AD BREATH * I had reat ble stom, actually as green as , my breath havin, i odor. 0 weeks ago a friend recommended arets and after using them I ean willingly an rfully say hat they ive 8 me. efore les you Ro uss 1 shall mend one sufferin TO " A Halpern, HE fin Sta, New Y. GANDY CATMARTIC ek on Haken of Gina: Ie, te. e. EE Re a to Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 508 NUAL SALE, TEN MILLION BOXES Notice. lers for Furs and Fur-Lined ats. Most people are anxious IT, STYLE and QUALITY n order to have this you must ve the cloth shell made to or- r. They don't cost you any re than ready made shells, or 'ments. We also guarantee you iter CLOTH, W. F. GOURDIER EXCLUSIVE FURRIER }, 78 and 80 Brock St. 'Phone 700. Optical Work Carefully and promptly ex- ecuted new style, mounts and speciallyl shaped lenses made to order. Repairs of all kings. Fyes ISxamined amd Glasses Fitted, SMITH BROS Jewelers and Opticians Issuers of Marriage Summer Goods ! Are going out rapidly at is store. The low prices 'all lines is the principal ctor in the wonderful siness being done. All Muslins at ices. All Ginghams at reduced ices. All Whitewear at redu- prices. All White Waists at re- iced prices. All Summer Hosiery at duced prices, ete. reduced We wish to draw your tention to the fact that e have the best values in city in leached Sheetings bleached Sheeting, llow Cottons, ble Linens and Towels A look will be all that is cessary to convince you the truthfulness of this atement. -- EWMAN & SHAW THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7th, An Absolute Cure for Rheumatism ger of ; TH Fakin 'or bowels are un- hy, they.won't throw off enough urea. This urea is changed into uric acid-- carried by the blood to the nerves--and causes Rbeu- Froif-a-tives surely cure Rheumatism and Sciatica because they act directly on bowels, kidneys and skin-- and so strengthen and invig- orate these organs that there is no urea and uric acid retained in the system to jrritate the nerves and bring - Rheumatism, Sciatica and Neuralgia. ' «'Fruit-a-tives" are intensified fruit juices with tonics and intestinal antiseptics added. 50c. hox--6 for $2.50. | the children. R. E. Hicks, of Perth, WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- Occurrences fan Whe City And Vicinity--Other Brief Items of Interest Easily Read And Sri, % "Maberly Jottings. Malterly, Aug. 6.--A Sunday school picnic will be * held this afternoon for 2 will take the service in St. Albun's church 'on Sunday, in the absence of Rev, Mr. Clark, Mrs. John Morrow and Master Erdest Walroth have gone to Bedford 'to visit friends. 8 Lavra ~ McGregor spent a few days with Miss Annie Buchamman l§st| week. Brewer's Mills Notes. Brewer's, Mills, Aug. 6--Mrs. J.| Rochefort left last week for a visit! with her daughter in Rochester. Miss | M. Berrigan, Kingstcn, is spending her holidays _at her home. Sister Elizabeth, House of Providence, Peter- NEWS, OF NEGHBORS 2 4, Mrs. John Shechan; P. Walsh, | at of. Murphy's; Miss Stasia Barrett! spent. Sunday at home; Steve Hickey, Bugridge, and his little daughter, Mary, at James Connors'; Misses Min- pie and Rose Young, at P. Connors'; John Murphy, at Glendower; M. Con- nors, Glendower, at T. Young's. ------ Seeley's Bay News. Seeley's Buy, Ang. 6.---Work on the Crown Bank" building is i ressing rapidly. Mr. and Mrs. H. Putnam, of Hanna, North Dakota, are visiting friends and 'rehewing old acquaintenc- o«,. The 'early closing of the stores has fallen through aiter a month's trial. H. Putnam occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church last Sunday even- ing and gave an excellent discourse which 'was well received by the large congregation present. The Methodist Sungey schopl will hold a picnic on Poplar 'Point op August 7th. Mr. and Mrs. E. 