CONEY BISCUIT 8 CANDY, C¢ STRATFORD. CANADA SCUIT A CANDY Ct FORD CANADA ) \ ; : elish it gives to meats, fowls, fish, jure to give you LEA & PERRINS' Montreal, Canadian Agents. f Milwaukee it infuses a new life into the it helps digestion and by its igth and relieves the exhausted Ask it from your Dealer. sPariand, Kingston and lasting polish." st of them all, 't come off. Water- Don't take a substitute ° ed. re is no other "just as ° ' made. : 192 3 Those Bilious Attacks come from a Disordered Liver. Surely you know the one / infallible remedy for sluggish, torpid liver. Abbey's pps Effervescent Salt tones up--strengthens-- invigorates the liver--~ prevents you from ever being bilious. Equally good for stomach and troubles. And Nothing So Healthful and Satisfying in Summer as bowel : is the ideal summer tonic for young and old. Atall druggists. 25¢. and 6oc. a bottle. "2 combined with fresh fruits oh or creamed vegetables. It gl is deliciously appetizing , ; and sustaining Contains or more real nutriment than a meat or eggs Try the Biscuit with Strawberries. All Grocers--13c. a Carton ; 2 for ea. BETYOUR METERS CHANGEL ¥ 2 a = 3 Cheaper gas rates go into effect after to-day. Let us change your meter and put ll your = Gas Fittings in 4 Perfect Order. We also carry a complete ne of GAS RANGES. + Call and see display. » Cots, Hat Racks, $15. R. d. + Special in Children's Go-Carts ; = From $3.50 to $15. rlages, from $10 to $25. Camp Mattresses, and Stools, from 35c. from $5.50 to $35, Hall Seats, from $7 to $18, Mirror to match, $3.50, $5.50, $10 and 230 Princess St. 355 King § LEMMON & SONS, #,..%s Baby Car- Camp Chairs to $1.50. REID, Telephone, 577. Gas Stoves home. ie assortment. oz feel quite sure that we can satisfy you. - . \ trial will conwfhce you. The warm weather is now here and the time you need a GAS STOVE in your Our stock. is now complete, and > we will be pleased to show you our large We have them all prices and A McKELVEY & BIRCH, 86 Brock St. 00 0606000000000000008 =. gin, Rattan Furniture THIS WEEK Special-We are offering this week a large continuous Heavy Roll Rocker, suitable for drawing room use at $4.00, regular $5.50. Only limited number of these. Also a lise. of Boat and Lawn Seats, Camp Cot, Camp Chair and Verandah Furniture at . close out prices. JAMES REID, Phone 147 re THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JULY ass ON DEVIL'S ISLAND A STORY ABOUT A NOTORFK OUS CRIMINAL. "Eddie" Guerin, Famous Ameri- can Crook, Escaped French Law And Island Horrors. Memories of the world-famous Drey- fus case and of the terrible ordeal of Devil's Island were recalled in an action heard recently in the English courts. There was, however, nothing of poli- tical or racial interest in the case, but urely a question of the nationality of Edward, or "Eddie" Guerin, a famous Aerican crook, whose extradition was t. More fortunate than Dreyfus, the crook succeeded in escaping from Dev- il's Island, and again he left the court a free man. Guerin was convicted in 1900 of breaking into a Paris bank and blowing up a safe with dynamite. He is, in fact, an exceedingly distinguished bank bur- giar and "safe blower." He was sen- tenced to penal servitude for life, and deported, to Devil's Island, the penal set- tlement %n the coast of French Guiana, where Dreyfus was confined. The bank thief escaped, and after suffering (alleged) incredible hardships on the swamps of the mainkand reached the United States. He went to England, and in April, 1906, he was arrested at the instance of the French government for extradition. On the plea that he was a British sub- ject, born in Hoxton, he stained a gule nisi. After this an order was made for the taking of evidence in Chicago, and this delayed the proceeding ,and in the meantime Guerin had been in Brixton prison for a twelvemonth. When he appeared in court Mr. Muir, his counsel, told the weird story of his career. His father, he said, was Ed- mund (or Edward) Guerin, and was christened at Knocadee, Limerick, on tith June, 1824. Some time in 1834 he went to Chi- cago, and married an Irish widow, a Mrs. Fox In 1850 or 180 Edward Guerin and his wife came to Englund, and it was alleged that his son, the prisoner, was born in Robert street, | Hoxton. In 1867 the Guerins returned | to Chicago, where the prisoner's father died Prisoner was twice convicted in Chi 3 first in 1880, when he was 18 or 0. He went to France in 1888, and was oncerned in a bank robbery at Lyons He escaped from France and was ar- | rested in London in July, 1888 xtradition was resisted on the ground that Guerin was a British sub ) and the case was tried before a