EUMATISM MUNYON'S 3X CURES of a remedy that relieves sharp, ; pains in any part of the hody one to three hours and effects a lies the blood. Te es b . It neutralizes the i takes all inflammation and away.' Have you a lame or back, Iu or sciatica ? | vou stiff or swollen joints, no ic? Ask your druggist yon's 3x Rheumatism Cure and quickly you will be cured. wm have any kidney or bladder get Munyon's idney [omey back if it fails: Munyon's makes weak men strong and GLUSIVE FUR STORE. -F GOURDIER i 8 and 80 Brock St. *Phone 700. Brooches B. E. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager A. H. IRELAND, Supcrictendent of Branches It means a great saving to you. pons all day Saturday. Fancy, suitable for Skirts, regulae 50c, and 60c¢, quality. 35c. per Yard. and OF COMMERCE NEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1867 Rest, 5,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England BANKING BY MAIL 8 Business may be transacted by mail with any branch of the Bank. Accounts may be opened and deposits made or withdrawn by mail. Every attention 1s pai to out-of-town accounts. KINGSTON BRANCH, CORNER OF KING AND PRINCESS STS P. C. STEVENSON, Manager. Dress Tweeds Jap Wash Silks Total Assets, - 113,000,000 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JULY 26th, 1907. THE CANADIAN BANK Si FOL CIMHER ---- BUSINESS MEN SAY THEY'RE Take Advantage of This Offer Double Cash Cou- 200 Yard, Light Grey Tweeds, in Checks, Stripes Tailored Suits or Separate Saturday Only A splendid make, fine even weave, full 27 inches wide, correct for Summer Dresses or Shirt Waists, will not cut and washes perfectly, in White, Cream, Pink, Sky, Navy, Mauve, Cardinal, Nile, Reseda, Torquoise and Black, at 50¢. Yard. One yard wide Taffeta Silk, Saturday special 98c. and DOUBLE CASH COUPONS. Crumley Bros. In mew and attractive atterns. ---- Comprising ear] prays, Bar-Pins, ¥reaths and Sunbursts. BROOCHES hyst and rith Pearls, tality 14k. of Ame Amethysts alt in full gold. MITH BROS, wellers & Optician 'Phone 836 [ssuers of Marriage Licenses. Cotton Root Compound. The great Uterine Tonic, and cnly safe effectual Mon Regulator on which women can depend. Sold in three of strength--No. 1, §1; No. 10 degreos stronger, 3; No. r special cases, $5 per box. Bold ¥ all dry ee, oe soni repa on receipt 08, ot. "Address rr Ti 'ree pam 12 20., Tonouro, On. Vormerly Wi hs a ASHSICICIISISISIIGRIS ISIN ns of Interest for furday Shoppers. ese prices ar esult of t ents in #* adies' Walk- § §, Tweed Ef- 3 token lines, not ¥ Zes in each, worth 5 > D > > > DO & ) to. 4.50. Saturday ¥ i he ). ' our stock of White ts at greatly reduc- 3 1ces, 33¢, each and § QD bargain table D | White Under- 3 5 reduced on Sat- v, 43c. each and up. White Parasols $ ed in price to 98c. ¥ 1p. ldren's Parasols $ c. each. 3 lies' Whitewear at 3 tionally low prices $ icy Dress Muslins, # variety, at 10c. a and up. > you needing a oat ? It will pay » buy now, as we $ fering 'big reduc- $ in prices. Only § st styles in stock. the line of Boys' vy Ribbed Tan at half-price, 121c. . Sizes 81, 9, 10, ies' White Lawn ¢ i : i | i $ : 3 3 i kerchiefs, with nch hem. For a day special 5e. ir 6 for 25¢, 'MAN & SHAW SIICISISISISIISIIINNE Et ee ------ ROBT. .I. REID,' "Condor" Mustard yy STRICTLY PURE (J) It contains all its Ww THE E. D. MARCEAU CO., LIMITED, Wholesale Teas, Coffees, Spices, Vinegars, ¢ 281-285 ST. PAUL ST., MONTREAL, Canada. ABBAAAAAAALLALAAAALAALALALALAALAAALALLALALS Business on Account of Booming for 8.50. i match in price and style. in 5125.00 for 100.00, $60.00, $65 sett for 50.00. Store to the Opera House. The Strongest, Richest and most appetizing It gives appetite and helps digestion. wholesome Oil. 50 cts. a 1b. from all Grocers v Retiring From I11 Health. Jas. | | JAMES JOHNSTON has decided to dis- pose of his stock of Staple and Faney Dry Goods regardless of cost or value. And, in order to do-it at once, has marked the whole stock from 40 to 50 per cent. less than