Dailp Whig. What has Gelome of i Gem, or the Yaukes. | ... '$1.50 |beantiiul ? For a season it did a good, instilling into the people a : 5 'needs mo | fire for tidiness had "to lan a your, with its ¢ making Kingston through g . great | whom Sie William's traste are admin SPOOR. is, Becossary MILTARY COLLEGE. E. W. Dodwell, One of _ Visiting Board, Tells of erected con- | C, 'jlege at Ste. Anne de Bellevue, near ston Institution. Halifax Chreaicle. 1 have recently returned from an spection, a8 one of the Board of V tors of the Royal Military College Kingston, I was much interested that institution, and Toronio, Dr. Robertson, istered, announced that a great boon |. ntages and excellencies. That th Canada. Forty of them would be giv- should be sufficien ena course at Macdonald Collegs | While p t éxcuse, aml federal, THAT IS DONE AT THE Advantages and the Excellence of the Training of the King- for this attempt to its many ad- was being offered to the teachers of [is hut one Nova Scotian in the college | Montreal Witness, primarily 4 training school for | The whole of white Soyth Africa, is 3 that part of the world. Concrete walks, cement blocks, concrete floor ing, concrete bridges, concrete pillars and cement material of every descrip tion. Waiting For A Tip. Hamilton Times. Premier McBride of British Coline bia refuses to say whether he will en- ter dominion politics. At the same time the premier has his ear to the ground and is waiting for the call to become clearer, --- To Terror Of Preachers. In: | Hamilton Herald. 4 181-| If a new. policc magistrate is ap- at pointed in Brantford, he will hardly in | dare refuse to say, before he hears the no | evidence, what he is going to do na certain case, if ministers of the gos- pel demand to know. 1 Canada The Model. Wi the the ere i x i the | now in the hands of the colonists, to be accomplished in a day. |free, and their expenses of going and | ojjoge is something more, for its|who have made it their home, and to educate the masses coming and maintenance would be met | three years' course of study gives | the ideal of many for the not distant good works, [out of the college funds. Next year 'sound elementary'education to the civil | future is a strong federation of its result attained in other cities [eighty would be given a similar boon. |engineer, and a cadet who has passed | various parts, after the example of i ca: | eredi through the course, and|Canada and Australia. should be encouraging. The develop- |The only qualification was that they | Lon his diploma, has not to wait - No matter where you go, w ment of a new idea was slow enough, | had tayght for two years, and the |very long for remunerative employ- Where Light Is Cheap. 5 c i but it took root and presently was [only requirement that they would ment in that profession. As a fact, Haml,ton Times. premises, and (2) there is the beauti- fying of them by the planting of flowers. Seeds are cheap, and if they are put where the sun, rain and air can perform their offices there is a de- lightful transformation. So that it is unfortunate, in a public sense, that the society for local improvement did not continue ite mission, It may have been disappointed with some persons, for it would be amazing if it did not encounter the eranks that are to be found in every community, At the same time there would have been the response in time, which gladdens the heart and more than compensates for every discouragement, -- A VERITABLE GOLD MINE. The mayor of Montreal is not in fa- vour of granting an enlarged or ex- tended franchise to the street railway company. Rather he favours the ac- quirement of the plant to the end that the city may benefit by the track- laying on new streets or streets not z= | traversed by the cars. There is a great _._|deal to think about, however, before the scheme could be regarded as at all practicable. The Montreal street railway represents a huge asset. The system is one of the best in Canada. Science The income from it is one of the larg- est. When other stocks are kiting, by showing the effects of persistent as- sault, M.SR. is booming, and the Diversity | 106k is too highly valued to become oe Cotires - very speculative. What could the pro- | poamion, "comuuencing 17th Sep- perty be purchased for? The price deb § i would probably stagger one; and J. N. NICHOLSON, M.A., Hughes, New York's governor, is right bo iF Sp Registrar. |;, saying that conclusions should not wee | be reached without exhaustive en- quiry. "When the 'politicians, in vote- { making, legislated for a two-cent | rate, Mr. Hughes negatived it." The {facts had not been ascertained and no | oe could say that the two-cent rate | was possible. Montreal may be able { to think about buying the street rail- way, and experimenting with it, but the chances are that toe subject will be dropped when some one has found out what the company is willing to sell for. The railway just now is