who had only a } reso! |the same e- (by the rich. 5 of Sout! 0 strips and dried by the sun into he ted rrow fat, I ar lat Skin st ries .were fo i rH 1E i ight in summer may scarcely il. In the shortest da; here TL 'thie matter of outside diversions 'the cities and large towns of the there are many .of the company, who to civilization after their service has expited. An of- when about sixty very seven years he is a furlough of a year's duration, e very often takes his wife to complete the the patient, busy mother in the long winter days at fort. The Conditions are some- e same as.in India, = « {dren must be sent away, ahd pér- he Tethmn, Possibly a ter, when grown up, may visit her father durin mer, but it is very seldom that daugh- ters refurn to live their mother's life s the Hudson's Bay e great family, life can have much tically in a word of and," once admit "into circle, an officer's famil under 'the semi-military re, i de could dif inducers, help a ond and daughters alike Were dangers and show in resource, and and who suffered Z o 5 re her ood rwas one can understand 'what -1has not lived it," she this into the iso ted white imper is, Sut | dea of what she is called upon View years of the death s ; of the CE Enhadelphia, died ast Friday hundreds of "sports" in Tuck, upon. whom he had lavis _ money A : ity ot one came was the novelist the schools of the palace | become part of the University As foreshadowed in the book by the Angela, this palace was to "awak- en in dull and ic brains u new |sense, the sense of pleast ved. that she would give the people {of East Londen "a craving for thi of which as yet they knew nothing. She would hace 'within their reach, at no cost whatever, absolutely free for al enjoyments as are Fiddles. Great numbers of fine old violins violinellos that come into the class market of London are pro- cured through the merium of adver- {tisements inserted in obscure country papers, and especially those of ancient gh cathedral cities, Of course, few of the fiddles thus obtained are veritable masterpieces, but a great many of them are fine ex- of early' English and foreign makers, and they are often bought for ridiculously 'small of experts who have brought are." Angela rices by a & siness to a lucrative system: Many a struggling family of long dé-| 3 out-of-the-way part of the country happens to see in the one county newspaper of the week that f ices are given for old fiddles, | - W {Hod Re ons (orgoteen Instrument? iti a lumber-room, or put away on a suddely comes to mind. ) ies follows; the dealer |sends a "deposit'in order that some fiddle spoken of may be sent to him {and examined, and he usually replies {that the instrument sent is dilapidat- scent in some and but so so generally, but that he willing to a t man et offhan of dealers, perous dealers in give 30s. or £2 for it. cases the offer is and in this way most of the finest fiddles extant of the second class come into the hands : Only lately a "cello that came from a Shropshire farm at. the rice of £2 sold the same day to a est End dealer for nearly £100. One of the most shrewd and re- ours{spected of all those dealers was, until a year or two ago, a humble member of the orchestra of a London subur- ban theatre. 'He began to advertise in remote papers to the greatest lim- its of his scanty wages, and is now one of the most extensive and pros- in the trade. - Hatches Wid Bird's Eggs. Hilma Anderson, of Oliver street, Everett, a few days ago was wander- bit-1ing. in. the fields when she found a bird's nest- on the ground with sey- eral pale blue eggs with brown speck- les. Curious to know if her pet can- ary would sit on the eggs, she took the nest to her home and placed it in the corner of the bird's cage. Gleefully chirped the little canar and sgon realized that there was no- thing in the network of hair and Upon examination $8 to