August Furniture, Sale. Everything style, Oak Top, 60c. signs. PARLOR to suit your own taste. ODD PARLOR CHAIRS, $3, $5 up to $45 each. yards, reduced 25 per clear. 20 per cent. Linoleum, Oil Cloth, ' Shades, &c. than at any other time. Sale Terms--Cash. 'Lh HARRISON 0. t Furnishings $ For Draping t Windows and Doors. White Cottage Rods 4 ft, long with ends and brackets, 12jc. each. Of course. tion? Are you free . Jetting the house 'taking chances? Carry oné of-our Policies. | _. We'll protect you from loss. McCann, st BROCK ST. x (Garpet and Curtain reduced. The Lest opportunity to save money on House-| . 50 varieties of Parlor Tables. This others, 50c. up to $25 4 'each. Some handsome |i Solid Mahogany de- |i SUITES reduced 10|Queen' per cent. t6 20 per cent., covered CARPETS, ends from 15 to 52 cent, toi a RUGS, all sizes, reduced 10 to Repair work done cheaper now | the track | { What a ques-| from| suspicion of 'being foolish ?| continue to her home. What is more foolish than | burn ?| What is 'more foolish than|ri.. STAND FOR IT BOARD OF "EDUCATION WANTS MR MR. KIDD. It Will Refuse to . to Part with Him ~Government Provided a Decent Amount of Money For Pedogogy School. "Every attempt on the part of Queen's authorities or the superinten- dent cf adusation, Nr. Seath, to have Inspector W. G. Kidd, of the public schools, replaced, will meet with vigorous opposition from us," said a member of the board of education. "Mr. Kidd has been a good inspector and is still doing work perfectly satis- {factory to the board and the people of Kingston, and any atiumpt to toss him aside simply because he is per: 'ha ble to fill a place on the staff of the faculty of pedagogy will be knocked on the head. We have a ea- pable school inspector, and we're not going to retire him to please Mr. Seath or anybody else. He's not there to serve the faculty of pedugogv. but the public schools. H the new faculty of Queen's wants an expert for that work, it will have to add him to its own staff. 1 don't believe the people | would tolerate the dumping over of an old, faithful inspector like Mr. Kidd, of whom thousands of the Rrown-ups have kindly remembrances since the | days when they sat in the little seats the first book of the schools." As far as can majority of the part with Mr. Kidd, no matter what | the faculty of pedagogy offers. A new po tor might be got who would be ing on the side where Mr. Kidd is | be ascertaimed, the n's a grant sufficient to engage a capable staff, so that there need be | faculty cannot be run for £5,000. That amount should be tripled. 1 don't see why Queen's wants a school of peda- gogy any way. What we should have | Normal College. Howewr, as school of pedagogy has been | the best of it, but Queen's University au- thorities or Mr. Seath needn't think they can turn down our officials or teachers as they please." STRUCK BY A TRAIN. Edward Fahey Injured in Kingston Yards. Edward Fahey, the well-known in-| land revenue officer, had a very nar-| row escape, in an accident which he| met with about 8.10 o'clock, this | morning. While walking along the| railway tracks, just at the -rear of! the | was struck by the steps on one of the cars of the suburban train. Lucki- ly he was thrown away from the| rails, and it is to this fact, that Mr. Fahey owes his life. However, he received some very painful injuries. Just at the point where the accident occurred, there is a pile of rails, for use on the rail- way. Mr. Fahey was thrown with! considerable force on these, and asa| result he received a long nasty cut on! his forehead, and another wound on the back of the head. Being well up in years. the shock to him was quite severe, but no serious results anticipated The suburban train was backing in- to the city, and Mr. Fahey was walk-| | ing in towards the station. He is quite deaf, and apparently, did not hear the train approaching. Employ ees of the railway, who Fwere on the { rear conch of the train, state that they called to him, to keep clear of are The train was brought