Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Jul 1907, p. 5

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Sustaining, easy to di at time ~IRRESL DELICIOUS. «GALA - - PETER" The World's Favorite Chocolate. Lamont Corliss & Co., Sole Importers, 27 Common St., Montreal. and IBLY Skins! We have just received from the Dresser, njchoice lot of ~~ Mink Skin Persian Lamb Russian Lamb Have REPAIRS and AL- TERATIONS on] your Furs done now. W. F. GOURDIER EXCLUSIVE FURRIER 78 and 80 BROCK ST, 'Phone 700. SOUVENIRS Hd A Sterling Silver SPpapn, or fi Brooch Souvenir of King- ston as a remeémberance to friends in distant or foreign lands, is one of the most useful and interesting novel- ties, We sell also High Class Enamel Souvenir Hat Pins, Belt Pins, Jewel Cases, Pin Trays, ete. SMITH BROS Jewelers and'Opticians Issuers of Marriage ou Buy Tan Ribbed Hose for Boys only odd sizes left, to-might for about half-price, 124c. a J pair. > Men's Balbriggan Underwear, SHASHSIICIIISISICIIAOIN ! shirts and drawers, at 35 - . each. $ » 2 . oe $ Men's Dainty Pattern Shirts, 3 soft besom, sizes 14 to 16}, 3 3 ¢ . regular 69¢c. line. Our pri 2 3 50c. 2 : 3 Ladies' Fast Black Cotton F Hose, all sizes, special 2 pair: & for 25 < or 2c. ¥ op hs : 3 Tan or White Hose, in ¢ FAH sizes, for ladies or children, lowest prices. d i Long Length Black Lisle Gloves, 50c. a pair. Long Length Silk .Gloves, S8¢. a pair. Ladies' Vests, special at 124c., 15¢. and up. Newman & Shaw - Preparé For Showers. 5 Our umbrellas are made to with v | stand both rain and wind. 50c. up . {at Campbeii Bros'., the store that 4 ves you money. t All the paper you can carry at n. e | E, Fraser's for 3. a roll, 78 William street. - vi ws! "Edwards 'Nerine!' is sold at Gilt, i- son's Red Cross drug store. Fresh on WF w ¥ wr oes 0 MEW -~ ¥ i BBB Exhibitions To-Night Y vi . to Man--About Baldness. Gefects. t gh Dorenwerkl dur Si per Flas, Day aad Deter btice to' Creditors. matter of George Beasts took a large van load of happy childs ton, ontzaac, Insol- E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT George Sears, tarrying on busi- t at the said an assign: Shapret 14%, ts, to 5 said City Solicis the general benefit of his credi- ting of Creditors will he held -.: e of the said Assighee, at Street, Kingston, 4 y day of July, 1907, at 4 "o'clock ternoon, LO recsive a ste , appoint I of the affairs Creditors are requested r claims with the Assiguee, With nd - pastitwlars as Requires by the +» Oh Or before the of such ptice is furthef given wy after day of July, 1907, t Assig- proceed to distribute the assets ate amongst the parties ens eto, having regard only to the which notice shall then have en, and that he will not be the assets or any part thereof Bbuted, to mny person or persons - claims he shall not them have J. B, WALR EM, ssignee. at Kingston, this 4th day of 7. storia College Montreal hall for the women stu- Heil University. . Situated brooke. strpet, in close proxi- | the Upiversity buildings amd ries. Students of the tted fo the courses in Arts University -on identical terms h, but mainly in separate t In addition to the Mctures the (Professors and Lecturers versity, students are assisted nt tutors. Gymmasium skat- tennis courts, 'ete. Scholar: awarded an- jons in all branches of music Gill Conservatorium of Music. ther particulars addfess den, Royal Victoria iCollege, Montreal. Mrs, Daniel Gordon, gave a most ig tea at the principal's ruse en Thi in nonor of the i doctors. It was and every wh, r addition to Xing Mrs, J. 8. Turner, King, of Toron- who are here with their father, Dr, King, helped with the tea, things. Mrs. John Mackie gave a little at St. Andrew's manse, on Monday. ._. Mrs. R.E. Kent, "Bemershy House," tea ren to Yates' farm, on Thursday, and they had tea and a jolly romp with all sorts of games. Mrs. Michael Sullivan entertained