A Chocolate is known by the company it keeps. You meet 'GALA - - PETER™ in the best houses only Lamont Corliss & Co., Sole Importers, 27 Common St., Montreal. EXGLUSIVE FUR STORE. W. F. GOURDIER 76, 78 and 80 Brock St. 'Phone T00. Brooches In mew and atirac'ive patterns. Pearl Bar-Pins, Comprising Sprays, Wreaths and Sunbursts. BROOCHES of Ame thyst. amd Amethysts with Pearls, all in full quality 14k. gold, SMITH BROS., Jewellers & Optician 'Phone 666 Issuers of Marriage Ty nervous system, kos new Blood in Veins, Cures Nerv ous Dobility, Mental and Brain Worry, Des- vondency, nal Weakness, Emissions, Sper Aaa, and Effects of Abuse or Frcesses. Price $1 per box, six for One will pl six Nill ours. Sold by LS gor iT w Blain pig. on recolpt of price. New pan ly Windsord to, Ont We Are Closing Out All Summer Goods At Very Attractive Prices. If you are needing a Mus- lin Dress, or a White Waist, or a Wash Suit for the house, or a Wash Skirt, or anything in the way of cool wearables for the hot weather, then come to us, you'll find the styles right and the prices very reason- able, { Wash Collars Wash Belts White Hosiery Tan Hosiery Long Cloves [n Lisle Thread and Silk, colors Black, White, Mode and Grey, at lowest prices. MAN & "LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY Notice to Creditors. in the matter of George Sears, pf the City of Kingston, in "the County of 7" Hardware = Merchant, vent. | a A de ALE SETI Insol- ow busi: mens as a hardware merchant at the said City of Ki ton, has made an. assign- er R. S. 0. 1897, Chapter 147, of all estate, credits and effects, 'to Joseph B. Walkem, of said Gity Selici- tor for the general benefit of his credi- ors. A meeting of Creditors will be held at | the office of the said Assignee, at 93 Yurence Street, Kingston, -on Thursday, | he 18th day of July, 1907, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, to receive a statement aflairs, appoint Inspectors and for the ordery of generally. Creditors are r tole their claims with the Assignee, With Tools , and particulars as required by the said Act, on or before the day of such | weeting. Awd notice is further given that after | the 18th day of July, 1907, the Assig- nee Will proceed to distribute the assets of the, estate amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the mims of which notice shall then have Teen given, and that he will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof se distributed, to any person or persons of hoe Claims he shall not then have ' J.B. WALKEM, " Assignee. Dated 'at Kingston, thi July. 1907. 5h ny of T. McAuley, HAS REMOYED TO. - 93 Princess St.: Between Corbett's Hardware Store .and Taylor & Hamil. ton's, directly opposite An- grove's, COME AND SEE US 'Phona No, Ladies' Blue Silk Umbrellas from $5.50 to $8. Gentlemen's English Canes Prices range from $2.50 up to $14. Kinnear & d'Esterre, Jewelers, 'Phone 336. 100 Princess St. Lifc Producers Chatham Incubators Life Preserver Chatham Brooder: The only machines that rival th mother hen, 'Automatic in action, perfec tm construction and a sure "hatcher, Sold om time, or with a five yea wuarantee. D. J. HAY, Agents, 42 Princess street. THE FRONTENAC ESTABLISHED 1863. . President--Sir Richard Cartwright Money loaned en City and Farm Prc portions Municipal and County Debhen utes. Mortgages purchased. Deposit received and interest allowed. 8 OC. McGill, Managing Director Office, 87 Clarence Street. Kingston. 