Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Jul 1907, p. 5

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: $ 9 3 Y S ¢ 4 ® b P our Pocket by : -------- » + 'D. Bibby Co's. $ mmm asm -------- $ * $ ¥ * < ¢ < < $ < * 3 b ® 4 ® ® % + ® < ® ® de $7.50 lg Some very nobby Two- nd Dark Colors, just the Coats are unlined, Trous- belt straps. Come see d $12, that were sold earlier 'OUSERS " reason, every man should a Man's 1S wear attire, they of a pair that in this way as long a life $2.75, $3, $3.25, $3.50. BBY CO. PULL UP THIS CHAIN V/ from the floor above, -- if you feel a trifle chilly, | a strong draft through the ash- door is opened. Fire immedi- ately burns up 1 briskly. In a ['y few minutes you CE will be warm and comfortable. Then the chain again. see, it's not necessary to go n to the basement and turn on irafts when you want a warmer n the Sunshine. shine is a labor-saver as well comfort-producer. your local dealer does not lle the. Sunshine, write direct s for FREE BOOKLET. ---- McClary's LONDON WINNIPEG TORONTO VANCOUVER MONTREAL ST.JOHN, N.B, NS. ' OBRRLOOROBLGRRRES Rangesi sortment of the ves, which are ves manufactur- urchasing else- 2 Gas Meters RANGE ary RANCE co'Y G. ONT, t Street, $115, ,000.00 % THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, JULY 23rd, 1907. | MANY. PRYSICUANS PRESCRIBE 'THE STRIKE OF STEEL AND Lydia E. Pinkham's Degetable Compound | -- The wonderful wer of Lydi | Pinkham's Vegetable a E the diseases of womankind is not because | it is a stimulant, not because it is a palliative, but simply because it js the most wonderful tonic and reconstructor ever discovered to act direct] upon the generative organs, Positively curing disease and restoring health and vigor. Marvelous cures are reported from all ts of the country by women who ave been cured, trained nurses who have witnessed cures and physicians who have recognized the virtue of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com ound, and are fair enough to give credit where it is due. resu If physicians dared to be frank and open, hundreds of them would acknowl. edge that they constantly prescribe ride in severe cases of female ills, as they know by experience it cin be relied upon to effect a cure. The following that DOGTOR SRGHAN SAYS TAKEN NEW RAGE -- STRUCTURAL MEN. ---- Crimes Are Charged and Rewards Model Life. [John William January, convicted {eleven years ago of robbing an Okla- serving two years in prison, reformed, Are Offereg--The Strikers Say Vent to Kansas City, married and They Are Not 0 Montregl, July 23. steel and structur on a new Bridge. company wards of 3500 cach for the sion and conviction of sponsible for alleged crimes, these was the pullin a number by the company, at end the other was the substituti la wooden for at Molson's brews ry, where work was being done by the the new men tried to use it ferince drawn is that the strikers were concerned in these affairs, Lydia E. Pinkham Vegetable Compound Jue ness agent of the structural teps to intimidate the strikers, T utrages, phase and is offering two apprehen- persons re- One of of strike-breakers employed Windmill " on of a steel pin in 4 derrick company, that the derrick collapsed when The in- "This the \ and denies and he claims the company workers is taking . these letter proves it. derrick aceident, it is claimed, was Dr. 8. C. Brigham, of 4 Brigh due to the inexperience of the men Dr. 8, C. Brigham, o righam Park, mployed to take the nog i . Fitchburg, Mass., writes : trikers, ri. he pla of tn "It gives me great pleas that I " rote at have found 1 Pinkt table RETURN TO WORK. Compound ---- scribeitin my prs ¢ "My oldest daughter found it very benefi- cial for female trouble some time ago, and my youngest daughter is now taking it for .' °balt, Ont., July 22. The expetta- a female weakness, and is surely gaining in | 1100s of the owners that many men health and strength. would ret his - . a : return this morning was par- I freely advocate it as a most reliable ally realized at the Larose, Buffalo specific in all diseases to which women are 0 Brien, Fownsite, €oniagas, T rth 2 subject, and give it honest endorsement," Ww and Glhbers ay gas, re] ay and