at luncheon for the wives of the visiiing doctors on Thursday. - The table was very prettily decked with June rnsed, and the aflaiv proved very delightful. The guests were Mrs. J. L. Bray, Mrs. R. A, Pyne, Mrs. McColl, Mrs. Brit- ton and Mrs, Robertson. ee eo Mrs. John Fairlie, Brock street, .is chaperoning a party of girls whe have gone over to camp in Professor Jordan's cottage at Wolfe Island. In the party are Mrs. Fairlie's two daugh- ters, Miss Margaret sind Miss Anna, Miss Annic Fowler, Wiss Daisy Foro guson and Miss Katie Murray. Mrs. Armstrong McCormack had happy family party at her Centre street howe on Thursday. Wigh tea was followed by a pleasant Tittly chat over old times and matters in gonerul. - - Croquet in the park Hos been mors than ever popular this week as other gaieties have subsided. A graceful iris bute was paid the players the other 3 a gentleman who declared he ehjoyed a 'walkthrotigh City Park in the aftertioon now, the pre- sence of the eroquet players, pretiily gowned, making it such an attractive spot, » - » » Miss Helen Dickson, Ordnance street, returned home after spending the past two months visiting in Ogdensburg and Syracuse, N.Y. . Misses Beatrice Driver and Hargiet Chapman, Colborne street, are spend- ing their holidays at Collins Lake. Mrs. William C. Way, M-ntreal, Que., is visiting her parents; Me. and 1 Mrs. W. J. Chapman, Colborne stroot. Mr. and Mrs. Way will leave shortly, for a vacation; on Karwartha lakes. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hooper end family, Earl street, left July Ist, for their cottage, on the St. Lawrence, where they will spend the summer months. Signorina Cévello of New York, 8 the guest of Mrs. Allaire Shortt, at "Otterburn." a Pr. and Mrs: J. Li. Bray left to-day, to spend Sunday among the islands They will then go on to Montreal he fore returning home to Chatham. In September they intend leaving Chat: ee ee pe It pays to buy the best Mowers, and the best is: the only kind we sell. We | "have "them with Three! and Four Bjades, $3.50 to $8 Every machine is guar- -anteed, We also sharp-: ten and repair Mowers. MoKELVEY-& BIROH, 86 Brook St. SATURDAY NIGHT 10 Son Wash 'Collars, in shadow embréidery = and and d0e. July sale pri Ladies" Swiss Ribbed Vests, metverized thread, worth 40c | 15 dozen Fine Ribbed Vests, lace effects, ice 17c. each, A short sleeves and . each. July sale price 5c. 3 styles short, long or sleeveless sleeveless styles, . ples, worth 20c. July sale price 2 for 25e. 4 ; Ladies' Belts, Collars, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, and Shirt; ists; all specially priced for to-night. ¥ verandah. 'The grounds af | C ing lovely just now, green slope was ¢ and GAILY BRMISA WH1G, SATURDAY, JULY © Miss Maybello Laing, Johnson street, is Jisiting in Miss Ruby Donnelly, University avenue, is spending the week in Gan- had | anoque, with her cousin, Miss Ruby Cotton, Misses Edna Humphrey and Clare Gilson, of Cape Vincent, N.Y., are visiting in Ki . * - Mrs. J. A. NMeFarlane, 243 Montreal street, will not receive until Septem- ber, - who fotmerly lived , in Kingston, ls visiving re. George Richardson, Universtiy ave Crisp, St. John's rectory, Portsmouth, will leave early mext week jor littie Metis, Miss Nova Gwynne, of Toronto, will x in town for a week longer, poss Ys : Mrs. D. Phelan, who has been ill for some weeks with neuralgia, iv hap- ply, a gréat deal ht will fo river on Th part, for a rest and change of air. Miss May Martin, visiting in the city for a week, will leave for home in Sarnia, on Monday, accompanied by her friend, Miss Louise Singleton, Brock street. - > * - Miss Nidnie Vrooman, was in town yesterday. Mr. Hubert Osborne will have quite a long holiday this summer, and will be in Kingston and about here until Septetatuc, when he will rejoin Miss ussell's company. It is dm for his old friends