- aS cation Needs | o, when you go, or how long you stay od properly with clothing and furnishings This store is amply prepared to: suppl, ion and at prices consistent with good ing Suits n Cheviots, Serges, Homespuns, it on and wear, $6.50, $7.50, $8.50, igie Shirts ete. pad' ehoie assortment, in all the new | 81 White, Cream Shirts, shirts. to $2. ¢., 39¢c., 45¢. ic. aw Hats Hata. to $1 if you buy your Hat here. -- ). BIBBY CO. ry Cinderella Shoes ; FOR LADIES. Dressy, handsomely designed, 2 J aatty, well-made shoe at a popular , price. $3.00. This shoe is hand-turned, heavy || sole, making great wear [or a Sum- mer Shoe. 1H. JENNINGS, KING ST Tha su weather ta suggest wisdom ot sll good Coal. HY he sends out the ES ine that na) the home comfortable ; it's best mone; can buy, there is none ter nel ad We deliver It to you clean and without slate, st the very bottom BOOTH & CO., Phone 133. Foot of West St GASOLINE Put in Your Tank at Our Dock. A large stock of Dry Bat- teries, Spark Plug and Coils always on hand. SELBY & YOULDEN, LIMITED. Gece Reduction in Gas July Ist Save the rent of one metre by getting TAYLOR& HAMILTON ta Tmave one, where there is two at te arters for JEWEL GAS BTOYES and RANGES. 'PHONE 41 New England Chinese '| Restaurant 33! King Street "| Open fiom 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 a.m. "ar "ai Tinie : You may have observed that when a woman has nothing else to.do she cuts a meShing useinl and makes some- £10, THE EXPERIENCE OF MANY WOMEN Demonstrate Beyond All Cavil That Pe-ru-na Is Safe and Useful Household Remedy. Read What the Women Say. y LS LES ? o' Chronic Hoarseness. writes: 1 began to use Peruna. noise disappeared. that it will return." The above group of multiplied by ten thousand withou reaching helped by taking Peruna. "During the past year I graduall Peruns wassuggested to me. highly of in» _HAS REMOYED TO 93 Princess Si. tons, directly opposite An- fl Wi Skint {rimmed with enfbroidery, very pretty Colored Wash Skirts, $1.50 $2 grove's. Wash Costumes, in pale bine and black, and white checks, $2.50 SI and $3.56 ich Cream and Black Sicilian f $0 COME ARD SEE US a ant marie, 8 and $3.30, 'Phonw No. 77H. | ~ . = - For Cool Evenings. Notice to Creditors. Pretty Light Tweed Coats, $1.50, £5.50, $6.50. In the matter of George Sears, of the City of Kingston, in Outing Hats! in ) pink, 25¢ the County of Front2aac, Pretty Emin d 1ingere ia Hardware Merchant, Insol- a ans Embra Sil i on to SI vent. ilkdren's Straw Sail 1 Me., 2 Sl. 3 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT SPENCE'S The Leading Millinery 3 he said George Scars, & om Lusi- 3 at ut the said and Mantle Store ness as a hardware merch City of Kingston, has made an assign meat under R. 8S. 0. 1897, of all his estate, credits and effects, Joseph B. Walkem, of said City Sol tor for .the general ors. A meeting of Creditors will be held at the office of the said Assignee, at lurence Street, Kingston, om Thursday, he 18th day of July, 1907, at 4 o'clock in the afternoom, to receive a statement of affairs, appoint Inspectors and for the ordering of the affairs of enerally. Creditors are requested to vile their claims with the Assignee, with sdid Act, on or beiore the day meeting. And notice is further given that after the 15th day of July, 1907, the Ftd SE C CAMERON 2 NN Mrs. Delia C. Cameron, Healdsburg, | Cal.,, member Daughters of America, | | "Having tried many remedies for chronic eatarrh of the bronchial tubes, | and not receiving any benefit, 1 began | to think there was no help for me until | «In a short time the bronchial tubes $ began to clear, I did not have that "frog ' i in my throat' continually, my voice was ; not nearly so husky, snd the wheezing «J was soon able to believe that I was entirely free from catarrh, and as this was several months ago, 1do not believe women could be | 