to a stand: still, and some of the men assisted Mr. Fahey into Oldrieve's store, and he was afterwards cab to the office of Dr. and later to taken in a Gibson, | his home | B. A. Hotel Arrivals. | Charles B. Enge, Fdward S. Pack, { Mrs. J. D. D. Brown, J. D. Brown, { D. S. Hayner, Mrs. Thompson, M. L | Trowbridge, New York: H Wyrzted, | Brooklyn, Brooklyn, N.Y.; Mrs. A. O Richardt. Miss Clara Covell, Elmira, | Hebry Ermnhaudt, Watertown, N.Y; W. L. Chandler, Ogdensburg] N.Y.; A. min Davy, Napanee; Allan Neilsop and wife, and daughter, J. W. Campbell, Thomas Fisher and wife, Conway. Shaffer and wife, Ybungstown, Ohio Joseph Gerard, Thomas Longton, Clayton, N.Y.; H. P. Crouse, Stephen { Cowan, Utica, N.Y.; Mrs. May Col- | pas, E. W. Norval, W. J. Agnew, A. Barrie, H. Diplock, Montreal: J. W. Sifton, Jr., W. BR. Rifton, C. Ardies, | W. P. Kinsella, Ottawa; J. B. Foote; | George Ramsden, A. Burrows, Toron: | to; S. W. Scipp, Picton; W. J. Wil { son and son, C. A. Cornell, Benja- |] { | | Stepped Off Backwards. When one of the crowded street ISN'T IT FOOLISH| "5 vn Eiri i: ~ TO BURN MONEY? ust evening was neating the a lady stepped off before the car had stopped. As usual she stepped off | backwards and was thrown heavily to the ground. The womah appeared. to be dazed for a few moments, but af- ter taking a short rest was able fo Campbell Bros'. To-Night. For children's straw sailors at half Try Bibby's French underwear pre you seen Lowney's latest _ in ocolates, Teddy Bear, and King Shoe views, at Hoao's ? Bu-Ju kidney pills. Buy them at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Fresh there. Abdominal supporters of all at Chown's drug store i Try Bibby's collars, 2 Kinds dor 25¢. Should Have public | trustees will refuse to I no doubling up," said a trustee. "The ~ Yesterday afternoon, Polson & company's warehouse, he| asylum, will preach at both serv row, Bethel Church.--The acCallum, in the evening. street.--Kev, W. S. MacTav Strangers cou w Methodist Sunday after munion, 8 am; a.m., preacher, i » Vv. ge Street Methodist Rev. T. 8, Burke, B.D. Trinity. Rev. J. W. | subject, | Man." The pastor will prea ing, Wednesday evening Strangers made welcome. Rev, Charles Rev, Frederick Wood, the Methodist Episcopal ch Bombay. India, 11 a.m, | sophy 'of Missions"; 7 p.m. Triumphs in India.' | at 12.15 noom; League, Sunday, werth League, Monday, week service, Wednesday, 8 tors welcome. Junjor et the Ontario government give | when the First Blast Went Friday Afternoon. first blast the pastor in the morning, and Rev. D. | The pastor, will preach at both services eloomed, Wednesd Holy morning prayer, A. Sykes, B.D. CHURCH SERVICES. The Filling of the Church Pulpit Chalmers Chureh.~Rav. Xx J. Craig to.mor- | will Cooke's Presbyterian Church, Broek| ish, Ph.D, Church.-- --Elevent Queen Street Rev. J. Pinel, B.D. will preach at 1 am, and 7 p.m, Sunday school, 2.45 > p.m. Midweek service, pm. ©. 5t. George's Cathedral. Forsythe evening service, 7 p.m., Canon Starr, Church. -- pastor. Ser- vice at 11 am. and 7 pm. Evening "Characteristics of The Good |... ch at both services. Bunday school at 3 class meeting at 10 a.m.; prayer meet yiraw with brown trimmings at eight. | p.m; i Sydenham Street Methodist Church-- There were no attendants Pastor vice was quict, but joyous Sunday services will be conducted by such an important event. . missionary of few guests were urch, "The Philo- Goodwill, » "Gospel mid- p- m. Visi -------- WATER ROSE HIGH or to clean out a channel for the O'Kill | street sewer extemsion pipe, land a pretty spectacle was by those in' Munodonald Iw ater for a distance of forty {to a height of twenty-five {the blast got quite Park. was fired, witnessed The feet rose feet. The thrown at us, we'll have to make the | |boat in which were the men who fired a shock, as it AY) | peterboro, was quietly performed, : h turday morning, at five o'clock, by Com-| 1 the couple e *'ronto en route to Montreal Ep- home, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, AycUST 