ject jury and Baron Huddleston On this evidence in 1883, the found that it was not proved that prisoner was a British subject, and he was re surrendered to France He served a term of 10 years' imprison nent. and in May, 1001, was agam ar rested and convicted in Paris, Mr. Muir added that if the court hith- erto had no sympathy with prisoner. his story of his sufferings on Devil's Ishand would remove that prejudice Mr. Muir urged that this census paper was untrustworthy and inaccurate, be- cause it described as "John and Jo hanna Guerin" two step-children whose names were really John and Johanna Fox, and suggested that the description Jf Guerin as "a citizen" was put in by the enumerator. He had a mass of evidence from Ch cago of politicians who--in a country where voting meant money afterwards-- were never able to induce Edmund Guerin the elder to vote. His refusal always was on the ground that he was a British subject, and there was no other evidence whatever that he had ever been naturalized The court held that Guerin was the jury he BY ITCHING RASH Face and Feet Covered--Rest Broken and Would Cry Until Tired Out-- "Cradle Lap Added to Torture -- Tries Cuticura . Soap and Cuticura Ointment, IMMEDIATE RELIEF AND SPEEDY CURE ly baby was about nine months old she had rash on her face and feet. Her feet seemed to irritate her most, especially nights, They wo cause her to be broken of her rest, and sometimes sho would cry until she wastiredout. 1had always used Cuti- cura Soap A and had heard of so many cures by the fl Cuticura Remedies HB that I thought I would give them a trial. © improve- ment was noticeable in a few hours, and before I had used one box of the Cuticura Ointment her feet were well and have never troubled her since. 1 also used it to remove what js known as "cradle cap" from her head, and it worked like a charm as it ransed and healed the scalp at the samé time. Now 1 keep Cuticura Ointment on hand in case of any little rash or insect bites, as it takes out the inflam- mation at once. Perhaps this may be the means of helping other suffering babies. Mrs. Hattie Currier, Thomas son, Me., June 9, 1906." CUTICURA REMEDIES Coasisting of Cuticura Soap Ointment and Pills. A single set is often sufficient to cure the most torturing, disfiguring, itching, burning, and scaly humors, eczemas , and irritations, with loss of hair, from infancy to age, when all other remedies and even the best physi- cians fail. Guaranteed absolutely pure. te Tres ent for Comic, Pleat 100 0 a Age co , Cut Corp... Boia . Boston, Mass aarMaied Free, Cuticurs Booklet on Skin. Nh oN RE . ES nh) = MAKES YOUR CAKES LIGHT. MAKES YOUR BISCUITS LIGHT. MAKES YOUR BUNS LIGHT. MAKES YOUR LABOR LIGHT. MAKES YOUR EXPENSES LIGHT. Order from your Grocer. E.W.GILLETT aires LiMiTED TORONTO. ONT. ---- son of an Irithma nd r ed | as a British subj and that the Extra- | dition Act did not apply in his case | The rule nisi for his release was made absolute, and he was discharged. -- One Of Many. | One of the best arguments for . the ! "Stoddard Lectures," is one of Mr. Stoddard's stories. I will tell it in his own words: "Some years ago, in the heart of the Rocky Mountains, a gentleman encountered a French priest his locks completely white with age, travelling apparently for pleasure. As- tonished at the sight, he ventured to inquire what had induced him, at this time of life, to go so far from home, "It is vory explained, replied the priest ap parently about to die. One night 1 dreamed that I was already in God's presence, and: that he spoke to me these words: 'My child, how did you like the beautiful world I gave you to dwell in?" I answered nothing In fact I was too mortified to For think of it--I, who had preached for . fifty years continually, of a bet- ter world had never examined this at all. Awakening from my dream I made a vow to God that if he gave me back my health, 1 would devote some months at least to seeing and admir- ing his works. So here I am muking a tonr of the world." These "Lectures" the very greatest educational value, and by this I do not refer to the information they contain, although that is very great snd important, but they are an eduea- tion in the root meaning of the word Educo, to draw! out, to develop. And they develop that side of a man which. in this dollarloving genera- tion, most needs development, the aesthetic, the emotional, the spiritual side, asily x months ago | was answer possess Remarkable Horsemanship. A curious and remarkable wager im horsemanship has been made and won by a voung German military officer. The officer. in question--Lieut. Kravse of the artillerv--laid a bet