35 ® Pr the number that have been | A Wasting Disease. | Mrs. Roxa Tyler, 6210 Madison Avenue, Chicago, 1ll., Vice President of (| the Illinois Woman's Alliance, writes: unable to perform my work properly. l.tried difierentremedies, and finally "It gave me new life and restored my strength. I cannot speak toc T. McAuley Between Corbett's Hard ware Store and Taylor & Hamil- Chapter 147, to 93 the estate roofs and particu'ars as required by the | of such | { nee will proceed to distribute the assets | i a | i | | Mrs. WM. HorMann ) = Bronchial Catarrh. | 8t., Chicago, Ill, writes: | "I suffered with catarrh of the | bronchial tubes and had a terrible | cough ever since & child. When a child | it was supposed to be whooping cough | or the croup, hut as 1 got older it got | worse. | "After a whileit gotso bad I had to «I can heartily recommend Peruna jeosch both Wile sid a »n Re BC Ben nally I bursta blood vessel in my throa for catarrh of the stomach. 1 had tried |». © 410 ctrai shin inany things which did me fio good and | vom the St7ain OF Qoughing, o 3 > as a last resort I got a bottle of Peruna. | Hoos Yosae ta 3 OTiTIE P "ILonly regret th at I did not try it be-| peting Warse dn} destering: and sven RLY B ub h en co rot ne ef. fore I forced so much bad stuff into my | EE oi 8 dispensary for treatment, stomach. It has entirely cured me 8 +t it all done me no good. At night I ventative 1 always keep & bottle j could never lie on my back. I would sit t [12 the house, ; __|up until two or three o'clock in the I gladly recommend it to all Who 872 |) \rping before I could close my eyes. |afilicted as I was" { Then of eourse, I thought, and every- body else that I had consumption. "Reading the papers about Peruna I | decided to try it without the least hope Catarrh of the Stomach. Miss Emily Koch, 914 Michigan Ave., Sheboygan, Wis,, writes: | thatit would do me any good. But after | taking three bottles I noticed a change. {| My appetite got better, so 1 kept on, { never got discouraged. "Now I can lie on my back and sleep all night, and yu may well think how | tharkful 1 ama for Peruna." y lost flesh and strength until 1 was A We Close at 5 p.m. Every Day, Except Saturday. d To-Day. Opene £1.75 styles, Millinery ! Millinery ! - Mrs. Wm. Hohmann, 569 N. Paulina | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY. JULY 13, 1907. : ARE VERY NUMEROUS MOSQUITOES AND FLIES DRIVE MEN OUT. Only @ Dosen Men Leit of trict -- Came nimble. i Cobalt, Ont., - July 13:--It is lithe | wonder that the Salvation Army party | was driven out of the Northern lands, | Allowing for all the exaggerations, | the 'stories told here by parties from | the Lake Abitibi district indicate a | condition of things there that make prospecting almost impossible, Men have arr ved here with their faces Ii terally covered with mosquito bites, Thes: have swelled to such an extent las to temporarily disfigure the vie | tims, t "Of the 600 men at Abitibi," says! one member of the surveying party | just arrived, "only a dogen are now | left. They have simply had to quit. The black flies and the mosquitoes give the men no Test, and one plague | is-as bad as the other. It is impos- sible to get restful sleep 1h con tinuous fighting of the pests gets on the nerves, and life becomes unendur able A man dare not remove his cloths. He would instantly cover- ed the little brutes." be While the statement of one man who | moss puitoes of 'course, says that the swarms of can be cut with a knife is, there is cvery on to believe that the raw and bleed rea- ing faces of some of those who have returned that the pest of mosquitoes and flies in northland is almost the | worst aver reported. { ANNUAL PICNIC. The Cueen Street Methodist Sun- day School Outing. Although the sky did not look very | propitious, the school, with many of the parents and friends, took the trip