Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Aug 1907, p. 2

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I; " i of ii 4 I i i Fst i ee if al ¥ F 3 i i Te £ gE - f £ 5 : ¥ fe 2 i £ f : 4 5 ] 1 BE i i Just week wasn't the spectators whose horror cells | : with an X-ray camera and | the print showed that the injury is anticipated. No bones are broken, and the muscles and ligaments are all in' place, and it is expected that he will be ready to play with Toronto, The Quebec Rugby Union will meet real, for the purpose of holding ite semi-annual meeting, and draw wp 8 | be learned 1 i i 1: Li, fa The Yankee Consuls Have Their Work Increased. The United. States consuls in Can- ada have five times as much work to do now as formerly. Those now in office had to undergo a severe 'exam- is no consul in Canada who stands hicher then H. D. Van Sant, of Kingston, who has more than once recéive praise from the Washin, authorities for his work. Mr. : his { of the city council, his official do Poin! night, ) Montreal, with a eargo, will lond oats ro e Montreal Howe Island, ia full up, to-day: Kingston, down and (today: Kidenw, Queen, from Clayton last nigh { Transit {from chandise for the aging both the vessel and the wall, George Hall Conl company's steamer, {just bem handed out of the water for ed lard, which Bes sumk In Pigeon Bay, is again in two weeks; of 5 very encouraging character. | [The hot is = bed condition and hes sett int Saturday evening next, in Mont | igh fr tis steamer will be abandoned. for the coming season. From coking in place of the regular union has mot laok, who vould not be supplid at in Otte that time, barge Matanms walked ashorea few days ago and the boat left Milwaukee {with a new crew. according to Busi- ness Agent John Uhion:-- Fagan says. given enourh to eat, but they ménded a union cook and left in Shinty She dropped anchor and re . |only for one « AUGUST 15, 1907. B-- The Missi choos ner Acacia Will clear tor oi was" up from river ts The The sloop Laura B. came over from Thursday morning, ith which r: stenmers North King, down and up, % The steamer Awerell, of the Rutland company's feet, on its way » with a cargo of mer , collided with breakwall ot Baflale, slightly dam- Lawrente marine railway, The St. 2 . has beem rebuilt and en- at a cost - of $50,000, The Mereur, a large lake boat, has Word received from the wrecking ex- iti Pack- Tickets going {2 pm., returning the board. 1 Five Mile house, and shot a horse which was found to have an incurable disease. The in- spector is buy looking after the in- terests of the Humane Society. city Toronto. ° $1.85 Watertown Return $1.25. Saturday, 5 a.m. and Monday. antaromtangi fa On A Saturday Afternoon. Take the steamer Jmerica's tour of' Islands, 2:30 p.m. Supper on Fare Ble. Inspector Shot Horse. "Inspector Samuel Arniel was at the Thudsday morning, Automobile Party. A jolly automobile party yap in the resterday, composed of Mre. C. E, Sherin, Misses Gladys and Eloise Sherin and H. A. Dennis, of New York. They leit in the afteriteod for | Belleville, and to-day will go on to} en 1,000 Islands--Rochester. Steamets North King and C ian Jeave:10:15 am. for 3 i pnd | points daily except Monday. Return-| ing leave at 5 p.m. for Bay of Quinte] ports and Rochester, N.Y. J. P. Han- | ley, agent, : Was Well Pleased. | Allan Studholme, M.P £., of Hamil, tow, was well pleased with the meet- | ings he held in Kingston, and with | his visit generally. e¢ went from | places he will also speyk on the im- migration question, Only One' "Bromo Quinine." Laxative Bromo Quinine. Tablet 'is a White Package - with black red lettering, and bears signa ture of E. W. Grove, 25c. of the mul to a depth probable that Because the captain's wife did the the entire crew of the Eagan, of the Cooks' de- a The steamer St. Lawrence had an dent to her machinery last night that necessitated her coming to King- ston for repairs. The steamer arrived here, from Clayton, this morning, be- ing towed up by the steamer America. About ten o'clock, last night, just as the St. . Lawrence was entering Fid- 3 dler's Elbow, « her piston rod broke, "there for about an hour until the steamer America arrived. She was towed to Clayton. The steamer had about. two hundred passengers on our when the eeidat occurred; but time was put in by dancing on the forward déok. steamer will be repaired by Saturday morning. THE CHILD SAVED. , | The