Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Jul 1907, p. 1

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nical ' d en. house-cleaning or to receive Fall of that time now Il Summer Goods, prices. \D SATURDAY on 65¢. 84e, 1.00. 1.66. 2.17. 2.34. \irt Waists bargains : Goce. 1.00. «AWN Suits 3.75. 3 1.95. R 7.00. bor mmer Ce lucher Cut Lace Boots, down to $2. i / er Cut Lace Boots, worth iI. : 1 Oxford Shoes, regular $2. {ii 1 ither Lace Boots, sige 8, 9 , e Boots, sizss 11, 12, 13, wed from day to day. EE ----. hoe Store. YEAR 74. NO. 174, KINGSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, mm-- 33 JULY 26, 1907. from Topper Vea ! JMCKAY Kingston Tourists Are invited to see oe FUR SHOW ROOMS. Compare Our Furs in Quality and | ¢ Price. Absolutely no obligation to buy. We are showing Exclusive and beautiful Designs, in Fine Canadian , MINK» Sets and single pieces. In Fur and Fur-Lined Garments. Special prices July and August. John McKay Fur House Leading Lines FZAT-- VAN LUVEN'S, Butter We have several lines Creamery Butter, at 25c. per lb. Choice Teas First in order we have Our Own Blend in Green, Black or Mixed Teas, that satisfy, at per 1b., 30c. In Package Teas, our best sellers are Salada and Red Rgse, at 25¢c., 30c., in air-tight half-pound tins, up in sealed packages, in the gardens of growth Tea retains itsicial treaty . Vaudeville, Park starts this evening Visitors and | and 26¢. 40c. and 50c., also Lipton's, St. DAILY MEMORANDA. Big Slaughter Sale Of Sunie Huts, at © bell Dra's Dance Ontario Park, Yacht Club 8.80 p.m. 8:30 p.m. Wonderland, every afternoon and even ing. Out of a position 2--Read "The Forum ass vence" Yacht Club Races, 10.30 a.m., and 1 p-m., Saturday Y.W.C.A. Swimming Class, at Ontario This day in Fort Niagara, urg, 1758 history British 1759 ; Battle { WHIG TELEPHONES. 243--Business Office. 229--FEditorial Rooms. Jobbing Department. or Printing a Specialty. C The Daily Whig is always on sale at n's Drug Store, Market Square-- till late each, evening. "Royal Doulton." We have just open- ed a lot of very pretty ODD JUGS, PLATES, TE A- POTS, ete., of this celebrated maker. Prices Right. Robertson Bros. PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over the World. Ihe new Allan liner, was launched, day. Louis nan, « the at Glasgow, Grampian, on Thurs Montreal milk- unclean Kutaman, a as fined $20 for using British dairy Farmers' Associa Ihe tion will probably hold its next meet ing in Canada. Ihe Su perior the majority of men are work. Madame Fromkina Petersburg for strike of miners in the Lake iron region is almost over and returning to was hanged in attempts on the put ives of two officials. Franco-Canadian eommer- promises special advan- The new 2 BIG STRIKE - Almost Pure e Gold Is Turned! ou, = OF NEW WEST MINE ITS RICHNESS BEATS WORLD'S | { RECORD. est of All Metals--It is Ex- pected It Will Run Over $200,- 000 to the Ton--The Thirty Inches Wide. Denver, July 26.--Ore nearly pure gold that tory records of a grade so the state his nothing to approach it, has been discovered on the tenth level of the Little Johnny mine, at Lead ville, within the last few and when the assays are completed, it is stated that the figures will show a mineral wealth almost beyond credi- bility. On Tuesday, twenty sacks were taken out, and these are expected to run $100 to the pound in gold. or £200,000 to the ton. A vein of this ore, thirty inches wide, makes the new strike the richest in miming history anywhere in the world. Cost To The Government. Juiy 26.