to Brophy's Point, and had 4 splendid time very smartly contested game of base- ball, which was decided by nine to eight Then followed the races One or two intermissions took place owing to showers, which, however, did not last very long, and certainly did not dampén the enthusiasm of scholars and teachers, The events were well contested all through. Every section of the school took part, and then came the time for refreshments. After everyone had well satisfied themselves J. A. Gardiner and W. J. Crothers field a further distribution of candies and peanuts until every vouthiul poe- ket was filled to overflowing, The | lon engine and road grader at work, ' " prices were then distributed, those | this last week, on different roads of portant freight rate reduction order is- won by thé older members of the {the island. Miss Ame Spankie recent-| wued by the Dominion Railway com- Ider i the par i : 1 by apon in ty giving much amusement to the ly returned from Hamilton, where she | mission. A . voungsters, 'The success of the day, |W0s teaching. Mrs. (Dr.) Nicholls and |" pregident Roosevelt has had a long nat he watisted | upon H x in spite of the weather, not altogether | baby, of Baltimore, are spending af int-rview with Admiral Baron Yama- 1 -s at give 3 oni 3 favorable, was due ta the untiring la- | mouth with her father, A. Staley. B.| moto, It was satisfactory in everviiag to the Lands {bors of the fcachers and friends pre- McAdoo, J. Lachance, and W. Van-| uy. Tt confirms the thoroughly good | st Lo his 10 do sa, TRIE ent, among whom were prow inent horne, of Pittsburg, spent a few | understanding between the two gov: en oy Miss Alien, R. Allen, J. A. Gardiner, | d0¥* here last werk. 'There was a par-| anments. Coal. Coal ds may be Burchased, at o W. J. Crothers, Mr. Cooke, Mr. Bate | at the residence of Robert Hender Cant. Klsagennerg. who brutally ger, sere for soft Se a" an > man 'and the pastor, Rev. W.- H.|7o™ O° Wednesday evening. John | murdered the first officer of his whal- {TC Individual or - company. at the Sparling. Briceland has left on a trip to To-| jn ship about four years ago, in Ca-| "ste of ten cents per ton of 3, pounds |ronto and Rochester. Bernard O'Riel- | qin" Arctic 'waters, has been cap: shall be collected on . ato NO CURLING RINK ly, from Killarney, is spending a few] j, 0d and is being token to San over avin 4 aneral In place; fay | dave visiting friends here. Mrs. James| Francisco. The murder was commit 2,40081,500 fest $5 Will Be Built "This Year--Project| itisley and mother have lt fort ted on an American vessel and both | Abe 18, Foy ® be 'expended on the ¥ their home in Boston. It was Lloyd | governments have been looking for] gm det Er paid to the mining recorder Postponed. | Card who had the accident with gaso- | K]e berg for the past four years. |in lieu thereof. When $300 has been A meeting of the curling club was! line lamp. He is getting along nicely mgenberg I od or paid, the locator may, upon hi a eld a 6 2 8 line lamp. eis g g along n y. ---------------------- de. and upon with a he ritish Ameriean Hotel | etm. requirements, purchase the ot §1 per last evening. It had beem about de-| Bloomfield Matters. Tidings From Florida. scre. cided to build i is . Mord . ienie held The patent for the t of a € o build a new rink this year, tHoomfield, July 9.