Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Jul 1907, p. 6

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EP PS g 5.883 8 2% WOLFE ISLAND COUNCIL. The Business Done at a Late | Wolle Island, July S.--Members all present. Voted : House of Industry, keeping Mrs. Orser, $42; S. Anglin & Co., lumber for bridge, $24.95; C. A. Barry, repairing road, $6; E. R Beckwith, surveying concession, road, $9.65; Best Light company, repairs for | lamps, $3.77, Woodman & ttray, | cedar posts for roads, $22.90; W. L. i Allison, account, $307.05; Mrs. McCaul I charity to C. Morris, 86; Mrs. Raw- | rb charity to S. Eccles, $6. Moved | von-Keys, and resolved, that the! clerk notify Messrs. Macdonnell and Farrell, that unless back taxes on the Mill Point property be settled before August, the county tredSurer take pro-| ceedings to sell the property. Moved, | Flynn-Keyvs, and resolved, that the | clerk notify Grant Grimshaw to re | pair breakwater om Keil road, ac- cording to - contract before August; and that this council ask Hon. Wil- | liam Harty to forward designs of canal bridge to the minister of public | works for his approval. i i 5 2g 2 § 5 i= gE if { Ee J : 5 Death At Lombardy. Lombardy, July 22. Mrs. Gillogly, | ; f " "THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, JULY 23rd, 1907. nro Have you on some part of your body a sore, or eruption, or ulcer, or eczemous patch which, hidden from the gaze of __ others, yet causes you hours and hours of pain and incon- venience ? Have you tried this, and that, and the other } remedy in vain, and are you feeling disheartened and dis- | couraged? If so read the following instances of Zam- { Buk's healing power, and apply it to your case: " I had an ulcerated years. The ulcers spread all round the limb, which was Soller to he Sigh hgh 2 normal size. Several he iapinben Ona suggested amputation, None did me any good. Zam-Buk healed the sores 1" So says Mrs. Gilmour, of Prihcess St., Kingston. Or, read this :-- be " My mother tried ings for abscesses and ions, but in vain. I ? ! Zam Buk ad Et says Miss A. Goggill, of Wapella (Sask. J / Sufferers from these *" Hidden Skin Troubles" of any nature should profit 0 such axperiences as this. Zam-Buk is seen at its best when applied to cases whic! we have defied ordinary treatment. Write for it at odr expense trial box, and test it ) -- les ZAM.BURK AND A MIRACLE OF HEALING Over and over again Zam-Buk has per- formed a miracle of healing when applied to sores and skin injuries which have refused to heal under any other form of treatment. Why not let it heal your trouble? Immedi- 'ately Zam-Buk is applied to a sore or wound or diseased portion of flesh it commences its work in two directions. It anoints the ex- terior, and its antiseptic properties prevent any germs and bacilli from creating trouble. Then the herbal essences and juices so finely purified and concentrated, penetrate the sub) t layers and stimulate the weakened ordi cells to active, healthy Ppetation, These cells then put forth their ** Building * roducts and ish the diseased Tr for with fresh and healthy tissue. By degrees the whole diseased surface is thus replaced by new healthy skin. A this way Zam-Buk cures cuts, burns, bruises, ulcers, abscesses, itch, eczema, eruptions, pustules, scurvy, salt rheum, blood poison, and other forms of skin trouble, Zam-Buk also cures piles, varicose ulcers, ete. All druggists and stores sell at 50c per box, or from Zam-Buk Ce., Toronto, for price. 6 boxes §2.50. 