as good as a gold mine, and Montreal is not in a position to bur out a Cobalt at the present time. -- WATCH THE EXPERIMENT. Massachusetts is going to .try the life insurance without the help of agents. The argument has been that life insurance is something which the average man does not look for. He will listen when it is spoken of, and he will occasionally favour a scheme which protects his family or benefits him directly. But the insurance men generally are satisfied, and not with- out reason, that one must usually be approached or he will not be insured. It is the canvass for new business or renewal of old business that makes it expensive, and it is this element (of ajpency in any sense, directly or in- directly), which it is eliminate in Massachusetts. After No- vember Ist next there will be in the sate, and in all its towns and cities, Verandah Materials Columns, Newels, pe Rails, Balusters, eto. Window Frames Door Frames and all kinds of wood " work 8 ANGLIN & 60., . Real Estate 'Headquarters. If you want to buy or sell City Property, go to a man who 'makes a specialty of same. GEO. CLIFF, 95 Clarence St., Opposite Post Office "Phone 325 without persuasion of any kind. The limit of benefit is 8500. It is the work- ingmen, therefore, who is favoured. He will require to call monthly and pay his dues; or he can pay for several months at a time; or he can have his monthly premium charged up to any +f sum he may have on deposit. The point is that hé will not be can- vassed for the risk; he will not be {called on for his premiums; in every way he will act voluntarily, and if he does not, of course he will he the sufferer.' The experiment will be | watchod with a profound interest, If it succeeds general experience will not ---------------- - Black drawers for ofildren, all sizes, 25¢c. Stockings that will wear, all col-| | ors, from 10c. up. We have the stock to choose from. New York Reform. manifestations fol- low : (1) There is a cleaning up of the Toronto meeting, they should be obliged to attend a | geli- summer course to be a bit personal. cramps and sudden sic cure with Polson's Nerviline. Good to i rub on as a liniment, unequalled for curing internal pain and sold every- proposed to where yc. J s, 178, 176 Pri . [gram were to decide definitely to re: - Routley y Princess street; ¥{ King street. fidence. 85c. New York Dress Ref time to straighten up again. bears this trade mark hy H duation, There is something which is greatly to the credit of the great |ving in different parts of the empire. benefactor and something which the! To young men who desire V teaching profession must appreciate W, the profession of qd goidier, Specs very much. Agriculture can be scien-| 1 Coens are offered in the tiors--the Ontario College and the | throughout their course. cial school, with all its prestige can- | iven annually: One in the not compete with the other school lone whose founder goes further than any. staff Corps, and two in the Army |of education for both provinces: that See our special 75¢. and $1 White, Cream Shirts. {Province can do in making the way [Service Corps, For the Canadian Per- |i8 to say primary and secondary Sec our special $1 coat shirts. to education highly attractive manent force three commissions are | schools of the same sort in both pro- New Bathing Suits, 50c. to $2. > | given annually : Each year, one in |vinces with an faterchange of Normal New Oxford Hosicry, 25c., 35c., 43c. EDITORIAL NOTES. {one in the The political parties got a severe | Artillery, one in wigging from some of the speakers at ed Infantry, and yesterday's park meeting. Perhape af. | Artillery; avery ter this they will be good. -- The clergymen are not politicians. | At least that is what they say. But|appointed lieutenants in the the preacher who succeeds is a Politic- officers in the active militia. | An ian all the same hon wo ptnes, Sir Wilirid Laurier and the British College, journalists sailing together for Can! Gefence ada. The premier will have time to drawal show his sunny rs, one in the Fiel the cavalry or Moun into military life, but have not them, asking where Hon. Mr. Fisher was, he gh >, turned up as the guide of Edward VII ling, lin. And he was a guide that knew his{s Soldier, business, years course is from $80( {including reimbursed -------- A commission of the imperial parlia- ment had reportpd against state insur | ance. The state cannot compete with | annum. No schoc i he same money. he admitted that when the management |! " y is dependent on economy the people or) Te 1s not seif-suppo Carson, Toye and Rigney. Ald. Rigney was understood to be the |exercises, and I h, inspiration of Ald. Toye's fine address. |finer, healthier, or -- {boys or youths, The Globe wants the government to! the place struck me as exceMent. appoint a well-known railway -man as |%0mmandant, manager of the Intercolonial. Bb C.P.R. gave a Tate to the Australian §ill or to hold. railway business, and 'the period\ of [the best commandant the college has deficits came at once to an end. A had he oc the keemest interest in : levery detail of the gdministrati 1 Hays or Shaughnessy on the Inter-!