i] ij g THE 7g EBs 551i: outers--and 3 2 03003 eile A i itu it H ih ie if 2 : 3 i hie 853% i ir i i EZ qr gE SE ¢ o RIE 7 7p | i fl P il 13 13 | and showed that after tion of Long Service to the Medical : eld The date of the fall examinations was the chiel ted before the council of the College of Phys- jcians and Surgeons of tario, at Friday afternoon's session. Dr. More- house introduced the educations' O70 mittee's report, date as previous years, Vig: third Tues- day in November: De. Britton moved in amendment that o supplementals be held the third THe of Septem- ber, and in ct. was support od by the , dur- itiee of the whole. The ques- tion practically originated from the request of De:Rrimroseymeeretary of the medical faculty of Toronto Uni- versity, that the date of the supple mental examinations: be y OW ir i with the col- F : change from : homeopnthists. A thorough sion the question followed most of ihe doctor's present teking part a arguing the matter from the view point of both student and teacher. On the vote being taken, the amendment of Dr. Britton met with favor. The second clause in the report as presented by Dr, Morehouse, dealt with the intment of examiners, and was ted, the list with a few changes being the same as the previ. ous year. After the other clauses h been read, the report of the educa- tional committee was adopted in its entirety as amended. The report on registration, introduced by Dr. Lane and secon: by Dr. Hardy, was unanimously adopted. Dr. Robertson moved in accordance with a previous notice of motion, and ed by Dr. Klotz, that a legisla- ittee appointed as __fol- Drs. Britton, Hardy, More- house, Bascom, Vardon, and the mov: er and seconder, with power to add to their numbers, and that the duties of this committee be to sedulously rd the interests of the public Fealth, of the profession, and of the student body 'whenever new legislation is impending.--~Carried. The mem adjourned shortly be- fore five o'clock, to meet again at nine o'clock Saturday morning. ---- Made A Presentation. This morning's session © at nine o'clock with President Spankie in the chair. The report of the com- mittee on finances was taken up first the expenses of tive lows: the t session had been met the balance on hand would amount to $2.261. The new vrosecutions commitiee was next. moved in, the following consti- tuting its mi ip: Drs. John- ston, Parker, King, Seott, Britton and Hardy, all of Toronto. On motion of Dr. Johnston, the re- e xes the fact for- minds. The work with its , S.D., but a year ago went to Nasinglon. to pursue his law studies, successfully in the spring. good books i sufficient interes gisteur was requested to convey to every Rit to a the to the commandant of the Royal Mili- ! cst consideration, If we have seemed | tary College, the college's apprecia- to take a special interest in this suo tion of his kindness and. courtesy on ject it is because we believe that | the occasion of their visit to the in- the of such a valuable sit of | stitution yesterday. ; books amply repay for the time | Dr. Bray, the newly appointed re- and money expended, not only tor the gistrar "of the college, tendered his entertainment furnished, ' but in the resignation as the representative from improved literary taste acquired and district No 1. the valuable information gained. Dr. McArthur moved a vote of one recognizes the necessity of thanks to the county council for the educa as a preparation for the | Use Sf Shek rooms during the session competitive system i i - | concluding. fronts the people Fh Ph bi iin The thanks of the members of the everyone can afford a college od ath ieas the yi poy a to for "Kingston's Famous Fur Store dowed with energy and as . enough to save seven cents a day for aR ei i 0 Be sure to attend George Mills & Co.'s Big Removal Salo --OF-- Hats, Caps and 3 Furs. To-night may be your last opportunity to take ad- vantage of this GREAT REMOVAL SALE. Cer- tainly it is our last SAT- URDAY in this store. ¢ * Remember the place, 106-108 Princess Street. and | puch J gloom and whose ears are strained to ! Rif 7 ol newly appointed committees on filth year work and on slati were next organized after w closing feature of the gathering took , It consisted in an adjournment lowed by the vresentation to the , Hon. Dr. Pyne, of a hand- somely engraved cabinet of silver, ae- companied by the following a which was read by Dr. Hardy, of Toronto : : ""f'he members of the Council of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario have learned with profound regret of your unexpected resignation of the office of registrar of this coun