-An oficial return giving the eust of conferemes at £10,400, in excess of the davs, London, has been issu, the imperial This is considerably original estimate which was placed at £6,000. Another 'return gives the ex penses of the admiraity in gonveying the remains of > Hon. Réymond Pre fontaine, minister of marine and fish Canadian government, as £3.78 to the from Cherbourg cries, 50c. Children's Summ. Tams. Now 25¢., at Campbell Bros'. SHUNNED MEN 70 YEARS Sarah Ann Daniel's Lover Proved False, So She Boycotted Male Sex. itt Ye. od ro | The Ore is Very Rich in the Great- | Vein is| | | i Rp MAGNATE -- ery rities, Generous to warded. WHITE WOMAN warded - With Estate, ~Quite a Romance. Philadelphia, Her July 2 {in the will of the late Mri. Sarah! night of May 20th, 1906, and lynched | | Waln Hendrickson, who died recently, | him, came to an abrupt termination, | Eo leaving her entire estate to a megro. | when the jury in the case of Zeke | Henry Clay Frick, the Pittsburg Mrs. Hendrickson died in her ninety-| Lowis, the second of the lynchers to| steel magnate, nt « { the great |fiest year, at. her home, in Wainford, | be tried, returned a verdict of mot powers in the huge Ivania rail- {| Monmouth county; N.J., in March | guilty. road interests, was at W. Over- | last. She was connected with one of | ton, Penn., on Dot ot 19th, 1819. | the oldest of Philadelphia's families. | Baseball Record. He began life'as a clerk for his gramd- The beneficiary, John Wilson, NURSED HER And Now He Has Been Re- WAITED THOUGHTFULLY ON | §.~Loeal society | has been astounded by the revelations wixty- BRAKEMAN SUCCUMBS, -- . Montrealer Victini of An Accident at Perth. + Toronto, July 26.--The Canadian Pacific officials of the Ontario and Quebee division are advised that Brakeman Arcand, of Montreal, injur- ol at Perth died in Brockville Gene ml Hospital, to which pice he was removed after the accident. The vie tim was brakeman of the Perth local express, running between Montreal and {Perth.. When the train reaches P | Arcand fell beneath the oars. His logs {and one atm were left on one side of } { i erth {there is some shunting dope, and it | was while engaged at this work that -- , the track, a -- re ---------- | LYNCHERS NOT GUILTY. And When She Died He Was Re-| | North Carolina Couldn't Secure a Entire Which Was a Big One Conviction. Charlotte, N.C., July 26-The eof: {forts of the state of Rorth Carolina to bring to justice the twenty odd | citisensof Anson county who took J.) W. Johnson from Wadesboro jail the | Fastern father in the distillery trade, but | two years old, who was employed b later he entepedl the coke business, | Mrs. Hendrickkon for more gry RR log hi A To Nowa 5 Nochonier, © where he first showed his marvellous | years, is now in possession of the old Ba mg ee - power of man nent and business de- | mansion, together with the Waln por- ™- ay Tr At Philadelphia, termination. Frick married Miss | traits, jewels, silver plate, and antique] we, Amutionn lange BD bo eine Adelaide Howah! in ISX7 at Pitts: | furniture, It is Said that the reason SI wy rt Ne York. oe burg. Since I87 he has been the | Mrs. Hendrickson, who was a widow | je Lo oN - 3 d ave active head of the H. C. Frick Coke | and childless, gave the property 10 nel, ae mn 3 Detceit; > company, which } s more coke | the negro was to pay off a debt ational league ncinnatl, 3; of New York, 5. At Pittsburg, 5: Phila- than any other on e corporation in | more than $8,000, w . the world. It Was in 1592 that Mr. | wed him. He ah Jn ry ne deiphia, 4. At Chicago, §; Boston,". Frick gained interoatic prominence {for many vears' wage in connection With his fight against It is oy that ib Hendrickson Fatal Jnaeet Bite: labor during the famous Homestead | several veurs ago, made her will in Fredericton, B., July 26-Robert strike. He was wounded and