LIEN NE ent Go. RE. . Share. 15¢. narked at later date will be re- nds and millions of dollars 2 The ? this a joke--but remember 2 the pan," 'a bubble," some- est business men of the day. The These are facts. tgs in imrei---------------- striking it rich" never stopping to hink for one instant that the greater art of their money never reaches the round, as arule 75 per cent. of the oney invested in stock schemes goes ito the broker's hands. He pays his lesmen 20 to 50 per cent. on every ollar turned in, he must get his own inition and engineers must be We never have had associated with } & stock salesman, we require no mmission and our engineers will be Ir directors, so that every dollar in- sted with us on this proposition ill be honestly used in the purchasing i development of the different pro- We are now offering for subscription e first allottment of stock in the arder Lake Exploration and Develop- ent . Company --overy one hundred ares entitles the holder to forty ares of stock in each' of the subsid- 'y companies to be incorporated, aking in all 200 shares of stock in e separate companies, which, as soon development work is started and vidends announced, will make the sok of the Larder Lake Exploration d Development Company almost in- luable. This first allottment of ly 50,000 shares (81.00 par value) I probably be largely over-subscrib- in a few days. 'he next allotment will be put out ptember 25th, 1907, at 75c. per wre or higher, ' his price (15c.) will positively be hdrawn August 3rd, 1907. If this ottment is over-subscribed remit- ces - will be promptly returned. wcks, drafts and money orders must ompany all applications and be de payable to the financial agents. iterim certificates will be promptly irned to subscribers. The stock ificates of the Company represent- the shares purchased will be issued | delivered as soon as allottment be made, after the 3rd of August all subscribers who purchase at the L underwriting price prior to that re you going to get in now, in e, at Larder Lake; you can v get in at ground floor prices inside properties, making big fits and lots of money ; or will wait three or four months or ear, and then fall all over rgelf in an irresistible desire get in anywhere or at any e ODMMEND, ine umers 'Toronto & Kingston' i EAST BOUND va ingston daily, 6 ™ os » a.m. for may River Jiouteal, Nuabee " WEST BOUND ve Kingston, § P.m., dail eS 0 oy | y, for or I Waste otarar "6 Hamilton-Montreal Line Tri-weekly service CAST AND WEST BOUND tickets and berth rece o, J. P. HANLE rvatien, ap- oN. © REY, Ticket Agent, Co., Kingston, Onty, "BR CHAFFEE. Co The sudden changes in ght to suggest the I ado hot the most heat, iked 3 home comfortable ; oe t money can buy, ve Rake better mined. . iver it to you . Ne clean and thout slate, at the very bottom | BOOTH & CoO., one 133. Foot of West St ILVER-MOUNTED PHOTO FRAMES Our stock on ok Photo Frames Innear & d'Esterre. Jewelers & Opticians, 100 Princess St., Kingston. a ------------ ASOLINE ut in Your Tank t Our Dock. arge stock of Dry Bat- "Spark Plug and Coils yon hand, iY & YOULDEN LIMITED. , Cinderella Shoes FOR LADIES. Dressy, handsomely designed, a natty, well-made shoe at a popular price. o This shoe is hand-turned, heavy sole, making great wear for a Sum= H. JENNINGS, KING ST BOLLE LELNELLLLLLL0004 A Paying Investment 8 A Modern, Business Bducation s a mecessary requirement for SUCOHMSH in this progressive age. Frontenac Business §| College, KINGSTON, - ONT. Is one of Canada's Representa~ tive Modern Imstitutions. Our connection with the United Employment Bureaus in the large cities of Canada and the ' United States enables us to place every aduate in a good situation. We ave never failed to do it. Mod- erate Rates. Write for particu- lars and large catalogue. Fall Term Opens September 3r W. H. SHAW, T. N. STOCKDALE | President. Principal. PIPNIIIFIFIIIIIIINNINIG i When You Buy COAL From P. WALSH You get genuine Scranton, as he handles nothing T. HAS REMOYED T0 93 Princess St. Between Corbett's Hardware Store and Taylor & 'Hamil. ton's, directly opposite An- grove's. COME AND SEE US "Phone No. 178. If you wisk to be successful at- tend The Kingston Business College . Limited, head pI Queen treed, Canada's Highest Grade business schouls Bookskeeping, shorthand, att, tele- graphy, al subjects thoroughly Ti Rates very moderate: H. F. METCALFE, Presidents J. B. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. Life Producers Life Preserver Chatham Brooders The only machines that rival the mother hen, Automatic in action, perfect | Im construction and a sure hatcher Sold om wuarantee. D. J. HAY, Agents, az Princess street. JACK SPRATT. | very : | Jack Soratt could eat no fat; y | Said Jack: "On this issue, 2 | Let's eat to make tissue-- 3 ba [FOONEYS | pi Ja:i gad (ts SA When sweets" lose their sweetness-- and. ¢substantials," their charm--thereare always MOONEY'S PERFECTION CREAM SODAS to coax back the appetite. | { Do YOU | know how good they are? 0s | | { | | | His wife liked fat and cakes. | We'll build up on | Toasted Corn Flakes ciate the experience of a certain Porto | i" The Flavor That Grows in Favor." | Senitas Toasted Corn Flakes agrees perfectly | with the most delicate stomach. Try it with milk, cream or fruit juices to-morrow morning. It will always taste good to you, no matter how | much you eat. Order it to-day. ! Your Grocer Sells It. Battle Creek Toasted Corn Flake Co., Limited fLoNpON - =~ = « = son ------ One Child Cured of Summer Complaint and Six Cured of |. DR. FOWLER'S EXTRACT OF says : Summer Complaint. | SrnawnEnry is the [greatest of all cures | Chatham Incubators ioe oe } hoea, Dysentery, plaint, gar of imitations and substitutes unscrupulous dealer for g,n.r41 | the sake of greater profits. They are dangerous to your health. | Price 35 cents. NEWS OF DISTRICT LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS The Tidings From Various Points Paul's, Delta, is now holidaying in Chicago. celebrated his forty-second anniversary in that capacity on the 15th inst. Cobden, on tended a call to Goodwill, B.A., of Blind River. died on Friday after a weekds illness. Deceased was born was a leader in St: Andrew's church, linstitution on April 7th last. Satur |day his badly decomposed body {found under a hedge half a mile from | ¥ |his home at Graham Lake. CANADA | year old, was very bad with it, and a few | doses cured him. I also used it on my | ts such as Diarr- stantly become silent | Colic, Summer Com- la bell and remain so until the tc | "It is manufactured by The T. Mil . or with a five pesr| (Cp, Limited, Toronto. Ont. See T. E. HUGHES, | that the name appears on the wrapper. » IN GENERAL. pn in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Rev. R. B. Patterson, rector of St. | John Lee, turnkey of the Perth jail, The Presbyterian congregation of Tuesday afternoon, ex- Rev. Thomas W. Miss Margaret Urquhart, Belleville, in- Napance and The cornerstone of Chesterville's new | Belleville. | { | Methodist church, of which Rev. A. E. | Runnells is pastor, is to be laid on | { August 1st, by Rev. {D.D., general superintendent. Albert Carman, | Thomas Botton, a Brockville asy- | was Frederick J. Skinner, president of thew. The water much lower than usual for this] time of the year. Those having en mit those having none to run full] time. Ernest Knight, farmer, residing near | subjects and wife and mother. Napanee, had his left eye taken out at the Kingston hospital. He grabbed a horse by the tail. The animal resented and planted its heel in Knight's left cheek, fracturing the bone and de stroying the eye. The death "occurred, Saturddy, in Picton, of an old and respected resi dent, Mrs. Jeffery, widow of the late | George Jeffery. Her maiden name I wae Elizabeth Cole venty-six years of age. mother of Charles Jeffery, the known cattle buyer. She was the well- Height Df Ambition. Youth's Companion. When we reach the higher studies of |} foreign languages we are told to seek diligently to learn to think in the alien tongue, as well as to read and| | write it. That is, we are expected to | catch the meaning of the strange | words without any connection with | English or English speech. From this one may come to appre Rican negro. He was asked inot very long after his arrival in the United States if English was difficult for him. "Oh, no," he said, '1 learn her ver' quick." . "S80 you could talk it?" "Oh, ves, ver' good. But I have one trouble ver' long time. I speak good. | an' | hear good, but cannot dream in Fnglish. | always dream jin Spanish, | An' 1 fell ver' bad, an' I try so hard | to dream English. An' one night 1} | do. 1 dream English when I am sleep, an' I wake an' I cry, an' 1 weep for joy. 1 am happy, 1 can now dream | in English." understand it and} | Neat Countering. Victoria Sunset. | The eastern press are poking fun at| west - because burglars recently | | broke into twenty-three offices in Van- | | | | { Cramps by Half a Bottle of couver and only realized $60 in plun- | der, and are gently insinuating that | the wealth of the west is all in the The eent belt papers do not un- | air. | derstand the western situation. Here) | the chances are so great to make | money that busines men do not keep | WILD STRAWBERRY. [it in their offices or safes, even over | They keep it moving Mrs. Wm. Flewelling, Arthur, Ont. #1 find it much pleasure to recommend Dr. Fowizr's Extract or | Wrip SreawsEREY as a grand