Pm nt is re in - ii, gd "mA?338c0 Be ar OD DO D tH Send us A sample of Celluloid Starch, name and ad- Latest Designs for Braiding Persian Lamb Jackets and Fancy Etons. 76, 78 & 80 Brock St. Phone 700. Carefully and promptly ex- ecuted mew style specially shaped to. order. Repairs of all , mounts and lenses made' kinds. Eyes Examined ard Glasses Fitted. & $ White Spot Glearing Of Summer Dress Ma~ terials on Wednes- £ day Morning. Muslins, 20c., 25¢., 30c. a yard. Fancy Pattern Muslins, 20c. to 40c. a yard. Black and White Mus- lins, 20c., 25¢., 35¢. a yard. White Mercerized Goods up to 30c. a yd. 'Dress Ginghams, 30c. a yard. Wednesday above lines on gain Counter for onl 15c. a Yard. We must have room % hence the necessity g clearing out all Sum- 20c. to all . the the Bar- ) youg dress and yell forward you a quarter-pou kage of Cellu- loid Starch --_-- Painting Book with colors for the little folks, Don't send any money--they're free. We just want to get you acquainted with Celluloid Starch starch that requires no cooking, never makes the iron stick and gives the best results, Send your address to-day to The Brantford Starch Limited v Works, A Celluloid Starch EXCLUSIVE FUR STORE #W. F GOUDIER, ~~ - big 3) REVOLVING ANNO SOE NPT : 3 3 } Kaiser Wilkelm to Introduce Unique Innovations Into Army Maneuvres. ] Berlin, Aug. 13:~Great intérest at | taches to the detgiled ennouncement just 'made regarding the military ma- noeuvres 10 take plage in the ~ September 21st, which the kaiser will'! the technique of waging war will According to military airship will take an active part in the niamoeuvres, as was arran- | ged some time ago in the event of the siiccess of the trial flights. Bicycle divisions will ~also. play an enthely new role, being uscd not only for re- cannoitering purposes, but also for ative offensive warfare, executing sur- phise attacks on infantry and cutting communication, ete. By way of &x- pediment. they will be. provided with méchine runs, - Dogs will be largely employed. on pa- trol and intelligence service. Wireless telephony will he extensively tested, with the view of" ascertaining its im; partance im warfare. Another inter esting instance will be the less impor tut role played by the cavalry, owing ia: the substitution of eyvelists, A conspicuous part. will he played by amnor- fad towers containing revolv- ing cannon and quick firing guns, ho treops will be called upon to emiet many difficulties similae--to-these prétented at Port Arthur. ~ Grept fa - | portance will Se attached fo 8 Tay] {ing out of mine fields and the con | struct hein {r Jon attack will be made on the fortifi- cations, ; which, the emperor will lead in ,vince of Posen from September 16th to $Onl v provements and recent innovations in| be stibiccted to,an exhaustive trial. 4 information received | frém a well-informed source the new | of bridges by rlway tro) | be 'supplemented by a com} ang ja, © { On A Hd day of the manocuvres | | i | Hay Fever Sufferers. Everywhere you see pegple with sore, | runnihg oyes, og i | colds and headaches. These are the first stages of hay fever, which in: in severity till frpst comes, sure « 'cure known ig to. inhale attend. The manoeuvres will be {Catarrhozone. 1t destroys the germ, unijue, inasmuch gs bY modern iim qRives ef ina fow: minutes, cures ovr "sthoroughly. Doctars recommend Ca tarrhozone because safe and efficient. Sold by all dealers for $1. Try this guaranteed cure asthma, hay dover, If acver fails. Cushendall Notes. | F Cushendall, Aug. 12.