77 = BREAK SEPIE IG IN CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacific Railway. HOMESEEKERS days. Return Fares From Kingston. Edmonton {and CP.R. Ticket offices, Ontario St. { KINGSTON---OTTAWA ¢_ Coast points. R. Ticket offices, Ontario street. oh h FE i fe practical for any of the thin voiles,|[j Keenan and children and Mis | , chiffon eloths OE. pte. Annie Breen, of Sault Ste. Marie, Ont, Strap trimming used being either | ,rrived last week to visit Mrs. Thom- | of broadeloth, silk or satin to match. | og fireen for a few weeks. Mrs. M. | model was in black filet pet, toim-| fooher and Miss Annie Dooher lefu | with s of satin and heavy today for Westport: to visit friends. | uee, drop' ornament Mr. and Mrs. John Biscomette, | {Smith's Falls, spent Saturday at S. - | Bissonnette's. Miss Etta Klyne visit- ed Smith's Falls friends last week. 4 On Thursday evening last the death | occurred at Lombardy of ° Ira Byce, | who for the past six years was = en- | gaged in the grocery business here. | Death was die to anaemin, doceascd | All serious kidney ills are slight | having been in failmg health for seve | oaes in the beginning. Any case of ral months! He was a genial, kindly comes, it is not the|diabetes, Brigt's disease, ete., can eas- {man and much esteemed in this com- can spirit that «ill be the|ily; be avoided if the earlier of | munity. He leaves a widow, two sons dt, but a inating for | Kidney disorders are heeaed. 's {and one daughter. The fumeral took | element, which 34 often ng in- Kidaey and Liver Pills cure all ordin- | plive, Saturday morning to Smith's to the Japanese, k ; 1 | | Falls, thence hy train to Kars, where ' | | iit fEges : I ! L : restore these organs to complete {interment was made. y aed A In boxes, 25¢, or sale only at Wade's drug store. Money back if not satisfactory. Transvaal Indians Revolt. Johannesburg, July 23. British In- | dians have begun their "'revolt," | Fireside Travel. which takes at present the form of times| The pleasure and benefit to be deriv-| Passive resistance against the Trans. | the | ed from such a library of tFavel as the vaal law that alli Asiatics must re | con-| Stoddard Lectures can be only sug. |@ister themselves and have their un- | unrest | gested. What a book for a tired man | der-prints taken. Registration should i | | | or womah to pick up and read as a | have begun at Pretoria on Monday. So | safety valve from the fret and worry | 1or not a single application has been | of every-day life. What a book to read | made. a aloud in the family. What a book for | The government declares that it children, rich as it is in interest, infor-| Will stand firm, but evidently there is magion and inspiration, The children, [Some uncasiness as to how to - deal whose parents are = wise enough to with the problem. 1 nless the Indians | place this set of books within their|in the Pretoria district apply before . This | reach, will find their school work, es. /the end of the month, Papmaution | | every posially along the lines of history and | ought to begin. larg-| geography, made easier, more inter-| = owing| esting and productive of better re-| Warning To The Deaf, . yr 4 of Toronto, was a guest during the | =e------------------ The design here tired would, be| 1st week at H. N. Covell's. Ms. M. | for the label, SMINERJA™. wsthe @ | WINDOWS FOR BARGAINS. W. DIC! will please the most fastidious. They are stylishly cut--carefully finished--and made in the newest and prettiest designs. RAILWAY guarantee of quality. At your dealer's--or write } us where to go. 20 The Minerva Mig. Co., Limited, Toronte, Om. CANADA'S Se -------- BETWEEN John and Halifax, with con- nection for Prince Edward Island. First Trip From Montreal June 30th. Secure Folders and Descriptive Matter at Montreal Ticket Office, 141 St James St. Full particulars at K. & P. and O. p.| INTERCOLONIAL | PREMIER TRAIN Montreal, Levis, for Quebes, St. TRAVELLING, | TRAVELLING. i 'Quebec Steamship Company YT \ | LIMITED I {River and Gulf of St. Lawrence -- Round Trip Secomd-Class Exoursions to MANITOBA ALBERTA, SASKAT Summer Cruises in Cool Latitude CHEWAN, a dates from g BI Twin Screw Iron SS. "Campana," ston, July 16, 0; August 13, 27 with electric lights, electric bells and all Sept. 10 and 24. Tickets good fcr sixty modern comfort. Sails from Montreal on Monday, Winalpeg - - $0 | Strassburg - - $8 (20th July; 12th and 26th August Souris - - - 3350 | Saskatoon - for Pictou, N.S 3 . 