cure for | po the My little boy, one | ronto to break open safes in order to | Sunday night. | so fast from one deal to the other | | that the loss from friction is becoming | | a serious matter. A $20 gold piece | will grow thin in Vancouver in Hix 1t is not necessary in To-| get money. All you have to do is to | stamp Cobalt on something and flash | | it before the multitude. | left. I cannot | wore Of Those Stoddard Questions | 1. What and where are the four great | natural wonders of America? i 2. What great Frenchman would in at tho sound of] mes, | Iso sweet to his ear, had died away? | 3. Where is it the custom to peddle cofine on thelstrects, and to run cars on the street railway tracks ? | | 4. What famous architect sleeps within a celchrated cathedral and has | on his tomb the epitaph, "If you seek | his monument, look around you " | 5. What city has a ciimate so pe | culiar it has been described as "pine | months hibernal and three months in | New England Chinese Restaurant 33! Street Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 am. | get an all round Lumch In the city Meals of all kinds Wm. Murray, Auctioneer "27 BROCK ST. | A New Carriages, Cutters, Harneas. | IT CLEANS AND IT etc., for sale. Sale of Horses every Saturday | NewYork Chinese Restaurant 83 Princess Street Open from 10.30 a m. to 3.00 a.m an all C. H. Powell, Carpenter and Jobber,| "A afl Bruggists and Dealers. | ; a dwarf confederate and not the | A 'clockwork did the trick, - : 103 Raglan St. round eals of all kinds and Chinese CURES "Royal Crown" Witch-Hazel Toilet Soap It's a toilet soap and a medicated soap --for the price of ordinary soap. Only 10c. acake. 3 for 25¢. fernal 7" | 6. The last and most Fmportant | question is, "How can I procure the Stoddard Lectures ? and the answers to these questions, with thousands of | others equally interesting and valu- | able 1" | | The Automatic Man. The death at Carlsbad of Theodore Rosenfeld reminds the Neue Freie Presse of the fact that he was the | man who some years ago sét all | Vienna talking about King Fu, the | "automatic man." This "most won- | derful piece of mechanism ever pro- | duced 5 human hands" was in the | form of a Chinese giant, posed on a | pedestal." In the latter there was a complicated clockwork, "which was wound up by Rosenfeld at the begin- ning of each performance. Then peo ple in the audience would ask ques | tions, and the mechanical man would write the answers on strips of paper. The performances were so clever that King Fu and his master were invited to the imperial residence, where they mystified all who saw them. The con- trivance was similar to the one shown | in Vienna a hundred years before by | Wolfgang Von Kempelen, only his was | a chess playing Turk. In both cases EMPRESS OF GERMANY. | Regarded As Model Wife princess was not wealth and, in supply for the manufac- |g turing establishments of Gananoque is| pride and the empress of to-day. They were 'betrothed, on | and married on February 27th, | gines are using them, so as to per-| both of them being twenty-two years the empress has | | gained the earn and she was se- | hours (Man.), says: Zam-Buk is agony. got no reljel until 1 tried Zam-Buk. 1 cured me, and 1 have had no return of | 'Sir,' said one, 'your overcoat. the trouble. oue, Toronto, writes : I suffered acutely from: bleading piles. | "And taking his umbrella J and Mother Victoria, of sided ' e Augusta {lum patient, made his escape from the | Germany, consort of the many The Empress and energetic kaiser, was born a prin- | | cess of the ducal hous of Schleswig- her youth the pretty used to unlimited {olstein. In decidedly straitened circum- mperor of 2ud, 1880 1581 Jun »f age. Since then ---------------- THE AGONY OF PILES. Zam-Buk Gives Relief--Fatmer's Wife's Testimony. There is one sure way to case for opheacs told an amusing story about sufferers from piles! Just apply alg untry house tipping. ittle Zam-Buk and lie down for a fow | "wy know," she said, "how large ! "Do it before. going 10 bed, | hose' tips are, how many servants {and you will be grateful for the Case! must be remembered--how, indeed, which follows. Mrs. William Verrion, of Wiiiteniouth visit large country i that {pay can't afford the expense. a wonderful balm for piles. 