cil which you have occupied, with so dignity and with so much bene- fit to the members of the profession in Ontario, for the past twenty-seven 3 "The duties of the office of registrar are of a peculiar nature and demand the exercise of rare qualities. They bring you into the closest contact with the members of the profession, the stafis of the medical colleges and the students in medicine, and the fact that through this long term of years, during which you were registrar, no word of complaint or even of criticism has been heard, shows in the highest possible manner, the deep regard and estimation in which you have been held by all ? "Your work has been recognized as one of the factors and not the least of them, in the production of that high standard to which medicine has attained in this province. "Your energy, tact and unfailing courtesy and patience have contribut- ed greatly towards making the way casier for all; students, physicians and the members of this council, and this slight testimonial from the mem- bert of the present council, given so cheerfully, is but an indication of the high regard and esteem in which you are held by the entire profession. "We are sure that this token of our appreciation of the value of _your services' to the profession will be re- ceived by you in the spirit in which it is given and that it will be a pleas: ure to your children and to your children's children, to know the high and affectionate regard in which their parent was held by the profession which he adorned." Replying Dr. Pyne showed visible em- harrassment, being guite affected by the unexpected expression of feeling on the part of his associates. Twenty- seven years he had served in the council and tried to do his duty. He eft the council reluctantly; the stan- dard of the medical education had been elevated in Ontario was due to the Seep onterest taken in it by that body. eo Sullivan for the work he had done in advancing 'the cause of ematomy in the vince. Concluding the speak- er al parted from oe nos of years past with only the kindliest of feeling and if he could ever serve them in the future he hoped they would feel that he was ever ready to do his best to aid them. A number of ladies were present to witness the presentation. The last speaker was Hon. Dr. Sulli- van, who, as usual, spoke in a most humorous vein. "NEXT DOOR, TO HEAR THE MUSIC." (Contributed. ) Baby, grace of rounded limb, chubby features and flaxen hair, enfolded in snowy draperies and a ny white cas ket almost hid with flowers, a aet little form and a stilled voice are what remain, in thought, t» speak to breaking hearts of Baby Hilde Mc- Gillivray, who, for two years, brought untold sunshine to home and loving hearts. She was as a ray irom Hin who is the source of all light. - Suddenly that ray of light went ont. It did seem a cruel, cruel blast that extinguished it. but not so; the same blast set ajar the doors of the Upper Sanctuary and the glorified little spirit that had known no sin entered forever into the presence of Him who is the light there of and who cares tenderly for the little lainbs, carrying them in His bosom In the morning the loving mother heard the babv plead, "Let me go, mamma, next door to hear the music," and before mid-day Heaven's music was jun her ears and her own, sweet; baby voice was a part of it. Life and its wondrous lessons, taught by joy and sorrow, may give many words of wisdom and deep sympathy, but none truer and fuller of comfort to those wearied by the strife than the words spoken by God's young ser- vant to thé sorrowing parents, broth- ers and sisters, to whom heaven mav have seemed a long way off through the dark, dark cloud, 'Next door is heaven, only a thin partition lies be- Sen us and it and there the music 8. That some of its glory and melody may enter into the' hearts of those whose eyes are peering into great hear what was so lately their greatest music is the earnest prayer of many sympathizing friends. -------------- . Kidney Troubles Overcome. Peck's Kidney and Liver Pills do cure all ordinary kidney, bladder and liver troubles. The remedy is a scientific on: It goes right to the od places and gives . certain reich. i no- ticed from the first dose two: The entive system is cleansed and ened. In Loxes, 25¢. For ad Soong, Wade's drug store. Money back not satisfactory. Campbell Bros' Straw Hats. 70 ABERDEEN AND WILLIAM in regard to the reiation to Aberdeen street 24th September, made Kindly reference to Senator it # Gibson's, Red - Cross drug store. Take S-- RELATION OF CTY STREETS. S-- - i A « of the City" Solicitor -- the Char- For