usual prices. THIS SALE IS NO FAKE. As everthing must be No matter what the cost may be, it will have to be sold at some price. So now is your chance to buy. All kinds of Summer . and Winter Dry Goods at your own prices. We have not space to give you prices, but if you will take the time to call at the store you will Il 'satisfied with the prices we are our stock of sold. be we giving on all Dry Goods and Ready- to-Wear Garments. i on vou away from this Sale. Let nothing keep you away fro Ss Johnston, 180 Wellington St. VIPIIIV IPI III III IIe RET TY RPP PR rR PRP RRR PC ESSE PSUR SURVEY YT TYE | Our July Sale is China Cabinet $65.00 for 55.00, $45.00 for 35.00, $12 Tables and Buffets to Parlor Sett, 3-piece, K85.00 with them, afd a C sett for 65.00, S75 Sett for 'elephone 677. The Nearest RELIABLE. Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 A Popular Western Belief That is Quite Astray--They Are Natural-Born Gamblers--Spend Money Very Freely. The Chinese are worthy of business eredit, according to nine out of ten foreign business men--Englishmen, Americans, Germans--who have had considerable experience. Such men say that when it becomes necessary to extend credit in order to establish a new ling of business or to open a new field they invariably select the d | Chinese, among the far eastern peo- ples. They are held to be thoroughly reliable, and will meet every obliga- tion to which they have agreed before- hand. The average Westerner--and by "Westerner" is meant an Ameri- can or European--seems to have the idea firmly rooted in his mind that the Chinese is a tricky, irresponsible person, who will "do" you whenever he sees the opportunity. But let the Westerner come to China and get into close commercial bommunication with the Chinese and he will soon change his mind. Have Great Self-Control, It seems to be the popular western belief that the Chinese is an emo- tionless, unfeeling individual, but as a matter of fact it is emotion and not judgment that rules him. The stolid, passive Chinese, as he is call- ed, is really of an intensely emotion- al nature. His natural temperament is excitable, but this is not apparent to the casual observer who fails to see through the thick coating of seli-con- trol. For generations the people of this country have cultivated self-con- trol until it is an inborn characteris- tic, and has become sceond nature. GANANOQUE TIDINGS. A. Visitors 'Continue + to Bombard the River Town. Gananoque, July 26~--Dr. L. A. Mar- tin, Mire. 3 Fil Mrs. Ty A Brown, of Binghampton, N.Y.; Df A. C. Fisher, H. W. Cook and Mr. and Mrs L Jones, of Syracuse, N.Y, are v Dr. Taits'y a hig sumuner residence, Bluffeta Island. ; Miss Lena Boyd, of Brockville, is spending a short time in town, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Abbott, South street. Howard Linklater, William McLellan, Ralph Britton and Howard Taylor have gone by canoe for a ertisc up the Rideau to Ottawa, down the Ottawa to Mont- real, and home by the St. Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs, Richard Bennett, of Osnawa, spent a few days this week with the latter's sister, Mrs. David Wing, Sy- denham street. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Parks and daugh- ter, Vera, are spending a week with fricnds and relatives here. Miss "Maud McLellan, corner First and River streets, is spending a couple of weeks in New York with her sister, Miss 'Margaret McLellan, Thomas Honan, who for the apst three years has been located in 'Winnipeg, arrived during the past few days for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Honan. Mr. Mrs. and Miss King, of Oshawa, arrived yesterday for a short visit with friends in own. Mrs. I& Taye lor, Church streety swisited during the past week with friends in Montreal, whither she will go to Old Orchard Beach for a few weeks Droand Mrs. 0. P. Joslin, of Great Bend, N.Y, who have been spending some weeks with the latter's parents, Mr. and Ms. John A Webster, Brock street, have returned home. Mrs. M. Haskins, Garden street, is spending a few weeks with friends and relatives in Carrinal and Prescott. Henry Beeman Brock street, spent a short time this week with friends in Brockville. 