--Farmers haye tective w the time a \ Woods | structing fis pupils one day A Mar | broke into the schoolhouse, dnd ) dome clothing. Master t ih purxit, snd the started harvesting: All cropa- rather light. George Bas erected a mew wind mall. \in and children went on the excursioh to Ogdensburg on Friday. M report Rampton ie. cpetitling « few days . jn (chose was continued antil the clits *Foronto. Nie Pearl. Hutton. Miss fell in a ploughed field from exhavis- | lanche Brown and Miss Miss J. John tion. Armed with a hedge stake, Mr. ston, Kingston, at J. Wier's. Miss Atrow kept guard ove the. prigoner Rmma Olsen, 1, Kingston, at Mrs. FH, until holy arrived. The thief proved King G McKane's. Mrs. Ji Smythe is visiting | {0 be an old offender; and ». row {of old Kiug at Kingston. and Collins Bay. Miss Ye complied Biron y {wag torn on Beatrice Norman, Buericficld, has ob That Speident determined the future {When the tirned "home after spending a couple of weeke with her sister, Mrs. W. Hun- + ter, To be frge from sick 'headache, bil iousnhess, eonstipation, ete., use Cart r's Little Liver Pills, Strictly vege table, They gently. stimilate the liver sneezmny, nose | for summer catarrh,, | FANT DETEGT 5 It AFTER MANY YEARS. S-- Ghiet Inspector Artow Has Had {is | By the retire J | Inspector Arrow, Scotland Yard loses {one of_its Most brilliant officers, and | London one investigators, Mr. : ! |gserved with the Metropolitan police | {forte for over a hb { Important loua. . His éapeer contains 1 | rorantie incident and exciting adven- | ture. There is a Many [Exciting Experiences and Worth Relating. retirement of Chiel Detective: its most skilful crime Arrow, who bas rter of a century, pain to take up an fof is action int is i i ding to} t detective position in Barod- a full measure of touch of romance, {for instance, in the manner in which his thought | cafaped with iss Fanny and pifils wen qualifications; he ik Jecective. He applied to the il that he could only to the charmed r ranks of - thegniformed police. s were first turned to de ork. Mr. Arrow was at one schodimaster, and de- réor of the young #thobl ister: ough possessing good vestigation departmont, but circle. through the So he came to London and while in- | thieves | Al- scholastic { and slavery Hedidod to sbetome on {WEY criminal | prince found obtain atimission fined ¥, | | throwing off the Tv they called | throne of Groege. s | Grévce on November year. | George nection with 9 queen bad | is st at Toumg man, of oF ps 0, he ee oe sew - . VERY POPULAR. | Saks sigh Rb | Pedpié of Gléece: © -of Greece corge' 1 of Ordect wis a son ition of Denmdrk ahd Decemiser 24th, 1845. "GireckE finally sibcesded Tn and Jaoked about foi ruler oh this y Guthful Danish to accept the newly ré-grfated oe He was chosen king {on March 18th, 1863, and landed i On October 2 married othe, Grand Duchess on of w and Y eds ep GOUD BT, BOY WORK. IN "RARE, SRE al © | GOOD SMART Bt TRA THE O00 SI PK : TALE Wig office, gi rhrontan. i, TWO OR _THREB GOOD le Br 3 with sothe experience ! | a gg ork Ra, A pom, GENTLE OUNG. GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK. wo | Ww h y A irkish dohtination in same King 2nd, in the 27th, 1867, a BY GOOD TENANT, MEDIUM SIZED «Whig office. 5 or ir Apply, ™. ARTHUR ELLIS, AR " TT . eh tt TUR aun 4ad Brot Sirvets, WANTED--GENERAL. STORE, ON. PRINUESS STREET ic 30th ofcup, 0] . Sithte ToWset TORY, to Box "A. B." Whig office. House, by about 15th September Must have moderfi {mprovements an te in good 'repair Wpply Box TOR SALB. | POWER a iu Bde TT i CAPABLE TADY FOR OFFICE. h antl fox), snd 11 cattle. Owner bave same by Paying damages ra Jropetty. v8 SUMMBR COTTAGES, DWELLINGS, tra. pues agul free. tha stomach from bile. hy gS. : i lt i : - | the Westminster division as an ordin Olga, ddughier of the Russian "Grand re Te the ie Bat he never lost sight | Duke Constaptine and the heir to the son BRICK, HOURE, 78 BYDES {of his objective, and in order to de {Greck throne is named after his grand: A is. et Water Et: Apory | Wanted 1oF -- -- «velop his detective faculties ~ would |fat . Konstantinos. He "is called to A: B. Curminghwm, 79 Clarence) éapable, &h reabed soi ve an - {after his tirn of uniform duty was ithe uke of Sparta. " The income , of § street. © Assistant book h et bo guick A COUPLE OF OFFIC OVER done, go out thiel catching m plain the king is about £500,000 lly, | e-- ha Hy iar a vines ry _-- G. N. W. Telegraph ompany NA