Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Jul 1907, p. 7

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» T%- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JULY 26th, 1907. ; . LOOK IN OUR WINDO -- ---- ent Go. E. One © re . 1 hi e hundred and twenty-five Men's and Young Men's Fine Tailor-Made Suits to be sold for a song almost. The materials are Worsteds and Scotch Tweeds, afew dark colors and the ro ) y 5c. / 1e Tost the latest shades in greys. Not an old shop-worn suit in the lot, as every one are this scason's goods, made up in the latest styles, perfect fitters, guaranteed to keep their : in shape. : o 7 . ¢ later date will be re- pe. In fact high grade goods. The regular prices were $15, $16 and $18, As the sizes are broken, and not wishing to carry them over, we have decided to close out the lot, even though we do lose , S po ailions 'of Sothize The lose a little, belie ving, as we do, that the first loss the easiest. a joke--but remember n,"" '"a bubble,' some- - ness men of the day. The are facts. "® Lo it rich" never stopping tof . : 3 1 ne instant. that the gr ater Look in our windows, Your common sense will tell you they are certainly a bargain, PIF money never reachios ne s a rule 75 per cent. of the ested in stock schemes goes rT 2-Piece Homespun Suits, all sizes, regular $12 and $13 for $7.95, regular $10 for 6. 23. 0 J wr cept. on every wd in, he must get his own d - engineers must be ami cng mb Look in Our Windows. No Humbugging. have had associated with salesman, we require no rT re and our engineers will be rs, so thatevery dollar in E 9 7 S : h us on this proposition \ ? wstly used in the purchasing pment of the different pro- R O N & 1 Pri NCesSsS ow offering for subscription @ 3 . ; Hottment of stock in the ke Exploration and Develop- pany--every one hundred SA The Store That Sets the Pace stock in cach of the subsid anies ! to hs Heoapeetal . all 200 shares of stock in : f le companies, which, as soon - to oi ment work is started and A f ; THE BUSY INFORMERS. | MADE A PLAN announced, will make the we Larder Lake Exploration pment Company almost in This first allottment of ) shares (31.00 par value) bly be largely over-subscrib v days. 5 > > > i > > > » > > > >» » > » > > » > > > » > > » » > »> > > » "§ » > » 3 » 3 {Lawn Mowers and Refrieerators will "sell, "at cD Waggoner' Ss Special " Baar = Bs oo -- <o -- --] --3 -- my oD = = the C.A. A. U., Live a Little Longer. Montreal, July 25.-The Star, to- | police [day, 'states that the days of the when "the Camadian Amateur Athletic Union are numbered. It states that James E. * They Are Trying to Convict To Let ---- Almonte Men. { VANCOUVER SETTLERS ACT | Almonte, Ont., July 25--There was CONSTITUTIONAL: Remember always that cheap flour is dear at any . price. The quality of our GRADES. is the highest possible. Ask for considerable excitement in the court, here, this morning, loeal hotel keepers, four in numper, reduced For this week only we allot tmen ill be p y TOOK « line of Rotrioors gt ¥ 87 TOPE 3 : . onth m oy ) Ra uy! mM 106 S, oul line of Ref 1£2¢ rators and Law n Mowe I's, Province Wins Appeal Before and one drug store, were summoned Sullivan, president of the American | igher. ' as follows: Privy Council--Judgment De- {o iniraction of the license laws. As A. A. Union, holds the balance of PATENT HUNGARIAN Ser : clares That Province Had Full many as four charges were laid against [power in athletics, and hus devised a : ge e (15c.) will pesitively be 12 Mowers, regular $375. Sale price $ 300 fands in one of the hotel keepers. The pro- [plan to set athletics on & firm basis. For Bread eLeLL 00000000 teR0000n o - : w to Grant : . , August 3ed, 1907. Ii this 14 " " 5176 " 3 60 Po er > a N : scution was in the hands of one of [It is to let the Canadian Athletio | Suit % is "over-subscribed remit 18 " " 6 00 " " 480 Esquimault an anaimo | he government inspectors from To- | Union govern track athletics only if | WHITE ROSE } 1 be Jromptly ot ined 16 " " 8 00 " " 640 Railway Belt. ronto and evidence was furnished by Heh are willing Rae Butmony { dts and money orders must 1 I » The } . |two detectives, who gave their names | with the Amateur Athletic Federation : . : «mdon, July 25.