Youngest Pushed Another In- to the Lake. The river St, Lawrence came near claiming another viotim on Wednes- day afternoon. Two childrén, one five and the other three, were playing down at the waterworks dock, where the steamer Donnelly is tied up. The children were running around the edge of the dock in the play, when the youngest pushed the other in, The child was practically helpless in the water, and would have met his death the men on the Don- nelly "who plinged~ after him, and brought him to shore. Ri Jonge: child did not seem to thi e had done anythi wrong, taking the occurrence as ke, and laughing heartily. over it. The parents of children living near the water front, should be careful and not .al- low their children to wander away. What Causes Boils ? Most people say a run-®own *con- dition: 'The actual cause is the in- vasion of bacteria around the hair folicle. If in poor health the cure takes longer. No treatment is ore efficient than Dr. Hamilton's Oint- ment. Tt sinks into the core of the boil, destroys bacteria, relieves the pain, aries up the. humor, prevents other boils from developing. For pimples, blackheads and any other skin Tiseure Dr. Hamilton's Ointment is simply perfect. Sold by. all drug: gists in 0c. boves, +) > 1 and hear the { i { i Spend Sunday In Watertown. -- and 3 Foing Su Mond 3 X .m., returning Monday. Only 81.95 a Had A Pleasant Time. The fine, cool eveping drew an ex- tra large number to the Yacht Club dance, last evening. The weather was iideal, the floor in excellent condition and the music all that could be wish- {ed. What else is needed to make a igood dance ? Many members. spent séme of their numbers .on the water, {where they could see the dancing hall strains of dance music {as they rested in their canoes. Will Be Made A Principal. =F F: Power; separate school inspee- tor for Western Ontario, and a gra- duate of Queen's University, appoint- ed to avvice-principnlship in an On- tario Normal School, will go to Ot tawa, where he will remain a vear in the Norma! School, ana will then, it is said, be appointed to the principal ship of one of the new schools to be built by the government. A Dangerous Practice. : Some of the city contractors have, at stated intervals been troubled a great deal. by people carrying. off lan- tans which ey have placed on the works not completed, for the pro- tection of people travelling around at night. This practice of stealing the lamps i§ a very dangerous one, and may be the cause of some serious ac- cidents. The other night some person stole a good lamp, which a contrac- tor had in use, and left an old one in its place. Bargain Matinee Saturday. | "A VWile's Secret," the emotional melodrama, which will be _seen.at the Grand on Saturday, August 17th, matinee and night, hag for its central theme the Wife and hardships of a young wife, driven from her home by 4 tain a story of beautdful sentiment and charming heart interest, with ex- ling situations, and a scenic produc lof general excellence, [ft is "oseribed presents: a group of interesting char acters, drawn and depicted true nature. It is pronounced an excelleh altraction by all who have seen it in the past three seasons. B. A. Hotel Arrivals. B. D. Shedel, . Arcade, N.Y; B. F, Roan, Geneva, N.Y; A. H. Fell, Wa- tertown, N.Y H. R. Bryan, son, N.Y; R. T. Gray, Detroit, Mich; H. Pookels and daughters, C. A Sweet, St. Louis; D. B. Busby and wife, L. B. Folk and wife, South Ua- rolina; G. E. Booth ard wife, L. 8S. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Gladys Sherrin, Miss Sherrin, Miss G. Grubb, New York; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fee, Miss Louise Fee, Rochester, NY: T. E. Cole and wife, Mrs. EE. Hatch, Syracuse, N.Y. J. Peterson, Seattle, Wash; E. Mo; P. Parmenter, J. A. Aubin, H. *{W. Shaw, W. H. Shaw, Montreal; Mr. end Mrs. McLaughlin, Mrs. and Miss H. Lewis, Toronto; A. R. Traverse and wife, Ottawa; H. I. Moulden, Guelph; Mr. and Mrs. Still, MissSStill, St. Thomias; "A. Wilson, * Bell ville; David Smith, haw; L. a owne; A. H, Young, Marlbank. DID NOT TELL THEM | -- And People With Hampers 'Had Leng Waits. 