fr ¥ i that it is-loeated in Montreal, but Her Share of the Estate. academically each has its dis- Sioux City (Iowa) Journal pub- tinction which time or place do mot the following Sioux Falls, South ey 3 % ial : The provincial. university ought There have been interesting develop- | 8 a= I if v¥ EFT fie iT i itch | i Pall I { : i ; : § : § schools and city life. sident scholars who attended the in- stitute classes. So clear was the city Daily Whig. . PARTY WITH A BLEMISH. The Montreal Star has a heart heart talk with its ip £1 i 1 | only | Ontario, says the commissioner of | conception of the law that the tuition was given and the accounts seat to the county council. Payment was re fused. Suit was entered. In due time the case was tried, and with a result to {that was not satisfactory to anyone. friends in the con- (The city wom, in a sense. It recover- "The ed its accounts, but it spent in ad-| law costs about as much as it received. re- | This experience taught its lesson--and his | it should not have been so soon for- - | gotten--to let the county people alone, public honesty is jand permit them to provide for their own pupils in their own way. No citizen pays the full cost of edu- tate [cating his children at the institute. blame upon the |The expendifure is over $17,000, and Let | the fees amount to only a little over $5500. The grants from the govern of the conservative party in| moot amount to considerably over $2,000 (including that 0 the techni of | cal class), and the city's grant is this year $9,416. But there is an item of expenditure which does not appear in {the school budget--the tax that re building and plant. The debenture aml interest sccount, annually, for the high school, is $1,967, which the riti- carry the burden cheirfully, because it terms, seeing that the county has re- them. | Daniel Derbyshire, M.P., has merited Idistinction by announcing that the {man to sweep Ontario, and sweep | Whitney aside, is W. F. Maclean ! The! i World gives this bit of news special | prominence. | i { agriculture, wants more farm help. commission| This help will be secured on only one Ji Ek g I {] : ] } i Hi jf : : £ 1 i i 2 £ g i WHAT'S IN A NAME? Dr. Colquhoun, deputy minister of education, did not . suppose that he would cause a commotion in Toronto by proposing that the university to which the provinee gives so generously should be named 'Outario. His idea was that the institution should in ti. tle appear exactly what it is, a ve ily. | condit an increase in the stipend. | The inducements to go west will over- come the low wages in the east every | time. | -- ' i Hon. Mr. Gibson, at present in Eng-| land, as commander of the Bisley! team, is mentioned as likely to suc tenant-governorship. The man would ornament the office. The Telegram wonders whether Sir Wilirid Laurier would be as strong! out of office. He won his first great | triumph while in opposition. He can | win 'admiration in any place because | he is a born leader of men. niles rod : The Mail's latest and heaviest charge against the Taurier govern-| tronage to a Montmagny paper to the value of $160. This is simply dread- to stand it. : The provincial subsidy question may come up some years hemce, as it came up recently, and be dealt with on its merits. But it will not be a football which men of the McBride stamp can kick when they want a little political exercise. That is certain. Ottawa is tampering with its sink- ing funds, eh? The city aaditor has addressed a letter to the chairman of finance which is an eye-opener. The vouncil that permits. of any trifling | with the safety of sinking funds of the corporation commits a heinous blun- der. | : city pupils ? That is the question of | ji) uu = municipally, does not desire that it | jog for should he deserted by county pupils | David H . Some years ago the impression pre- vailed that the city could force the | sion He was blown from the top of a PTeSnted in the annulment proceed county council to grant a sum pro- portunate with the number of non-re- | robe." a invested in the | yihe dismissal of Police Magistrate orion. at Deseronto, i vate of Brantford has 88 he hushand, notwithstanding his Tn- | complished. The preachers of peace and _{is associated with a good cause. They | objet to the county's the | building and equipment on same | fused to contribute to the cost of EDITORIAL NOTES. | eovennm : The demand is for cleaner politics-- | countable weakness. Then the remittences ceased and she | .! all round. The liberal party is credit-| that the Globo beard before |! With a first move in this direc. | conservative prints that the com: | tion. What is the conservative party! i who inquired into the case | ving to do about it? ! against H. F. Gardiner, of Brantford asylum for the blind, vindicated his honor and reputation. That is a small | 8fair compared with the outrageous manner in which this man has been used. He was accused of many things wrongfully, and his name was associ- ated with offences which existed (in