10th, 1907 QUIETLY | MARRIED A HAPPY EVENT AT AN | EARLY HOUR. ---- Couple Have Leit For a Month's Visit to Prince Ed ward Island--The Groom From: | Peterboro. The marriage of Miss Nellie Marion 1 | Kilpatrick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. avenue, BA. of Sa- J. Kilpatrick, University to Fdmund Lionel Goodwill, Sparling, B.A, at the cy Lngnediately after the steamer To iRev. W. H. home of the bride. left on The bride was given away by her father and was married in her travel ling dress of Shantung silk, skirt pleat- od, and jumper; a tucked net blouse, with pleated tucks and Valenciennes Over this she wore a | shirred pongee silk coat, with tou hes of brown. Her hat was of cream tuscan radiant with pink and smilax The ser befitting Among the The house was sweel peas, white asters iss Addie Harold, of of Belleville, and Dr. and Mrs. Victor of Charlottetown The bride, a Very amiable girl, a Sunday school, successful teacher and church worker, Epworth 10 a.m.; Senior pm. much missed, both in the the school and the church. Her frientls, by tokens of value, remember el her in a very flattering way. The groom is a son of the late Rev John Goodwill, of Charlottetown, Pr. E.lL, a graduate of Queen's Univer sity, and Osgoode Hall, and a mem- 'ber of the legal firm of Roger, Pen- nett & Goodwill," of Peterboro. He is a voung lawyer, with promises of a will be clover carver, The couple will take the ste Campana, at Montreal, for Prince Ed ward Island, where they will spend a op or more, arriving at their home in Peterboro about October 1st The best of wishes accompany on their honeymoon and for their fu ture happiness. amer them couldn't get far enough way when the jexplosion occurred. A large number Married In Kingston. {of small fish were killed by the con- |; .vork Era cussion. Four mare blasts will clear | (y, July 24th, the home of W. A the necessary channel for the pipe. | plaviair, 113 Stuart street, Kingston, {The second was to be fired this after- | .q the scene of a very pretty wed noon. Alexander Tait is doing the Tding, when his daughter, Miss Alberta diving and fixing the charges. The {wus united in marriage to T. A { holes have been drilled some feet deep Broadioot, {in the rock. AT THE POLICE COURT. MA. B.D.., Gladstone, { Man. The ceremony was performed by Rev. 8. T. Martin, Cooke's church. The bride, who looked pretty in her {simple gown of cream silk, with baby Young Man Charged With Infrac-|lrish lace trimmings avd bridal veil, | man was charged of the liquor license act { Clark Wright. He is on tion of Liquor Act. In the police court, to-day, a young of Perth with an infraction pretty , by Inspector over silk. the "Indian was attended by Miss Winnifred Moore, Miss Moore wore a very gown of cream point d'esprit Miss Katie Gardiner ren dered Mendelssohn's wedding march in List." and endeavored to get a drink a very efficient manner. Mr. and Mrs. at the Exchange Hotel, but was re- Broadioot leit on the noon train for fused. He was not known to the bar-| NW York, going by way of Montreal. tender, when he first went into the Jive spending a week or two in New hotel, but it appears that the bar- York and at the sea shore, they will tender was afterwards told who the return to Kingston for a short time, man was, and sefused to serve him. 0" then proceed west. They will visit The inspector asked for an enlarge- {friends in Wimipeg, Gladstone, and ment for a week, and Mayor Mowat, {other western pomts before sailing for who was on the bench, Two drunks, are were discharged agreed to this on remand a week, and the other a first-gppearance man, '* Serious Complaint. Residents of the Johnson tin. An improper resort full swing. Drunken men go at late or early hours, anc noyance is beyond enduranc say the nuisance is that it cannot possibly the notice of the police. counselled to complain th newspapers, and not police, because journalists ke and their names are upper 80 © not give street ask for police have part of protec is allowed and come i the an oo They nspict uous WN They are rough the direct to the ep secrets wn, to lead to demonstration and injury. Opening Of The Grand. "A Wife's Secret," a success of three years sta scribed as an emotional pla erful logic ment, scenic and mechanical portrayed by a cast of equiy Failed To Stop. melodramatic nding de y of pow and beautiful human senti- embellished by a magnificent went, and highest excel | W. Brown, A. H. Brown, Newark, N.! lence, is the attraction scheduled for | J: Hre. B. W. Sauclers, Miss E' M.