Don't Forget ~ oi t Imo na '* | Creates strength for aged, weak, in run-down and debilitated persons _e and strengthens weak lungs. - | Vinol is a Cod Liver preparation aa ara why I version 4 but it contains no oil and is > delicious in warm a z GEORGE W. MAHOOD, : DRUGGIST. EXCLUSIVE sf 'FUR STORE 2 : . : Latest Designs for : Braiding Persian Lamb Jackets and 8 Fancy Etons. 1] » 76, 78 & 80 Brock St. Phone 700. - Optical Work Carefully and promptly ex- ecuted mew style, mounts and specially shaped lenses made to order. Repairs of all kinds. Eyes EXained aud CTasses Fitted." R | Clearing: Sone Ig day Morning. White Spot Muslins, 20c., 25¢., 30c. a yard. | Fancy Pattern Muslins, 20c. to 40c. a yard. Black and White Mus- lins, 20c., 25¢., 35c. a yard. 3 White Mercerized $ : Goods up to 30c. a yd. Dress Ginghams, 20c. to 3 30c. a yard. ¥ R Wednesday all the above lines on the Bar- gain Counter for only 15c. a Yard. We must have room for FALL GOODS, hence the necessity of clearing out all Sum- mer Goods. . > > > D> ® Newman & Shaw W. F GOUDIER, A man is as old as he feels. The min; who fecls old, is the man who neglects his liver. - and stomuth. Every man can be 50 or 60 years YOUNG; by keeping his stomach clear--liver active--and bowels regular. Abbeys "A dessert spoonful of Abbey's Salt, in a glass of tepid water every morning, is the "fountain of perpetual youth." Try it this summer, and keep young. veces SARE owe report a fairly good crop. Berry pick- 'Eyman and .. Carpenter, Pitts ling is about fimished, Mrs. 'F. Wiltsie burg, Pa: AB. Cunningham and C. ; about fushell Wd Neko He Rimghatts Me 5. 3 Galloway is about to return home, her | Kilpatrick and Kilpatsick, Penh { ua , ave fos : r ther v 3 & n door are also furnished with the Penn Es 4 home in Finch. Miss Eva and Her- | x if desired. ford Munn are visiting friends at sD . : : Lyn. E. H. Poole is spending this A Call on our local agent or write us direct for week ine Ottawa. Mrs. Mary, Rable, ns + ) an ts 1 Athens, is spending a few weeks visit- catalogue. ing Mr. and Mrs. James Tennant. S. SALES BRANCHES AT is made in ninety-one different styles and sizes, and in three types,-- the plain, the semi-plainand the ornamental. " thermometer on _the : | Y & MACHINE CO _ RECORD FOUNDRY & MACH Q MORCTOR.ILB. MONTREAL.PQ. WINNIPEG, MAN. CALGARY. ALTA. & extra room. Wood burning grates and a TORONTO. VANCOUVER. B.C. TAYLOR & HAMILTON. ev dorsed by and Germa jor and address p rg" Medical Board has recomne a Ls fur use in the Insane Asyi as is well majority bf the male inmates arg victims of lost Vi in its most terrible form. Ti Europe the re: Ail governments and is now used as ® Specific in the great standin Stons losses in from seven ¢'s treatment. Jeadaches disappear. y nind becomes bright and active. brain and [cod how cheonic the cose, J ainly written an" of Res'orine wi | be sent FREE in De not hestate a moment wiih sucoes and with hopest couddence. De. KOHR MEDICINE CO.. PO. DRAWEF L, 2341. The a R'S RESTORINE == of the derful Medicine ever d medi ly is 10,000 i world, cat . tational " lagns where, armies af Rue to fen day! .. Drains entirely cease The skin becomes clean. (onfidence returns, stepelastic, bowels No more weak me- A Food A permznent cure no matter Jus: sen: us to-day your name {1 a § days treatment § pack We will treat you ever plain seal PONTREAL. DO WHICH K WITH A THE POWDER GUARANTEE Will positively exterminate Roaches and Water Bugs JACKSONIAN a} (NOR FOISONOUS) { Di et does udb 1 does not handle your Drugg' THE JACKSON Ki In Cane st Sou for Sand 101d. tus for Motes, Hestalrants ROACH POWDER -------------------------------- REGISTERED) nse, andin ~4 Me = +KINGSTON AGENCY, FRANK