Quality ame quality of tea d poor the next, but hich is so delightful. ackage the same as onee, you will buy y SAIN. : hop or Cutlet, just try i vo ws Re hd » give you LEA & PERRINS' jal, Canadian Agents. Silk Special 350 yards Cream Jap Wash Silks, full 27 inches wide, nice even weave, wears and washes like linen. Special price this week, 35¢ vard. . ' ] ery ! ack, Tan, Grey, Pink, Light penwork, from 25¢ up. Lustres nd Navy, brilliant silky fin- dust, wear well and drape AND CASH COUPONS ROS. toves i 5 now here and. the AS STOVE in your s now complete, and show you our large e them all prices and 'e can satisfy you. A Ww. GH, 86 Brock St. $600604 0404 360d ) ther ill With Us cool Footwear yet. Tearing this ices we have put on our JOTWEAR s, leather heel Pp. trap p, with heel ip 2 EE EERE ~harles 2 646. Ror, 111 PRINCESS ST-- 'HE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JULY 17th, 1907. Re 1 PemBROKE RAILWAY ' IN CONNECTION WITH i | Canadian Pacific Railway. ™ + Comdortable berths im tourist ua Bo lew - 1o 20th Jul TRAVELLING. Quebec Steamship Company LIMITED River and Gulf of St. Lawrence a SAR Summer Cruises in Cool Latitude Twin Screw Iron --S8° Campana," with electric 1 eleotr modern in Rs, ie bells aud al} Sails Montreal from on wf Tl en _ an 6 ugust for Pictou, N.S., call at ; ' ing at Quebec, Gaspe, BERMUDA yoin ars and COFP.R. Ticket offices, Ontario St. KINGsTON-OTTAWA | Leave Kingston, 12:10 p.m., arrive Ot- tawa, 4:45 p.m. Leave Ottawa, 10:45) a.m., arrive Kingston 3:45 p.m. rect connections at Renfrew with C.P.R., No. .; leave Renfrew, 4:15 p.m., for Pem- broke, Port Arthur, Winnipeg and Paci- | ruil, particular R. Ticket offices, Ontario street. ¥. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agt. Bay of Quinte Railway Deseret tat at Toc potste Fk | Soave City Hall Depot 4 pm, w. DICKSON, Agent B.QRy.. xh | INTERCOLONIAL] RAILWAY Ocean Limited CANADA'S PREMIER TRAIN BETWEEN 2 Montreal, Levis, for Quebec, St. John and Halifax, with con- nection for Prince Edward Island. First Trip From Montreal June 30th. Secure Folders and Descriptive Matter at Montreal Ticket Office, 141 St James St. rs ot K. &P. and ©. P. J Summer Excursions, $35 and wpwards, by the new Twin Screw SS. "Bermud- ,"" 5,500 toms. Baill from New York every alternate Wohsonion com- mencing 5th June. Temperature cooled by sea breezes seldom rises above 80 de- The fmest trips of the Seaton health and comfort. = ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. and staterooms, appl HANLEY, or J. P, on Bie P, SLERVE,: Ticket Agents, Kingston, Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte Steamboat CO., Limited. Imig 1000 ISLAND-ROCHESTER ROUTE -------- Stes. North King and Caspian Steamer leaves Kingston daily, ex. A Monday, at 10.15 a.m., for Thousand | Islands and Gananogue. Returning leaves at 5 p.m,, for Rochester, N.Y., via the Hay of Quinte, calling at intermediate ports. Steamer Aletha leaves on Mondays at | § p.m., for Picton -emd intermediate | ports. Full information from J. P. HANLEY, | GILDERSLBEEVE & KIRKPATRICK,! Ticket Agents. JAMES SWIFT & CO., Freight Agents. | rv. Synopsis of Canadian Northwest | HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS. Any even numbered section of Rowjjon ro- Lands in Manitoba or the North-West vinces, extepting ®~qnd 26, not reserved, ma; be homesteaded by any person the sole hi of a family, or male over 18 years of age, to the extent of ome-quarter section, of 160 acres, mere or less. Application for homestead entry or inspec tion must be made in person by the applicant! at the office of the local Agent or Sub-Agent. An application for entry or inspection made | ersonally at any Subagent's office may be vired to the local agent by the Sub-a he expense of the applicant, and if the pplied for is vacant on receipt of the tele ram such application is to have priority and | re land will be held until the necessary pa | 1 ' Jd! REL SS | RAE Homeseekers' Second-Class Round Trip Excursions To Manitoba, Saskatchewan and A) berta leave Kingston, Tuesday, July 16th, 30th; August 13th, 27th; Sept. 10th and 24th, within sixty days from going date. Branch Local Time Table. 