others, and 5 number of men Women who are troubled with pain. "Ported. Man ful or irregular periods, bloating (or flatulence, ) weakness of organs, displace- ments, inflammation or ulceration can be restored to perfect health and strength by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. If advice is needed, write to Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass.. She is 'daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham and for twenty-five years has been advis- ing sick women free of charge. No other living person has had the benefit of a wider experience in treating female ills, \ she has guided thousands to health. Every suffering woman should ask for and follow her advice if he wants to be temy to a "nt falo, is not Considerable done a of silver bullion have been Nc ne ements with Great pains Owners Still Refuse to Recognize the Union. to start for some davs. ce work is being o, and 150 pounds shipped. mines have male the union." All are firm to their own wage scale, t the Buff of the big will not strong and well excite the strikers or give cause for eny trouble. Wide latitude is allowed the union officials. It is stated that HUSBAND HAS REVENGE, sufficient men to ran all the mines -- 3 | have been secured from the outside, Hurls Dynamite at House edy to come in at any moment need- Occupied By Wife. od, hut that they will not be brought Londen, July 23.---St. Mary's, Jep-| Mnediately In order to give the Sey was shaken bv an on strikers who care for a chance, to go We Inveday night as tho an | Pack to work and to allow good min "ss ers who left the camp atsthe beginning outrage committed by a named Minchinton 1 strike to come back. When all have retprned who will, new men will inchi vl recently been separ- N i . Minchinton ue» i y i par Fo troght in ianedintely: 1 trouble ¥ 1S A Te © 1 O lilt which she lived and hurled a)! sults" the government will be asked dymamite cartridge against the door. fcr ample protection. The. door was splintered and forty windows shattered by the explosion THOUGHT TINTEST BABY. An old woman was knocked down and : : several children had narrow escapes Infant Weighs Pound and Six Minchinton, it is alleged, held an Ounces. oth r cartridge i his hand and Providence, R.L., July 23.--Probably threatened to namite the police if (ho smallest baby in the world, they approached him, hut h was weighing one pound and six ounces, eventually arrested was horn in this city and is now be ing cared for in an incubatof At AND MARBLE WORKS 149 SYDENHAM ST. PRINCESS.) dian f (COR. USE ONLY THE BEST {ie STANDARD tie READY FOR USB i IN ANY QUANTITY. i For making soap, softening wates, § removing old paint, disinfecting § pe front many other purposes. A can equals 20 pounds SAL SODA. ing of dance h not or SOLD EVERYWHERE. son, howewr, An Interyiow ute mates nothing definite conee g any cp COMPANY ll |, oscd reforms 0 E.W.GILLETT {imivs I FORONYO.ONT. His Mother A Ringstomish: . sympathy is fe here of -- Wig i ¢ "Di iE on. of Tilbury, Ont, ree ee000t | vs lv Miss Efa_ Power, eldest formerly , dest * daughter of Mr and Mrs Jasuph ¥ ow: | $ .. Sydenham street, in the don h of ® 7% her little sons. The child was ENTITLED TO PARTICULARS .» of h is ithe sone Fhe ove : di $ el hyxiated by natural gas in the gar One ounce Fluid Extract Dande- 3 asphysiatee bons ounce Compound Salatone ; : rola) = Four ounces Compound Syrup @ L By Momey. dake fol attr § || Monies had his loft arm i spoon! aovne Coffin has had ms RK iss ada bedtime, drinking plenty n oy the result of nie tion from } monisandat be time, y $ ampy a fling of money paying troops | "the handling ! re Aa r : ol The above prescription has been & i an DO the ng i "ar found invaluable in the treatment of 3 I a member. of the old McKinley kidney, bladder and urinary troubles, & and & ; and iseases arising therefrom, suck 4 regiment. = as rheumatism, sciatica, lame Jock 4 Killed By Lightning : and lumbago, and we feel that Je J : od By Lighteing ining public are entitled to particulars @ | poduster, N.Y. ly 21. Lightnine concerning it. , os that '& | last night, suck and kali Loo B Prout mous Lov gr {ry been 4 4 ot } ith his father, the excellent results tha "The