i g ? 1H, pl hl | i i gr Fi i i § 2 F i f i f dF i | | ] F F fit £ ' new John's church, Selby, having been! The costume pictured was of pink' , Teopesing services were! gray silk crepe, with satin taffeta held on . Mev. Raral Dean bands and revers in a slightly deeper Dibb, Napance, and other clergy were shade. The chemisette yoke and un- present, | der-sleeves were of cream-colored Brus- James Courtney died, at his resi-| sets net, frilled down the centre of the dence, Beckwith street, Perth, on Tues- | front with real Valenciennes lace. The day. He had been ill for some time. | buttons were of gray taffeta, embroid- Deconsed was a native of county ered in black, the little loops on the Armagh, , and was sixty-two bodice and skirt being of black velvet. years of age. | The trailing skirt was trimmed 'with . | twee deep: bands of the gray tafiota. | ACETELENE GAS FOR PARK. | thousands and millions of | DEFENSIBLE FINANCE | many IF -- | Assceiation May Install New eagle T8, = there is os yo sabington, July 15, ¥! Plant acres yet surveyed. | long-expected report of | pa -- TALE OF A COWS TAIL. | § commision. up eaquizy | srtekme plant, catrally located, i NO NEED OF TROUBLE, |§ inte the eperarions ehquiry x probably be installed at this resort for Was thers any need of the collision | Irishman Finds it Was Artificially | way ~comsolidation, man. Loc, of cottagers next scason. The | Letwion Trangemen 3 a i aged' : matter mn under 1ecuss10) or er Friday ? ism Belfast _-- ai amusing J Tes made pobiic on Satur. 4 Ee rhe: pitch - te that reputable it, 3 him : S ates . e large city, and it has many streets in | occupied the attention of Judge Brady | gay f, "indefensible financ- XK | oriies wished to install the plant and which processions may pass and ve | at Belfast for the best part of the | ¥ if the strongest term ¥ that the attitude of the cottagers pass without any interference with the jc ee Hamilto UE w jae Ap delivered a : ig, rostit 11 the tru amilton, a A i ; i traffic. Mr. Fleming may have pre | p00 explained that, he went to the # tO. resident Roosevelt and # Passing favorably upon - the proposi cipitated the rumpus by ordering that fair at 'Vivemiletown, fancying that|3¥ al Bona- M| The gas will be used to light the eot- there should mot be a suspension of | be ne" Motteihing about cattle-deal- # parte. The report is un- * lage anc ia evosimy The plant will traffic on account. He hes in his | "8: > impression pur: animons; {be located in the central part of the mind the troubles of last year, when| Shaded a" coy fom "a man" named 8 #8 resort and the place will bo piped this he Sng of th cos wu ov me Jo en, Baier ee Ag a cp a tne ; : or y a ol, 2 i . Fi i ic light- ST. 7% for the rest of it. In a place from which he took the fictitious tail, | on smal do home of Mr. and j; i he Lge Es a fered which he had found attached to his| Mrs. John Russell, Empey Hill, when|lishting the hotels and streets. receive prompt like Toronto Tost time cannot be re- he their daughter, Ida Evelyn, was unit-| ' covered. The trains will not wait for| The defense was that the cow was|ed in marriage to George W. Kin: A Family Re-Union. belated oné. Engagements have to sold as bought on the ue day, | near, > ' Yo fila, serious "consequences jn: | 0d the action was dismissed. W. H,: formerly of Napanee ||. oq" are. He gin a Ba or 3 : is now with the Bell Telephone com-| ¢hiri® ramivireory oo thi rar : ra 'The for a, SHORTHAND IN NINE pany, at Utica, N.Y: asd his eldest | Say 3rd, at which lly ae service was apparent, and the Orange : DAYS. son, George W. Nasmyth, is an in-|p oF "0 O° WEE 106 Ton ng S_ war a0 much In: thy wi : : -- structor= in. the t of Phy-| of eir family were presen order sympathy with | o., Attem to Lower 'hela: wl She depar tment | (only one being absent, the second pt | er the that 'it had sics, Cornell University. ' 'company - on Friday i World's Record. Me ah y and | Sldest son, Wellington); Mr. and Mrs. + | mén. stationed at different points to Duly A5.