18073 RD BANK pa" TU. ar , - Toronto ¢ pays interest -' on all Savings nection with all Branches. RANCH BAGOT STS. OVEeS ow here and the STOVE in your ow complete, and ow you our: large hem all prices and an satisfy you. A |, 86 Brock St. in limited $3,000,000 $2,800,000 3,000,000 2,300,000 Nov. 1 each year.) sessnw saxens eaves arden «++ Halifax. Tramway Co.; Directo: seaaae sssessesss Halifax ssssssssness New York. ssssessssas. Toronto. «+ Toronto. cq tress tesa New York. + £+ «200-540 Juan, Porto Rico. oo Ve wee Jods ode Montrenls : Co. ke Spanish-American War, and is eco and fruits, the principal ex- 2ason that these products go into pay heavy duties. imulated trade that the total ex- nount in 1906 having been $23.- enced by the totals of imports, ress bids fair to continue with methods of cultivation which Ls. the island being said to have ler a Canadian cuarter, and ac- ous suburb, and Rio Piedras, a 0 be sufficient for all the needs 15 miles from San Juan. . 17% miles from Rio Piedras ultivated, principally with sugar 0' it. This will be the only rail- gs, show heavy freight and pas- > Co., a subsidiary company of $s at remunerative rates all the n years. | 'Successful operation for years. > first five months of the present faced by only $850,000 of the nade last October for developing issue of $800,000 have yet to be bonus that d issue of $2,300,000, although greatly increase both gross and eers, have made a careful esti which shows net earnings suffi- f over 5% upon the $2,800,000 year by year, as gross earnings basis of 46% % operating rate-- 88, both through the special ex- onsulting 'Engineer's intimate BEEN SOLD, WE NOW, SUB. 3 CORPORATION OF MONT. ,» THE REMAINDER OF THE HE INVESTMENT), THE SUB. THE BONDS. en thousands may even up basis of $30 per shar, = 0), each on the r Next. thereafter. : listed on the Toronto and Mont- L co Rallways Company, Limited, Ing power over bond interest. of 50% of their par value in Mis statement Is made after two and officers of the company. 30., Limited, , | ject subscriptions. °° § at our expense. > ALLAN BE mRavELLNG, | ECR RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacific Railway. HOMESEEKERS ald 2 F K 0B. Wasp - - 328 moet 1 - = B58 Prince Albert Moss's - - 430 | Mo Battieford = 0 0) Estevan | Pe 22 em BR em} aw Comt. rtabls berths in tourist sleepers at moderate rates. Free copies of Home- For the Next Five Days AT -- RONEY & C0.'S BIG SALE Fira nan: = "I BACK BONE Extra Special Inducomentss recs: A REMARKABLE CASE OF SURGERY. ------ Shot, With Three Vertebrae Miss- ing Man Lives--Marvellous Skill of Physician--Cost is Great. New York, July 17--~When Alexan- der Adrehi, a patien t in the City hos pital on Blackwell's Island, is dis charged in a few s one of the most remarkable cases in surgery will have been com For four years he lay almost con- eekers' Painphist, giving rates to iculurs at K.& P. BTR le SE Shula KINGSTON--OTTAWA Leave Kingstom, 12:10 p.m., arrive Ot- tawa, 4:45 p.m. Leave Ottawa, 10:45 a.m., arrive Kingston 3:45 p.m. Direct connections at Renfrew with C.P.R., No. ; leave Renfrew, 4:15 p.m. for Pem- | Over twenty different patterns to choose from in Homespuns, Flannels and Serges, single and double- breasted styles. proke, Port Arthur, Winnipeg and Paci- | Coast points. | a particulars wt K.& P. wad O. P.| R. Ticket offices, Ontario street. ¥. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agt. $13.50. Bay of Quinte Railway New short Hine for Tweed, Napalies, Deseronto, and all local points. Trains feave City Hall Depot at 4 p.m. R | N, Agent B.Q.Ry., Kiogrton, INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY Ocean Limited CANADA'S PREMIER TRAIN BETWEEN Montreal, Levis, for Quebec, St. Jehn and Halifax, with con- nection for Prince Edward Island. First Trip From Montreal June 30th. Secure Folders and Descriptive Matter at Montreal Ticket Office, 141 St James St. LEIS TNS HIRE LSS Homeseekers' Second-Class Round Trip Excursions To Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Al- berta leave Kingston, Tuesday, July 16th, 30th: August 13th, 27th; Sept. 10th and 24th. Tickets good to return within sixty days from going date. Branch Local Time Table. "Trains will leave and arrive at Cit Depot, Foot of J son street. GOING WEST Lve. City Arr. City No. § Mall ....1245a.m. 1.15a.m. " 8 Express ... 