i i i i i E & : Fi Hi gE i +2 WHO ARE THE GRAFTERS. The conservative papers have given | to the fact that in the church conventions strong expres- sions against grafting have been used. misrepresonted the situation and en- deavoured to show that the speakers tion. Truth to tell, all the conservative papers are not singing the same song. The Winnipeg Tribune is an indepen- dent paper, and it has generally fa- voured the conservative party. Its editor, Mr. Richardson, a former mem- ber of parliament, has been the most unscathing in his criticism of the liberal government. It is this Tribune that presumes to reflect the working of the average conservative mind in the west, and it says that Borden must cut Toose from his blasting. alliance with the grafter crowd. The western people are"in a rebellions mood. "They would na- turallv," says the Tribune, "favour the conservative party, but they will A notice be sent out to have on the farm, or that the factories be #0 equipped with refrigerators that the milk can be held over for conver sion into checse on Monday. The com- mission has made two points clear-- that Sunday labour can be dispensed with, by provision being made for the and that » experience the inadvisability of com- Ibining a workshop for adults with a f ascer! z out of 6,008 blind joy | 9.72 per cent. of ion of | , are under twenty- brain. | age; 3,193, or 53.14 per er sixty years of age; while per cent. are between twenty-one and ffty--in i prime of life and capable of being i 4 in wbute or in part sel sug- It is probable that the per- in Ontario are similar to in New York. Many lose their ight by accident after passing webool and many who have heen blind i! Li] iif I 3 3 i Shofishes,_ will sponds ls the from birth of childhood need help and acu - !direction in order to work ;iofitaliy. Henceforth any officer found to be |, California, Connecticat, the District opi under the influence.of opium on board of Columbia, Illinois, Indiana, Masse: ship, or on duty of any kind, must .hueetts, Michigan, New Jersey, * New be re y to. the admir-| york Ohio, Pennsylvania and - Wis- ally, and 'the dign puni minister will visit con | ngin workshof or "homes" have punishment. on him. been eet roe in Washington, Not only opium smoking, but the (Colorado and other states the matter possession of the drug, or of any im- hay been taken up by Women's Clubs | plement 'whatever connected with its gpg other associations of philanthro are strictly, forbidden on h | pic ladies, whose influence upon public and all commanding officers are to be|oninion and the legislawures will cer *{ the commission, and it cannot be le he gf iis is that he "| King. Sunday labour, as much curtailed | held {he enforcement | as possible, may be tolerated for the | of this rule. Of gourse, the same mea- | present, but there will be no excuse | Sures apply to the crew, for whom, for it after this season, according to however, the of the drug is al- : most prohibitige, Iuckily for them. | petite LIVE STOCK MARKETS. --_---- The Prices Paid at Various) Montreal: < 15.~About 1,022 head of bu oiittle, 318 calves, 115 sheep and dembs, and 1,329 fat! hogs were * offered for sale at 'the gally attempted. EDITORIAL VIEWS. Every farmer who sends milk to the factory is interested in the alleged che se combine. How can the facts be got at?> How can the combine be kroten ? Mr. Bourassa wants the Asselin charges against the colonization de- partment enquired into by the Quebec in ve legislature, That follows as a matter from Sic. to near Ge. per Ib; pretty | of form, and it will not afford Mr. |K00d cattle, 4 RaiBje., and the com | were out' fair, ternoon. The butchers strong, and teade ' wes i 3 about' the i seme as on last] { tock, 2§c: to-dic Ib. Calves | Bourassa any. comfort. | sold at 82: 3-ndto each. Soo wld | -- De ver 440, per Ib. | That school of pedagogy programme | 1 tc' sold mb to. near | hengs fire, There has been no intima-| Good lots of tion to the teachers as to what they (Tic. per bb. . .. are expected to do, and what their | Sl : : % | Chicago Live Stock. | remuneration will be. There is no ad- | Chicago; July, 115,~Cattle--Receipts, | market weak to 10c. lower; | The St. Catharives Standard, cludes that time will lapse before other election in Ontario, and "many things may happen." One of Standard 'looks for--the removal Dr. Jessop as conservative candidate. The Standard will not support him. | A contemporary regards the praise | ' | of Mackensie King as caloulated fo | 95.80 40 SOF intl of too mar. spoil him, He may be eligible for pub- | ket weak; native,» $3.76 to $5.90; L'e life, and he would do it credit, but | western, $475 fo' $5.90; yearlings, 36 it is wrong to say so much about him | to $6.70; lambs, $5.50 to $7.40; west- politically, while he is in the civil |" $5.50 to 87.60. | service. Who's to blame? Not Mr. | GOOD HEN STORY THIS, He cannot smother public