'Rohescn, of 'Elgin, visited fricids here last Sunday. Mr. and Mis. J. "Robinson, Cleveland, are spending a few days friends. Mr. and Mrs. M. Bracken have returned home after a few days' capping on Delta lake. Mrs. E. Polk and 'son, C. Polk, of New Boyne, vis- ited * friends; here and vicinity last Friday and Saturday. Farmers in this | borough, was last week called to the | bedside of - her father, John Dockrill, Sr., who is seriously ill. R. Milne and 1", McKenna, spent Sunday in Lans- downe. Mrs. J. Rogers, Cedar Valley, Suda lin % on (PRU LIVER TABLETS.) BSOLUTE Cenuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of Sfoee Fr 1 Sco FacSimile Wrapper Celow. SECURITY. | returned after spending a few days | with her parehts. | . Junetown Jottings. Junétown, Aug. 6.--Mrs. Bush and daughter, , Mrs. McCormack, Brock- ville: 'were recent 'guests 'of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Summers. Mrs. Griffin and Mrs. Meggs. were guests of Mr. and } Jacob Herbison, last week, Col. Mrs Matheson, Edinburgh,' Scotland, has been through confirming the locations upon which = the British government intend to + high towers. Mrs. Verma W Lansdowne, is the 1, ¢ Fdng Summers. A little rived ut the home of Mr, LC. Turner. Master Tay- {lor Franklin entertained a nuinher of {his little friends on Monday afternoon | last. {guest of } Fire At Lansdowne. Lansdowne, Afig. 6: About eleven o'clock, last night, the store owned {by H. 8S. Merrill, and occupied by S. [ DeWolfe, milliner; A. W. Latimer, genc- i#al merchant, and' F. Latour, shoe Imaker, 'was distovered to be on fire. { Fanned by a heavy south-west wind, {the fire made rapid progress, but by {hard work was confiped to the ome {building, although burning shingles Very dmall and as easy to 1ako Qs sugar, FOR READACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION, SUSE 310K HEADACHE. , gent OF PoisouOUN, Severe hail: storms are from different sections of PAEN AND WOMER, Use Big Gi for unnatursd discharges inflaminations trritations or ulcoratioms Diucous membranes and not datrin | reported Manitoba, thousands of acres of 'grain being de stroyed. Mr. Latour's goods were removed, but {the rest was a complete loss. Latimer (has. $1,500 insurance which will not hedrly cover his loss. The fire ie "be- section, though its 'origin is a tery, The lack of fire fightidgy apparatus wofully was [will be token towards providing some {fire protection. gt Sangster 'Statements. Sangster, Aug. 6.--Haying is the or- Many are through light this year attended the pi | der of the day. the crop being yery number of resident to. Ste. owah, visiting grimage | Mrs. her 3 ha wturned to her home, or sent in plain wrapper r 3 ty " y by. exprore, rit an 1 Sh Y ., Miss Maggie Murphy, afte €).00. or 3 battles 82.75. spending a few days with Chranly; Wt an rennet Joh ents, has returned to Kingston. Shiphan purchased a from Whitmarsh Bros., Westport. Vi itors : Mrs. I). Magnet and Miss Kat | Murphy, Kingston, at W. I Janna Hickey, Watertown, at her si wera flying in all directions. Most of | vg | A Lad Had His Hand Imjured-- | was due entirely to personal, not poli- lieved to have started in the millinery | mys- even the simplest apparent. Perhaps now same action | jeive line, that he had picked : boys before the holidays, i the endl of his thumb and fare linger off. {The doctor had to awiputate the dis- | ] father, dj, Aumes Young, for the past week, has!from New York, in Syracuse, | the past few months, to dispose of his | a former lord etewnrd.' He 8 n to | man, and in his college days beeame | Cussic Chadwick. Mrs. | famons for since her par-{New York, when Ryan's; Miss his grandmother, Mrs! M here visiting | TWAS ROTI ry CONDENSED ADVERTISING Cam 2 Was Insist- ent However, and' Caried His Point. 