~A emarkble ab. | 40h "Whi Mra, J + Fralick o| Elwell Pel and amity, Mount. Pleo s « hym--y al BS » » v i t. . he 3 % ' bat. the curs. passpd through the a i record will Week 'in New York, 'atid at the James. | So'* (4-474 Mr. Cools K. Comp with the least Unfortu | be made, under the supervision of the fon sxposition, are expected to ar| i und son Clarence, Jennings ately there are some people always on | Daily Mirror, af the business exhibi- | Five in Napanee the end of mext week| yo "Ro. EF. Bell, wife and two hond when a misunderstanding og- | tion at Olympia, which opens on| On a visit to his mother. | daughters, Edith Pauline and Helen Thursday next. Upon_acriving from attending | CEC *TR DC Mich; Mr. and Mrs cura, and they were on-the street, Do} | Clo ri?s College, the well-known busi- | the Jubilee ex at Albert Col-| a ort TEU, Sec an CHES. in the procession, when a car was at | ness training institution, will then at- ; Miss Horton, daughter of Rev. Finest May sd, sou Gorden Fret, tacked and disabled, and the traffic | tompt to make a student proficient in | G. , Morven, was taken sud-| ray inby rahiable Presents . nthe street was blocked. The man ftotthasd In mind Jaye, sand so nd Joule end eerily Dy. Vrooman | a pleasant time was spent. ? : a mmedia erw, lv 3 . 5 ager of the company says it is: nota | "npg dents Mill be chosen by the| M. J. O'Brien, 36,000; John Fergu- | © pT Torn n in which difierances should | Pujly Mirror, without prejudice, from |son, $2,000; A. Barnet, $1,000; J. E. | ps Pox, { arise. The car service is needed. All applications, which may be sent in by [H. Barnet, $1,000, were Where for a [Cudiiia, Packet ojtiben complains that classes of people will agree to this, ner fic, and the whole of (ure husbitel. ab; Jienfpow. s the { 3 : rage ; and ar the LT will be carried yi in [sent building is to be extended me. the children of that city are the worst the probability is that by a' = lic the ba exhibi- | improved each subscriber cuts his off | on the continent, and a Toronto news- change of route there will not be a) oi oye. 0: Tansy A in half SE cuts ua ofter | or gseetth that hiv et j= cursed a . » . { . Y ¥ » a : p Plague « CONF looded , unpro- repetition of Friday's disorder, At the recent entrance examisations | *¥1 DE Fanity and' Dlasphemy. in DEBENTURES WILL NOT SELL. The recent experience of some mui cipalities shows, better than anything A Boy's Ambition. Forty-three years ago a lad only thirteen years of age wrote to Bayard Taylor 'outlining his life plans. The! boy received an autograph reply from | the great man telling him to go ahead | else, the present condition of the mon- ey market." There is no credit above | that of the municipality whose of: fairs are well and when the | seredit of Winnipeg - ha does nat | invite offers for its bonds, the people | are surprised. | "Winnipeg," says a contemporary, | "has been hawking her credit in every probable part of Eastern Ontario, and has, it is believed, also tried to place a loan in England, with indifferent success."' Halifax has decided to sell her debentures ninety-five, which would make the four per cents. sell to yield a little'leéd than four and a half per cent. There may be a rush for likely when it is known that other se curities, quite as good, are selling to yield four and three-quarters per cent. For Winnipeg, four per cent. bonds, to the extent of $3,000,000, the rate of ninety-four was offered, with oné- half per cent. for brokerage, without a sale. ; 3 New York and Boston have failed to sell their - securities in bulk at the price they desired, and arrdngements have been made to,dispose of them in small lots to suit the purchasers. The idea is to get par at least, as it will not gét more at & private sale. This distribution of municipal securities "over the counter' is disapproved by the brokers. They are offended be- cause they say that it costs money t establish agencies through which buy- ers of bonds may be hunted up. Thesd iS force in that contention. At thie same time, there' are men with small] savings who may be willing and anxi-| ous to buy what he can of debenture | at interest all the way from one to op and a half. per cent. higher than thé, banks allow. - | them at this pate, (but it is hard,y| do "The' conclusib