~10¢. bid. 11 1-16¢. to 11fe ic. tp 1 hb 1,312, at 10 15-16e. . to lle. 5S foe "to 1100. - Ske. de ie. 4 p A . , at 11 Yee to 11je. N.¥Y,, 60,000, at 12§c. to Ff, 1,500, at 111-16c. to hite Organdiec Muslin Suits White Lawn Suits White Pique Suits 4 White Lustre Suits. Colored Muslin Suits » Chambray & Lawn Suits n Dresses and Suits "lin connettion with the appointment of | tie and never was, and that the only | The Very Latest Oulled From All { e¢ Telégram company, of the report | some da, ing money on bogus death claims. fet the third-class 1 Partsmouth next month. | seeded and the wish of the | the city, on hie Way to: Sharbot, ake "| where this morning, but the request was re- fused, Bartels was specially guarded in court and a message was sent to J asking that a special guagd be placed upon him there. A man who called himseli Corpl. H. CO, lewis, and said be belonged to "0' company, Royal Canadian regi- ment, ond at Fredericton, NE. i this F morning, a a A. number of the principal bread manufacturers, of the city, were, to- day, served with notices to appear be fore the police magistrate and answer the charge of sclling bread of light weight. They will come up to-mor- row, along with the retail bread deal- ers, some of whom were summoned. Ex-mayor Elliott, Brantford, has been. appointed a commissioner to the Dublin exhibition, hy the Ontario gov- ernment. The position is for three months, dating from August. Ex- mayor Elliott's name was mentioned the police magistracy of Brantford. Jn Henry, Glensilliam, Peel coun- y, is su Josep othersell, Alva, for $20,000, for alleged alienation of his wife's affections. th men are well-to-do farmers, married, with awn-up families. Three weeks ago , returni home unexpectedly, i Mother in his house. He chased the latter across several fields into a neighboring farm house, where Mothersell took refuge. Henty then entered an action for damages, Whether an epileptic ean be legally | confined in an Beytum is a question | that is to be argued at Osgoode Hall. A writ of habeas corpus was issued, by ief Justice Faloo idge, in the case David Hugh Gibson, Collingwood, thirty-four years of age, who has been confined, since December 15th, in Mimi- co asylum. Gibson, in his affidavit, de- claves that he has been detained against his will, that he is not a luna- reason for his incarcewation is that he suffered from epileptic fits. "1 want ta get out of this place," he declared. His sister, Mrs. Susannah Bell, is applying for Gibson's release. PITH OF THE NEWS, tenn Over the World. us Denial is made, to-day, by the Reut- that Lount Leo Tolstoi is dead. The count is said to be in his usual health. Two robbers held up & St. Louis and Ban Francisco freight train five miles east of Cherryvale, Kansas, and shot and killed O. J. Brown, and seri- ieky wounded Otis Taylor, harvest hands. 'the engagement is announced of Miss Florence Pudelford, daughter of Mrs. Ernest Cunard, by her first mar: ringe and the Fon? Robert Victor Grosvenor, eldest son and heir of Lord Ebury. The flag of the Rising Sun floats over the Windsor hotel, Montreal, de- nating the presence of a Japanese of- ficial of high rank, in the person of Admiral Yomamato, who arrived this morning from Boston. In a pistol duel at Petersburg, Va., John Wheelhouse was shot and in- stantly killed and his nephew,' Rich- ard Wheelhouse perhaps fatally wound- ed, The fight, between uncle and nephew, was the culmination of a fam- ily feud of long standing. Detective Carpenter's men in Mon- treal have arrestesl Thomas Huzellton, believed to be one of the leaders of the gang who cracked the vault of the bank, at St. Croique, and got away with several thousand dollars. Detec- tives have been watching for him V8. J. BE. Costin, Montreal, a French agent who had charge of the Mutual lafe Insurance, was sentenced to five yours' imprisonment on the charge of the company of $3,000. The prisoner pleaded son A to secur- Warships For Sale. Southampton, July 16.--~The first- class twin screw battleship Colling- wood, the torpedo gunboat Sheldrake unboat Tees will for sale by auction at Curbing is being placed next the as- It walks alongside the ket Ping. The between will. 'be deceased Sitios Jptvemei Socketpy realipgl. contracts for rvemovating Tete de Pont barracks have not yet been awarded, 'The departments at Ottawa don't hustle in the hot weather. x. Dickenson; Vtlion sweet, lodt a v terrier ro poisoning. The dog killer is getting to be too 'common a personage and®one of these he intends meeting with friends, arth the party will then camp there for 'a few 3 Dr. E. Cays came over from Os wego, yesterday, to spend to-day with his parents, Alfred street. 