'Trains will leave and arrive at Cit Depot, Foot of Johnson street. GOING WEST Lve. City Arr. City 1245a.m. 1.15a.m. 226 am. 3.05a.m. 16 a.m. 9.47 a.m, .12.16 noon 12.49 p.m. Tickets good to return or ers to y_ mail, . : In case of "personativa" the entry will be immarily cencelled and the applicant will wfeit all priority of claim. a An applicant for inspection must be eligible | or homestead entry, and only one application for inspection will be received from an indi vidual until that application bas been dis posed of. al A homesteader whose entry is in good stand g and not liable to cancellation, may, sub ject to appreval of Department, relinquish it n favor of father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister, if elfgible, but to no one else, on hung declaration of abandonment. Where an entry is summarily cancelled or voluntarily abandoned, subsequent to institu tion of cancellation proceedings, the applicant inspection will he entitl to prior right of entry. Appli for inspection must state in what particulars the homesteader is in default, and if subsequently the statement is found to be incorrect in material particulars, the appli cant will lose amy prior right eof reentry shouia the land become vacant, or if entry has been granted it may be summarily can celled. Duties--A settler is required to perform the conditions under one of the following plans:-- (1) At least six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each year dur 7 Mail .o. 3.19 p.m. 8.51 p.m ing the term of three years. . --eewe 7.08 pms 7.38 pr @) If the Jather (or mother, i Ye father QO is deceased) of a homesteader resides upon @ ING. BAST | ec vicinity of the land entered for N Lye. City Arr. Oity uy yuch homesteader the requirement as to io. 3 Mail _. ...148am. 2.22 am. |. may be satisfied by such person re w (3 Fast Exp. .2.26e.m. 83.05a.m. ding with the father or mother. " ~- =.8.16 am 847am (2) If the settler has his permanent resi: . Mail ..... ..12.20 p.m. 12.49 p.m. | dence upon farming land owned by him in w 4 & Fast Exp. ..1.00 pm. 1.29 p.m. the vi..uy of his B mestead, the requirement 13 Local --.. 7.03 pm 7.38 p.m. | may be satisfied by residence upon such land Nos. 1,2,3, 4,5 and 8 run daily; All other trains daily except Sunday, For tull particulars, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Cor. Johnson and Ontario Sts. Montreal Ral & Line Steamers "Toronto & Kingston" EAST BOUND 1,000 Ish i! ge) Saguenay River points. WEST BOUND Leave Kingston, 5 p.n., dally, for > Charlotte and Toronto, making connec- tions for all Western polats. Hamilton-Montreal Line Tri-weekly service EAST AND WEST BOUND For tickets berth reservation, ATR NN . & O. N. y ly . FOSTER CHAF. .G.P.A. Toromto. EXCURSION! STR. "WOLFE ISLANDER" EVERY THURSDAY --T0-- | Brophy's Point, | Halliday's Dock, Breakey's Bay Leaves Kingston, 3 p.m.; arrive | home at 7 p.m. i Fare for Round Trip, 25¢ ROYAL ALLAN "SrA: LINE MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL ' The new Steamer Corsican, 11,000 tons Twin Screw, will sail from Montreal, FRIDAY, July 26th, on her trial trip, ', June 20th. steamer attained a' maximum hour: [ler accommodation is of the finest PY Toronto Kav [0 Leave Ki efore making application for pateat the settler must give six months' notice in writ ing to the Commissioner of Dominien Lande at Ottawa, of his intention to do so. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST MINING REGULATIONS. Coal.--Coal Lands may be purchased at $10 r acre for soft coal and $20 for anthracite Not more than 320 acres can be acquired by one individual or compeny. Royalty at the rate of ten cents per ton of 2,000 pounds shall be collected on the gross output. Quartz.--A person eighteen years of age, o over, having Boh mmeral in place, ma) | 'locate a claim, 1,500x1,800 feet. { The fee for recording a claim is $5. At least $100 must be expended on the claim each year or paid to the mining recorder | in lieu thereof. When $500 has been expend. | ed or paid, the locator may, upon having a! survey made, and upon complying with other requirements, pu land at $1 per acre. The patent provides for the payment of a royalty of 2 1-2 per cent. on the sales. Placer mining claims generally are 100 feet square, entry fee $5, renewable yearly. An applicant may obtain two leases to Iredge for gold of five miles each for a term »f twenty years, renewable at the discretion f the Minister of the Interior. The lessee shall have a dredge in ation within one season from the date of the lease for each five miles. Rental, $10 per annum for each 'mile of river . Royalty at the | rate of 2 1-2 per cent. collected on the output after it exceeds $10,000. W. W. CORY. Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.--Unauthorized publication of this ad vertisement will not be paid for. Waggoner's Lm LTE BIC RIE Special | Blue | Serge Suit eld canker. fed at its heart, and that its $ beauty and fragrance 'were doomed forever. Nature alwgve spares the suf Best Workmanship re First Class Trimmings \ cvevevevsevevvesvere Headaches Mean Your T0 LAY CORNER STONE Blood Is Poisoned - into unconciousness If your bowels, kidneys or skin are not ridding the system of waste-matter, the blood is laden with impurities, Which inflame the nerves. It is these irritated nerves that make the head ache. Powders and pills won't cure, they merely drug the nerves and relieve for a short time. Froit-a-tibes" cure Headaches, Neuralgia and Nerve Pains } Street aad No. ' CY eee. Ne000 0000000000000 00000000 J. K. Carroll. Representative fering: she is a of pleasing rewards seek her aid. Please explain, without further obligation on my part, how | can quality for because they purify the blood. 'They act directly on the three great eliminating organs -- Bowels, Kidneys and Skin-- and restore them to healthy action, thus ridding the system of all poisons. " Pruit-a-tives * are fruit juices-- chemically chan, by the process of combining them, into a far more effective medicinal compound than the natural juices. Soc. a-box --6 for $2.50. t all dealers' or from Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. ¢ To everyman, and woman, too, who is struggling along against adversity, striving to make the best of long hours and poor wages, the Inter- national Correspondence Schools, the standing and achievements of which are known and honored every- where, make this offer: If ou will indicate by a mark ike this X on the coupon below which occupation you prefer, the 1.C. S. will show you how it is not only pos- sible, but actually easy for you to enter that occupation and secure a good paying position. It puts you under no obligation to send in the coupon. Have you enough curiosity to ask HOW? eevessss sess sssenrrenrrey ly International Correspondence Scheels Bex 799, Scranlen, Pa. arger salary in the position before which I have marked X. Bookkeeper Telephone Engineer Stenographer Eiectric-Lighting Supt. Advertisement Writer Engineer Show-Card Wi Window Trimmer Stationary Engineer " Ornamental Deeigner Wustrator Architectural Drattemen Civil Service Arcnitest Chemist Structural Engineer Textile Mill Supt, Bridge Electrician Blectrical Engineer NAME cr cemeemmmecsnar Local Office 57 Brock St. --is made right with the right ingredients for a perfect soap. It gives a rich creamy lather beautifully foamy & fragrant ; = --it improves the complexion; --it cleanses and soothes the skin ; --and protects it from hard water, strong sun or wind. *Baby's Own" is the best soap for every toilet purpose. oy Albert Soaps Lid. Mirs., - Montreal NATURE SPARES, | The Stricken Rose From Grief. | Yo What % fortunate provision of ture it is, that deprives the rose mental suffering; for for those who $n the years' gon¢ by {falling hair and grayness have cast a Fit Guaranteed Storms In Russia. Petersburg, July 17.--Reports rum central and southern Russia say St Fagy din isd gloom over the lives of thousamds of voung women, but thanks to the | vestigations of i leause of hair destruction is now known ito be a germ rows into the hair follicles. Newbro's Herpicide in- true the scientists or parasite that bur- al absolutely a knots per that the crops have been badly dam- germ, thus permitting the hair. to for all |aged, in many districts, and destroy- | grow as natur intended. Sold hy ied in those of Kiefi and Volhinia, by leading druggists. Sead 10c. in {heavyheavy rains and hail. Several | stamps for samnle to The Werpicide n have lost their lives bv Cg. Detroit, Mich. Two sizes. 50. * L i O sl agent a and $1. ( i; gH a ®00000000c 0000s sncsersnncnn na- of VPacific*coast. how poignant: would be its grief to discover, in the height of its blooming glory, that a veritable storehioisy destrovs this | OF PICTON COLLEGIATE ON > DERRY DAY. ---- The Picton Old Boys' Coming Home to the Canning Factory Town--An Egg Discussion. Picton, July 16.