| policy or % Lard anit wntitio) to » limit) Sats, but most men ex- deaths that attend its demonstratiops.- t. 3 Sin. 35% hotties, ab Gib Cross drug store, "Phone _ Daily Whig. | Berlin has shown its appreciation of W. L. Mackenzie King's success in pub- fic life. Ho is the grandson of a dis tinguished Canadian, - William. Lyon Mackenzie, whose name he bears and whose ability and instinct for public duty he has in some degree inherited. Graduating from the university with honors. he decided to study the great economic questions of the day. Aca- demically trained for efficient work he was called to the department of la- bout, as deputy minister, practically untried and with many serious ques- tions before him. Mr. King organized the department and largely made it what it is. True he has had the counsel of men who sympathised with him, and earned thereby the gratitude of the working classes. These are Sir William Mulock and Mr. Lemieux, The solution of knotty points depended on Mr. King however, and he has had a most successful career. He brought to bear on cach difficulty a knowledge of all under similar philosophy has suggested. Scholarship and energy could not have scored his triwmphs without the diplomacy, the sagacity, the spitit of conciliation with which he is so richly endowed. The city of his birth and early as- sociation did a worthy act in invit- ing him to visit it and receive some evidence of its consideration. Nor was it an occasion for flattery. The board of trade simply desired to express its recognition of his position as the coun- try's great peacemaker, and in this it has encouraged all the young men to imitate him in being worthy of them- solves, their talents, their opportuni- ties, and so qualifying for the places of honour, responsibility and trust which will undoubtedly be theirs, ----------------. HE DOES HIS DUTY. | My. Graham, who ably leads the op- position in Ontario, has given offence ~to the government and its support- and indulge in the criticism which the act of the government has Mr. Groh has predicted that there will be a marked change in the position of parties in the next election, and 'a contemporary has car- tooned Mr. Whitney as being immense- ly amused in consequence. The cty of the conservatives in the last elec tion will not be the same in the elec tion that is to come. That is certain. There were promises in one. There will bio performances in the other. There was to be no extravagance under conservative rule. There has in comparison with that of this gov- t. There were too many min- jsters, one or two could be dispensed with, and the number under eonserva- tive rule was increased. The taxation of corporations was to be abolished, and the taxation was increased. The succossion duty, the "robbery of the dead," would be cut in two or drop- ped, and it has been continued and improved. The receipts from timber duos would be husbanded and treated as capital account, but it goes into current revenue as formerly. There would be no more convict-made goods, and a new deal was made with regard to Central prison labour that startled every union man in the land. There was to be economy and retrenchment, and the ministers' stipends were in- Jd and the general expenses by about $2,000,000 a year. Jt would not be offering an emolli- ent to say that the government is doing things. The party in power glories in the fact, but it hag a dif- ferent meaning or effect as it is view- ed from different standpoints. Any government could spend money, or ap- point commissions, or break promises. Indeed the wrath of the premier knows no bounds when confronted with the pledges which he made and did not keep. Mr. Graham would be su¢h a nice man if he would abstain from a reference to these matters, but he would not be doing his duty to the people. He must keep on making re- marks, oven though Mr. Whitney and his iriends storm about them. Premier McBride, of British Colum- bin, is pleased with his visit to Eng- land. He has penned his want. What 'Iwas it? An increased subsidy for the ¥ only larger than the dom- ion conference agreed upon, was ex- grievanco~and fyled it. A ---- rr ------ Independence Day in the United [sue should be called Slaughter i Day, because of the accidents and 1 On the 4th it is estimated that 5.000 'children the facts, of what history has taught | P circumstances, of what the be able to alleged, he was appearing Charles Druce, This lady is said called at the Elysee last night addressing herself to the She was asked her business. "Why, certainly," said the lady sharply. am. the queen of France. ers. He could hardly do otherwise, | 12 been no spending of money in Ontario 3 lost their lives through gun- | so long. after he became » member of the government, His tenacity: of office did not look well. So statignery engineers will now have te be examined and licensed if qualified after July lst, 1908, Well, that is right. A handy man may be able 10 run an engine, but an engineer will run it better, without danger of accident, ---------- WEW WITNESS IN SUIT. American to Give Evidence In Druce Claim. London, July 8.--A new witness in connection with the claim of George Druce to the dukedom of Hollamby ortland has been found. 