Report soth Have Acquired acter of Public Streets Which the City is Liatle. - report of Cit Solicitor McIntyre The t of City Sc the ty and the coutinua- tion of William steed irom Division street to University avcuue, 18 us lol Jows : ony 3 "A plan of sub-division of the Mills tract prepared by Mr. Bolger, 0.L.S,, in accordance with the requirements of the registry act, was regist on 1898, This pan shows two streste--Aberdeen street and William street--anc, as the latter was Jess than sixty-six fect wide it be- came necessary, under the municipal act, section 630 (2) that the consent of council should be procured to this plan of subdivision. This consent was giv- en as evidenced by the signatures of the then mayor and city clerk. "A number of the lots shown on this plan have been sold to purchasers with reference to this plan. The eof- fect of this, so far as the purchasers of the lots are concerned, has been to operate as a dedication of the marked on the plan as streets highway purposes. The surveys' act, R.S.0., chapter 181, section 39, gives the character of public highways to the land designated as streets on the slans, but provides that the municipal council shall not be liable to keep such roads in repair umtil established by by-law of the corporation or other- wise assumed for public use iy such corporation as provided in the muuici: 1 act. "I cannot find any by-law that was ever passed establishing the streets shown on the plan, but-on 7th No- vember, 1898, a report of the Board of Works was adopted to the following effect : "In regard to the communication of T. L. Snook, dated October 24th, 1898, in reference to the dedication of strects id out on the plan of sub-division of the Mills property, your committee re- commend that said streets as laid out on said plan be accepted by the coun- cil and that the opening of William street to connect therewith be. pro- ceeded with as soon as convenient to council. "1 find also that public money has been expended on a portion of Aber: deen street, which under the law has the effect of converting what was be- fore a street whose repair was mot obligatory upon the corporation, into a street with all the incidents of a public highway. 1 cannot any public money was expended on William street as shown on the plan. "Upon these facts 1 am of the opin- jon that Aberdeen street has acouired all the character of a public street for the Maintenance of which the corpora- tion is liable. 1 helieve also that William street. as shown on the plan is also a public street, as 1 Lehieve the resolution of council as above consii- tutes a sufficient acceptance of the dedication by the private owners in the absence of a by-law and withcut the expenditure of public money upon "In view of my conclusions as above I do not think the relation of = the corporation to these streets as streats will be varied by the construction of a local improvement in themi. "It rests with the city engineer, vn- der 'the city by-law subject to appeal to the court of revision and the coun- ty judge to assess the cost of such im- provements. The statutory rule for his guidance in making his assessment ie this--to assess by a frontage 1ate all private property immediately hene fited by the work except such as may be exempt by law, the cost of the work, opposite exempted properties and street intersections being borne by the corporation." A STALLION INJURED. y By Getting Into a Drain on John- son Street. On Friday afternoon, the £3,000 French coach stallion, 'owfied by a Wolfe Island syndicate, was severely injured by jumping into a drain up on Johnston street. The animal was be- ing driven by Ex-Rceve Thomas Faw- cett, and became frightened at a young man getting on a bicycle close to the sidewalk. It shied and sprang into the excavation, where it' strug- gled for some time before it could be unhitched and got out of its un- fortunate predicament. The animal was ely scraped, and one of its lege was injured. The city may have to stand a suit for allowing an open drain to exist without proper protec- tion. " MARINE INTELLIGENCE. ™ What is Going on' About the Harbor. The schooner Acacia is expected from Sodus, with coal, to-morrow. The schooner J. B. Kitchen will load Seldspar, after unloading her cargo oi © . The steamer M. J. Hurley is still at the M. T. company's wharf. Swift's: Steamer Kingstog, and up; steamer Hamilton, # night; steamer Picton, west, to-day; steamer Dundurn, - west, to-morrow; steamer North King, from Charlotte; steamer Caspian, down, to-morcow; steamer Rideau King, for - Ottawa, 'this morving; steamer Rideau Queen, up, to-night. ' Get A New Back. You need not have a backache, and should not. Any distress in the back' should have prompt attention. Smith's White Liniment will make you feel as new, It. penetrates deeply into the and relieves all inflammation and con- his Cures lumbago, Hhwaniatio, peu or pain or soreness any kind. Only Fa + Wade's drug store. : N " --------T ! "The Cantona he Lia you have bought for years is sold at genuine Skins own Tost 14 The World's Favorite Chocolate. Lamont Corliss & Co., Sole Importers, 27 Common St., Montreal. 