dothes. Hig zeal soon brouvht recog |He is very popular with all classes snc MEDICAL . ins agtory kad age, An Clarvnce St: Apply to J. B. y 1c 4) sition for at the end of fifteen months is considered a representative king in : =a ¢ ence, leo give nothed and Ade SEVERAL FRO TR si Nfl (he was melee to 3 Plain clothes | Eurgpenn diffomatio icles. DR. MeOARTHY, OFFICE LATELY 70 HEL TUDE enroll inodeta pr BF Le {officer i assisting to gua ar : 'ocoupled by Dr. Ryan, corner Mon: | ou utiiesiteimmimt-- frame house. Apply 160 King Si. bert Hall and other important huild- GANANOQUE TIDINGS. and Beook ptrests. Corner Union street. . > Er AIR mA. £ 1 Well dressed men: Choc ,. Buy 'Ganong's way down the, front and slip on' just 'as easily as yur coat or vest. made "froth exclusive patterns, with every de: tail 'from. the cutting right down to the sewing of the last seam, finished ana carefully inspected by workers of long experience. "TOOKE BROTHERS MONTREAL-CANAD sesseetetettttetetetttttetettets pulled on over ___your head. They unbutton all the All Tooke shirts are "demand Tooke shirts. ITED 5 it olates G. B. Chocolates. They are the Best. Yeas REES, 166 Princess.Street ------------ | ypicacy, Dr. Sinclair Roland, a man {Allon -» notorious both on ths comtinelit and ston, Miss Isabel Allen, Indianapolis, once, are the guests of Mr. gnd KINGSTON, THE CITY OF THE DEAD: (We mean Kingston, cally dead, as far as push Twenty thousand peogee whe: its natural advantages, t con to thwart the best interest jdeas will never boom it. to import some good shrewd Ax dead men, give everyone who co elsewhere, who are willing: to pay for the privilege, business without fear or favor. of the ratepayers, Our advice (if you' will come instead of a curse, mn. it should be a tr agted officials, with their who make by-law ericans, pay mes to your city, TR! brainless cannot do. better) is them decently, bury the on the market or | a chance to do |! lings in South Kensington during the | f " - Fegian scare. X Black Maud Was First--More | BRICK DYELLING, NO. SI Mr. Arrow's conduct in a case on | oR MARRIAGE LICENSES. |DR, a, Ww. Li Vv. 8, HAS RE street, lw a eome: Wiiemaon ON, Lord Mayor's show day, in 1583, | Sumniér Visitors. 1 moved to Bis Geigk blook, on C1 fng room "wine ord May fa vd BF i 108 BK TRICK, ISSUER OF | street; just the Post O heating ; . brought hipt to tho rotice of Sir |' Gananoque, Aug, 13.-W. J. Gib , 42 "Clarence St Calls by or Ply. to . , : NS oN Howard Vineont, then 'chief of the 'gon's fast se, black Maud, took{ . * h | promptly" at 3 Division street. ' § criminal investigation depatiument, first place at Pembroke in the 2:19 | cue 5 --t---- . : a hi inted: him permanently to class last weeks eT ! Gy : FAMILY MERE CONVENTION: fe Ci t { \ [licemen in thé station yard; the van : " drove up. outside the club, and some: Jamaica), but Kingston, Canada, is practi. and energyyis concerned. tot hundred, with all and EDWARD'S | To=-M Underwear, Wool H Dress Goods, " Flannels, weeds, G and Gloves. You Can Save Men' Winter Goods, as osiery, Grey Flannels, s Underwear, Shaker olf Jackets and Mitts One-THird on All All Must Be. Sold. sion to break up fow-cla i i Tt whe in connection with this he most' clubs. |erusnde that he had one of t exciting ndventures of his carver. He was anxious to clear out a notorious made. we the way for a | ing. de i three officers approac | massive i fas bunilled prietor. tunity and dashed in. | plecas, 'to find | od inside. The priceless relics Were ré-lamd purify your blood. They are stored to their ofigingl places, and loreat personal maker. Tn bors, 256, at Wade's drug the C.ID. L : My. Arrow nitde it his special mis cls gambimg luli kept by an ltalien off Tottey ham-court-road. Plans for the raid were carefull Mr. he tlub with a couple of raid by a for constables who were to be in hic unexpected happened. As iron-hound spenad, and out by the burly Arrow pr Mr, the trio were detectives, tor slammed selves trapped ih a room with