nearly | favor of Richard Waln Meirs, her fa-| Winn, a leadin farmer of Hanwell, blowh: up with a dynamite bomb. | vorite nephew, who lives at No. 1724 [this county, died yesterday under Since thas time, Mr. Frick has been | Walnut streot, Philadelphia, ator she | Father prouliar circumstances. While more seclud He is noted for chari- [destroyed this will. According to a ™orking in his field a few days ago table works amd® has given big sums ; oR he was bitten in the back of the neck statement of Jol i to worthy objects. nlemeny hn Meirs, a brother See Bibby's Se. this, drew up a deed conveying property to was sighed by Wilson, len ther belts, December nerstown, a commissioner of deeds Monmouth county. The deed stipulated for -the should while she lived. remainder natural flavor and sweetness. {tages to Frenth cod fishers and to Yararencibure, Td. July 96.--Miss . Canadian exporters. Sarah Ann Daniel, ninety-five years of Asselstine's Yarn The conciliation board on the dis : Ey We have the agency for their ' bo bety on he : TR o Re we old mid " Far d Wool 'Bats. * AR gy BUY LE" iy r seventy Pure Wool Yarn an ° t Montreal on Thursday ; . REE & d.dived in the immediate Ihe Korean premier, on r ursday, | peighborhood « refused absolutely F. W. Van Luven, eno some am SEI i Ton atone . we Japanese resident-general Phone 417 - 246 Princess St. olute powers it that Miss Daniel t's great spim mills ar most popular girls in Be closing down and 1 are being eountry when she was sixteen thrown out of a result of ars of «nd that she had oft 12. BLADED the dock labors St aged h to a young man who : It is st the Brits teaching school in a distant part is mer : : th t county. He visited her regu EVER-READY § i: ii 000 halt being borne - -- SAFETY RAZOR £ a | HILL RIVALS MARK TWAIN ter er ol inds New : ) Win} ir | with Appears All in White From Hat to 10 h FOR 5 50. a 100.000, y th Shoes. gran , Minn, July 26.--The ap I'he best Sh r R I James J. HMl on the world, it you don't know, 'hen wipre by = t attired 'in pure white from hat dor t doubt We ¢ 200, (6K), » sh SCF ted sensation Never let. us try, it will cost dy AY th bitant knew Mr. ing to try. We guarant 8 i seen other than faction. k Ihe s pread SOLD ONLY mdon, and many the in sterda honor » Minnesota Club, ; 3 ), haracterized the trouble in Ind n all in white. Mitchell's Hardware, $ choracterimd the rouble in Tia Jo found him all i ; 85 Princess Street. pinion that ' DUG UP INDIAN CHIEF. had such g ¥ 2 uthority in the art Interesting Discovery of Workmen anid made such Our store is filled with good things especially suited for Campers Fishing Parties Picnic Parties packed Mail orders carciully and promptly shipped. Jas. Redden & Co. IMPORTERS OF FINE GROCERIES. EXCURSION Per Str. ALETHA TO OGDENSBURG AND RETURN, TUESDAY, JULY 30th. s Swift's Wharf, at and Tn AE Steamer lea stopping at G each wa Round F are THE FST STEAN VHGA ECELWAT & GEORGE For charter, by day trip or wes k i and camping excl short ne "ios Address Capt. ; nd, ram Union, Hotel, Ki gS Union fate, Kingston. On NOTICE $25.00 REWARD. THE SUM UF WILI : ht pakl to any one furr NG Jead to ¢ tion, \of the party fully hed maliciously between the Me AAD Ue thelist as Britain FERRER ERR TOOK HIM PRISONER. Austin, Tex., July 26.