hurt her, the pet of the home soon became bold, and when she spied the eggs in the nest her motherly nature was in a moment she was aroused an peacefully nestled. She. remained on the nest for the rest of the day, leav- ing it only to satisfy her hunger and thirst. Day. after day 'the canary sat on the eggs, and al were astonished yes- terday morning as they entered the room to 'see the canary excitedly flying and hopping abeut her little home. Proudly she chirped as Hilma approached, and the child found the ¢ three tiny feathered to her great delight gas hatched and irds nestled in the corner--~Boston Herald. A Testing The habit of ethe Drink. : r drinking is ex- tremely prevalent in some parts of Russia, as of East Prussia, and all the efforts of the authorities to com- haf the evil have hitherto been almost | fruitless, An idea of the extent to which the habit prev reports papers o ails may be gathered from veri in the a recent accident which oc- ussian news- curred at a place called Trossno. Ethet is drunk by farmers on festive occasions, when it appears to be con- sumed in pailfals. A farmer celebrat- ing his son's wedding in the fullness of his hospitality got in two pails of |' 'During the process of de- er into bottles a vio- ion took place, by which ether. canting the lent ex was_dangerousy and fourteen ¢gthérs mor: ily«Doctor, six children were killed and gies Fa or less severely injured. HER PERSONAL INFLUENCE. {Journal Contends Woman Does : Not Need Vote. . In a recent' speech to a Massachusetts s ohn Barrett said I for that {the American girl had more in as wife, mother and sister than any man site twith-his- vote; yet comted thing she had no vote. The Ohio State holds that as a'wrong conclu- cause ¢ average woman can do more to- than ioh,of ay oe ! influerice 'temperance er rare make thei the average man in the promo- is 1 in civil oF wih dhecnd In laws than the women a ' from your dealer wi RAZOR OF PERFECTION EVERLASTING SHAVIN NO RAZOR T ROUBL a COMFORT ES POSSIBLE as hard as flint by our exclusive You can obtain one on 39 days trial 4 thout obligation to purchase, : Fo sale by|[W. A. Mitchell, 85-87 Princess Stree TRAVELLING. tie. not much gratitude , or NOTARY time for the Manayunk pool- ere 'was - mone to hold hand to him--no ' him what he had done for others in similar circumstances. Clarkson was about 55 years old when he died. He came of an excellent Phila- delphia family, and at ope time he was ag be contracting . firm 'of Byers & Clarkson, but a Jong, long time ago he gave that up to become a gam- Amys. bler. - IN CONNECTION: WITH Canadian Pacific Railway. HOMESEEKERS 0 and 24. Tickets good fcr Fares From Kingston. There was scarcely a day went by that '| he did not lend $5 or somebody. Any man wit ! be sure of getting something | y d.afriénd could get almost | tegy anvthing. All the gamblers loved George Clarkson. © He 'wag so useful 10 them. ae Law and Or the West t Manayunk pool straw that broke. the came Comfortable berths in tourist sleepers at moderate rates. Free copies of Home eekers', pamphlet, giving rates to other ful particulars at K. & P and O.P.R. Ticket offices, Ontario St. KING=TON--OTTAWA Leave Kingston, 12:10 p.m., arriv tawa, 4:45 p.m. Leave a.m., arrive Kingston 3:45 p.m. e connections at Renfrew with- C.P.R., No. | .; leave Renfrew, 4:15 p.m., for Pem- | broke, Port Arthur, Winnipeg and Paci- | Coast 'points. "Full particulars at K.