*essessenssssennet "lese treaty, and in the second place of Willie Grant, who de . Yardmaster for the Grand Trunk | Bul SF Wein There ate three : on. construction work. No a ya, She "ob ; hand Westlort, ich carry them right } where they git 8 thoes ar £ 3 E £ : g ¥ taken immediately to outlaw the steps en by the British Columbia au- thorities to reduce Japanese i tion. In the first place it is impossible to avoid the terms of the British many of the Japs proceedi from Honolulu are alreidy United States citizens. , the nd Trunk Pacific declare positively that unless get Japanese laborers at once, y will be unable to finish the rail- within the period of the contract. are contending with a great scar- labor now, and they are pur ing to supply the deficiency with eurious fact is that the statistics and 2 g igs f a entering the country. This is ive of Honolulu Japs, of whom is no record. i REED al i £ ed HS ; ke °¢ a3 istori Bociety, officers of military camps and manding the 41s pire, th a morte! the 41st ment played the British and Canadian nation Lieut.-Col. Cruikshank on behalf of on on the memorial reads as follo! spot Lieut.-Col. John Macdonneil, Attorney-General of Upper Canada, was mortally wounded 12th of Octo- ber, 1812." D The wreath which was laid upon the memorial was subseq ment, where it will be preserved. They Listened to the Story. troops assembled in front of the Brock monument and listened to a talk cn the battle of eenston Heights by Lieut.-Col. Cruikshank, who undoubt- edly knows more of the hiktory of the war on the frontier than any oth- er living man. In the afternoon the officers of the 41st visited the battlefield of Lundy's Lane, where Lieut.-Col. Cruikshank delivered another of his accurate and entertaining historical military fea- tures. In connection with thia visit it was recalled that it was the light company of the 41st Regiment of the line, commanded by - Capt. Clew, which led the final charge up the hill of blood and fire and wrested victory from defeat on the night of July 25, 1814. The battlefield * Ohippews and m other ta of historical ere Jere bog visited by the Brockville soldiers. REVENUE IS GOING UP. Finance Returns Show Increase of Million Dollars a Month. That the revenue of the Dominion is going at the rate of about a million dollars a month is shown by the latest return of the Finance De- partment. The new fiscal year is still trouble- some. The old year ended with June '130, but this was changed to March 31, so that the year which closed on that date of 1907 is a nine months year. For the fiscal year ending March 31 last the total revenue was $67,969,326, compiled as follows: Customs ... .. v ase uae 3BO.760.1T3 EXGIBG 5a. oor ver dhesnie 11,805,413 Podtoffice ... .. ....". 5,061,728 Public works, including rail- WAVE +: cov srs areas 6,839,585 Miscellaneous ... ... ..... 4,602,428 The revenue during April, May and June has been $23,233,298 and for pur- poses of comparison, by adding this to the short fiscal year, the revenue for the year ending June 30 would be $91,- 202,606. For the year ending June 30, 1906, the revenue was about $80,000,000, so that duri the past twelve menths there has n an increase of over eleven million dollars. The expenditure for the nine months is $65,776,786, of-which $51,542,161 is on current revenue and $14,234,625 on capital account, leaving a total sur- 'plus of $2,192,540. Alling a total ex- penditure of $10,102,016 for April, May June, there would be a consoli- dated fund expenditure of $59,138 485 and capital aceount of $16,740,416, or a total disbursement for the twelve months of $75,878,901. This leaves a surplus of over $15,000,000. Of the $23.000,000 receipts for the past three months, nearly $15,000,000 is credited to customs, while during the twelve months customs contribut- ed almost $55, . This is just about double the total revenue raised by taxation ten years ago. The public debt stands at $250,666 - 312 on June 30 last, which is a de- Sreuse since May 31 last of $2,233. Pay Teachers Better. During the last two years, Canada has aroused to the fact that teachers must be better-paid. "Everything has been goi up except salaries" say many workers forlornly. Forty years ago, there were large numbers of men reparing for the profe 1 of teach- ws in the public schools. To-day, the male student in the Normal Schools is about as extinct as the dodo. Men do not care to enter "the noblest of professions and the sorriest of trades." The reason is wholly practical and may be revealed by a glance at the' three modest figures His Flying Machine. A visitor to a lunatic asylum saw a young running about catchin flies. What is he," said the Visitor. "an entomologist? "No," sald the superintendent; "he is an asronant" "An aeronaut?" "Yes, sir. Very sad case! The difficult questions put to him drove him mad in the end. It is his idea now, when be catches enough harness many spectators. When the veil was drawn aside Mrs. Pisched, wife of the Lieut.