for it. 'The blund of education, 'is the minist Whig has asserted several times, and] See assortmen! 4 our iy t, quality : Corbett's. ~ Alteratio Sale. cal capital out of it. It is: true, however, that the situa- tion is not quite so bad as that which the conservative paper has pictured. The students in attendance at the School of Education (which is to be the better name), will not report until October, with the usual opening of the college session, and in the meantime observation will have taken place and arrangement made for the practical work which will take place in the high and public schools. In the mean- stock, Seine how if Education will Hats, Caps, Boots, x , ete, have increased his functions, under the existing agree- ment between the Board of Education and the ittee from Queen's Uni: versity. What that report will be no one can divine. The dean is disposed to act with deliberation, and he will in all probability be helped in his judgment by tho observation and ad- vice of 'a high school inspector. Zacks, Cal! Ca! made, it seems, as possible under the circumstances. In order to emsure a definite programme with the opening of the schools, in September, it would have been necessary © to know what was wanted .before the vacation com- menced. The dean of the School of Education, and his associates were not then appointed. These have since been busy men. Nowis the time to : put in ~ Your Coal Supply THE RUMPUS AT ST. ROCH. Tho attack on Mr. Bourassa, at St. Roch, in East Quebec, the division which Sir Wilfrid Laurier repredents in the federal house, is sincerely re- gretted. Canada, like the mother country, glories in freo speech. It is l| the wrivilege of everyone. Any man | 'o li | should be able to speak out his mind, {and he should be accorded a rospect- fli hearing. It does not follow that | oh Hw ; while the price is low. what a man says will receive the en- | dorsement of the people. If he talks sensibly and well, however, he is en- titled to a hearine. and that hearing will have its effects upon the indivi- dual according to the merits of the discourse, Mr. Bourassa was in a way auda- cious in undertaking to carry his campaign into the premier's consti- tuency, so soon after Sir Wilfrid had been there, and for the purpose of gratifying his vanity--only that and nothing more. He went into the neighboring riding during a split of the party and he cast his influence on the side of the winning candidate. That oir- cumstance had the effect of inflating his ambition, and the 'incursion into East Quebec, was the fool venture which followed. The visit at a later date, and apart from the all-too-evident de sire to offer reproach to the premier, would have been in order, and the mwmber for Labelle would have been heard gladly, At the same time, notwithstanding the disagreeable incident, that attend- ed the meeting, it is a matter of 'reo- gret that Lavergme and Bourassa and all the rest of them were not permit- ted to conduct their political expedi- tion as they pleased. The result will be the impression that some liberals feared the truth, and in East Quebec, where the liberal purty is so strong, they could have been trusted to ex- haust themselves in oratory without a feeling of anxiety, ------ A TILT WITH MARCONI. The government will be commended in taking practical control of the wireless tolegraph business, or at least establishing ite own system on the British Columbia coast, and in decrecing that the system on the At- lantic shall not be monopolistic in its tendencies, It is w ypestion if the ireless system will over become real- ly ive for land service, and with- in short cirouits, unless there is some definite understanding between the companies and they can agree to op- erate with each other, For ocean service, however, and in the interest of navigation, it is a com- plete success. ' There has to be co- operation even here between the com- panies, or intercommunication "with- out regard to the particular system {of radio-telegraphy adopted by the stations," a8 directed by the confer- ence of nations at Berlin. Mr. Mar- coni, as head of the company having his name, does not agree