Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Aug 1907, p. 6

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N.B ereshpinine ttretoare ---- a at Our Dock. A large stock of Dry Bat- teries, Spark Plug and BY & YOULDEN, * LIMITED. "Toronto & Kingston' i Br en 4 Ler WEST ve Kingston, 5 p.m., Gall Steamboat Co., Limited, ak ISLAND-ROCHESTER ¢ Kingston extoop: 15 wm, for anoque. Returning L ¢ De: sR I nt tin, MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL : \ 'Much Machinery is Going in-- _ Union Men Not All Wedded to Socialistic Principles--The En- gineers' Visit. Cobalt, Aug. 7.--During the last three weeks life in Cobalt has been interest- ing to all classes of citizens in t Between the strike which was declared on July 8, last, and the recent visit of the American Institute of Min- ing Engineers, who have completed their tour of inspection of the miminm district of New Ontario, things have been quite lively, so far as public interest is con- cerned. These two features alone have been ut Ta od in keeping. the camp continual ore the of the peop and a the proicte boom Sha il depends largely on the effect cach may produce, the Immediate re- sults are looked forward to with much anxiety, While mining workers are patiently waiting now for a risc in the stock market, as a result of the engi- | neers' visit, the business men of the town are hoping for a renewal of op- erations in the mines, During the last few weeks business has been somewhat quiet, consequent upon cessation of work in the mines, bat now that a num- ber of the mines have adopted union wages and resumed operations, and that the othet mines of the Managers' Asso- ciation are every day adding men to their staffs, which they have been se- caring from outside, it is hoped that the camp will soon be on its feet again financially." During the last week many orders for machinery have been sent to the Rand-Jenckes Company, show ing that there must be a revival of lifc on the mines, and that preparations are Of | 1eing made for a large output of ort this fall. In fact, as the manager of the machinery stated to-day, "we have done enough business in the last week tc bl make up for the drop of the two pre : » vious weeks. It is generally felt about Cobalt that | the visit of the American Institute of Mining Engineers will prove one of the strongest forces in bringing about the expected boom to Cobalt camp this fall. "This time last year," said onc mining man to-day, "it was really quieter in Cobalt than it is this year and when the fall came the boom start- ed" Such a boom as occurred last year was not bhought about by the visit of such a large representation of capi- tal as is supposed to have inspected the camp this year. That the mine-owners and managers fully realize the import ance of a horough inspection was evi denced by the open manner in which J the engineers were shown down the mines. Cobalt, they believe, will be given publicity that can be relied upon, as none of them will give out informa- tion but what is purely authentic. Be- fore the visitors arrived and during their stay in the camp these same mine-own- ers and managers were busy making preparations and looking after the ar: { rangements to make the inspection as thorough and the visit as pleasant as possible. These extra duties devolving upon them naturally took up consider- able of their time at such a critical period in the life of the cam ow that they have gone, however, hey have settled down to looking after the inter ests, of their respective mines. The shock of the strike has not prov en as great as was at first expected There is no doubt, however, as some business men fully realize, that it has had some effect. as the closing down of a number of mines for a time naturally would bring about a. depression. Work is gradually increasing every day, how ever, on the strike mines, as outside men are daily coming into the camp to secure TT on these differem mines ,s0 that by the steady increas on the various staffs, it is expected tha! these mines will be running with ful force before many weeks. Of thes mines that do not belong to the Min Managers' Association, nearly all arc now paying the union scale of wage: since: the union