&P. and O, P. WE 8. Ticket offices, Ontario street. der Society's raid of ly $10,000 and took away their livelihood 'at the sami time. and sent to jail in Norris. him a terrible lecture an he and men of his stamp were a menace in whith they lived. When Clarkson entered prison he was ! his hair was bare nd ad roughout his career he had for the neatness of his dress. Wis Ar Was WHILE es To white beard, fully two feet "that it brushed his knees TITRE Cheap Seaside Excursions From Kingston to vacant stare in them in keenness, and the pleasant smile of for- mer days had degenerated into an idiotic They took Him back hii boarding him is orfis street lived until three months ago 4 care of a man nurse. During that time doing, and abandoned Clarkson to his fate. The nurse quit and the people of the house were ob! to an asylum, where he died, pennilesy FAN BATHS FOR FEVER. New Method of Treating Typhoid Fever Patients. Fan baths is the And to many other points, good going August '12th to 15th, in-| clusive returning » on or August 30th, 1907. : accommodation and all other information, to J: P. HANLEY, Corner John- son and Ontario Sts. BIG GAME SEASON OPENS. v= New Brunswick latest remedy em- ployed by the city hospital physicians in the treatment of typhoid fever. tofore the ice plunge was used, and a patient whose temperature had reached r point was soused in a bath with broken ice until his teeth rattled. This treatment after a time was found to be too heroic, as the shock was too severe and. pneumonia Then ice water sponge o E baths, the doctors declare, are just the The patient is sponged off with ice water first, then a sheet that has been soaked in ice water is wrapped about the body and more ice water is sprinkled The current of an electric x07 5% sor wera siz SZYTHA HS A September 1st : Nova. Scotia Pew sp mexk October 1st: | Write for Publications Containing Latest About Fishing and Hunting Week in the Canaan Woods, fan is then turned on him in such a way gets the most benefit from the air. that 1s stirred ments have proved thig me: successful --Cincinnati Inquirer. Backaches Are Warnings. heaygy pain or-occaf in the back: are most common symptoms of trouble, and these symptoms must al- You will find Peck's Kidney and Liver Pills a most re- liablg remedy. These pills aré a scien- tific preparation that can be deépend- ed upon for the cure of kidney, liver and bladder troubles. In boxes, 25¢. For sale only at' Wade's @fug store. Money back if not satisfactory. ------ TT ---- FOLLOWED HER MOTHER'S EXAMPLE. ways be heoded. Game of the Southwest Miramichi | Districts Guides, Routes! Store and Taylor & Hamil: | 'on's, directly opposite An | grove's, beh INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY Montreal Office, 141 St. James St, | Toronto Office, 51 King St. East. Central Passenger Depart- ment, Monston, N.B. i MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL Victorian snils Friday, Aug. 2. Aug. 30. on sails, Friday, A y, 'Aug. 23. Sept. 20, MONTREAL TO GLASGOW. sadls. Thurs, Aug. 8. ii f L ' i ¥ k i i I A -------------------------------------- Lake Ontario & Bay of Quin Steamboat Co., Limited. : Desay N £1000 ISLAND-ROCHESTER ROUTE te § I R Steamers "Toronto & Kingston" RAILWAY BEES Sat.--Special trip to Simooe Island | and Spoor's dock, at 8.30 p.m. 0. N. Co., ton, = Ont, ROSTER CHAFFEE. 4.GB.A. Toroato TRAVELLING. PE Toronto ; A 0 n Montreal Line © EAST BOUND ° | Leave Kingston daily, 8 am. fo 1,000 Ty and s, Montreal, Quebes River WEST BOUND "2 Leave Kingston, 5 p.m., dally, for $6 | os ariotte and Toronto, making comnec tions for all Western points. Hamilton-Montreal Line ' For tickets and berth reservation, ply to, R.& a J. P, HANLEY, Ticket Agent TIME TABLE STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDE Leave Wolfe island ~ MON: 7.80--9.15 a.m. 1.00--4.00 p.m | TUES, 7,80--9.15 a.m. 1.00--4.00 p.m SD. 7.30--9.15 a.m. 1,004.00 p.m THURS., Breakey's Bay 6.80--9.80 a.m. 1.00--2.80 p.m FRIL 7.80--9.15 a.m. 1.00--4.00 p.m SAT. 009.15 a.m. 1.00--3.00 p.m SUN 9.00=10.00 5:11, 12.80~5:00 pm Leave Kingston: Mon. 8.80--11.80 a.m. 3.00--5.80 p.a Tues. 8.80--11.80 a.m. 8.00~5.30 p.m | Wed. 8.30--11.80 a.m; 8.00--5.80 p.m. Re RDU L011 00 a.m. 2.00 Breakey's oi Pig §.00--7.00 pan, BTLOM | pry, 8.80--11.80 8. my 8.00--5.80 p.m Sat. 