Yu with hin father obtained the use of the mixture are due id direct action upon the kidneys, assisting them in their work of filtering all poisonous waste mit r and roids from the blood and expelling same in the urine, and at the same ork time restoring the kidneys tos healthy peterboro, Ont duly 2 in Clarke. condition. hat anyone suf- of Mes, ( larke wife of Bx and. float: furthec States ¢ or this nature eweler, of VU®, © 0 cterday: just aboye from ip beneficial, and ing In the ca ye She had prepar- >i org? the Petrbute , hronkfast and was snggests that it be given a trial SRE RS Ae Na : $99990000¢: Be Mint Hill h ).000,000 which he, ainks, closets, drains and for § Joshua parentage: to-do and live Said J. J. Hill complaint we quired" as Wson, Henderson, tory, Ihe physician in charge reports that 1 the baby is doing well. The head of : 10 0 son, the child, which is a male, is no larger than a billiard ball. Its hands are so small that ap. otdinary wedding ring GRANITE i ort "ont dhe. institution the baby is called It was born of French-Cana- its parents are well- in this city. Cabbaged $10,- 000,000. Minn., July 23 been asked to account for according to a "illegally, and fraudulently personal profit out of a oli Jame transaction by which the Great North- Yn and Northern Pacific railways se ed eontrol of the Burlington rail April, 1901. The complaint filed in the Ramsay county court, St Paul, yesterday afternoon J---- New Governor At Dawson. Y.T., July 23.--Alexander governor oi Yukon Terri wn his arrival here made a , from the deck of the steamer in i Dawson before landing. A big mbled to hear him. 5 \ vernor voiced the senti- i moral diligence should be I nc witl as the striving to This reference to moral dili yee the suspicion among the 1 ed het © husba : | g a ial dead a few hours later that he has in mind the clos ; | Governor Hender Ovenier was shock em Body Found In Canal. The body Concerned in al works has entered the Dominion re- g of revolvers op Point, with the open the | [lived as a model citieen for nine years, and was then betrayed by a comrade lin prison, was released from the fede- The strike of the (ral prison here, today. He had been was January's story and that imprisoned since April, when he recaptured. of his wife aroused so much sympathy {that 50,000 names were signed to the I petition to Presitent Roosevelt for his pardon. He will return to Kansas City and continue his business there. January, after escaping flom prison, {assumed the name of Charles W. An- derson. He now says he will seek to have his citizenship restored, and if successful will then ask the courts to change his name to Anderson for the protection of his wife and child. It was owing to the exemplary life this modern Jean Valjean had led in | Kansas City that his neighbors start- {ed the movement for his release. The newspapers took up the ease, with the result that the petition is said to have contained the largest number of signatures ever appended to an ap- peal for a pardon forwarded to Wash- ington. President Roosevelt, upon re- commendation of Attorney-General Bonaparte, granted a pardon effective at the expiration of three months {from the time of his re-arrest. Janu- lary has proved a model prisoner. THE MONUMENT UNVEILED. It "Was Reared to Pope Leo XIII Memory. Rome, July 23.--~The monument to Leo XII was unveiled, vesterday, in the presence of the members of the er Jones, of the Buf-| Sacred College and the Lateran Chap- | auction taking back the strikers, {ter. The sculptor, -Tadolini, formally | and will use new men, but will not at- | consigned the monument. to a mission of cardinals. Cardinal Vannu- telli thanked him and praised his { work, which, he said, was worthy of | the great pope. The cardinal in turn, | consigned the monument to the | Lateran Chapter. Cardinal Satolli, | arch-priest of the Lateran arch-basili- com- ard are determined not to treat with | ea, accepted the monument in a lofty | the union. They will fight matters out | speech. finish, and mines on union wages or hours. are being taken not to The removal of the body of Pope Leo XI has been indefinitely | postponed, it having been discovered that the anti-clericals had organized a hostile demonstration. RADIUM FOR TRACHOMA. Amsterdam Surgeon Has Sure and Rapid Cure. New Yor, July 22.