table Thomas Mul t the night in the cells, Glen r. Leavens, who came to police® were communi who it was learned, was a Kingstonian, and Officer Bate ison; who was given the case, located him, and his arrest was then an easy ter matter. Smith claim that he did not steal the outfit, but says that after driving to a place known as Hulfman's Fores, wate with abou man #10 to take the horse and to the livery stable at Glen will be given a chance Gf Connell, whan representative." can take me to the place where the deal was made, and show me the man who promised to take the rig back, nd on our return we will look for _ According to the [sinss O'Connell, _ After waiting a reasonable time, the i lanxious about his horse and rig, and E (Bheriff O0'Connell was told the } The a Pha out wit a who, by a strange co- the name of Smith. from tha young woman A ha aril Casall svecived the i wi resul n the locating B [the prisoner Smith. She told the "that 'she had been. out driving young man, whose name was and whose home was in Kine- % Dr. R. E. Sparks Tells 3 pe Sparks. writes to the Whig i teamship Ei left Kingston yesterday steamer Toronto, and atrived in Mont- Bireal at night, The steamer Brockville P| Was late acriving at Presco quently, when we arrived at Cormwall, it was deimed inadvisable to run the Lachine Rapids, owing to the lateness of the hour all were likely to reach that point, so a special train was or- dered to meet us at Lachine, to take us to the city. This caused much dis- However, we arrived at the head of the world-famous rapids just as the sun was sinking in the west. The eve- was clear and the moon was al- lending her light 'sion, Captath MoGrath, desirous of pleasing ts of this line pids, which was done to all on board. One of the i F af i E57 it zig = 2 i : At 'about six o'clock this morning we | ohdidate of either party in thirty steamed out of the harbour en route for Liverpool. As we passed Three Riv- ers about eleven o'clock, we met the steamer Lady Grey, with Sir Wilfrid Laurier and suite aboard. Great pre- ng made for his re- ; Pargtions were bei ception al on fine. C friends in Justice Britton, Toronto, i spend- Ln aden ies street eave to-day to vi relatives no Charles e, Watertown, N.Y. spent ire, friends in the Mrs. William McGillivray, amon- the excursionists 3) nee and Ottawa, were ap: A npbl home to-day, was enjoyahle. Johnson street and William Ba street, with the Old Joseph Querrie, his motor boat, will return this evening. Albany, N.Y., are visiti han, street, Miss at Mrs. Clenahan's. tary to Hon. Wil from Clayton on Saturday. the Donald), guests of 214 Montreal street. sion to Ste. Anne de Beaupre, NO TROUBLE FOR HIM, uarters last night, and Bia foot spashicir ja es in his own pocket. succeeded in freeing himself in less than three minutes' time, much to the surprise of Constables Mullinger, Fil-. son, Bateson, and Sergt. Nesbitt, who Were present. Andrews is a man who would indeed require careful watching, should he ever fall into the police nets, and require to be handeuffed. Andrews says that he will allow the locks of the. shackles to be sealed up, and will then take them of, and change coats with any person, without uging any key. A TERRIBLE LESSON. Body. News of a sad and fatal iy accident which occurred t or | Steamers North King and Caspian .: a Litt oe den Station, ac village: i: heave 10:15 am. for 1,000 Island and had a 'good many nice things to this side of Sharbot Lake, has [points daily except Monday. Return lad, named Wayne, put his hand in the pocket of his older brother's coat and drew forth a revolver. He was fooling with the weapon when it went off, the bullet Penetrating the body of a younger brother and almost jn- stantly killing him. The unfortunate occurrence has caused much sorrow in the neighborhood, and teaches another terrible lesson. ---- Strength Of Liberalism. The strength of the liberal riy in Nova Scotia was strikingly shown when James O'Brien, government can- didate, won a decisive victory in the Hants bye-election, securing the larg- est majority but one ever given to a reached the city. On Monday, a young [Ing leave at 5 p.m. for Bay of Quinte Band In The Park. ports and: Rochester, N.Y: J. P. Han- 'B teat { Lieut.Col. R. FE ley, agent, Y permission ol aeut.