2.26am. 3.05am. "11 local ..... 9.15a.m. 9. m. " 1 Intern"l Ltd.12.106 noon 12.49 p.m. * 7 Mail eee 8.19 p.m. 8.51 pm "215 Local ew 7.083 pms 7.88 pw GOING EAST Lve. City Arr. City No. 8 Mail ... ...l48am. 222am. " 2 Fast Exp. ..2.26 a.m. 3.05a.m. "14 --- =..8.16 a.m. 8.47 a.m. * 6 Mall .... .:12.20 p.m. 12.49 p.m. " 4 Fast Exp. ..1.00 p.m. 1.29 p.m. * 13 local ... -.7.08 p.m. 7.88 p.m. Nos. 1,2, 8, 4,5 and 8 run daily: Al pther trains daily except Sunday. Foe full particulars, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Cor. Johnson and Ontario Sts. Montreal | & Line Steamers "Toronto & Kingston" I" Toronto Kav fo EAST BOUND Leave Ki ton daily, 6. a.m. for 1,000 Islands, Montreal, Quobes and Saguenay River points. WEST BOUND Leave Kingston, § p.m., dally, for | Charlotte and Toronto, making connec- tions for all Western points. Hamilton-Montreal Line Tri-weekly service EAST AND WEST BOUND For tickets and berth reservation, ly to,-J. P. HANLEY, Ticket Agent, & & O. N. Co. H ., Kingston, FOSTER CRAFTER KR OB.A TIME TABLE STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER Leave Wolfe Island :--~ MON. 7.80-9.15 a.m. 1.00--4.00 p.m. TURES, 7.80--90.15 a.m. 1.00--4.00 p.m. WED. Baa a.m. 1.004.000 p.m. 'HURS., Broakey"s 3 Bay 6.30--9.30 a.m."1.00--32.30 p.m. FRI. 7.80--9.15 a.m. 1.00--4.00 p.m. SAT. 8.00--9.15 a.m. 1.00--3.00 p.m. SUN 9.00~10.00 a.m. 12.30--5.00 p.m. eave Kingston :i- Mon. 8.30--11.30 a.m. 8.00--5.80 p..a Tues. .m, 8. 30 p.m, Wed. me 8. p.m. Thurs. ' Fri. .m; 8. .30 p.m, Sat. . . .80 p.my Sun. 9 11.80 a.m. 1.155.830 p.m Simcoe Island PE a oth » 'S30 and Spoor's d , at 3. p.m. Time Table subject to change without | motice. | Boat calls at Garden Island going to and from Kgogston. E. BRICELAND, Manager. | "wari LINE MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL 'The new Steamer Corsican, 11,000 tons Twin Screw, wiii sail from Montreal, FRIDAY, Jui 20th, on her trial trip, June 20th. steamer attained a speed of eighteen knots per 1 classes is of the finest and twenty-two hundred | vided for. J For tickets and staterooms, appl i |Lake Ontario & Biy of Quinte These goods are sold all over at $12.00 and Clearing price for 5 days only, $7.95 Suit. Two other lines made with Skelton Coat, single breast, patch pockets, the latest cut, worth $7.50. To clear in'a hurry at $4.95 Suit. This is the best chance you ever had to secure an up-to-date Summer Suit, at almost half price. Come Early and Get First Choice. RONEY & CO. 127 Princess St. | | The Store That Sets the Pace Cut Down Mcats and Pastrics in the Summer Days and Use It will tone up your system and supply the nourishing, health- giving properties necessary to with. stand the enervating effects of hot weather. | Try BISCUIT with Fresh Fruits or Creamed Vegetables. All Grocers--13¢c. a Carton ; 2 for 285¢. : | | mune | Gag Stoves Quebec Steamship Company | -- LIMITED 12 Burner Gas Stove, S1 fi. |3 Burner Gas Stove, $2. River and Gulf of St. Lawrence, , ¢.. | Bummer Cruises in Gool Latitude | Stoves cheap. aa | Twin Screw Iron SS. "Campaps," Refrigerators for $6.50, at with electric lights, electric bells and all | "Satis trom wowrent on wonaos. TAYLOR & HAMILTON'S | 29th July; 12th and 26th August, for Pictou, N.S_, calling at Quebec, Gaspe, Mal Bay, Perce, Cape Cove, Grand River, Su raids, P.BE.I, and Charlottetown, "BERMUDA Summer Excursions, $35 and wpwards, by the new Twin Screw S85. "Bermud- 89 and 91 PRINCESS STREET. H. Nicholson, GRANITE fan," 5,500 tons. Sailing from New York every alternate Wednesday, com- ° menci 5th June. Temperature cooled |by sea breezes seldom rises above 80 de- J The finest trips of the weasom for health and comfort. ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. WORKS 149 SYDENHAM ST. (COR. PRINCESS.) to or J. P; GILDER- Kingston, HANLEY, EVE, Ticket Agents, Put in Your Tank at Our Dock. A large stock of Dry Bat- teries, Spark Plug and Coils always on hand. SELBY & YOULDEN, Steamboat CO., Limited. IASI] 1000 ISLAND-ROCHESTER ROUTE | $trs. North King and Caspian Steamer leaves. Kingston daily, except ' Thousand , at 10.15 .m., for stands 'and Gamsndyoe. Returning loaves IMITED. at 6 p.m. ior Rochester, N.Y., via the . « Bay of Quinte, calling at intermediate ports. i me Aton oh intermediate used to be before the hoopskirf went out. A good thing in the morning is Abbey Salt., Buy it at Gibson's Red * Cross drug store, Fresh there, i ~ kg Men's and Young Men's Hot Weather Suits in two with part of his backbone shot away. and three piece | Por the : Aree piece. |injured the lower part of his 50. 79. Second-Hand Gas GASOLINE Woman's sphere isn't as large as it | stantly on a waterbed in the hospital, first fow weeks after he was body was completely paralysed. He has now so far recov as to walk and go up and down stairs, | In May, 1903, Adrehi was shot in {the back in a street fight in Brooklyn. {The bullet hit the spinal column, | shattering "the tenth and eleventh { vertebrae and almost severing the {spinal cord. He was taken to Brook- lyn hospital, and at first it was be- | Miss Edna lieved his death was but a matter of a short time, as it was deemed impos- | sible to overcome the injury to the | spinal cord. | The late Dr. George Ryerson Fowler, {who died a year ago, had charge of | the case and he decided to operate. An incision six inches long was | made directly aver the eleventh verte jbra. The tenth and eleventh vertebra had been completely shattered. With a chisel the laminae of the tenth, |eleventh and twelfth vertebrae were ent away, exposing the severed cord. A narrow, ragged and contusel strip WHIG, THURSDAY, JULY 18th, 1907. BATTERSEA BUDGET. | Orangemen . at Church--Large| Number of Visitors. Bat July 16.-On the 14th in- a Orange lodge attended divine service in the Methodist church, which was tastefully decorated. A stirring sermon was given by the pas- tor, Rev. J. A. Waddell. On the 7th inst, the pulpit was occupied by the Rev. Mr, Sparling, B.A., Queen Street church, Kingston, who preached in his usublly 'tmpressive and instructive style. He has been sojourning for a few days here and promises to return for his summer vacation in August. G. S, Wakeford and William Suther- land are absent in the western part of the province on business. Mrs. G. S. Wakeford and family; and Mrs. C. S, Vanluven are visiting at Smith's Falls. Miss Nellie Anglin is visiting at Kingston Mills and Odessa. Mrs. John Miller was called to Seeley's Bay last week to be with her daughter, Mrs. C. Hartley, who is quite ill. Otto Van- luven, von of Chiel Turnkey Vanluven of the county jail, is home from Syd- enham high ool for vacation. The following are visitors: Dr. E. J, Lake and family of Kingston, at Dr. S. K. Lake's; Frank Lake and Lake, Kingston, at Isaac Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, King- ston, and G. Pixley and family of Sydenham, at W. J. Merriman's; Mrs. C. Freeland, of Portland, at James Hughes'; J. Moore, Seeley's Bay, at Thomas Clark's; Miss Minnie Anglin, Kinston Mills, and L. Buck, Kepler, at W. J. Anglin's; Nelson Vanluven and wife, of Toronto, at §. W. Van- luven's: David Stoness and wife, Sun- bury, at Robert Payne's; Andrew Jar- dine, of Brownville, N.Y., at F.Jar dine's. Joseph Lemmon and wife, and Walter Lemmon and wife, of Kingston, | Lake's; of membrane, about an eighth of an inch wide, remained. The bullet was |removed, the ends of the spinal cord {were then sutured, the membrane be- {ing included in the sutures. A drain, consisting of a hall dozen strips of oiled sitk, was introduced and the wound sewed up. This operation was performed May {9th, 1901. A month later the man was able to move his toes. In No- vember following he could sit up in bed. Every day he received massage | | treatment to restare and stimulate | the circulation. Electricity was used {for the same pur . | When Dr. Fowler died, Adrehi was {removed to the City hospital on | Blackwell's Island and placed in care {of Dr. Louis Casamajor, who. con- trivad a walking mmohine for