88 © ou, N.S., calling at Quebec, Gaspe, i . x 3 = Jriace Albert ) 30 0p Mal Bay, Perce, Cape Cove, Grand River, Hoogom} 330 | Macleod ~~ 0X Sul erside, P.E.L, and Charlottetown, Estevan = 00 40 50 1 700 = Regan 857 i I . Calpury - oe . Yorkton - Red Deer - - | -- 5 Stettler a | i Comfortable berths in tourist Sleepers | at moderate rates. Free copies of Home- | eekers' pamphlet, giving rates to other | Summer Excursions, $35 and upwards, points, and full particulars at K. & P. by the new Twin Screw SS. "Bermud- ian,' 5,500 tons. Sailing from New York every alternate Wednesday, com- Leave Kingston, 12:10 p.m., arrive Ot- menacing 5th June. Temperature cooled tawa, 4:45 p.m. leave Ottawa, 10:45 a.m., arrive Kingston 3:45 p.m. Direct connections at Renfrew with C.P.R., No. The finest trips of the seasom for : leave Renfrew, 4:15 p.m., for Pem- health and comfort. broke. Port Arthur, Winnipeg and Paci- | by sea breezes seldom rises above 80 de- Ss. ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. For tickets and staterooms, apply to [3. P. HANLEY, "or a. Pr cliDBR F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agt. (SLEEVE, Ticket Agents, Kingston, | Bay of Quinte Railway re noes | Daseronto, ad all local points. Traine | mvs Cit 1 Depot at 4 p.m. R. = KSON, Agent B.Q.Ry., Kingrion | ROX, 7.80--9.15 a.m. 1.00--4.00 p.m. Leave Wolfe Island :-- ES, 7.80--9.15 a.m. 1.00--4.00 p.m. | WED, 7.30--9.15 a.m. 1.00--4.00 p.m. {THURS., Breakey's | Bay 6.809.580 a.m. 1.00--3.30 p.m. FRI. 7.30--9.15 a.m. 1.00--4.00 p.m. | SAT. 8.00-9.15 a.m. 1.00--3.00 p.m. SUN. 9.00--10.00 a.m. 12.30--5.00 p.m. Leave Kingston :-- Mon. 8.30--11.30 a.m. 3.00--5.30 p..0. | Tues. 8.30--11.30 a.m. 3.00--5.30 p.m, | Ned. .30--11.80 a.m; 3.00--5.30 p.m. | Thurs: 8.80--11.30 a.m. 2.00 Breakey's |. Bay 3.00--7.00 p.m. Fri. 8.30---11.30 a.m. 3.005.830 p.m. n. 1} ; Sat. 8.30--11.30 a.m. 2.00--5.80 p.my Sun. 9.30--11.30 a.m. 1.155.580 p.m. Sat.--Special trip to Simcoe Istand and Spoor's dock, at 3.30 p.m. + Time Table subject to change without | wotice. | Boat calls at Garden Island gol and from Kingston. wg" E. BRICELAND, Manager. {Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte | Steamboat CO., Limited. 1000 ISLAND-ROCHESTER ROUTE" I-- | Stes. North King and Caspian | Steamer leaves Kingston dail | . eX: Monday, at 10.15 a.m. for Fhe Islands and Ganandgue. Returning leaves at 5 ar for Rochester, N.Y., via the ay of Quinte, callin, i bo & at intermediate Steamer Aletha leaves on Mondays at the sea, | "ults. Educators all over the country Before investing in costly car-drums. | must be some connection. | are unanimous in recommending Stod- | ascertain if your deafness isn't due to | animals they avemot|d.0d's Lectures asa reference work. |catarrh. Hundreds have been cured of | in small numbers, but as| Iravel is expensive. It costs sever-| total deafness by "Catarrhozone.' | danger increas-| 81 hundred dollars to tour one coun- | Which is prescribed for impaired ! try, many thousands of "dollars to! hearing and deafness by physicians in| great | tour the world; but the expense of this | every city. If deaf, by all means try | ang | tour of the world may be paid at| Catarrhozome. Price, $1, at all deal | your own convemence. ers, How Rich Is Your Blood ? Light Weight Summer Clothing. | The blood is the source +f all mén-| Provost Brock street," has a #pleadid | tal, muscular and nervous power. {| assortment of light weight aed lood is weak you are weak, Have | coats to be offered at very low prices. | ,{rich red blood and you will not only | Extra value in clerical black coats. A | have greater strength but will ha able | great variety to choose from. | restaurant which had been opened |to resist disease. The best remedy to | en : i "Under the sign of the "Kingston tone up health and enrich the blood is| Perillos, who ifivented the a uh to myself, that looks