-Col. . KB, years. Hants is one of the closest constituencies in Canada, and the op position made a dead sot upon it un- der their leader, CO. E, Tanner, and their paid organizer. It is a strong temperance county, and the opposition made prohibition their chief issue. A to this was a campaign of slander, personal abuse and reckless mistepresentation unparalleled in Nova Scotin. The county wal swarming with campaigners, and the contest was exceedingly hot and acrimonious. The vote was: James O'Brien, libfral, 1,978; Everttt O'Brien, conservative. 1,792; majority, 186. Justice Drys- dale, who vacated the seat, had a ma- jority of only fifty in the general elee- tions last June. A great political de, monstration followed at Windsor. ryt------ Their gentle action and good offect on the system really make them a per- fect little pill. They please those who use them. Carter's Little Liver Pills mav well be termed "Perfection." At Bibby's if it's new. The leading stores of the ity close at 5 'pm. during July ani August. Shoppers * should remember this and help She clerks to got away promuly. only wl lass candy sold i n ¥ ighvclnss and . Huyler's, at "ils Cross rug store. A first appearance drunk was the w. Rielly, Toronto, was in the Tg, Bo bt visi a Bale me lly 18 » Ottawa, visiting Mrs. York street, returned n after a pleasant visit. Miss Ada Rosevear, Queen street, sa & much appreciated solo in Chalmers church on Sunday evening. Dr. G. Mylks came over from Liver. pool in the new Allan line steamer Corsicon. She is a fine craft. The trip Mr. and Mrs. William Sykes and son, Winnipeg, and Mrs. Edward Fick, Chicago, are visiting Henry Sands, Mrs. D. Sullivan, F. C. Sullivan, rington, Ottawa, were visitors at Mrs. I. Murphy's, Rideau Boys. Alexandria = Bay, came up with a party of friends in this morning. They W. J. Clenahan and A. W. Cook of Mrs. Clena- 2 lian Smith, Nin - is also visiting ss Bernice Chevrier, private secre liam Harty, was up Y., with her mother, 8 holidaying among Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lawrence (the latterly formerly Miss Alice Me- Rochester, N.Y., are the r. and Mrs. John Pitman, J. J. Anderson, district passenger agent for the C.P.R., was in the city, to-day, looking after the arrange. ments in connection with the excur- W."C. Andrews Has No Fear . of : - Handeuffs. W. C. Andrews, of 21 Chatham 8t., : , who 'is visiting in the city, has no fear of handeuffs. By those who know him best, he is termed the Handcuff King, and he does a trick well 'entitles him to that name. Andrews was a caller at Jolie head- hin ed 30 have a pair of hand- cuffs placed upon him. Constable aches compliant with hie, uest, the officer ein, e of the hand- been | culls and shuckles in hi Without the use of a key, Andrews n 4 mg h De as gn} GOMES 10 QUEEN'S ees APPOINTED FESSOR OF EDUCATION. "l fins oyu over. He hot for Paris AS FOREIGNERS ---- -------------------- Has Been English Master at St. | Excursion To Clayton, July 24th Thomas For Ten Years--His! Rideau Queen leaves Swift's wharf, Salary $1,800. round trip, 50c. James Swift & Co, St. Thomas will lose one of its pro- agents. minent educationalists, Pr. 0. J. Stev- enson, M.A. Paed., the English mas- Tried The Window. of "education at Queen's University. enough to open the door. Dr, Stevenson's initial salary at the university will be $1,800, and his du- A Gift For Mrs. Nelles. ship of Aldborough, eounty of Elgin, wi moves 30 Kingston shortly, 'To Produce Oratorio. Luke's choir. Real Ice Cream Soda. sparkling. The fruit juices or crushed service. is prompt and dainty. Wade's drug store. To Ste. Anne De Beaupre. The special train for the pilgrim- mage to the shrine of Ste. Anne De Beaupre, leaves the K. & P. station DR. 0. J. STEVENSON, M.A. at 4:30 o'clock, this afternoon, and re ------ WO hundred pegple or more will de- and is the son of Rev. R. Stevenson,|part. The officials have been very Presbyterian clergyman, now retired. busy the past few days arranging for He was educated at the Brantford berths for those desirous of taking Collegiate Institute, and is an honor |in the trip, Quite a large number of graduate of Toronto University in the | Americans arrived in Kingston to go department of modern languages and |on the trip. political science. He obtained his de- greed of master of arts in 1594, and Any Ache To-Ay ? the degree of doctor of Pedagogy in When any ache or pain comes you 1903. Since graduation he has taught should have