--The priky coun | &, D § a J. all applications and be Refrigerators, regular $24 00. Sale price $19 20 teil has given judgment in McGregor [as Christian Hansen and Walter Bel- of Canada, which will be asked to For cakes, biscuits, ete. ble to the financial agents ? " 23 0 " " 18 30 vs. Bsquimault and Nana mio raily Tau. Both had come here the end [govern field athletic sports, including : vriificates will be promptiy " " 23% ' " jei0 Company. The pi al has bem wile of last week and remained over Sun hockey, as they ha done 4 the pust, Best Workmanship 3 ibe The } : day They evidently made the rounds |The papers states thet Sullivan hae | : o subscribers. The stock dd with" costs. ri 3 phan Tolienbin Kingston Milling First Class Trimmings proceed [come ; \ A.U. has entirely mismanaged athletic affairs, and, if it proves unwilling to work along the lines of his proposal, and the parties fined 860 and the organization will be entirely wiped land settlers' act, a provincial act [costs. The remaining casvs, seven in out The American Union . es rt nacsed in 1904. It is a test action | { all, were adjourned unt 1 Tursday next. ing on the tation & Son ining & on behali of hundreds of settlers and {The adjournments were only granted Sonietion with She ana jo A.A fi | involves the title to the surface rights, [after strenuous arguments by counsel and 4 is aifeaity . lnewn $ i N sult minerals and timber on the 160 awres {for the defince. Great exéitement has ill be overwhelmingly against 1 < . "each now hed under that act within {been created and interesting develop- this morning's {ings being the fruits of their visit, contest between the British Cpl | Only two cases were disposed of, eon to | victions being recorded in both in of the Compan res purcha represent sed will be issuwd as allottment 3rd of August, at the prior. to that . " Sy These ave all High Grade and fully guaranteed. McKELVEY & BIRCH, 86 Brock St. GIVI PPP ICI III III PIT IIR III The above, mentioned decision ends a Fit Guaranteed Co., Ltd. uni umbiy government and the ( P.R. test the validity of the Vancouver Is. stan ed® as soon le. after the cribers who purchase ATiLng price svsassvagrasasersasese IesIReIsIn New England Chinese Restaurant 33. King Street Open from 10304 am. to 3% a. When You Buy COAL Leb bbbne Ld going to get in now, in Larder Lake; you can n at ground floor prices properties, 'making = big BAGEL LLEDARALAA0L00ALRELALPRALELARALLELL0EP the belt of land granted to that reil- [ments are expected when the cases are | Light Weight Summer Clothing. | "700 C0 ol at on From : . > v in th davs of its control by | heard on Tuesday. Prevost, Brock street, has a splendid | | bunch in the eof to mt of os round 1 d lots of money ; or will OE ed jay . ' { } who! t lish asd Chinese three or four months or » Robert Dunsmuir, of the pre ------ assortment of light weight summer { tm shortest. voties, agli on J [sen Sum MILL EWFLOYE'S DEATH. [fonts vo bo ae at vers low pris | - P. WALSH nd then fall all over 4 "wy . I Ine lerical black ts TE | n an irresistible desire OO O al = » Ihe C.P.R., which has acquired that xtra value in clerical black coats, \ anywhere or. at any 3 company's rights, is not unwiliing that | Fell Into Acid--Bone and - Shirt great variety to choose from. { Wm. Mur ay, Auctioneer You get genuine n x . . . the settlers should have the sur All That's Left. | Buy Ganong's G. B. Chocolates. B® hu the company claims abolute Brockville. July Z~Speeulation fo Jones' Falls And Return. | 27 BROCK ST. poranton, as he "Tass o w > # (to the miperals and the umber ur arding the recent mysterious disap Rideau King, Wednesday and Sat- han €8 No n T hey are the Best. # the grant of the lands within the rail re of Sylvester Maki, pL urday, at 6 a.m. Fare 50c. James | New Carriages, Cutters, Har else 9 2 way helt 2 Ie Dominion LOVIN Jf twenty-five years, employed in the sul Swit & Co, agents. | Sie for Jal. Sa wd . ; ment, though failing at ithe trig) hide mill of the Union Bag and Pape -- ---- | . 