Wade's Iron Tonic Pills (Laxative). bull for Phalaris, tyrant of Agrigen- | brazen | , an conte from are. un great nerve strengthener tum, was the first person baked to ston it is good, and so I took and blood 'maker. In boxes, 25¢c., at ideath in the Borrible ior n party in. I never was much for {Wade's drug store. Money. back if not| Ma€thew Hoping, the witch finder relation, put thomght it satisfactory, was himself tried by his own tests 0 be a great treat to meet some- and put to death as a, wizazd. ho was pom Bingeion. We Mate Toronto Street Market. e y a only tai to, J Wi i - --- ied the Sl oF fire? on buh Dies wheat, rh pe ocr: | SPINAL TENDERNESS scrawled Jend pencil, The writ: Wes wheat, spring, per b Sho S50. to : 1860; w Ose, per . Se; [ A A mdi : a rl TH En hah aye. chutes neta ss and weak per hush. 53c.. peas, per bush., Te. Ninel na a its on to Sure 410 un- to 78c.; hay, old, per ton, $16 to $18: ilv Tans Into -- Hu he ah oo. ens. new, per ton, $13 to $14.50: straw, ! Ee, tal disease, to be ne A hia: Srvwed howe, 8.5 Tey ! Its cure ean be most speedily accom- | teh, ; ores pee Ee 9c. "to 2; | hit. bu. Ferromne. This. great rom. x Th., 2. to 25¢.; chick- ' ee. ow a wing. RE pet a 130. es: Jck- Sunde " iin Yeaught by the great: Yo, 200. to 196; ueks, per: Ih. on Tve tonic nown to man. Fer- Bc. turkeys, per Ib, The. to-16c.. po- | oncre 1, frat body builder that tatocs, per hag, Me. t6 81; beef, hind- | chin th blood the body by en- xs, $8.75 to 810.25: # riers, lant Ig e oo--1t 18 not a stimu- to $7.50; choice, carcase, $830 % ¢ a . 5 50; - medium, carcase, $7.30 to 8 | Get good blood, the right kind--if Matton, per cwit., $8 to 810; veal. per {Jou san make Plenty of it, positive] cwt., $8.50 to $10; lamb, per owt. It A assed. : $14 to $16. { Ttisthrough this blood that tissue. : = { nerve, muscle and brain are renewed. and the machinery of the body--kid- We have placed on sale about 100 pairs of I y Women's Summer Shoes, in High Laced 3 GRAND TRUN Si and Oxfords, regular prices were $2.50, | : 3.00, and some 3.50. ; For This Week Only, $1.98 In our Men's Window we have placed on sale a lot of Summer Shoes, in Oxfords and High Shoes, in Tan and Black, regular prices $3.50 to 4.50. For This Week Only, These are Genuine Bargains, and vou can- not afford to miss this chance of saving money on your Footwear, Homeseekers' Second-Class Round Trip Excursions To Manitoba, Saskatehewan and Al- berta leave Kingstom, Tuesday, July 16th, 30th; August 13th, 27th; Sept. 10th and 24th. Tickets good to return within sixty days from going date. Branch Local Time Table. Depot, Foot of J GOING WEST Lve. Ci Arr. Cit; No. 5 Mail te. 12.45 . 1.15 _-- - a Express ... 226a.m 3.05 a.m. - 2 Local -- S15 a.m. 947 a.m - "15 Local ae Intern') Ltd.12.16 n 2. 7 Mall re 339 ron 124 veY RE | | i M & o&¥Y B > au 1 Q a : he No. 8 Maly __ ne oy | "2 Fast Exp; _22am 14 Local 8. £06 Mall ___ .1230 p.m. 12 " 4 Fast «1 | «13 Loon PP ~100pum. 3. Nos. 1,2, 8, 4 Woes oi BSeR38 vTepp we my. | i : 8 2 F Bs v i 5 and 8 rum datiy, A j Otter trains daily except Sunday Pa All | For/tull particulars, apply to i J.P. Cor. Johnson and Ontario Sta, | ---------- eee { . Toronto 2.98 EAST BOUND 1'. The regent Morton of Scotland, whe | fiona the maiden, a sort of guillo- beheaded there Bayh | liye ~stomach and bowels--are a maintained in vigor. wag the first to be Can you fail to see Ferro: i was in the reign of Queen Hors, for diseases, not a heck 3 J . errozone t eves, i Clisthenes introduced the custom of | sures. No ay Ragas Ting i { and was the first 80 be ban known with hali its power "Tey it THI ae Bh ain cad : lat Leave Kimston. 5 m., Gail Charlotte and Toronto! making Ya} tions for all Westers polats. Hamilton-Montreal Line SHOE STORE . Tri-weekly service ' EAST AND WEST BOUND For Hokets and berth reservation, x ay THY'S Trains will leave and arrive at Ot | J olinson street. 