'When a man is com to eat his MH to swallow i IT against him in the Unit- : | house th mains a Suter he place was voir it 'mre as ignorant as p Bartels | yon % the cause of the _ udge , who has tof, ple mtersiowed, this morn- feelin pon See _oxttaiction ing, Manager slones was at g loss Bare aiitied that eriming] charges | 1 ¢xblain the conflagration. He in: overyth the xyShing and there was no even 'a spark of fire. He mno- i 15 them he would leave | a little longer so that they | wa i vi ly to the effect that they! wou get - right. The men mov-| on before Jones left the! grounds, but not in a direction take them tewards the entrance. case will, doubtless, be fully investi | gated. { FITZ IS AFTER BURNS. { -------------- Champion Luckhy--He Will Fight Him, New York, N.Y., July 16.--Fitesim-| mons says that after he whips the 0, "Jack" Johnson, he will fight "Tommy" Burns. Said "Fite" to: day : { "Of course I'll fight Burns. He's! the luckiest fellow in the world. It's} a food thing for him that we didn't] fight at Essington, last year, when the | cops stopped the show. He caught 0'Brien 'off his guard in a fake fight,| a caught wires when he was stage! struck and now has his first chance at | Gunner Moir. I'll give him a heat! after I Jick Johnson, watch me." Money is being wagered now at even that "Fitz" gets a draw or has the better of the black fighter, EUROPE"S TOP SPEED. 98} Miles An Hour Maintained on Railroad. Munich, July 16.--The Germann Rail- way Journal claime that the greatest speex] ever attained in Europe by a steam driven train has been reached on several trips during the past week betwéen Munich and Augsburg on the Bawmrian State railway. The express train locomotives pull- ed trains weighing 150 tons at a imum speed of ninety-five and ane- hall miles per hour, which was main- tained for" a considerable period. A BIG WRECK. -- Several Killed and a Number Injured. Leavenworth, Kansas, July 16.-- Several persons are reported killed and injured in a wreck at Bethel, to-day. A Great Western passenger train is reported to have run into jthe Burling- | ton train. wrecking the Burlington sleeper, | because of washouts. The Burlington and Great Western have been using the Kansas City North- western tracks, upon which the wreck is reported to have occurred. OUIDA DYING ? Refuses Medical Care or Any Comforts. London, July 16.~The Milan cor respondent of the Tribune savs that Miss Louise De La Ramee (Ouida), whose poverty was recently told, is | dying at Massarosa. She needs medi- | cal care, but refuses it or any com- | fort. She will not see visitors. A Big Strike. { San Sebastin, Spain, July 16.--What | promises to be a gigantic general | strike throughout the north-cast of] Spain, was begun, yesterday, with the | declaration of a general strike at a mecting of several thousand miners at | Bilboa. It is believed that the move- | ment will spread rapidly to the miners' district of Sandlander and Austurias. The labor unions of the whole of Ca- talonia are preparing for a general strike, The authorities are alarmed at the prospects and are ing measures to assure a bread supply. Black Hand Suspected. New York, July 16.--The entire low- er floor of a tenement house, at 352- 354 East 105th streét was blown to pieces at 12.3 o'clock, this morning, by a bomb, and the windows in the houses on the te side of the street were shattered, The house then caught fire and for a time the fifty lives in the big tenement were endan- gered. The Black Hand is suspected. Killed By A Bomb. 8t. Petersburg, July 16.--Gen. Ali- kanoff, governorigemeral of Eutais, whose rigorous methods of suppressing diporders in Trans-Caucasus, which had brought down upon him the enmity the revolutionist, was kill- ed, by a bomb, at three o'clock, this afternoon, as he was returning to his nome from, his club. The assassins Parson-Publican Retires. London, July 16.--Rev. Dr. Samuel Whithield Thackeray, who has held the liconse of the Fish and Eels ho- tel, Royden, Essex,- for more than a year, applied fo the Harlow magis- trates on Satunday far the transfer of his license to another tenant, as he was obliged to leave owing to failing, health. Takes Convicts From Mines. Austin, Texas, July 16.