--It has been defin- itely settled to lay the corner stone of Picton's new ¥00,000 Collegiate on | Monday, Aug. 12th, at 1:30 pm. | Principal Dobson, who with the umque | record of forty-eight years teaching, holds the distinction of being the | oldest provincial high school teacher, will officiate, assisted by Lieut.-Col. | Boy, for twenty-six years secretary of {the board. A feature of the occasion {will be the visit of the Prince Edward {Old Boys, who are to arrive in town {Aug. 10th for their yearly three days' | visit, i |' The standard-bearer for the liberal: conservative camp of Prince Fdward is | shortly to be selected by common cone {sent, The executive met on Saturday land decided to call a mass meeting {two weeks hence, . August 27th. The opinion is general that the favorite will be George 0. Alcorn, K.C.,, M.P,, who for two terms has represented Prince Edward in the lower house at {Ottawa and who is believed to be the strongest county conservative, : About one mile of road work has been completed in the past two months and about one and a half miles of cement walk, Miss Ethel Gibson, B.A., of Cayuga. has been engaged as teacher of mod- erns on the staff of the high school. Miss Gibson ha® had two years exper- ience on the staff of Brantiord Colle- giate Institute, The initial salary is $500, What may fairly be termed an "egy crusade' is an present the worry of town grocers and the farmers. On Sa- turday prices dropped from 16c. and 17c. up doz., which for several weeks had ruled, to 14c. and 15¢. Some one had to be blamed. It seems a few weeks ago grocers offered a price bicher than the market ruling for picked eggs. Others were paying the lower figure for all sorts and condi tions. Now these latter claim that {the gssorting of eggs for export has {been the cause of the general decline in the 'market. Judge and Mrs. Morrison and the Misses Olive and Helen Morrison left | yesterday to spend the summer yt Myr- {ray Bay. y Mr. and Mrs. Chapman, of Chicago, who have heen for several weeks the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Sackenze, left the first of the week for (Quolee, i They will spend several = months abroad before returning home. Mr and Mrs. W. Tait, of Toronto, are visiting at his home, guests of Misses Nellic and Annie Tait, Union street. Miss Claire Perrin, formerly of I'ie- ton. and now of London, 1s the guert {of Mrs. James Porte, Paul street. Miss WHY BIRDS SING Something You Never Belore Thought About. ! Of late years there has been some tendency on thy part of observers to discount Darwin's theory as to the attractiveness of the songs and pos: turing of male birds to their intended mates; and it must be admitted that direct experimental evidence as to the efficacy of these performances, vo- cal or otherwise, in winning the heart of the hen bird, is not so abundant as it might be. It is noticed, for in- stamped, that the breast and Chanticleer. 1 remember once watching in Cal cutta, two cocks which evidently felt that honor demanded a fight, but had also a prudent aversion to commenc- ing hostilities. They defiantly slanted their shoulders and flapped their wings, then they picked up little stones and dropped them in contemp- tuous invitation to "come on," but finally the bolder spirit wentured on a crow, and then the battle began. As for Cock Robin, being gifted with a sweet vowee, he breathes challenges to the robin mext door which sound tenderly melodious to us, but when Business» Biliousness don't go together. A man can't do good work with an aching head or an upset npg hindu dg in morning, 2 sleepless night. cures Congtipation, Biliousness, Headaches, Stomach and Bowel Troubles. It sends a man to the office with clear in--steady nerves--and his whole system bounding with good health. Try it yourself. agc. and 6oc. a bottle. At All Druggists. paying his addresses to his mate he is ~fatle of nothing but a gurgling | itter. { The courting skylark, too, follow-| ing his mate with hopping gait and] raised crest and tail, and flipping at | her with his wings, forgets the glori- ous melody which he pours aloft. In some cases, however, there is no doubt about the object and efficacy of the song or love-calls. The mating | canary not only sings furiously at his| rival, but passionately