5 This, it was stated at a meeting of shareholders in the Druce company yesterday, is an American, who will : prove conclusively, that the alleged burial of Thomas Charles Druce was a mock one, and that the coffin contained only small strips of lead, screwed down and held in position by brass clamps. Mention was also made of the lady from New Zealand, who acted as the fifth duke's secretary when, as it is as Thomas to have had valuable documents stolen from her while she was on the way to It was announced that the trial will open toward the end of the year. I ------_ LUNATIC AT THE ELYSEE. --_-- Woman Says She Is Queen Of and, on duty, asked to see Fallieres, a» president. Please tell M. i with my compliments, that he is to vacate the Elysee as soon as possible, as I wish to enter into pos- * Then the porter, realizing that he had a lunatic to deal with, gave her in charge. To-day she was sent to an asylum. KILLED ON ALPS. ---- Young Dane Falls Down £2,500- Foot Precipice. Geneva, July 8.--Robert Greene, 4 don merchant, spending a holiday in Lucerne, ded the Righi ac- companied by his young wife, on Sun- day. They started in the aiternoon to descend near Righi the Klgesterli which is about 4,000 Mr. Greene fell a precipice 650 feet and was instantly killed. A young Dane, Otta Jensen, yester- day, climbed a mountain above the Muerren gathering Alpine flowers. He fell down a precipice nearly 2,500 feet and was killed. Farrell--Killeen. On Wednesday, June 26th, at St. ary's cathedral, a quiet wedding was solomnized by Rev. Father Staley, the contracting parties bei Bernard Farrell and Agnes Killeen, both of this city, The bride, who was given away by her father, was beautifully gowned in cream serge with pointe esprit. She wore a large white pie ture hat with white plumes. Her bou- quet was white carnations. She was attended by her sister, Miss Mabel Killeen, who wore mull over pink taf- feta. Her hat was white with wreath of pink roses, and bouquet pink cat- nations. The groom was attended his brother, Michael Farrell. After the the bridal party drove Ceremony to the home of the bride, where 4 sumptuous diriner was served, after which the happy couple left for Ro- chester, Buffalo and other cities. The bride's ng-away gown was blue ladies' cloth with hat to match. Will Retain Sight. Send oe a alos, ap Hote Dieu, with a eye. C Vincent, N, Y., recently he was in, ns a. ¥ of steel was driven into the man's eye. De. O'Connor says the man is nicely, His sight will be preserved 'Bnd will be as good as over, Lids To Receive Coal Tenders, The civic light and water commit. tees will have a meeting on Saturda afternoon to receive for coal. Joint tenders were called for, the light plant requiring 3,500 tons of slack conl and the waterworks 1,200 tons. During hot weather for foot com- fort, bora ted talcum powder has no gual, in 10c. tins, at Gibson's store. 8 afternoon on the water by hs alin D0 Pop ae A pan. Home Abby Salt, Enos Salt and Bro- mo at Gibson's Red Cross A ecs, oh 'of men are perverters of the truth who never even tried to catch Jenkin's for Cellular Artes under ¥ MONDAY. JULY 8 LATEST SCHEME WHIZZING EGGS AWAY 10 MARKET. The Latest Invention Will Carry Farm Produce to the City and Bring Back the Money. Pittsburg, July 8.--Sending his but- ter and eggs to market at a speed of twenty-five miles an hour without moving further than his front gate ig the scheme which an ingenious inven- tor has devised for the convenience of the farmer. All the farmer will need do in case this automatic delivery device becomes a reality will be to pack his produce in a basket, telephone for a small de- livery car, if one is not already with- out his gates, deposit ® his package when one arrives, and collect the re- ceipts at the end of the day. The delivery is made by means of a carrier which travels on'light rails about twelve feet from the ground. The carriers deposit while en route mail or packages at any or all of the stations on the line, and at the same time collects mail or merchandise de- posited by the farmer. One man, it is claimed, can operate at least twelve of these lines. To make the system still more perfect the inventors will install a telephone in each house in order that the central office may be notified when a car is required. One is to be installed near the city. Evening Gown. Simplicity is the characteristic of the stylish evening gown shown in the accompanying sketch. It is made of France. Paris, July 8.--A well-dressed woman |}, vender point Feapeit, The blouse is cut very fall, V shaped, and has the Sa porter |. hanese sleeve trimmed with a band v of liberty silk to match. The skirt is made with a long sweep and has four flounces from the knee down, each be- ing four inches wide. A guimpe of mes- saline lace worn with this gown makes it quite appropriate for alternoon wear, ------ The First Lighthouse, Toronto Telegram. In 1803 the Canadian legislature passed an enactment arranging for a lighthouse upon the south western- most point of a certain island called Isle Forest, situated about three leagues from the town of Kingston, in the midland district." PD. W, Smyth, in his Provincial Ga- getteer, published in 1813, gives Isle Forest as "Isle au Foret, now called Gage Island by proclamation 16th July, 1792," and that "Gage Island lies off Kingston, in Lake Ontario, be- tween Amherst and Wolie Island." Was this Snake Island ? From the fact that "great trees" stood on Snake Island, is it not more than likely that this island is the "Isle au Foret" spoken of by Smyth ? Rats Attack Children. London, July 6.