| the opening of the 'Grand on Satur | Menthers, New Orleans; W. T. Weed-| day, August 17th, matinee and night. {en and wife, Richfield Springs, 111; { Mrs. Mahlenbrock and daughters, | A Discouraging Season. { Campbell Hill, 111. 'L. D. Martin and| § B. Holmes, of Athens, Ont. pro wife, Marinette, Wis; W. C. Mark: yincial inspector of aparies, has been ham and wife, Dossie Stewart, Edith visiting in this vicinity during the | Bowers, Baldwin, Kas. J. A. Allsy,| week. The very cold and backward Chaubte, 11; F. A. Boys, Grenola, spring, followed by the dry spell has n.. Mr. and Mrs. J. Punbis and made the season rather a discour child, St. Louis, Mo.: Mr. avd Mrs. | ging one for the honey producers in P. C. Oulette, Duluth, Minn.: 0. P. this fountry y The steam roller has been working on King street west. The road was blocked up to stop traffic, but on Friday several drivers failed to stop, and the police were notified Con stable Frlson was stationed there for v few hours, and there was no further trouble. Lost His Wad. A Kingston man who was out on a { spree recently, says that he ed of 30, and has reportex ter to the police, but so far, of the missing wad has been Bibby 's, the shirt store Mr. Judd; who has the pre the Lanark-Rideau railway visited Lanark week ferred with citizens: in p conversation regarding 'the line. Mr. Judd has in his a letter from Mr. Haines of stating that if the last subsidie: ment and municipal--are gre mission secured to build over the Mississippi river, right of way, he will unde building of a road from La lage to Rideau Ferry. A ra sit service would be was rob i the mat no trace found. ymotion of in charge, and con reliminary Proposed possession New York s--govern- anted, per a bridge and the rtake the nark vil pid tran given "High (lass Candy" McConkey's and Huyler's. Sold only at Gibson's Rod Cross Drug Store. W.' E. Danner. general manager of the Henry K. Wampole company, lim ited, 'has purchased J. F. Kellock's residence in Perth Try Bibby's great $10 suits the Orient. Mr. Bradioot appointed to work at Macaio, China beer Chines has among the Laid Flowers On Graves. Yesterday of Rebekah afternoor drove out the Daughters to Cataraqu cemetery to decorate thé graves of their departed members. Ten graves were decorated by the members, a beautiful: wreath being put on each bearing a card with the name of the member Fourteer committe and of the lodge s the ceremony of the members bes attended the James McGrath Gets Contract. James McGry ath f this city, has been awards ontract for re building the Roman Catholic church at Sharbot Lake This was the edi fice destroyed by fire last spring. The first contracts prices were high, and Architect H. P. Smith then reduced the size of the church, as a smaller building would suffi The people in the lower part of the city were giver ie a concert, at six o'clock this morning. One of the American vachts, which tied up at the ferry wharf, had a | » concert gram aphone on board. The machine was a fine one and could be heard for blocks Many people stopped to listen to the latest successes r 'way to work The steamer will take the Prentice Boys' excursion to Picton on Monday See Bibby's 8 summer trousers Our Sale is drawing considerable attention of shrewd buyers. During August we are giving Midsummer Clearing ONE-THIRD OFF regular prices on Straw and Linen Hats for men, women and children. Furs too are reduced this month from 15 to 25 per cent. lower than regular prices and you have a wide selection of the newest styles by buying now. Seta Milh 3G Makers Of Fine Furs. Importers Fine of Hats THE YACHT KATHLEEN 4 Is Now Rounding Into Good Sail- ing Trim. The Kathleen, which was defeated | by the Watertown eighteeirrate (res. i small | races, by a now rounding is working Lont. in the cup | margin, is only into sailing trim. Her spar ell, and - her skipper, Lieut.