3 4 : ia which, while not very important in it- self, was arded as of considerabe moment by both his majesty and the liberal premier, For some time past 'changes in the royal hot had been impending, and there was a good deal of gossip as to reasons: why the a Ri. © rst insertion 1 ord, Each London, Aug. 7--King Edward apd] ° ive Ihsertion perenitr ld cond Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman have os word. : Shige for hg in: been 'at odds recently (over: "a" matter | pmateruok 87 YpUNg MAN TO TAKE CHARGE OF RATES uggage Tranghor. To solicit amd de ver. ust know the city Lg al ly. Address Box 39," Whig o Ed ment of she mew appointments, which were made onl is week, were s0 long delayed. It was generally sup- that the reason . for the delay was the difficulty in-finding a liberal peer for the post ol lord steward of the household, this appointment being a palitical one and always going: to a nobleman attached to the party which happens to he in power. That. however, was not the stiimb- SPRING SUITS TO MAKE, GENTLH. a» price' and' finish guar ® 09 Felon a rock ghee : ARCHITECTS. MAN TO DO GENERAL WORK AND ee ---------------- usd gardener. Steady employment. TE J . 2 A t Waddington's, Butcher, | ARTHUR ¥ C OP Apply ot, Medington'sy Butoh, | ARTHUR RR 0 Facet tives: "The Maples.'s VATE EDIT | mem peatemeesetittememseemiet JENRY PB. men, bri own Cloth and cheap ude uit made. Evie Ba an: anteed HQUR POLICIES 00 ! MORB OF bi Er RE ---------------------- mov fhe Safiied Tuully on sis; Anchor, Building, Market Square. Wellington streets, 'Phone, 318. FORE, § Sol SECT, SR lo for all CEDAR SI ] ) «A fe Tock THE BUSINE of Johnson conduc b; side of soft drinks, - vicinity have about finished haying | ling block.' Sir Henry Camphell-Ban- NEWLANDS, A oF erm and 'report having a little over half a | erman - had 'his, candidate selected HELP WANTED-FEMALE, "ey eco floor goer Wiktod preg he Ne BY Tf crop. long ago, but it 86 happened that the Nowe store, r Princess, aod Street 176 Clergy street. king also hed a gandidate, and, as|GIRL TO DO GENERAL JIOUSE: "Phont B08, so SSE om Budget From Atkinson. hib majesty 's-shoioe did not happen to work. Apply at 18 Rideau St. rr HOUSE IN VAUGHN TERRACE, 00 Atkinson, Aug. 6.--The farmers have be a berg! peer, there was a clash. " VETERIVARY othe ; y ". abou comple hie ak 0 th hy | Rn Bug Saullo, to | A QP IEE CHAE AGH : CEG ar STi av and are well pleased with @ - | Dir Henry -Bannerman. he pone y ston Laundry, CRT S, RE 1 / ne le matir with Vint | King: sais ho would Joave the post va. | 0: THORS 0 PERE OO Rh Si BAAR, SW i hg Re tors, as many are spending their vaen- | cant, and thei premier would not Sum, just above the Fost Office. pdt 4 tion here. The Misses Schoales' have | budge an inch from his uncompromis- | A PASTRY COOK, AT ONCE, WAGES aptly a en telegrabh | CHEYRRAL TREBRODM HOUSES, returned to Kingston, after visiting at | 108 attitude. 15s Pe onthe 2 Siming Foon wn 33.50 bins moni in advance: | Miss A. Dillons. Miss G. Maitland| The king wanted! to appoint lord upg ld Rl Le ECE ira" wader. F "to 0.) well, | has returned 'from Tiehbarae. Miss A. Farquhar to dhe Post. "G-B " ROA | ecmmmem-- MEDICAL, 3 Rogan, strost: : Ryder is the guest at the home of J.