---The state penitentiary board has adopted the policy of refusing to lease or hire pen: itentiary convicts to work im coal mines or in turpentine camps. Several hundred convicts were leased at $31 a Inquth to work 'upon farms and\plan- ords he finds it demain, woman jealousy is 'without elasticit Ye : Baby foods - and Custoria. Tt to buy pr Gibson's Grow drug store, Always fresh the He Was An Old i- highly respected resident of Napanee, in Ins id is life in th burg, spent all his life in thal township, fie has resided jn Napanee, ng about the park! iy after- | lahng sta so po The Mana tonk plas Nndey ale y out, he received ap to) Hodoson and {hee parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Ben- | 'machinery were damaged. The total | Farmer--Visitors From Var-| ious Points--Misses Grange ¢ Gave An "At Home." | Napanee, July 16.--~The death oc- | curred, on Sy turdoy last, of Robert Young, South Napanee, an old and | ty-sccond year. Deceased | was' Fy mid in South Fredericks- f J. W. Card, A family of sons and two | with his daughter, Mrs. for the t ten years. four children, two wo | daughters, survive. They are: Caniff, | of South or erichaburgs Jorma L., | Napanee; Mrs. J, W. Clark, Napanee, | and Mrs. Dorgan, Ogdensburg, N.Y. | Winnie Gault, Winnipeg, is spending | a month with her parents. Mrs. | little son, of Grand Forks, B.C., arrived home last | week to spend a couple of months with Miss Addie Chinneck, of Schrei- | ber, is home to spend the vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, F. Chinneck, ! James Woodham sprained the ten- dons of his ankle, on Sunday evening, by stepping off the sidewalk unex- pectedly, He will be unable to use his limb for a time in consequence. . W. Nichols and little son, Win- nipég, are visiting friends in town after | an absence of three years. H. M. Deroche and daaghter, . Miss | Eleanor, W. P. Deroche and Mrs. Me- | Clew, Galt, left last evening to spend | the heated term at their summer home | at Sharbot Lake. Roland and Donald | Daly and Harold Benson are spending their holidays at Hay Bay. i The Misses Grange, Lohn street, | were "At Home" to their numerous | young lady friends yesterday after- | noon. MIDNIGHT FIRE. ! Bowen and Co. Suffer Loss of $40,- | 000. Kemptville, Ont., July 16.--A disas-| trous fire broke out in the grist milld of Bowen & Co., at one o'clock, Sat- | urday moming, and owing to the in-| flammable nature of the structure and! contents, the huge building was com- pletely consumed. ! The brave and well directed efforté of the brigade prevented a general conflagration. The cause of the fire is! un'nown. The mill was rufi by electric | power, brought from a paint fourteen miles distant on the Ridean, The lo- | ca electric lights will be effected for a | few days, as some of the wires and | loss is $10,000 and about two-thirds | is covered by insurance, § } BI-LINGUAL TRAINING SCHOOL | S---- I J. P. Finn, B.A., Probably Be the! Principal. | Toronto, July 16.--The pravincial | government has decided upon' the es- tablishment of a permanent bi-lingual | training school for teachers at Ot- | tawa. The school will have a similar | standing to that of a model school, ! and both professional and academic | training will be given in French and | English. ~~ | The department decided upon | the appointment - of J. P. Finn, BA, | as principal, and of J. M. Fleury, a | Parisian Frenchman, as assistant. has | The Engineering School. Ottawa, July 16.--Militia orders is- | sued to-day state that the Royal School of Military Engineering has | been 'authorized at Halifax, N.S,, as follows : Commandant, C.R.C.E., ma- ritime provinees; stall officer, adjutant | i i | t R.C.E.; instruction school, chief in- structor, division officer; electrical school, division officer D. L. Halifax; mechanical 'school, chief instructor, in- speotor R.C.E; school of telegraph, chief instructor, D.0.D.L., Halifax; field works, chief instructor, officer | commanding fortress company. Courses will be held from time to time as au- | thorized by the militia council. | Chance For Letter Writers. Best Values in Kingston JOHN LAIDLAW & SON. | Sale of Women's White Shirt Waists TO-MORROW. Every White Shirt Waist in stock must be sold before lst August to make room for New Goods to arrive during. August. In order to do this we have decided to place the price so low that it will surely interest every woman requiring a Shirt Waist. All 2.00 Waists for 1.33. All 2.25 Waists for 1.50. All 3.00 Waists for 2.25. All 4.50 Waists for 3.00. All 1.00 Waists for 65c. All 75c. Waists for 50c. And so on through a long list. Every Waist shown is new this summer, and at regular prices aere onsidered the So at the special prices to clear, it will repay you to see these, Even if not, prepared to buy just now, se- cure one or more and have them placed aside until required. London, July 16.