him. | Tt consists of a harness which fits under his arms : and supports his weight, This is suspended in a frame which moves about on ball-bearing casters. Adrehi propelled it with his feet, his weight supported by the harness. In a short time he was able {to travel gll about the corridor in the | hospital. | Now he can walk without the use of {crutches or a brace, and goes up and {down stairs hy holding to the banis- {ters. He exercises abundantly, and the massage treatment is inister- led only occasionally. freling' in th'@ is fulle restored. The [circulation seeing to have been per- fretly established, and he is beloved to Le p rmancntly cured, He is short the tenth, eleventh and twelfth vertebrae, but Dr. Casamajor isays nature will in tithe make com pmsation with a th. of tendon | which will fullm supply" the deficiency. {| The cost to the city in the care of this patient has been great. At the {usual rate for pay patients of $1 a {day it would figure more than $200, But for weeks and months, when phy- sicians and nurses were baftling with {death to win him back to life, he res {quired constamt attention. It is doubt- { ful if 85,000 would cover the cost. | | Our Glistening* Glasses. | Not a single feature that can con {tribute to the purity or attractive {ness of soda' is omitted at our foun- tain. Not only are the finest mator- fals used in making our ice cream and dther sodas, but cleanliness is enforced to the, slightest detail. in glasses that have been washed, rin- |sed, dried and polished. Wada's drag Ie er |store, Money By False Pretences. London, July is. --At the continued the case of osephine Leslie, accused of swindl- ing Miss Annie Blout, of Dublin, others out of large sums, Maria Stokes, a widow, testified that the ac- cused obtained from her $22500 hy false pretences \ used in the Blout case. Gananoque, Brockville And Ogdensburg. Friday, steamer America leaves at a.m. Returning, leave Ogdensburg at 3:30 pom. Only 75e. | | | { hearing, yesterday, af J i D More than 5,000 bieyeles were re cently purchased in a fortnight in Johannesburg because of a breakdown in the electric strot railway system. The shepherd lean predict the weather by observing the wool of his charges. The ecurlicr the hair the finer the wen ther, This is tpleum pays to buy them 'ross drug store. The best microscopes magnify alout 16,000 times and make a tiny pile of flour look like a pile of stones. powder weather. Tt at Gibson's Red i | bly | for sameidea. | Porfeoot-fit- is because { now in Quarter | Sizes Ehpeee 1 makes tho ty He moves his |yor's, J lesa a feet freely, and the Sense of [Watertown on Saturday to spend a We serve soda | and! J, similar to those she at Charles Sleeth's; T. E. Hughes and | wife and daughter Norma, at Isanc | Holder's: Rev. John Mackie and fami- {ly and the Messrs. Boak at Dr. 'Mae- | kin's summer home, "The Ramparts. | Miss Jennie Robb js visiting in the city. ---- Affairs At Wilton! | Wilton, July 16.--The social held by | the Presbyterians on the church lawn lon the evening of the 10th was a great success. The crowd was enter- tained by the Odessa band, also by a |quartette of local young men, who Iremtered several old favorites in fine style, The sum of ¥72 was cleared. 'This will be used in making necessary | repairs to the church.. : | Mrs. Harvey Mills, sr., is spending a Imonth with her sister, Mrs. W. Gal lagher, Portland, M. G. Storms left | on Thursday for New York city, where | he has secured a lucrative position, Mrs. Storms returning to their old {home at Mississippi. Vercy Shibley is very Il. Mr. Annesley, the student | missionary from Sharbot Lake, will preach in the Presbyterian church mext Sunday evening, Rev. G. 8, Milli {going to Sharbot Lake to conduct [baptismal services. Mrs, Phillips, Wa. {tertown, is visiting her mother, Mrs. | Stewart. Mrs. Burley Watertown, is at her daughter's, Mrs, Charles Sto- Mrs, Thompson arrived from few weeks with friends here, Mrs. A. A. McQuarrie is visiting her mother, Mrs. R. Storms, who is quite ill. Mrs. and Miss Collins, Trenton, are visiting relatives. Miss Bella Gentle, Napanee, {has been renewing acquaintances here, {Otis Storms arrived from Napanee tig spend the 12th at his father's, Fred. | Storms, { Pleasant Valley News. | Pleasant Valley, July 16.