to the sug: : Real Estate © Headquarters . Tt you want to buy or sell City Property, go to a man who makes a specialty of same. GEO. CLIFF, 95 Clarence St., Opposite Post Office 'Phone 325 < TIE TO IT "} that somehody has blundered with regard|),o. has the power of regulating the to the School of Pedagogy, in order-|yireless stations by license, and he ing that work in connection with itl}. o asked for this because in connec: shall begin with the fall form and be- (io; with three steamships on the fore full preparations have been made | pacific which have been fitted with the who must assume thelgoribe to the provision that he responsibility for all that is done in|.ychange, at his name and behalf. He should have | ith other stations, and the movern- known that he could, not establish alent takes the ground that it will now order of things in Toronto and py obeyed or there will be no license Kingston in such a hurry, and this the|jgued. ben suspected of religious emotions, indie by the iisime to thwart i. as he can. "The Canadian government has un- dertaken to deal with the situation heroically. .1t has men the necessity for perfect freedom of action, and has, #0 far as the Pacific coast: is concern- ed, installed its own system, and will receive through its stations messages froin any source in the interest of navigation. Mr. Marconi objects. He wanis a monopoly of the Canadian business, and under most undesirable conditions. He has recognized that the government, by But he will not sub- will his stations, telegrams id Mr. Marconi has no grievance without desiring to make any politi-|aoninet the government. He has fared well at ite hamis. He was liberally aided in the installation of his Atlan- tio stations, and he has not requited it, since his stations on the Atlantic coast were not opened as early as they should be, and even now he stands out for a lone service--for co- operation with no other one--which is not at all acceptable. The time for a good understanding is on. Better now. than later. Monopoly must be resist- od. EDITORIAL NOTES. The board of education will this evening--if its members gre will- ing to attend to. business, Taxes are generally held in con- tempt. Would they be paid by any one but for fear of the collector and his club ? n-- The inspector of schools in Peter boro has resigned to accept a posi- ayd in one of the mormal schools. Collier's is putting about $1,500 into postage weekly, in sending its Canadian subscribers No wonder there dian edition, is talk of a Cana- ---- The conservative papers have taken up the slogan, "Get on the voters' list." But get on it right. The Tren- ton trick cannot be repeated, now that it has been found out. Some people, are figuring on what will happen when coal fields ex- hausted all the way from 100 to 4,000 years hence. Why should we be doing the worrying which properly. belongs posterity ? The campaign literature which flood- { od Ontario some time ago, and from the party. press, needs revising, A lot |i of things have happened since the last session and the scandal mongers went into retirement. t Hamilton will get cheap street lighting presently. It has had the of- fer of electricity at $60 per lamp per year, continuous service, and gas lamps and gas at $31 per lamp per year, How does Kingston compare ? meet building .a culvert near his nington, Smith, $4.50, for gravel; J. | culvert, Monday in September, at 10 a.m. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8th, 190. Western Amenities. "British Columbia is a white man's province," exclaims R. G. Macpher- son, M.P. Then, why in thunder don't B. C. send that kind of men to Ot tawa,, instead of the dubs it does send 1 Fair Play In Quebec. Hamilton Herald. ; The voters of Quebec do not lack in- telligence, and they are not unlikely to reason that there must bo some- thing wr with a party whose re bas. Bt vn. Jl ie to pre vent, by violent means, public criti- cism of that rty by a man who still calls 3a Tiberal. Hard On Arthur. Montreal Herald. Arthur Lee, M.P., for South Hants, is not well, and is leaving parliament, to its own resources for a while. Mr. Loe ventuped the