4 Mrs. D. J, Gordon, First street, and daughter, Miss Gordon, who have been The Chinese loves bold dashes of ool- or, appreciates sarcasm or a joke, is extremely loyal to his friends, in whom he finds no faults; and -his literature, if it were but known, teems with the highest sort of poeti ideals and feeling. The family back-stay of the Chinese social e tence. His love of family is his b pride, greater than his love of solf. He worships his father, his father's fathgr, ri his fathers before him, and the graves of his ancestors are always green. Natural Born Gamblers. Chinese are natural-born gamblers, One is first impressed with this fact as the steamer leaves Vancouver, There are usually several hundred home-bound Chinese in the steerage, and the first clear day the after-deck is indeed a picturesque sight. There are dozens of different games, dice, roulette, and cards, and thousands of dollars change hands every day for the first week. By the time the ship | most of the | has reached Honolulu, has found its way into the of a few, and there is plenty vigar boxe ver, Even the back into the steorage and se banker bet. Gambli ign settlement plenty in money dom refuse is hibite 1 the f Shanghai, but t the native eity, and China. In Japan, by the way, gam- bling is strictly prohibited, and the police have authority to search a pri- vate house, 'if gambling is suspected-- even a family game. Spend Money Freely. Enter any of the large Chinese res- taurants, and the visitor will see tabl sive delicacies such as appeal to the Chinese taste 'ges of rare game birds, shark-fins, and bird-nest re % is really not bird-ne of twenty courses in one night, is not uncommon. When they have money to spend they spend recklessly a freely. Here in Shanghai one would never think that a few hundreds of miles away millions of people are ac- tually starving. They wear expen- sive clothing, delight in display, and on Saturday and Sunday afternoons | hundreds of underpaid clerks drive out in hired carriages, spending as much in a day as would keep them in food a week. A solid row of silent, pazing €hinese forms a fringe for cs along the curb of Nankin road 1 its extension, Bubbling Well road, driveway of Shang- watching their fellow- who by in car hai, 1 countrymen riages From The word the average aming, ill-amelling laundry, which is patronized only because one's wash- ing is done quickly and well, and a garment is never lost. pass Inherited Necessity. "Chinaman"' was not at work night or day? Night workers in any town in the United States on their way home at 3 or 4 see "Chinamen" behind the counter busily sprinkling clothes or wielding an iron. He seems to work twenty- four hours a day. He is industrious not from inclination or desire, but from inherited necessity. Hailing from a country so over-people that he must work and work and work, al- ways, without a let-up, a country where little childfen are early thrown on their own resources, where there is never enough to go around, and where the failure of one crops causes 15,000,000 to suffer the pangs of hunger, he must work in- cessantly--or starve. Countless gen- erations of necessity have caused in- dustry to become a trait, inborn.