|no ion, 'whatever, personally, to . : * | Ryder is the guest at the home of J | no, SbCl HALL, Mppomiment, [ANE LADY CAN EARN TWO DOL; DE MeCANENY, SULLY ormer" Mom HO ono nt 4080 et ing a fow 'days outing on the River | he said, was a political one, and a firm will pay that. debnito. salar. trea! and g month. Foi 1st t Apply St. Lawrence. Miss KE. Johnston has Datitical ane it should remain. Mr. " tag detote fib % Plossan - " 'Wm. Allen, . returned 'home, after vigiting in, Kings- | Gladstone d to hold out or ng on ladies. Mra. % ton. Mrs, ral cy daughter, | against Queen Vigteria in a somewhat eon, Delivery k.. Hrantford, : On i EDUCATIONAL. BRICK DWELLING, NO. t_PIVISION Tawella, are visiting the former's moth- similar matter, and it was even more pro ing room and ki s water er, Mrs;, H. Gillgspie. P. Shortell| difficult' to disregard the wishes of a My Th INTERNATIONAL CORRESPOND hating ; Ammadiote el an spent Sunday in Kingston. Mr. Lang- | woman: The party in power has al- WANTED--GENERAL, 1 ence Hehotis. seranton, pa. local BY are Fruder ford is 'thd gurst at the home of Jamed ways jealousy gunrded its preroga- Serres mamta ------------------------ office, § 5 rock Sat ay a 3 or At'dnson. Miss M. Mc€orntick, ao: | tives in the metter of court profer- ¥NALL HOUSE, OR NG a THREE wv. J. K. Usrroll, tepresentative. YOST. companied: by her cousin, Miss N. Hall, | ment, and "€.-B."" did not mean to a Toe " ht Bouse v . os - - of Brockville, left, Thursday, for an|create a precedent which might be ig. APPIY. 59 John Sap, MARRIAGE LICENSES. ONE GLASS AND THE BRIDGE OF A extensive vikit in Albany," New York dengerovs under Gs Jacl less care TO-MORROW, C1 SOMERS ror IRERNTRIOK Tesuln_ OF in The ss Yes ®, and other American points. G. Pot-| ful of his constitutional role than the frewh Pork, Tenderloins, Ribs and | 0, 8. [ > A : 4 h tor ie the guest of A. MeCormick. Mr. | present king. K ifvays. Andrew Maclean, Ontario Marriage Ldosnqos, 4a)" Sinemaen 3 ard for Hs reurn to 96 Division Campbell, who met with an accident, | Tn 'the end the premier won the day, L - " . \i.~ : afew days ago, by having bis team his injuries. © T. been ill for the past few weeks, is abl td be around again. i away, is improving rapidly from '. Gillespie, who has n | and [this week . Lord Beauchamp was gazetted a lord steward of the house hold, Ta King Edward's eredit itmust he said ' that whatever political pre- ferences he may have as between lib e ee e-- TRYING EXPERIMENTS. | Personal Paragraphs. |* Napanee, Aug. 7.--FEdwin Giroux {oldest son of A. Giroux, night opra tor at the G.T.R. station, met with quite an accident on Monday evening "The boy, trying some experiments in the elec { uj * {from older and the stall exploded, blowing abled 'members at the joints. J. 4 W. Johnston, Turgnto, spent Al fow dpys this week with his family i D. McRossie and daughter, [consoted hy his Anne de Beaupre. | afiss Bessie, are spending a few woeks |extra lord in-waiting "to "hig whjesty. ways. while The new lord steward of the house- | sc sid, Lord Beauchamp, 'is 'the son of las much skill, daring awd linesse young | the financial A. town. 'town: Mr. McRossie fame ove He will return this i done. n{McRossié, who has been there T {household effects. valuable horse {last fill, is in quite poar health. dk a $ Frederick Perry, Philadelphia, ie| rived Monday to sped a mopth wit sgn street, 'Miss Richmond, Torontc { visiting Miss THE SEEESE446684684044 AUG. LITITIII ATT] 1 Goods. some price. \ -- : SELLLL082044644000400¢ eases sttttesstttetttes FINAL GRAS w-- WILL COME ~--" THURSDAY MORNING. ------r This is no mistaken sound. Owing forced to make a Greater Sacrafice' in' order to make a speedy clearance of the balance of our stock We have gone through the whole stock, and made greater reductions in prices than we have since opening this - Genuine Clearing Sale, and those who have not had their the bargains already will find it to their advantage to Come to This Sale on Thursday Morning and Following Days. As the sale will continue until PRICE-Will sell anything and this stock m The whole stock is open for sale at bh rate o and 'also a lease of the store CAN BE EARANERE. 