fiction, in 1903, that there would two elections in eighteen months, at the end of which time Mr. Chamberlain would be prime minister and Mr. Baliour in the House of Lords. He didn't know, but he's finding out. Increase Of Divorces. Montreal Gazette. . There were 14,692 divorees in France last year, or about eight times as many as in 1884, when the law was made casier for couples who wanted to 'break their marriage ties. Statis- tics from Germany also show an in- crease in actions for the nullification of marriages. The United States, about whose lax divorce laws so much is heard, is not alone in having cause of complaint against the eflect of mo- dern ideas on family ties. Here's The Climax. Belleville Ontario. The spirit of the spoils svstem deems to have eaten deep into the bones of the officinls 'of the Whitney govern: ment. When the officers took the con- victed counterfeiters from Lindsay to the Kingston penitentiaty, on arrival at the milway station, they could not find a conservative cab. In default of |finding a cabman of the orthodox | party complexion, the officers, with their nrisoners, walked a distance of threc miles to the penitentiary. The prisoners, at least, thought this was going, or, rather, walking, too far Boi that as much progress is being| io. with the education department, |in deference to the demands of party loyaltyn Township Of Kingston Council. Aug. b.--Members all present. Ben- son Coulter voted $69.50 for building their papers. |, bridge on 6th concession road, near |piped in black and Councillor Gordon to ex- |{rog Glenvale. amine a culvert complained of by Mr. Tolls, with power to act. Archibald Bruton voted 85 for repairing a cul vert in 4th concession. Councillor | 3 ¥ Gordon, to examine a job complained | 3 BURNED TO DEATH. W of by Messrs, Bell and Redden, with |g » power to act. Bylaw 460 passed-- [3 Portsmouth, Eng., Aug. ¥ object not stated in the minutes. Ben- M¥ 8~--Two stokers belonging ¥ son Coulter voted $5 extra for work # to the Torpedo boat de- ¥ on a culvert in division 37. Voted : ¥ stroyer Spitfire were burn- Mr. Curl, 815, for grading a hill in * ed beyond recognition, yes- the 4th concession; Charles Mooney, W terday, and four were ser- ¥ £22.50, for stone for road; Robert % iously injured by a blaze in BH Smith, $1.75, bonus for wire fenco; M. % the oil fuel, which broke ¥ Shannon, $1.50, for repairing a cul- |W ot in the Stoke Lole. * vert; Thomas Hawkey, $9, for re- > 9 a place; yeorge Perry, $3, for breaking stome; Thomas Hawkey, £10, for the support of James Fisher, for four months end- ng with March; Hiram Walker, $26.25, for job on town line; Hiram Walker, $21.15, grant for road; George Pillar, 810, for gravel, 5th concession; James Keys, $8, for repairinj a culvert on George Ben- Thomas Irwin, till second he Chickahomin 815, road; or 'gravel; $3. Adjourned = Elginburg Echoes. Elginburg, Aug. B.--A very success Until now the Spectator has but it is said to be "covering the dian." The rcading of Hamilton, any hence the Port Hope council will have a valuable experience to recite. --p------ When the girls in the pubiic schools of Kingston took lessons in domestic science at the Y.W.C.A., they scored as high in the entrance examinations as usual. That is an evidence that domestic science is not derogatory to the standing of any scholar. Christians Killed. Teheran, Persia, Aug. 8.--The latest advices from the frontier say that the Turkish troops, which recently crossed. the north-west frontier of Zertia, are marching on Trumiah, burning and devastating villages en route. The Christian village of Mewan is report- ed to have been shelled and ninety persons, including many women and children, are said to have been killed. Ten girls were carried off. A panic prevails at Trumiah. Only One "Bromo Quinine." That is Laxative Bromo. Quinine. Similarly pamed remedies sometimes deceive. The first and original Cold Tablet is a White Package with black and red lettering, and bears the signature of E. W. Grove, 25¢. Sent To Central Prison. Windsor, Ont., Aug. 8.