the evil mind of a ficial.. The decision of the ceed Sir Mortimer Clark in the lieu- | own dress became ignited. h oi these letters, it is charged, were bs, she wus So badly Sune § at she iter by him to her after he took | that no less than eighty per cent. of ment of his divorce suit by publication the plans sent in to Ottawa for the instead of by pemsonal service, whi-|, proposed justice and departmental is required in cases where the residenca structures which are to be erected on of theidefendant is unknown. Major Hill Park and Sussex street, When the divorce case came to triyl have been thrown out, the allegation he was 'refused a decree by Julge being made that the architects have Jomes. But about six monthe later, ment is that it has discontinued pa-| "Ot incid The pi Queen's is not thet it is lo- Widow of Dr. Acland Oronhya- Kingston, or the merit of Mc- . tekha May Have to Fight For premier was |Oeath, a few days ago, at his home at to, Can., of Dr. Acland Oromn- , which, for- | however, wes not hot hyatekha, son of the late supreme ran- not get » Fever, i : to hart by of the Inde dent Order of For- name, of being the pet io scald. 'No one was by jae > Penden sf stitution of » government which nin | Dr. Oronhyatekha was for some time lavish in its expenditures and extravs- KILLED Iv STORM. {a member of the divorce colony in gent in its pretensions. -- ths city, and information of his death | or, i : : a in ras sentence of the | ment of the divorce decree. This means the first wife and the woman whom Dr is divorce, with the valuable property | E was a local character left by the dead man as the bone of Ia i cand was sent i June contention. : E bout i. mo Joe evidince at hand it appears ih] rected re- | Hhely that the first or divorced wife | ident of ough, a Nighly i ig will succeed in having the divorce de- was j th, Jug urienr the pro. cree granted her husband annulled as! gross i pn the worst electrical th® Tesult of the action which she | . s that bas ever visited this sec- has instituted at Sioux Falls. She is ings by Joseph M. Donovan, ono of the | most prominent attorneys of Sioux! Falls, who will energetically pmsh the = w suit with the purpose oi winning a | victory for his client. | The suit of the divorced wife is based | _-- } Pro load of hay and his neck was broken. on the ground that the divorce decree | vidence of her hushand was procured by per- Brantford Expositor. jury and fraud. The suit will be heard | The say that loca: conservatives by Judyse Jones, of the state cirowit | will make the crops the big issue of court. The decree will probably be | their next campaign. Yutated, as all the courts hold that a! --- ivorce granted without actual notice | - oTnined Zo The Peerage. to the defendant, chere it is possible to | amilton give such notice a% was th case in| i The Mcntreal Star is anxious to this instance, = is was tin Su oir have Sir Wilifid Laurier raised to the [Should Judge Jones so decide the val. | | peerage and appointed "High Com- unable estate of the dead men will go | | missicner and Canadian _Plenipoten- to Natalie, the'first wife. { | tiary to the Powers." A nice dignified | The first wife before her marriage to | | way ol getting rid of him. Re. ronbvateiha was Miss Natalie | i -- . Brande. She was an actress and met | | Going On Strike. Dr. Orovhyatekha, who was the here. | Brantford er. on a meta) 7 chief of the Mohawk Indian ma | Ba s a tion. and ¥nown as "The Little No. | | strike. Fra Elbertus (Elbert Hubbard} hawk " while she was plaving in oe hes deprived them of their Saturday | Prince of Wales" theatre in I ondon. | [ett holiday and they claim that they This meeting took place in 130-11, | ee the rest just as if they were OF [was introduced to her as an Fast Tp- { dinry workers. Even o ""brother- gi. prince and they were marriod in | hood" suffers from the holiday imie- Lordon on April 22nd, 1597. { N w>BIBBY' S<«« | tower, a water [B¥Dts here in commoction with the | tel David Hough Met Death Near bas resulted in the discovery that his | . {first wife, from whom he was divorced | Br i Wiki in the state circuit court, in this city, | d ockville, July 23.--William Turn has instituted an action for the annul- | hot contest in the courts between |' a yesterday, and has n PEL n | oan be easily answer ben recaptured. Turner, with two por Oronhyatos : | - county has its own high | er prisobers," was in charge of the turn- es watekha married after securing | school, "at Sydénham, and the county | oF, when he bolted in his' prison ese Suits. at $15. OUTING TROUSERS For economy's sake, if for no other reason, every man should © have a pair or two of extra Trousers. . It's Money in Your Pocket by Trading at The H. D. Bibby Co's. $6.50 & $7.50 At the above prices we are showing some very nobby Two- Piece Suits, of Homespun, Light and Dark Colors, proper thing for sunucer comfort. ers finished with turn bottom and belt straps. Come see Other lines at $10 and $12, that were sold earlier Besides relieving 'the monotony of a Man's attire, serve as a saving to the continuous wear of a pair matches his' best suit, giving them in this way as long a life as the Coat and Vest. , This is the Trouser Store. Outing Trousers, $2.25, $2.50, $2.75, $3, $3.25, $3.50. Don't miss our Straw Hat Sale. L008 L000000 La a VIVVVITIIITVIO0000909090999009090909009090000 0a eee eoe 00000000000 A0 4 oo just Coats are unlined, Trous- THE H. D. BIBBY GO. | * ! 