is that the times have nof improved so far as the sale of sb | curities and "municipalities are com | {corned. The 'councils that have beeh| holding off expecting better terms, find | no encouragement in the information! { which is to hand. Money is simply | worth more than they are offering fi it, and they cannot sell their debon-| | for there wae a field in the world for! just the work he was planning to do. | That lad was John L. Stoddard. From that time to this Mr. Stoddard | has devoted all his powers: to the do-| ing of one thing and doing it well. He| has ready nearly a million pages along | the lines of his lectures. He has tra- | velled over a quarter of a million miles | and has lived for fifteen years amid | the scenes and among the people he describes, so that his lectures are per- sonal testimony to things that he bas seen and facts which he has verified. Such | testimony makes them reliable, and also makes them intense ly interesting. ------ Sudden Death At Plevna. telegram from Plevna, on Mon- lfred a on of A Bryant, son dwa ant, of Concession Road in this city. The H were brief asd to the effect that young Bryant and Gilbert Ostler, went in for a bathe in the lake on Sunday. While in the water, Alfred was attacked with heart fail-| ure and died soon. after being taken ashore. Deceased, about twenty-eight vears of age, was a clerk in Gilbert Ostler's store at Plevna. Non-Confidence Motion. Orillia Packet, Conservative. { The Hon. J. P. Whitney perhaps | never appeared to worse advantage | than when he hastened forward with an eager flourish to append his signa- ture to the petition 'for the release of the rowdy who was most properiyl sentenced by the police magistrate of | Toronto to fifteen days' imprisonment | for assaulting an umpire on the field. Extended Invitations. The yacht club officers have invited the members and their families to the | A launch on Wednesday. If any one of ner these be overlooked it will be a plea- sure to the secretary to correct the omission, Edwards' Nervine is sold in King ston at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. To-morrow the Oddiellows' Relief As- |: sociation = cormmittees will meet. The annual meeting will be on Wednesday. | Some of the members from a distance are already here. Thursday night, Rev. Rural Dean Dobbs united in marriage, at the rec- tory, Francis W. Johnston. Brockville, and Miss Ella May Read, Morrisburg. Ice cream, made from pure | threo years, has removed to Toronto. cream, | drug | wl to Desetotito high school, six pupils | from Lonsdale wrote, and every one public places. To this may be added ®| the fact that 245 arrests were mate on of them passed, which is to the credit | ah thei : cs | Dominion day--more, probably, than pt if, teacher, Adam Kiernan, who| In all the other cities in Canada com- vin 2 hn nsdale |}: ned. severe cyclone visited the town- | oo. 53 . i Browle | Wise mothers buy infants' needs at ship elo Rip in onde, Jost, {Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Fresh were blown to pieces, fences levelled | Een ; * Gi ops : | Ericka hand soap on sale at Gil- aml TY. de g 8, while the largest | bert's stores, wholesale and retail. ea Act i we et se eb SAA Ant Fe or § spi pe TY oT ' en Ta EN 1 a i% SF No matter where you go, when you go, or "how long you stay, you'll need to be provisioned properly with clothing and furnishings to enjoy complete comfort. This store is amply prepared to supply } € want in this connection and at prices consistent with good T iin Fy for instance-- s f Outing Suits Smart stylish things, in* Cheviots, Norges, Le ly made, téady to put on and wear, $6.50, $12.50 and 815. ' eo L0 » Negligie Shirts A particularly extensive and choice assortment, in all the: new fabrics and new colorings, Shc. to $2. $ : See our special 75¢c. and $1 White, Cream Shirts, See our special $1 coat shirts. . New Bathing Suits, 50c. to $2. New Oxford Hosiery, 25c., 35c., 45¢c. ra New Roller Cravats, 50c. New Belts, 50c. Hometpuns, etc. $7.60, 38.50, $10, Straw Hats Don't pass us on Straw Hate. You can save from 50c. to $1 if you buy your Hat here. COMFORT { WARM WEATHER FOOT " There's lots of warm weather foot-comfort in a pair of IN- VICTUS Oxfords. They do away with that tight binding sensation around your $ ankles that boots give on a warm day. They prevent your feet from be- ing hot, damp, and sticky. They keep your ankles cool and comfortable, and allow gir to to circulate freely around your feet. - b i INVICTUS Oxfords never bulge or sag at the sides. The Sawyer Shoe Store TUS. adi -- Metal and Tan = « . Subadat AR AAPA PAPAS PPPS PPP PPP NEWS FROM WELLINGTON, _H. Nicholson, Picton Baseball Team Suffered An- had to give | A ce charming summer story; "Mrs. way before the fury of the storm. | Clevenger," is the leading feature Pla died a ha pr ain, Alleton | August Smart Set. The author is | he Tas ny Loh. heen] Grace Eleanor Towndrow, a new writ- for er of promise. The scenes are laid at! Ome. time; the ond na, yadey. | a Long Island house-party, and the millinery NE propsintetm. Mrs, Gra. | 8Cton is brisk. Maarten Maartens, | ham was born in Fitzroy, in 1850. | the: Duteh novelist, is represented by! Measles' of 'a malignant type a shost story called "Prayer." Chris- | are provailing at Turnif, with _ fatal | Hen Reid, comes forward with a fine, tosults. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Price | 31077: "Paying the Price." lost their little boy, aged about eigh- | teen months, on dth inst, and the 5th the infant child of | was | again_on Mr. afd Mrs. John McEathron taken away. | M. M. Jaques, who retired from the | Consult Dr. Hamilton 'And You Principalship of the public schools at | ~~ Will Be Shown the Way. | ny -- : oud the prescut | Thousands are in the same boat | 100] t 1 i ~~ 1 oO J 8 yt a7 8 SiEvies of twenty. |all sickly, bilious and feeling far from The Worl i Cy well, and the Nethotist church Red locker | Trouble is, retary and office chair. sit impurities Died, at Los G, : San'. cleared away. California, a yar San pose. Before downright sickness arrives | , son of the Tate Stephen CXS! vou should cleanse and purify 1 wm, near Wilton town county | *Y3tem with oy JHamiltowa Hi | Lermox. Deceased * onns. | At once yom'l their mighty in- | : tad was about soventy- fluence building up weak spots, clear- | {ing out disease, and putting you | again on your feet. vse purely, 'vegetable pills change your tired, worn-out condition to one of health and vigor, beea DO YOU SEEK HEALTHP | i i the system is clogged which need to id I'S, Lapum, Napanee, Rev. W. H. Ceamm, B.A. BD, : | his leaving Cobden, on Presbyterian er being pastor! of the Rar] 5 ike, they Sup. five years, was presented by the Mo. ply the body with nourishing bland sonic lodge of the village with a hand. | BB builds up and enlives the ep- some suit case; and Mrs. ith | Te a leather bound ays: "'T wouldn't live to-day had it not been for Dr. y i 's Pills. Dast winter I was AY-igick with grippe, and when spring' ame | was weak, bilious and rhea- imatic. IT used enough medicine to A e cure twenty times, but | didn't get incdrable Sn |any he till T tried Dr. 'Hamilton's ._ spring until pif}s. v purified my Blood, took Sompelled 10} the yellow color out of my face. put {new tone in my stomach, and increns- 3 Wednesday, t0 | and rheumatic pains gradually de! bis: soventy-dovonth birthday. | pacted, and Dr, Hamilton's Pills made hy his only broth-'a pew man of me. I proved their le, wif | merit, and proclaim them a medicine for ull men. ) better henlth and reco' are important. get Pe ions {Tle 0 Manseake and Butternut to- day. all dealers, bo: and' 'ane son, {five boxes for 81. By mail fre N. c artiond, dispenead at Gibson's Red Cross store fountain. Se | the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. system. 4 3 John Whitley, of Stanwood, P. Onk., knows the merit EN dp : . 4 : | their da puabin, | ed my appetite. The bilious attacks, {Taronto. - Bunt he un erries are 3 4 plenti . Quite. a number - of | Brother Smith was wext called {sumer boarders. have arrived amd {jor his testimo ny; and; following the spent | Rulon & Co., TM Wain. vs. i Aaand. Kingston, i other Defeat. Wellington, July 14. Wellington baschall team again defeated Picton by 11 to 6.