--A Suffolk paper announces its willingness to publish letters on the new theology on two conditions : First, that they are rea-| sonably short, and, secondly, that the | writers send five shillings with each | lettor; the money to be given to the local hospital. New Test Of Intoxication. | London, July 16.--A policeman who | was asked, at the Lambeth police court, yesterday, how he knew that a man was intoxicated, said that he found him sitting on a doorstep | going through the motions of driving a motor ear. The man declared that he was driving to Vauxhall. Brass Band Funeral. Sheffield, July 16.--More than 300 members of local brass bands teok part yesterday in the funeral proces sion at 'Sheffield of John Brooks, who was one of the pioneers of the brass band movement in the town. They all joined in playing the Dead March in "Saul." ) : Reconstructing An Accident. London, July 16.--Martin 0'Con-| nor, a barrister, used penny toy mod- | els of a motor omnibus, "a horse omni- | bus and a cab yesterday in the Shore- | ditch County Court to demonstrate to the jury how a street accident oc- curred, African Trade Depression. Cape Town, July 16.-Tt was stated at the last. meeting of the Cape Di- visional council that £500,000 in rates was outstanding on #iccount of the severe depression in trade. 'Different Route Every Trin." Take the steamer America, Wednes: day, July 17th, 2:30 p.m. Home curly, Fare 50 For trueses that sitialy go to Dr. WHS. 1 | * RB : Byles. ' The largest assort- mentand the best goods" of any city between Toronto and Montreal. Suit Cases, Canvas Telescope Cases, Jap- anese Wieker Club Bags, Suit Cases and Telescope Cases, La- z 'dies' Basket Trunks, § > Hat Boxes, Steamer Trunks, Shawl and Trunk Straps, Shoulder Straps, Name, Tags, &c. - --ii Everything new and Nice. : "#Some Bags for lawlies just received. New ett Shoe Store. _The Loc Visitors Touri Are invited tos SHOW ROOMS. Compare Furs in Qua Price. Absolutely no to buy. We an Exclusive and Designs, in Fine MINK. Sets and single In Fur and Fu Garments. Spe July and Au John McKay F | SEALED TENDERS to the wndersignod, and der for addition to Octawa," wel be receive until Wednesday Augu clusively, for the constr dition to Rideau Halt, ( Plans and specification forms of tender oblanwd were Persons tendering are ders will not be comswde on the printed foray sup with their actual signat Fach tender must be une accepied cheque om o made pay to the or ourable the Minister of equal to ten per nt | amount of the tender, forieited if the party t to enter int a contract on to do su, or if he f the work Contracted for Ie not accepted the che turned The Department does v accept the lowest or, an By Order FRED Depurtinent of Public W ttuwa, July Newspapers will not advertisement if they i authbrity from ths Depa Our store is filled wit especially suited for Campers Fishing P: Picnic Pa Mail orders carefully promptly shipped. Jas, Redden IMPORTERS OF FINE IT IS A FA Where you get good money and you will do your Stoves, Furniture TURK'S Second-Hand & cess street. CAN'T WAKEN SLE Slumber Weeks. Arcola, Jil, July1Z. a lad who has been a gives but little sign © stiousness, his conditi tically unchanged from has been since he lapse of eatalepsis about Ju Physicians have attract his attention i and bring him from but aside from two when hig eybs resumed al expression, he has dence of retiring con part of the time he is chair, which is rolled door next to the strec that some passing obje return of his powers. Has Been sO Gananoque, Broc! Ogdensbu Friday, steamer Ame lea 8 a.m. Returning, at 3:30 p.m. Only 75c. ------------ Free, | Costly L. Adver 'The publicity government meat vestigation has cf dustry 'millions i trade and million now being spent t impress the wor sanitary methods order to destroy able impressions f And we have the surance, that the campaign now i force is mot on their support up figures, but bids { ceed them. The in reflect of the pote ties of printers' business builder ir