1 had piles so bad that I could about Jonas Hanway. "1 must admit walk, and I suffered wardly I used several ointments, bu Taylor, of Greenwood ave "For four year Mrs. E. # THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, JULY 30th, 1907, fact, her father, the | the Skinner Manufacturing company, | Duke Frederick of Schleswig-Holstein, | limited, Gananoque, has been appoint: | wag in } | ed to the vacancy in the management | stances and had a hard time keeping KEE of the Water Power company, ocea-| yp the sort of menage suitable for his | sioned by the death of Ww. G. Mat- | position. It was in 15879 that the em- | peror, then only the grandson of the Germany, met leis future est affection of all her is regarded as a model intense | {deep lace frill | Pittéburg { been thirty-¢ight more than the Gedinany magnitude, in | | which 273 persons have been killed and During that time 1 spent an immense | amount of money on 'remedies' and \ SL | doctors' prescriptions, but got no ease. Zam-Buk was different to cory else 1 had tried, dnd. it cured me.' Zam-Buk is a sure cure for all dis-| eased, suppurating, inflamed or ulcer ated , skin areas, ulcers, abscesses, eczema, old wounds, chafed place cuts, burns, sunburn, ete vendors at He. a Co., Toronto, for price; 2.50. insect All stores and medicine box, or Zam-Buk six boxes for Walking Costume. i a Ta \ / 1 2 7 > S \ y ill i ' / { = by / Al ) in, nly o . 3 A ie rh WY SS This charming dress is in ecru lawn, trimmed with bands of the same ma | terial printed with dots. The skirt is| in mine gores, princess style and bre telle effect. A cap, falling over each shoulder, is added to the top of the bretelles. The guimpe is made with a yoke of Irish embroidery and slecves of mull brought into dotted bands. A around the sleove bands complctes ing gown. ------------------ A Record Year. ispatct Though the first half of 1907 has not passed, its record of casualty already exceods the total of 1906, There have railroad accidents of 925 injured Twentd thre wrecked, involving the lives. Theré have been thirteen mine accel dents in which 355 persons have per have been loss of 02 rteamers ished. These casualtic have been due to human negligence or ignorance in large part, but nature has been de structive also Tidal waves have] swept away 2,240, earthquakes 5,100, hurricanes 530, cyclones thus far 70 The cloud has a silver lining, how- ever. The total of gifts and bequests in all forms of philanthropy in less than six months of 1907 is larger than the total for the twelve months of 1906, being ¥108.961.5589, as com- pared with 8107 281,083 And never have there been five months during the last twenty-five | tal of embezzlement and various forms | of defaleation has been as small as in the first five months of 1907. V e---- Four headaches cured for 10c., at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. foct headache powders will 'do it. A fire at Coney Island has done dammge in the amusement zone to the value of %1,000,000. stings, sore feet, | this attractive walk-| . years in which the to- | + Per- | HAS GOOD RESULT. | Successfully Used in Borneo--Flant is Identified. A report from United States Consul | Maynard, of Sandakan, shows that | the opium cure of the Straits Settle ments has reached Borneo and has been tried with good results, Al- though it has been used but a short time many old opium smokers claim that they have greatly rediiced the amount of opium smoked by them daily. The drug is used with the ob- ject of counteracting the effect and finally curing the craving for opium, A concoction is made by boiling tha leaves and mixing the result with opium. After smoking, a dose of two tablespoonfuls of the drug should be taken, and this lessons the desire for further indulgence. The drug is known to the Chinese as Ton Hing Chu. L. Wray, curator of tho Taiping Mus eum. at Perak, has identified the plant as "combretum sundaicum." It is a woody climber, with opposite leaves, in size and shape somewhat resembling | that of the pear tree, and bears globu- | lar clusters of small white flowers ar ranged in panicles, the flower being followed by a red fruit about an inch long furnished with four longitudinal wings. The plant is abundant on the plains around Kuala Lumpur, in Se langor. The properties of the combretaceoo, | the natural order to which it belongs, | are very little known. Some are used | in malarial fevers, two are known to possess vermifuge properties, and one ia used for poisoning bats. A few preliminary tests applied in the reséarch laboratory of the Phat maceutical Society of Great Britain to the small quantity of the leaves av ail able indicate only the presence of an astringent principle and a coloring matter, but do not afford a definite proof of the presence of any alkaloid or glucoside, although the leaves ap- pear to contain some substance as yot unknown to chemists. About four piculs (oné picul-133 1-3 pounds) have been imported into Sandakan this vear, and the price is about $4.54 Un- ited States currency. ee House Tipping. Mrs. Potter Palmer, while entertain ing the National Civie federation, in |gome people are obliged to rofuse