--Vancouver Daily Pro- vinee. full of goid and sil- | oon passengers go gamble | 1. in fact, all over | os laden with all sorts of expen- | soup ! (an imported, expensive dish, which | t all), and the | like. The Chinese are Yond of dining | to the extent of being ghurmands. For one to have two or thrép big dinners conveys to | American an idea of a! Did you ever | see a Chinese laundry where someone | jr "and other indications ofa conflict. | blood pe itrie, and for a long | finger amputated His | thorn caused season's | characteristic | spending several weeks in Chicago with | the former's daughter, Mrs. E. H. War- ren, have returned home, accompanied by Mrs. Warren, who will spend the bal- | ance of the season here. Mr. and Mrs LABORERS AND BRICKLAY ERS, AT Good wages. Apply, 208 Wellington street.' ee eee A MAN OF GOOD ABILITY AND AD- Yirst insertion le. :| CONDENSED ADVERTISING | RAT=S i a word, Each con- i secutive insertion thereafter hall cent a word. sertion, 25e. URW charge for one in- | HELP WANTED-MALE, i Washburn. WANTED -GE ABOUT 15 ACRES, {TWO NICE UNFURNISHED EE ------------ TT i A WOMAN Ou WITH HOUSE r Kingst uitable pou farm, ry ho A. a Whig ROOMS, for light houscheoping, hy an elderly lady. Apply ta Box "J. TT." Whig © OR MAN ON0OK AS second, for manent position at the Strathcona Hotel, Hrockville. Apply with references and full particulars as to aMility, ele, to Brown & Ashley, Proprietors, | Kom, 5 Hitchen. | George Wright, of Oshawa, are spend- ing a few days with frieads in town James and Thompson, of Winni peg, old residents of Gananoque, spent a | wie days this week with relatives in town. Miss Millicent Jones, of Toronto, | is visiting in town for a few weeks with | relatives, { NEWS OF NEWBURGH. Concrete Walks--Visitors to the Village. | Newburgh, July 28 --The Epworth { | Building ! VETERIN . | SUMMER COTTAGES, DWELLINGS, ARY, A GOOD GENERAL: SERVANT. No| Stores and Offices. McCann, B51 wasting or ircning. Apply in the Brock street. DR, G. W. BELL, V.8, HAS RE evening to Mre. A Maclean, 50 Bari) a siitt-- - moved to his brick block, on Clarmece street. |FURNISHED ROOMS, PLEASANTLY Streat, Just sbove the Post Office. et eee |" situated, with modern conveniences, alls by telephone telegraph | 176 Clergy street. promptly attended to. YOUNG LADY, FOR OFFICE WORK. |__ who can read amd write hou "reach | SE JAUGHN TERF RE, »C ARCHITECTS. and English. Experience not neces. { HOUSE IN VAUGHN TERRACTH: we | sary. Address achinist, care of othioe ; Possession August. Lut. -- Waly oti, ! eee ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, * OF ------------ ET ------------ {A COUPLE OF OFFICES OVER THE fice, Cor. Queen and Streets. : | G. N. W, Telegraph Company's office, MARRIAGE LICENSES. | Clarenve St. Apply to J. B. Walkem. | JENRY FP. SMITH, ARCHITROT, | mre - ete. Anchor Building, Market Squares [Cy 8. KIRKPATRIOK, ISSUER ar HO sum Bipl- OF Phoae, 343, i Marriage ldcenses, 43 Clarence Bl! Apply to Jon Tweddell or Jos | POWER & SON, ARCHITECT, MER s . Sh Towers chant's Bank BuiMing, corner Bruck ; Sei -- and We "Phone, 213, DICAL. [BRICK DWELLING, NO, 181 DIVISION ME. | street, twelve rooms, extension din- { WM. NEWLANDS, AR OW NAIF RT RLY ing room and Kitchen, hot water fice, second Noor over 's DR. McCARTHY, OFFICE LATELY | jguting: fmmediate po i. ore occupied by Dr. Ryun, torper Mon- ly to Frederick | Welch, No: 179 SOF Ratutets and treal and rock streets. i vision strerk: . streets. strane Bagot i a plain cooking. to Miss Hora, 45 Apply in the King street. | dress, with some knoWiedge of LAAAAALLALADALAS So ALLS CAMERA. PRE RE nursery stock to represent us as a | FOPVLLVLLLVIPLOLEPeIE bg REMO, ALL SES sity lesan in Kingston. A per | @ i & sors. A good bargain. iy a8L An for the right man. | ® Sydenham street. i rE EIT WANTED, AT [rm ov gin = | ® # * 4 Nia PRING SUITS TO MAKE, GENTLE 8 NCE. 3 rooms and bath Apply sp 8 W GENTLE. men, bring your owp eloth and got a i 3 0 &! NT Ga street, { ' cheap uirtiedate sult, dude, Byte. | 3: 3 REY Sn Price Am 9 y ress ™WwW find" repairing done well. Galloway, | 3: Q a. LN ! + JSNEY AND BUSINESS. The Tailor, 131 Brock street. | § 1 15.4 on . a3 OUR FOLICIES Coven un on : | & four HE MEN for > WANTED--I HAVE A NEWLY PATENT. | § TOMOBILE WORK, Steady 2 any. afters. them at. ed device ; having bie sales through | @ lo" t d best % ot Ain, Jnmrance Emporium, Mark. agents ; Traveller needed to make | @ employment an wages § Sh pointments ; no canvassing ; will & for good men. OPEN SHOP; ¢ |; Po . vt ook ¥. | 4 VERPOOL, LONDON AND w Puy salary and