\ nd considered irt Waists [STS for 1.66. drawers SON. PROPERTY 'OR SALE. n instructed by Mrs. Alma » sell the Albion Hotel pro } on the Cor. of Queen and . Prese lease expires at which p pur have possession. For further apply A. CAYS, ate Agent, 346 King St ENTS OF THE DAY. ragraphs Picked Up By rs On Their Rounds. girdle corsets for 35¢. New Reform. crop all over Ontario is considerably better than C.A. boys who have been t Chaffey's Locks, will re to-night. wash belts, with protty ; wash collars worth 25e., w York Dyess Reform. i a fairly good Saturday ith no change from the dy quoted. peror Nicholas was review ops encamped at Krasnoye wnesday, the * Seminosvky fused to participate. They the retirement from their { General Reiman. - Oxford Shoes, sizes, €, 11 to 2, 85¢. good soles, good style, er Cut Lace Boots, * different makes, Leather Oxford Shoes ¥ regular prices. for 10ec. + kinds 'SECOND SECTION, ? The Daily Vienna, July 26.--A large part of [reached by ae le a gra to the task, The Lost was 1901 has just been completed. Part of jist to ra the system is still under construction; set out f but the greater mn 1 1 tunnel completed, and as Ons » a reached it new afd very beautiful trict has become aces tourist. The rough Lomlon to Triest Is shortened, So tha Adriatic is™rought very much near to London tain district of 1 nzenfeste The new line rans through a sueces- and Villach, vhere t new Alpine sion of pigturesque valleys and ra- railway begia vines in Southern . Austrin, which un-| Warmbad-Villach the new Alpine railway system pro jected by the Austrian government in til a few month zo could only he overlooking RINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, JULY 2... 1907. rrdai surrounding summer esorts; the \ n urroun ling ; ma a KR ny ' wishes of George Miller, the young hero po . mH a of the gia, rest with our naval un- mes ~ , 1 canoni 1s From Vallach the new line passes Never our state been in such a aldo 2 ode of 8 x y : a through Veldes on the edge of a mini political muddle. 1{ it was an organized ature Lake of Como, with a wishing party against another organized party, belle prettily situated on an islet in having a settled phatform, you might the centre make a probable guess as to the result, The line has been engineered through | weekly Letter From The pu: the bitterest fight is in the parties a limestone country of unusual inter | themselves, and to-day Mayor MeClel- est to the - geologist. Rivels which City Of New York. leader of democratic reform, cut the strang of beds have been 1 Charles Murphy, the recognized spanned by some of the biegest ma unm Hall, are further sonrv-arched bridges in the world apart mn ng that concerns the Finally, the railway descends by welfare o state than democrats and long, sweeping curve to the blue Ad | C have been at. any prevoius riatic, where Trieste lies spread out I'he loaves and fishes play a like a map beneath one's feet. The : ant part in the fight My this t Austrian port is being busily { shall know them." ayor Me reconstructed, soon it will possess | A WEEK OF DISCOMFORT AND n's pockets are full of rich plums one of the most efficient harbors on DISASTER. 1e presents to his friends with a the Mediterranean. The new terminal | and. It is 'within the memory elation is close to the palatial quay- | New York State in a Bigger of liv ng then when '1 Jmahy Hall had side, from which steamers of the Aus ei the sole dispensation ot the politica trian Liovd tcc: the Rast Ae. Political Huddle Than Ever-- lio ings That "was in the good old the littleknown wonders of the Ad- The Republicans Look Hope- times of Richard Croker. Things are riatic coast. fully For a Victory in the|¢ anged Tammany has no show, not a The whole of this const is one long | hundred dollar office in sight. Tam- it 4 Fall. many says that our worthy nmyor stack~ panorama of wooded islets, bare lime- | (Special correspondence ; letter No. £54) | 4 the cards 'when he had the deal:and stone hills scomingly without an in- New York, July The week just |p = Ah Sin" in "The Heathen Chinee," habitant, and smooth inlets on which closed has been a chapter of discomfort his sleeve is fall 6f aces and bowers ! lio ancient towns thronged with {and disaster, much of which is due to |p 0 republicans "are not enjoying strange figures in rich Dalmation garb. | criminal carelessness, and the rest an | | peace but the best men look hopefully Records of old Rome are scattered in | old-time prophet would have charged to | { for victory in the fall elections, Inside {astonishing profnsion. Inscriptions to [the providence of God. This latter |, party are men who heretofore have emperors serve as window ledges and [charge may seem to find foundation in dq ice | otential in its management stones. After Rome came [the fact that the heat has been intol ' QOVETNOT on every and the evidences of her rule | k {erable and the deaths by s 0 € | hoint. 