Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Jul 1907, p. 1

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nical en! house-cleaning or vy to receive Kall of that time now 11 Summer Goods. v prices. ND SATURDAY on TWAISTS 65c. , 84c, 1.00. 1.66. 2.17. 2.34. hirt Waists | bargains : 65e. 1.00. LAwWn Suits } 2.75. L 3.75. 4.95. R 7.00. SATURDAY AT E STORE SALE lucher Oxford Shoes, sizes, luchers, 11 to 2, 85¢. ots, good soles, good style, Blucher Cut Lace Boots, 1 hoes, different makes,™~%11 tent Leather Oxford Shoes han regular prices. es' White Canvas Blucher fi izes, for 10c. J finer kinds yof Ladies' 13 hoe Store. iri oyoee 31: YEAR 74. NO. 175, --- > KINGSTON, ONTARIO. SATURDAY, JULY 27, 190%. Kingston . Visitors and Tourists Are invited to see our FUR SHOW ROOMS. Compare Our Furs in Quality and Price. Absolutely no obligation to buy. We are showing Exclusive and beautiful Designs, in Fine Canadian , MINES Sets and single pieces. . In Far and Fur-Lined Garments. Special prices July and August. John McKay Fur House SUICIDE ENDS DRAMA === Visitors. . 3 > pou , Suy 27.~The shat ississquol ran an excursion to (la uch, ount of He Makes Home a Fort and Defies i: ome he on sass! uit | weathor, "wat" het ae wll amined the Police. mee | Oswego, " | During the week S, M. The tee for a stricter enforcement of the | | Children's Protective act. J. C. Link- Which Undergoes a Regular Siege ---Finally Took Life later, principnl. ol, te pole hol been ~A tragic "Fort |his revolver, and several of the police- | matter on, behalf of the society, Tangier, July 27.--People in Tangier as occurred at Tou- (Men narrowly escaped serious injury. | Miss Olga Kenny, of Detroit, Mich, lure endeavoring to accustom them- A t was decided to lay siege to the jis spending a short time with rela: | joo 40 the idea of the restoration of house, and ail night long the building tives and toun, Mrs. G. Ss ~ : h was carefully watched. Several times |N, Asselstibe, Princess street, has Leen Raisuli, the brigand, to. his lost gov- the local police court to vight months' [the police attempted to obtain an en- for Sque time past in = Idmonton, |ernorship, Although = as the officials imprisonment for a desperate assault | trance, but cach time they were forced Alta., having heen summoned there by carefully reiterate, the negotiations for n named Darmes to retreat from the shots of Tour- the illness 4 daughter, Mrs, C, Sir Harry Maclean's release have not x ately after the sentence | was | nier's revolver. H. Hubbell, since deceased, has re- yet reached a st where Raisuli's pronounced Tournier drew a revolver | At 3:30 yesterday afternoon the po- turned, sapied by her grandson, terms can be Eto; still iv is and fired, first at Darmes, who had {lice heard a shot insidis the house, and William Hubbell. Henry Upton, of quites certain that that will be the given ev idence against him, and then |a moment afterward Tournier's wife Moatreal, is wlifig on fow days in first and chief of his demands. at the policeman who arrested him. [appeared at the window and seream- town. Miss | ony is spending He did not need the capture of Kaid Darmes was seriously injured, but the {od out that her husband wus dead. | 4 short holiday season with friends iy | Maclean in order to obtain the sultan's shot missed the policeman. The police inspector was suspicious Montreal and antington Que. R. Ht parden for his past misdeeds, since : In the confusion which followed [of a ruse, however, and would not al- Harding, of the General "Blectric com- that was already granted, but it was Fournier escaped from the court and [low his men to enter the house till . extremely desirous to obtain a license {ert to his house, which he barricaded | the woman had brought out her hus FRISBEE oRREOcK for future depredations, Moreover, |against "the police. When they ap- {band's revolver. 