8.30~11.80 a.m 2,005.80 p.m 9.80--11.80 aym. 1.155.830 p.m Time Table subject to change without Summer Cruises in Cool Latitude Twin Screw Iron 8S. "Campian," with electric lights, eléctric bells and all modern comfort. Sails from Montreal on Monday, 26th August, 9th and 23rd September, | Pictou, N.S,, calling at Quebec, Gaspe, Bay, Perce, Cape Cove, Grand River, Summerside, F.EI, and Char lottetown, P.E.L 'BERMUDA Summer Excursions, $85 and upwards by the new Twin Screw SS. '""Bermud {iam,"' 5,500 toms. Sailing from New York 26th August, 4th, 14th and 25th $ Temperature cooled by sea breezes seldom rises above 80 degrees. The finest trips of the seasom for health and comfort ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Québec: For tickets and staterooms, apply to . P. HANLE¥, or J. P. GILDER- SLEEV | T. McAuley HAS REMOYED T0 93 Princess St. Between Corbett's Hardware Mal September. J te Loa Limited, head bf. Quasn school. kekoop! shorthand, wd Toit, Role subjects thoroughly Son if Fomptant A nced 4 night classes. Enter at time. Ra Phone, Ado. |. Yor a H. F. METCALFE, al Risgular Dinabr, {5 ' notice. Boal and E. BRICELAND, Manager. Quebec Steamship Company '| LIMITED | River and Gulf of St. Lawrenc COME AND SEE US "Phora No. 75. If you wish . 3 bw yo to be shcoempful at- Kingston Business College ent Sir | portiss, and Caspian | 5=m wd BETS Doria my -------- iowa i New England Chinese Restaor. ant, 331 King Street. 'PHONE. 6885, t Adc 4 Lands vinces, personally. at anv Sub-A, wired to the loc: i Agent by the Sub-A the expense of we applicant, and if for is scant on receipt of the: tele- gram such apelicanon is to have priority and be held until the necessary pa- re to complete the transaction are received appli the land wil t calls at Garden Island going to rom Kingston, for E, Ticket 'Agents, » Mimgeto) Ont. Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS. ~ even numbered section of Dominion in Manitoba or the North-West Pro. i excepting 8 and-26, not reserved, may be homesteaded by any person the sole head of a family, or male over 18 years of age, to the extent of one-quarter section, of 160 acres, were or less. Application for homestead entry must be made in person by the aj th of the local Agent or Sub-Agent. Entry by oxy tay, however, be made on certain con Sitions by the father, mother, som, daughter, brother or sister of an intending homesicader. or inspection t's office m: application for entry In case "personatiun" the summarily cancelled' and the applicant will forfeit _priority of claim. vidual until that application has n favor of father, mother, son, wother or sister, if eligible, but to entry. Applicants for must ng the term of three years. iding with the father or mother. (3) If th the vicinity of his hs be satisfied by residence u efor REGULATIONS. oal mim ocate a claim, 1,500x1,800 feet. cre. f the Minister of the Interior. fter it exceeds $10, ertisement will not be paid for COAL ! From P. WALSH WA NNW A else. ci \lways of hand. LIMITED. our. guarantee. Solitaire Diamond 0° $25 up. for yourself. = AND MA = WORKS wy 149 SYDENHAM ST. (COR. PRINCESS.) We deliver it without ry a prices. - 11am to8pm, 2 Tickets for 31. Also meals Lo ori. hn he all Bours as before, 8 a.m, Me WEE JVB, Proprigtor; ta. 3.801 BOOTH & Co. PacKed at the | Oven's Mouth We do things right at the Mooney bakery. Crackers are packed piping hot from the ovens. : moisture-proof paper and air-tight tins retain all the licant at "the office An application for inspection must. be. made in rson., The' applicant must be eligible for homestead entry, and only one application {or inspection will be received from an indi I . Tr ar ELLY bad of. A homesteader whose entry is in good stand | ng and mot liable to cancellation, may, sub ject to approval ot Department, refinquidh it R > vi Iw matter where or when o on hang declaration