--A Japanese was taken into custody, yesterday, at the camp where the state mili- tary encampment 1s being held. It is charged that he was taking photographs of the batteries in action and other features The man is being held pending * an investigation by federal military authorities. RHEE ERLE ER #4 FN ---- Monday, Civic Holiday. Steamer America makes special tour of the Islands via American ar dian channels, 2:30 pan, Supper hoard. Fa | Cang- on are He. Time Money Time and money essence of life and the make the merch- ant who hustles for trade is the one who can count on prosperity and retirement in shortest time. A mere . the living is nothing more than is by the most a. : ait accomplished Duly Asi & she, ou. Weducosey » illiterate laborer. Yet it sat- ; B W. OC. BARBER. jsfies the anti-advertiser in Acting Madtical Suber 'most cases, and it is because F IS A FACT. of this the hustlers--the ad- Wheres IT Is A tut you gwin vertisers make suck a large 1 : cos money Tr you win do that by buying per cent oR A Mh your Stones, Firitute and Citpets at | judicious advertising. TURES Store, 358 Priv | antis are the toll-payers, . cess gireety RUHE HAE HRE RAW in Gravel Pit. London, July 26. While at work in Winnet's gravel pit in the north 'end of the ¢ vorkmen, torday, unearth- xi the s ton of an adult human be ng Al the body were a number of arrow heads and othes trinkets, such as were formerly inter red w chiefs. From these it is. Sup skeieton is that of SOM Ti years ago. Centreville Barn Burned. July 25.~The very light in vere thunder storm pags Saturday last, the Reid's barn and 'entreville kinds « Waly ed over here on lightning striking S. burni it so Alired Milligan's stone r, which was in the barn at | the time. Peter Kellar left for his home at Whitewater, on Monduy last. Peter Cassidy is able to be out again ofter a short illness. Mr. and Mrs James, Kingston, spent a few t week at Edward James'. Mrs Albert Reid, Napunee, spent NS v nt Charles 'Lochhead's Miss Lizzie oldsby, Tweed, is spend- ing her holidays under the parental | roof Frank Gerow, cheesemaker, . is building a come mt curing room. Miss eterboro, at her home is spend here. A Laura Le ing her vacali Nobby Straw Sailors. eductions in price ge numi the pil to Ste. Anne . returhe home to-day ood until July if vou take ad grimag ants 's discount sale. | in M&y, mada an attempt to murder | making several ineffective attempts to jor ide. New York Dress Reform. Sew advt | the inspector of the political prison! kill officers. Tt in believed that her| For campers, "marshmallows," Me- Word from F. W.'Spangenberg say¢{ here, wounding him with a pistol [mind was unitanced, and that she | Conkey's and Huyler's. Sold only at | that he is steadily continuing the good | which had been mysterigusly smuggled | eulfe red from hysteria. | Gibson's Red Cross drug work of improvement into Her eel], was, hanged, in this! This is the first time a woman has| A large ship of western beel Major Currie was nominated bo at sunrise, on Thursday been executed in Russia since Anna just arrived at Anderson Bros. North Simeor conservatives for the] The authoritivs made every effort | Benuidictova, was put. to death ati A sawmill belonging to Joseph Ir- federal Contest during the past fortnight to persuade] Cronstadt, last October, for complic- \win, at Maxwell, was burned. Thi dre Sur Richard is at present the woman to plead for the merey of lity in a plot to blow up a public] Jenkins' negligee shittn, hal. ties at work below Cataraqui bridge, = io ad Narly, hut "at 1 clos of "the 'svhool --_ caning for The 3 ARCHIE term he left the county without. a won. m Fa sa 1 } wae iy word of explan: ation, sal Miss Daniel |" il he acted as her nurse apd 3g CAN KEEP SECRET, » I would permit no one else to wait on lg never hoard from him agnin. She wa | 3 afterwards seen in iss and when "NM . Fhe. doud Wi ' lati I$ Uniontown, Pa., July 26. her father died and Inter her 0 oy iyo Le win nah he nloves; #¥ --' 'You can kill me, but I mother, she : so heavily veiled at 8 + proj w Hored | won't tell you where the } that Ino Wd t} man's possession