a Hun- 3 N : dred evil-looking foreigners. | Miss E. Funnil; Nothing daupted, Mr. Arrow cooly {arrived in town | procesded to the gambling rodm thotigh he Fad all the foree of land Yard dt his back. He seifed { bank, the cards and other evidences fuming. and told is prisoners. It inmates saw into' the club by means of a was not until that they fully realized that they had bien outwitted by the jntrepidity one man. Afternoon clubs were more difficy to approach: On ofie 'occasion he tad | a pantechnicon van loaded. with § thing wert Wrbng With the hatrie Three eorupit looking od about with it wt club opened, "and loaded in record time. A. famous case of which Mr. had chargé was called 'University at Cambridge. the door of t Press, in England; had sworn never to Arrow was to approac assistants, hed the club the door - suddenly an undesirable member stizeel the oppor. Suspecting that, the propric- [1&¥ the door, and Inspector Arfow and his companions found theni- Soot- the men they weke 8 the. | the constables potting street old 'men tinker- then the van dn- the raid on the so- | Limited," | Mrs. BE. The chi of thie con Benn, of Elizabeth, Nod, Mrs, Miss Blanche Kane, | Among the late arrivals at OC. iWitia's summer resort, 'The Hay ls- Hand House," are © or, { Roch ster, N.Y.; | ran, Lyméyd, - Ei lajolgfhing Pa. ¥iund A: W bh | mond, Momtreal; Miss M. Dri ne 1 stroet, 0 § {tack of fever. - are spend ng a fe {ihe St. Lawrence river. "the' {Ina Wright, corner streets, 'aro' &pind scascn with frichds 0- as 4 ¢ |eousin, Mrs. J, E ho | of Montreal, who of (few days in town, land Mrs, C. 8. R as: returned. {Jom RB, McMurchy alt Mrs, H. S. Raym DO daughter, Mrs. BB. summer Mrs. W. Hi. Acton, is spending some a. he | Jamestown, N.Y., {vacation dre, the R. Benn be Intl. taken alive. He lived in 4 large house |Clarké Allen, Main on although evety escape had been taken searched. the oitskifts of Cambridge, and | precjntion agminkt | he was no-| | where .to be. found when the house was | the worst, storms Chaffey's L: Chafley's Locks; Thursday last land the Misses Emma and Anna Fail New York; Miss Louisa Fuston, Miss Emma Pag Miss E,W. Hocken lLeey and Mr. and Mrs. J, 'A. Snyder; . Callotyy Miss I. VP, Miss 1° Driscoll, Buff manocuyte for an entrance, and thus A. M. Mott; Rochester, N.Y. Mr. aad Mrs. John E. Cook, who, have been spenglitig a few : ldays in Warburton, at the bedsidd of g. Arrow expected a long wait, but. {he former's mother, returned home last cvoning. | Kenny, Garden street, is and confined to. Jig deed: with wn Ms, and Mre. Nelson | W 'Weblts" oiiting on | Misses Myrtle days to spend some , is enjoying a residence on: Tremont of Brandon, Man., | time with friends | land relatives in téwWmw i Dir auBmith, of it. spending a short | life." treat ock st ; VETERINARY. De Mra NPailor McFer- Messrs, G, Swith Ray B. Fliot, Migs alo, N 3 King since decensed, John ysly ill «at ri | abit 'up "the Sague and Stone" inl South g: i short holiday "Athens. lon, Man., Je "past few bo with her , Dafoe, ' _ pending a the t of Mr. Eo . A 8, Church ¢ s ladder |$0n in Quebec and the ay dis (trict, Mrs. Walker, mfialo, N.Y", | of |is 'spending some time town, the guest of her parents, £. pnd Mrs, , Stone street, ore, of Torimto, 1s spending come time the guest of her| at her Park. 0. Britto), guest. of Mr. © and Arrow | Mrs. J. R. Jobnson, Stone street. Mra, W. D, Soles, Miss Mariel Soles | You can cure it right gilck by Fib- and - Miss Dorothea R. W, King: Mrs. street, ocks News. Aug. 12.