1 r wrong. The serious part » insistent. The {fowns- | numerou in for many ye ) of tl 1 an when the governor still speaking .the Ttalian||long Ii disasters there 1s no ques- {gi oo looting in the insurance in ambroken descent from | tion but sun has been responsible, |, oo endeavored to remove times, look down from sculp- | the mogt serious accidents The governor seemed tured balconies on tq, crowds of crim- to a ciiminal care » have a majority of the legislature at son-clad Slavonic peasants. At Cat re Was No excusc s back He put a veto on the bill one is at the very gates of the mld receive the which seeme red to vindicate the inculpated ast the law can inflict egis e¢ overrode his . . t of two trolley cz river : t 1 The return journey may be varied ; tol OY anocia at hirds vote and the com Ot 'speed anc rn ¥ on in defiance of the a stay at Abbazia and so through } has . slay 2 the same ra: ms ha next trouble | . Fay a San En ) ¢ S > WS govern 1 s trouble was the re 1 n tried, but always with the ought to re-dis- v. the capital one can result 4 he Ski : ad \ me 1 In this last yf the state so as rd and homeward to |i. y record the dea equal repre its wonderfully pic r there was iresque castle, to Innsbruck, the ori- | 4.0 irs at such a tremer ginal point of departure, they courted de nd or his lcome news, : : found it with ver vernor is right, every time.--~BROAD Portion, the whole of this itinerary is | drivers 'were men o : served by the Austrian state rail- | perience, both were going about ways, which are very efficiently con- |n Phere was a shar trolled from the headquarters of the [in th ch required the great I ministerium in Vienng {car ) 1 in safety. Probably " All skill to the passen OAHS In With the exception of the Semmering It Cure Kidneys Early. serious kidney ills are slight the beginning. Any case of Brigt disease, ete, can cas HAPPY FATHERS THE DUKE OF SAXE-COBURG AND PRINCE ALEXANDER OF TECK. The dulte, who is in England on a visit to his mother, is seen holding his firstborn, Prince Johann Leopold Vi born August nd, 1908. Prince Alexander oi Teck, duke's sister, is holding his daughter, Princess May "Helen Emma, born January 23rd, 1906, Lil ww down and the resul tater s, = t have been expected, the [ily ba avoid I the track and the cars kidney disorders are heeded. Peek's | death as if struck by Kidueev and LONG BED SHEETS. Texas Law Makes Them Nine Feet in Length. mass of guilt and { nd restore these If there is a bed in a hotel or oar 1 $ grand example o gor and activity. In boxes, 20c, ing house in Texas nowadays that is hic ts humanity and make . only at Wade's drug store equipped 'with a sheet shorter i ment for many sins. An investiga back if not. satisfactory, Ingth than nine fect, the : ' going on this week to find . ---- liable to arrest and heavy » fo « y \ of the accidents in the wwerage man thinks he will lating a law passed by the legislature hattleship Geo ¥ Y ey enty. of time for. everything if at its recent session. ice ping Sand te on 1 } vatth avity dave So far as can be learned the law is and by some He Ans being generally complied with. Ti a gunpowder Hag caug stores all over the state have had a atried to the gun, and big run on bed sheeting for several | tants warning the turret weeks. Thousands of new shee had | was fille a_waye of Hame and to be made. The tall man in Texas men killéd. On the opposite will have no reason to kick for long- iret another mor 'er bed covering hereafter. I ready to fire, but : - | The particular object of the law is ) George Miller (wim whe shipper ward the Georgia said he that the tops of the sheets might be rp I rN hsore Sy ; } was hom hbserved that one come {folded back over the blankets and af of the powder bag was sticking out and ford protection to the occupant of the the breacl d not be closed. He knew { bed from any disease germs that if 'that vder bag caught fire that all {might