1 Wm. Murray, Auctionee * 27 BROCK ST. New .Carriages, Cutters, Harness, etc., for sale, Sale of Horses every Saturday NewYork Chinese Restaurant 83 Princess Street 4 Opn from 10.830 am. to 300 #.m i The best place to en all round Lunch In the city, Ingits" of all Kinds! on shortest notice. English and Chinese Dishes a specialty, SUMMER WANTS RE te "'STRACHAN'S. | C. H. Powell, | Carpenter and Jobber, | 103 Raglan St. | $ Frontenac, § T. E: HUGHES, | r Fr NLS [4 3 Fen 4 8h) 4 \ Every box of Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas you open--you will find a new delight in these dainty biscuits. When you want to surprise yourself, give your appetite a treat with Mooney's = Perfection Cream Sodas himself, needs no talcum -- wo witchhazel-no "cream'-if he uses "Royal Crown" Witch-Hazel Toilet Soap The witchhazel inthe soap allays all irritation -- takes away the smarting and burning--heals the cuts--lcaves the skin soft and smooth. Not a shaving soap-=but cooling and delightful after shaving. 3 cakes for asc. x At Draggits and Dealers. + J SHOE POLISH The Public knows better than to take any substi- tute for 2in1. The dealer knows better than to offer a substitute-if he wants to retaid' bis Black and reputation. y i | PURE AND WHOLESOME. | ONE POUND CAN 25¢ W.GILLETT SErT TORONTO. ONT. 7S | BOLD SEA DIVER TH We Are Starting The 3rd Week of the July Clearing Sale. - By giving special prices on everything i the store, and we intend to make this 'week's businéss even greater than last week, : : If you have not been getting your share of the good snaps we have been offering in Dress Goods, Silks, Prints, Muslins, Sheetings, Towellings, Table Linens, Napkins, Hosiery, Gloves, Underwear, Shirt Waist and Wash Suits, why then, Tet ndthing, keep o away this week from 'THE JAMES JORNSTON STORE 180 Wellington Street. 5 : [uae John Carey, a Fespec Ottawa, . MAKE A MOST GHASTLY | C DISCOVERY. joe | Admiral and Crew Are Found iiain.d the Scvmbged aye df ninety Dead jin a Sunken Gunboat three years and up od Just Bi | ile Safe With $50,000 Has comparatively active. - He had walked | oil ' $50 | aout fa, Sa and apparently | New York, duly 18.:50ut 'of Captain Sujoyed good Ris hr hs dhthonts | "Pay" Laorsin's quaint old shipwreck: went. up ' ting 'shop, at Ne. 3. Coenties Slip, full bo £49 § i sloep instead. of rusty anchors, chains and cobweb." % 4 = : | covered gear, where the sheltbacks) The inte M8. Way Rea. a smoke and gossip the livelong day; Sony ho ne 0 Gan i ne comp yesterday a 'strange story of the ssl entares 'of two submarine soldiers followed the " Sn Kitidy of fortune, both divers amd master: > ; S | mariners, Capt. John L. MacPherson, | SOUR) and on it bp lived until about tin, of farding. jam American, and Capt. Simon Grant, hide Fo + ge ng! ond natibeof Seotlind, of No, M0 Eastty a ond has sine lived with his son Thirty ninth street. Both returned yes-| terday on the Graccia after a parti Hdmund, The Sesrascd, Shute, on ely! sucorssful attempt to save the molitn d Michael *of Port * Huron axmament and treasure of the sunken tana. ih five denghicrs Mrs. Haytian gunboat Uret La Perriot, Milne and: Mist Anna Carer. of King hie gn, up five outs ago in the har ston; Miss Kila Carey, of Ottawa oe NOIR. Mes. Hagarty; of Emmet, Mich, and They saved her guns, but couldn't Mrs. P, Fitegorald, of Catdeton Place. find her treasure, which is said to, . ; A "he fungral took place July 1th te { ny amounted to 330,000. While they iq, Bridggt's . cburch for. service by werd engaged in the delicate and dan-| ve thence to the C.F.R.d | serenis entérprise, the divers had some vol adventures. 3 daring one of Tavti's scheduled re: otutions the Cret La Perriot with a Haytian admiral and a surgeon. on load, was circling the waters on the Jookout for smugglers, The gunboat was in command of Captain: Oxley, an Anglo-Saxon mariner, Po had serv. + Be Torn Down. ¥ d under more than one flag. | Edwin Evans, 'df Lavindechill, Bat- She fell in with a German merchant Surutay audit Sha Shin ng vesgel, which was supposed to be car-T0FI¢ property Known as Datlersea Nase ryige guns and ion for the House 'formerly the residinee of WN Havti on rébels. The Cret La Perriot berforce, his