--Paul Nelson {has been sentenced to two years, less one day, in the Central prison, in Toronto, for being connected with the robbery of James McClory, of March 25th last, Since that %ime Nelson has been in the United States, but was Sutighn a weck ago when he returned Te. They make one feel as though life {was worth living. Take one of Cart- erfs Little Liver Pills after eating; it | ful lawn social not | ver's last week. visiting her sister, Mrs. Dowsley, at recent revivals in| K was held at E. Sto- Mrs. Counter is Wilfrid Pidgeon is spend- Uncle Sam's do- Portsmouth. ing a few days in over its representation, | field invaded by the Christian Guar-|mains. Visitors the last week : Leslie | brethren have not been |Clogg, Toronto, at his father's; Mrs. Lake and Mrs. Cains and daughter, ingston, at Miss Ash's; Mr. and Mrs. Stinton, Marlbank, and Mrs. Bedore and son, Kingston, at Joshua C. Ewing's; Miss Watts, Sunbury, at Mrs. Moore's; Mr. and Mrs. Shannon and Mrs. J. McBride, Kingston, at M. Silver's; Mr. and Mrs. Tobin, King- ston, at F. Murphy's. At Kaladar Station. Kaladar Station, Aug. 7.--E. Rob inson spent Sunday and Monday with friends in Cloyne. W. Both, of North- brook, loaded a car of lumber here on Saturday. P. J. Morton spent' Sunday at the Algerian, the est Dempsey. Dr. Tindle, Flinton, was in town on Saturday. Miss Leta Morton spent last week in Arden, the guest of | Cans at G Miss Pearl Thompson. W. Young, of | Store. Tt kills them instantly. Cloyne, made a business trip to Tweed Monday last. peovle are passing through here season. Mrs. James Bathgate spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pickering. Campbell, Ottawa, was the guest of Miss Fleming last week. A Severe Loss. Hartington, Aug. 7.--This afternoon lightning again visited striking the barn of J. E. Freeman. entire building was a mass of flames. With the barn quantity of last year's hay, with all this season's crop of hay, as well as Pass of this year's grain, and a num- ber of hogs. The loss is heavy, com- is so very scarce. If is less than a month since ligitning struck Mr, Famsnall es barn on the adjoining arm, = : See All The Islands. will relieve dyspepsia, aid digestion, give tone and vigor to the system, day, 2,30 pa, Home eatly, Only 50c. pial SPAT OF THE PRESS of Otto | being brought, is questioned Miss Bernie | this place, But a few minutes elapsed befcre the was bummed a large ing this year, when feed of all kinds By taking the steamer America's tour of the Thousand Islands, Satur ARE HIGHLY PLEASED rm Over the Attitude of Dominion Authorities. Washington, Aug. 8.--The state de- partment has received a communica tion from Ambassador Bryce, regard- ing the seizure and release, last springy in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, of the United States fishing schooner Alert, engaged in trap nol fishing. The ambassador says thiaction of the Canadian authorities was taken solely with a view to the preservation of fisheries, and no question of nation- ality was involved. In order to pre- vent further friction, however, local authorities have been instructed not to interfere with trap nets set by Un- ited States fishermen in cases where a license would not be refused to a Brit- ish fisherman, even though the special license has not been already taken out. The ambassador says the do- minion government hopes that United States fishermen will be requested to apply for licenses and not proceed to fish = without them, inasmuch as licenses will be issued of the same kind a8 to British fishermen. The state de- partment regards this outcome most satisfactory and is gratified at the attitude of the dominion authorities. Frock Of White Linen. The cut depicts a smart princesse frock of white linen. The skirt was trimmed about the lower part by a single four-inch band, piped with washable black linen at the top. The bodice had a little yoke of real Irish lace and was . trimmed with bands a loop and, ball ornament of white soutache braid, FISASISICISIICISIIIISIIR A Great Dog Show. Entries for the big dog show at the Canadian National Exhibition, To- ronto, in the second week of the show, extending from Scptember 2nd to 6th, close with the secretary, J. 0. Orr, at the City hall, Toronto, August 