'Then the police en- Yi ¥ raasom is quite a secondary 'considera KING AND KAISER. x ------ proached the house for the purpose of [tered the house, and they found the tion in Raisuli's mind, since a restora: Berlin, July 27.--1It is lextortion which make any nan calle Paris; July 2 Chabrol" drama } louse. On Wednesday evening a wrest- | ler named Tournier was sentenced at tion to power implies opportunities of | " . rn es Expedition Unearths World's Big- Had Murdered to Save $5 a Nes gost Fossil. | Week. | Baggs, Wyo., July 27 | Towanda, Pa., July 27.--Charles VAN LOVE'S, Butter We. have several lines - Choice Creamery Butter, at 25c¢. and 26c. per 1b. Teas First in order we have Our Own Blend in Green, Black or Mixed Teas, that satisfy, at per lb., 30c. In Package Teas, our best sellers are Salada and Red Rose, at 25c., 30c., 40c. and 50c., also Lipton's, in air-tight half-pound tins, put up in sealed packages, in the gardens of growth Tea retains its natural flavor and sweetness. Asselstine's Yarn We have the agency for their Pure Wool Yarn and Wool Bats. F. W. Van Luven, Phone 417 - 246 Princess St. Our store is filled with good things especially suited for Gampers Fishing Parties Picnic Parties Mail orders carciully packed and promptly shipped. Jas, Redden & Co. IMPORTERS OF FINE GROCERIBS, m-------------------------------------- Edwards Nervine Compound A wonderful remedy for Blood, Stomach, Liver, Kidneys or Nerves. Cail, get a package and iget WELL. If your druggist does not keep it, at 104 Queen St. Money refunded after 8 days, 25¢. and 50¢. ; full treatment $1. Pleas aut as tea. A pamacea for Children. EXCURSION Per Str. ALETHA TO OGDENSBURG AND RETURN, TUESDAY, JULY 30th. Steamer leaves Swift's Wharf, at 7.30 stopping at Genanoyue and Brockville each way. Round Fare, 35c¢. IT IS A FACT. Where you get good stuff you gain money and you 11 do that by huying your Stoves, Furniture and © at y {'S S -Hand Store, 898 Frin- De 4 The Whirligig of Time grinds out many changes in city's eitizens. Old ones move to alien fields and new ones come to abide in our midst. The newspaper is the creator of opihion with these , a. strangers and it 1S the merchant who 'is in the pages THE WHIG every day who has the best prospect of first serving them. And this first service gives the opportunity of making per- manent customers. This is one reason why it pays to advertise three hundred and sixty-five days of the year. Molloy's worm, powders, safe, sure, effeciunl and pleasant to take, 25¢. x, at Dr. Chown's; FH + The whirligig of time]. capturing him he fired at them with {dead body of Tournier on the bed. now certain that King FEd- ransom seem trifling. SECOND BROTHER HAND, ward will meet Kaiser Wil- : At the same time whatever ransom % w A LIZARD 314 FEET LONG. helm at Wilhelmhohe, near | the Moorish government may pay, or Cassel, his visit lasting a British source provide, will be ne- from XA t 14th to cessary for the distribution of largesse The most im- August 16th. The kaiser * among the surrounding tribes, who, portant discovery ever made in the |Johnson, convicted .of the murder of will return the ; visit in i Sne° being included in the saltan's great fossil beds of Wyoming is « the {his sister-in-law, Mrs. Bigler Johnson, |g England the first half of ¥ pardon, gre no long ccmpletely ua skeleton of an animal of the lizard land her niece, Anna Benjamin, nearly » November, not the latter ¥ der the outlaw's control. type, just found, which shows a length [three years ago, was hanged in the * half, as before stated. The * Indeed, the general attitude of the of 314 feet. jail here. The drop fell almost at the ¥ empress" will accompany ME OVD. OF cight tribes in the surround- ------------ --V-- Covernorship More Profitable Thang Any Ransom Man Who Resists Arrest Barricades Hous ry 5 to a Extortion--Disaffected Tribes meats with ue loca commie Seize Raisuli and Kaid Maclean and Bring | Them to Sultan. 