be lurking in the blankets. The |. the turret would be killed. He did law also requires that the sheets om | pau it jumped forward and § leach bed mast be changed once each ing the p bag to its place cl iday, and that the blankets and other | 1.0 hreach | thus prevented a sco covering must be washed and fumiga- explosic n ich might have destre ted at stated intervals. that mighty essel and have involved bh It is believed that the new law will | row h ruin, This frightful.d jprotect the health of the occupants of | struction wa prevented by this youth {hotels and lodging houses, The state ful demi He paid a I at us | and local health authorities are deter- | price is devotion to duty and his | mined to see that the provisions of the n urage, but his glorious act Naw are strictly enforced. Inspections {of hotels and lodging houses will be {made at intervals of every few days (h ne : {until the mew measure is working | Roman wi p _into the Tiber s { smoothly. It is believed that few eva fying Ha 3 aS ancig fee jsions of the Jaw will be attempted. Napole Mipge ~o _- he « that of thi { Leonidas with a handful mortal Greeks he drove back Cyrus | his multitude of Persians. The mstant \ that the brave boy closed the canvor When any ache or pain comes you enveloped-in a wav "{should have the hahit of reaching for { ith was the most painful the bottle of Smith's White Liniment. crrible that poor mortality knows | There is pothing else that cures aches just such sacrifices that the | #0 'soon or thoroughly It makes it ation depends. Such d {easy to cure in the start many pa'n- urage are honor's sword {ful affections that would become seri- {ous if geglecte. Smith's White Lia: {ment iy one eof the things no family } ' {can afford to be without. Large hot- ¢ 8 dred years {tles, 25¢., at Wade's drug store. f foreign res of our noblest ships, 1 ! : . he C se battlés he iwmgl In after years a epinstcr may have whose erty helped to achieve cause fy congratulate herself on the they gave his dist entombment at Ann Any Ache To-Day ? time since the mortal {ies we hear occasiomally of this man or Nor SO ) BAD AS PAINTED. Bear-at-Home Kind of Man Ex- aggerated. "The truth is that while there may be men who are" saints abroad and savages at home there are not many such, most men are pretty decent, and these sthries we hear about men who are #0 good to other people and so mean to their own are likely to. be without real foundation or 'greatly ex- ageerated or born out of a anve dis closure, "Jones' family, for instance, know him for what he is, a strong, vigor ous, able man, who keeps his temper and behaves himself admirably in the world, though there he has much to contend with and they are willing, more «than 'willing, that he should for- get his troubles and even lose his temper ocopsionally at home if he wants ta. Jt gives them an opportun- ity to soothe and comfort him. They not only don't mind, but they really like him to be natural and human; they are not disturbed because he has some failings like the rest of us, and they know he'll be serene and strong again in a minute, "So 1 take little stock in the stor: that who is said to be good as pie to} strangers but a sour chap to his own. | You can set it down for a fact that the man who has the strength and courage,und self-control to bear him- self hke a man abroad through the day is, as a rule, and despite any transient pettinesses that he may there reveal, pretty sure to he a man whom they are right glad to see at night at home." The Letter Of The Law. Canadian Courier. Dean Harris is one of the best known clergymen of the Roman Catholic church in Canada, and is as remark. able for his literary productions as for his ecclesiastical virtues. In city of 8t. Catharines he was so popu: lar with citizens of all denominations that he found it comparatively easy to collect subscriptions from Anglicans, Baptists, Presbyterians and etho- dists. But a time came when the last named brethren were desirous of exect- ing a new church, and they ventured to call on the dean in the course of their financial canvass. The latter ex- pressed his deep regret over not being in a position to contribute towards the new tabernacle. He was reminded that members of Protestant churches had assisted him in the church-raising industry. "I know, 1 know," replied the genial riest, plaintively. "I'd be glad to Felp you, but the rules of my church positively forbid the faithful to eon: tribute Jowards building a Protestant chairch." The eon on 'then 80k a less painful tun, and finally the dean wsked : "And wnat are you doing with the old church ¥"* | { | to destroy the works of the enemy. "We're going to pull it down," re plied one bf the heretic callers, A great light dawned upon the dean's countenance. "And will that cost you anything ?"