15th. As much as $7,000 is given in prizes, cash and kind. There are 293 classes, covering nearly canine. Besides, kindly donated by many specific breed societies and dog fanciers. The asso- ciation also provides some 300 medals. every species of "Three Swallows." Sir John Power & Sons, "Three Swallows" Irish Whiskey, Famous for over a century, Of highest standard of purity, { Distillers to His Majesty the King: We Guarantee. Every trunk and valise we sell. They are all well made and good, fresh Port Hope is dispensing with a tax| Knight's; Misses Cornell, Fredenburg stock. New every week. Call and sec collector. The ratepayers will be noti-|and Weese at J. W. Martin"s:;: Mrs. [what we have. The Lockett shoe fied of their dues by mail, 'and the Woods, Souris, at Alexander |store. 4 an he, the - individual Smythe's: Misses McRory, Sydenham, | reasurer will receive ie incavicuall od Bradshaw, Harrowsmith, at W Lord Chatles Beresford does not payments over the counter. A year [,wson's; Mrs. Potter, Kingston, at | sympathize with the peace advocates who urge the reduction of armaments. this week he is convinced we would have war on our hands next. Uholee of royalty | key's. Cost ws more than inferior | makes. 60c., 75¢. and $1 and $2 box- jes. Only at Gibson's Red Cross Drug | Store. | The validity of the Ontario act, un- | der which proceedings of the annul- ment of marriage of minors thereby at Ot- | tawa. | Success hed Gibson's 15¢. Cross Drug bug poison, in Red { Dr, William Osler wants more medi- Mr. McDonald, lumber | ©] supervision of school children. The merchant, Hamilton, spent last week | amount of mouth breathing and . de- in town on business and registered at| caved teeth among them he considers the King Edward. A large number of | VOry grave. en! Two quart fountain syringes, 50c., route to Bon Echo summer resort this|s¢ Wade's drug store. | { | { MUSK! Novel, graceful," smart. A real comfortcollar for bot weather wear. 134 in. high at bck. 3 inches between point-tips. sewn speciall Shape and give that collar service you'll ge 27 t oaly it you L7H Make, Betin, Canada GAR, A some 300 specials, F Nail A Few Dollars Once upon a time, and not so long ago, August was a | dull and sleepy mounth around a Clothing Store. season of activity, iid Our Special Prices Is the power behind the throne at this writing. We're offer- ing great inducements in every department of our store, and Things have changed. These modern times full of twent. jeth century briskness, have converted this dull month into a balhit ER Ey) there is something doing here continually. We're Getting Ready for A New Season. See Our Special $10 MEN'S SUITS. See our Special 50c. SOFT BOSOM SHIRTS. See Our Special 69c. STRAW HAT DISPLAY. See Our Special 17¢c. FANCY HOSIERY. See Our Special 25¢. SUMMER UNDERWEAR. Watch This Space for Specials. THE H. D. BIBBY GO. Self-Opening, Square Bottom, Made from the Toughest Papers PAPER BAGS ALL WEIGHTS AND SIZES. The Mooney Baker produce anything better Mooney's Perfe: Cream Soda: The very best of flow and cream -- the most plant, the very best t Canada. A biscuit suf any other you have eve Say "Mooney's" to you three or four days. Hundreds ar Nervous Troubles. or 50c. A Veritabile Gold Mine to the The best remedy in Canada, for Rheumatism, Now at all dealers, or at 104 Queen St., 2 THEE. B. EDDY COMPANY, LIMITED, HULL, CANADA. EIGHT YEARS' TRIAL IN CANADA Edwards' Nervine Compound For the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Blood. Relief given in e using it now. Purely Vegetable Neuralgia and all six doye longer, 25¢., Buyer. Several Barns Burned. If Britain's armaments were reduced | 4}, | candy, McCon-| | | The fierce storm that raged through o county, on Thursday, did consider- able damage to the property of James A. Freeman, Hartington. Ahout four 'clock his barn was struck by light- ning and burned to the ground. The live stock were all removed in safetv and the loss is covéred by insurance. The premises of Francis Clarke, Bell- rock, were also attacked, his barn and sheds being burned down. insurance that will age. The Western Federation of Mineps may nof retain