the habit of reaching "for in the Brantford,' London and St:|ihe hottle of Smith's White Liniment, Thomas - Collegiate. Institutes, being' There is nothing else that cures aches appointed as English master in the St. co soon or thoroughly. It makes it Thomas Collegiate Institute in 1897, easy to gure in the start many pain- He is prominent throughout the pro- (p) affections that would become seri- vince as a scholar and writer and af oo if neglected. Smith's White Lim- close "student of natural history. He |, no is one of the things no family has Sroeenly sontributed io Yajtous can afford to be without. Large bot- magazines, and is one of e editors ag. 9B Fade' > of Morang's '"Modern Nature Study," tes, 2oc., at Wade's drug store. and of the "Select Poems" of Long- 3 fellow, Wordsworth and Coleridge. The Work Is Proceeding. pity TE Coy or | Wh kel ont th CR , ¢ e time © inef | sewer, p v $ us Joe Some Lime 1 el work was proceeding, and that efforts College. ' would be made to have the extension in Masonic circles he has also been | laid before the summer ended. The prominent, having been elected W.M.|Work was not being done by his de- of St. Thomas lodge, No. 44, AF. & partment, but under contract. The AM., in Decomber, 1908. Soistiuetion lay with the Hua. Mrs. Stevenson, a member of the | As city engineer, all he had to do was Country Club and an active member, | to see that the pipe was satisfactorily, will be very much missed on the links, | laid. Other dealings with the contrac- : tor lay with the board of works. Why Endure Salt Rheum ? seply eruption it is certain that yu The Ottawa Old Boys and Girls, who have rot. tried Wade's Ointment. iji« | had been visiting in Kingston, return- re~edy cures such afiections and is tha fed home, last night, on a special best all-round healing application you | train, which left the K. & P. depot can have in the home. Cures sczema, [at 8.30 o'clock, The station platform If you have Salt Rheum or any Left For Home. #olt rheum, seald head, cold sores, ery- | Was crowded with people, who were |sipelas, piles, etc. In big boxes, U5c. | present to say good-bye, and as the A Lad Shot Through the |at Wade's drug store. ¥ train pulled out three hearty cheers nuine Blaud's iron tonic pills. Sold 3 : | dng Pilla. Sold at Gileon's Red Cross drug the direction of Watson H. Walker, store. Take no other, -- were given by the home guard. The visitors expressed themselves as hav- 000 -- ster. : : x 1, Islands--Roche ing a very pleasant" stay in the city, say about the old Limestone city. Kent and officers: of the 14th Regi- ---- g 1 ! alr: x se . The | ment P.W.0. Rifles, the band will They give you Jifo and energy. he play the following programme, under bandmaster, in Macdonald Park, this evening, at eight o'clock : March--""The Motor' . .. Rosey. Overture--"Zampa'* Herold. Baby boots at Ahernethy's, Ble. 'to 1.35. Bibby's for swell bathing suits. Concert Waltz--"Tafelrunde" Gung'l. UCharacteristic--'Tola J ohneon. Military Fantasin--"Our Soldiers' stra . sete Moore. Grand March--"Dominion"" . Clappe. Kingston's Famous Fur Store. Troop--' Sancta Lucia" I Boneolti quick sellers :. - liams, M. B. Hall, Dr. R. B. Wilson, Men's White Hats, 25c. || Listowel: John Wolie, Charles C. Har: Men's Mottled Hats, 50c. Jl Ball, Miss R. Rall, Mrs. C. Frehafer, Ladies' White Yac ht Philadelphia; Mrs. Laura Staun, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Fenley, Cincinnati: T. A.|cures as a rule are sticky ot Ladies' White Auto Caps rane, Newark, N.J.: J, W. ffubbard. Ladies' White Hats, 25c¢. || ton; C. Kennedy, Ottawa. only: offender at the police court this morning. He was discharged. one 'can say that the Ustawn eld boys' excursion lo Ringstop was a dry our new store, Inter "Flower Girl" | Wenrich. Two Step--*Somewhere" - Harris Regimental March. God Save The King, B. A. Hotel Arrivals. C. J. Crowley, Mrs. Luskett, Syden- ham; C. G. Bartten and wife, New York; Samuel Meyers, Ottawa: C. Quirk, Montreal; George C. Stanford, New York; W. H. Kitchem, Belleville: John H. Gregg, Toronto: William A. Bluker, Trenton: Charles Rutter, Mont- real: Charles Watt, wife and son, Gan- anoque; W, G. Davidson. Montreal; Guy Long, Hamilton; 8. P. Shartz, = Galt: John Smyth, Arthur Smyth, Here are some of our Strathroy: T. T. Sisson, E. B. Wil. ' : > ; C. .W. Cushman, Vernon, N.Y.: James Men s White Yacht Caps, A. Thompson, John Bell, South Lake; 25¢. up. 3 D. H. Hunt, J. L. Huntington, Vale ) 5st dn 'Fo > town; George Comerford, Brantford: Men's Navy Yacht Caps, J{tovs: Gooner Co B. Walker, C. H. 50c. up. Creighton, A. W. Pureor, Tatomte; N Thi Belle Rugel, Anna Van Doren, New Men 5 White Felt Hats, York: J. 5 Anderson, Montreal; Miss 25¢. up. Graham, Ottawa: Mise Livingston, rison. New York: E. B. Lewings, Galt: up. C. M. Warne, Ingersoll; Thomas H. 