to houses because "Wel, there is a story in this line York Water (Still or Sparkling) . Drink York Springs Water for its own sake and yours. The purest known water. V. holesome--Limpid-- Delicious, Order it from your dealer---six sizes, For surety of purity bottled at Jas. McParland, "Phone, 274, J. S. Henderson, 'Phone, 879. W. BR. McRae & Co., 'Phone, 287. Rigney & Hickey, 'Phone, 242. As' Hanway wae starting from the 'l country house of 'a duke, a string of servants waited to waylay him. | "And Henway put on t overcoat and gave the man a souverign. { Sw Your umbrdly, sir,' said another. | Hianway surrendered another souvercign. " 'Your bat, sir.' "Another sovereign. "Sir, your gloves.' "Why, friend," said may keep the gloves, worth a Sovereign.' " * an-- Hanway, 'you They are not Rub Away Pain. Instead of enduring rheumatism, neu ralgin or any other form of pain rh | Smith's White Liniment over the ach ine #pot w few minutes and the paw {will be gone. This venckes | and removes the cause also. | The best liniment for all injuries, for {any inflammation or congestion. Large | | hottles, 25¢,, at Wade's drug store, | | remedy The Case In Point. "When universal peace is finally es [tablighed," said Alfred H. Love, the president of the universal peace union, | lin an interview in Philadelphia, "then who now ridicules' the to have many a man peace movement will claim been ita lifelong champion "It is always so. We thump and | kick a poor, weak, struggling move | ment at its inception, and when it | has succeedod and | {our help we give it the tous support. "There was once a young lady | whose betrothed, a very poor young { man, was about to set out for South | America, to seek his fortune in the rubber trade "As he took leave of her the night before his departure he said tremu lously ©" 'And you swear to be true to me, Irene 7° "Yes, Heber," cried the girl; 'yes iy" no longer: needs most solici if you're sucoessfu SIN AGAINST HEALTH Why the Usefullness of All Organs is Destroyed By Costiveness. | Most important to health and com- | | fort is praper action of the bowels | By ngture these organs are intended | | for the removal of the waste particles | of matter which accumulate ire the sys- | tem | Retain these wastes and youn poison the blood, ruin digestion, bring on nervousness and anaemia. { Habitual costiveness is best over: | come by Dr. Hamilton's Pills, which | establish regularity that is oxacthy consistent with nature | Not a drastic purgative--not even a| pmin or sensation of grip, because Dr. | Hamilton's Pills are vegetable and free | from irritating mineral substances | found in so many widely advertised | | remedies In every case Dr. Hamilton's Pills do| cure and bring sure relief from head- ache, bilioudness and other manifesta- | | tions of constipation James McConnell, of = Walkerton writes : "Since I was comparatively a | young man I have not enjoyed real | good health. { kept up, yet I know something was | wrong. "Frequently I took bilious attacks | and violent headaches, My stomach | was disordered; skin was murky, un- der my eyes were heavy dark rings. "Last winter I read through the Polson's Almanae and decided me trouble was constipation. I used Dr. | Hamilton's Pills, and can hardly tell] { the help they have been. T am now as! fresh, strong and well as a boy." Just try the wonderful magic of Dr | Hamilton's Pills. 'Sold by all dealers i 26¢. per box. or fivé hoxes for $1. By| | mail from N. C. Polson & Co., Hart-| | ford, Conn., U.S.A, or Kingston, Ont. (Gas Stoves & Ranges We carry in stock a nice assortment of the Chicago "Jewel" Gas Stoves, which are acknowledged the best stoves manufactur- ed. Examine them before purchasing else- where. All orders for disconnecting Gas Meters promptly attended to. ELLIOTT BROS. 77 Princess Street. Our July Sale is Booming China Cabinet $65.00 for 55.00, $45.00 for 35.00, $12 for 8.50. Tables and Buffets to match in price and style. Parlor Sett, 3-piece, $125.00 for 100.00, $85.00 sett for 65.00, $75 Sett for $60.00, $65 sett for 50.00. : ean Jl I "My appetite was good and strength ROBT. oJ RE ID, i rtcne 377. The Heater { CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO'Y ESTABLISHED (1847) HEAD OFFICE TORONTO, ONT, Kingston Office, 18 Market Street, 3 Assurance in force (OVer) « « = «= = = = = « = = = $115,000,000.00 Assets (OVer) = = = = = = « = = = = "emma. Cash Dividends paid Policyholders in 1905-8 (over) - The first "LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANYS made\by Canadian Canadian . People. For information how a Policy will, Bape for you will be choortuily piven at. 34 0, HUTTON, ° J Un ART, JAMES THOMSOM ' ' ob . 4 Managers : 1000,000.00 1,420,000.00 People Foe