--The canning Florida, July 13- The picnic eld on roqaity of 3 14 An, on sales. bit after careful consideration , the! factories are now engaged canning | July 3rd, in D. Martin's grove, was acer mini 35 hn a 3 tent | matter has been postponed until next | po,s and berries. W. B. Co. and John | a decided success. MH. Watker hat. his gure, duly se y obtain two leases to year. The opinion was that the lot! Jackson are building walls for their | new drive-house completed. Ww. Shel dredge for gold ole miles each for a term beside the Orphans' Home would not {new houses. Edward Bull and wife | lington, ill with rheumatism, is con |of twenty JES FUL a be satisfactory on account of the dis- | i > A M E. Marti nd son are | of the Min of rior, ) were at Brighton, Sunday, the guests | valescent. Mrs, E. Marlin ol The shall have | operon | tance from down town. What the cur-| of John Jones. Haight brothers are visiting friends at Havelock. Bd one season from the, e lease flor want is iown town site, £0|pugy crushing stone and grading for | Edna Thompson, - of Tichborne, is vis | for - fire mies iS er ome | that curling can be boomed. In the | different road divisions. Angus Wal- | iting her sister, Mrs. W. Shellington. ate of 8 1-2 ger ent collected on the output spring and 1 the rink could be used (org and Mrs. Tena Sharp were mar- | A number from here attended the Pres-| iter it $10,000. | for roller ing. The chrders' exe-! ied at Trenton, on June 26th. After | byterian lawn social at Wilton on . W. copy. cutive have their eyes on a good : Wed lav evening. Miss Lindy Bab Di of the Minister of the Interior. dow te. but it will E a trip to Detroit, they arrived home odnesday eve ge IA k in Wate N.B.--Unsuthorized publication of this ad n town site, but it will take some John | cock, after spending a week In WAKE | gpiqement will not paid for. time to conclude negotiations. "The present rink will be used next winter, but 'at the close of 1908, the club ex- | pects to have a new nnk down town. ---------- Holleford Happenings. Holleford, July 12.--The local Orange men 'went to celebrate the 12th ot Ng pance John Redmond is an very poor health. Quite an accident happened on Sunday to Sylvanus Demyo's family also W. Collins. , While coming from Desert Lake to Holleford elnoch Mr, hit the horses with the whip . Devo and Mr Collins, with La ike seat benefit of his credi- -- -- or -- LH. Nicholson, Looseness of I CRANITE The Bowels. AND MARBLE It is very seldom during the summer months thist most people are not troubled with "looseness of the bowels." Sometimes it only goes that far, but | i wd of the estate amongst the parties - | ] a Utled thereto. having regurd only +d the | WOR S generally it develops into Diarrhoea, > i notice t vo | Eben Ven und Chat ho will mot be | YAO SYDENHAM SY, | Dyeeutery oo Summer Couplaiat md he liable for the assets or any part thereof i so distributed, to any person or persons of whose claims he shall not then have bad notice. J. B. WALEEM, ait kignee. Dated at Kingston, this 4th day of | July, 1907. --A Good Investment A Practical Business Training is the Master Key to. Succes Frontenac Business College FINGSTON ONTARIO ; Sgperior Courses Moderate Bates. KTOOKDALE, TN ricival. rPRone. [a -- a tendency to weaken the whole system. When the bowels get loosened up in Jos ---- | this way and you wish to check the un- | natural discharge without bringing on cofistipation, there is only one remedy to use, and that one is Dr. Fowrza's Extract oF Wid Steawnerry. This | remedy i= not an experiment as it has | been used in thousands of families dur- ing the past sixty-two years. When you ask for Dr. Fowren's be sure | (COR. PRINCESS.) If you wish to be successful et- tend The | § Kingston Business | College Limited, head of Queen street. '§ Caoada's Highest Grade § Business school. Bookekeepiny, | you get it, as many unprincipalled drug- srthand, typewriting, jo : graphy, . TIAN | commercial gists will try to palm off a cheap sub- subjects thoroughly taught by stitute on you. comptent experienced achers. Miss M. Hopkins, Roseview, Sask., writes : "I have used Dr. Fowrer's Extract or Wp Strawpzray and | found it is all it is recommended to be for Diarrhoea and Summer Complaint. We would not be without a bottle of it in the house." - Manufactured by The Milburn Co, Limited, Toronto, Out. Price 35. Day and nirht classes. Fater at any time. Rates very moderate. "Phone, 440. H. F. METCALFE, President: J. B. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. | THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED 1868. | President=Sir Richard Cartwright Money loaned en City and Farm Fro | parties; Mumicipal and County . - tures. MW purchased. Deposits | Unless a man knows when he has received and interest allowed. | had enough he's apt to-get too much. |S C. MeGill, Managing Director, | "New hair. brushes" at. Gibson's Red omcs, ; 87° Claremce Street Drug Store. Pho a 230, \ & bies, were im the back saat. went out buckwards, throwing out the occupants. The women were terribly shaken up, but no bones were broken All are Gearge Babcock had the misfortune to have his bull's leg broken, animal had to be recovery 1. Miss Hattie Collins is visiting sister, Mrs. 1 Clow, Inverary Miss Ada Martin is visiting at dessa Pleasure Seekers At Odessa. Some of Odessa's annual visitors have arrived. Mrs. Pleasant and grandchildren, Marie and Jack De Lanov, New York city, for the re mainder of th unmer. Mr. Findlay, of Rochester, at Mr. Gigham's: Mrs Mrs. Cox, of Salt Sharpe's; Mr. and children, King Smith, Silk and daughter, Lake City, at Mr Mrs. Ettinger. with ston, at George Watts'; Kingston, at John Graham's: Mrs, Philip Stover, at her brother's, Dr. Mabee'ss Mr. and Mrs. Tripp, Cherry Valley, at Peter Mabee's; Miss Myrtle Balance, Strathcona, at E. Snider's; Miss Nellie Baker, Napanee, at Robert Ayleworth's;. Mr. Domaldson, at Ash ton Amey's. : ------pp-- What Caused Rumor. P. C. Navion continued the search for the eupposed drowned infant, this morning, and eventually discovered the body of a dog wrapped up in. cloth. This was what created the rumor. Straw hats at bargain prices. Jen- kins'. : Bathing caps all prices, 25e. up, at | Lhown's Drug Store. Handsome straw hats at Bibby's. Charles Frederick Robinean, of Querns} oro, aged thirty-one years, hy been engaged as policeman 'in Belle ville. \ Boys' 2c. straw hats for 15c., at Jenbins', Yistis i fT Issued By The Folgers Regarding annual announcement of the Thousand {1stand and St. Lawrence River Steam- | boat companies, limited, is of more | than usual interest and well worth i 600 116 Who Went Up In Abitibi Dis- the slightest interest in the beauties Back Unrecog- of the fardamed river. The booklet is {with new and up-to-date maps, and I'he programme opened with gq | NEWS OF THE WORLD VALUABLE BOOKLET. . Thousand Islands. This season's folder containing the Matters That Interest Everybody Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily - Read And Remembered. The Aylmer Cigar company has as: signed. Quebec council closes the year with a surplus of $47,509, L Fire in the St, Croix cotton mill caused a loss of $10,000. There was a lively Orange demon- stration at Huntingdon, Que., on Fri- day. K | D. Glasgow, president of the Ni- agara Falls Board of Trade, has re signed. | The Grand Trunk Pacific is graded! for seventy-five miles west of Saskae- toon. Hurry McWhinney fell under a wag" gon in Caradoc township and was killed, The steamers Lake Erie and Dom- inion and 8.8. Nordstjernen, inward at Father Point. perusal of those who take even larger than it ever was ore, with finer views and more of them, with an abundance of information of the greatest value to "ome passing over the route described. Reading it over one almost imagines he or she is actually taking the trip, Starting at Kingston, the attractions of the old historic city are elaborated and fol- lowed by an answer to the oft-made enquiry as to how one may best see the islands. These same islands are de scribed fully and enumerated. The il lustrations show views of all descrip: tions. The boats navigating the river from the palace steamers of the white squadron, to the fleet little motor boats that buzz here and there in every