®VerY ae « administration, anc oo Ww a Id we ; wi ifway hum i? thorough and indefatigablo. The co omal would make that railway wn ota fF of professors and instructors, with progress. both military and civil, is adequate {and thoroughly efficient. Of para- at 8 mount importance perhaps, but vet of weakest | great moment, is the physical develop- Generally régarded as Inspector Hoag, of Brantiord, said the link in the educational system was we. ent and moral restraint. - From start . sa! Ll R of 1 2 presented by the inspectors. He said '© "Rs his course, a cadet learns manners and deportment, self-restraint, respect and discipline, and when he every five years, and|leaves the college he must be of very be superannuated at from sixty to|refractory material if he is not a man sixty-five years. And he did not scom (400 & gentleman --C, W. DOD- All Tampers Attention ! mosquito bites, ickness find quick SPIT OF THE PRESS And Save The Whiskey. Toronto Mail. Come to think of Lor ry it, Mackenzie {King's political chances would really Teh . atte a great deal 'brighter if Mr. Sea- Catch the nibbler, itire from North Waterloo. y : | - the savings and insurance bank, in| A 2c. bottle Saline. Laxative for | A Gorgeous Smoker. which one can have a deposit and a J5e. ot Gibson's Red Cross Dang oni Star. risk, and can do business freely, but =" isn't necessarily absent.| The shah has a three thousand dol- because he misplaces his com-|!ar Fife, but even at that he.can't get the same sensmtion of burning corsets for Money that a humbler person does Fifty cent tape girdle when he smokes a fifteen cent cigar. orm. Few women who stoop to marry get --- o No Present Just Now. Torcnto News, 4 ~ future of Bourassa!" cjacu- ates a heading. He may have a fu ture. Certainly he has a past. Rut so ' long as George E. Foster and A. B. x Ajlaworth, live and breathe Henri |T ill have no present--not even a gold- The underwear that fits perfectly, | [0 Wave no | ¥ | A Restless Man. Hadiilton Herald. federal arena to conduct a political 2 . + 3 : : campaign in is hard to under- 'be verified, and .it is on experience in guarantees Rn the etant: Tons would -- that the every walk of life that people - depend 'sname. Made [larger stage and the much larger gal- for their guidance nowadays. in many fabrics and lery to play to, would suit him bet. | styles, at various prices, "ter. Besides, there doesn't seem to be sizes much cause for complaint against the PEN-ANGLE Guar. [Gouin governmept. the ingmra the give the country the benefit of their (more Kingston graduates become civil | Jose i A : . engineers than soldiers, though there {publicity man, home from the Orange training for one year after their gra lare many ex-eadets now distinguished | R officers in the latter profession, ser- to take shape {of commissions those who have the | blow it out." tifically studied in only two IBF" best record, and eke the Loser re i For the im- Macdonald College, and the provin- Perial service, seven Sanmistions (arg vi "ngineers, ome in the Royal Artillery, in the cavalry, one in the Indian | the Infantry; in each alternate year, one 'in the Garrison | than she could ever suffer in an assi- three years a commis- |milation of systems, |siom is given in the Ordnance Corps. The cadets who, while wishing to go suc- cecded in obtaining commissions, are reserve of | churches will, ere [present state of affairs Royal Military | the on account of the assumptioy, | credited, the churches will be aban- Canadian government of the of the dominion and the with- of imperial troops, and it is ways. That will be not improbotle Sot by the time our enough. He need not do a thing to|Popniation j ubled--not so many nough e not d g "a nthe" futare may become g military purely and exclusively, Just when some irreverent critic was [like Somdirte on Se a ps oy present course of study and train- it is not necessary that a: cadet | and coughing, through the Canadian exhibit in Dub. |should have any intention of becoming | needs Che cost to a cadet of the full three ) to $900 or, travelling expenses, (partly by the government) pocket money and incidentals, about $300 per 1 ol or college in Can- the companies. In other words it is|ada gives a Maluing of equal value for y institution, of nol On the occasion of the recent visit| Sale of stockings, 2 pairs 25c.; 2 . the state are not in it. of the board we inspected the whole | Pairs dress shields, 25c.; 2 underveots. Do yousealize S------ |establishment, with. its numerous | 25¢.; strong hose suuporters, all col- what this The storm yesterday afternoon made | buildings and extensive grounds, for- | ors, 25c.; drawers, all sizes, 25¢. New a sad wreck of the procession on Prin-|merly an imperial dockyard and naval oes streot. One of the last things to| tation for the great lakes. We also melt away was the rig bearing Alds. [58% the cadets at lecture in their class- Y But later | TOOMS; at work in the work-shops; on { parade; at gun drill, and at gymnastic ave rarely seen ga better set up lot of The whole tone of The Colonel Taylor, seemed The to be the right man in the right place d it is not gn easy place either to cari Bourassa should. quit the | ALTERATIONS TO PIPING IN. CON. five boxes for $1, m mail, from N: |mection with, changing of Gas Meters new OC, Polson & Co., Sarma Conn, Uj, | Mey. pow ve 'proceeded with. 3 ! 