to hive Ta Ti thers for such a long time. Mrs. Oharles Stafford Kirkpatrick has returned from Halifax and is glad- ly welcomed. > : Miss Florence Merrick, 'of Toronto, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. B. Coch- rane, Gore street. Mrs. C. T. Digkson has just returned to Kelowna, B.C., from a trip with Dr. and Mrs. Knox, to Vancouver, Victoria and New Westminster. All had a delightful round. - . of Napance, . Miss Macaulay came home, yester- day, from Stratford, ; down to Metis, next rest of the symmer. - Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Miller, of Kent- wood, La., are visiting Mrs. Miller's sister, Mrs. M. M. Vanluven, at the home of Mrs. R. W. R. McRae, Brock strect. Mrs. Maclennan, wife of Judge Mac- lennan, of Ottawa, passed through Kingston, this week, on her way west. Miss Edith Folger, Sydenham street, has returned from Rochester, N.Y. Mrs. T. J. Shanks, of Belleville, and her daughter are visiting Mrs. Philip Bajus, Rideau street." and. is going week, for the The Misses Lesslie, Gore street, have gone up to St. Catharines to visit their sister, Mrs. J. Rowlands, while Nrs. Reuben Leonard is off on a trip with her husband. Mrs. Valentino Schuyler, who hat been visiting Mrs. Thomas Tandy. Clergy street, left, on Thursday, for Gananogue. ; Mrs. F. S. Anderson, who has heen Mre James Meclarland"s guest, on Emily street, went down, yesterday, to stay with some friends at Thou: sand Island Park. Miss Edith Drury went home, on Thursday, to Halifax. Master Russell Ellis, of Toronto, is visiting Mrs. Heury Wade, Johnson street. - - . - Miss Mary Macpherson, of Hamilton, is staying with Mrs. Philip Bajus, Rideau street. . Mr. and Mrs, J. D. MoDermott, of Toronto, spent a few days, this week, with Mr. and Mrs. Charles McKay. Johnson street, on their way ta Old Orchard. Mrs. McKay is expecting Mrs. John McKay, Sr., from Toronto shortly. r. J. T. Sutherland has come over from New: York to join his family at Stella, and enjoy a holiday with them Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Sutherland, Earl street, and Mrs. Mellis Ferguson left, to-day, for Toromto. Mrs. Suth- erland and Mrs. Ferguson will go on to Gore Bay, but Mr. Sutherland will return to town in a few days. Mrs. George M. Haslett and daugh- ter, Brock street, are spending the summer in Winnipeg. - * . Mrs. J. J, Crawford, Kingston, and Mts. Edward Deroche are guests Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Embury, Napanee, Mr. 8. B. Molyneux, of Marmota, is in Kingston, ing a couple of weeks with friends, Mrs. J. 'H. Arnold and Miss Daisy Arnold, Westport, are to spend some weeks with Mrs. W. S. R. Murtch, Johnson street. Miss Edith Yoong, Kingston, is the guest of Miss Murion Leonard, Ng- panee. Miss H. L. Chown, Johnson stieet, has gone to Whithy to the convention at the close of which she will go on to Toronto and other plates to visit relatives. Miss Ina Sands, Queen street, has gone to Sandusky, Ohio, to visit Mrs, R. L. Adams, (Continued on page 5.) A new shipment of chotolates just: arrived, made by J. 8. Fry & Sona, n, Try a sample. R. H. Toye, King street. nue, 4 Mrs. J. O. Crisp and Miss Kathleen de terete etal bi of { will not benefit by this setilefiént. He 5 . DIVIDE MILLIC SNES The Wealth i0f deh} o Be New York, July 6.--The extensive festivities to bo. at the B Kewpott, the e Alice G. Vanderbilt; ail) ) ve - a feature iin America's greatest fortunes. the date of the fete Miss Gladys Hours ad ilt attains her legal de, ant come into psion the millions left her oF he She is the youngest of five direct ers, The was estimated in' valtie seten years as foun I was filed, various- . 