nook and corner; the camper at his favorite sports; the angler deeply interested in' his catch; the yendezvous | have resumed large and small along the river; the| Roumania and Greece even numbered wet of foraous sailing masts of the intri- |diplomatic relations which were broken Lands Manitobe of eri or BY cate channels: summer resorts and |oft a year ago. J a i mene vy nd 0 the =] summer homes: these and hundreds | The deal for the sale of the Spanish | F "family, or male over 18 years of age, others enliven the valuable .. River Pulp company's property 18 |the extent of one-quarter section, of 100 acres, book. practically completed. wate A second Japanese has been cap tured in the act of making plans of Fort Roscranz, California. Mrs, Alice Mason, an fTmportant witness in the Wandle murder case, Toronto, was found dead in hed. Jacob Sunfiddd shot and killed An- drew Radzyk at Hamilton, He also shot Mrs. Radzyk, who is still alive. Jack Goslin, Port Hope, was ar rested on a warrant, issued in Lind- But it is not entirely given over to such matter. The customs regulations {appear in full. The best fishing ground land the species of fish found are de- | tailed. One has only to look inside ithe cover pages to find out all about the camping facilities to be secured, while the hotel accommodations neat- ily tabulated are but a page farther on. It certainly is a booklet no one who travels the river either as a stranger or an old-timer can help but | say, charged with passing counters prize and it reflects no small oredit | feit notes. . upon the Folgers for the energy and R.S.M. Victorian, Allan line, re research displayed in compiling it. ported inward at Fame Point; 5.5. ------ Sicilian and S.8. Laurentian sailed to-day from Glasgow. Joseph I. Cote, sub-contractor for Mackenzie & Mann, was drowned, on Thursday in Key Harbor, thirty miles north of Parry Sound. Harold Cox, M.P., is opposing the all-red route on the ground that the route proposed is a more dangerous one than that to New York. : The Dominion Fducational Associa tion elected Alexander Robinson. B.A. Victoria, B.C., as president, and decid od to meet at Victoria in 1909, The Athletic Federation - of Canada will seek to keep Longboat in the amateor class and to let him race in the United States this summer. The Canadian Manufacturers Assoc: intion expresses pleasure at' the im- News From Wolfe Island. Wolfe Island, July 12.- | Tuesday afternoon, in T {grove, held, by the Presbyterian { church, was a grand success. The 14th | band, from the city, was in attend ance. A baseball match was played in the afternoon, between Victorias, of | Kingston, and the village team, the first named being winners. There were refreshments booths and tables laid at | the grounds. The booths were attend {ed by Misses Ola Hinckley, Mabel Al- {linson and 'N. Horne. The table was { looked after by Mesdames A. Steven son, Pykes, Russell and 'Boyd James McGlynn has had the trac { The picnic, on Connolly's & last week where thev will reside Shaw and: Miss Mulholland, Picton, | were married on Wednesday last and town, N.Y., has returned home. Her | bert Martin, wife and daughter, after left on a trip" to New York state. spending a few works with his par-| Charles Purtelle is making extensive | ents, Mr. and Mrs, M. Martin, left on | {repairs to his residence. The street Thursday for his home in southern | sprinkler is on its rounds once more Manitoba. Miss M. Freeman has gone] |The Bloomfield ' baseball team were] to her home at Cole Lake. Miss My r| tle Freeman, after spending a year] }-eaten in both games they played with i at H. Walker's, has returned to her Picton. Miss Tesky, Buffalo, N.Y., is a guest of Rev. D. S. Houck. Miss home at High River, Alberta. Mr | Bertha Brown arrived home last | Thompson, after spending a few weeks week, The Sunday school of the Meth- | with his