-Col. com- it Bogiment, marched forward and on elit of the Brock: ille Chapter, Daughters of e Em- pi y ah of ivy and im- it. The silver band of snthems, and | the Lundy's Lane Historical Society the tablet to the publie. The 'Site of Redan Battery. Near this uently remov- ed to Macdonnell's Brockville monu- | After these ceremonies the visiting | which stand for pedagogic income.--|1 Courier, 15¢. First body was "er ; but now it actual value o i 0 CAPITAL, 500, ' FULLY PAID AND Allottment of 50,000 Shares at Fifteen Cents per Share. 1 5c. Our Option on this small block of Underwriters' Stock expires August 3rd, 1907--Subscriptions P st-marked at later date will be re- t ke Exploration & Development 000 SHARES PAR VALUE $1.00 PER SHARE. NON-ASSESSABLE urned. Do you realize that investments of a hundred or mn thousand will gro w rapidly into hundreds and thousands and millions of dollars # The over-conservati tical will smile--they will laugh at these predictions, some will even consider this a joke--but COBALT, if vob plete, wo or three years ago ? Then it was a "vision,"' it was a "dream," a flash in the pan," 'a bubble," is d ferent. These crazy nen are now classed among the smartest and keenest business men of the day. The few mines are worth at the present date more than ome hundred millions of dollars. These are facts. remember some- In presenting this investment subscription we appeal to merit. method for ing successful and paying mining torpriscs. We desire to condugty first of all successful. Mine Department. We tend this will be absolutely fair and honest, bring the largest profit possible those who co-operate with us to be well understood by invest We wish it to be known just how propose to dewelop, establish and erate divid paying Mining Comy THE PLAN.--~The plan involve this proposition js that of uniting consolidating the 'investments of limited number of persons into sum, and under ong management, be used in acquiring and develog gion. ™ investment we believe, is one of al lute fairness to all interested. "promotion interest" common to mining companies, and which is great unfair feature to investors v put their money into stocks of th companies, and whose money devel and makes the mine, if a mine is veloped--does not exist in this position. There is no "'promotion terest" set aside, and against the terest bought aml} paid for by. the vestors. In this proposition the invest and all the investors, become prox ters. They take the "promotion in st" and all the interest. They ¢ large or small the investment operation is probably one of greatest, and without doubt the est, mineralized region in the worl For its basis, upon which we will tablish and build up producing, paying mining compan we will exploit and develop ina m ing-like and Don't wait! Be NOW! NOW TIS 'THE Here is an opportunity that cels that which yoy had two Lake ?"' judgment of sensible persons as to its] wR It embodies, we Believe, a corgect to be done in a way that We, therolore, 'desive 'this proposition h 1 : ors.| ital stock of each Company so incor-ftors, that will result in extensive am ies by and "through this investment. Moning properties in this wonderful re THE PRINCIPLE involved in thi The {known as the whole enterprise. No. matter. how --allling propertics stand on an equal basis. Our field offdeveloped as stock in the Explorationjof engineers of rich-{perties carcful manner extensive wise ! Act = | Robert Morton & Co, : three years ago at Cobalt. Per- haps you will say as you did then, "How do we know they have got any silver up there ?'" ° Perhaps DENVER you say now : 'How do you know To there is any gold at Larder | AN FRANCISCO forjmining properties vestors in this Company. es, not to exceed in-Jproven properties acquired. In each and every Subsidiary and{pany incorporated, tof Milling, Smelting, Water Power, ¢ Electric Light, the Fxploration Con any will take 90 per cent. of the cap Con we rorated, and will put 10 per cent, « op-|the Capital