to his mate, | and it is a well-known fact that cam-| aries in fanciers' bird rooms often] form attachments by the voice, these| beiny so strong that, if a different | mating is desired by the owner, the | birds concerned have to be moved out | of hearing of the attractive note, | Rooks, said Gilbert White, in the] breeding season sometimes attempt | in the gaiety of their hearts to sing. | and the weird gulps and gurgles of | the courting raven afford another ex- ample of the attempt of the amorous corvine to "aggravate his voice." en -------- STRIKING STATEMENT. Cigarettes a Fatal Handicap to Students. Orillia Packet In an address on cigarette smoking to the scholars of St. James' Sunday school, on Sumdny, J. E. Dickson, principal of Orillia Collegiate Insti tute, made some striking statements. He said that in his twenty-eight years' experience as a toacher he had never known a boy addicted to cigar ette smoking to be a successful stu dent. He could not recall an exeep- tion to the rule. If a boy did well the first year, and then fell off in his {Marion Kayler, Napanee, is visiting hét aunt, Mre. R. H. Hubbs, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hadden, Miss Maul Hadden and Mrs. (Dr.) Philp have gone down {to spend the summer at their cot tage on Point Pleasant. Mr. and {Mrs. N. Ostrader and family are spard ling the summer at Hickory Park, the Bay shore. Mr. Procter, manager of the Stan ard bank, Brighton. and Mics iti ter, have been spending a few with their gister, Mrs. 8. B. Gearing, un #* the Standard Bank. Mss Wright and Miss Lena Wright are on a trip to Quebec this week. Mrs. Lester her absence Miss Nora Kelley is filling the church vacancy, Mrs. D. J. rived in town yesterday, and with Miss Isabel Kemp went to Glenora to be with the latter's sister, Mrs, 1, OC Wilson, who is ill. ~ Miss Pic vvinz ie home after spending the winicr in Rochester, N.Y. Joke On Railway Magnate. One of the biggest jokes of the sea son has come to light in regard to the recent visit of the Japanese Prince {Fushimi, and the orders which that a (illustrious gentleman spread broad cast, says Saturday Night. It will be remembwred that just previous to {leaving Canadian shores the prince presented Sir Thomas Shaughnessy ahd W. R. Baker, of the C.P.R., and Harry Charlton, of the Grand Trunk, with the Order of the sure. Of course these gentlemen were of the opinion that they had received {something of rare worth and treasur- od it accordingly. It now develgps, however, that one Miller. the porter who had care of the princes during that worthy's journey to the coast, algo received the Order of the Sacred Treasure. Of course the porter was a kind man; one of the modest. most discreet and gentle in the service. He also hard the reputation of theing the best boot black and clothes duster 'on the C.P.R. lines. Now, dhowever, on Miller's broad breast is the Order of the Sacred Treasure, of w exact (altitude id not stated. But anyhow he has it, and so have his hosses, Shaughnessy and Baker. It is pre. sumed that whenever Miller and {Shaghnessy meet now, the former will flip flap his hand and wiogle his ear in accord with the special signal of the Sacred Treasureship. However, Messrs. Baker and Shaughnessy are {both of the opinion that Fushimi may ve better' parted with a 85 bill. is is about the sims of the usual porter's fee from Montreal to Facts About The Pulse. The normal pulse has a wide range, but is always faster in females than in males, and steadily declines from birth _te-death. Eminent physicians | shave thought it possible to tell a per- | son's sex and age from the pulse | alone. i The average rate at hirth is 160 | {boats a minute; in girls and 150 in | boys; at the age of 4 or 5, 110 and 100; in mmidens and youths, 95 and 90; in mature women: and men, i to 75, and im elderly women and men, | 60 and 50. In one recorded case the | {pulse of a healthy man was only 30! | a minute. : | The pulse varies with stature, posi. | tion of body, exercise and health and in disease it has been known to i Lid i {hed begun to days | Moflat, organist 'in the eeshvtorian | church, is in Belleville owing to the illness of Mrs. William Moffat. During MacPhail, Toronto, ar- | Sacred Trea- | the | studies, he at once suspecied that he smoke cigarettes if he w of no other cayse. As a rule | this