offéerétl to give a sympa- odd the merchantman and seimed thetic vomnsideration to any sipestion 300 rifles and a lot of heavy guns and which wiay 'be put forward for secur umshunition. The merchantman, which ing the house aiff a portion of wadrtad that she was carrying -onty- Picturesque: grotitills Jor the use "of the legitimate cargo, lodged with her gov: public. Me. Evans and those acting ment a loud complaint, aml the With kim Rave purdhaséd the, estate for Jerman emperor sneedily ordered his the purpose "of building developments, ainl-ont Panther in pursuit of the add in the ordidary course of events it (red Far Perriot. will in time be cut wp and covered Cdntain Oxley sivhted the Panther with houses of a shiddle class charac: n his trail in the harbor of Gonaies. (ter. It is hoped, howéver, that the ie promptly exploded a mess of gun- house, with its oak library desigusd wotfon in the hold of the little yun-iby William Pitt, may, yet be saved oat and she was practically blown from destruction and to this end an wit sof the water. the Havtian atimiral influential local committee is at work. nd: surgeon going down with the The matter has been bropght hetore wreek, 'but Captain Oxley escaping as (the parks commitiee of the . London f. Ly a miracle a rovernment decided to raise the wreck (Up for discussion at the noxt. meccting nd} Captain Larkin's diving ond of the Battersea borough counal. wre¢king concern of No. 3 Coénties Sliny New York, took the contract. With a plan of the gunbont, Captain McPherson amd Captain Grant began theit labore on April9th, and finish- | Hidden Treasure. »d_ June 15¢h, . Frantically hunting' Tor pirates' hid- It! started then to come -across the dem wealth 300 meh; women and chil- skeleton of the Haytion surgeon with-| dren dug along the banks of the Wa in fhe vessel His uniform still eloth- Lagh river at The remains were conveyed to i Kitley cometery and buried beside 'his SE ------------------------ RAVAGES OF TIME. Sst Residence of Wilberiorcé Likely to ( GOLD HUNT ON WABASH. -- had evidently® washed away, for it wo mot found. The bodies of the! the disturbance, crew Tay "about it. In twenty-one Nenl sold 500 whimnove 10 a fisher fathoms of water where the wreek lay, man for '$10. He ' 1h0k the they recovered ton hie guns and a 16t home to! ois Wife in" «ir. dollars f giles god antmuanifion; hut the safe } in which hid Feen ould find nowhere, I the admirml's herth evervihing st n= the plan had it, with the Tn the corner of the treasure they Ld "found it along the Wabash." The news was Wigwagged the backyard an hour scores had congregated tc obice were called to disperse the the | crowd. . ; time foe? was fresh, showing that "reagire Had been only a short previdvsly withdrawn | During time the eaptaing ecourag-|* eons were under water, there was sd EL Doings At Charleston. Charl ston, July 15.--Miss May . ON Rurgs, Syracuse A earthouake, whith caused an inde R Tt ¥ i : . the guest of_M:s i eo rambling héreath the sur]. Es wats. B Mes, P. OY 'I revelyan, Visited their daughter, Mrs eo waters rushed hy them, the! qv 3 ra , heaved. threateming to burst I. Foster on Wednesday and Thurs the air nipeg, the hottom of the bay nd fll, a noise ns of thunder ? : a Rt Hudson still continues very. ill. ive 4 Their sare. fishes xiished Joa | Lucy Latimér was one of He success ; oil a. N, marks. ful pupils at 'the éhtrande examina snqFeg and porpoises fell dead around | tions, Miss Lucy Foster; Toled them, Roar | het! et, i, Ty whercal:onts of Captain Oxley is | Sicinling Be Te Hh her aunt mystery do naa TE ae RT y -- the Soperton picnic a have a very plehsant Dotin 8 : Y . pleasd g on Sat ; From Chaps To Erysipelas. |urday. A great fnany attended " best remedy for all injuries to | Aq orie girciny % wv diseases of the skin is Wade's Oins- | hflican Tawi sucipl at