of abandonment. here an eatry is summarily cancelled or voluntarily abandoned, subsequent to institu. ion of cancellation proceedin, the applicant inspection or will be entitled to prior right They come 10 your ta ble just as@hviting and de- licious as though you ate them at the ovens in the bakery. Ar all grocers in air-tight packages. | inspection vhat iculars the homesteader is in default, ind if subsequently the statement is found to he incorrect in matetial particulars, the appli. ant will lose any prior right ef reentry shomiu the land become wvscant, or if entry "48 been granted it may be summarily can- Duties--A settler is required to perform the mdions under one of the following. plans: -- (1) At least six months' residence upon md cultivation of the land in each year (2) If the father (or mother, if the father s deceased) of a homesteader resides upon a 'arm in the vicinity of the land enfered for y such lomesteader the requirement as: to esidence may be satisfied by such person re e settler has his permanent rem. tence upon farming jand owned by him in omestead, the requirement e making application for patent ' the settler must give six months' notice in writ og to the Commissioner of Dominien Lands «t Ottawa, of his intention to do so. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST MINING Coal.--Coal mining rights may be leased for a period of twenty-one -years at am annual rental of $1 per acre. Not more than 2,560 acres shall be leased to one individual or com- pany. A royalty at the rate of five cents ton shall be collected on the merchantable Quartz. --A Ferien eighteen years of age, or wer, having discovered mmneral in place, may The fee for recording a claim is $5. At least $100 must be expended on the laim each year or paid to the mining recorder n lieu thereof. When $500 has been expend- or paid, the locator may, upon hayin survey' made, and upon complying with other equirements, purchasé (he land at $1 per" PUREST, STRONGEST, BE! Contaias bo Alum, Ammonia, Lime, Phosphates, or ay | EW.GILLET The patent provides for the payment of a orally of 2 1-2 per cent. on the sales. lacer minin aims generally are 100 feet «quare, entry fee $5, renewable yearly. An applicant may obtain two leases to iredge for gold of five miles each for.a term of twent ears, renewable at the discretion "TAYLOR & HAMILT * Tinsmiths, Plumbers Gas Fitters. e lessee shall have a dredge in operation within one season from the date of the lease for each five miles. Rental, $10 per annum for each mile of river leased. Royalty at the ate of 3 1-2 per Sen} Sollected on the output W. W. CORY. Deputy of the Minister of the Interior N.B.--Unauthorized publication of this ad- Jobbing promptly atten Sole agents for Burrow, and Milnes Jewel POP ODGDHOPOOODOO@O@ EX When You Buy 89 and 91 Princ Cotton Root Com 'I'he great Uterine Te Regulator on which w You get genuine Scranton, as he handles nothing Cook MEDICINE £a., TORONTO, OKT, (formerly FARMS WANT vility (and good judgfhent ained for us an envial SOFTER GASOLINE. Put in Your Tank at Our Dock. A large stock of Dry Bat- teries, Spark Plug and Coil and. put us in touch with a of prospective buyers to place any Real market, you will find it' Lo 4 We want at present a choice 75 or 100 acres, near Kings a large dairy farm with go ings in good locality + T.J.Lockha Real Estate Agent; 169 Wel St., Kingston, Ont SELBY & YO!LDEN, DIAMONDS We have made every prepar- ation to have a complete as sortment. We buy direct from the cutters. Every stone has Rings, Twin Diamond Rings, $60 Hhres Stone Rings, from Cal and examine our stock Kinnear & d'Esterre, Jewelers, 100 Princess St ~~ H. Nicholson GRANITE agree perfectly witht grocer to send you a SALE OF OUGCHE HIS WEEK. 4 Wire Construc 5 Wire Construc 3 Wilton Rug Co 8 Velours in Fan This week at sal 'James | 8 Phone 133, Foot of West 5t