- Found The Sun's cor- ing : Dr. Dinger employs a rubber stylus fitted with a glass point, containing five milligrams of radium bromide. By subjecting the affected eye to ated periods of radiation, Dr. nger says he has cured in six months cases that have been from two to six years under ineffectual treatment by older methods, ; Convicted The President. "Cobalt, Ont., July 23.--James Me- Guire, president of the Cobalt Miners' Union, No. 146 Western Federation Mines, was convicted before Magistrate Prown of assaulting Detective McMul- len, a police officer of the Nipissing company, by striking him. The magis- trate characterized the act as "a dis- | grace to the union," but, taking into | consideratich the good behaviour of the men since the strike was declared released the culprit on suspended scntence. Baseball Record. Eastesn league--At Providence, 10; | Montreal, 4. At Jersey City, 3: To ronto, 0... At Newark, 3; Buffalo, 6. | At Baltimore, 5-4; Rochester, 4-7 American league- At Chicago, 1; Bos- ton, I, (twelve innings.) At Detroit, 6: Philadelphia, 3. At Cleveland, 6; Washington, 2. At St. Louis, 4; New York, 6. National league--At Prooklyn, 1; A mesting of the committee in con- nection with the "Made in Canada" exhibition was held on Monday even- ling, at the General Hospital. The | profits of the "Wonderland" enter- tainment, held July 18th, amounted to £120, which sum will be added to the "Made -in Canada" fund. A vote of thanks was unanimously passed by the committee to the manager for the | Lenefit given, eee | Plea For Clean Elections. | Oshawa,'Ont., July 23.--In acoept- {ing the liberal nomination for South | Ontario, Fred. L. Fowke has written a letter in which he declares his pre- ference for deserving success, rather | than winning it at all hazard. He, therefore, ask for an absolutely clean lelection. Tn expressing his admiration for Sir Wilfrid Laurier, he also states | that he desires a fairly free hand in | the matter of allegiance in voting. Postmaster Killed. | Winnipeg, July 23. --Lambert Hart, postmaster at Rennie, Man., was run over and had both legs =o badly in- jured, on Friday night, that he died lin the general hospital. Hart had just delivered the mail bag on the train and, in stepping back, was knocked down by an engine on the other track. One leg was severed at the ankle and phe other above the knee. NEW JEAN VAL JEAN FREED. Back to Kanshs City to Resume Fort. Leavenworth, Kan., July 23.-- |homa post oflice, who escaped after In a clinical weekly Dr. Dinger of Amsterdam, rscribes his successful treatment of trachoma by means of | radium, rradu- | i THAT HE WAS TO MEET DEATH SOON. He Was a Devout Catholic and He Made Preparation--Crushed and Killed in the Woods. Woodstock, * Ont., July 23.--Crushed beneath the wheels of a waggon, heavily loaded with timber, E. Du- puis, sixty-one years old, employed as a teamster, met death while at work in the woods near here. Two weeks ago Dupuis had a presentiment that he was going to meet death by aeci- dent and within the last few days the feeling became so strong that being a devout +Catholic he sought absolu- tion. It supposed He was knocked off the d and fell between the | wheels. TORN FROM HUSBAND. After She Had Been Wedded Few . Weeks. | Paris, July 23.--The romance of heiress and her penniless lover, their elopement, and a few wecks of wedded purse in broad daylight, at Montreal, I tis, have been followed by the abduc- (was given seven years, tion of the bride in the paternal motor- first offence. car. ¢ | Some months have passed since Mlle, Piedalla met Victor Dehaulon near {her milliongire father's chateau at [Isle Adam, A friendship sprang up {and ripened into love. A {ago the elopement was planned |carrid out. MMe. Picdallu and | governess went shopping in Paris. The girl gave her chaperon the slip and {joined her lover, who was waiting in | | a cab. {ger that he swore to leave the neigh- borhood. On Sunday next the con- | tents of his chateau are to be sold by before the place is shut up. | The lovers drove to railway station and travelled to Ostend. There