turned out to he right, and the | indications soon began to show in the | face and on the hands, as well as in | arrested mental activity. Cigarette | smoking was absolutely incompatible with mental development, The char | acteristic of the cigarette smoker was | i stolid stupidity, from which no spur | could arouse him. This is strong {testimony from ome who has had ex- ceptional . opportunities for observa tion. | Old-Fashioned Oratory. "We don't have no such forensic oratogy as we used to have," said the old seftler. "Lawyers nowadays don't jorate; they only just talk, "Take old Bill K. Simons, of Eau Clair. If Bill was defendin' a lowly | chicken thief, ho'd speak with the | tongue of angels. I'll never forgit the peroration of his impassioned philip- | pic in the Clay bull ease about the | | poisoned cat. It runs like this here." | {| The little, thin, old man rose, rear | ed back in. a defiant attitude, and shouted in 'the erucked treble of age "Restin' upon the couch of republi can liberty as I do, covered with the | blunket of constitutional panoply as I am, and protected by the aegis of American ogmality as 1 feel myself to | be, I despise the buzzin' of the pro fessional inseck who has just sot doww and defy his attempt to penetrafe with puny sting the interstices of me | ingervious coverin'." { ee RGR | Big Woman Dead. ! Newark, N.J., July 16.--Mrs. Mar | {garet McMahon, the biggest woman | in New Jersey, is dead at the home of | her daughter. That her body may he | taken out of the house for burial one of the window frames has heen remov- | ed and sixteen inches of the brick | work at the side of it. It will take | twelve men fo carry the coffin to the | street and as there is not 'a hearse | large enough to hold it it will have t, be conveyed to the cemetery on a wag- | { gon, Mrz. McMahon weighed nearly 500 | nounds. The greater part of her flesh | had been takem on in the last three | years Fatty degeneration caused | death, . i WA Cold Wave On Continent. Vienna, July 17.-A sudden cold wave has struck Austria-Hungary. Ten degrees: of frost was registered here, yesterdhvy, and severe floods are re ported from various places. A cold rain in falling and there is much mow tn the mountain districts. Summer | visitors at mountain hotels are snow. | ol in. The mountain railways are not | working. Sovch contlitions. have not | prevailed before in 130 years. | 7p X PE 1 ow ROBT. J+ REID, ms irr, me eww & Removal Sale THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1867 ? tal, $10,000,000 Paid-up Capital, §15:000,000 54 Total Assets, - 113,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England $ : BANKING BY MAIL 'wm Business may be transacted by mail with any branch of the Bank. Accounts may be opened and deposits made or withdrawn by mail. Every attention is paid © to out-of-town accounts. i KINGSTON BRANCH, CORNER OF KING AND PRINCESS STS P. C. STEVENSON, Manager. Our July Sale Booming China Cabinet $65.00 for 55.00, $45.00 for 35.00, § for 8.50. st Tables and Buffets to match in price and style. Parlor Sett, 3-piece, $125.00 for 100.00, $85.00 sett for 65.00, $75 Sett for $60.00, $65 sett for 50.00. © B. BE. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager A. B. IRELAND, Superintendent of Branches SFR ---------- i} 2 d , Nature's Sectet ned by ovinbis v of the rarest chemical reagents in no experimert. 4a proved its use in the 2. Jepitel of Eurepe. Tens of oh {cases cured by 30 a carefully sealed ina lain with no mark. foll 30 days treatment (180 dons) with guaranteed cure or of money, for i Send for sworn Canadian testimonials received within the last twelve De. K.|AR MEDICINE CO.. P.O. Drawer L 2341. MONTREAL HESS "Wa OD » bn JACKSONIAN ROACH POWDER 5 : ) Oana at 80e. for Household was, and in Fastin vs for Jiotels, Resaurants ea ate = hy Owing to my removal to 700 Queen Street West, 3 ; Toronto, I have decided to dispose of my entire stock at Sacrifice Prices Stock consists of Clothing, Boots, Hats, Caps and Gents' Furnishings. Every price will be ¢ut to the heart. ALL NEW STOCK. x : A. Lieberman; 39-41 Princess Street. wor ET -- = Cp -- i CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO'Y ESTABLISHED (1847) HEAD OFFICE TORONTO, ONT. 3 EEE Street. ee (OVEr) = «a ae cmc en mae ne mana.--n Dividends paid Policyholders in 1905-6 (over) =