'Caps, 25c. Broadfoot, Winnipeg; Robert ,E. Tor Sheflield, Eng.; T. 8S. Dooley. Knox- 50c ville, Tenn: W. H. Dooley, Washing- up. Caps, 20¢. up. Remember we're in rardencrs will combine and fight the forestalling by-law through the courts should occasion arise. The Snow Shoe Club, of this city intends holding a dance in Turner's hall, Gananoque, this evening ) ------ G. 8, Bale, of the Collegiate Tnati- pad tute, sends the Wh setings from ASSOCIATEPRO- | the famous city of Koon. He reports lf ENGLISH ARE TREATED Resigna Received--His | Wednesday, at 6:15 p.m. Home 11:15 on. ¥ p.m. hos in Clayton. Fare for ter at the Collegiate Institute, also| Three Assyrians gave an interesting secretary of the public library board | exhibition of what it is to come tically and president of the Collegiate Insti-| among scenes unfamiliar, when they tute Literary Society, having received attempted to get into a waiting hack the appointment of associate professor through the window, not knowing ties commence on October Ist next. turd 2 Mrs. BR. B. Dr. Stevenson was born in the town. Mgr To en: p ted ith @ handsome silver water pitcher pj 0c by the ladies . of Mill Strect Presby- we y terian church, Port Hope. She re- Mrs. H. A. Betts is now working to- wards the production, in the autumn, of the oratorio written by Mrs. Gar- diner Harvey, of Guelph. There will probably be a double quartette, with a chorus made up possibly, of St. If you wish to know what the very purest grade of ice cream soda 's like try Wade's. The ice cream ix simply pute cream, sugar and flavor- ing. The soda is pure, cold und fruits are the finest produced. The glasses are immaculately clean. The Trine FC CD HAIR NATURALLY ABUNDANT. When It Is Free of Dandruff, T¢t| 8 ing affairs that do no earthly good. | R Hair, when not diseased, grows natur- ally, luxuriantly. Dandruff is the cause of nine-tenths of all hair trou- ble, and dandruff is caused hy a germ. : The only way to ore dandruff is to! up. : Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites, [kill the germ; and, so far, the' Ladies Fancy Bathing our own make, equal to the best. | hair preparation that . Rig bottles, 50c. and 75¢., at Wade's destroy the perm is Newbro's Herpi- [drug store. cide--absolutely harmless, free t is understood that the market | grease, rdiment, dy matter or dan-| t Send 10, in H 3 TORENT WISTAE. WADE -- Because of Their Cockney Speech Chance We Have to = Make' Them Ardent Imperialist-Can- adians. There is a rather regrettable ten- dency on the: part of children, and of their elders, too, to treat the im-|° migrants coming here from England, and especially from London, as prac- "foreigners." Of course = the Cockney accent, in its purity, is a bit difficult to understand, and to the ear unaccustomed to it, might be mis- taken .for a tongue but remotely con- nected with the English of our know- ledge. At the same time it would be well for parents and school teachers i to remind the children that the flat of our Canadian speech | strikes very jarringly on the English ear, but that we would be somewhat We want to teach these people from homes and conditions, of which we in this wide free country cam have no conception, of the blessings of seli- reliance, of the need of working, if we would eat in this country just as in the oll land. We want to raise them to the pline of -seli-respecting--indivi- duality on which most of our own poorer clisses rest. At the same time let us commend them for the soft and gentle speech, for the respectful ~ de- meanor, which they have brought with them, and which 'may well be a les- son to us, who have heen 80 busy hewing out homes and clearing up the wild that we have forgotten almost, We have a great * chance to make these little Englanders staunch, steady imperialists, and therefore the best kind of citizens for this Canada of ours but we will not do it by sneering at what seem to us