-Col. trange, is getting everything possibla | tout of the boat. The Kathleen shows up well in all kinds of weather, and is also a good drifter. .When she meets the Cresent on Labor day in | the races at Chaumont Bay, the King- ston vachtsmen are confident that she will show her heels to the Yankee boat. The Crescent is a fine craft, speedy and well sailed, but the Kath- leen looks to be a little better boat. The Labor day contest will tell. Sporting Notes. Coley of the Toronto Irish-( anadian Athletic Club, the thrice-crowned five mile champion, has gone to Fort Erie, where he will run a threemile race against Frank Nebrich of Buf falo, who was defcated in Toronto by Loughoat on June Sth. T. C. Flanagan, president of the To- ronto Irish-Canadian A. ( has an- nounced his intention dF sending Longboat, Coley and O'Rourke to Jamestown for the September games, in the event of a representative Cana- dian team not being sent. Coley will simply eat up the mile event. and the Indian will 'walk away with the dis tances. . At the Alexandria Bay regatta the Brockvifle Rowing Club four-oared crew defeated a crew composed of Sy- racuse and Cornell University stu jents by a length and a half. John McGraw, manager of the New York National team received a tele gram from Harry C. Pulliam, presi dent of the National Baseball League, yesterday, notifying him that he had een suspended from the game ior three days. The offence committed bv McGraw was that of "talking back" to Umpire Klem in the recenit Chivago series. Racing 'has been a favorite sport in Quebec for many years. For a period the scene of the battles of the thoroughbreds was the field on whch was decided the destiny of what is now the great dominion. Raving means peace and prosperity in a com- munity, and the annual gathering of the Quebec Turf Club on the Plains of Abroham afforded a fine illustra .ion long of the transformation of the sword into the sickle. A few vears ago 'te club transferred its operation to the course at the exhibition grounds, and the patronage of the public was even greater than at the old rendezvous The establishment of racing on a per manent basis at Montreal and the at traction of Montreal's valuable purses will have the most- beneficial effect on Quebec's prospects, and it is expected We are in receipt of the stand that will provide sufficient ac trusses, fitted bv an t, ting 1 exper I following "UGK THE HUGGER" YC |HE 1S BACK CK TO HIS CON- TEMPTIBLE WORK. Wo- | | -- . A Sustaining The Experience of a Young Food. Any man Last Night--He Caught Hi Her and Asked For Only 2) Irresistibly Kiss. Delicious 'Jack the Hugger" seems to have | Confection. ade his appearance here again, and | from all has been stealing | nwmerous embraces during the last few evenings. He is described as a good | looking man about twenty-five vears | old. medium height and fair complex- | lion. He is generally dresses in a dark suit, and wears rubber soled shoes. The man's circuit is generally around | the court house and West street, but] some say they have + him around | the hosy pital. His victims are n sti | young irks, most of those caught are accounts Lemont, t, "orlise Sole Importers, 27 Comunom St., Montreal. under twenty vears of age Last evening, about ten o'clock, a voung lady got off the car at the court house on her way home from the park. When she was near the registry | office the "hugger" stepped out from} his hiding place behind a tree and put | both arms around her. She was cau- tioned not to do any screaming, as all he wanted was a kiss. It can well be imagined how frightened the lady and how helpless she was in his she succeeded EXCLUSIVE | FUR STORE pect