they | took cheap rooms, and Dehaulon tained work at a well-known hotel, His wife carried his dinner in a bundle | | through the streets cach day. a | Neither knew that the millionaire !who was searching for them was {of the chief sharcholders in the one i |haulem was employed. Discovery came | owing to this fact. | The heiress was earrving her hus- | laborer, | band's dinner through the streets | Ostend when three men suddenly geiz- | ¢ {ed her and placed her in a motorcar | ¢ waiting by the curb. ' Instantly the vehicle, in which the millionaire was i sitting, started off -and quickly got 1 | clear of the town. by his wife's non-appearance, ran to ¢ respondent at Berlin sends the follow-| their rooms, 'found them vacant; and his duties in October, HAD PRESENTINENT date in the fielc | an election. | | few weeks | adian Club, So deep was the father's an- | $50,000 a year for spending money. | i Ob (went up from Tsarkoe-Selo on Friday | last, | | i com- has seen more public deunkenness in pany which owns the hotel where De. Edinburgh in' three days than in the year round in Toronto. of the G.I.P, camp at Eagle, Ont, was Dehaulon, alarmed organist of PITH OF THE NEWS. A ------ Over The World. Frederick Bruce, of Camden, N.J,, shot and killed his bride, : The labor umions of Calgary will P, Diggar has been appointed European representative of Canadian archives. Dr, J. A, Mclellan, former principal -of the Ontario Normal College, is seri ously ill, : Premier Scott, Saskatchewan, inti: mates the readiness of the government to operate coal mines, Flanagan, the hammer-thrower, os tablished a new world's record gt Toronto Island on Saturday. The Alberta department of public works has seventy-five men engaged n erecting government telephone hnes, v Reports show that rails are laid on the Temiskaming & Northern Ontario Lil) Wh rtion of food remains in the stomach and rel ; digess. a dort the torments of indigestion. This Lind refiles rapidly ferments, irritating the sensitive of the stomach, while 'other parts of the body, particularly head, saffer in consequence. # food remains in the stomach, the So long as this undigested discomfort continues. yg doses of BEECHAM'S PILLS top all fermentation, sweeten the contents of the stomach and give a brsiriiniann that relieves the stomach of its burden. The use of Beecham's Pills gradually strengthens the stomach nerves and soon restores them to a normal, healthy condition. railway to a point 208 miles above | North Bay! | There is talk among the Windsor labor unions of Jetting a labor ecandi- at the next federal | Beauchamp, who snatched a lady's This was his Miss Hems, a bride in Exeter, Eng- land, was attended to the altar by hor | large white bulldog Bob, who wore al wedding favor, } Four hundred members of the Can- Toronto, heartily ap- | and | plauded an address by J. Ker Har- | her | die, M.P., tho British lahér leader. | A Cleveland chewing gum magnate! declares in court that he gave his wife, whois -- now suing for divoree,} Working women in the fruit fields of California will heneeforward work only | eight hours a day instead of working | from sunrise to sunset, as they have! hitherto done. i A Russian military balloon which with four wen picked. up and empty. Rev. George Jackson, Toronto, who | s holidaying in Scotland, declares he army officers, has at sea waterlogged Russian Bernard Tigur, employed in At Kenora, Ont, a young frowned pvening., James Small, until recently organ st of St. John's United Free Chureh, | while bathing on Sunday dundee, Scotland, has been appointed | St. James' Methodist hurch, Montreal, and will take up The new organ. learned what had happened 4 few days 'ist is one of Dundee's best musicians. I ) later. ing vainly for his wife, | CHARGED WITH BURGLARY. | Three Canadian Youths Arrested at Syracuse, . Syracuse, N.Y,, July 23.