peculiarities or hy forgetting that, they have come str isht from the land which bore us in her side, They Are Not Worrying. In a letter recently received from Deseronto, By the Belleville Intelli-| gencer, the statement was made that | eleven immigrant families were recent: | Iy "dumped" in that town, every one | of the families having from five to sev-| en children. As is usually the e, | none of the immigrants trot in the | Rockefeller class, and what those poor | people are going to do when winter! comes on the writer' of the letter] hates to guess. However, _the immi-| grants, good luck to 'em, are as jolly | a8 sandboys, and are quite satisfied to | let everybody else do the worrying. | After the. grinding poverty rife among | the poorer classes in the oki country, | the conditions in this land of plenty | at present make them feel something | like the Israelites of old. when they! reached the happy' land of Canaan. ! May they never soe the reverse side | of the picture, | | MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The News Gathered About the The steamer Missisquoi made its re gular trip up, to-day. The schooner Acacia, from Sodus, is unloading coal at Booths. Jellevile with a cargo of coment for John Lemmon & Sons. The tug Kate cleared from Richard- biffire leaded with grain. The steambarge Navajo - arrived from Montreal and cleared for Mong treal with a cargo of wheat and oats. Swift's : Steamers Toronto, up and down; Caspian, from Charlotte; Ri- deau King, from Ottawa, to-night: Aletha, for bay ports, yes erday even- ing. The steamer Cayuga, running be tween Toronto and Niagara Falls, will arrive in the city in the course of a few days, to go on the dry- dock for repairs. M. T. Co.: The tug Mary P. Hall, 3 arrived from Montreal with two § ¥ light barges, and will clear for Mon- treal with three grain barges: the tug Emerson, from Montreal, with | two light barges, cleared for Char- | 3 lotte, with two coal barges; the | § steamer Wissahickon, from Fort Wil- liam, with 43,000 'bushels of wheat; | 3 the steamer Phoenix, from Chicago, with 53,000 bushels of corn. ---------------- $ See Bibby's fancy hosiery, 170. # QD > DA Corsets [i b 'They are the smartest mo-' dels known to the Corset Manufacturer's art, science and sense having achieved t a wonderful triumph. « Prices range from i.e to $f.en. Will Improve Your Figure. Grows Luxuriantly. * Hair preparations and dandrofi | 3 irritat- | only will positively from | rugs. lays dtehing in| $ makes hair glossy and sofi he ey he ie You remove y leading druggists. stamps for ple to The D picide Co, trait, J expivide oa t, a! ofiende |. if our brothers and sisters from the little isle threw after us upon the street the taunt "Foreign- er," STORE. W. F. GOURDIER the Sue of those manners which 76, 78 and 80 Brock St. £LL000600048044000004 Brooches new and atirac'ive Wreaths and Sunbursts. quality 14k. gold. 'SMITH BROS, Jewellers & Optician CE08000044.0000000000444440004404 Issuers of Marriage Wharves. Ta. ng Tones nud invigorates the w ; at 1 old Votiis, Cures Nerv. I'he schooner Mary Ann Lydon will | ous Debilit clear to-day for Oswego: to loud eoul matorrhoea, for Crawford's. Price $1 per The sloop Granger arrived from Nill cure, sons' today for Montreal, with | ASIII IIR ISIC 10K | ¥ sid ther easy to bear. i Reducing {Summer ~ Goods. Our advise to ever a. good variety of Washable Dresses, in summer time, is to see our before they are sold out. Fancy Dress Muslins, in a big variety, at 10c. a yard. Wifite Dotted 12fc. a yard and up. A Lawn, 40 inches 'wide, 10c. a yard. wide, 13c. yard and up. wide, 12fc., 15¢. a yard. ite Lace Hose, ack Lace Hose, + & pair and up. A Ladies" Wash Belts, 15¢. $ and up. Ladies' Wash Collars, 15e¢. and up. Ladies' Wash Suits, $1.49. Navy Duck Skirts, $1.25, ESTABI THE.STANI OF « * Head Office "- The Standard | four times a ye Bank deposits. Savings Bank Department | KINGSTO J. §. Tum COR. PRINCES | Wn "3 r) re = LC] LJ Lawn Mowers ¢ For this weck only prices, our line of Refrig as follows : 12 Mowers, regular §: Mm : 9. win i. "rE Refrigerators, regular § These are all High Gr MoKELVEY & BI FOPFPIIIIIVIVIIIIIYY RENE RR On Land or © for the Sum The Shredded Wheat wafer ° strength without heaviness Ready-co 3 Try it with but' All Grocers--13c. a TR OE RETIRING FR On Account RTT No R "All Mus! THE JAMES JC | 180 Wellin pe