3 Oat, ' RH, TOVE Joseph E. Thompson, Toronto's every want in this connection Grand Lodge, held in Vancouver quality, jor instanger i s y C., injuired: "Have you heard about the light eternal in Medicine Hat ? They are burning natural gas both 5 : . : . al {day and night on the streets because Smart stylish things, in Cheviots, Serges, Homespuns, et it is cheaper than to pay a man to superbly made, ready to put on and wear, $6.50, $7.50, $8.50, $10, $12.50 and 815. 3 Sew . o . A Good Arrangement. Negligie Shirts Montreal Gazette. Siparte, and Saekutchewan pe A particularly extensive and choice assortment, in all the new Worling lor the establishment of what fabrics and new colorings, 50c. to $2. will be practically a common system school graduates. ihat looks good. d | Canada suffers more from the divers- t- lity of systemk in the, several provinces New Roller Cravats, 50c. New Belts, 50c. The Likely To Be. Toronto Courier. It is about time that the Protestant bestirred themselves and " an x © you'll need to be provisioned properly with clothing and furnishings to enjoy complete comfort. This store is amply prepared to supply Outing Suits Straw Hats Don't pass us on Straw Hate. You can save from 50c. to $1 if you buy your Hat here, Your Vacation Needs hen you go, or how long you stay, ¢ and at prices consistent with good boldly faced the difficulties. If the is prolonged, Protestant religion will be dis- doned, and rationalism and material- ism will triumph. The people are will- ing to believe and are willing to be led but they are not willing to be led hy a crowd of parsons continually quarrel- THE ling among themselves as to what be- liefs are true and what are untrue. Why Your Throat Is Weak. All winter you have been hacking and now your throat strengthening. Use eCatarrh- ozone, it cures huskiness, removes ca- tarrh and prevents throat weakness. All dealers scll Catarrhozone. ® z A Dollar an Hour Za Instead of A Dollar A Day Prevost, Brock street, has received three cases of imported goods for his order clothing department, consisting of Scotch and English tweeds, serges, : cheviots and vicunas. A great variety of them to choose from, means to you and these de- pending upon you? York Dress Reform. Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites, | | our own make, equal to the best. Big bottles, 50c. and 75c., at Wade's Drug Store. Lines that will hold fish and catch them, at J. Routley's, 173, 175 Prin. cess street; branch, 354 King street. The genuine Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are sold at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. It's useless to try to establish uni- | versal peace as long as people will get married. All-cream joe cream, in bricks, any | Don't be satisfied with a small salary all your life-- do as thou- sands have done; let the International Schools show 2 io you how your pay can be increased. It favor, delivered at any hour, at matters not where you are, in the city ice's. i i i iC or on the farm, in th, The successful lover always speaks S Mie ot In the mill, in the office, store, or shop, the LC.S. can and will increase your earn- Ing capacity. ® A Dollar an Hour is not out of your reach, if you will only let us help you. It will cost you nothing to ask us--Hoaw? Cut out the coupon--mark eee | | aN Occupation you like--mail at once, He Is Correct and it will bring to your aid all the | | resources of that great institution, the -- {| LC.S., an establishment founded and maintained for the benefit of poorly ! paid men and women, twice before he thinks once. Two quart fountain syringes, 50c at Wade's drug store. The sawmill at Maple Valley was destroyed by fire. The good die young--especially good resolutions. Dr. Hamilton Proves That Piles Are Caused By Constipation Cinderella Shoes FOR LADIES. Dressy, handsomely designed, 2 aatty, well-made shoe at a popular price. $3.00. This shoe is hand-turned, heavy sole, making great wear for a Sum- mer Shoe. H. JENNINGS, KING ST TR Sh a) COAL.! Tha su changes in weather ought to suggest the wisdom of putting in some good Coal. We sll good Coal. It's the kind that sends out the most heat, makes the home comfortable ; it's best money can buy, mand there is none better mined. We deliver It to you clean and without slate, st the very bottom prices: BOOTH & CO. Phone 133. Foot of West St And Strong Catharties. Knowing the frequency with which WTOC IC00L 20000000 evry People suffer from this ailment, Dr.