the | day. Fon are occupying thdir cottage. Joh rectory Athens, on Wednesday evening. The PRL rhewmn, scaly or | sching eruptions of the skin, pimples, blotches, dandruff, ete. In boxes, 25¢c., at Wade's drug store. . Yates and cn Saturday evening and Sunday cn the 12th, Mr, and Mrs. W. : : ry and children, Seeley's' Bay, Lo Shure, uly 1 Ay There hate bn at the home of Mrs. H. Johnson or pratt showers of lnte, amd the Sud iat 3 Fil: et be have for Jetae arpearone | ol na fier 1oabfn Vt aid a " ngorttihis danghters, « Mrs , Ogdems {in the brick vard at Washburn. The . rt i reechit visitors are Mrs. G. Toner, Mrs. burg, iy ay Mra: Amel, "Cardinal W. Tonr and Miss Helen Ross, Gang- J. Ber visite Washburn Items. fo we: Miss Fannie Hamilton and + Frother at G. Coddy's. Quite a nom- br. Edu dpitmh is busy... these days ter of young folks attended the pic- with. pe a doy vat the n'e in Mrs, Hamilton's Grove. It wasij yo Sith Mr; and Mrs, E, S. Clow. a sdecess. W. Wood is getting his hoyse repaired. R. D, Jadsod's chartered hy the Wid strawberries party for the day have © been very All the paper you can carry at D, FE. Fraser's for 3¢. a roll, 78 Wilkam Arcot, * : Most married men do as they please in their minds. Finishing is the hardest part of 4 1Az¢ 'man's job. greats Mispes Serwood, Brockville, nie the guests of Wre TEC. R' Corneil John' Foster hcently rubber tired bugpy. { tei | Making Belipves + Julia was sorry that she did No water quite equals | wot [live when fairies and 'witéhes were not . lonstle and had all sorts of nice ad" fr table use. It is a natural {Ventures befall rr : But she knew all this coulda't be, so water, bottled at the Springs |, decided to "make-believe," How. for surety of purity ; it has no salty jdver; | 50 one wal hate ther. The s [ga p Iuvely 0 » e n taste whatever; and.it reaches you {ae Alri wouldn's Hots "eoubess, sparkling, crisp, refreshing--a safe and even fhe cat wouldn't act at all ar : ike Pussin-Boots. Fat ed to and satisfying witer for you and dhe io 3 ol -- us Saree do your family. Your dealer Will home much. ; supply you if you insist. "How touch nicer it would be," she *. § fiiwas Salling father; 'Yil gwexyone would ; rp A make believe." "Ok, 1 don't k 7 veplied father, York Springs drawing box of rondy from bis WwW t { pocket, "it's nion to have, real things, oI a 1, o too, sometimes, a is better--yet costs NO MOTE] Provost, Brock street, has 'received : thay gases of imported goods for hie Jas. McParland, 'Phone, 274. order elothing depart consisting W. R. McRae & Co., 'Phone, 227, 'Seatch ard . R. fol § » Senges, J. S. Henderson, "Phone, 279. [cheviols andiyironas. A variety | Rigney & Hickey, "Phone, 242, {of them to choose [rofl wali wii nl ) Fo i DAK de ae ~ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, JULY 16th, 1907. - Bb son, uly 9th, at, dered i) Som, was his custom, but fell into a Jomg the Recently the Haytinn county council, and it will also come Hundreds Frantieally ' Dig For sport. The rjort d his 1 ones. The hody of the admiral that John Nel Wn found ten ee dollars Huried along the river cased mney Shie 'told swish 1! 0 Tor Fu and TOCES tonoes, and Within Lali | cantion of the safe dig in the gravel for the miver dollars Ade stateroom, where it had stood, the|' He Tm Were call o disperse the Mrs. Banta, son and daughter, for the fiscal year 1906 of fruits rain | gnd «nter into rivalry with sugar, party did not haeco and coffee as the main exports, Mr. pnd W. Hodaoalh are oc curvy their Cotta g® FIR TIY. J udson's and 3 bilde Nor. | 14 ais has been given by the com- gasoline launch was] plentiful abound hore and jphpebluchor- | ry and raspbercy erp prowmikes io hel amed from | A, Taylor, Athens; a jypry hgndsome | ad nursery stpek to oity sale rin manent si on ¥ Stone & Wellington, Toronto, BPRING surrs Jo a eg pp