J. HOAG." chttessenostststtttes SEELLELELEEEEEEEEERET Chocolates Buy Ganong's G. B. They are the : . ---------------------- A. J. REES, 166 Princess Street : 8 IS FIIIIII IIIS FIIIISIIFIIIIINITIIID } jema Point. 'Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mus- | &¥ Chocolates. Best. 3 E 3 3 i i ------ I -------- | Johnsion's Retiring Sale | ' and ready for To=-Morrow Underwear, Wool Hosiery, Men's Underwear, Shaker. Dress Goods, 5 Flannels, Tweeds, Golf Jackets anc and Gloves. You Can Save We have all Winter Goods now marked: One-Third Winter Goods, as All Must Be Sold. Paint eent yo Grey Flannels, 1 Mitts 2IRANTA on All operation being a sugtess. Miss M {gis Berry returned home after ling a few months with her aunt | Alexandria Bay. The recent hailstorm did a great . {many corn - fields. Miss Annie Corri- gen, Kingston, lon Tuesday, after spending her vaca- | ville. Mrs ter, Mrs. Harry Franklin, William J ques, lib, M; Closs, V. 1 er, 'C fin, Miss B. V. Corlig, Mre. C a lin, Kinghamton, N.X5 W. J. and son, Ottawa: Ba A At Sweet Corners. Sweet Corners, Aug. 12.--Many of | | the farmers have Gnished baying, and |and Master at | deal of damage to jhe i returned to her home | Mrs. Frederick Tennant spest Sunday at Union Park. Mr. and Mrs. 'H. Sunday lest in Brock- John Rincaid was, on the guest of her daugh- Junetown. Powell spent Friday last, Mics Minnie Fir ie visiting at her old I. Hogehoon bas returned home after a trip to the NortheWest. The Misses Louise and Florence Quimsey were, on Wadnesdny last, guests of Miss Nora Kincaid. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chick, a daughter. R. R. Phillips is visiting his brother at St. Catharines, Miss Elsie Ferguson spent last week visiting friends at Lansdowne. Miss Edna Wilcox, Rockport, is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Nancy Buell. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hodge, Jr, a "danghtere - Master Stewart Feanant spent a week at Union Park, with his grandmother, Mrs. Nancy Tennant. Mics Hattie Uray has returned to her home at Lym. Miss Maude Avery, Junetopm, has been engaged to teach the school for the fall terpe. Budget From Morton. Morton, Aug. 13.--William Merrill, wife and children, irom Antler, Sask., ape visiting at Mrs. Manuel's. - Mrs Hogan and two children, Bay City Mich., are visiting her brother, R. RH Somerville, of this village. Miss Jen- nie Somerville has returned home from Kingston. Mr, and Mrs. Howard returned to their home in Watertown after a week's visit with R. Foley and family. Miss Mary Stewart is hose from Lyndhurst on a, month's vaca- tion. Mr. apd' Mrs. A. Reantrie, of Berrvton, spent Sunday of last week at their home in this village. Dr. W. H. McMachon and wife, of Superior, Wis., arrived here, Tuesday last, on a visit to his mother after an absence of twenty-five years.' M. Marsh made a flying trip to Athens last weck. J C. Judd, of Toromto, arrived in the village gn Thursday and will remain one week. Monday, August 12th, at noon, Miss Addie, daughter of George White, Briar Hill, was united in mar- riage to Joseph Somerville, principal of the high school at Beamsville, Ont. Master Garfield Dormer, of Berryton, returned home on Monday, after visit ing his grandmother, Mrs. Willis, of this willage. J. Coon and family spent Sunday inst visiting iwiends' at Sand Bay, Edward Jacob and wife, who have been wisiting relatives in this vieinity for the past month, re- turned to their home in the states on Mouday last. Jones' Falls Visitors. Jones' Falls, Aug. 13.