5 abhi § MRS hPWRITNEY! ly at from $50,000,000: to" £120,000: 000. Experts who' Kave kept track of the fluctuations ff' sedtiritis, such ad make up the bulk of 'the wealth, say that aside from the real estate hold- ings the estate is worth at least ten per cenit. mote than it represented at the time of Mr, Vanderbilt's death. Incidentally Miss' Gladys Vander Bilt will probably B¢ ih her ow tight the tithest eligible young woman in América. © The direct inhéritance of £7.500,000, received under 'the will with aecrued income, hae heen wb ekil- fully manipulated by the exécutors, that it is' said $6 sdjireséht how ap- proximately $10,000000. "Added to this is. a one-fourth interest in "the" estate of $10,000,000 provided for her moth- er, Mrs. A. G, Vanderbilt, during her natural life, This wilk confervatively bring the fortune of Miss" Vanderbilt to $12,500,000, A large force of clerks and account: ants have been kept for many weeks at the offices of the Vanderbilt estate. Forty-second and Madison avenve, making preparations for the Cornelius. Vanderbilt 'fortune | MEN EXPERIENCED IN PACKING 3 Cement. Waves §3 3 da The TEE TE ------ A ---- tn, holm, Y5 W TWO ABLE-BODIED MEN AND THREE housemaids for the Gemernl Hospital. Avoly between 7 and 9 pom. \ YOUNG MAN TO CLEANING AND sing. Steal hi She year rotmd. arwick Bros. 1V1 Princess Street. mm -------------------------------------------- BOY WHO CAN BARN FROM 8 "0 4.50 week. Al 4 J near eran Me Dh to per day. Apply ville PorUand = Cement Company, t Ann, Ont SALESMAN FOR AUTO-SPRAY, band Sprajer mada automatic. h age Cavers Bros., Galt. ag MALE-GOOD _ PAY-=MEN BVERY- where to tack signs, distribute gircu- lars, safples, etc. No Sanvaiaing. Ch National Dist. Bureau, & DETECTIVES ;: SHREWD, RELIABLE for table man act under orders ; cessary. Write H dianapolis, lod ep ------------------------------------------------------------ A SMART CLERK, NETWEEN 15 AND 16 years for news stand, snd |. to take newspaper routed SPRY in per- son to Thomas Nash, British-Ameri- can Hotel News Ssand. SPRING SUITS TO MAKE, GENTLE men, bring your own cloth and - cheap up-to-date suit made. price and finish Pressing and ing o ell, Galloway, The he 81 Brock street. ny WANTED-I HAVE A NEWLY PATENT- ed device ; having bie sales through agents ; Traveller worded to make appointments ; no canvassing ; wii} puy salary and expenses weekly, F. J. Waterson, Box "N.." Brantlord, Ontario. i " -- ik A GIHL TO WORK A GENERAL SERVANT, NO WASH ing, well rec _APPlY to Mis. Carson, 275 Br Street. " MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN OR GIRL to 'do housework in the country, one child in family, Apply Box 7, Whig Oftee, SA A AL A Lb GENERAL SERVANT, @ i det we By 94 King Street . A COMPETENT HOUSEMAID. RE- ferences . Q A ari a.m, JRLS TO OPERATE SEWING chiles in finishing room. wages; splendid o day afternoons ston Hesiery Cos MA- Good umity: Saturs Apply Kings TO-LET. 88 Lower Union, mear Licomotive Works. SUMMER COTTAGES, » Stores, ahd Offices: Me! Brovk street see A COUPLE OF OFFICES OVER THE Ss ith a NGS, 51 nn ---- -- FRONT SITTING ROOM AND BED. room, en suite, central, medern eon v bes. dies, © Box "M. B." Whig Office. ------------ is ------ BRICK DWELLING, NO, 181 DIVISION street, twelve rooms, sxtension din ivision street. T™ 108 CHEAM | arial, ou Sutadoe; saty. Appl A SEVEN-ROOMED BRICK HOUSE,' HEIRS WANTED, rim ama-------------------------------- IF GEORGE GORDON, A NATIVE OF e Helkisks Caithness, 1 AEE wiil hewr of something to his © vantage. m---------------------- SITUATIONS VACANT. VERPOO ier Fire rent pul Avalos | RETIRED WEALTHY GENTLEMAN tv v th Bigia, DI, 3 108 pie, matrimony. Box 94 LOST. A BLACK COCKER SPANIEL, AN- swering to the name of "Jack." Re ward hy returning to 388 Barrie Street. A ------------------------------------------------------ A SMALL SUM OF MONEY, PICKED up on street a few days ago. Own. er can obtain the same hy describing dnd paying charges. 