Galloway, he Tefor, S81 Brock street. n MAY OF RON ARIA AL YOUNG MAN WITH take charge . of our Department, State » refercuce and ex- Bros, Renfrew, GOOD SMART experience, to Gent's Furnishing salary wanted, a perience, MacKay Out HELP WANTED-FEMALE, PORTS- pol. At FEMALE TEACHER FoR mouth RR, ©. Separate © tendance about #0, Duties to cow- mente Sept. Sed. Applications ret ceived until Aug. 6th, 1907, Give re- fervncos and state salary expected. Address communication to Rev. McllonaMd, Portsmouth, Ont. WANTED-GENERAL. i -------------- ONE MARBLE MANTEL AND GRATE. Apply Box "F."" Whig Office. ti---------------------------------- SIPPING ROOM AND BRED ROOM EN Suite, with board, for young couple in central locality, wetld furnish If required; would prefer quiet home, with no other rogers, Address Box 138, Whig Office. A ----------E I T---------- STRAYED. SMALL BROWN SPANIEL, FROM, 194 King St., Friday or Saturday last Any person harboping seid dog after this notice will be prosecuted. accord: ing to law. FRUIT EXPORTS From Porto Rico--A Promising Future. The future of Porto Rico as an ex oranges, 'lemons, grape orter of Pe pineapples, etc, is likely to be cote' more interosting your after 'year. Having Juan and other Porto Rican ports two from W¥orida mich cheaper much cheaper than say to New York, and very than from Oglifornia to castern ports. the rate, for instance, on a box of oranges from San Juan to New York - {tion to that city is 60. to 60¢, from Florida, from which there has Hither t, bean aflrail haul or part rail and {part| water, 'with an extra hyndling, Karly after Porto Rico was coded to the United States hy Spain in 1808 the fertility of the soil and favorable climate attracted fruit growers from | the United States, and each your igince them large acreages of oranges land othr citrus fruits have | planted, so that now there are . thousands of acres so planted. Last ,| year was the first season for ah ex- «port business of any « uantity in fruits - other than bananas, the total exports and the many pute having been $496,694, Lut Miss fact that cach year thousands of fruit trees planted four or five years pre viously will conimence bearing in glom- is tity, means that the fruit export in a , {few years will run into large figures, to The entive abbence of frosts makes the the leountry seem gu paradise to fruit grow- less in Florida, some of whom have es- » 'tablished fruit farms in Porto Rico. ment RL not only cures wounds and, | Misses Afla 'and' Nettle = Slack are Bin Yrcyae, Jat pre vents Jhany Shia [heme to spend the holidays, Miss A. | Our Glistening Glasses. rie Prope a pit Rimede | Hamilton his improved residence | Not a single feature that can con. Cures eczema, salt by a coat of paint. Mr, and Mrs. T.igihute to the purity or attractive son. were vigitors here! rics: of soda is omitted at our foun 'tain. Not only are the fimest mater- Some of our residengs went to Smith's §,15 uscd in making our ice cream and Falls while others went' tb Westport | ther sodas, but cleanliness is enforeed | "to the slightest detail. Wo serve soda in glusses that have been washed, rin ' ged, dricd and polished. Wada'v' drag * |store, h "I Rebuilding Madoc Church. | The work of repairing St, John's church, Madoc, after the recent fire, is procewding rapidly, The contract for mitter to Mr. Houston, Tweed, who {expects to have the necessary work. {including painting, completed by the middle of September. Meanwhile the | usual services are held in the town | hall. In trying to straighten her horns the cow was killed. Nerves In Order Nerves Unstrung | This is a perveracking age-not a : {afraid to show. thandslves,, She wish- | i n office or behind the coun- York Springs Water 2 the were a princess and Yived in ag ter, edn rd to get on in the {world, that does not feel the strain. | If nexves