Stock of each Company i »an-|its treasury. It will probably neve pecome necessary to sell any of 1 in] Treasury Stock. m| Out of the total f #]:ach Subsidiary Company, Capital Stock « te] is its "Holding Stock. sing ways control the Company. Tt wi benefit of all stockholc rs in. the wo [This = 40 per "Selling Stock," and as al I market is created it will be sold, an tonal cent. the the proceeds received will be distribut-{pertics which will be incorporated at whe | d pro rata to the stockholders in the{2100.000 each (100,000 shares--par val hest { Exploration Company, as their inter-lue $1.00) op: | sts may appear de | The stock of sro | »anies will be listed on the New Yor in | urb and Mining Exchanges of th in | country, and started at 50 cents where it according to the daily This will afford a channe in | hare, sold ors | juotations. no | wy ter | er cent. "Selling, Stock" wr [to time, if they wish PROPERTIES Many will be acquired from tim thel Company is subscribed for. All pre will be described, and report 1. [submitted regarding same, as soo es-land as often as they can be examinedjmanagement several greatiby the engineers. mining properties "that will bejmoney be companies, located in the gold and silver belt, ex-labout wildly in the hope of some dayldate. ies,| The nin-{gequired for this proposition will ext NEW YORK now known to us the good|and other properties which we may ac-{through Northern quire for the mutual benefit of all in-|into Quebec, and SUBSIDIARY COMPANIES. -- Thejnew Montreal River Silver developifg and establish-|Lardér Lake Exploration and Develop|Cobalt District, and the gold district: en-jment Company will incorporate a ser five, of Subsidiary , a|Mining Companivs upon only the reaif veloped mineralized section of Quebe whether Mining this| vestment. the Explor-{pany will own this enterprise, and wi one ation Company will retain 50 per cent.|want them to co-operate with us anc " This will al-Jour associates to make it a great suc take and hold 40 per cent. for the mu- exploration company.|Company with what will befficient the Subsidiary Com-{tercst in each of these companies, sd which stockholders can sell the 40jpay dividends and different. min-{der Lake and|ment Company will be composed only Financial Agents vil 84 Victoria Street, TORONTO, Can. | Montreal River Ontario, castwarc will include proper ties in the Lady Evelyn District, the District tending from the Larder Lake the great unde around Round Lake, Lake Abitibi, and in lying just east of Larder Lake and ex {tending northward to Lake Abitibi. We shall try and make every dolla yrjcount, and make as few mistakes a -{possible. We hope 'to create such a »|interest in this enterprise with inves ij widespread co-Gperation. n| Under this plan no one can truthful or|ly say that it is not a great mining in; We want every investor t feel a personal interest in this Mine De sijvelopment. The investors in this Com 1ljcess. We are now I-{Lake Exploration organizing The Larde: and Development we consider suf capita, ($500,000). We now ajhave options on, and propose to ae diquire five distinct and separate pro The Exploration Company will at all times hold a controlling in- the dividends] into kithat sixty per cent. of elearned and declared will be paid althe treasury of marketed among the stockholders on record. yithdrawn »}| This in our opinion will enable us to large ones in the e]y ery near-future. The Board of Directors of The Lar- Exploration and Develop- national repute, set- [ting a precedent in this line nlitself guarantees conservative and able < Investors have heen pouring into over-capitalizidd they ~t--tisney--at Larder Lake ; A wr directors, so thatevery dollar in ell in a few days the parent company ,|share or higher can be bought andiand the other forty per eent. distribut- allottment is tances Checks, drafts and money orders must accompany made payable to the financial agents Morton will be president, which fact in certificates of the Company Robert|returned to subscribers The stock represent ing the shares purchased will be issuwd .\ jand delivered" as soon their|can be made. after the : miningjto all subscribers who purchase at the have heen plunging{first underwriting profits and lots of money ; or will | yom wait three or four months or a year, yourself in an irresistible to get in anywhere or. at price ? 