and before | voung was, grasp, nevertheless from him received a slap across the! Latest Designs for "The lady ret some people at the Braiding Persian corner of West and Bagot streets, y wry Re sa nie, after being told Lamb Jackets and her experience . . It Wy some time since the girls Fancy Etons - . bothered by men of this ist beginning to Broth have been stamp.and they were feel safe in going home alone ers of some of the girls are keeping a Ww. F. GOUDIER lookout for the attractive stranger, ' nd, if caught, he will be treated to . a belting he is not likely to forget 76, 78 & 80 Brock St. tet D0. AT ALTAR OF HYMEN, 700 Phoge Miss Frances Gertrude Green and William A. John. Deseronto Tribune \ | A quiet wedding ceremony was per formed by Rev. A. H. Creeggan at Christ Church, Tyvendinaga Regperve at high noon, on July 31st, when Miss "rances Gertrude Green became' Mrs. | William A. Johi. The bride, who is a} daughter of Isaiah Green, was adopt I by the late Hon. Dr. Oror | Wo when she was a child. The Sptice r the eldest son of Mr. a John, well-known r ts of the Re wrefully and promptly ex- serve i cuted pew Style, mounts and The bride's gown was of white or- specially shaped lenses made gandie over whit taficta, the trim-| mings being of lace. She carried af bouguet of white carnations. She was kinds: Eves assisted by her cousin, Miss E. Emma sses Fitted that this year will be a record one | ii hos gown was of pink lac for the club, which is one of the old-| (0 'reen tafieta. Herman Claus as est in America. This year's meeting 18' ied t groom to be held August 27th and 29th s the bridal party ntered th C NMITH BROS hurch, the bride lean m arn wv Will Not Injure The Fair. of her wr, Men s wedding Jewelers and Opticians Issuers of Marriage Mrs. A. H s rendered by presided at the march wa Creeggan. who message from the Central Canada Ex v k organ. hibition Association: After the ceremony the families _ of "Ottawa, Aug. 9.--We desire to in-; the contracting parties ware taken form vou that the fire which destroy-;over oj Foresters Island - re the ed the grand stand at our exhibition welding dinner was serve a} the grounds, and also the experimental Castle by Mr. and Mrs. Perey Johns farm buildings and damaged the 'O0 0 mak } ladies' building will not affect the The Young coupe will make then fair, September 13th to 2Ist. Already iy |e ae ! ws D ved be. the work has been started on n grand were numerous. all testifying tc ~ The great Uterine Tonic, and esteem in which she is held by her yonly safe effectual Monthly commodation for all. The ladies' : gulator on which women oan i 4 ,| many Iriends Fold in three 4 building is being repaired and the ngth--No. 1, Xo 2 experimental farm exhibit will be ) degrees stro ; No. § pliiced in Rorticultural hall. We MARINE NEWS: for LT ped putting forth every offort to make = : = Soi pal vw roce t of price. this the most successful fair in every The Items Gathered About the Be pamphlet. dress : respect in the history of Ottawa, and aThor. Coox Mepioine Ca., TorowTa. ONT. Gormerty Wi we are sanguine that our work will The schoomer Dundes added Ww rr ---------------------------------------------------- he duly appreciated. Stox s REESE Must Obey Orders. n t Next $ ¥ Market Clerk McCammon had the | that SO ago. $ ¥ task, lon Friday afternoon t an asf if XP ving several people to clear the Agr 3 ! 3 * + vards and stables. Thes had | 21,00 28 now IW N 3 3 been given usual notice by th M. T. Co's A Mar 3 3 Bl dot <h from Montreal, w vo burg 3 bolite Fons Tr Jeared, for M I, with tw * 3 house-to-he wl $2 3, R K iE $ failed to. carr the instr Y nh barges steam i + + given. I this last order is not car. | Will arrive, tram 'Fort William, Sun-|¥ + ried out, summonses will he issuwd for A with } * 3 the offenders to appear in the } ry hs 1 ¥ 3 court Wu np 4 by + Mt ting; Ham-| 3 3 Will There Be A Picnic ? thiawa I beh 8 3 3 + . J my oI : * Are we going to | vn and up, to-day: steamer | # & piente this year 7 is g. down and up, to-day * 3 that