'a band took her to the home of the | Steattord = Mohawk Indians on the Tyendinaga | where AN., they lived in, considerable splendor, | 1 i > dian origin, was a man of wealth. Fis of or hohould be, ashay win became known 'among the Mohawk the tools' of 'a" govefninent which de- Indians as Cavgengarah, which 'ia Eng- zens have to pay in addition to the | sired the - office for apolitical friend, lish means "fair flower." grant for maintenance of $9,416. They | and " . | ay ean Souls they proved land and a great part of the United Afterwards they travelled over Fng- States, and in 199] went 10 Now York ity, making their home at the hae | Toronto Globe. nd hotel in the metropolis until Feb- Mr. Whitney has a majority suffici- Try, 1902. Then Dr. Oronhyatekhn ently large to deny and defy the departed for Australia. informing his spoitsmen. He could afford, even in a "ii that he had to visit that country party and political sense, to offend for the purpose of carryine an import- | them. That he has surrendered and de- 20t message to the people there from moralized even the most important hi father. He agreed to send her | tal offices shows an unac- Money. and for two months did so. | - lost all trace of him. Sensible Comment' }e The discarded wife, has since acted | Brockvilld Recorder. in a number of New York plays for a| It is said that Mr. Bourassa, that livelihood. for a time being in the | telligerent though talented young des Proctor Fifth avenue Stock companv |cendant of Papineau, is to start a It has since been learned that the new Parti Nationale in Quebec. The husband went to Sydney, Australia. day of founding political parties on Where he acted as manager of the Syd nationality or creed in Canada has nev headouarters of the Independent gone. We are all Canadians, and only Order of Foresters. | on lines looking to the betterment of It was at this time that he ceased our country can any party be formed sending the me nthly remittence of $50 | or conducted with hope of success. to his wife in New York. After that | time he did not contribute a cent to | Claims' ine. the support of his first wife. Dr. | Pa July al wel an Oronhvatekha returned to Canada, snd Irish woman, who for many years had iB 1905 came to Sioux Falls, opening acted as governess in the family of ®0 office for the Foresters in what is M. de Graux, chief engineer of the Bel- known as the Minnehaha National gion state railways, died yesterday bank building. r li i intinirie tate : J After having established a residence at tir 1 Soe Bees aot ot While dressing, the hair of one of VOree, swearing that he did not kndw M. de Graux's daughters caught fire. the whereabouts of his wife, although Miss Bean clasped the ng girl in the wife alleges she had in her possess ber arms. and su in extinguish- ion over 100 letters written by him ing the flames, but in doing so her to her at Edgewater, N.J., where she {took up her residince after her hus- Every effort was le to save her, bend deserted her in New York. Some lup has residence in Sioux Falls. 0, his affidavit that he did not know 80 Per Cent Rejected. {his wife's whereabouts he obtained an Montreal, July 22.--It is understood order to serve notice of the commence plans in keeping in August. 1903, he renewed his appli- the Following their marr ace the avs | AN EASILY REGULATED FURNACE It's a real pleasure to own a Sunshine. It's so easily regu- lated. Drafts work perfectly--do just what you expect them to, can have as hot : a fire as you like on zero days. § drop the chain again. And one just warm enough to keep the chilly feeling absent when a thaw comes. Fortunate is the man who owns a Sunshine. ful. The government will Surely fail ; - Edi July 23.~The wife of the a ia Mise Auna | 3" Robinson, of - Min has been prepared their with the requirements of ment. Ask For Particulars. Watertown, N.Y., July 23.-Fd- mund R. Wilcox has been called upon by the British consul-general at New ork, for a statement of the case Louis De Bauval, now serving a sen- tence at Auburn prison for the theft of two naphtha launches on the St. Lawrence river. The prisoner claims Frenchman, he was to bé a . says i in Canada and brought Ete Tofiersom county in defiance of in- ternational law. Brakeman Torn To Bits. Rochester, N.Y., July 23-W. G. Preston, thirty years old, a brake- man on the Pennsylvania railroad, fell beneath a locomotive here, erday, and was instantly killed. body was torn to pieces which wore scatter- fo Anna Robinson 'Divorced. "her hushand - (cation, and alier a hearing, was grant- led a divorce. In this instance. as wll of jat Canton. S.D.. ahout twenty miles ed along the track for more than 100 +. (as on the first occasion when the case was tried, serviee upon the det:adimt {was by publication. | Within a few days after securing the divorce Dr. Oronhyatekba was married {mouth of Sioux Falls, to Theresy Hen. 