8TH. to ill health I am of Staple and Fancy Dry share of the whole stock is disposed ust be sold at - 4 n the dollar, Be w g | home, Monday. Miss Ida Farle Miss Pearl Grieve left Monda Mrs. Charley Wen Miss | days. to visit her sister, sley, Campbellford. (' Beirne, Stratford, is visiting frien in town. Miss Lizzie yesterday, for Manitoba,' where she Asselstine; Roblin, lef {engaged in teaching. school. Miss KE. Henry is spending a few days i {M | Perth and Lanark. 'Mri. J: Rud Perry | in white silk batjste, thas sold her home on John stroct t [Joseph Johnston, Bath, for $4,000. A son and heir arrived at the home | ley. Tuesday. Charles W., Miller, New |Brouard, Inverness, Que, wore cream York, arrived in town last weok and | dresses, and carried pink ¥bkes, and js spending his holidays with Mrs. {white sweet peas. The pages, Masters | Miller and his sisters, at Bogart's, on the bay. -- gmat "1 SUPPORT 'J.P.' | Whitney's Brother in All Else An i > | | | i Independent. | Toronto News. { There are three brothers in » {Whitney family. All figures 'in {sents a different {faith. ° pha se of { Hon. J.P. Whitney, prime minister, | noxville. - After the ceremony a récep- {of Ontario, is a conservative, tion was bold at parsonage. The | Alfred Whitney is a pronounced libe- { Rov. and" Mrs. G t+ have left for [ral and ex-president of the Liberal | Clayton, N.Y., via' Sherbrooke and | Association. Montreal. The bride's araway | _E. C. Whitney declares to The | dress was geay tweed with Bllover lace {News that he is an independent, heres | waist and white hat. Af spending now | a couple of weeks in New opk state, | itofore "with liberal leanings, "supporting J. P." The latter, one of the Queen's. remarked : "I would not do not believe in any policy of kind: 1 conditions such policy at put it into force against. our neighbc prevent it beeause the believe in the freest possib) of trade. {palicy that country has {against us." "You do main principles of the party, then 2" observed The News. "No. I do not, servative. tieal matters, and I just favor oppose what appeals Ament." a -- Governor Olean, of North Carolin as received word from the authoriti of the Louisville and Nashville ra Lyoad that the road woukl put into ef- with a younger brother, was where he has spent eGain, Thom: | Mane Hawley, returned left | yesterday for Belleville to spend a few Gladys i Que. Mr, and, Mrs. Charles D. Black; on the are prominent blie life, and each repre. political the big lumber- men of the province, is registered at Speaking to The News on the ques tion of the exporting of pulpwood, he HT believed in all, T would certainly {to the south on account of the tariff maintained | not adhire to ome of the | conservative for I am not a con- I support "J. P." but I am an independent in my views om poli- | amounting to $7, and the man, George cand | Morris, was fined $25 and costs, to my own judg- $ » oral and conservatives, he never al- [lows them to appear, and his espous- | al of Lord . Farquhar. in this instance | tien] reasons. . | "Gossips say that, although his ma- | iesty gave way with good grace even- , | tually, he does not feel very kindly . | isresed toward....tha preuier, who thwarted him, and it is noted that the audience whith, following the usu- , | al eustom "C.-B." had with his ma- |iesty. before = the ' latter's departure } from town: for - Goodwood, lasted berely haM gn hone" Lord Farquhar Belongs to the great n'ing family, and ix a member of a [the Marlborongh and Turf elubs, which {the arrest, and from documents oriten, We has been {papers found on her, it would appear Miss Strang- | 0 re being found in a gravel pit Chigngo, Milwaukee Paul Railroad company is ob- n | cre the king's fav appointment as an 2 | he Yeading ta rag' as outburst of university rowdyism enlled, because the authorities Christ Church, migsion to the undergraduates to to the Duke of Marlhorough's coming of-age bah at