--The steamer | Stranger brought a large excursion from Smith's Falls here, on Monday. Miss Blanche Stratton, Dufferin, is the guest oi her grandpartnt®, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. William Chipman and family, Ottawa, have come to spend: the summer months at their cottage on St. Hel- tard, Sweet's Corners, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomus Clover over Si nday. Among the late arrivals at Hotel D'Kenney are: Mr. and Mrs. Harry « A. lee, New York city; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Morgan, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davidson, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gutman, New York; 6G. McCombe . and, G. Pyke, Montreal; J. E. Ennis, New York, S. Loewy, New York; Mr. and Mrs, V. R. Marshall, Miss Grace Marshall, and | Brockville; Mr. | Belleville; Mrs, % To Mr. and Mrs. . of + | dous business. wa; L. A. . N..Belair, A » ville; Dr. A XK. n, Philadelphia; a orton. Wade, New ark. Althrape Wisitors. ------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- GOOD SMART BOY, TO LEARN. THE | business. AT ONCE, TWO OR THREE GOO ee ---------------------------------------- TON, . FOR churdh. Ap Apply to' J. Gi { . Bert. rrie street. iy with some ex| to W. FP. M shburn. I BOY TO WORK ol week, the guest of her mother. Born-- James Kilpatrick, on Mise Fva isiting' 'riends Aug. 1st, .m daughter. | Mentie, Westport, ave v herve. CAPTAIN OF INDUSTRY. John McClary Was Formerly own- er of mn Small Tinshep- To few men ia the privilege given of witpessing such & celebration as that of which John MeClary, of London, was the contre during the week that {ended on July 13th, For durin that yeeeh-u- series -- ol. ol jubilations mmrkea what was the sixtieth anuiver- sary of the MeClary Manufacturing . pnpany. hes "sixtieth amniversary is note worthy, not only besause 1t relates to the largest concern of ite kind under {the British flag, but. because it thrust before the attention ol 8 man - whose achievements make him Sambty nttendod tO: : GOOD STRONG 2c and 6oc: a bottle. [|i here. Visitors: Misa Leadbeater | Althorpe, Aug: [J3-Some of the |99%R, SIR BOY 10 WORE 1 lat J, Morchead's; Mrs. J. Pomnelly, 'farmers are through haying and re- Brock St., Beivey & 4 = | Soctes's Bay, and her -nicce Miss Sov port a very light crop owing to the | PWTS_STARTLING = HOUSEHOLD ro . dis MeArdle, Wolfe Island, also J. J {dry weather, rrics are scarce | AGE Cells on sight. Agente ARCHITECTS. Hoyle and V. L. Boyle, South Lake, |this season. Frank Dair bought al eo money. Salary or is | == | gRICK G, NO. 181 DIVISION lat H. A. MecAardle's. {valuable . pig from George Fournier. | sien [pw rretaon Oo 14d | IRTHUR ELLIS, AR on . din- -- " { Rev. Mr, | Mrs. Matheson has re Sos, Cor. Quem and Streets. ing "and Ri hot wa! a -- Bannockburn Tidings. turned: to their home at Richmond af- v. - {immediate a Bannockburn, Aug. 13.--The whole ter spending a WAekS aro HELP WANTED-FEMALE, JERRY P. SMITH, AR street. vi BBO sod in sadness os lakes here. M. G. Thompson spent NY s 3 Oma Fiuderiok , Chambe bo | Sunday the guest of his brother on | YOUNG GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK. NO | 'Phoss, 345. = . {the death 'of 'James Chambers, who 30 i J F w or. , Aroniugs.. ARPLY DPS |. seme m---------------- es killed at the lead mine while in |the Scotch lone nes, er. | | Knight. Akos 'strvet. ind er FOR SALE, charge. of the compressed air machine. and Mrs. TF. Balderson, Watson's or, | POWER & ARCHITECT, SOAP - Ho prog Seventy-five people were at the «big ors, pat a gry a LADY BOOKKEEPER, FOR crry | "hung. sprast | nck USE, SYPEX \ actihoy x - sir parents, N rs, oJ. I store ; one With sotte experience. pre- ohason rie i on LI nN cuday and ve in noel, spent Sunday here. Mes forrest, re. Box Ny L.," eure | . to A, B ie Fy 'alehy I an who has been spending a Ww. Ritchie is ng a Mewk Xith x i office, bai : - 0 OR fon webks with her brother. at _ the friends at Maberly, Miss Tillie os A. GENERAL SERVANT, FOR A |" fice, ook 3 TOR SALE OR TQ The Penn Esther has a sheet flue con Fo turd to New York, |chie has. returned Bome, wits spn | 7 ful, (Gh 50 331 "amen. | iia Fa 152. 