Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jul 1907, p. 8

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> I H Hy : Hie ft - i i ¢ ? ull nlf sje 8 ; rb i ¥ «3 = a of the functions in his church, resi ed and became a farm hand in order THE OLD AND THE YOUNG THE STBONG and THE WEAK During the Summer Months are Subject to Sudden Attacks of Bowel Distutd- ance Such as Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Colic, Puin in the Stomach and Sum- mer Complaint, and the Children get Cholera Infentum and Cholera Mor plaints. It has been in use in thousands THINGS THEATRICAL. place in the slums. Broadway production. in the early autumn, plav. "Brown of Harvard. years. paid for a stock star. "Woodland," omised by Henry W. which both companies will be sent on a tour to the Pacific coast before ap- pearing in the cast. iS Worthing is to return to the United States at the end of Grace Gepte'a London rum, although, as is usual when he visits home, he has had pentiful offers to remain. Whether he will appear next season with Miss George or Robert Mantell is not yet announced by William A, Brady. 3 Miller and Margaret Anglin ir New Y run in "The Great Divide," at Daly's theatre o5 August a, pn, wil go on tour al mid-autumn, ing in all the i cities from en to Kan- sas vd between that time and Maros after which a trip to the Pacific coast Jand the Pacific north-west will be Alla Nagi ill asimova will appear in an American play by an American author next season. This i ey Tog- rence's "The Madstone," which Henry , the Russian actress' manager, Sunaiud Suother oe Great Divide' Jin point ity, strength and dramatic intensity. Nazimova's chiof fom. rut tl, Be de ilder," tho she will a amok 2p Will sooo and "Hedda Sat : Dr. Andrew Byrne, late of the staff of University, has been re- Mr. Mantell as music-di- to have Register, Boston, thinks that "in the ministry there is no choice for any man but unstinted ond ahgolute devotion to the ome In I00E a ar body of Sunda, a great unday school workers proposes to tour the world at their own expense in order to Dropagate school ideas, es- ally in Japan, China and Korea At the meeting of the Chatham preshytery, a call from K Wallaceburg, to Rev. Murray Tait, son of D. M Tait, St. Thomas, at a salary of $900 and free manwse, was sustained. wanting is an essen : discipline of the Christion Tie Some habitual association with the poor, the dependent, the sorrowful, is ani indispensable source of the highest elements of character.--James Marti- neau. = G. C. Rock, Westport, Veter resignation as pastor Baptist church to the congregati Roth pastor and' pucble. were much haved during reading of it, and not an eye but was dim with tears Mr. Rock had been pastor for four and was ly. beloved in September, You need not break the glasses of a telescope, cont them over with , and the dew of vour will shut out dll the stars. does not require great glasses to hide the light of God's countenance. Little faults can do it just as well. Jerome K. Jerome is writing a play for David Warfield. The action takes John Philip Sousa is writing a new comic opera which will have an early *'Fascinati Flora" is to be pro- duced at the Waldorf theatre, Lo . Henry Woodruff 'will take a long ip to the Pacific coast in his college. 1 . English critics are predicting that "The. Merry Widow" run at Daly's London theatre will last for three Cecilia Loftus leaves New York for St. Louis for a ial engagement of two weeks with the stock company ay the Suburban Gardens, at a salary ted to be $3,000, the largest ever Lillian Russell, who will appear un- der the direction of Joseph Brooks, will play in a new racing drama by George urst, the title of which, has not yet been made known. Miss Rammell will open in Chicago, October The revival of "The Sho-Gun" and: Savage for coming season, will probably take place in Chicago, after erates dicestion, adds the muscles and. abs tha a : o 8, ey Er went stevath, good color, Beware of imitations end swdstituies, fragments in the texts, such as Iago's verses in act IT of "Othello," "Let me the canikan clink" and "King Ste- phen was a worthy peer." Lulu Glaser's vehicle this autumn will be a musical play by John J. McNally, with lyrics and music by William Jerome and Jean Schwartz, called "Leola From - Berlin." Miss Glaser will open her season at Rochos- ter, August 22nd, and. will go to the Liberty theatre in New York, Septem- ber 20d for a run. Her cast will in- clude several noted players, a mong them Jack Standing, Gordon Mendels- sohn, Walter Pennington, Wallace Owen, R. C. Herz, Carmen Crittenden Mabie, Lillian .Spepeer . and..Florenca I -- Sceptical Of Cobalt. i -- EE ---------------- to music the lilts, catches, and song- GENERAL "RICCIOTTRE GARIBALDI. Rome, July 17.