heavy, 2 5 r # = §25 7 " | opinion, | Fowl Raises Kittems, Facts Are | int i Vouched For. | J. L. Hughes, chief inspector of} The members of the Mcadowbrook | schools, prefaced an address on "The {Hunt Club, at Westbury, L.I, have | Old and New Training," in Toronto, been - thretvn into a state of excite i iment by the ofl a strange | by: remaking. that they would mover [Fly L the ob; kennels, Even the | have a good system of text books in| ost daring mature-fakirs have | Ontario so long as they held to one pover dared to, invent a family like { system, The old training was nega- |this one. hat {et aad : " d kitt hi tn, dhe nw pouitive Pacha be il Tho 8, br, to eglin LLC | go a little hirther, at his leisure, and |douby. Belinda, a prise game chicken, | tell the people just what he means. ig to enthusiastically demon- strate the fact moment. In an old barrel if the doft of the kennels sits Belinda all day long, and underneath her lie two the finest masses of fur that ever paraded under All The Way From Honolulu. Comes a strong endorsement from R. W. Cathcart, treasurer of the Wil for Catarrhozone : der Lumber Co., t x Nothing like it for colds; nothing so |the name of Killens. Outside the bar- certain for catarch. Absolutely sure [rel sits the mother cat, listening in asthma. Used the world over and |anxiously fn Joma oo from hin] in 3 i y - {in a mew' is hear sold iu. Te. and $1 sizes, Try Catar in Nira ¢ intest * ed stantly Beli ge uty. th Sus squawk she is out r a Should. Woman Be Truthful? | gi. "ye cat. Downstairs the pair Ladixs' Field. Swatlairs the Jui If she quite truthfully pronounces her age to be twenty-nine, every! body thirty-five, while, if she should ever to her home, gives the kittens a few light pecks to remind them that she and only she is their mother and is i tli sible to no one the proper Fe cajoled into admitting the number | {CEL of er Soung. Then, ruffing oi only confirm the Popular impres- Wp. Ber feathers she Sis hosel us been L seem sion that she had lucky. to catch attempt 10 smother 'the kitties. iy a at all. er Beli i chnood away not tolerate rule or b ---- If you had taken two of Carter's Liver Pills before airing you have t or bad taste in the mouth this morning. Keep a vial with you for Negligence looks at the battle Seid, then makes its arrow¥. Unless blind and deaf, ; tol 4 Whenev the mother cat is allowed to come i while ifoungsters in ittle & launch, which has vever been able to provide. Are You'A User ? "Olive Oil" laundry soap is soap--a pure, soap. should be using it. your grocer for it. Cost isn't any greater. Lasts 1 . It's somwthing distinctly new) and ix a soap every 'woman should try. You'll use it' if you use it once. Nirs. James Bwns, a woman of twenty-four years and gounigost. duugh. White, ville, died | a os pon 3 been Deceased was hy husband leaves a new. ono cannot be You THs ° a - i of throughout the provines. Save money going te D. E, Frasers for a 78 Wilkin 8 McConkey's caramels, in 20c. boxes, only at Gibsoh's _ store. ons Point St. Charles' stockyards this af- sight, should with 'the provincial government week's markets. Prime beeves sold at Jed to the principal will receive mediate attention. ---- Girl's Guimpe Dress. tainly effect the desired result. The first necessity is to an ac curate knowledge of the facts, aud to this ¢nd Mr. Gasdiner will gladly re- ceive information relating to blind re- sidents of Omtario of olf ages (names and post office addresses). Those ws der twenty-one years of age, not de- ficient in intellect, and free from dis- ease and physical infirmity, who are blind, or whose sight is so defective that they are unable to read ordinary type and attend a school for the sw ing without serious injury to the attend the scnoo! at which is maintained by for their A letter or post card address. im Brantford, benefit, - NE This design is adaptable for gener el wear, and can be effectively repro duced in Holland linen, gingham, chambray, percale, white and colored Kuen and soft pique, each combined with a contrasting material io: the trimming. The blouse is mounted on a lining, and joined to a square yoke; short tucks regulate the fullness in the back and front. The sleeves are | short and gathered into bands at the lowe? edge. The skirt is straight, gathered at the top, where it is at- tached to the blouse under a belt of the contrasting material. The guimpe can be made of any of the soft, thin wash materials and can have either long or short sleeves. QUAINT LONDON CHARITIES. How Some of the Poor Are Pro- vided For. Distributions were 'made recently in connection with three strange chari- ties operating in the parish of Hol born. Owe was the Isaac Duckett be quest, founded in 1620, to be applied in equal shares for the benefit of poor maid-servants, who had served one master or mistress for seven consecu- tive years. Of late this period has been reduced to five years. Of