-- Alexander | Rose, William Rain and William Tom i ilson, Canadian youths, who were ar f rested on July-6th, charged with , series of burglaries and petty larceny; |, were arranged before Justice Shove yesterday. Medical Detective Rose, of Toronto, Ont., the boys, | torney . Saul Levine appeared for the | voung men, and presented a number of | { letters which he had received the friends of the young men, show- t ing their previous good character. They were fined fifty dollars each ono of the petty larceny charges, and sentence was suspended on the other On the burglary charges they were held || for the grand jury, The young from on |y men were arrested op y {July 6th at the Pelican Bathhouse, ip, {They wero about to board the steam North Salina street, after they had « picked the pockets of the bathers. La ter they confessed to entering thre houses here. A petition from the home © town of Bain was signed hy nearly |every of the town. It is probable that the three men will serve {the sonience in the penitentiary rather than pay tho fine. The father of Rose was for fourteen years chief of | police of Gananoque, Ont, resident Orangevill Out, July 23 George J. MeDorald was arrested, yesterday, t in the township of Albion, on the charge of falwly representing himself as a recruiting officer from "B" bat. |r tery, Stanley barracks, Toronto He lt obtained hoard and lodging at the American hotel here last month. The officers at Stanley barracks repudiate the account, and McDonald was sum | moned to appear in the police court | The case was adjourned, and the de | fendant did not answer when the case | was called. A warrant was issued and { the prisoner was arredted, vesterday, | | in his khaki uniform, by County Con- f | stable Allen. Four men attempted a | reseue, following the constable, armed with stones. The constable promptly | handeuffed his prisoner and drew his | revolver, when the men made off. { An effort will be made to apprehend | the four men who endeavored to rescue | the prisoner, as they are known. i Mr. Perks Is Coming Back. London, July 23. Mr. Perks, M.P., ireturne to Canada in a few dave, in and the canoe paddle and pillow, and rove led. double drowning oecurred Mabel Sheena and water between and the troops in another attempt on the emperor. Since then he has been search- 'He was born in Glasgow. | | { TWO COUPLES DROWNED, F. Anderson and Miss Campbell at Fort William. Fort William, Ont., July .23.~The inking of an upturned canoe on the | yank of the Mission river, was the irst intimation of a double drowning. larly Sunday morning, Frederick An chief engineer lerson, of a gaged with government dredge at the mouth of the tho father of one of (hell, covk on the dredge, loft for Fort | was present in court. At | Willinm in a canoe. viver, amd Miss Camp They did not re burn. Monday morning Chief Eleo rician Ross found the capsized canoe he sad fate of the young couple was The bodies are not found wt. Fort Omt., July 23.-A on Rainy ake, Sunday afternoon, whin Miss Robert Weston, a | lost their lives. Frances, oung Englishman, r, when Miss Sheena slipped into the the: vessel and the | dock. As she fell sho grabbed her es | ort, dragging him with her 'to a watery grave a | NIPPED MOTHER { i | Said That Police Have Secured | Offenders. | St. Petersburg, July 23.-The police 'incinne 2 New ) - re a. have arrested a student, and a young ' incinnny, 2. AL New York, 3: t J PRETENDED TO BEA SOLDIER. woman, whom they had long dow. 1 At Phil delphi 5; St. Louis, 1-1. B -- of bilenging to the military organizg tt mse | Bogus Recruiting Officer is tion of the social rovolutionists. Plans Made $120 For Them. Arrested. of both the Tsarskoe-Selo and. Peter- | hof palaces, maps of the St, Paul for! ress and the fortress at Cranstadt, | a paper showing the disposition of the St. Petersburg bar acks were found on them, The police | hink they have nipped in the bud | A YOUNG MAN HURT. He Touched Live Wire--Hurt In- ternally. Ottawa, July 23-One of the em-| slovees of the Turner Decorating com- | yany, Peéterboro, who are working for! the summer carnival, was seriously in ured, this morning. He was working from a pole on Bank street, when he touched a live wire. ~ Fortunately fell thirty feet to the ground and sav- | ed his life, though he is pital now with severe internal injuries he | in the hos*| His name is Early Taylor, aged about | Lwenty. | { Sa LUMBER COMBINE BROKEN. Will Get Lumber at Reasonable connection with the Ottawa canal pro- Prices l } . i ject. He says he feels much encour : Susk.. July 231% is pul aged by the reception among influen Regina, Sask., July 23. in pub- tial Methodists here of his scheme for | a Methodist especially help Methodist emigrants, of whom 6.000 passe] Quebec already this year, and 'establish a new and living link' between Methodist bodies in every town amd village in Canada Fell Down On Stage. and England I Butte, Mont., July 23.