130 Stuart Street. A BROWN PURSE, OONTAINING smmliceum of wWoney wad return tie ket "to Montreal, gd other articles, between penitentiary and Beyerly Street, Finder please return to this office. FOR SALE, CARRIAGE, TWO-SEATED, CANOPY Top, cheap, 51 Broek street. distribution of the 7 dou for- tupe. : Cornelius Vanderbilt, who. it will be remebered; 'quarrelled with his father, i MNELIUS VANDERBILT. was left $1,500,000, which at the time was considered a mere pittante com- pared: to the other dividions. His hro- ther, Alfred, who received the lion's] share, gave him $6,000,000, which wae said to be all he was. tq expeet, » A New York banker is reported.' to have said that Cormnedius handled the $7,600,000 30 well that it is now double that amoung. . Mrs. Harty: : Payne Whitney, who was Gertrude Vanderbilt, and Regin- I DB. Nand asin, ill have but little com toi them at this _ time, Bn legacies to beneficiaries. It is said Re gd hi get approximately $2,500, Guy whoo already, 1 ceived far more than any of ol er chi will still more FA oo the cing (Bist tian. He does mot receive ithe full amount left him until he is thirty-five. As it is, he is richer thonioll of the others combined Mrs. Vanderhilh received! by: her hus- life income of $250,000 per year. --------------. Dog-Proof Armor. Paris, Jul band's will $2,000,000 outright, pnd a A DRSIRABLE BUILDING LOT, ON A strand. Apply to Barry ROWING SKTFF FOR SALE, IN PER- fect condition. Apply - Box "B." Whig Office. tu BRITISH NAVY SCANDAL. Parlinmentary Committee j Un- earths System Of Graft. "Grave irregularities" is the term the Parliamentary Committee on' Pub- bs ves to certain condi- on which it issued . committee custom -f apfer i I! its iF BORN. FEETON--At Sydenham, Jul to Rev. T. J. 0'C. and WA a daughter, WILKINS--At Deseronto, on July 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Wilkins, a daughter. 4 OSRORNE--AtNapance, on June 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. John S,; Osborne, a daughter, ROBLIN At to Mr. and damghter. PASNORE-At Napatwe, te Mr. amd Mrs. KR. He a danghter.. BLACKADDER--AL Bath, on June 26tH. to Mr. and Mrs. R. J, Bleckadder, a oN. McKIM--At Switzervil', 'on' June 27th, TT. Mr. md Mrs. 8. 0. 8, MeKim, a Jasghter 3 an FPRASER--At Descronto, on June 27th, ta Mr. wnd Mrs. Frederick Fraser, a 2nd, ton, Napanew, on June 20th. Mrs. F, J. Roplia, =a on July #iN, J. Pasmore, ROOMS, SUITABLE FOR GENTLE- man; beautifully situated and well furnished, electric Hght and ghb, coh venient to buth room. Best table bourd and service guaranteed. Apply Box "A. B. CO." Whig Office. ARCHITECTS. ARCHITHOT?, or and Dagot streets. ARTHUR ELLIS, five, Cor. Quesn JWNRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, ete. Anchor Building, Market Square. 'Phone, 345. POWER & SON, ARCHITECT, MER chamt's Bank Building, cornet Broek and Wellington streets. "Phope, 213, VETERINARY. DR. ©. W, BELL, V8, A HAS RE moved ok moved 46 hs brick block, on Claphes Culls by one or alegraph promptly MARRIAGE LICENSES. V ETAT EW RIOT AT OXFORD. Truncheons And Fire Hose Used In Fierce Fight. Consequent on the great excitement caused amongst the Junior members of' hrm Charen of thy Deadenip of tha! river, and the great success tan in the boat races, an made to 'set fire to the E34 _ 5 i ni I E i I. =2 of iis Fa 5 PROV, IAT y Tt. Reine Gully, Boo. "Boe. Special ay wo give 3 ngs at you os Jarl Strees, ried -------------------- PREE-YOUR FORTUNE TOLD, FU ture and past. vovealed, surprising, nN Alri Prete by olin, Lr st, clairvoya - . » 12 Shsdon St 0 y Bend birth date and stamp: Know thys sell i ---------------- a ---------- KNOW THY FUTURE. GFT A P of past and 1 , With year. Ju henstiog at can ou. year with Be. ager to Veron Melva, Syracuse, In ARE YO weight | right to | sistent with he los assets $ul 187,315. addi ts EAA stir red of life, would cor: Not ne more weal! i CHIC PALM- date and EH ERE HE WE ERE le BEE

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