recently adopted the nine-hour day. Those paying this seal are said to be the Temiskaming, Man ion, Temiskaming and Hudson Bay City of Cobalt, Silbert, Foster, Victoria Consolidated, Culbert, Silver Cobalt Erie Cobalt, Abittibi, Silver Bird, Mc Kinley-Daragh, Badger, Silver Nugget Bonanza, United States Cobalt, Colum bus, and Cobalt Central. The interest in the canip from the strikers' standpoint has been kept up by a general discussion of the daily news hut more particularly by arguing ou! the lines of justice that should be mete out to the mines along Socialistic doc trines. Nearly every night Mr. Road house, who is a strong Socialist, anc who has been here fince the strike wa declared has been advocating in hi speeches the principles of Socialism, and as a result there was a big public argu ment on the square the other night The boss carpenter of the Nipissing mine, who is a trades union man, gav. a lengthy discourse, strongly opposing the principles of Socialism. Whethe the applying of Socialistic principles wil 1 continue to hold the union together rc mains to be seen. At any rate th crowd that listened to the speeches wa the greatest yet ever assembled on th square because of the fact that nearl very citizen turned out to listen t them, : Red Haney And The Elk. 2k Sond (Wyo.) dispatch to Chicago A remarkable example of th } a hotoughly oy elk nao outside t 18 town yesterday. The ani mal, a magnificent bull, had been wound ed jot enough to make him mad, an he let every one know just how he felt Red Haney, a miner, was the first tc notice that something unusual was goin on in Bonsall's woods. Clouds of oo an over the forest and frightene small animals could be seen scampering from it. Suddenly the miner, who hac taken refuge on the top of his cabin saw the elk emerge from the woods. 1 - THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, AUGUST ih, 1607. directly for Haney. Tr then ile ELLEN TERRY IN BLANKET. knows -- if the beast| Made Walk With Tt Trailing Six ow s tangled up in Inches. ; Sh e o : i yet es- 8 loney ays hak the. elk' lifted him, | One of the mast weatins yet | i tarted tial details of my education, writes subir and al, nd 3 down the road. | Ellen Terry in M re's, is connect wok for 4 what might have had not got his ant As they passed alow bi gH ig free. Lhe | with my first Jong dress. It introduces, animal oned his mad race without | 00, Oscar Byrn, the dancing master realizing that his load had been light- | and director of crowds at the Prin- Nei | cess. . Se either the ¢lk nor the Honse One of his lessons was in the art of ' | walking with a fapuel hiawket pinned Kind | ont in front and trailing six inches on the mi i of Eggs. | floor. My success in carrying out this at Butt of the Arkansas Senate | Wacelivie, with dignity won high praise j i i Il stories | from Mr. Byrn. : jad just finished ane SF His aro pointer | He often used lo say fat = actress i ; no actress' unless she learne up and watching him as he indulged | was oh 1 I the ensuing antics gecasioned by the RE ong my. paces Faown Whi bp ve a em, as busy watching him teach the i id: | others. : i: oni] Aid: ids me of my | There was a minuet to which he used hen. Needing lhe, Jo one day, as we | 40 attach great dmpor and there id : was "walking the plank" Up and down Siten oo) nixed up.an ounce of the! one of the long planks, extending fie into pills. Leaving the stuff to dry on | length of the Sake, we, bad on wa the front porch, 1 went into the house. first slowly and then quicker and quic "Returning, 1 saw the last of my pills | until we were able at a considerable swallowed by my hen. Of course 1 | pace to walk the whole length of it thought her silly head would burst wide | Without deviating un inch from the open. She simply commenced cackling, straight line. This experience, oh and has been laying two eggs a day ever Byrn used to say, and wile tru y, 1 since. And, do you know, Senator, those | think, aug ne uprig htness of carriage i x {and certainty of tsep. gums axe the best chill tonic on the mat "Eyes right! Chest out! Chin tucked 5 , ite x; het, One of thes taken internally il fin!" I can hear the dear old man shout, laria in the state, and shaking ague can't | ing at us as if it were yesterday, and 1 stand before 'em an hour after they are have learned to see how valuable all his eaten 1 keep that hen dosed, I do." drilling was, not only to deportment, ? but to clear utterafice. It would not be a bad thing if there were more "old 3 fobs" like Oscar Byrn in the theatres of | to-day. ' That old-fashioned art of "de-| portment" is sadly neglected. ---- a---------- How Criminals Are Executed. Which is the most common form em- ployed in the carrying out of the death sentence? The probability is that most people, if asked, would at once say the gallows, vet this is far from being the case. The favorite mode appears to be the guillotine, which is employed publicly in France, Belgium, Denmark, and two cantons in Switzerland, and privately in Bavaria, Saxony. and also in two can- tons in Switzerland. The gallows comes next in the run- ning, and is favored publicly in Austria, Portugal, and Russia, and privately in Great Britain and the United States. Death by the sword obtains in fifteen cantons in Switzerland, in China and Russia publicly, and in Prussia private- ly. 'ecuador, Oldenburg, and Russia have adopted the musket, all publicly, while in China they have strangulation by the cord, and in Spain the garrote, both public, and in Brunswick death by the axe, and by the electric chair in New York. Miss Gertrude Beeks, the southern ts cg girl chosen by the United States govern- : A Witty Student. ment to investigate conditions at Pa-| Dr. Ritchie, of Edinburgh, was con- nama regarding the health, morals and | sidered a very clever man, but although comfort of canal builders, a small army. | clever he one day met his match when For several years she has been secretary | attending an examination of students. of the welfare department of the Na- | When asking one of them what classes tional Civic Federation. he attended he said--"1 understand you -- attend hte class of mathematics?" "Yes, Little Yarns. { sir" Beginning to examine the student, 4 Rows i Pacis dias. bo | a said How many sides has a cir- Mme. Guerin, ov Paris, has been pros icle?" "Two," said the student. "In- secuted recently on the charge of getting | deed! what are they?" "An inside and large sums of money from Frenchmen an outside one." A laugh went round on the promise of securing rich and | the class at this answer. The doctor in- Seduritul Wives i thew. ne gisape quired new-SAnd you attend the Moral suitor who said he had paid the | Philosophy c ass!" "Yes, sir." "Well, woman $7,000 testified that she offered | you have doubtless heard lectures on to de Hin have fis, picle of a bevy pi different subjects, Did you ever hear wealthy hetresses. "At the opera," he | one on cause an effect?" "Yes, sir." said, he pointed io. hire young girls sony an Het ever go before 3 cougel! a box, remarked, 'Take your | "Yes" "Give an instance." "A barrow choice, and I picked Miss Northcliffe | wheeled by a man." The doctor sat Decayse. she was the youngest and the | down in a hurry and proposed no more prettiest. questions.--~Thos. D. Brown. Dr. MacNamara, of London, who is] mvestigating the care and education of | Depends On The Dogs. the poorer children of that city, recently | Washington Star. BS FTuest onng a class of small girls | Asa Goddard, of the American Auto t n the daily course of the sun in the mobile Association, was recounting in eas % ot supjiose, said he, I eid} Worcester some of his touring adven- hat ( a certan day 1 saw the | tures. sunrise in the west, what would you! "One summer morning," he said, "the says a 1 Should say you must have got { approach of a great flock of sheep oblig- Rs" Te B ford. whe has: al {ed me to pull off the marrow country he i vin cresiord, wie has.a x) road. 1 halted my car and watched ray, i einperate man, 1s NOW a | with interest the passage of the sheep, al abstainer. Recently a lady at din- | the intettigent dogs and the shepherd ner, on observing that he took no wine,| "I had a short talk with the shepherd Rearkeds Alt 1 suppose all you hard | about his odd and difficult trade. rinks s have to come to this sooner or| "Look here, 'what do you do, driv- : | ing sheep like his on a narrow road, .' Cf A Help g Hand To Women is