8 Penn stir has a-ghee Rev. Mx, Wright has returned after o some (¥ne 1% Weatperr ort to deck | 138 Johnson street. 1 me , FARM OF 100 ACRES, TWO i hich makes a direct draught short visit at his home in Athens, Norris hus gone aby Yohn' Ty eee A north of : 40 acres under struction, wingh makes . bringing his mother back' with him, Jarl Ye. Whales: SBrugget. hor --n ANY LADY Say BARN Wo POI: . ink a . hardwood Juth : : z tho Wi i e » reside i ci ieorge are home 10 f---tars & day during 'time, my | ANTED---G . : particulars thus 'insuring perfect baking under all who will in the Sure side with sick and 8 from Cobalt. Herbert y-| rm will pay thet as definite smlary Ww. ENERAL C. ¥, Darling, Latimer, Opto: ... ndity s i q eo of weeks i town | sick, Smith's Falls, spen Sunday here. work, . calling on . Mrs. David: STORE. SE EET MEDICAL. conditions. Al Pen Esther ponding > ee ed tir. "Pes Robin Ritchie, Westport, spent Sun son, Delivery "K.,"" Brantford, Oun- 1a to ORE, ON PRINCES or h. Ranges are supplied, with- Gardiner, of Eldorado, paid Bannock- day at his home here. Mise Muriel tario. te iret fare 3 wd Fy eon Ts ia bura a flying visit on Monday. Thompson; | han SF 2 . . Ratan, 'oocu 5 corner out additional cost, ra a g ° vasaticn with Jr wousine Jove a VETERINARY. trea} BR a. . : News From Caintown. {ter Neil and- family, Smiths Is. z yk i : ------ -- with & Hot Air At-, Caintown, A "la. Mrs. Samuel after visitinb for some time hry, Joh PR. G: W. BELL, V.8., HAS RE 77,20 a sn Bers art LICENSES. + chment to warm an aon Erle Fale, No 3s this week for ber Nome Beutty, Wome lost| ft in hn Sak plo on Darmer | AUC pa i brevis | 6p KIRKPATRION, ISSUER QF. tachmen visiting at. Mulcere Seott's. Mr. and [James ara spen Calls, or telegraph | WN = pag ply , Marrings, Licenses, a . TE OF THREE CONS Appears Animals Were Left By | Another Woman, Who Claims | Value. { Site Botorsburg, Age 1h=A case | brought against the wife of Gen. Stoessel, by Frau Rutski, formerly t dairy owner of Port Arthur, is al peculinr echo of the famous siege and | "The cir- cumstances of the case are as follows: Just before the investment ofl Port Arthur, Frau Rutzki, site 10 experience the siege, departed, no of the greatest eaptains of ihdus- ty this country: has produced. John McClary is a Napoleon of the arts of {peace, Who has madd. homes. grow and brought prosperit and comfort to thousands of pe ople. . To John McCleary the past sixty | years has meant a from the leontrol of a small tinshe to the possession of the latest establishment s kind in Canada. The company's plant in- London now 'covers two enor mous blocks of land, while there are |also important establishments in Mon- | tread, - Toronto, Winnipeg, Vancouver, { Hamilton and St. John: Over 1,300 jemployees are on the cempany's pay { rolls, of whom over-seven hundred ate married men, supporting homes. More | than $600,000 is pid in wages annual- ily. These ate a few figures which will | give the reader an impression of the | size of the plant as ib is at present, {and of its importamce to. the com- | thunity. [> Mr. McClary {still the guiding has always been, and is head. of 'this tremen- tle remains even at {Lis present age a man of unusual end remarkable ability. A man of great business foresight and sound judgment he was one of the first td see the ap proaching development of weston