-One of occurred here. on with fain, hail and Ultimately, however, he wae fount very high wind. It destegyed all vege- | hickden in an artfully convealetl cham- tables ber under the whether by actident sloping roof, or and grain. Roland wat an clever medical man--he the commtry. died directly Arrow pulled him from! The Opidicon Clubhouse is overflow- Arrow, who quickly arrested him . Several windows ant, were broken to atoms. The like of it design fof | hever wis experienced in "this part of on Always have sone + Then a blessing y NERVINE will have a sale it ngyer had before. Gibson's Red his hiding place, Towards the end ofling with tourists. iss M. BE. Flem- Cross Drug Store and at all Druggists, or direct from the - | 1899 Mr. Arrow was tran toling, is visiting at Hallville. Mrs, J WARDS' Medical Co., London. | Seotiaid Yard, ahd in 1903 nade |B. O'Brien, Miss Hanno, Masters Every 50c. package contains 2} oz, 25¢. | chief inspeetpr. In this capacity it {John and Charles, Yontreal are visit- i. i | was his duty to arrest the unfortun-|ing relatives here. Willtsith Flem- re | ate Benjamin Green Lake; at one time! ing is spending a fow dave here. Mrs: - : ; president of the Incorporafed Law| Higgins, Kingston, i# thé g of Mrs RE A aR | Society, and also another weil-known! Kerraish, Miss iasing Risin, : a . | solicitor in New York, for offumtes has_retorhed home. EB. © Brien, ET En 8 '. | committed in London. | Elgin, is. spending a. few Swith \ | One of the matters placed' in Mr. Mrs. J, Narphy, M "&'Commor 3 : 7 < | Arrow's hands for investigation wis 'nnd daughter, Kin wishing . "| the loss of the Nelson relics, which at, Gooree Randall's } /. Ander SEY wl §2 4 + en | wore so mysteriously stolen from the Ton and Porter, with fa %, Youngs: h 3 : { Painted Hall of the Royal Naval Col-|town, haye derived: to speed this lege in December, 1900, Tt was not {month hore 1 Torrs: Nit Wank will : »4 4 JK tll July, 1904, that he obtained a Spend a fdw weeds io, .. We have all Winter Goods now marked clue; thtough a man calling wt theylerrymore. Jaland, Indian Behe: ready ot | yard to make some inquifies regard-| : enrtgeF and ready for you Line them. Tle was inthrviowed. hy Mr.) The Way To Mesp Well i i . . strphis vitality. suspicion. The man was fond to have | Have midre onergy "thith You use. Have Iatided from Australia on the previ day, and in his luggage was a Harm- to work aml... still, serject TA Mr. Arrow took It to!tions chi Be fread less looking congertina. Although played tunes. Nelson's watch eohe Mr. Arrow "received the thanks of the lotd eothimiissioners | the admiralty. In November, 1903, he wos | proud recipient of the personal com- mendation" and thanks of the dtieen, | conveyed theough the ¢ ous! that sort of vigor it {body Vin eal-| from Todie Pills ( nerve strer ot store. he | The idea-that t | to every' { with any of the 8, ested, . question sway th enalles you your own jr. Such eondi- iy deine Wade's lakative) to enrich a wthener and blood here are two sides didn't originate ar tigg directly inter- People Frolic to. Altar and Expect + 'to Go Often. | ind relations respectable enough, Proacnt:day marriage conditions are far from what they] should b8 among Christians, cord. ing to Prof. Shailer Mathews, Dean of tho University of Chicago Divinity Sohool, und editor of The World, in an address at the Chautaqgiia assem- | Bly : LS literature * had become anti-| family," he said, 'There is a tenden- | cy to replace the idén of romantic | love thal, gives beauty to life, with | ths old iden of mating. H 38 rep tions of man and woman are to rierely those of anithals, Men, we. ake going bnckward. in our evol htion. If Christianity can't' grasp hold of the family problem, marriage, ties will be tithed into mere conventionalities, | but | 'her -asingly ynelirigtian, | ""'Mcst of us are so. busy that we| éan-ot get acquainted with our chil-| dren. With us the family has become | a mere cohvehtionality, and a matter | of personal convenience, "Thete ae mapy young men and women, who are growing up with the! idea that marriage, while not. simul | taneously, tay at feast be stccessive-| fy, polyendrous snd folygamons. We holiday sea- | fafl to take our family relations with | sufficient setiondniess. Wo go into them | with the same sang-froid that we go | cn a picnics . | "What shall we say of the whole | matter of courtship. 