Blenheim, re ped, Gafratt-Howard. ir of r- h ), yi A pretty marriage was : solemnized 1- in the Methodist church, Marbleton, when Rev. Rufus Garratt, Wel 1s | lington, Ont., and Miss Elthea Annie | (Dolly) Howard, daughter of the Rev t, | E. 8. Howard, Marbleton, Que., wer | married, Mrs. H. E. Frye, of Sher- | brooke, sister. of the bridg, presiding | at the organ. The bride was gowned t With long veil, o | caught up with bridal roges, and ear- | ried white. roses aud lilies of the val- The bridesmaids, Miss. H. Allen, and' Mise - Bessic is {of West Lake, Ont., Howard Frye and Howard Lahue, nephews of the bride, were ip white, The flower girls, Miss Vera Frye, niece of the bride, was in whith, and car ried a basket of white flowers, and lit tle Miss Lahue, niece of the brid wore pink silk muslin, with allove; white Tace, and carried White flowers. The bridegroom was supported by his brother, Ralph Garraft, Jeaving is daughter, at the altar, the Rev, F. E. Howard performed this 'geremony, assisted bv Rev. CS. "Deanose, Sher- brooke, and Re: Mr. Sanderson; Len- they will redide in Wellington, Ont. ep en Magnate's Dalighter To Wed. New York, Aug. 7.--E. BH. Harri- man's daughter, Miss Mary Harriman, is engaged to William 'Staaight, the American _consul-genosal sake, Kukden, Manchuria, according to eable de spatches. The reported match ik an- other romance growing' abo of Mrs. Nicholas a to fans trip around the world, : I rt le wn 4 | Rocking A Row Boat. Chicago, Aug. 7.--~A man and a.wo- | man acdused; of rocking arow-hoat, in { which they were rowing in Washington | Park, on Sunday, paid for their fun | vesterday. © The. woman, Mrs, Annie Finn, was fiped the = court costs, Officers of the. Canadi assenger {boat Huronic, which pra 7 Buper- a, | tor, Wis., from Port Arthur, Ont... sav es | the reported "4 Wwnsion wi Isle Royal il-| by Capt. Young, or Pert fit r, i* a | canard 1deet the two-and-thmesmarter cent on] In Victoria, B.C, it is, report d that August Sth. This is the last road to | Justice Martine is to he dinugach Lin surrender to the state laws, order to remoye him from bench, \ CAREER OF FAAID fn ; ADVENTURESS GATHERED | an | Oxford, srefased per- | smooth speaking, go | . luristocrats of note, in both American {pletely and | quaintance. {her arrival here some two weeks ago. tralia; His Grace the Due Di of no stated address; Lady no address; Lady Victoria and Miss Alice Lambton, he New Yorkers, of IN BY POLICE, y | co ¢ the following: She Confessed Her Identity and| Admitted Passing --Worthless | Cheques on Various U. Hotel Men. Toronto, Aug. 6.--Etta Strangways, the English adventarcss, wanted in New York om a charge of grand lar- ceny and also in Monirpal, where sho is Peres kpown as Mrs. Eva Fox- Blrangwiys, was nrerested in this city, Subday. From confessions mide flat 1 and ------ Mrs. Ward, Washington street, Newark, Schley, 77 Madison avenue MacKay, 511 Fifth avenue; Mrs. J. Parker Whitney, Railroad. : SiBux Falls, - S.D., Aug. that the operations of not on ns oxtensive a heen conducted with fully na schemes of the fuunous { from which the | nel St. | taining scale, have ballast . for its New York: hotels, modistes and trades-people generally, were floeced to the extent of nearly %20,000 by the English woman, so- highest standing, The gravel pit is situated « etn end of the tance from the Mi neightsorhood of ciety people of the fifty Australin, were taken im com- seamed proud of her ac and surface, satchel f f calling cards, som 3 Ths A satchel full of ca gg curds, some a standing or sitling | {hearing very well-known names, was ) ) , s skel e | found among her belongings. . | majority of She iain ar She has admitted her identity and | peop oh 2 A iy xa . I | waiving extradition proceedings will | the OF inary gr