4 phide m ag ar Ape e oO orses every turda A. d REES, 166 Princess Street : the cc as ico ful i on & ompany at Ballston, is now at an Spend Sunday In Watertown. | y ' : . J. » » eal to th i row: y a " end, Tickets good going Saturday, & N Y kChi R ta rant H % [lamba upon ti contention t is A search reveal d onebone and alam. and 2 p.m. returning Monday. ow or nese a8 u hy piece of his shirt in the digester. Makuski was chips into the RIF ISIOISO ISIE OS IIIPI VIVE IIOP IR ISISRUIIIRIY uct of 1901 was unconstitatlions suming to grant to settlers lands not within the jurisdiction of the provin (mly $1.25 return. | ------------ | Never break guaranteed steel Jiang | in which the chips | rods, &, $3.76 and up to $10. J. 83 Princess Street Open from 10.80 a.m. to 3.00 a.m The best place tao ta an all round employed shovelling cighteen-inch opening of cial parliament. the large digest Put in Your Tank at Our Dock. } i } : Toronto a r, dusition' fhe, provinda phe; jarae digester. Jt g chi BIS and w Lunch fa the city. of i), kiude = ainst .t ecigiol 1¢ prof a re mixed with sulphurous acid. © | Routley's, 73, 176 'rincess street; | on shortest notice. English "hinese Montreal a a a goretment, on he had of Banal Ne. | went, to work at seven o'clock in Uh trench, 254 King street. Dishes a specialty, A large stock of Dry Sa 3 ! regor and the other settlers, a; pe morning, as usual, and continued to Inquisitiveness is a sort of love of | = i an ils ne > d to . the judicial committee of the work until eleven o'clock at night for learning, with other people's misfor SUMMER WANTS teries, Spark Plug d "Toronto & Kingston' privy council. The rovernment was | another employe. He did not return, | tunes for its object | always on hand. EAST BOUND comnelled to take this course, having land his father reported the disaj The world is full of foolish people Screen Doors and Windows, Ice BR ni fi LS on LE | GST RRL LR et GELBY & YOULDEN, eM : . defend the grant and the rights of the our point of vie an arcoal Irons. river points. Quibew ang wttlors at the CApenie of the crown" Tidings From Selby I Cag piano tuner, from | STRACHAN'S LIMITED. WEST BOUND The act defined g settler as '""ome hav Suby. Jul a Parthers h a . Chickering's Orders. at McAuley's ; , July 25.- ers have com ing, prior to the date of its passing, Look store. Phone 778. Women of nervous temperament All mga who 'advertise are not suc sful men 1904, occupied or improved jands with menced having and report a light = v . srament | ' ab tiln . us I in the railway helt with the bona-lide rrop. Wiles Vallcau a brother | 4 1g have eight hours of sleep to (cessful, but usually all svecessf . intention of living thereon at oh a it oe \ Bp Wesla *day keep in good health x |advertise, @ Ne EE ol in " -- wR as Ho A big bottle of pure, fresh lime | Price's chocolates are made fresh ov- : Real Ice Cream Soda. or * * 8 hs i at Wade's drug store ery day. Wolnordag remtoge Me Stak B31 |inice lor he, pgston, 5 pom. dally, for nd Toronto, making connec- II Western points lton-Montreal Line Tri-weekly service AND WEST BOUND It you wish ta be successful at. tend The Kingston Business d berth rvation, ap- lS 5 oF Wish lo know whay ho very wife have returned home from Cressey | -- m---- -- isd . College a HANLEY 1 Ticket Agent. like try Weido's. The ire roam. is snd Pleton Tid re they ae! | Imited, head pf Queen street. Cr psingeton; Rem ] simply pure cream, sugar and flavor- rt -- { Ry days ay oi | Canada's Highest Grade The Shoes in our windows will only be on [ing. ~The soda is pure, cold and] (y's Mrs. Ui. Vollenu's. = The garden| or en 'S ear MRR Nema | paekling, The fruit juices or crushed party was well attended. W. Hunt They the finest produced. The immaculately clean. this week. i at Deseronto recent Thel|y. Mrs. D. Denison and sale for*®the balance of spent a few day | olisses ars -OAL,! i : ia, se children, . v . & | widen henge 18 Weathey are wonderful values. Just think of it! J hs Js prompy and dainty. Wade's ¥urnin and M "3 pent, 8 few days | We are selling regular £4.00 ug s », with friends at mhers sland i8- | 5 « 5 | y y h 0 "EEESL the wisdom of itors: Mr. and Mrs, Schell. at Mrs 1.50. and 5.00 Shoes for Ine hat H. ¥. METCALFE, Presidents 4 Coal. "10's the Kind that a | 1,000 Islands--Rochester. Schemhorn's; Mrs... T. Wood and] $3.50. They are made in Patent J. B. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. he home comfortable it's : Women' S oes | Steamers North Kifg and Caspian dunghior, at A Woud a Nin Rasityert, Colt) Vici Kid, Gun Metal Calf, t money can . lea 10:15 am. for 1,000 oIsland | at H. Martin ™ _mbury, at To « Calf ¢ ¢ Ci T ER a buy ; hase fo an Monday. Return. | Dean's: Dr. Paul, at his Tatine Mri Velour Calf and Box Calf. These rl ar' and 4 Gi ri 2 Bas of Quinte | and Mrs. Dudgan and Mr. and Mrs are all new goods and we have Life Producers ous slate, at the very bottom chester. N.Y, J. P. Han] Sexsmith,at T. Edgar's, - | all sizes ? i « ¥ A. See Our Window for Bargains. Reid & Charles at $1.98 Regular prices $2.50, 3.00 and some 3.50. OTH & Co. 133. Foot of West St A Three-Quarter Crop. Ottawa, July 25.--Dr. William Saun- ders, director of experimental farms, has returned from his tour of inspec | Chatham Incubators. _ Life Preserver: Chatham Brooders = co n sure hatcher, Sold os time, or with a five pear guarantes. » J. HAY, T. E. HUGHES, Agents, 42 Princess street. Afternoon On The Water. Saturflay steamer America makes gq pecial tour of the IMands. 2:30 pm. | tion of Manitoba and the west. : Home early. Only He, He says the arca in which partial failure 1s expected, owing to drought, | Py taking the is a.restricted one, and on the whole, | {tour Saturday, 2:30 p.m. you see after a careful review of the situa- 'PHONE 646. more of the islands than by any -other | tion, he believes that there will be a ways Only 0c, three-fourths crop SUCCESSORS TO D. J. McDERMOTT, 111 PRINCESS ST. " Heautifil hammocks cheap, at Rout-| With wheat at its present price this Ses-------------------------------------------------- | 1, | ley's, 178, 175 Princess streety branch, | will mean a larger cash, fetant to the 354 King street. farmer than he received. for the crop y Alo J jee cream, in bricks, any i) last veat CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO Y lavor, delivered at dny hour, at Even should some of the late sown ESTABLIS (1847) rice's : frosted it will fetch a HEAD OFFICE TORONTO, ONT. . Kingstom Office, 18 Market Street. high as was obtained Spend The steamer America's ment of Railways nd a INT CANAL. Dealers in Cement. TENDER RS, BENpoORsup ement," will be u signed, at 16 Brie ha Men's Shoes at $2.98 Us styles, in Black and. Tan, grain become ve not | price almost a if { I All this seasoi » few wants ha $115,000,000.00 foiled bello : ay July, 1907, for tug , : ular ces' for good wheat last season, Assurance in force (OVer) = = « = « = & = «= = = = oy of" Fortiaud Low and High Shoes. Regular prices'. g Tor Assets (over) - - - - - namie wns vinu:.32,000,000.00 ns. and forms of tender ean Timely Hints. | Cash Dividends paid Policyholders in 1905-8 (over) - 1, 420,000.00 "HAS REMOYED To Peer or 1Le Of the Superin- £3.50, 4.00 and" 4.50 The Advertaery. Ald The frat "LIF ASSURANCE COMPANYS made by Camsdian People For , and al the oles oD aul Advertising is no good without the anadian People. For information how - Poly will hape for you will be cheerfully given mt rer of the goods. 95 Princess sl Between Corbett's Hardware Department of . . . tv : A Market Street ngstons h Sunuls, Ottawa, on: and Y ant afford .to miss this oppor tunity |" Write as if you were talking face to | J 0 URQUHART, JAMES THOMSOM J. 0. BUTTON, ou ¢ ¥ face with people. (Special Agents.) Managers ment dors not hi lowest or wny 1 elt of saving money. They are the Sr Ho | Don't try to le too brilliant and ori- -- 2 rier, A . : kno ( orset: in 1 i your nc ertisemen s gc ---- TT bX JONMS, gels f wh lo the Eg ice things in the Store and Taylor & Hamil f Railways and -- ry. anu rer 's art, science | papers; try to reach the best peopl a, 20th July, 190 inserting this adv mertise amthority from the le- not be paid for §t. Y POUND oF xaos SAUSAGES Abernethy's and sense having achieved a wonderful triumph. 4 rices rage from $1.0 $4 $4.00, The newspaper is pretty sure reach everybody whose trade is ot having, A poor advertisement in a good pa-! per may bring results; a good ndver- | | tisement, in a worthless Paper is money | thrown away. i Bh * SOLDER - wt BABBITT METALS = ~ Canada Metal Co., Co., Ltd. WILLIAM ST. Toronto, Ont. to's, directly. opposite As-

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