4 allegiance to the sultan, while two | ries in particular, the and Elsogrif, through whose commtry Sir Harry Maclean possod, on his way from Alcazar, are reported to be anx- ious as to the especial degree of re sponsibility which will attach to them in case anything happens to the kaid. One of the chief causes of anxiety as regards Sir H. Maclean's personal safe ty is the desperate situation to which aisuli's loss of influence over his fol lowers may reduce him. The twg tribes named have been serious. eon sidering the advisability of capturing both captor and eaptive and bringing them together into Tangier. he Moors in the Kmass region are 'low- caste, poor tribesmen, who will do anything for a little money. It is not doubted that Kaisuli, in order ty, keep them jn hand, has prowised them a "share in his spoils It is obvious that this commercial instinct could, with equal or greater effect, be appealed to by the Moorish government or others interested or {having gold at command. But the dif- {fieulty is that Raisuli, driven to des peration, might slaughter the kaid. This is why Raisuli's restoration to authority is regarded as complacently as possible. It is pointed out that the ovil would not necessarily Be per- tis by o largest prohistoric same minute his brother Bigler "was : ing Kmass mountains is reported af 1 wv far th ary 1 L him. ¥ zg Km ¥ animal yet discovered. The skeleton, exceuted for the saw crime two = surprisingly favorable to a return to manent. which was found by an expedition [years ago. AAA A RARAALARALARALA from the Wyoming State Umversity, Bigler Johnson was separated from | FAAS AX | N---------------------------------------------- : | , pany, Peterbore, is spending a few | After Cancda's Wheat. | : NOIRE | lays with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cot-| Regina, Sask., July 27.--The war be- lace whe trification set in. to save the $6 and get rid of his wife, 1 48% i - . S Eg eS . y n Pn : bly i the side of a hill [it ds charged that Bigler and Charles Lom, Hickory street. Miss Haines, of | tween the Great Northern Railway TT am ee St. Mary's, is spending a short time | company and the Chicago, St. Paul, 5 oo . org » niece, was |S 1 ) ; i of shale and has not been torn en- (killed her and .the niece, who 'S 1p town with friends and relatives. and Milwaukee Railway company, of presirvation, his wife and was compelled to pay is in a perfect state every. bono seaming. 10. haxe been in (her 36 a month for support. In onder tirely fr the stone in which it is {living with her, and then burned the TG a. . { Bk ste ' padded put the whole length can house to conceal the crime. Mrs, Geo Emery 3 spending a which has been in rota on the oth , N10 H it moath in antford with her daugh- |er side of the line for some time, is to be seen ters, Mrs. C. F. Verity and Mrs. (Dr,) | be extended into Western Canada, and | One vertebra, which has heen Fos Monday, Civic Holiday. Hanna, Mr. and Mrs. James Simp- | the Chigago, Milwaukee and St. Paul moved, ighed more An N a | Steamer America makes special tour son, of Guelph, are spending a fow |is planning for an extension into the pounds. The eletan * Uni Pp Se of the Islands via Americad and Cana- days in town at the International. | country with the opening of the spring in the Wyoming E hte Het o dian channels, 2:30 pm. Supper on Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Cook and family, | of 1908. With this end in view the which has' the greatest collection of {4 0 gq" pare Boo. of Ottawa, are spending a few weeks | cOMpany has a survey party in the Hossils. in the world. lot Wallace Island. J. Hi. C. Thom. | field, at present working between here % boundary line. ¢ = som, of Hamilton, atepipunied by | and the this children, is "a short visit | se Normal School Extension. Ottawa, July 27.