'We have just received from the Dresser, ajjchoice lot of Mink Skin Persian Lamb Russian Lamb Have REPAIRS and AL~ TERATIONS op] your Furs done now. W. F. GOURDIER EXCLUSIVE FURRIER 78 and 80 BROCK ST. 'Phone 700. SOUVENIRS oH A Sterling Silver Spopn, or {33 Brooch Souvenir of King- ston as a rememberance to friends in distant or foreign lands, is one of the most useful and interesting novel- ties. Class Pins, Cases, We sell also High Enamel Souvenir Hat Belt Pins, Jewel Pin Trays, ete. To-Night You Can Buy Ribbed Hose for Boys, § Tan only odd sizes left, tomight, | alf 1 & ~ for about half-price, 12jc. a § pair. Men's Balbriggan Underwear, 3K shirts at 35c. ° each. and drawers, Men's Dainty Pattern Shirts, to 164, Our price soft besom, sizes 14 regular 69¢. line. 50c. Fast Black Cotton Hose, all sizes, special 2 for 25c. Ladies' pairs Tan or White Hose, in all sizes, for ladies or children, lowest prices. Long Length Black Lisle £8 Gloves, 50c. a pair. =o Long Length Silk .Gloves, 89%. a pair. Ladies' "124c., 15¢. and op. Vests, special at BB Prepare For Showers. Our umbrellas are made to with- stand both rain and wind. 50c. up, at Campbell Bgos'., the store that gives you money. 4 All the paper you can carry at D. E. Fraser's for 3c. a roll, 78 William po other. ; Ars the popular hats. Ses them, street. : Edwards' Nervine"' is sold at Gib- 's Red Cross drug store. Fresh 9 prdering of : -- : : : COMING! f My Representative will be at Ran- polph|Hotel, Kingston, WEDNES- July 17th 1907. DAY, 'To improve - your appearance, TRANSFORMATION, . POMPA- retain youthful freshness, appear man, you must bh # fal, YOu. a ve Dartigular of being thin, te na- turé's defects. Consult Prof. De: dur- ing his visit. renven Mon to. Man--About Baldness. H you are pald, or partially s0, it makes you look oid. You hesitate before Wearing Ra na oF ooking ) young. Do mot et this tunity--come and es yourself. pa. The Doren w, o., of Toronto, Limited, 103 and 105 Yonge Street. Remember FPlave, Day and Date. Notice to' Creditors. 2 n---- ® In the matter of George Sears, i of the City of ton, in the . County of ont2aac, Hardware t, Insol- vent. ' B® NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVRN THAT he said George Sears, carrying om Lusi- Biss as a hardware merchant at the suid BiLy of Kingston, has wade an assign- ment under R. 8S. 0. 1897, Cl ter 147, { wil his estate, credits and effects, to oseph B. Walkem, of said City Selici< or for the general benefit of his credi- Ors. A meeting of Creditors will be held at Lhe office of the said Assignee, at 93 Jdurence Street, Kingston, on Thursday, She 18th day of July, 1907, at 4 o'clock a the afternoon, Lo reccive a statement pi affairs, appoint lpspectors and for the the. affairs of the estate genéfally. Creditors are requested to Ml vle their claims with the Assiguee, With roofs and postitwars as required by the paid Act, oh or before he Duy ph if Amd notice is furthe iven th he 18th day of July, Her. wf i ge Will proceed to distribute the assets the estate amongst the parties 'ens itled thereto, having regard only to the laims of which notice shail then have been given, and that he will not be inble for the assets or any part thereof bo Sintributats to any person or persons ho clgims he e DE iy shall not them bave J. B. WALKEM, ssignee, day of A residential hall for the women stu- ents of McGill University. Situated Sherbrooke street, in close proxi- University, studenté are assisted y resident tutors. Gymmasium skat- g rink, tennis courts, ete. Scholar: Exhibitions awarded an- Rnstructions in all branches of musi #8 the McGill Conservatorium of Music. i For further particulars address ee 'Warden, Royal Victoria College, Montreal. Dr. Brock's £503 Remale Peri \ al Pil a he yds! oft 10f price --@1. FIFI a SATURDA SPEC 10 dozen Wesh 'Collars, in she worth 3c. and JOc. July sale pri 8 Ladies" Swiss Ribbed Vests, fine mhetverized thread, worth 4%e, 15 dozen Fine Ribbed Vosts, styles, worth 20c. July sale pric - Ladies' Belts, Collers, Ties, [ Waists; all specially priced for t » | THE JAMES Jo 180 Welling