that he eould ride on horseback from Buk- hthrest to Rome, keeping not only him- self, bot his horse, in good condition thronghout the journey. The lLieuten- ant has just arrived in Florence on his ride from the Roumanian canital He is to reach Rome within fifteen days from the start. Both man and horse are quite fit. Where Wade's Ointment Differs. This i= a combination of healing re- medics that cures everything that ordinary ointments can and'many skin troubles that few remedies can reach. such ae the parasitic skin diseases like alt Rheum, Dandruff, , ete. Wade's Ointment heals "evervthing and cures Forema, - Sal# Rheum, Scald Head, Cold 'Sores. Erysipelas. Piles, ete. In big boxes, 25¢c., at Wade's drug store. | _ A BLOOD AND KIDNEY ) TONIC. Make your own Blood Medi- cine by mixing one ounce Fluid Extract Dandelion, Cempound Salatone, four ounces Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla @ Shake well In & vottle, and take one teaspoonful after meals and sqaln at bedtime. Any good ggist can su th in- 3 gredients, "wy on % This is sald to be a splendid 3 Blood Tonle and system reno- * Vator because of its gentle aotion * + 3 i 3 3 2 Lid in restoring the Kidneys to nor- y. forcing them to the blood all impure 1 acids, restroying isms which produce wand sour blood « should take some- scription is the most rsed of the hundreds redies generally used, yourself, then you will know what you are taking. CISBIIFIIIINNINRIIRIRIIIIINIINIIIIRINR FIFI IIIVININNIINNIN NORQUAY REAL ESTATE BROKER CAN SELL YOUR ¥ WINNIPEG] PROPERTY SEND DESCRIPTION TO A P.O.BOX 759 - 445 MAIN ST], WINNIPEG - MAN. Nurses'! and Mothers' Treasure ~--safest regulator for baby. Prevents colic and vomiting-- healthful rest pure Janie without the harmful ects medicines containi or other injurious drugs, ning opium Cures _. BSc.~at drugstores, National Drug & Chem Diarrhoea." ry a 1, To 10 degree stranger 3 Nox Sold b all d: Se oi Rao Cd ig 13, 1907, ~ WHAT AN INGENIOUS CON Tin And Glass Afso Used As) Raszors--A Queer Shaving Com. petition -- Electric Needle Shave. =i An amusing story has been told by a convict, lately released from Parkhurst prison, England, of how he mana to have a clean shave every day, to the us- tonishment of the governor and warders. When employed in the tinsmith's sho of the jail he secreted an ordinary ted pen-nib, flattened the nib out, and put on a double edge equal to the best of razors. In the cell he hid the pen on the wall by covering it with a flattened- out piece of soap, which happened to be of the same curiously drab color as the wall, and when his tin of water came round he reserved a portion for shaving purposes. The ingenuity of this man calls to imnd that of some soldiers during the South African war, who, having lost their razors, resorted to all sorts of ex- pedients in order to get rid of the stub- ble which covered their chins. Strips of bully-beef tins, rubbed to an edge on stones, were the favorite substitutes for razors, although some of the men had a preference for a bit of glass. 3 Probably the most curious shaving competition which ever took place was that conducted at a local hall in the north of London two years ago. The puted, he offered to shave ten men with penknives in quicker time than any other tonserial artist could perform the same feat with razors. The challenge was taken up, and on the night of the contest ten men seach with three days' growth of beard, were arranged on either side of the phtform Assistants lathered each man in turn, while the barbers performed the shaving operations. The man with the penknife proved so dexterous that he finished his ten men with but three cuts amongst them, in six and a half minutes, the other man not only taking half a min- ute longer, but also cutting five of his victims. Apropos, by the by, of the Japanese shaving process, which is being introduced into this country, one of the virtues of which is that after three months only one shave a fortnight 1s necessary, it might be mentioned that a shave which will last a lifetime is pro- curable by those who are prepared to say the price ' It is hd by means of the same kind" of electric-needle machine as that which removes moles and other blemishes from the tace. The operation 1s a costly one, the fee asked being usually one hundred guineas, and is, in addition, lengthy as well as painful. The use of the ma- chine entirely destroys the roots of the hair, so that the individual who has once submitted to the process 1s precluded from ever growing a beard again. "dry" FASHION'S FORM. And Em- Child's Dress Of Linen The attractive little frock pictured was made of white