--A number of large sewer rats which were disturbed by excavations at Exeter found their way into the bedrooms of a tradesman's house, and attacked the inmates in their sleep. Three children were badly bitten. Jenkin's raincoats just the thing for this weather. Every man ought to marry a woman who isag manager, because few men are any good unless they are pro- perly mandged. Are You Often Bilious? Read This And Learn How To Prevent Attacks. Biliousness is merely a term applied to a condition that exists, wher the body is overloaded with hile. The complexion turns yellow, eyes look dull, pimples, itching and eczema break out, headaches arc ever present. Biliousncss has two great causes, constipation and defective liver action. When Dr. Hamilton's Pills are taken they not July correct the bowels, but act directly on the liver, regulating its bile secretion, Aig Unlike ordinary medicines which hn and give temporary. relief, Dr. amilton's Pills remove the condition which causes biliousness; thus perma- {| nent cures are effected. Dr. Hamilton's Pills do cure bilious- ness and liver ills under all circum- stances. We prove this by the statement of Fenwick Luddington, of New Harbor, N.S., who writes : "Three months ago I had no expectation of ever gelting free from periodical bilious attacks. They were preceded by dizziness and dreadful headaches. If 1 stooped over my head would swim and a nauseous feeling crept into my. stomach. Dr. Hamilton's Pills fixed up my liver; drove all the bile out of my blood and made me a well man in a few months. To-day I enjoy a good appetite, excellent digestion, and the best of health. Dr. Hamilton's Pills gid ah." Ham : it . ilton's Pills to-day. Sold by all Stans 0c vet box, = ve hoxes fo ' from N.C. Polton & €o., Hartford, Comn., U.S. A, and Kingston : 1 er 1 Our Store Closes at 5 P.M.. Saturdays Ex- cepted, During July and August. Men Who Know Come Here for Clothes. We have the kind of Clothes that will convert the tailor-mac fellows into a regular patron. All the new fabrics are here, and cut of our garments shows every correct idea worked out to perfec tion. See our special £15 Blue and Black Suits. THE H. D. BIBBY 00. | 0000060000000000000000 lo (LONDON) ; Undoubtedly the best brewed on the continent. Proved to be so by analysis of four chemists, and ' by awards of the world's great Exhibitions, especially Chicago, 1893, where it received ninety-six points out of a possible hundred, much higher than any other Porter in the United States or Canada. JAMES McPARLAND, Sales Agent. GET YOUR METERS CHANCE Cheaper gas rates go into vo effect after to-day. Let us change your meter and put all your Gas Fittings in Perfect Order. We also carry a| complete line of GAS RANGES. Call and see display. a LEMMON & SONS, ; 5 King one 585 A AAAI WAP : Thervlp lots of warm weath oot-comfort. in ir of VICTUS Ontéban' © PM ° They. do away with that tigh binding sendhtion around youW ankles that i boots give on ¥ warm day. They prevent your feet from b# ing hot, damp, and sticky. 3 They keep your ankles cool and comfortable, and allow eir 1° Io relate freely around youl eet. INVICTUS Oxfords never bulge or 'sag at the sides. "The Sawyer Shoe Store Metal and Tan « All Size Sheet Lead WILLIAM ST. a Canada Metal Go., Ltd. Toronto, Ont; "NOBEL" This name is one to conjure in Explosives. Dominion Sove Shells are loaded with Ni Empire Bulk Smokeless, a which has made Nobel's fa The great penetration and mum recoil of SOVEREIGN SHE! are the delight of every trap s Made in Canada and guara by the Nok Headache and relieveall the tro Jont to a billous stato of the syster ness, Nausca, Drowsiness, Dist eating, Pain in the Bide, &c. While gemarkable success has been shown i SICK Headache, yot Carter's Little Liver equally valuable in Constipation, curd venting thinannoying complaint, whi) correct all disorders of thestomach sti Shor sng regulate the bowels, Even i HEAD Ache they wonld bealmost priceless to for from this distressing complaint; mately thelrgoodness does notend here whoonce try them will find these little le in so many ways that they will © todo without them. Butafter al ACHE = the bane or #0 many lives that hes 'we make our great boast. Our pillsev wo rik In vialaat 25 cents ; fivofo By druggists everywhere, or sent by CARTER MEDICINE CO., Now Y Department of Railways é& QUEBEC CANA NOTICE TO DEALERS IN C SEALED TENDERS, endors der for Cement,' Will ke. receive undersigned" at 18 o'clock, on for the si and Cen Bye anals. atiohs and forms of te at the office of the the Quebec the 15th § 10,000 July, 14 arrels of I Engineer of Place and at the office Department of Ottawa, on and after The Iipartment does not bind accept the lowest or any tender By order, Ly KE. JON a Se Departinent of Railways and Ci Ottawa, July 3rd, 1907 f Newspapers inserting this ment without authority from ti ment will not be paid for it. PURE FOOD INSUR Good Heal MAGIC INSURES PURE Fo EW.GILLETT 20, YORONTO.ONT. m PT GET WELL! Never mind what the Doctor says have Bladder Trouble, Kidney I Rheumatism, you can get well if The Gentle Kidney Pill soc. a large box. At Dmggis mail direct postpaid. The Claflin Chemical Co., Ltd., Win \ about the wonde MARVEL Whirlin 'The oe ew Vaglaa Best--. BLY CO.. Windsor, © -» ral Agents for Canedo: BEN ANDY