--The Ottawa nor- mal school will be extended in ac: cordance with the provincial govern ment's poliey, by a $10,000 addition. An oxtra $3500 will be required on the equipment. Nobby Straw Sailors. The balance of these are being sold fegatdlion of cost or value at Camp- boll, Pros slaughter pale of, summer } ---- !latives in town. Mrs. Clarke Allen, RECTOR FORGIVES WIFE =. A MINER WAS MURDEREL Main street, who has been in King- | Takes Back Woman Whom Slant-Eyed Chest:-'siox tor ii post week, summon to erfield Lured. ' g ite ¢ fact. the woman is not mentally responsi- ing in Watertown, N.Y,, for the past | Seatt.e, July o 2 ty i Jet ble. While a resident of Chie in week, has returned home, Miss lina os 97 --A 8 ish . that his wife eloped with R. Sata fo, (G5 Cus arrested for shoplifting, | Todd, Brewer's Mills, is spending a Paris, July 27.--A Spanish miner ta, their Japanese = servan a and was A ho a tive alleged he saw het short time here with her grandmother, | named Josef Nadam was murdered in artesteh in his company n "R Hon removing price tags from a set of furs | Mrs. G. Nuttall. Elbert Cole, Arthur the Toulouse Bayonne express {rain oRC GuAricls He Reh i : hth, and attempting to make away with street, left yesterday for Watertown, ast night under mysterious eiroum- rector of 'St. John's Ppiscobul of | The charge was afterwards N.Y., where he ha secured a sitaation. Wpnees. is tne haba 5 from dropped. | Mrs. Cole will remain here for a short f The ar Gy i -- 4 ie back to his' Mrs. Robinson is a handsome bru-| time till Mr. Cole gots settled. Mr oy Passengers in the next has forgiven her. He bail bond, secured her r prison and taken her nette. She and her husband came origi- and Mrs. H. W. Jesmer, of Montreal, ' 4 ' ich N rhe | has almost wrecked the | nally from Canada. came up in their lunch, the "Hobo, [compartment to tht in which Nadu I a "nda w oh is was a leading Mrs. Robinson and the Japanese ser- to spend a few weeks with relatives = of his sleep by B ihe body of Nos ' un z . ; i y 0 v clo . u 2 f- he : f n more vant disappeared from the rectory a In town dam. falling agninse hoy. There was worker. Sacameta was of e It is couple of weeks ago. Mr. Robinson great wound in the throat, in which the bodeide of ber dior, Mrs. bob Pocsonger Awakened By Dead Body Falling on Wednesday. | James A. Butler, who has heen visit- | . evident that Nadem had been attack. od, amd had just strength enough left {to drag himself into the next com- | partment. . BORN. i The passenger rushed out into the = 1st July, to-Me, {corridor and shouted for help, but it GARD. ant CO. " 3 . ay 3 {was too late, As he entered the cor: | yROWN.--~At Leinster, on July 21st, to pidor, ho was Just in time to os a Mr. und Mrs. 8, 8:tirown, o son. {man take a flying leap out of the |WISON.--At Desercpte, on 25th, { train. wg I | to Mr. end Mes. . 3 The train was quickly pulled up, but id " . | J 20th; although the line was thoroughly STUART--AY Mrs. RE -- ar 3 - searched, the mysterious assailant had | daughter. wal Japane olite . " . ¥ nha a e than u wos) 444 a 0 slant- | searched for her in vain. The police | AAKHAAAAFAANNANNNIAAANK . knifo was still sticking. It was |venished. | WALKER. --At Napapes, July 10th, to said 1t storfiold which won Mrs Rob- | arrested Sacameta for living with a ¥ Ww | ! Mr. and Mrs. Amos Walker, & eyed ( Be | caused her to desert | white woman, and she was rocoguiaen * ARE FAVORABLE, -- Priefer pe [erste tr grrr aries} Sunghtife 4 a Jui STM son's heart and cause L od . ested she 3 - i i oe RS as Mrs. Robinson. When arrested she | 3 BADLY HURT. | JACK. THE-RIPPER. jaa AL, ] i : took with her to the city prison copies % London, July 27.