1 | : h. Montreal : | h Line | m---- | Steamers "Toromto & Kingston" Ti 5 pou, for Picton and Intermediate | . Full information fr J. Pp 'LE I 4 om J. P. HANLE 1 SRERSLEEVE & KIRKPATIICR | Ticke gents. JAMES Ss 30. I y Senta. : ES SWIFT & Co., ALLAN WA 1 LINE | MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL | The new Steamer Corsican, 11,000 19ng [Twin Screw, will sail from Montreal [ERIDAY, July 26th, on her trial trip. {June 20th. This steamer attained a | maximum speed of eighteen knots per 1hour. Her accommodation for ail clasges Is of the finest and twenty-two hundred Ps can be provided for, riptive pamphlet, ra Pasa | may be obtained from the 39 of yer veg + Po HANLEY, G.T. | GILDERSLEEVE Ohi oe." n T. McAuley HAS REMOVED TO ° 93 Princess $1, Between Corbett's Hardware {Store and Taylor & Hamil. Jen's, directly opposite An. | grove's, | COME SAND SEE US | "Phone COAL! The sudden changes in weather a Suggest the Wisdom of Wome Coal sell good Coal. It's the Rind the sends out the" most hast ang ithen the ous comfortable ; it's there is npne etter mmacas "a --- deliver It to you clean and Out slate, at the very bott prices, - . BOOTH & BLrrrowing Ow' "Of what use are snakes" i tion often asked by the student ther use SS me and of vy not always « 1mns There are birds tl wd bv assiduously seeking afd Sonus serpents Ask the Australian many quee mitive forests . and wil 1g jackass, as her. Its note resembles ray 1 he kingfisher lives isonous_ reptiles, in w itinent 1s iNco } varies the diet only lly venomous fas and tree lec 1 after the ma Furopean kindr It was a ho tains of New had been trampi less bush for s a big mi on a faller almost the on trees that de leaves to the for the cur Australian bust Suddenly he beheld a big king me of the trees tng motionless namesake may pond or trout He startled the rver with ibrupt dash to the ground not far a and a few seconds t perch with s t big, fierce-looking snake that had been bask shine just beyond t mimosa clump. I'he bird had sc 1 reptile by neck and held it ke gr me LIQUOR LAWS IN NORWAY. Private Profit E sumpt on Decr New Norwegian liq The Son » municipalities & spirit licenses w they ry to a company wich w ¢ presented 1m ments of the pr w abolished, 15 per cc jects of public utility r attractions t r cer a i , 10 per cen of the 1g of the s cight years the pr e state has been part till 1910 to form 1 age pension fu imounts to $2,300,000 markable fact in the h sobriety is that the con cohol per inhabitant has de 45 per cent. in the last fil y decrease has been most mark establishment of the S I'he aims and princi] . dag system are these: The elimina of private pront and secur t p ¢ ly value for the publi st quality of hquors sold; he number of license forcement of the law; th the power of the spir furtherance of all progressive meas of reform, Dubiety In Atmosphere Baltimore Herald. An Alabama man tells of an acter in a town of that state the local creck had more at hot and grassy cottonii ago "Tobe," as the darky 1s took a day off in pursuit of his fave amusement. Tobe baited 1 k long and patiently sat upon th he creek vainly waiting for a b last, under the combined influer® warmth of the day and the movement of the &reek, Tobe fell asi As the weary angler dozed a big ok the bait and almost pulled the da mto the creekes-- d Lord! obe, with a. gurgld, as he ah a-fishin', or'is dis HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hunared Dollars ReW fur any case of Catarrh that canno sured by Hall's Cutarrh Cure. ; ¥e the unders have known . Cheney for the AE years, and beli him perfectly homorable in all busio transactions and financially able to ca out any obligations made by His Bre Waldinz, Kinnan & Marvin. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter ly. acting directly 'upon the blood : Mucous gurfaces of the system. Te pouints sent free. Price cents bottle, Sold all Druggists. F. J SRHENEY & CO, Toledo, O. Take const

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