Darrow, the socialists' H. Pettybone, in October. A large deer made its appearance in the streets of Moncton, N.B., ran through a china shop, without dam- age, and escaped. with Sarsaparilla Extract 75¢c. tle, at Gibson's Red Store. Charles Hunt, a Philadelphia boy, has been adopted by' a Chinese laun- dryman, and has assumed the name, Roy Soo Sing. Friday, steamer America makes an- other trip to Gananoque, Brockville and Ogdensburg, 8 a.m." Home early. Faro 75¢. : Proceeds of Locomotive Works' em- ployees picnic, * for hospitals, Lake bot- Cross Drug H7/ 2 LINEN 2 w= Collars | Ontario Park, Saturday, August 10th. Henri Bourassa, M.P.. and J, M. { Tellier, M.P.P. for Jolliette, may form |a coalition party. | H. Cunningham, piano tuper, {Chickering's. Orders Look store. Phone 778. The steamer Arabian, of Hamilton, | ran ashore, in a fierce storm in Lal from at McAuley's Made of JRISH linen and | St. Francis. well to hold | There is no foundation to the re- ports of a smelter to be established in Cobalt. . Hand Sapolio removes Yruit stains, 10c. a cake, at Gibson's Red Cross ' He carried | cover the dam- | lawyer from Chicago, to defend George | For hives and prickly heat, Burdock |, at Price's, VIVE ESI PVRIRRER EERE A Paying Investment A Modern, Business Fducation is a necessary requirement for SUCCHSH in this progressive age. Frontenac Business College, KINGSTON, - CER EE | | ONT. Is one of Canada's Represente- tive Modern Imstitutions. Our connection with the United Employment Bureaus in the large cities of Canada and the United graduate in a good situation. We ave never failed to do it. Mod- erate Rates. Write for particu- lars and large catalogue. Fall Term Opens September 3r W. H. SHAW, T. N. STOCKDALE President. Principal. 4 PIRI Ieee William Hodgson, for many years a Grand Trunk conductor, was killed at Cobourg, Ont., on Thursday morning, iby being run over by the caboose of this freight train. Mr. Hodgson was one of the best known and host po- {pular Grand Trunk employees of this district That 'tired, languid feeling and dull headache is very disagreeable. Take two of Carter's Little Liver Pills be fore retiring, and you will find relief. They never fail to do good. Western crop reports indicate a light vield generally, partly counteracted by increased acreage in Saskatchewan SS. Nordbeenham, Hamburg-Ameri- can line, from Hamburg, inward, at Father Point, 9:10 a.m. Have you seen Lowney's latest in chocolates, Teddy Bear, and King ston views, at Hoag's 3 SS. Nord Amerika, Hamburg-Ameri- can line, from Hamburg, inward, 'at Father Point, 7:45 a.m. Only all-cream ice cream in the city aL SHOE POLI is a leather food a as the blackest and « est polish made. BE dealers g No «¢ lyin PADS * -- SOLD BY -- DRUCCISTS, CROCERS Ano CEN 100. per packet, or 3 pack: will last a whole se: If you wisk to be suco temd The Kingston Busi College Limited, head pf Que Canada's Highest business schools Boo shorthand, typewritin graphy, and all © subjects thoroughly ta comptent experienced Day and nirht classes. any time. Rates very "Phone, 440. "fI- F. METCALFE, Pre J. B. CUNNINGHAM, | Et d ONTARIO and Ont LADIES "7° Whi COLLEGE. um under influences that mold the git! into Christian woman. Palatal ee arming, healthful locaio Lake Ontario. Unequalied + "Undoubtedly the best of its k Will Re-open September 9.h. REV. DR. J. J. HARE, -------------------------------- 0900009 90000000¢ > p ® HOME-MADE ME L000008 90000990099? Said to Relieve Kidn and Rheumati One ounce Fluid Ext lion ; One ounce Compound Four ounces Comp Sarsaparills ; : Mixed and taken in b doses after meals and at 4 stated by a pre ent bp p L0000080000 ¢ give most excellen or urinary afflictions, rheumatism and sciatic ture opens the clogged kidneys, thus assisting | work of filtering all was! ous matter from the bloc these in the urine. T poisonous matter to r that it will settle in | tissues or joints, and cal misery known as rheum The mixture iscompc leas vegetable ingredien be purchased at any goc and mixed at home. 'Anyone suffering fron afflictions will no doubt jearn of so simple and | mended remedy. AMAL 9900900000 09000990000OO | ALLL OLLLS