'vikke Hansen, whom, one report has lit, he first met while he was tcavelling {in Australia. 2 I udowieo Siorza, who invented the iron shroud, was the first to suffer death by this horrible torture. FOR ALL HUMOURS Eczema, Sah Rheum, heals more Mica rebeves pit door is opened. The fire is al- Fire ways under C may burns up oe Yon arys <u. fire in the Sunshine. as a comfort-producer. = LEMMON & SONS. er Gas Stoves & Ranges} We carry in stock a nice assortment of the Chicago "Jewel" Gas Stoves, which are acknowledged the best stoves manufac ed. Examine them before pure where. tur- hasing else- All orders for disconnecting G as Meters promptly attended to. ELLIOTT BROS. 77 Princess Street. PULL UP THIS CHAIN 7 from the floor above, if you feel a trifle chilly, and a strong draft through the ash- HINE FURNACE +i rum comfortable. Then You see, it's not necessary to go down to the basement and turn on the drafts when you want a warmer Sunshine is a labor-saver as well If your local dealer does not handle the. Sunshine, write direct to us for FREE BOOKLET. -------- McClary's LONDON WINNIPEG TORONTO VANCOUVER MONTREAL ST.JOHN, N.B, "Va 0, HU Bs haa % TTT ts = = $115,000,000.00 (over) = "1'420:000.00 saadion People 'For DOCTOR BRIGHAM MANY. PaTSIcuNS PRES Lydia E. Pinkham's Degetable Com; -- 'The wonderful wer of L Pinkham's Vegetable Compour the diseases of womankind is not it is a stimulant, not because palliative, but simply because j most wonderful tonic and recon ever discovered to act directly u generative organs, positively disease and restoring health and Marvelous cures are reported Pre of the country by wome ave been cured, trained nurs have witnessed cures and physicis have recognized the virtue of I. Pinkham's Vegetable Com un are fair enough to give credit w is due. If physicians dared to he fra open, hundreds of them would ac edge that they constantly p! Lydia E. Pinkham Vegetable Con in severe cases of female ills, | know by experience it cin be upon to effect a cure. The fo letter proves it. Dr. 8. C. Brigham, of 4 Brighan Fitchburg, Mass., writes : *"It gives me great | have found Lydia E Compound very scribeitin my prac "My olde cial for fer my younge a female weakness, anc health and strength. *I freely advocate it as a most specific in all diseases to which wor subject, and give it honest endorsem Women who are troubled wit ful or irregular periods, bloati flatulence, ) weakness of or ments, inflammation or ulcerati be restored to perfect health and st by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vey Compound. If advice is needed, to Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass is 'daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pi and for twenty-five years has been ing sick women free of charge. Ne living person has had the benef wider experience In treating fema \ She has guided thousands to | Every suffering woman should a and follow her advice if she want strong and well EE---------------------------- HUSBAND HAS REVEN( I---- Hurls Dynamite at ] Occupied By Wife. Lond: n, July 23.-3t. Mary's sey, was shaken by an explosic We Inesday nicht as the resul outrage committed by a quan named Minchinton Minchinton had recently been ated from his wife. He went t house in which she lived and hi dynamite cartridge ag st the o'The.door was splintered and windows shattered by the expl An old woman was knocks ow several children had narr < Minchinton, it is alleged, he oth r cartridge i h hand threatened to dynamite the pe they approached him, hut h eventually arrested dH Nichols ~ CRANITI AND MARL WORKS 149 SYDENHAM (COR. PRINCESS.) ---- USE ONLY THE BES iste STANDARDUI READY FOR USE IN ANY QUANTITY, For making soap, softening w removing old paint, disinfec ainks, closets, drains ang oses. re sats SAL SOD SOLD EVERYWHERE. E.W. GILLETT 28 TORONTO, ONT. ENTITLED TO PARTICULA One ounce Fluid Extract Dac oy 1 ounce Compound Salatone; Four ounces Compound Sy ' . Sataagarille a teaspoonful a meals and at bedtime, drinking ple of water. ieeior Ben} The above prescription ha found Eats in the Ieptmel kidney, bladder and urinary troub and diseases arising therefrom, : as rheumatism, sciatica, Jame b and lumbago, and we feel that public are entitled to particu ti hysician states | minen ysician s hn. ry. that have b obtained from the use of the mix! are due to its direct action upon kidneys, assisting them, in their w of filtering all poisonous waste md and roids from the blood and expe same in the urine, and at the = time restoring the kidneys tos hes He fariher states that anyone fering from afflictions of this na will it to be very beneficial, suggests that it be given a trial. HX bbe ai £ Pe i EE