'striking it rich" never stopping to] hink for one instant that the greater art. of their money never reaches the aound, asarule 75 per cent. of the gonefliinvested in stock schemes goes ato the broker's hands. He pays his alesmen 20 to 30 per cent. on every lollar turned in, he must get his own ommisgsion and - engineers must be aid. We never have had associated with s a stock salesman, we require no ommission and our engineers will he ested with us on this proposition vill be honestly used in the purchasing wd development of the different pro- erties. We are now offering for subscription the first allottment of stock in the Larder Lake Exploration and Develop- nent Company---every hundred shares entitles the holder to forty hares of stock in cach of the subsid lary companies to be incorporated, naking in all 200 shares of stock in five separate companies, which, as soon 8 development work is started and lividends announced, will make the stock of the Larder Lake Exploration and Development Company ¢aluable. This first allottment of mly 50.000 shares (31.00 par value) will probably be largely over-subserib one almost in The next allottment will be put out September 25th, 1907, at 75c per This price (15¢.) will pésitively be August 3ed, 1907. If this over-subscribed remit promptly returned will be all applications and be Interim ortificates will be promptiy allottment d of August, price prior, to that Are you going to get in now, in : you can ow get in at ground floor prices on inside properties, making big fall all over desire any and then WE WILL ALWAYS LOAN 65% ON MARKET PRICE OF ANY SECURITY WE RECOMMEND. Ky NesToné PEMBI RAILWAY A IN CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacific Railway. pam points, and full and OFP.R. Ticket offices, KINGSTON---OTTAWA tawa, 4:45 p.m. Leave Ottawa, a.m., arrive Kingston 3:45 connec .; leave Renfrew, 4:15 p.m., for broke, Port Arthur, Winnipeg and P e¢_Coast points. R. Ticket offices, Ontario street. Bay of to, and HOMESEEKERS Round Trip Secopd-Class Ex 0 | SABWAN ALBERTA, SASKAT [ "MARITIME ES » tes go A 3 pr July 16, 30; August 18, %7 | treal, 12 noon, Sept. 10 and 24. Tickets good for sixty! let, ving rates to other | a EE at K.&P Ontari leave Kingston, 12:10 p.m., arrive Of tions ot Renfrew with GPa. No. | Inictou ..... "i Full particulars wt K. & P. mpd O, P.| St. John's Nid. . | CHELI RAILWAY nan, |SPEGIAL EXCURSION FARES TO THE SEASIDE. EXPRESS" leaves Mon- (Daily except Saturday.) LIMITED OCEAN leaves Montreal Ways. Return Fares From a 7.80 p.u., (Daily except Saturday.) Wing; - $5200 | Strase peg ourts' *- + - 738 % | Naskaioon - 1g | FROM MONTREAL frandon - 23 55 | Prince Albert Bi . Moosomin - 34 20 | No. Battleford - 8 00 | Riviere du Loup . . $£ 6.00 Arcola - - 3450 | Macleod = + - 4000 Murray Bay . 6.00 Estevan . C « » = 40580 Cap Laighe a 6.00 forkton a0} ge . 41 50 | Ste. Ireme . 6.00 Rega «+ 3575 | Stettler Cucouna . 6.00 Moosejaw - .- 3600 | Edmonton BY) : tT 7.50 Comfortable berths im tourist | Little Metis ..... - - 3.50 | 30 st moderate fates. Free of Home | Rimouski . aetvion Je Moncton - - S 10.00 1.0 id . 12.00 { Charlottetown . . 13.00 ® | Parrsboro .. - . 13.00 5 | Halifax - | Mulgrave | Sydney | North 50 50 Sydaey | Good going August 12th, 13th, 14h, JOT. ¥. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agt. and 15th. Return August 30th, 19¢ Quinte Railway EF EE Toronto Ticket Office, and any further information, to 51 King Street East. WINER Deseron fave City Hall Depot ab m, R. W. DICKSON, Agent B.Q.Ry., Kingriom TIME TABL® STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER Our | Nustrated Booklet "Tours to: Summet Haunts" tells of the places mentioned waloyve. Write for free copies ---- SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED FOR 50 SHARES AND UPWARDS. TRAVELLING. { Quebec Steamship Company LIMITED | River and Gulf of St. Lawrence | -- Summer Cruises in Cool Latitude Twin. Screw Iron SS. "Campana," | with electric lights, electric bells and all | modern comfort. { Sails from Montreal on Monday, 29th July; 12th and 26th August, } for Pictou, N.S, calling at Quebec, Gaspe, | | Mal Bay, Perce, Cape Cove, Grand River, Summerside, P.EL, and Chariottetowy BERMUDA | Summer Excursions, $35 and wpwards, by the new Twin Screw SS. "Bermud- |{an."" 5,500 toms. Saili from New | York every alternate W y, com- { mencing 5th June. Temperature cooled {by sea breezes seldom rises above 80 de | | The fnest trips {health and comfort. ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. For tickets and staterooms, to fi Rav EARLEY, or of. Ps ee SLE! ot Kingston, Ont. aunty So of the peasom for 'Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte Steamboat C0., Limited. | .] ! 1000 ISLAND-ROCHESTER ROUTE" 1 Stes North King and Caspian = er leaves Kingston dai Saguenay Toronto Montreal Line "Toronto & Kingston' EAST BOUND Leave Kingston daily, 68 am. for 1,000 Islands, Montreal, Quebes and River points. WEST BOUND Leave Kingston, 5 'p.m., dally, for Charlotte and Torontv, making connec- tions for all Western points. Hamilton-Montreal Line Tri-weekly service EAST AND WEST BOUND mL | Lf Steamers LT For tickets and berth reservation, ap- eS x 1; HANLEY, Ticket Agent, . o,, K ton, + Om FOSTER CHAFFEB. Torosta, RR WLIO i bien iat COAL! The sudden changes 'in weathe ought to suggest the Wisdom ph putting in some good Coal. We sell good Coal. It's the kind that Sends out the most heat, and makes home comfortable ; it's the best money cam buy, mnd there is nome better mined We deliver it to you clear and without slate, at the ver tt a ) ¥ bottom BOOTH & CO., Phone 133. Foot of West St . A I i 1 »- = . Leave Wolfe lsland :-- Morty ot og Mroepty Homeseekers' Second-Class Round | "7509.15 a.m 1.00.00 pm. | lore sig Ganandaue. el outer 'Department of Rail Trip Excursions |TUBS, 7 15 a.m. 1.00--4.00 p.m. (at 5 p.m., for Rochtster, N.Y. vie the | y ways To Saskatchewan and A | wm. 7309.15 a.m. 1,004.00 p.m. {Sax of Quinte, calling at intermediate | and Canals. Inge | oy " : * 16th, 30th: A 18th, 27th: Sept. | B 6 .30 a.m. 1.00--2.80 pam. *s| TRENT CA Sth, and en Tn ts good to return PRL 7.309.156 a.m. 1.00--4.00 Bin | Steamer Aletha leaves on Mondays at | oo o NAL. within sixty days from geiag da SAT. 8.00--9.15 a.m. 1.00--3.00 p.m. | 5 p.m., for cton end intermediate Notice Dealers in Cement. ---- | SUN $0010.00 a. 12.30--$.00 p.m. [or ct hrapALED TENDERS, ENDORSED . Leave ngston -- information from J. P. HANLEY, | Tender for Cement," o Soin e Branch Local Time Table. | Son. 8.80--11.30 a.m. 8.00--5.80 p..a. GILDERSLEEVE & Sing aA EY x the ungersipnat at Bf Sn lsuved Trains will leave and arrive st Cit | Tues. 8.80--11.80 a.m. 3.00--5.80 p.m, | licket Agents. JAMES SWIFT & Co., Monday, the 29th July, 1907, for tie Depot, Foot af Johnson street. | Wed. 8.30--11.30 a.m; 3.00--5.30 p.m. | Freight Agents. {Rupply of 2.300 barreis of © Portiand GOING WEST | Thu 8.80--11.80 a.m. 3.00 Breakey's| | nents dor the use of the 'Trent Canal. NG | "Bay 8.00~7.00 p.m. | |, Specifications and forms of tendor : Lve. Oity Arr. City py 8.80--11.80 &.m< 8.00--5.80 p.m. | ROYAL {be Procured at the office of the Suporin. No: 5 Mall 12.45 a.m. 1d5a.m. tending Engineer of the T) ) a 4 Sat. 8.30--11.80 a.m. 2.00--5.830.p.ma MA IL Potort mg J Of the Trent Canal i - 8 Express - 226 am. 805 8. Sun. #.50--11.50 a.m. 1.155.850 p.m | -- OL | Chil Eh re at the office of the Me NTREAL IVERPOOL ET Sof the { i .| Sat.--Special trip to Simcoe Island and Spoor's dock, at 3.30 p } "gy .m. ! - Ti T subject to without | Twin Screw, will sail from ontreal, | 15 pa | Time Table hfe -- {SRIDAY, July 20th. on her trial toip. rr. Oity| Boat calls at going "| asim > apeod of eighteen by 243 ve 2.23 a.m. | and from Kingston. Her accommodation for all os. Lah and 8 run daily: All y except For full particulars, apply $0 p.m. Cha when i Never put salt into soup when cook- jing it until it is skimmed. as salt | [i the scum from rising. tterers are not believed even they are speaking the truth; _-- Gs the same time with good fortume and good sense, ro A CARER Io Lo ined from HANLEY, G.T.R. REVE. Clarenca - : ry Few. are those who are endowed at {Railways amd Canals The new Steamer Corsican, 14000 tong after the 20th reve | to ageept the lowest or any tender. iment without anthority {RYER'S Zox= SAUSAGES Department of Ottawa, cn and The Department docs not hin fselt By Order, L. K. JONES Secre epartiment of Railways and © . tawa, 20th July, 1907. Newspapers inserting this adwertise- \ from, the De- riment will not be paid for it. TRY POUND OF One hund: and the rost t} shape. In fact we do lose a lif RO SLL040004844444¢ s YL ¢ Lawn Mow < n - & For this wei : prices, our line of $ as follows: $ 12 Mowers, re ¢ 12 " & 16 | « & 16 |" : Refrigerators, 4 " 4 * $ These ave all H + < RA $ : § MCKELVEY < EVE F CECE PCE VYY BAOLLLLLDA2 A244 i Chc Buy Gang Th A. J. REI NEVO S PIPES IEE Heeffeieinfdlnletiminletet ONI The Shoes in sale for ®the are wonderful Regular price Men at All this season Low and Hig £3.50, 4.00 and You can't affo of Abel