uxpenaes, weal ly. '| € Apply to CANADA CYCLE A Fire Ins Company, Available J." Waterson, Box "N."t Brentford, | & ® R 203.157, mp hie, Ontario. . | & & MOTOR 00, Limited, Tor= & | which the polic I © onto Junoti * security the lisbility of ait ® @ | the stockn, and HELP WANTED-FEMALE, eo 3 perty ¥ os sity pro. 1000 000000000000000000 \ or A GIRL OR WOMAN, Who CAN Dpo|$ new ld nvining | --------------------E---- | TO-LET. Leaguers of the Methodist church were | favored with fine weather for their ex: cursion to the Thousand Islands Thursday last. | "Mrs. Denyes and daughter, Miss | Denves, of Williamsport, Pa, are visit ing at J. M. Denyes' Mrs. John Mc Kee, Toronto, is visiting at T. D. Scriv er's. Mrs. Nesbit left on Wednesday for {a visit to her son, Dr. H. A. Neshit, Shelburne ing a few wicks Fhomson, Toronto. Jessie Thomson, Toronto, fricnds here Dr. Beenran wa | atténding a meeting of the Provincial | Board of Health. © Archibald | Watertown, N.Y, is visiting his grand father, Jeremiah Remo, The baseball team clash with the loca with s at on | About 125 took the trip. | { The Part The Unitarian does not hesitate express his honest doubt. agraph Pulpit nitarian 1 BV. CO. W.CASSIN, TTA NA The Honest Denial. to What i | | does not and cannot believe, he frankly | { not sullicient cave to make - we | Napanee track denies. are "visiting flatly an Mainly ndered his | Diamond park on Wednesday afternoon Li he 'does { denies, Inext. A good crowd should tury out and {help the boys. Miss Pearl Wood is vis {iting friends in Elginburgh. Miss Bird | Madden is spending a few weeks at Judge Madden's, "Bogarts-on-the-Bay Cement walks are being put down William Sutton's, Dr. Beeman's, Josey { Fullerton's, M. Ryan's, G tl he Anglican eharely is visiting friends in Denyes preached in the church, Tamworth, on jenme Brandon, Sunday. Mis Tam worth, spent Friday Tast with Miss Alet: Scriver. Mrs. Sharpe and daughter arc visiting her mother, Mrs, C.'A. Moor Miss Madelon Deroche, Kansas City, ling the week with relatives here is spent in Desctonto Roy Farley is vist BRUTAL MURDER. -- Man Found With Eight Wounds. Amsterdam, July 26.--~William FE. Mc Stab city, was found dead {home by a neighbor, with: eight He dog not make any promise with his common sense Miss Lena Madden is spend- j cerning Jonah and the whale, He does i Miss Madelon 'not believe that any ancient 'prophet Misses Lilouet and {made the sun stand still. He dmiwiape offering. that the inws of" natu operative s in London last week [lous power of the past unreasonable Hammel, forth in the words of Holy Writ common perceivet he Address, Mr. | ture, com con wer by The fact that proposition is What he sense, frankly not believe, he flatly Casson for free litera any miracu- | | him side | | iron lining, former price $13.50, now 11.00.. affirms; | | Bargains Refrigerators Having a large stock of Refrigerators on hand, we ne thave decided to clear them out at : Greatly Reduced Prices. The following is a list of a few of the Bargains we I Leonard Cleanable with large double doors and lined with solid porcelain, former price $35.00, now put 128.50, h I Large Double Door Refrigerator, with galvanized Also several smaller ones at prices from $7 to 9. : Call in and look at these. They are very cheap. | Is the Only Possible Way of Hav-| ing An Effective Cure. | a woman or In nearly a man with hair, you may le surg dandrull 10 amount t, every case where I you luxuriant glossy neither has any thing. worm and men hav thin brittle hyir | | Whey ve it to dandruff. There are | hundreds of propazations that "claun" | to cure dandeufi, Dut not one but Newbro's Herpicide tolls you that dgn deuff is the ing into the nt cure fa by other Lachlan, a recluse living on a small farm | that in Cranes Hollow, a few miles from this "Destroy the canse and you on the floor of his | the « ' stab [Send 10 Hing kiliing f wounds in his body, three af which had |. Detr, it, reached vital parts was estimated to be worth $75,000, lived | alone in a miserly way, and made some- | McLachlan, who ig), result ofa germ burrow seadp, and that perman of dandruff and its and baldness, td preparation Mich GG. W. Mahood, special agent. conssjuent can only bx and there iy that will des t Newbro's Ho rerm no troy 1 by leading druggists to Ti Two izes, " bad | LEMMON & SONS, its, ti -------------------- { sh | TO KILL THE DANDRUFF GERM | rE -- See Our Window Display of Hoosier Kitchen Cabinets. Contains the following features: Flour Bin, with Sifter Attached,' Sugar Bin, Spice Cabinet, Tea and Coffee Canisters, "Want List, Racks and Sliding Shelves, also Bread and Cake Boxes. Many ather good features. No home complete without one. Exclusive sale at Huntsville, thing of an income from repairing clocks! Rev. DD. M. Mackenzie, i fand guns. Two women, who bad a clock | Ont.. ha been given a call to the | to be repaired, but who were unable to Carleton Place Baptist church He | get any response to their calls at the Mc will commence his pastorate on Aug! | Lachlan home, summoned a neighbor, | ust 11th | | who entered the house and there discov- | Try Bibby's 75 Oxford shirts, * i | ered McLachlan lving in a great pool of | Mrs. J « Yuill, Carléton Pines, is] blond. and with bloody staths upon a! laid aside, at Tacoma, Wash. with | | McLachlan was cece Ltime was a justice of the peace {conduct of the office and frequent dis | putes with residents of the neighborhood {aroused considerable enmity agaist him, with the result that he had few friends for the itile money {and no associates, yet wg, crime can be found, as wi | there was in the hom { waiches, were not distur and. several | fcLachlan, | | who was sixty-two years of. age, never | { married, and his only rors are two i brothers, Simon Schenectady, and | Milton, of Walkill, N a $3.50, For $2.75, Men's patent { Oxford low shoes, now. 82.75, Lockett Shoe Store sale; y at A splendid exhibition of fireworks will be given at Lake Ontario Park, on When You Take Cold One way is fo pay no attention to it; atleast, not until it develops into pneu- moaia, or bronchitis, or pleurisy. An- other way is to ask your docior about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. If he says, "The best thing for colds," then take it, Do as he says; anyway. (blish the formulas J.C. Co., oe "hour preparations. Mass. the evening of the civig holiday. The { lth band will play 8 conerrt pro { gramme during the exhibition. Fake one to camp with you. A good hot water bottle, in case of | sickness. They have no spin], Pure gum rubber ones are sold at Gibson's Red Cross arny store If yon want to ith your friends an en } nic at Lake Ontario Park, civic holi- day. : When a man's popularity beeing to | wane his neighbors usually get busy and nsaist. - Watermelona,« musimeons, dranges, | praicher, pers, plioas, ete, Hepder- { son's, Prack streot, the only | A reasgnable probahilidy ds cotlainty, a i | { { | { { | and Gull Jenther £2.59 | the | wable time, take theth te the pie}. Soe Bibby's and has had®to have al i A jag from a rose he trouble. ihe. Oxford shirts. The Best Milwaukee Beer ~ FOR SALE | Mabe James Reid, 'PHONE 147. Moving Sale At Foot of Princess Street. Having secured the premises at 700 Queen St. West Toronto, 1 am compelled to dispose of my entire New Stock of CLOTHING, BOOTS, GENT'S FURNISHINGS, HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, OVER. ALLS, ete., at slaughtering prices. Don't miss this opportunity of securing first-class goods below cost as it would never pay to carry goods with us. COME IN IF ONLY TO SEE. A. Lisherman, 39-11 Princess Street. .Which has been so appropriately called op James McParland, Kingston Aluminoid Extension Top, Plate - !! "THE CHAMPAGNE OF BOTTLE BEER" § Its beautiful amber color, its incomparable flavor, obtained by the special selection made with hops and malt from the best count- ries make it the preferred beverage of those who can appreciate a product of quality when testing it, i ;