--Lord ware's 'Venus and Adonis #¥ Strathcona, interviewing Childe Harold. ¥ several of the cabinet be- Rev. Mr. Robinson was formerly Q The Rev. Mr. Hem church, Chi-| of Shakes apd Byron's In a Stampede From a Moving Trolley Car. assistant rector 8 : Friends of the family declare cago. f il . | = = -- i» FO eg ay Haverhill, Mass., July by In an elec- | = ea F GUESTS. ¥ i 5 trical storm, yesterday, lightning pass- DAILY MEMORANDA. FINE LIST OF x Be re gy han ed through a trolley car in which the A Eleven Were Present Over Eighty MH route. He lait under the Kew Bedioed and Jareshill basta Ha : ted cams, he New Engle 8, Sifugter Sale t Campbell Bros', Years of Age, ' 1 * impression tHah the minis. yoo viding und in the stampede of Of Summer Hats, a amy Woodstock Ont., July 27. I'here was ters are defin y pledged sassengers. which followed * Edward Civic Holiday to the scheme and confident that the government will consider it favorably. No Whig on Hy 8:30 p.m. | unique o lebration in the ¥illuge vaudeville, Ontario * 3 qven- | of Springford, on Wednesday after- Wonderland every afternoon an hundredrh anniver- ng - dave, Auburn, N.Y., catcher on the ) i New Bedford team, was thrown head- roon, marking the : 3 long to the pavement and suffered con- sary of the birth of the lady whe BI o E cussion of the brain. Nearly 'all of a ada? probably Oxfords oldest resident, Mrs. | JASHAAETRAIIISIIINEER the other persons. in the car suffered h Macdonald Park, Sundad. Michacl Mahoney. . > A bruises, and some were severel in- glume in N Mrs. Mahoney was born in Norfolk PITH OF THE NEWS. jured. : y Steamer America's Riv county, but when six months old re | -- {pm., Mouday. roronto Old Boys ». 'moved to Otterville. There the J | The Very Latest Culled From An The performances of the British gun- i Reception of To spent nearly all hs Tr fer Ime Ah hadi Over the World. i nore at Petawawa has amazed every 'Alotha's Excursion 1 Ogdensturg, | ver, residing at Spring kably good | The latest hot-weather story is that | 00°. Their speed, aceuracy and per- A el 80 a. . tives. She is still in remar ably g or the Holy Grail has been discovered feation of drill have, it is said, never 4 + to Thousand Islands, | poalth, considering her great age, a near Glastonbury Abbey. been equalled in Canada. can see to read without spectacles. Col.. Dobrowisky, of. the 201st Jn: During the next two months please FREER EFEF REF RERF # ¥ 1 | | Sports om Cricket Field, 9 a.an., Mons er Trip, 2.30 G. Steamer Caspidd 10.15% a.m, Svie Tolls re : 2' 8 i just ; : LA bh Tenders. for Nes Bors. phoney £ husband died Hex fantry. was. shot and Kiffed 'at Tiflis, make mgngements for photo sittings {ceived till noo % + Canal forty-five years ag a. 1 ® by one " af re, {Tenders foro ment, 101 . Te ut, al maiden name was Salina Gilbert. ow Thar day, by one of his own reg edt "assortment ut' white: soft pived, at Ottawa, © : T! ori sdnesday was a : : 3 | shi i inh Catholic Societies' Picnic Lake This gatbering gr ho five hundred James Green, an employee of the shirts at Bibby's. Ontario Purk, Monday afternoon a emarkable one. Nea rolling mills, Hamiltor, was almost | ee mn . daughter. | Walked Along Streets and Cut | RY CKMAN --At Dishronto, July | Children Open. 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Rick Berlin, July 27.--A fiendish and atro- | an, & S00 cious criminal made his appearance on | MARRIED. |the streets of this city yesterday, and |... SON. --A five liltle girls are his victims. The I Toi July, Mins 'man approached the children on the | dan r of Grieve, {stacets and by a deft stroke ripped | to J. A. Lecard Rotdosc {open their stomachs with a knife, One | KINGSBURY----BRUXEA = p i ; : : : iss Aunie A. Bruyea, of the children is dead. Each erime | fourth daughter {was committed in a dificrent locality, | ward Beuyea, Sr., to lin the northern and eastern parts of | Kinguiniey, Rirpaton the city. The oriminal has, ap to] oy -- e : [to the present time, escaped capture, | ea He is presumed to be a mad man. DIED {he entire police force of the'city is [cousins --At Faterpeise, Sth ~ aroused, and is making every effort | Fimabet Ansrpnen blond [to capture the man and prevent 'the J ousing, {commission of further outrages. = le Valley. S | Their gentle action and good effect | { on the system really make them a per-| feet little