'Many people were put in a rather bad humor yesterday hy the treat- ment they received of the éars. The machinery broke down jn the morn- ing, and it was nearly six o'clock ore the cars started running io the Park. Numerous people, botind for the park for tea were not. told when . ting on that the cars did not run out, but when they arrived at the asylum hill, wege told that the ear Wan going no further. A fow of the tonductors were Solled down by the Passengers, especiglly ode will large baskets, for not telling them oh fore, One young lady was: felt at the hill with a basket 30 large that she not earry if, and was forced to stay there from two o'dluok, Gill Francis Smith, Chat. McGreer, A, H, went nearly six 'o'clock, when the first car through J 5 WRONGLY BLAMED] [They act outside of the here to Smith's Falls, and in these {have arisen It originated from the letters pub- lished in the provincial papers from | Ep hl y 5 | English and Trish emigrants = who complained bitterly of finding posi- tions on farms for which they wera doubting husband, and is said to.con- | ceptionally strong comedy, many thril-| {tion of the highest order, with a cast | {as a play of plain, everyday life, and | to t Hud- : table. They gently stimulate the liver Stecling, Boston, Mass; Mrs. W. T. Bigelow, Chicagoy 'C. Work, J, Leon, Eloise Sherrin, Col. John Baker, Anton Grouchy, M. Yo Albany, N.Y; W. R. Grannis, C. L. Deluing, $ Yeoman, wife and family, Kansas City, lin, A. A. Ness, EB. W, Dawson, C. Mrs, A. Webster, T. B. Cramm, THE GOVERNMENT IS NOT "RESPONSIBLE. v * For Bringing Useless Immigrants Here--Only Farmers, Railway Workers. and Jomestics Are Invited. : "The Canadian government is being wrongly blamed for the present unfor- tunate imupigration conditions. The government is in nowise responsible. This statement was made to the Whig yesterday afternoon by a gentleman in the city who last winter was one of the Canadian delegates appointed to go to Britain in the cause im- migration to Canada. "Our specific instructions were to encourage Jee to emigrate to Can- ada, excopt farmers, railway workers and domesties, and to explain clearly that no other class was wanted. visited both England and Ireland, and egrried out the government's orders. Bruce Walker, the superintendent of Canadian emigration, in. the old county, impressed the same thing up- on ui.' "of =» 5 ""How is it then that thousands r U i the Most ~ useless people are coming | ry here from England ?" he was asked. ' | "Fhat is due to the charitable so- ties and the steamship companies. ---- gov- ernment and seem to invite everyone to come, and hence the troubles that i here. Howdwer, there is {another point to considér, When many of 'the farming class come to Canada booked for work with various farmers, they often find their places filled by others, and hence thoy are in a quan- dary. These people raturally drift to the cities. "One thing that drew my attention when I was in the old country was the poor opinion held by the people there of the Canadian farmer, who was looked upon as dishonest and mean. This opinion had a good basis, too. " Latest Designs for Braidifig Persian Lamb Jackets and Fancy Efons. 'W. F GOUDIER, 76, 78 & 80 Brock St. Phone 700. engaged, fillod when they arrived. The | Canadian farmers, they said, did not act squarely. Anothér thing that has | brought Canadian farmers (especially | those of Ontario) intq ill-repute in the | old land is thé mean advantage they take of immigrants. The latter, not | knowing the wage conditions, some- | times. make a-coniract to.stay. a vear-| at perhaps eight or ten "dollars a | | month, when they. should get twenty | or twenty-five. | "The reason that the immigrants | flock to the west instead of staying | in Ontario is tha® the west is better | advertised and good wages are offer- | od. England, Scotland and, Ireland | are flooded with literature from Brit- § ish Columbia, Manitoba and the other | distant provinces. Ontario is adver- | ! i . Optical Work ""Carefully and proniptly ex- eouted mew style, mounts and specially shaped lenses made to onder. Repairs of all kings. Examined and Glasses Fitted. Eyes SMITH BROS% Jewelers and Opticians Issuers of Marriage tised least of all, and the goverpment should awake to its responsibility in this matter! 