daughter, Mrs. W. H. Shel olist churéh held their annual pienie | linoton, has returned to his home at lat the Sand Banke on Friday last. Tichborne. G. Redden and wife at- Misses Florence and Rowepa Saylor | tended their uncle's funeral at. Cole who have been attending St. Agnes | brook, Wednesday. Visitors: Miss Lil school, Belleville, during the past | lian and Edith Trusdale of Harrow- year studying vocal and instrumental | smith; Mrs. B. Purdy, Miss M. Tog- 1 are home for the holidays. Bi, Miss Annie Purdy, Murvale Mrs. J. Creamer and son, Mrs. G. Walker, music Glenvale, at H. Walker's; 0 Bab- | Reports From Forfar. : or Valtite and fully, at 7. E.| Forfar, July 10.--Miss Estella Young | Stormes'y W. Shellington and wife, | is attending her annual modelite re-| Myrvale, at W. Sheltington's. union on the beantiful shores o. Palty lake. Mr. and Miss Hale were re- contly iyiomg friends ia Vlei, Al Sharpton, July 13.- Hay, which is pumber 'from here attended the fam all ow being "cut, was light, if not the of Wie. hart at Elgin. The decensni lightest, that has been ever seem in was formerly Miss 'Annie Smih, of these parts. Grain stands a fair] this place. The local football team chance of Silling middling well, but the | played a®friendly game here on Mon- | iraw will be short. That fodder will | day evening with Phillipsville team, |} ooren is now a foregone conclus | which resulted in a tie, 1 to 1. Or; 0 Resont rains have only wet the | mond Brown and family are spending |jand on top; below it is drv. J. } Lemmon and wife, city, visited the a few weeks holidaying on the Rideau at Portland. Mr. Murray, photograp- {old Lemmon homestead. Smith lost a horse. Miss Carpenter, her, Brockville, paid the village 4 husiness trip on Wednesday. Visitors : | uc teacher here last year, and her Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Topping, Elgin, { distar, are visitors. at William Adrain's; J. Chapman, Har- | lem, at George Adrain's: Mr. aml Mrs. | Bén Cannon, Crosby, at titles Poole's; | R. E. Derppyshire, at Y. Déirbyshire's. Sharpton Crop Prospects. Perth Personals. Perth, July 12.--A grgat-many have gone to their cottages along the lakes. Misses Josephine and BEhzabeth 1) Cann, New York, are Holidaying at] George Stanley spent a fow | Now Secretary To Rogers. London, Ont., July 13.--~George | home. Buskard, for several years city editor | days at his home here. William Moth- of the London Advertiser, has loft for | orwell, of Winnipeg, is renewing ac- Winnipeg to become prizate secretary | qnaintances here. Miss Ida Fournier, to Hon. Mr. Rogers, minister of pub- | Althrope, was the guest of her sister] lie works. Mrs. J. H. McMillan, for a week. Misses Aggie and Susie Cameron, are] spending their holidays with their par- | ents, here. ". PF. Campbell Bros' Straw hats are just right. Ses Bibhy's 31 vuting shirts. "® ° Who's Hurt? | Pure, unfermented grape juice,| In every family some one receives pints*and quarts st Chown's Drug serious or minor injuries every little Store. iwhile. Life is beset with bumps, jee and chortion early. hruises, strains, aches and pains. For all these Smith's White Liniment is the 'best, possible remedy. Tt heals and soothes all hurts and cures all Red rasphe Hoang morning at Carnovsky's. See Biliby # fahey hosiery, 45c. / !" The Montauk Indians have entered suit to recover land in Rhode Island When You Buy COAL From P. WALSH You get genuine Scranton, as he handles nothing else. Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness, ete , for sale. Sale of Horses every Saturday NewYork Chinese Restaurant 83 Princess Street Opn from 10.30 a m. to sam To fede Een het on shortest motice. English awd Chinese Toe Irons, STRACHAN'S. Ladies' Blue Silk Umbrellas from $5.50 te $8. in. Have it in your howe. . Rotten, Be, 1 Reins drag, shor | deeded to. the whites since 1660, fais RR