sverage go back to New York, with an officer | who is now on his way for her, Tho Toronto police received word ¢ |" One skeleton, however, is ol | man who in life 1 | oven fost in height. | imity to the skeleton of were found impl Sineo that time they have worked in 1 2 i « 0 ense oting « . y ) soamuly niahy oa ping rsdn | bone, these beng found in each of the {which the police do not care to di- | graves near that of the Jon, w ile vulge, she was; traded to a boarding in anether grave Was ingore ret ° house in the city, the location of | COPPSF idol about eight inches iv which is withheld. It was learned | length, that she had been at the house for over two weeks, going under the name of Miss Margaret Sinclair. The arrest was made by Detectives | MaoKio and Tipton, at 12:30, Sup- av afternoon. The two officers went uietly about the business and did not {grice. Mrs, Munuel Storms How the other occupants of the house ||), vid Snider are out agnin py inkling as to what their business | illness. Dr. [was They were shown into the | room of "Miss Sinclair," by the lady [of the house. [ The woman first denied the charge [eaqmpletely. She maintained that her name was Sinclair, but when pressed {for further details as to her home oo- |cupstion and business in Toronto she | soon weakened and finally gave [ent afternoons last week. {confessing her identity. Her arrest | Martin, Holldord, has retu [was then elected quictly and she Was uiter spending about three taken to Inspector Duncan's {whee she gave details of her life and | Mrs. Elgim Parrott, {previous history. | parents], | Among other matters, she' admitted | Walton Davey, Wilton, having got away from the other side! Amey's one day last week. after settling hotel bills by worthless | Violet, ' cheques for the following amounts :| Roy 'Storms. Maple Avenue, Aug. 6. {of this place | potatoes and taking | last week visiting at his Walter Snider. der, Switzerville, spent {day at H. Cambridge's. land Vera Burgess, In | young ladies of Mr. a hotel, New York, $75; Belvidere ho-| evening. Miss Lulu O'Neil tel, Philadelphia, £76; in the form ol alpt Nolson 'Neills. Mr. cheque on the Bank of England; Glad- | Ross Paul, Bath, at Dame stone Apartments, Manhattan hotel, years ago, $2.10. Tt is estimated that | on her total indebtedness in New York | Ross for hotel bills, trades bills, ete., is in the neighborhood of £1,780. Other statements made by the pris- oner were to «the effect that her visit to Toronto was for the purpose of "lyipg low." = She had intended to stay here for a short time only. Previous to ker greival hive whe was very low in funds. This was evi- Br denced in. letters which were written pared; for the United Sta t her at, about that period and, which | Ment -. © agriculture that the police have secured. p+ |werth of Penppts contain Miss Strangweys had during the twice the protein and six COUrse of ber career made namerous acqupintances among the "plite" of New York four hundred. Calling cards Philadelphia, $50; | Sunday; also Mr. Now ] Sunday. erie at A. Burgess'; Snidet's, terhouyse - steak. Joft their cards © wit this versatile w burg, Eridey, & aan: Meals ¥ Bey ik and Lady MeEachm, of Gotham, ley Park Row Road, Melbourne, note whose ards appear in the collection inolude lister and Miss Ward MoAllister, of 603 Madison avenue; Miss Lyons, 132 8. | fithel Gaston, 245 Sixth street; "n , John W, | the qul is the i tn fot mligion i" A. Gould, 152 Madison avenue, FIFTY HUMAN SKELETONS. Found in Pit on South Dakota through western South Dakota r the Missouri river to the Black Hills. extension, town of Tacoma, and but a short dis- ssouri river, In the human skele- tons have thus lar been unearthed. Most of them were found at a depth of from four to eight feet beneath the and all were buried