Can- ada and gyith it many years prosper ity for off Canada. He early backed his judgment in this respect. by plan ning to meet this development. He has always been and remains one of the most enterprising business men in Canada; sparing no momey or pains to attain an end that kis judgment told him could be won. This is well illus tyated in the magnificent edvertising campaigns this company has entered inte in all the Canadian papers, Yhich have made the Setiary pects known in all the homes from gow to otean. Though the Mc(lary: company is Mr. McClary's first care, and its success his greatest. gratification, itis mot the only successful company. that.shases in the brmefit of his bisiness géumen and i is also. president of he Insuramee company, and the Ontario Loba. and' Bebonture company, and a di eof dhe Lon- don and Western Trusts company. It is not generally Mmown. that Mr. WeClaxy is a descendant of the most {amots families of 'the'. United States--the 'celebrated Adams. family, = Madeachu tts hil Franduother vi been a 'Biecd s "Quincy ny, the second president the United States. Another - . ancestor, General Stark, fought for England against the ~ revolutioniste, Tt = will vhus be seen that he comes of stock which is' used tothe accomplishment Not a drop of Alcohol a here dare. The restore sor. Raich 'and aieratives: This is ait 15 ith modern of big enterprises." M:. Me(lery's general health is so good mow that he will, undoubtedly enjoy maay years more watching the continued development of the business the started sixty ago. King's Diplomatic Tour. London, Aug. 11.--King Bd®ard has left England for Marienbad, where he will take the cure. king will meet * Emperor William at Wilhelm shohe to-day, and . on the lellowing day will have a lengthy conference with Emperor Francis iJosenh at Ischl. Much , diplomatic importance is at ¢ bed to {hese leaving three valuable milch cows, with fodder sufficient for a twelve month, as a loan, 'in charge of Cap- tain Bondarveff, chief of the military hospital, with instructions that the milk be used for hospital patients. After some woeks the losses of Rus sian officers were so heavy that Gen. Stoessel ordered all the officers of the administrative medical. corps to the front. Capt. Bondarvefl, however, pre- vailed upon Gen. Stoessel to allow him. to rempin. is mentioned, he sent t as a present to Mme. Stoessel. The Stoessels consumed the "milk, and Captain Bondaryeff remained at his safe post, subsequently to be decorat- ed with the Order of St. Anne for valor. After the Stoessels returned to St. Petersburg, Frau Rutzki turned ap. with a demand for her cows or their value, Mme. Stoessel declared that the Japanese took the cows, but witnesses testified that mot only were the cows eventually cash, but that the milk was reqularly sold from the Stoessel household dur ing the siege at a high priee. hé three cows Speed To Be Compared. New York, Aug, -14.--~According to the American shipping men have learn- od with @hterest that the mew turbine steamer Lusitahia, ond the fast Lu- now the transatinntic west- record holder, are scheduled to start irom Queenstown practically to gether on September 7th. The object, it is said, is to determine how the ino vessels compare in speed under exactly similar - conditions, casia, ward IN IRI HU A / NFPA YR: fief mili Hk HH CEH HTT pe eA PL Er.) HI Hi alll -- Ui] % HHH JU NEN S| fh il LLL fl FACET BIR IRA Ss ur pes # is attracting. much attention. i who "had no dey | tickets are At the same time, it{ sold for hard | if [lotte, on Saturday. 