linen, with bands of white linen embroidered in blue, al though the design would be equally other combinations good in various Natural colored linen, trimmed with bands of gaily colored embroidery t, match, would be very attractive, or plain white English emi bands could be used on white or colored pique or linen The Professor's Mistake. The People's Magazine tells of a worthy professor who was invited to dine at the house, of a lady of fash- jon. The day was hot, the wine cool, the professor's thirst great, and the fair neighbor with whom the professor was engaged in a lively conversation filled his glass as often as it emptied. When the company rose from the table, the professor noticed, to his great. consternation, that he was un- steady on his feet, In his anxicty to save appearances, he repaired to the drawing room, where the lady of the house vielded to the wishes of her lady friends and ordered the nurse to bring in the baby twins. The pair were lving together on a pillow, and the nurse presented them for inspec- tion, to the person nearest the door, who happened to be the professor. The latter gazed intently at them for a while, ~as if deciding whether or not they were two or one, and then said somewhat huskily : "Really, what a bonny little child !** A Chinese Dinner. Kansas City Journal. "E, T. Snuggs, of Shiu Hing, mis gsionary of Southern convention, and I dined with P. P. Wong, a wealthy business man of Shanghai," said the Rev. Dr. N. R. Pittman, one of the two Missouri representatives to the great centenary missionary conference from Kansas City. "He invited to dine with us four Chinese gentlemen of learning and wealth. They spoke English with ae curacy. The dinner was a feast. The course consumed two hours When we had been dining almost an hour I asked Sinsing Wong how many more courses. He said sixteen. Every fifteen minutes a servant brought to each one of us a hot cloth with which we wiped our hands and faces. We surely had a hundred different dishes. We had birds' nest woup. We had things from air and earth and sea and brook. Thet dinner must have cost Sinsing Wong $100 in gold." BABY TORTURED [HE USED. PENNIR] Fastidious people prefer York Sparks (sparkling York Springs Water) for its known absolute purity. Women like it at dinner, because it quenches thirst and improves digestion, yet quite lacks the metalic flavor of imported waters. It blends most perfectly with spirits, and adds zest to summer drinks, Try York Sparks The Mineral Springs Limited, Toronto Rigney & Hickey, "Phone, 242. J. S. Henderson, "Phone, 279. 5 5 Transform 1k 4 Your Kitchen Into A Cheery Dwelling Room By Installing BUCR'S HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE That's a factor you must keep in mind, And the new-comer to Canadas wants a stove that suits all purposes-- B bg Hap ry - best. ) s ER TE A v your Tooal dealer, or write us Bont » CRCROR * Ask) our free on request to any he WM. BUCK STOVE CO., United Brantford Montreal Winnipeg FOR SALE BY McKelvey & Birch, W : KINGSTON. - sean tetttttttet ttt { REFRIGERATORS! We carry a nice assortment of Refrigerators from $8.00 to $32.00 We have alsc a fine line of = i Lawn Mowers from $3.00 tp $6.50. Window Screens and Screen Doors, all sizes, : ELLIOTT BROS. 77 Princess Street. in China and the only representative | Wade's Tooth Paste, in tubes, st Wade's Drug Store, 15e., * SEFFEFEIAIIIIIIIS NIG i : Tl. 4 3 FREE HELP FOR MEN 57% which will positively cure manhood is* 2 the marvellous German dy Heeb De i Kobr, Itiscontrolled in this country by the Dr, Se Medicine Company, a concern which has the standing in the medical world, This 'reatment has thousands of men, youny and old, when the best Femedies have failed, If youare rom ) 4 © generative organs as lost exhaushe lug desing, peru. getitlis , the results of al this y can cure cand. The headache, pime pen varicocele, n the and : : isappear completely in the worst cases in to two week's treatment. We make the honest A cure of return your A of testimonials, Correspondence treated FIVE treatment sent free with a book of rules for health, L and advice. Our greatest saccesses have been those whe 7 have failed with other treatments, This remedy i ¥ tegularly sel oh French and German Stmiea, ; e soldiers in these count mode! end vitality. Write for sampie (363 Securely sealed in plain er B Address DR. KOHR MEDICINE CO., P.0. Drawer L, 2341. Montrec> = an am---- ; a l¢ THE POWDER : g! Cx Te wre A 3 Will positively exterminate Roaches and Water Bugs JACKSONIAN ROACH POWDER ERT RR Tn Cane at Sic. for Hausehold use, snd in $6pd 101 tna for Hotes, Bestagrants and Factories. ityour S) ps 5 a =