--The young {peopte of this vicinity enjoyed two | picnics last week, one to Napanee | Lake, Wetnesfay, 10th, and one on | "Coney Island," near Holleford on | Friday, 12th. Some of the local | Orangemen spent the 12th in King- { ston, some at Camden East, and oth- {ers at Westport. The stone crusher is at work on the street, so the people may hope for good roads in future. Strawberries here were "a failure. | However, if the showers . continue, | raspberries and thimbleberries will be {a fair crop. J. Hughes, S¢., is quite poorly. Frederick Ellerbeck has been on the sick list but is somewhat bet- | . Visitors: Mrs. E. Hughes, at Mountain Grove, visiting her sister, | Mrs. D. Youman's; Mrs. M. Kerr at { J. Hughes; W, Jackson at Deseronto; Mrs. J, Kerr at 8. Sigsworth's, also Miss L. Kerr, of Petworth; Mr. and | Mrs. W. Ashley and Miss Violet and Hughes, at J. Hughes, Sr.; Miss Annie Watson, called on friends here and at Petworth last week. Miss Ella | A. Barr, Camden Fast, spent last week at home, returning on Wednes- day last; Miss Friendship, Kingston, {at E. Whitty's; Mrs. J. Ellerbeck, at Sydenham, visiting her daughter, Mrs. | W. McRory. D. Sigsworth and Mrs. H. Sigaworth at Petworth, { Death At Westbrook. Westbrook, July 16.--John Saunder- cook an old and highly respected resi- { dent, died at his home in the village {on July 38rd, in the seventy-filst year | of his age, He was a faithful and | consistant member of the Methodist | church, and took an active interest in it, His wife died about four months ago, He leaves one daughter and two | sons. A large concourse of friends as- | sembled at the funeral service, con- | ducted by Rev. Mr, Stillweel, to pay { their last tribute of respect, after | which the remains were interred in the | family plot in Cataraqui cemetery. | Mr. and Mrs. J. Morley returned | home on Tuesday, after a visit with friends at Northport. Miss Mary Fal- | Jon, of Kingston, and Miss Loretta | Meagher, of Marysville, after spending | the last few weeks with the Misses | Sheehan, have returned home. Mrs. J. | Gardiner and daughter of Kingston, | spent last werk with friends in -the village, Rev. H. 1." and Mrs. Allen and son Ernest of Ottawa, were recént visitors of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Smith. [ Mr. and Mrs. A. Howie spent Sunda | with friends at Bath. The Sabbati | school held their annual pienie to | Lake Ontario Park on Friday iast. i |. Sale Of Ladies' White Waists, We will sell 300 ladies' white lawn {waists on Friday and Saturday at 135¢. each, all sizes, from 32 to 432. Corrigan's. The average hand of the man is SACRIFIC SALE OF White Blouses Saturday Morning 8.30 0'clock 68c. Prices range $1.25, 1.50, 1.78, 2.00, 2.50 and 3.00. Size 32 to 44. To be sold all at one price, 68c. pon i Will be in our Corner Win- dow Thursday and Friday. R. WALDRON. | ¥ DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE (THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE). - 1 | | is admitted by. the profession to be the most w and valuable rem- ody over NE foi heroin, b | BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA. ' l CHLORO CHLORD raf ill sete like a charm in DIARRHOEA, in CHOLERA, and is the only and DYSENTERY, effectually cute short all attacks of EPILEPSY, HYSTERIA, PALPITA- TION and SPASMS, fa tho culy Iliative in NEURALGIA, CHLORO CHLORODY NE bombil Siro Alway ask for "DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHUORODYNE," and be ware of spurious compounds or imitations. The genuine bears the worda, om J, COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE" on the Stamp of each bot- tle, " 5 Sold in bottles. Prices in England, 1s. 13d.. 2s Od., 4s. 6d. each *¥¥ (Overwhelming Medical Testimony accompanies each bottle.) Sole Maufactarers :--J, T. DAVENPORT, Limited, LONDON. Wholesale Agents, LYMAN BROS. & CO., Limited, Torento from ome inch to an inch) and three quarters longer he woman's | average. ais