|s International Correspondence Schools . Hamilton made an exhaustive study | * Bex 799, Scranton, Pa. 4 into the cause of piles. + Please explain, without further obligation on my 5 He Jou thot the joyer pent of the : PE nation onal bras : owels is like a network of blood-ves- sels, and if subjected to persistent : Bookkeeper Tatephone Engineer . pressure, a section will bulge out and 8] Gneaher whites tier rst, | + form what is commonly Phd ass | Showed weiter sorvayer 3 piles, | Mechanica Drattaman | Civil Engioarr * | The only effective modg of curing |) | See Ossigner Arotiousers: Dramemen | + {this trouble is the regular use of Dr. |» Slt Seige, det . Hamilton's Pills, which can be taken |! | Tommewm set bridge Eogicee | ¢ before retiring: Next day will bring | » iatriont Engineer Ry Sng * wonderful relief, : 3 "1 suffered up to about the limit of ¥ Name : human endurance with piles," writps | + - ary Miss Lueders, from Cornwall, Ont., ) Street and eS "l was employed in a factory here, Yeny a . but for a while had to give up work |} Ect ia & Nessesvecccscecses ®sccesceet Local Office 57 Brock St. J. K. Carroll, Representative All kinds of building sand for sale. Leave orders at 163 PRINCESS ST. Where they will receive Prompt ard careful attention. TELEPHONE 256 NOTICE TO GAS CONSUMERS. till 1 got better of this trouble. I read in the Montreal Herald ' abouts Dr. Haniilton's Pills, and after using them for two weeks was cured. I ean jrecommend these pills very highly here are none better. They at one relieve and prevent a constipated con- dition of the bowels and from my ex- perience can be depended upon as a perfect safeguard against piles. Dr. { Hamilton's Pills of MandraMe and Butternut, 1 am sure would be a bene- fit to évery girl or woman." Take Dr. Hamilton's Pills and your system will be regenerated, revitaliz- el, and made proof against disease. Good for men, excellent for women, {and most effective for children. = All {ages and both sexes find Dr. Hamil- {ton's Pills a macvelous medicine, Al- | though active,' they do not gripe or cause inconvenixuce, still they cleanse land purify the system, thereby main- jlaining a hich standard of health. {Sold by all dealers, 25c. per box, or GASOLINE Put in Your Tank at Our Dock. A large stock of Dry Bat- teries, Spark Plug and Coils always on hand. SELBY & YOULDEN, LIMITED. Reduction in Gas July Ist Save the rent of one metre by getting TAYLOR& HAMILTON t> remove one, where there is two at te Tatancrtors for JEWEL GAS STOYES and RANGES. 'PHONE 41 New England Chinese Restaurant 33t King Street Open fiom 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 a.m. The best place 7 round mh 5, te chy ah So Se ae uotise, Phones. 655, You may have ohserved that when a woman has nothing else to do she cuts san up something useinl and makes some thing orn .t THE EXF Demonstrate Safe Read What the V Chronic Hoarseness. Mrs. Delia C. Cameron, Cal, member Daughters writes: "Having tried many chironie eatarrh of the bror and not receiving any ben: to think there was no help 1 began to use Peruna. «In a short time the bro began to clear, I did not hs in my throat' continually, r not nearly so husky, snd t noise disappeared. «J was soon able to belie tirely free from catarrh, pie pier months ago, 1 ¢ that it will return." The above group of won multiplied by ten thous reaching the number tha helped by taking Peruna. : . Mrs. Roxa Tyler, 6210 the Illinois Woman's Al "During the past yea "It gave me new life highly of jt" CA AAANAAAPI III T. McA 93 Princes: Between Corbett's | Store and Taylor ton's, directly opp grove's. COME AnD SE "Phonw No. 77H. Notice to Cre of Ge Kix In the matter of the City of the County of Hardware Mercha vent. NOTICE IS HEREBY G he said George Scars, carr ness as a hardware merchap City of Kingston, has mad meat under R. S. O. 1897, of all his estate, credits ar Joseph B. Walkem, of said tor for .the general benefit ors. A meeting of Creditors wi the' office of the said As lurence Street, Kingston he 18th day of July, 1907, in the afternoom, to receive of affairs, appoint Inspector ordering of the affairs of generally. Creditors are rn fvle their claims with the A roofs and particu'ars as re sdid Act, meeting. And notice is further give the 18th day of July, 1907 nee will proceed to distribu of the estate amongst the on or beiore the titled thereto, having regare claims of which notice shal been given, and that he | liahle for the assets or any so distributed, to any pers of whose claims he shall ni had notice. J.B. W Dated at Kingston, this July, 1907. Ey 4 Gond Investmen A Practical Business Training fe the Mast Key to. Succes Fronten Busines: College FINGSTON ONTA ~ Sgperior Com --AT-- Moderate Rate QTOOKDAL TN Princioal "Phone.