--Great mitignation is reigning all over Italy over the sacri- lege, as it is called, commiited by General Ricciotti Garibaldi, The se- cond son of the great national hero has, since the death of the first-born, Menotti, acted as despotic chief uf the Garibaldi family, and decreed that the second marriage of his father was il legal. Frequent bitter family quarr.ls have been the result, culminating in the desecration of the tomb of Manlio Garibaldi, a son of the second marri age; who lay beside his father. With- had the body and tomb removod, thus arousing the intense indignation of all classes. Donnas Francesca, widow of the great hero, and her daughter, Clelia, went to the island of Caprera on a torpedo boat, accompanied by governmental authorities, to demand Ricciotti Gari- baldi's expulsion from the island. Rie- ciotti was watched by six carabineers, as ho threatened to break his crutchas --he uses them because of his racuma- tism--over the head of any one who should try to touch him. The government has ordered the tomb to be restored as it was isfors, and the work is being dome, hut under military guard. General Canzio, hus- band of Garibaldi's daughter, doslared in an interview, that he had brok.y off all relations with Ricciotti, ard will' only act should Ricciotti wake good his threat to take the body of Garibaldi to Rome. This scandal will hast-n the passage of the law now hefore the chamber hy which the island of Caprera will le- come a possession of the state. FIRED ON BY OFFICALS. Heir to Throne Had Narrow Escape From Death. ) Many authorities doubtedly are, but no one ever remains sceptical who has used '"'Catarrhozone," because it cures so quickly that all doubt is re- moved. Best remedy on earth for throat irritations, coughs, colds and catarrh. Try it. -------- When a nian makes up his mind that he will never run to catch a car agin, he has taken the first-step towards be- coming a philosopher. A successful financier is a man who can separate other men from their money without the aid of a bludgeon. ~ If anyone is anxious to know how to make a sovercign, he is respectfully advised to visit the mint. WITH WOMEN IT'S LOOKS FIRST. The average wonian considers her ber health afterwards. looks first, That's why we hear of to many cases of 'broken health and nervous prostra- tion - She wears firs 'shd heavy garments gna sod _ afternoon; in the evening with the thinnest kind of gowns she attends the 'theatre or party. that restores health, Ket her take Ferrosons ! soon gives vigor to the body, quicklv brings color - the cheeks, the ings to ecks, nerves and x Forrozone . sharpens appetite. invig- ighe, it gives ng one feel young, th spirits and energy, nse Iirrozone. Tt «thé most. Said er cause the sight of pain gives them re, r It's hard for the pulpit to see truth | Ports. when it fixes its eyes on the treasury. 5 T OF BERVIA'S LATEST FROWN PRINCE Vienna, July 20.--The Servian crown prince was, yesterday, in seri- ous danger. Attended by Prof. Petro- witsch, the prince went fishing in his motor boat in the River Save, near the village of Umka, the same place where he had a narrow escape last year, The boat was perceived by a Hun- garian coast guard, who, however, did not recognize the occupants; but imagined that some smuggler had ventured thus far. He ordered the owner immediately to come ashore to enable the boat to be examined. The crown prince took no heed of the call, but propelled his boat toward the Servian sido of the river. Following his instructions, the guard fired seve. ral shots at the supposed fugitives, but the prince rapidly 'got out of range. and escaped almost by a miracle. What Liniment ? When you have need of an external healing and pain-relieving remedy' vou should always get Smith's White Lini- ment. It does all that any other liniment ean, does things that others cannot do, and does them all prompt- ly and - surely. Cures lumbago, neur- algia and rheumatism and any ache or injury. We, at Wade's drug store. ieenam--_---- a Our idea of a smart salesman is one who can sell a fountain pen to a man who cannot write. . Some folks feel sure they are build- ing on rock because their hearts are hard as flint. Some folks: think: they are pious he FURIOUS ITCHING? | HUMOR ON CH Sores Covered Her Whole Body After an Attack of Measles --Nursed Every Ni Weeks -- Nothing EN CUTICURA MAKES - COMPLETE CURE IN5 DAYS - jon my duty to join