help for every woman who suffers from headache, faint- high Lm Bg arate and other ailments during those times when Nature makes a heavy demand on her strength and vitality. Every woman should take BEECHAM'S PILLS to help her through these trying periods and to keep the system in a normal and healthy condition. The girl just entering woman- hood, and those of maturer years, find equal benefit from Beecham's Pills. Taken at the first sign of 'derangement, they give prompt assistance. Read the special directions for women with every box. Sold everywhere in Canada and U, S. America. Ia boxes 25 cents. Sutherland's Shoe Suggestions W Suitable For the Summer Season. At this particular time of the year our stock of Can- vas Shoes, for "All the Members of the Family," is in excellent shapé. All the newest kinks in "Warm Weather" Footwear can be had here. Tan Shoes, Bathing Shoes, Canvas Shoes (An shades) Barefoot Sandals, Etc. In fact the pick of the Canadian and American fac- tories await your inspection. rv J. i. Sutherland & Bro, THE HOUSE OF GOOD SHOE MAKING "DrJ.Collis Browne's THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. Acts like 3 Charm 12 DIARRHOEA .... 0c specie n SHOLERA 0 DYSENTERY. Checks and arrests those foo often fatal diseases-- FEVER, CROUP, AGUE. The best Remedy known for COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. Effectually eu's short all attacks of SPASMS. 1s the only palliative in NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, TOOTHACHE Chlorodyne is a liquid taken in drops. gradnated according to the It invariably relieves pain of whatever kind; creates a calm refresh allays irritation of the nervous system when all other remedies fail. be no bdd effects ; 'and can bc taken When no other medicine can be tolerated. INSIST ON HAVING CONVINCING Dr. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S MEDICAL TESTIMONY CHLORODYNE. WITH EACH f BOTTLE. The immense success of - | when you meet another flock coming in ; Quid Pro Quo. | the opposite direction?' sulges Litany. . j." 'W ell said the shepherd, 've just : oung Stevens was on his way north | drive straight on, both of ye, and the o spend the week end with his parents | one that has the best dogs gets the most wd felt in a particularly jovial mood. | sheep." The train in which he was travellihg | had stopped at a small village. As a A Labor Lord farmer who was sauntering up and | Sir William <rossman, : the Labor lown the platform came opposite Stev-| Lord Mayor of Cardiff, who was knight- MS Cp partment he was asked by the | ed by King Edward on his recent visit 0! , 2 { y ' 4 Prishire Topi he Duke ®t the Welsh: coal «ity, -Jegards {he S . h : honor conf 1 y (i Snimedistely them an showed great in- | 5¢ or Somierred upon him by the King terest and said: orks : "No! Ts he? | Sorking men whom he represents on #1 thivite : » | the city council. i A think he is not," answered Stevens. | The Lord Mayor is not a Soclatist only aske vy » was." : Tec i 8 % y " TE he ! Win new that he was." | He is a Trade Unionist-Liberal, and he owl ie thre but Sontinued does not agree with those members of A Se - As he came | the Labor: party who objec inci pst he wd. ga He "cmrke| es Tor" pe Ec 21 Ril A er had been eXpeencing Crossman is a native of 'Devonshire, "What's the. matter". ask rand is by trade a working mason. "The thor OS haaked : Stevens i am i a a Cr Saale vai}? § in a house rented at only £20 a yea olis huty.a an, replied the farmer. | A proposal is on foot to OTN ok a as the reas . |: : : TH . rs he i, for jefusing 2 fortable annuity for Sir William, so that ph. hy as the laconic | he mav be able to support his new honor And then he strolled away, Naving | with dignity, oung Stevens biting his lip. i To Abolish Hat Lifting. | A good share of chronic diseases are In Vienna it is proposed to abolish {Jue to lack of nutrition of the vital at-lifting as a salutation "and to sub- | OTEENS. These organs get their nutri- titute for this ceremony the military | ment from the blood. The blood alute. Count Harrach is _ founding . a | mast be pure and rich in_ iron to ociety of men whose members will be | keep the system in order. Those who edged to the new mode, |are in any sense rum down need bet The general continetal custom of rais- | 4 blood. They can get it by use of ng the hat ih recognition of acquaint- | Wade's Iron Tonic Pills (laxative.) ices of eithér sex is adtentuated in| They are a great nerve strengthemer \ustria by the fact that etiquette re- {and blood maker. In boxes, 25¢., at wires the hat. to be taken from the Wode's drug store. Money back if not Why Disease Comes. Sold by all Chemists. Prices in England: 4, 2/9, 46. Sole Manefacturers: JV. DAVENPORT, LONDON, S.E. this Remedy has given rise to many imitations. N.B.