctors say there is a chance of recovery, but they are not hopeful. Albert Greenhill, the girl's assailant, is safely in' Sherbrooke jail, awaiting trial. The Doctors Entertained. The members of the Ontario Medical Corneil were entertained last even- ing at the yacht club house by Queen's Medical faculty. The entertainment consisted of a smoking concert and a supper. The doctors had a delightful time, A Very Sudden Death. Joseph Ryder. a market gardener, who resides at the outskirts of Wil- liameville, close to the Bath Road, dropped dead, this morning. The de- is garden fixing EE NEWS OF THE WORLD F. M. Hamet, city engineer of Hall, Que., is dead. A boiler shop owned by A. Hales was destroyed by fire at Guelph. Thomas 3. Barnes, a blacksmith, of Toronto, drppped dead suddenly in Toledo, 0. Rev. L. W. Hill, Toronto, his son and daughter were injured in a run- away accident, The Tocomto Board of Education ap- pein . J. Crawford, principal of Riverdale hich school. In the bye-election at Jarrow, kng., Peter Curran, » was elected, de- feating the liberal candidate. Rev, Charles F. Pidgeon, Toronto Junction has received a call to First Presbyterian church, London. Aden Fleckenstein, Bufialo, was ar- rested in Toronto, on a charge of al andoning his wife and family. The jury for a second time dis- agreed in the trial of Thomas F. Col- lins for murder at Hope Bay, N.B. Almost the entire village of North Lawrence, N.Y., was destroyed by fire on Friday morning, starting in the Union hotel. The six-year-cld son of C. B. Fill- more was picked up by the fender of a St. Thomas street car and escaped without a scratch. Mrs. Woonton, an inmate of Lon- don Asylum for Insane, commitied suicide by drinking carbolie acid, which she had obtained in" some un- known manner. Mayor Scott has written the domin- ion government, drawing attention to the sawdust nuisance in the Ottawa, and asking that action be taken to abate it. The Chicago Tribune says thirty- seven men, women and children - were killed and 2,153 are maimed, laceratad or burned as a result of Thursday's excess of patriotism in the United States. . More than one thousand men have suffered death in Guatemala during the | last few months for alleged unfriondli- {ness toward the Cabrera administra- ! tion, Most of the victims belonged to the lower classes. At Chatham, Ont., Arthur Smith, Knox, Pa., and Edwin Baldwin, Wainsfield, Ohio, made a desperate at- tempt to break jail, by which the turn- key, Christopher Somerville, nearly Jost his life. They were not success- ul, A French proposition, at The Ha- gue, provides that there shall be a declaraticn of war before the opéning of hostilities; an amendment of the Netherlands urges a delay of twenty- four hours between a declaration of war and the opening of hostilities. In' the "all-Eagland tennis' champion- ship, ladies singles, at Wymnlulon; | Fng., on Friday afternoon, May Sut- | ton, of California, defeated Mrs. Cham- !bers, in the championship round. Miss : Sutton this won hack the title of | British champion, of which she was dopriyed last year by Mrs. Chambers, then Miss Douglas.' ---------- TAKE FORWARD STEP. { The Government Should Increase Its Aid. | The Ontario. Motor League believes | that the time has come when the gov- | ernment of Ontario should take an- | other forward step on the most im- | portant question of gobd roads. In the past very decided progress has | been made. Under the county roads | act, one million dollars was original Hv appropriated to assist county coun- je in improving the leading high- | Mays, on the basis of a contribution y of one third of the cost, if the county {councils would put up two-thirds. Some ten of the councils have taken of the act and the total | sum of $295,765.91 has been contri- { buted by the government. At the last | cancelled and a fresh million dollars appropriated _ The main difficulties have been met in working out government scheme requiring a great deal of agi- tation to overcomé. In gthe first place there has been the objeffion of town- ship councils against placing the work of road improvement in the hands of the county councils: and in the second place it has been difficult, in the face of the past prejudice, to raise two- thirds of the cost, in order to take advantage of the one-third contribut- ed by the government, or in other words, the farmers have heen unwill- ing to put up two million dollars in | order to secure one million dollars from the government. In gpite of these difficulties, material progress has been made. Special credit is due to A. W. Campbelt, good roads com- missioner, who has rendered valuable services by the information he has furnished the couneils who have ad- opted the government plan. It is now felt that to render it easier for the county councils to Lavail themselves of the government assistance, the portion to be contri- buted by the government should be one-haif of the cost, instead of ome- third. If this change were made it is confidently expected that a great jmany more councils would take up | the matter, and that the maximum | appropriation would be expended. The | time