* 'A matter of several hundred dol- lars "That's a fine situation. New, I'l tell you what Ill do. The mother church has nothing to say against pulling down ' what the Protestants have set ap, and it'll be a good deed Swiss Minister to the United States. © © Hon, Leo E, og the Swiss Minis ter to the United States, is.one of the hest. known and liked members of the foreign colony at Washington: didly educated, Horr Vogel has up steadily through the political Fanks which centre around Berge, She Swiss capital, He is noted his liberal tendencies. in politics fers is much trusted by President Muller, of the tiny mountain ublie. It was Hi Vogel who for y extended to United States the invitation te aia delegation to Geneva during when the International Red Cross So- ciety met in that city, on June 14th, 16th and 16th, The Average Man's Head. ® London Young Woman. The average adult head has a cireum: ference of fully, twenty-two inches, The average adult hat is fully six and three-quarters size. The sizes of men's hats are six and three-gui six and seven-eighths » "Sev. nm" hats are common night sizes. Heads weari the sizes six and smaller or being less gh tw inches in sirtumictenc, ay powerful. tween y inches in EEE invariably very weak, and, to Ato authority, * or A think marrying a man a less than twenty i in circimfer- ence." People wil Why Endure Salt Rheum ? If you have Salt Rheum or any wolv eruption it is cortain that have nou tried Wade's salt ave § scald Eins, J ste, J + One Way To Stop Way To Stop Hor. {London Tit-Bits. « Small Boy (in awed tonesp--Pa, io | I'll help you tear it down.' And the Methodist brethren went on Just ow their way rejoicing, with a substantial |% sum towards the levelling of their | place of worship. The dean had made | good. {bony sockets projecting from the | head. By this curious contrivance the | provent Yer lay : { Liver Pills cure-all odin] C ompound Syrup of Byaoghosphiten] wry: kidney, liver and bladder troubles [our own make, equal to the best. organs to complete [Big bottles, 50c. and 7hc., at Waile's old style soaps [for so many years gnd are using more | njustice he vowed yesterday he would drug store, ---------- The chameloon's eyes ate situated in | peculiar * little animal cin see in any il the earlier signs of | direction without the slightest motion | } {save of the eye. Every day a man submits to seme never stand. ome that. He 'was ilding ere her hands to e pi their ways. vou know, I looked 'into and what do you think "I Father Can't guess, my Dor. Small Boy--Why, Sister ly was sitting on the piano stool, and her young man was kneeling in. front of fellow, her, holding her hand J eo glue. Father Ah ! Women, Are Changing. The women ot Canada. ave changing They are discarding the ey have heen using and more of the Dow, pure soap nde of olive oil, It is called the "Dhive Oil" laundry soap and is a wholly Finest double gut hooks, all "wizes,' Are castile goap. It is made at Ber- at Routley's, 173, 175 Princess street; and 354 King street. in, Ont., 'and cam be bought at all igro0m rs for Be. a cake. BURIED TO BE CURED. IN THE SALT MUD-BATHS AT SAKI. The Russian newspapers continue to chronicle extraordinary cures of rheumatism, Sciatica, disease and even appendicitis, effected by the mud-baths at Saki, in the Crimea. The shud is obtain from the salt lakes in the vicinity, and is heated by the sun to a temperature only a few degrees low boiling point. Patients lie enveloped in the unpleasant mess--if be str or a period twenty minutes, when they are taken to the washing room, where they are liber sprayed with water until they are cleansed. They are then clad in luxurious dressing gowns hurried where they perspire freely for a couple of hours. The baths whith are in the Xs { wmber of times she didn't get mar: fa000's, Our Sons are ined te BEE of Nits. She didp War: japol's, where ofie Sons Af% tained io de | to first and second class, 3 cents being charged for the former, and 14 sats for ried. ' yisud the glory of our flag. There let the