in either posure. much helow { present North American Indians. must have been fully In close prox: ements of copper and ------------ Maple Avenue Movements. The farmers are very busy digging them to ston, where they are getting a Snider, wife and ter, Syracuse, N.Y., spent a few days Mz. and Mrs. Misses Lulu Miss Efia and Myrtle Snider gave parties to the . this street on diffor- office, [guest of her friend, Miss Leita Frink. Odessa, is at her Mr. and Mrs. Burgess. at is spending a week visiting K Mrs, Park Avenue hotel, New York, $60;|Snider gave an ice cream party to a Holland hotel, New York, 8250; Savoy | number of their friemls last Thurslay ] and Mrs. Enoch York, threo Snider at his father's, David Snider, Frederick Young MN ory, Sydenham, Frink's, Just Sunday; also Philip Rob- Roy Storms, at Benson. Snider's; Ross Parks at Alva Peanuts Forever, Berkeley, €al., Aug. 7.--Piolessor F. a E. Jafin, says in a bulletin just pre: amount of energy contained in a por: BL ---------------------------- wt Spend The Day On The Water. found among her possessions prove this. By taking the America's trip to Among the titled persons who have | Gananonue, +Prockyille and Ogdens- Stud- Aus: Algona, Williams, Lambton The Splendor Of What is better than » th ¥ What Jigion is better than t which G. McAl- | makes the soul strong ? Insofar as religion tends to make one weak and and Miss Miss Benjamin and 7.~8kele- extension from the east- near the om The those of sight of the that of a this giant King- good and Mrs. after their daugh- brother's, st Wexlnes- Lucas, Miss Ada rned home woeks, the Mrs. Damon My. Sager, Alya is vigiting and Mrs. ym Amey's, and at W, tes depart- ten cents more than times the, submissive artifical ive i Rode Sm k n rel n ever mak rong. test of reality. Strength of mot, ipndid d contri it, does i real. 1 ol Addgcss, Mr, Casson for free litera: ture. IN ALL WALKS OF LIFE. Herpicide is Used to Cure Dan- druff. . E. H., Lyon, New York, N.Y, says : "1 up very fond ot Norplaids and en- io, ng it. It is ing," Be. J. H. Bush, Tollo, Ohio, writes 1 "Newbro's Herpicide has given better satisfaction than anything 1 have ever used." Mre. Borkey, of Herpidide : "It cleaned my head of dandrufi and stopped my bair from falling out. It is the best remedy for dundrull ever used," and { have us a great many." R. 8. Coleman, Anu Arbar, Mich., sa of Chadron, Neb., says ye: "I have used two bottles of Herpi- cide and derived bepefit therefrom.' Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. in Stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detrojt, Mich. Two sizes, D0c. and 81. G. W. Mahood, special agent, Rn Maypole Soap will make ; a SEALED - TESDERS ADDRESSED 10 the , and end "Pen der for alters and additions to Royal Opser , Ottawa, Ont. " will receivid ut th until day, August 21st, 1907, inclusively, for Buildings for Coelostat House oud Standardizing Steel at the Royal Opservatory, Ottawa, R Plans and specification can be seen and forms of r obtained at this Depart- omy ent. Persons tendering are notified that ten. ders will not be Considered unless mode on the printed form supplied and signed with their actual signatures. ach tender must be accompunied by an' scoepted onl a chartered bank, made payable to ourgble the i isl to ten per cent (10 p.c.) of the t of tender which will be for- tenderi authority from the on bos, | ee ie he Sh me Be. in wont eal nel feitad 3 ng ao to ow ed to » Ho so, or oe fall io "ihe tract I. tender acoapt the will be te does not itself to accept the Wout or any he Y FRED GBLINAS, N Department of Public Works, Ottawa, Al "5, 1907. Newspapers will be paid for this = advertisment # they insert it Without THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT REV. C. W. casson, OTTAWA. » a iF @