hor itn ny vines Cu Reme- jes. We sent for them and twenty-four hours we noted considerable improvement, and, after usin, complete set of the Cuticura in five consecutive days the much to our joy, had been entirely cured, and has been well Jor a long time. Mrs. Cal., June 25 and July 20, 1906." HUMOR ON FACE Cured by Cuticura Remedies No Return in 20 Years. son, when a lad of sixteen, was with humor on his face and after using Cuticura Remedies he was freed from every humor and has con tinued so to the present time after years have passed. Your Cuti- has béen used in my family for several years and I have faith in the Cuticura__ Remedies. out any authorization General Ricciot-- 'Malled Free, Book on all Skin Humors. KincsTang PEMBROKE RIAN AN, tes from July 0:4 80; August 2 -_ Sept. 10 and good fo 34 fAays. Return Fares From KE Winalpeg - = 0 - 0. 5 Souris Las Prine albert | Brandon - - 3355 | Prince Albert Moosomin « - 34 20 | No. Battleford - 3 0 Arcols - - - 3450 Macleod ~~ - wi Poros} 200 | file T 00 Bye & -. BB | Matern} en Moosejaw - i- 3600 | Edmonton Cémfortable berths im tomrist sleepers at moderate Fates. 0opies of Hav © other ¥. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agt ep. Bay of Quinte Railway short Tweed, Na Dessronto, and all local points. rains feave City Hall Depot at 4 p.m. R. W, DICK , Agent B.Q.Ry., Kingrton, RAILWAY Ocean Limited CANADA'S PREMIER TRAIN BETWEEN Montreal, Levis, for Quebec, St. John and Halifax, with ocon- nection for Prince Edward Island. A ---------- a A AA ASA First Trip From Montreal June 30th. Secure Folders and Descriptive Matter at Montreal Ticket Office, 141 St James St. MAGIC BAKING POWDER sudden in Ue: Jnghs to han wisdom ting in some good cal. lo soll good Coal. It's the kind that sends out the most heat, and makes the home comfortable ; it's t best money cam there is nome better mined. BOOTH & CO., Phone 133. Foot of West St Mi RIL qh Steamers "Toronto & Kingston" TRAVELLING. | Quebec Steamship Gompany groves River and Gulf of St. Lawrence . Summer Cruises in Cool Latitude Twin Screw Iron SS. lights, electric bells apd all aed 26th August, Summerside, P.E.L, and ons, the new Twin Screw SS. by sea breezes seldom rises above trips of ay the peasoM for | ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. VE, Ticket Agente, Kingston, | Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte Steamboat CO., Limited. 1000 ISLAND-ROCHESTER ROUTE Stes. North King and Caspian A gE neha . BY via the Alstha Jes on Mondays at aotice. Boat call t and from ie at Garde Island going ta AL Wades Tooth Paste, in tubes, 13c., a Ei HI TRETITIR, Homeseekers' Second-Class Round Trip Excursions To Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Al- berta leave Kingston, Tuesday, July 16th, 30th; August 13th, 27th; Sept. 10th and 24th. Tickets good to return within sixty days from going date. Branch Local Time Table. Trains will leave and arrive at Cit Depot, Foot of Johnson street. GOING WEST Lve. City Arr. City No: 5 Mall 1245 am. 1.15am. aT 3 Ex ee 2.26 a.m. 3.05 a.m, * 11 Local 9.15 a.m. 947 a.m, * 1 Intern] Litd.13.16 noon 12.49 pm: 2 7Mall eee 3.10pm. 8.51 p.m "15 local oe. 7.08 p.my 7.38 pr GOING RAST Nos. 1,2,8,4, 5 and 8 run daily; AR other trains daily except Sunday, J. P. HANLEY, Cor, Johnson and Ontario Ste. -------------------------------------------------- Toronto Montreal Line EAST BOUND Ki t daily, 1,000 Is Mout ay Quads" aoa iver ts. WEST BOUND Leave K dally, for ingston, 5 p.m. Obarlotte and Toronto, maki connec- tions for all Western points. ing Hamilton-Montreal Line Tri-weekly service or tickets and berth reserva J. P, HANLEY, iChat Kpen Bros 2) & 0. N. Co., : FOSTER CHAFFEE OB.A. Toreatas mieten a rE UN TIMER TABLE STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER Leave Wolfe Island :-- MON. 7.30--9.15 a.m. 1.00~4.00 . FU J50-o1s a.m. 1.00--4.00 ry THORS, vB A a.m. 1.00--4.00 p.m. B, 6.80--9.30 a.m, 1.00--2.30 p.m: FRI. 7.300.165 a.m. 1.00--4.00 p.m. SAT 8.00--9.15 a.m. 1.00--3.00 pany SUN. .9.00--10.00 a.m. 12.80--5.00 p.m. » Leave =~ on. 8.30--11.80 a.m. 3.00--5.80 " 8:30-11.30 a.m. 3.00--5.30 aa Ned. | Skis amy 300-530 pom. on a 2758 a.m. Breakey's 80-11 5 Set. 8.30-11.30 am 30030 Da Sun. a 9.30-11.30 am. 1.155.830 pun. pecial to ean dock, at 3.30 41 ag Taian ® Table subject to change without E. -BRICELAND, Manager. NTREAL TO LIVERPOOL ' Dew Steamer Corsican, in Screw sail from FRIDAY, Jul . Fates of Dassage from the Loeal vy G.T.R, or el Or, KO New Centar) Dr. KOMR MEDICINE CO.. PO. D ha - oe ~~ 0/

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