are in order," un man {stropg, esis am! sleeps well. Un. Intrulg nerves tenn weakness, worry, | sleeplessness and a general decay of bodily Strength, inability to do good work or dé it long. Most men are careless of their health, trust to luck and thet kiad of thing ihstend of taking Ferrozome for a few weeks when they feel dull in the morning, sheep pootly or lose appe- tite Ferrorone quickly brightens up the mind. It creates an appetite, and fn- proves digestion. Ferrogone makes blood, quicts the nerves, makes muscle like steel and intuces refreshing sleep. Fertozone is a body builder, thou- samids have proved it. H you are sick, or oven onlv out of Sorts, mse Fetrozone and enjoy the aplindid pe ward it affords. 5 Permanent in if& results; the great. est health giver in the world, RE A an all-water haul from San | New York, Poston, ete, the freight is | in '26c,, while the cost of trguapar | Been | SUMMER COTTAGES, DWELLINGS, fMlices. MoUshn, Stores apd OU 1 ee ------------------ FURNISHED ROOMS, PLEASANTLY situated, with modern conveniences, 176 Clergy strenk. he Com *s ofice, Clarence St. A Walkem, 51 UNIVERSITY AxRNUR, CORNER Jol treet, rick, 10 rooms, bot 'Water, 'fis elettric Agus stable. Apply to J. 8S, R. McCann, 51 Hrock Street or on the premises. mE , NO, 181 DIVISION a t ve rooms, A a a 3 = A ya Frederic' Weieh, Nov 171 Division street. | | BLACK ART IN INDIA. -- {The Leading Imp Mean Out of All Proportion. It may not be, gestrally known that {the black art flourishes to a certain lextent in Southern India, especially lon the west coast, says a writer in the hwdinn World. . The average Malayaloe Keralan is superstitious to the very highest de igree; he considers himself to be al | ways umder the inlldence of some devil lor other (the number of devils and | demigods on the west const is legion), {and _overy house in Kerala has a temple dedicated to the patton devil lof the family. . i } in this country the place of honor is given by the superstitious Malaya- [lee to the imp Kattichuthen, who is | | | | i considered by, him to bo the most mis- | chiovous and frightful of demons. This | imp is about three feet high, with hair all over the body and capable of any mischief. He is the most dreaded of all and manifests his displeasure in an thousand ways. Primarily, he boging with throwing stones over the house of a man unser his displeasure. 1 stops are not take immediately after the preliminary stages of the manifestation of This displeasure, it is said the consequence generally args very violent. It is said that every sorcerer bas a Broek street. PO A of devil or demigod under his command to do his wishes and carry out his commands. To get mastery over a devil or domigod, it is said, one has to undergo severe trials. Keeping (vigils, incessantly uttering the name | lof the devil or the demigod he wishes to subdue, in crematorien, and lonely jungles, is the primary duty of a man who aspires to become a sorcorer. | On the forty first day of the vigil ithe devil will present himsell to the candidate who aspires to take the degree of honors in sorcery and sors render himself to the lutter. A wor GENERAL P sacred; every ge HAIR WON'T FALL OUT. If You Xill the Dandruff Germ draff 80 baily sealp, Herpicide full George 1. MeWhick, of ash. says: ly cured me of, a bad case of dandrull of Sydenham street. sire, +8 0 ---------------------- w chant and SLE EER 'Bap 9 | Welling we, « NuwARDS, i : . = corner ad Baek A COUPLE OF OFFICES OVER THE strana. EB treet: GU. NW TAP "Phone 008 ih sds BLAUK PURSE, street, near please return to this of ay 'Religion. The only religion that is worth while is everyday |daered and others secular, i is permeated by samo divinity of henge : Every act is religiouk;. every day 4 thing PROM MMW D PSYCHO, A Palnvist, plied re. point- | A DESIRABLE BUILDING - LOT, ON ments, RS. mew Sue | Alfred street, Apply to Harry day next, Wonder Theatre, 4 Hitchen. ® + 8 o'slock. Subject; * 'use ie eT ADD Foto"! A COLUMBIA GRAP HONE D svty neonds, nearly new, Apply fo SE HORSE, LARGE "S 'and quiet. Hox Whig he ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF FENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITROT, ete. A Building, Market " "Phone, ON BROCK. Wellington. Finder The Paragraph Pulpit Rab : REV. 0. W. CABSON, UTTAWA sion, Address, Mr, Casson for free litera . . is of God. ° 4 With the New Treatment. Colfax, Wasi, rg a | thirty yours' sonia: (the only really sensible treatment, a {remedy "that destroys 'the dundedlf {germ~=Newbro's Herpicide, drufl, 'hair won't fall row naturally, ite luxarisn hing instantly glossy and soft as milk. will convince any doubter of its mer: its. out, but and makes Sold by leading druggists, led ohn N, Buller, sa well-known citizen 3 | cured _ me." { Walla Walla, *"Merpicide I They took Stop dan- | will dy. Une bottle Send 10c. in stamps for sample to The Her 0c. and $1. cerér who has already one devil at his | agent, loommand generally aspires to exefeise {sovereignty over another. | This ean only be enjoyed after a | {great trouble. It is said that the de- | mon whom the sorcerer wishes to enp- tivate will generally ask the candi |date to, fetch inncoesdible and Tmpos- sible things as a prodf that he iw #in- core and capnble of doing anything. They say that such gupdidates gene | rally meet their demand through the aid of the devil already under his command, | Pak Leaf Movements. | Ook Leaf, July 16.--Mr. and Mes, Morris, Glen Morgis, spent Sunday lat ¥. Warren's. George Murphy, Cah- Hornia, after an absence of twenty-one lyears, is visiting his brother, Charles Murphy, apd renewing old asogumintan- leew. Mr. and Mrs, vaton and son, Grand Forks, ND, left on Monday Hor Brockville after being the guests of IMr. and Mrs. T. Jefirey for a week. | Mim Belle Johnson is visiting her | mister, Mrs. George Gardiner, Seeley's { Bay. Miss Annip Green, nurse-in train ling at the Kingston Genvral Hospital, thas returned a Ber work after a {three weeks' vacation at the home of ther parents, Mr, and Mrs. Brock Green. Mrs. ¥. Sheldon returned 'on Saturday from Visiting her sisters at | Sunbary and Battersea. Mr. 'und | Mrs. Morris, Glen Morris, were visi tors at F. Warren's, Sunday. Rev. Mr. Orchard, of St. Alban's school, Brookville,' occtipied - the pulpit in Trinity church on the Sabbath. Mr. and Mrs. Bismarck Green, Glen Elbe, spent Sunday with Mrs. Green's mother; Mra. F.' Picree. Peter John son refurned on Saturday fram spend. { ing a few days .gt Beclegs's Bay. A number from here attended the straw: | berry festival on the rectory lawn, Lyndhurst, on the 13th. Mary Shel don was qunong the subcessful candi; datée at the entrance" examinations.' from Edinburgh, Scotland. For tan apd sanbury, .Lanoline cold | Thomas + Monet's smother "has arrived 4 R GASOLINE | picide Co., Detroit, Mich. Two sizes, G, W. Mahood, special Put in Your Tank at Our Dock. A large stock of Dry Bats teries, Spark Plug and Coils LIMITED. Fergus Alexander S| from visiti Chirles Hollinger "At Ferguson's Falls. on's Falls, Jul pard has Sted hi or friends in Hamilton. bas finished Sawing ~-- 15. Mrs. le 3 his fogs. Mrs. W. Gray has returned home after attending her brother's, to cut their hay, 1 icinity Aa Jumes Murphy, . A "very. arge crowd attended the celebration of the Twelfth of ob Smith's J The arops acd here are in 4 bad wondition from Want of rain. The farmers of thi i are starting Lime juice, in 250. Bottles, at Gib- 8 Hod Cross deg store Genius hears one imdividunl and When segse of ghame is lost, ad- vancement_ censes,. ul a * w ; hh A OF 5 ¥ Ar HER BT Te Ks cream, in. 10c. tubes, at.Gibsop's ted | Cross drug store, .. Jatin