of the place, declar- | "" Foe funeral that her Ince could not Be 1i.e that for véars he has exercised un- * money Is, was the answe Sh tinued to occupy the old due influence over their aunt, manag: | ® 1 ree NO ht en Isabel : hes 1 busi ing the farm and the mill and pocket- | {# last =n Tom homeste but all business in con {UF 4 (UN FU TC bey claim that] # Brown, years old, after Jeong ail ath the Jom i he Hatfesied the aged woman did not possess her | 3 they had bound her in her hg n id hat he ke te. ental faculties for a long time be | ¥% home near Gates and ap- ¥ A ne ec her father : her | fore she died. On the othér hand, oth- | 4 lighted matches to Mk pver proved fa : or members of her family say that|# her bare feet. After ran- i | Wilson is entitled to the place, allog-|# sacking the house the men n---------------- ing that Mrs. Hendrickson brought her | ¥ or bez bound on Be ed w | kA " o | condition of [indebtedness upon herself [3 alone. It believed i by refusing to be advised in business | 88 about ome hundred - matters. This branch of the family |# dollars, but victim ¥ TO MAKE TREATY. ; | requests that Wilson part merely with | refuses to tell the extent of ¥ the old family portraits. her loss. : i a EE 2 Toronto, July 26.--A building agreement is to be made between the United States and Canada over the fisheries and all troubles on Wilson is tall, of a and black. urdy figure, the lakes will be averted A conference will be held ---- ---- at once to prepare a treaty which will be satisfactory Peril. to bdth countries, St. Petersburg. July 26.--The lately unearthed the life which an kovetz, the ¥ * * + + * i A NEW PLOT DISCLOSED + W ¥ "+ » + Fiore vonooospaes of the as a result car, engineer, To Erect $180,000 Building. imprisoned in the for Richard, the latter, some time after the the colored man, which Mrs. Hendrickson and 22nd, 1908, in the presence of William Quicksell, of Hor- that Wilson should provide for Mrs. Hendrickson maind al her life, and no any # pro v He was also pond chardson about five feet two inches | y And the Czar's Life Was Again in |silk manufacturer, of this eity police " a new plot against of named Bilotzer supposed organizer of the of by an insect. He thought little of the matter at the time, but next day blood-poisoning set in, resulting in his death. Blue Jackets Are Ready. ofl Scoul, July 26.--Arrangements have been made with the railway authori: ties to bring 4,000 Japanese blue jackets quickly from the squadron now at Chembuips. These the admiral in command has offered to Marquis Ito, but on account of military tech- nicalities they will not be called for unless a great emergency arises that 'makes it absolutely necessary, -------------- very Frrnnsnconsnncons | Heat Drove Him Crasy. | New York, July 26.--Ernest S. Si- Imon, forty years old, a prominent and Lyons, France, wrote on an open sheet of notepaper that the heat is "Driv ing mo crazy," and then fired a bul- let into his brain while seated before a mirror in his room at the Imperial hotel. He died shortly afterwards in {| 8 hospital. Toronto | 26.--The Canadian conspiracy, 1s , General Elk dompany will erect a ress of | I'oter and St. Pau and | five storey building, costing Several others have been arrested. The | Agreed To Proposal. . i » 180,000 north-west corner of | Baltic Imperial railway and the im Pokin, July 26.