--Every bottle of Geavine Chlorodyne bears on the stamp the name of the investor, Dr. J, Collis Browne. Gas Stoves & Ranges We carry in stock a nice assortment of the Chicago "Jewel" Gas Stoves, which are acknowledged the best stoves manufactur- ed. Examine them before purchasing else- where; All orders for disconnecting Gas Meters promptly attended to. ELLIOTT BROS. 1ehd and held low in the hand for some | *atisfactory. econds. It is believed that this custom | | a ie canis thet beg c4| Wabborns ao Tos meen how: acalth, -. ry to the iefs of | Washburn, Aug. 7.-The recent sh { feng a yg Edcqies Jo Xtand that ers have improved the ET od? it tends , constan / | hat-lifting soon wears out a hat. joan Nonderiull rs Among the gremat] Count Harrach says that the innova: | Keller, at W. W i ee bel | fon 14 vately a return to the general | Fisher snd son "- Pisher James : of 300 years ago, snd. that it Ww . te Mh [i BaF? will jot be difficult to reintroduce in a ¥, Filer 8 Swaver's Bis; Him ; lara | country where there is compulsory mili- | Mie Mav Bhdnnon tsnnd Balls' | from visiting at Mr, and Mrs TelPs | 3 #1 at Thorndale: Mr. and Mrs. Camuel| Woods, at W. Woods'; Mr. and Mrs. | ary seve 1,000 Islands--Rochester. fave 10:15 am. for 1,000 Yelm ry anys at 5 p.m, for Bay of Quinte Steamers North Kmg and C E. Hitchcock, at J. Mundell's. 4 ' SL ---- te daily except Monday. Return The loser "8 usually, more earnest about fair play than the winner. What is baseball "without a sum: Gites ok A ae ge Rochester, N.Y, J, P, Han | 77 Princess Street. CANAD ? ANAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO'Y. a of OFF z wes pl . et. Barke .. TORONTO, ONT. sl ave aflairs a olieyho rs' been adn ste 2 TN owi Atutotmetit of receipts and vxpenditure is a sufficient er ry a jotowing om Prpazntion to the end of 1906, received in Premiums . o olders $5 Pail Poles hots RES rosie . $56,120,891.90. Cradito to Pre heire yeinrios 3 590.543, 30. A paid or credited to Policyhokd -- 591,781.52. Excess: of Assets and Pay icy holder. 41,591,781.52. payments .... For ery § paid ar orb ited shem with $115. Many vears ago the Cansdian Life earned, and pany," Figures Aes meufna. thn righ to Be known ns "Uanada"s Leading Com- rag Tbr BS ey oo shape for you cheerfully given at the office, URQUEART, J, O, HUTTON, ct ders over preminm > os ior Barns sane sian 8,470,889.62. ony Policyholders the Company has $100 received in prewiums 4, BR, CAE a ET synopsis of Canadian Northwes HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS fuy even numbered section of Dominio fands in Manitoba or the North-West Pro vinces, excepting 8 and 26, not reserved, ma be homesteaded by any person the sole hea of a family, or male over 18 years of age, t the extent of one-quarter section, of 160 acres mere or less. Application for homestead entry must | made in person by the Ipplicant at the offic of the local Agent or Sub-Agent. Entry b proxy may, however, be made on certain cot ditions by the father, mother, son, daughte brother or sister of an intending homesteade An lication for entry or imépection mad personally at anv Sub-Agent's office may } wired to the loc t Agent y the Sub-Agent, i the expense of wne applicant, and if the lan applied for is want on receipt of the tel g an swh application is to have priority an the lid wii be lield unul the necessary p re to complete the transaction are receive by mail. In case of * atien the entry will 1 summarily cancelled and the applicant wi forfeit all priority of claim. An application for inspection must be mac in person. The applicant must be eligib for homestead entry, and only one applicatic for