--~James R.| sensible I Davis, aged twenty-three years, an w-- actor in the Grand Opera House Stock | company, while speaking his lines dur- ing a matinee, yesterday, fell to the stage dead. The audience was at ones wd. Davis came to Butte from Heart disease caused death disar Chicago a Domestic Tragedy Rochester, NY., July 23.--Mrs. Wal- ter H. McMullin died, yesterday, from he efiects of a dose of carbolie acid, | noer. ] Hy Decaine her hushand upbraided | have caused, his death. | her for being out late. nso pr vd Bibby s ef Fell Dead From Phaeton. Ont., July 27.-~When Bowmanville, brotherhood, which shail | the lumber combine the | | Mountain mills are one by one leaving | the neerger and looking out for inde { penedent & are dropping as ¢ the winter sets in it i8 expected that authority that | The ished here on good is broken. salesmen. Prices of J a result and' before umber will be down again to normal rices SHOT A GIRL tug en i. { | Jamber | returning from town, Saturday night, William Gimblett, a retired farmer, in seventy-fifth year, fell from his phaecton when hill, and was found in an unconseious condition by his. niece, who happened " I He died before medical help the heavy down town rush, to-dav, by was a Darlington pio- Heart failure is su along. | arrived. He ascending And Then Escaped Through the Crowd. i New York, July 23.--Esther North-} ling, a pretty twenty-vear.old girl was: shot dead, at the corner of Forty-Se- cond street and Fifth avenue, during his Stanles as man supposed to be Charles Warn-, to er, her former employer. The murder-| er escaped Surongh 4 in hand, : | the crowd, revol-|- Beecham's Pills positively cure all stomach troubles, while their beneficial effects on the liver and kidneys greatly improve the gen eral health. *. : : Beecham's Pills have been used and recommended by the gen- eral public for over fifty years, i : Prepared only by the Pr ™ St. Helens, L Bag. Sold everywhere in Canada and U. S. America. In boxes 25 cents. Beautiful Styles in Sheer Lawns and Mull Trimmed with Valenciennes Lace, Fine French Tuck and Open and Blind Em. broidery Short and Long Sleeves, sizes 32 to 42, ranging in price from $1 to $4. . Lawn Waists, Tucked Front, Embroidery, Insertion from Collar to Waist, Short Sleeves, Trimmed with same Embroid- ery, sizes 32, 40, only 35c. White Skirts, trimmed with Embroidery, $1.75. New White Skirts, trimmed with Embroidery, $2.75. New Cream Skirts, $3, $5, $6. 1 Tweed Effect Wash Skirts, $1.50, $1.75 and $2. Midsummer Millinery and Children's Headwear. New New New SPENCE'S ™ Lsding Mitinery The most nourishing of all Liquid Foods The most hygienic, the richest, the one which assimilates itself the most easily. The most efficient of all Bracing Tonics. Specially recommended to nursing mothers. For sale by H. WADE, Druggist, Cor. King and Brock Streets, Kingston. Bargains ~ Refrigerators Having a large. stock of Refrigerators on hand, we have decided to clear them out at Greatly Reduced Prices. The following is a list of a few of the Bargains we offering. I Leonard Cleanable with large double doors and lined with solid porcelain, former price $35.00, now 28.50. . se 1 Large Double Door Refrigerator, with galvanized iron lining, former price $13.50, now 11.00. Also several smaller ones at prices from $7 to 9, Call in and look at these. They are very-cheap. LEMMON & SONS, j3Xass are *, See Our Window Display of Hoosier Kitchen Cabinets. x. Contains the following features: " Flour Bin, with Sifter Attached. Sugar Bin, Spice Cabinet, Tea and Coffea Canisters, Want List, Aluminoid Extension Top, Plate Racks and Sliding Shelves, also Bread and Cake Boxes. Many other good features. No home complete withoutgone. Exclusive sale at James Reid, 'PHONE 147. SOLDER = BA

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