~The Chinese gov { King and Simcoe streets. The perm perial vacht Alexmndria were comcern- [ernment has formally announced 3 | was applied for at the city architect's jl as plans were found in the course | assent to the proposal made hy the office of a police raid on a private house | United States for a joint investiga- : here. tion by the powers, including China, . into the whole question of the opium Drop In To:lletrow. A {trade and of the: 8 Production ol crop And sce the bargains: being offered Now Is Your Time. | opine. in summer 'hats at Campbell Bros'. - . I'o buy a nobby straw sailor at crops of | this |} 1 | less price 3 of he Boi sthonnn. Hue Yor st Campbell Bros', slaughter sale than you ever dreamed of, 2 Men On Holidays. of | Low shoes in patent or dull leather lib nak summer hats are the correct thing. t 1} his. Yr Fgland reduces 53.50 shoe to $2.95, at the | from Vansouver "to Three Years For Pickpocket. Lockett Shoe Store. 8 : Winnipeg, July 26. Harcy Krieglor, | - Tey Bib cream outing shirts alins Joe Campbell, of Minneapolis, Fancy Texas Peaches. James \e Way, Hamiltow, for many was sentenced for three years in the | Cantaloupes, limes, ete., at Hender- {years inspector' of streets, is dead, [penitentiary for pocket- picking to the [son's, Brook street. | { at C ampbell | i : | er of Kingstonians who | {eording to the aged nine extent of $00, Ottawa's population is 80.000, ac new eily directory. s London straw hats You can't 'afford See ston's cut price sale. See advi. Bibbs to miss Living- | Knlamazoo celery, crisp and white, | at Henderson's grocery. -------------- Shirt Sale. 234 new fall shirts, negligee, sam- { MME. FROMKINA HANGED For Attempting to Murder Two Officials--- fused to Plead For d For Mercy. refused to do. Moscow, huly 26.~With the obsery-, | ance of the greatest privacy. Madame | with the throne in her behalf, Fromkina, who, in Mapeh last, at-| their efforts were unavailing. 3st. | tempted + t bot, the ex-prefect of polices assingte General Rhein: cand who, | with actual murder, but accused the emperor, but this she obstinately { building. Her parents interceded ! (rate Bartlett. but he sustained the magistrate's decision, Madame Fromkina was not charged | worth from 81.26 to $2.50 cach, to go on sale Saturday for 5c. each, at E. P. Hundreds Of Watermelons. We have them on ice, whole or cut {in slices, any size you want, at Car =n noveks's. . | Judge Mcllugh, Windsor, Ont., has | given his decision in the appeals of Hour lignor dealers against consictions land fines imposed on them hy Magis- In three of the cases Jenkins', but in the fourth he reversed it. Sale of wash belts, with pretty of 'buckles, 10¢c.; wash collars worth 25e., to-morrgw, Summer sale 1 {teachers of Belleville have had 4 sonable and up-to-date you'll be to own, and you'll be with the LADIES' BATHING SUITS at $2.50, Navy, with White, U; 25¢., fine Bal other good lines, at and 7Se. BUCHANAN-WRIG HE ~On July 23rd, Muitio . hla - or ad Mk. Jon Re rignt, to Figar de Kovelacn Buchanan, of Ar. and Mrs. J. Badger Buchanan, of St. Legobert, Que. McK ENNA---DONOG NUE. ~in the Church ot the Holy Name, Kingston Mills, uly rd, 1907, by Rev. Fr Cttine, Patrick McKeoma, Riugston; - - Mise Agnes May Donoghue, Kingston Mills. DIED. uBYA NT.--Drowned, at Plevna, on July 1907 aged thirty-two years, a George Brysmt, som of Edward Bryant, of this city. BLAKE.--In Barriefield, on July ~~ BAe 1907, Freucis Diake, aged yenrs Funiral from his late residence, Barries fold, on Saturday afternoon. st 2.30, Fran and acquaintances invited 10 attend. HARTGE. ~In Portsmouth, ThHursd ay, July 25th, 1907, Toten Hamilton, beloved wile of John Partrick, sixty-eight Years. Funeral Seturday, at 2 pm., from i he family Portsmouth, os = John's church and tar. Cemetery. oan th TET pi Childrens' 1 Cent na 5c WONDERLAND Open Every Pay From 2 ta 5.2 Ttolll 7 turda; om 1. + onda next pen. from 10 ait ami Twenty-one of the twenfy-six salaries crested.

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