inspection will be received from an ind Jidual until that application has been di posed of. A homesteader whose entry is in good stan ing and mot liable to cancellation, - may, su ject to approval of Department, relinqui m favor of father, mother, son, daughte brother or sister, if eligible, but to ne of else, on hang declaration of abandonment. Where an emtry is summarily cancelled voluntarily abandoned, subsequent to instit tion of cancellation proceedings, the applica vor inspection will be entitled to prior rig of entry. Applicants for inspection must state what particulars the homesteader is in defau and if subsequently the statement is found be incorrect in material particulars, the app cant will lose amy prior right of reent should the land become vacant, or if ent has been granted it may be summarily es celled. - Duties--A settler is required to perform t sonditions under ome of the following plans: » At least six months' residence u and cultivation of the land in each year d ing the term of three years. (2) If the father (or mother, if the fath is deceased) of a homesteader resides upon farm in the vicinity of the land entered f by such homesteader the requirement as residence may be satisfied by such person siding with the father or mother. (3) If the settler has his permanent re dence upon farming land owned by him the vicinity of his homestead, the requirem: may be satisfied by residence upon such las Before making application fer patent | settler must give six months' notice in_w ing to the Commissioner of Dominien Las at Ottawa, of his intention to do so. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST MINI) REGULATIONS. Coal.--Coal mining rights may be leased a period of twenty-one years at an ann rental of $1 per acre. Not more than 2, acres shall be leased to one individual or ef pany. A royalty at the rate of five cents tor ha" he collected on the merchants coal mined. Quartz.--A person eighteen years of age, over, having discovered mineral in place, r locate a clam, 1,500x1,600 feet. The fee for recording a claim is $5. At least $100 must be expended om claim each year or paid to the mining recor in lieu thereof. When $500 has been expe ed or paid, the locator may, upon havin survey made, and upon complying with of requirements, purchase the land at $1 acre. The patent provides for the payment © royalty of 2 1-2 Xer cent. on the sales. lacer mining claims generally are 100 square, entry fee $5, renewable yearly. An applicant may obtain two leases dredge for gold of five miles each for a 1 of twenty years, renewable at the discre of the Minister of the Interior. The lessee shall have a dredge in opers within one season from the date of the | for each five miles. Rental, $10 per am for each mile of river leased. Royalty at rate of 2 1-2 per cent. collected on the ou after it exceeds $10,000. W. W. COR Deputy of the Minister of the Inte N.B.--Unauthorized publication of this vertisement will not be paid for. The Swell Shoe Always makes a favorable pression on a woman of ref; ment. If this Shoe has alsc appearance o> substance, it v her favor every time. THE CINDERELLA SHOE is of this sort. It's got the s aad the substance and appeal the wise woman. They sel $3.00. H. JENNINGS, KING THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCI ESTABLISHED 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwr Money loaned en City and Farm perties; Municipal and County D tures. Mortgages purch . Deg received and interest allowed 8 C. McGill, Managing Direc Office, 87 Clareace Street, Kinget: SUMMER WANT. Screen Doors and Windows Cream Freezers, Lawn Mo and Charcoa Irons. STRACHAN" New England Chinese Rest ant, 331 King Street. 'PHONE ' 665. Regular Dinner, 11 a.m. to 3pm 5 'Pickets for $1. Also meals to at all hours as before, 8 a.m. to am, LEE JUE, Proprietor. C. H. Powell Carpenter and Jobl 103 Raglan S NewYorkChinese Restaul 83 Princess Street Open frém 10.30 a m. to 8.00 The best place to et an ull Lunch in the city. eals of all on shortest notice. English and C Dishes s specialty. "¥ m. Murray, Auctior 27 BROCK ST. Ncw Carriages, Cutters, He ete., for sale. Sale of Horses every Sat par ic

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