many of th ¥ + * ing at present \ 3 * yuting was considered towed ta qe: 3 of the vear and was | steam ol 3 to by many people. It "+ ¥ since one has bx was the schoon- | ¥ + loubt. one held now wo with 6.000 bush 3 ® 2 cPSs IN Overy way gra taken from the|P $ Leaving For The West. smoval of the wreck F 3 Mr. aad Mrs. B Dobie irom the chan | 3% 3 ter Alice, and sor \ is being pushed + All Wash Suits and White & been \isiting rapidly ible by the Midland | F : x Lucas, Yarker, will soon lea for Towing and Wrecking compan who |X Waists tc go TO-NIGHT and * thiir--home in Re Nevada, Since have the + MONDAY at exactly Half- x wing home their visit has been ex- OF 1 y 3 tondnd. + } 1 hull » | # Prioc Only sizes, 34 and ended to : + . 3 | New York ( Z the & 36 leit in Waists. 3 | toga Springs They leave on fix t a IR 3 } Monday for their ho current task, So far FE 3 -- secured a donkey : 3 3 vindlass. chain, ane ot ? : Domestic Science = Schools. ymnciass. shan, ay +> ¥ iva to blow away OSS ¥ $ On Monday evening, the manage- piece, so as to avoid the heavy x- | § * { ment and property committees of the!plosion which would wer I * board of Education will meet to con-| charge of dynamite noug 1 * | sider the domestic science question. | blow boat to smither sex] * 2 Domestic science training has to be eh 3 3 provided for some of those in attend I'ry RX] boating =airts RR ¥ ance at the Sehool of Pedagogy ! Ladies' N Uirge of '# A big sale of White Wash # fresent the Kipgs public 'sche I church will hold a lawn. dein] + ° % are without that or ¢ ands I. Stret 4 Goods, also Fancy Muslins $ g > Fri y Evening \ 16th. Ac 3 and Ginghams, priced up to & 10¢. Orchestra al a $ > 1. -- 3 35c. a yard... MONDAY 3 ite } A Keen Appetite + MORNING to clear at only hi yy s 1a] : $ 15¢. a yard This is a} ' d a healthy stomach indicate | § ¢ Be ¥ Hh an active Liver, which is enjoyed 3 inoney. Saver or you ex hic bassessiog 4 by all who use Beecham's Pills. + early. 3 n of his i t th They insure strong digestion, |¥ 3 was sweet breath and sound sleep. P < ; No other remedy is as good as |¥ ry + The ( 1 team + * ' ei ¢ manager ¥ $ poor Vd oe ams | noon. Quite a nu r ftom Ki tos & TOT 0 Dre an he ewman dw 3 Py 4) % t Dr. Chown's drag stor Bibby's 810 suits are beauties. Pills { Sold Everywhere. In boxes 23 cents III i SEALED TENDERS ADDRESS to the unde and 'endorsed der for Supplymg 'Coal for the Dob ion Buildifigs, will be: received at' oftice until Thursday. September 1907, inclusively, for the supply of L jor the Public Buildings throughout Dominion. Combined specification and form tender can be obtained on applicatie thus office, Persons tendering are notified that ders will not be considered unless © on the printed form supplied und ed with their actual signatures. Pach tender must be accompanied an accepted cheque on a chartered b made payable to the order of the I ourable the Minister of Public Wc apal to ten per cent (10 pc.) of amount of the tender, which will be feited if the person tendering deeline euter into a contract when called 1 to do so, or # he fail to complete work ¢ racted for. If the tender BOt acc «ed the cheque will retuy I'he artment does not bind itse accept the lowest or any te ander. By order, FRED. GELIN Department of Public Works, + Ottawa, August 1, 1907. rs will not be paid nt if they in m the Dep H. Nichols GRANITE AND MARE WORKS 149 SYDENHAM (COR. PRINCESS.) BABAIELLLPLE4000008 * * + 4 & : < * 4 < 4 < « + \ 3 + $ & § 4 4 <« Men's Tan Oxford Shoes, pair left. Tosgo-at Jen's Patent Colt Oxford regular $4.50. Fo clear out A 16 If | styles all sizes, Ie Th cle One lot of Women's Fir sizes, wvégular $1.50, and 1 turday only <« « < i ® & + <* * * + « i x $ 3 : i * Women's White Canvas 0 All Our £3.50 Women's P Friday and Saturday only This will be the last cha Boot «ize 11 to 2, reg Saturday i 3 i " * 3 < I: : v (ne Lot Friday ly One lot wd 7 Frida SEE THESE FIIIIIIIR I 0 Johnston can buy Ribbons, , Vei Waists, Belts, everything in 40 Per Us JOHNSTON Stusmmam shaBI aE You