pill. They please those who! use them. Carter's Little Liver Pills mav well be termed "Perfection." Bibby's for Guyot's French braces. evening. people gathered at the Springfield | 5 ny killed at the works, when a | lantic cable completed, of the district, and Mrs. Mahoney was | 4,0) ig closed down, owing to the presented with a purse of gold. Sup- sinking of the ground upon which it| {per was then served. A Jemiuricabie iy built: It is built over underground | feature was that her Soh, « osep 8° | workings of a great copper deposit. boney, of Delmar, eighty years old, at- | Official announcement is made that! : tended - the celebration. Among those Queen Helene is in an interesting con- "Royal Doulton.' 'the oldest : over eighty years, | We have just open- | ed a lot of very | pretty ODD JUGS, dren have been born to the royal Ital- ian couple. ? i Mrs. Josephine Leslie was found} guilty in the Old Bailey on the charge | i t Rescued With Diffculty. {the streets to court, yesterday, when 1 woo her custom to represent herself | at the Md Bailey on a charge of hav | POTS, etc., of this g aker. SX celebrated maker him away from the guards and lynch) ,nd declare he guided her investments. | Guerin, in this city, on June 15th. him. The Russian consul, on getting |= A United States judge, sitting beside | Smith was sentenced to penal servi ded in rescuing his | court. in London, had en object lesson | man was given. fifteen years' m the angry Persians | ootorday. He saw a jury selected in | servitude. sos t difficulty. three minutes and a couple of erimin-| Guerrin war sent {fo Devil's Taland | als sentenced in a few minutes more for a bank robbery in Paris. He es scene and © | Prices Right. |: lf 'with the gree | Robertson-Bros. | | To your own interests and attend | i -------------------------- { Campbell | Bibby's for mobby straw hats,' , imer hats, reporter, extradicted to France, t --Pritisl fing . 7 o , " 2% This' day in history Lb Pevolus Baptist church, where he Se Blanes heavy bar of iron fell on him, crush- S f hoisted in Nunl, L9a%2 . "1844; At-lian was the guest of honor, Chere | 40 out his life. 8 PARR tion, 1830 ; © ATL io were addresses by prominent citizens | dy, (nied Verde smelter at Jerome, w-- " : 1 ALL NEXT WEEK : Entire ! resent was a large number of old dition, and that accouchement is oxs . . ; ; present wo large mombir Caf tion, nd i wesouchement = ov | Given Fifteen-Year Sentence---Her comedy Singlag; Dncing Goes For Life. New Reshi, Persia, July 27.--A Russian | of defrauding members of well-known| London, July 27.--A woman, known | "Chicago May" was at ohe time 5c A 3 i | ATES TEA- subject, accused of the i : families by false pretences, and sen- | 08 "Chicago May," Churchill, and a Guerrin's mistress. When they met|{ WONDERLAND al "hy | Persian, was being conveyed through |e ced to five vears' penal servitude, | man named Smith, were found guilty again' in Londen after Guorrin's es | an infuriated mob attempted to get! ag a friend of J. Pierpont Morgan, | ing attempted to murder "Reldis { with her. On the evening of June news of the mater, hurried to the the judge of the central criminal | tude for life, and the Churchill wo- on 'the sidewalk, Smith jumped out of Be Wise. | without tom of excitement. There | caped, went to the United States and years' imprisonment ; ase a hy no erowd, no sketch art-| then came to England, where an, un- with the bank robbery in Paris. Pros' slaughter sale of sum- ist, and he did not even notice a news- wiccessful effort was made to have him Which iL EVERY EVENING, AT 8.30. of Pro New Pictures. ;icape, he refused to resume relations Open Every Day From 3 15th, Smith and "Chicago May," { white driving in London, saw Guerrin the cab and fired several shots at Guerrin, one of which wounded him. .| "OWicago May" was sentenced to five |, po" for connection i was sent to Devil's

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