fifty scven applicants thirty-one were elect- to receive each $20. The longest period of service boasted was thirty- two and one-half years. The other two charities--Lady Hat- ton's and Mrs, Palmer"s--hoth related to aged widows of over sixty years of age who had resided in the parish for ten years and never received poor re- lif. Under the former request about twenty-eight widows received money, while Mrs. Palmer's benevolence was responsible for twenty-four old ladies réceiving. $25 the first half-yearly in- stalment of their $50 pension. Ice cream, made from pure cream, dispensed 'at Gibson's Red Cross drug store fountain. Few personally know what it is to be strictly honest, but all are dead willing to watch the other fellow try, Monday afternoon, George Enston, son of Dr. Easton, Brockville, died § ) The bell has sounded and it, no dallying. want to sell them. Straw plenty of time to wear Straw Hats yet. There'll and weeks of hot weather. But we must sell: them now. We care nothing aout the cost of the Hats. All Our $1.50,; 1.25 and 1.00 1 NOW 69c. We Ting-a-Ling. Good Bye to Our Straw Hats our Straw Hats must walk right out of our store at once. Mind we say at once, we mean | We never carry Straw Hats from one season.to the next, be weeks | We simply $ Sailors. THE 1. D. BIBBY C0. } SUE CowpLAINT Very few escape an attack of Sumer Complaint. It may be slight, or it may be severe, but nearly every- one is You how it may end. Let is only one safe way to cure it that is by Dr. Fowisr's ExTracr 1D STRAWBERRY. It has been Wi the market for sixty-two years and has and tried so you are not e when you buy it. Do not a substitute or imitation, as of t are positively danger- ous to and. health. Insist on having Dr. Fowuer's. Mrs. Norman H. Eisau, Ship Harbor, NB, writes : "Last summer my baby was very bad with Samer Complaint. I tried most everything for him, but nothing seemed to 'help. One day a neighbor called in and told me to try Dr. FowrLzr's Extract oF WiLD STRAW- BERRY, 80 I got a bottle and after a few doses my baby was cured. I shall always keep it in the house. dough " stands up " in the oven, Beaver Flour bas " Paver." ie Rvery good Bread, Pie maker knows just what TRI moment's surely n shame, Sn -------- shame ol or = ee { i | } § Cinderella Shoes FOR LADIES. Dressy, handsomely designed, a natty, well-made shoe at a popular price. .00. This shoe is hand-turned. heavy sole, making great wear for a Sum- mer Shoe H. JENNINGS, KING ST COAL.! The sudden ch in weather ought to suggest wisdom of putting in some . e sell good Coal. It's the kind that sends out the most heat, and makes the home comfortable ; it's the can buy, and mined. We deliver It to you clean and without slate, at the very bottom prices. BOOTH & CO., Phone 133. Foot of West St -------------- H. Nicholson, | GRANITE AND . MARBLE WORKS 149 SYDENHAM ST. (COR: PRINCESS.) SAND | SAND ! All kinds of building sand for gale. Leave orders at "163 PRINCESS ST. Where they will receive prompt and careful attention. TELEPHONE 256 Reduction in Gas July Ist . . 'Save the rent of one metre by getting TAYLOR & HAMILTON W Xamury sue, hire there 18 two at 1 Garters for JEWEL GAS /STOVES and RANGES, | PHONE rash came out all over: 8 until it had totall, It was irritating and p the little one hours of suf soaps and powders and bh no better. He was so fr k that it made it very | refused his got qui and was redw toav tion. I was one day ad Buk, and did so. It was seemed to cool and eas ing, painfil skin. Ho g more easy and able to <lee the very ecommenoeme right to the spot, and sores and the irritation g Within a few weeks m) healed completely. He hi; of rash, or eruption, or e sore. Not only so, but | menting skin trouble, h general health. He has g weighs no less than 32 Ibs months: id, andis in fies Zam-Buk is sold at all stor dors, 50c. 8 box, or post free Torouto, lorprice, 6 boxes fo bo + --- To Al 4 Poor] Paid Men ® To every man, ar too, whois strugg against'adversity, make the best of and poor wages, national Corres) Schoals,- the ta ac) of kidown and hono where, make this you will indicate ike this X on tl below which occu, ptefer, the 1.C. S. you how it is not sible, but actuall you to enter that ¢ and secure a go« position. It puts no obligation to s coupons Have you enough to ask HOW eevee ees S000 A . + International Correspon ' Bex 799, Scrants + Please explain, without furthe part, how 1 can quallly for a . the position before which 1 » . * Bookkeeper Tel x 8 ; « Ble n= Roveriiement wiver = | we Show-Card Writer Son : Window Trimmer ote » Mechsnioal Draltamas Civ ' Ornamental Designer Bu ' Wiustrator Are ' Civil Barviee Are Chemiat Str 4 Textile Mit Supt, on ' Eivctriclan ' For , Sectrical Engineer » » * Name -- ' } Street and No. ye. 5 Thesveoscascscore Local Office 57) J. K. Carroll. Re li Good Investmel Busi Training is the | Key to 8 Fronte ~ Busine College ¥INGSTON ON