1 heard a minis- ter say once; -I never heard a sermon on getting engaged, but one pulpit in | Bosten is going to treat of this to- | pie. This indifference to the Things thet we do Hot talk. about or at {lecst hesitate to talk mbout is the | sonrce of many dangers: of out social | fave You A "Lold Sore?" |bing on Dr, Hami sn's Olntment, | which takes. out that mean, fostering lsorencss, Pdin and irritation goes at new tisaue forms and thp eold {sore disappears. Nothing better for Ithe skin affections than Dr. Hamil {tons Ointuient. Buy a 80¢. box. | ol ili | | Toronto Street Market. Taronto, Aug. 12.--Wheat, white, bush., 90e.; whet, red, pir bush. i whedt, spring, per bsh., 8c. to 86e | wheat, goose, per bush. Soe. {per bush., 48¢c. to 50e.; batley, per bush., 53.; peas, per bush., 77¢; to 7%¢.; hay, old, per tan, 013.50 so $15; new, per tom. 811° to $18; straw, per ton, $13 th $13.50; dpesstid hogs; 89.25 io $9.75; opgs, per doz. 19c. to 20; butter, dairy, per 1b, 21e. to Mo. creamery, per th. 246. 'to 20e.i thick- ons, spring, per tb. 156. to 0c. fowl; onls; fignring in the ridicw- of adequate' fiews: id a eo al at all. a profit after Jougly siall east, paver exploitation ¢ faildte that carmot be sold ---- 8 The man who has nd music in his TH LICSOME MONARCH. -------- King of Spain a Sad Wag--Kaiser William, Francis the First and Charles the Third Also in the Category of Jesters. fF ARE JOKERS aid family SHAH OF PERSIA IS A FRO- the Kaiset has been known THE PARAGRAPH PU A Religion For Use. Oné would imagine, judging bv the. common practices of religion, that it were a matter ornunen t loa hh Toff poet Bub Suse : : gg yr oor, | Althoug be y more than in ornament to be to allow ome American millionaire 10 {yw wn with. holy pride upon the slap him heartily on the shoulder, and path, dnd ' 'oirehilly away upon another 5 tell him that he is "a jolly lye talon moti. If hon good fellow," Withotit showing a trace {,o.) iy jy of real use every Ys of offender] dignity, he is, said never 10 week. 1f it. ornamental the fact permit the least, rity {rom een |gigiglary, The greater fot is that. the mast, exited of his subjects, says, = Gir the ve n thingh pndon * Its. | daily life. HMO, And yet fio monarch better enjoys a ny i Np joke at the expense of his officials, as re, Mr. Casson for free Henge : was recently proved by a photograph presented by iral, who usually accompanied him his yachting expeditions. On & trip this admiral was not present, in order to show him What his majesty, He hagumissed, had a wonderful pho graph and fearsome sea-serpent through the water within pistol the imperial yacht. A more frolcsonié 'mondrch is Shah of Persia, of whom the following story is told. During his last visit Paris the Shah, just as he was leaving ned thé two police tors who alwdys accompany him an their. bicycles, amd begged the Joan of i his Court Martialand his stimmbo inspec hitel, their machines, as Chief Chamberlain were anxious to them. These dignified officials had ne been on a bicycle 'int their lives, and great was their consternation when their unt royal master commanded them to mo the unstable steers and ride away. + There was, howevef, ho escape; stmmoning up their courage, the t wheels, and began to wobble down Champs Elysees. one hali-a-dazen yards, however, , crash 'went sone machine and the other, Bi the gallant spectacle that hie was obliged to dry witgit is a little pfactice," he gasped tween His paroxysms of laughter, ast began ruefully to. brush the dust their garments, On arothér oécasion his majesty several of his most adipose and gr command them to désist, But, "shocking his tiers. Ohl interrupted an interview with one of part in the. Christmas time to take i in which mal ' sledge procession cestain holses, sang a carol and soul 'might "try B shoe horn. ghavitgble ofleriugk;._ remarkable him to ah ad- recent and faked" tépresenting a gigantic Bot of dignitaries tucked up their frock-coats, got, somehow; astride 'of their respective They Had scarcely then 'aged sixty-thres years and five mont] riders were