'When we were advertis- | ing Canada, we had tons of literature from the other provinces, even from | Prince Edward Island. Our Omtario |' Nterature lasted - only one dav. If | Ontario wants more of the immi- | grants. it will have to advertise it-'| self. Some of the western provinces | have ropresentatives right at Quebec | awaiting the immigrant shins, and | direct. the, people to Western Canada." Great En Remedy. Tones and invigers tes the wholo : nervous system, Ay a Pn: exhnits | DORR rar SY ia (Eres As ny pain, httle or big, exhauts | © , Menial a rain We , Des vitality. It causes both suffering and | Onan ul Jr ck Ziskions, Sper- permanent injury. Cure aches and | Pricegl per box, six for One will please, six pains promptly any time by using fJyath cate. Sold by all druggists or fnailes in Smith's White Liniment. | mat Free, The Wood Moiicine Oo It fds the deepest ache and cures | (formerly Windsors Toronto; Ont it. Best remedy for neuralgia or rheu- | {matism, or for any inflammation or | | congestion. You should never be {without it; 25¢c., at Wade's drug store. . | By taking the steamer America's tour. Saturday, 2:30 p.m, Hgme carly, Officers desirous of attending at the | . Great Reductions In Royal Military College in September | next, with a view to completing the | . leng course, will apply through the Prices All Through J The Store. usual channd. All applications must reach headquarters not later than the! 26th August instant. i _ To be tree from sick headache, bil- 1ousness, constipation, ete., use Cart- er's Little Laver Pills. Strictly vege and free the stomach from bile. 1 he annual meeting of the C.M.B.A. will be held in Montreal on the 2th, | Be. Ryan, grand" physician, will be! ome in lime to ata. Bites | The price cutting knife tle of Florida water and jar of cola | has been put into all sum- cream 25c., a 50c. bottle of Florida mer materials with a view water and a 15c. ti | 3 at Hong's, © > tn of taleum 80c, | tg 4 quick: clearance. Excursion from Kingston 14' Ogdens- I Dress Gi 5 | ss Gingh: . burg, Aug. 20th, per steamer A etha, | ' : hghams Feduecd Jumes Swift & Co., agents. [ Chambrays reduced: Willi Swai i | N i illiam Swaine, piano tuner, Orders on J ancy Muslins reduced. received at McAuley's. "Phone 778. ade's tooth paste, in tubes, 13c,| White Spot Muslins re- at Wade's drug store. olen dnys sale of dry goods at (duced. gan's. 5 | Ladies' Whitewear re- Pn i fy. eg ue. made hush ev. | jy ced. ---- | Children's Dresses re- Your digestion will | duced. : ; be all the better, your blood | 4 dies" White Waists re- all the clearier, for-a frequent) 1aqies' Wash Suits re- glass of York Sarsaparilla. {duced. A beverage and a medicine, | Ladicy Lace Hosiery, > { 11te pungent, rich, aromatic and |, Pan or Blagk, spe- pure. . Made of purest herbs X | Ladies Embroidered and pure York Springs Water, Hose, Black, White or Tan York Springs mereeivdu. Reductions of fiom 20 to Sarsaparilla 150 per cent. on many lines is better--yet costs no more. | Come and See The Mineral Springs Limited, Toronty | won For Sale By Hikby + R. McRae & Co., "Phone, ol Js. McParland, Phone ie : 8. Henderson, "Phone, 279. Rigoey & Hickey » "Phone, 242. i -- NEWNAN & SHAW | yas Stove We carry in stock: Chicago "Jewel" acknowledged the ed. Examine them where. All orders for dis "promptly attended EL LION 77 Prin LLELLLLERLLL2L2 4004 Choc ~Buy Ganong They A. J. REES, EE ------------ KINGSTON, THE e mean Kingston, Jams cally.dead, as far. as push an Twenty thousand people its natural advantages, but to thwart the best interest of ideas will ndver boom jit. Ov to import somie good shrewd . dead men, give everyone who elsewhere, who are willing to business without fear or-fave Then a blessing will come NERVINE will have a sale if Cross Drug Store and at all . WARDS' Medical Co., Londop Every 50c. package conta iNoR JOHNSTON'S BUSI! Still continues to a know where and how save is just now, and "this Sale FRIDAY Below we quot DRESS GOODS. All 50c. and 60c. Dress C Now 874¢. yard All 75¢c. and 85ec. Now 55¢.. verd. All $1 and $1.25 Dress ¢ Now 76c. and 850. yard All $1.50 and $2 Dress ( Now $1 amd $1.25. SILKS » Silk, in all shad one I worth 9c. . Price, 8Yc. yard. Ban and White and Bh White Check Silks, regular §9c. Salo Price, 40¢." yard. © 86 inch Black Chiffon Silk, regular © yalue, $1.25, Price, 85¢c. yard. : $1 owality, for 75¢ yard. 75¢. quality, for 50c. yar A Kid Gloves, guar tn. Black, White end Colors. Price, 98c. pair. TABLE LINEN & NAPK "72 inch Bleached Double Linen, T Price, Dress © rd Te1.95, for $1: 76¢. ~~ for and BOc., for 83c. yard. NAPKINS | for $2: $2.50. for $1:40: other lines na and 50c per dos for $3 $2. Ly regular value 25¢. ™ Sale Price, 18c. yard. ' Hosiery Bargai : . Also Underwea eepersnseterpet eed

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