'ipresent PEOPLE GOING WEST. C.P.R. Will Run Additional Home- seekers' Excursions, "I'he North-West provinces are al tracling 'a big crowd of people simmer," sa a visiting CPR. of ficial, going on to say that in view ment has decided to run cheap round- trip excursions say, vursions will Jeave sale to Winnipeg, and afl im ant western towns at remark (rates, with a return limit sixty | days. 5 : 14 should be kept : honored in tourisg {ing cams, which are attached to ea lexcarsion trai, "and in whith berths Yoon bé weoured at low. rates. On all the excursions this semmer space has been at a premium, and to make sure of a berth it is Re anble to reserve at least two weeks before one intends | leaving. The local C.I.R. tickets agent lin well posted, and' will be glad to | give anyone further information. | FOUR DROWN FROM LAUNCH. {Sad Ending Fishing = Bx- cursion. Red Bank, N.J., Aug. 14.--A fishing party of eleven Newarkers were out in Raritan Bay opposite Port n- {mouth, when an accident, staving a hole in the bottom of their boat, oe- curred. Four of them loft their lives. The victims west : Charles Guenther, captain of the naphtha launch Savoy; Gustave Mozer, Charles Weber and a man named Schriver. The others in the party were :. August Freund, al- |deeman of the 10th ward; John Gerts-. iner, John Weber, Anton Krether, An: {ton Prex, Mr. Mowmr's fourtesn-your- | old son, and a man named Harven- | jon. of | i Money In Apples. Cobourg, Ont., Aub. W.-P. J. {Carey, dominion fruit inspector, re {ports the a crop generally good, land says fruit is exceptionally good fquality as far as present indications show." Mr. Carey reports a ceperal | improvement in the care of orchards. {Frederick Purdy, Murray township, {has sold his apples for $2,625, ad Graham, in the same vicinity, has sold his apple crop for $900. Mr. Cof- ee, Fdmonston, Haldimand township, has sold his orchard, it is said, for $500. Davidson Bros., Hamilton town, ship, have ordered 1,000 barrels, and intend picking and packing their own. It 'looks ds if the apple output of Northamberland county would be a record ones Pushed Peanut With Tooth Pick. nut wi om, OC street fromChurch street to Yonge Jerrent's barber shop, on onday afternoon. Richardson did not do the act because he likes the excretion, but it was so "nominated in bond'" he entered into with Walter Jérveat be fore the Capada cup race at Cher- Richardson had mage a bet on these terms that Adele would win. : Great Earnings. b Toronto, Aug, .14.--For the first time in the history of the Toronto railway company" the receipts for the financial year will exoced $3,- 000,000, and the city of Toronto will get twenty per cent. on all ower the {amount in question. Mr. Coady, the {pity- treasurer, has received a cheque from the company for the eity's per centage last month of $46,970.15. The receipts for July were $303,645.15. In the eleven months of the present finan- cial year the street railway receipts bave amomnfed to $320,466.41, and the city collects twenty per cent. on $22,466.41, no Present to Mme. Stoessel--Now it!{ol the volume of traffic his manage | evil. along into October, a { decidedly new departure, That is to it is governed. and guided the well-known home-seckers' ex- Good is more universal Toronto, August 'heen Pith, September 106K and 240k "ut the Food. eed. i a | ndbertised; aml 'also October Sth and in 2nd. Second-class tickets will be on | low upon' both the wisdom in mind that these | Toronto, Aug. M.--To push a pea- | The w REV. C. W. CASSON, OTTAWA. The World Is Good. The world -is Let t us awaken to the larger truth t it is good at the core, and that It reveals it hl Ln id i' and to declare it evil is to ter of its creator, mf and Saps the Hair's Witality. 3 street, was the feat accomplished by John Oswald Richardson. an employee of | Cihtys Jot J at