land sprawling on the ground, while the Shahi a few weoks, laughed so consumedly at the ludicrous of the Methodist church and superin eyes with his handkerchief: "All you thirty years. fallen heroes picked themselves tp and jour children survive, two sons courtiers on roller skates, and was 801g op. y . ook; b convulsed by their antics that he had 1d | ins will be interred i perhaps, Ho living sovereign relishes a joke of this kid more heart- ily than the irrepressible King of Spain, , who is never' sp happy as when he is rave and decorous cour other day? it is said, showered ont him. And; to give but one more example. ~ Pefer the Great loved at clergy, gorgeously attired, Jstopped at received. "ape 0 on to- the to try ver He Was An Old Resident of Marl 80, . *| Napanee, Aug. NO laway ab. Marlbaik, ing, Albert Augustus best known and m dents of Marlbauk, |sident of "village. ost 3 and ga life-long re- ; Deceased was | 1 be- d had been ill of heart trouble but Deceased was a member his | tendent of the Sunday school for over He was widely known be- [as a stiocessful farmer and universal the yes Besides his sorrowing wi off {wo daughters, Nelles and Albert [Miss and Ave om ee Ring. ih, st 3050 on a; i hi ) erence at the chuech. | The ul A the family plot at Lime Lake, wi | Sunday and M were two of the'! warmest days of summer. The . thermometer was up in the nineties, Fveryons was making the same x ke! he "i's hot," and so it was. Dr. and his for a Mrs. Leonard left, Savirday, per Wo. 9. to 100; ducks, per Ib. | ministers to show him how cleverly he holiday in Montreal. . Wilson 5c; fo 20c.; turkeys, per ho, 100 0 | could mm a sofversault, an acrobatic 'and som, Wilfrid, returned, Saturday; 12¢.; potatoes, new, per bush, 70c. to | feat which he also perforhied for the from a weeks' tip to (iebec and 81.10: beef, hindoyarters, $7.60 to | benefit of Queen. Alexandra, a short: other easforn cf ; £2.50. foraquatiess, §6 50 to 3pichaice me agd, ing e of the corridors of u C's oN : carcade, $8.50 to 50; medium; var: uckingham alace. : nto Fase, $7.50 to 8%; mwittom, per owt. hckdngh 1. practiced some erie! jokes They Rely On Wade's Ointanent." 20 to 810; veal; per cwt., 3850 to'ion Patl yon Ounidiing, an' emi-| Wade's Oiiitfient is _ depérided pon $11: lambaper owt., $13 to 815 nent scientist; on one occasion dressing ia handed of homies for «the core of nities _ fupa tponkey in clothes sini ar to ioe al, iinjurits Ao She him as well as'the 4 'pi worn the professor and making the ious skin disenses. There is not a shun Gost Of Siting | eer hi in public and ac- family that would not find this oimty ' Philadeiphia Record, i knowledge Him as his own soni and on 'ment inva! hi%, i "What causes mine men out of ten | knowledge fim as ia ble, : aa 97 oki writer | Gundling's death the kin~ had his body | Cures etzemd, $81 theur, scaly ord to fail in hosiness ?" askhk a Itessed In Mate nif #0 buried ina | toh Tonk: of a ra for tne of the pablicity magazines, | SEEESE ER HEC uniform atid buried n'a Shing seipt a We iy pitules, And then ho' nmwwers : "Too much | VE (GF yirjoved to go abtond in 3e., at Sandra, ete. In bx boxesss the 8 At you wee Ririk o> disguise, assailing Pe Fubjocts in the 7 pron Mesh Bodmer pd 0 he Sol ap ron 0 ex-| orsest terms. He . would enter the|® hot g pedhos of selling ¥' This is a valid] Spe " Ail of Bie habe. materials, A Genefo us Benefactor. firgurhent in hehulf of 'hore whd heft 4nd taking Wy 4 HilFfor BF drinking glass | Memilton Spechntor. ot hi ter advertising. Good advertising outs) {qld let it fall to the nd; fadgh i Te Maclean: in by 'his friend tio : hid éfpense of gelling to a minimum. | ,qceqirainedly at the damage that he |inke a two cents u mile railway gh The article that ennnot ba #old at [had done and at the abuse * that Was third sige, Ho 5 three ents and . si i bts i "You hardly realise that it js medi. cnt; when taking Carter's Little Tver = Pills; they are very small; no of fects; all troubles idk an- the