--It is a question whether or not Dr. Currie will give up the league cup unless the teams get * down to business and play for it. ; iss Powers, of Picton, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. H. "D. Cleminson. Miss Catharine Smith, of Picton, bes liott. Mrs. Morey, who has been visit ing her brother and father in New York, has returned to Wellington for the summer. Mrs. H. L. Trumpour, who spent the winter in California visiting fsiends and relatives, "returned . home last week, { Mr. and Mrs. W. G. McUlellan, of Picton, were in town on Friday. last. AMarge number of Pictonians apd Bloomfieldians came up to see thew team defeated. Henry Pettingill is rushing his new dwelling. GRANITE AND MARBLE + 149 SYDENHAM ST (COR. PRINCESS.) \ CITY OFFICIALS' EXCURSION. i £ Arrangements Made 'to Visit the Islands, The committee composed of N. D. Yost, Charles J. McCarthy and Elliott K. Harroun, of Watertown: N:Y., an- ge that the annual éxearsion The gentlemen who came from Pie-| the city officials tg the. St, Lawrence ton with their pockets full of money of- TiVer will be held Frid, July 26th, fering to bet 2 to 1 on Picton got ac- | leavin Watertown at 8:55 .a.m. in a commodated and feels now as though SPecial car owt the steamer they might. better have kept their hands | Ramona at Clayton. "The forty will on. their wad. Mr. and Mrs. Rock. 80 through the islands.to Gananoque well, of Chicago, and children, are the [und thence to Kingston. for dinner at ts of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. She Seitiai-Ausorice fie Whey will 3 A. Rockwall, for. the sume. eave on at 3 p.m., returning . A. Rockwell and son rendered |through the islands to the Hotel Lo- fine singing at ° St. Andrew's tus, St, Lawrence Park, for supper, at on ¢ 'might. © L. K. 6 pm, reaching Clayton - at8 p.m. is_doing._ quite ive re. |add arriving home at 10 p.m. on bi butlinge Mego Wiig | + mt bkeley " and his childfen, are the ts . of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. From -Prayer To Laughter. Cleveland Leader Wallace Hair. #3 - A revival meetin i i i : g was in progres: Barry ¥Yanhorn ' and wife of . New| ond' Sister Jones was called DE - York, are the guests of bis family, testimony. Being meek and humble, Mg and Mrs. James Vanhorn. Mis. Harry Shourd, ' of Philadelphia, J spending the summer months With her parents, Mp. and Mrs, James Van- horn. Mr. and Mrs. Milet Seeds and ughter, Ndrnfd have moved to she said : I do not feel as though 1 should stand here and give testimony. 1 have been a transgressor for a good many , and have 'only recently seen the light. I believe that my ace is in a. dark torher behind the example set: by Sister Jones, said © 'I, too, haye been a sinner for mare then forty years, and ¥ do not think it would: be fitting for me to stand be fore this assembly as a model. 1 think.my place is behind the door, in a dark corner, with Sister Jones." * And be wondered why the meeting was convalsed with the of those who 'came up to prage church largely Tieday night. James B. "Garratt, of Wichigen in the guest:of: bis daugh- tet, Yrs. William McCullough." - " Er Ajrie ey present time are a Jact unfit to use, GILLETT'S is used by caterers everywhen REFUSE SUI GILLETT'S costsnon REFUSE SUI E.W.GILLE TORON" TT. Mc HAS REMO} 33 Pring Between Corbe Store. and Tay ton's, directly grove's. COME ANI "Phoue. No. 778. Notice to "In the 'matter of the City.o the County Hardvare N vent. NOTICE 1S HERF he said George Sean 'mess as a hardware City of Kingston, h ment under R. S. O. of all his estate, cre Joseph B. Walkem, tor for the gemeral | ors. A meeting of Credi the office of the sai tarence Street, King he 18th day of July the afternoon, to affairs, appoint In ordery of the affe nerally, Creditors yle their claims wit roofs ang 'particule said A, on or belc meeting. And notice if fart} the 18th day of Jul nee Will preceed to « Of the estate among: titled thereto, having aims cof »which not 5 given, jand the Eh "or; the assets '80° @istributed, to av of whose claims h bad notice. . * J i Dated at Joly; 1907. Sal Kingston Probably marria be a failure if men quickly trying to bomna sc § ol gq om