for making such a change in the | act is most opportune. The province | ment, where bonuses to railroads are no longer necessary. It is also at the most prosperous period in its Lis | tory. The money formerly spent for | railroad bonuses and similar purposes | could be devoted to good roads with- | out any inconvenience. No more po- | moreover, than that of | good roads could be taken up by the | government, as it affects all classes, and particularly rural classes, who have the ma'ority of the members in the legislature. : The Ontario Motor League in pro rosing the above change, does not net sMooether on its own initiative. as the idea is not a new one, but wishes to work hand in hand with other or i i 4n good roads. ond particolarly with the farmers as y d ' 8 jbas reached a state in its develop- | y DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JULY 5 ER ZAMBUK: THE QUEEN'S VIOLETS. Her 'Majesty's Gracious Act To Little Invalid Child. A beautiful story was told some the London Dews- illness was ,. and prayers were offered for her recovery. Om returning home the child wrote a lit- tle letter of sympathy to Her High he pe Sue drew at evening a up the door. What followed is told most vividly by our contemporary in Mrs: Veldon's words: "Well, what should he do but knock at our door. "Does Mrs. Veldon live here? says he, taking off his hat. "*Yes,' I said. For the life of me I couldn't make out what it meant. "Then, the Queen's sent this. "And he handed me the basket of flowers you see standing in the win. dow. For the moment I was too tak- en aback to understand." - ? says I. "Yes, her Majesty has sent these flowers, and this note to your little girl. "Before T knew where I was he had gone, leaving me with the flowers in one hand, and the note from the Queen and the Princess in the other." In a large white and gold-enamel- led basket was a perfect wealth of tulips, sweet-scented lilies of the val-: ley, delicate ferns, and one perfect bunch of violets, the little invalid's name-flower. So, with the inclusion PRR ag AB ai Be act gracious n line was beautified into one of those gel " the ro il oy - ave amily the hearts of the . Mr. and Mrs. Veldon distri the violets among their friends, keepsakes -of their little girl and her Queen. British Divorce Suits. >. The latest British civil judicial sta- tistics, those for 1905, have just been issued. They show the first decrease since 1809 in legal proceedings, the decline being from 1,518,587 cases 1904 to LEIS. , ial ti a Among mos! teresting tures of the re is the section deal- ing with ma! onial suits, of which there were 921. There were 752 | to twenty had ex the steady growth of imprisonment! for debt, 11,427 debtors ha been committed, the highest num 1 ten years. : 4 Trial Delayed Eight Years. Eight years after the crime was committed Thomas O. McLelland was fer : our silk undervests, 50. and a: Me b + B. EB. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager AN IRELAND, Superintendent of Paid-up Capital, $10 Bo es 113,000, Branches throughout Canada, and In the United States and England Deposits of $1 and upwards received ; : surrent rates and paid quarferly. The depositor is subject To no Selay whatever ia the withdrawal uf the whale ar any purtion fh KINGSTON BRANCH, CORNER OF KING AND PRINCESS STS 2 P. C. STEYENSON, Manager. { ' We beg to announce that we have taken over the Boot and Shoe business, formerly so successfully conducted by D. J. Mc mott, at 111 Princess street. A di welcome will be extended to all old p trons, and, we hope, to many new ones. SALI a RE 88c. Special valve. New York Bilk waiter _wihg REID & CHARLES. Allen M. Reid. NOTICE. To the Shareholders of the Dominion Iron and Steel Company, Limited. To prevent any possible embarrassment of the Company's posi- tion in its dispute and pending litigation Limited, the Directors, have taken the necessary steps to postpone the holding Coal Company, with the Dominion on the advice of Counsel, of the Annual Meeting which was called for Friday, the Sth Inst. Due notice of the date when the meeting will take place will be given to the Shareholders of the Company. 4 By order of the Board, : C. S. CAMERON, Secretary. Montreal, 3rd July, 1807. WN WY VY Nh IA OXY) ORK ) A AW "" A [] /y OANSAAASAAAAAA We, YAO A KAR ARNRY Xai LJ [LR Special--We are offerin this week a continuous Heavy Roll Rocker, suitable for drawing room use at $4.00, regular $5.50. Only limited number of these. so a line of Boat and Lawn Seats, Camp Cot, Camp Chair and Verandah Furniture at close "out CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE coy BEAD OFFICE TORONTO, ONT. Kingstom Office, 18 Market Street. Assurance in force (over) - « + =» : Mt Assets (OVET) - = = = = = === 2% = a» = = awe an Cash Dividends paid Policyholders in 1905-8 (over) - 1,420, The first "LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY made Canadian People 5 Canadian w For information how a Policy will Bape for you will Be cheerfully given # Market Strest, Ki one J. R. URQURART, JAMES THOMSOM . (Special Agents.) : 4. ©. HUTTON, Pure Spices ! USE THE "CONDO R "7 Ee fem i