a nopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS. ay even numbered section of Domini ds in Manitoba or the North-West Pro. es, excepting 8 and-26, not reserved, may homesteaded by any person the sole head s family, or male over 18 years of age, to extent of one-quarter section, of 160 acres, e or less. Application for homestead entry must be de in person by the Applicant at the office the local Agent or Sub-Agent. Entry by xy may, however, be made on certain con ons by the father, mother, som, daughter, ther or sister of an intending homesteader. \n application for entry ion made sonally at anv Sub-A sed to the loc: i Agent by the Sub-Agent, at expense of we applicant, and if the land for is scant on receipt of the:tele- un such applicanon is to have priority and + land will be held until the necessary pa- . 0 complete the transaction are received n case of "personatiwn" the x mmarily cancelled' and the Sn be feit priority of claim. An application for inspection must. be. made rson. The' applicant must be eligible r homestead entry, and only one applications inspection wi received i ual until that application has ati sub t to approval of Department, relinquish 'ic favor of father, mother, son, ughter, ther" or sister, if elfgible, but to no one Ri hung declaemion of abandonment, is summarily cancelled or untarily abandoned, subsequent to institu. n of cancellation proceedings; the applicant Jnspection will be entitled to prior right Applicants for inspection must state in at lars the homesteader is in default, d if subsequently the statement is found to incorrect in matefial particulars, the appli. nt will lose any prior right eof reentry omiu the land become wvscant, or if entry go granted it may be summarily can. Duties--A settler is required to orm ndivlons under one of the rs form. the (1) At least six months' residence upon d cultivation of the land in each year dur g the term of three years. . (2) If the father (or mother, if the father deceased) of a homesteader resides upon a rm in the vicinity of the land enfered for such Homesteader the requirement as: to sidence may be satisfied by such person re ling with the father or mother. (3) If the settler has his permanent res. fice, pon Seming land owned by him in ie vicinity of his homestead, the requir 2 be satisfied by residence w Rg remem efore making application for patent the ttler must give six months' notice in writ g to the Commissioner of Dominien Lands Ottawa, of his intention to do so. YNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST MINING REGULATIONS. Coal.--Coal mining rights may be leased for period of twenty-one -years at am annual ental of $1 per acre. Not more than 2,560 cres shall be leased to one individual or com- any. A royalty at the rate of five cents per on shall be collected on the merchantable oal mim Quartz.--A eighteen years of a ver, havin, Ded prc ry a a cate a claim, 1,500x1,600 feet. te The fee for recording a claim is $5. At least $100 must be expended on the aim each year or paid to the mining recorder lieu thereof. When $500 has been expend- d or paid the locator od upon having a urvey by uj complying wi ads: upon plying with other cre. The patent provides for the payment of a oFaty of 2 I-82 per cent. on the sales. y rT minin, aims generally are 100 feet quare, entry , Bh $5, renewable yearly. An applicant may obtain two leases to redge for gold of five miles each for a term f twenty years, renewable at the discretion fhe | nigter oF the Interior. he lessee shall have a dredge in i vithin one season from the date of re ay of each five miles. Rental, $10 per annum oF each mile of river leased. Royalty at the f -2 per cent collected ¢ fter it exceeds $10,800. ee U8 Vie output W. W. CORY. such land. N py of fie Minister of the Interior. .B.--Unauthorize blicati i ertisement will not be' paid for of S94 POP ODDO DOOODOOO@EX When You Buy COAL From = P. WALSH You get genuine Scranton, as he handles nothing else. > SRA SA wi @ a a] GASOLINE. Put in Your Tank at Our Dock. A large stock of Dry Bat- teries, Spark Plug and Coil 1lways off hand. SELBY & Y0!'LDEN, LIMITED. - DIAMONDS e have made every prepar- ation to have a complete par jorunent. We buy direct from ers. Ew our rantes. Stone be 5 A . ' aire Diamond * Rings, wp Diamond Rings, $60 'hree Stom 325 uo. ® Rings, {rom CaM and ine for otal ne our stock Kinnear & d'Esterre, Jewelers, 100 Princess st H. Nicholson GRANITE am MA =51 WORKS 149 SYDENHAM ST. (COR. PRINCESS.) LE or - t's office may be - jramcan indi : 'purchase the land at $1 per THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1907, PacKed at the Oven's Mouth We do things right at the Crackers are packed piping hot from the ovens. 3 moisture-proof paper and air-tight tins retain all the matter where or when you buy them. They come to your ta- ble just as@hviting and de- licious as though you ate them at the ovens in the bakery. Ar all grocers in Mooney bakery. = ' Are For him? she doing? gia Cayvan L Y BISCUIT A CANDY CO BLA UI meos that {ta, the {ion air-tight packages. what | Arie | newspaper EW.GILLET Barry? | ago, was | | careless | hings at village in | Barrett, stands Rhea, { guage | as Bertha | Norman factor m COMPANY LIMITED]R [2 TORONTO.ONT. ] | place lly "he \Who does not remember Pinero's TAYLOR & HAMILTON | Wed *Tinsmiths, Plumbers and Jobbing promptly attended to Sole agents for Burrow, Stew art and Milnes Jewel Stoves and Ranges. - 89 and 91 Princess St. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. | comedy Gas Fitters. | but lost PHONE 418. David I'he great Uterine Tonic, and | he 5". only safe effectual Monthly |S 1c : Regulator on which women vas | since depend. of strength--No. 1, ;° No, 8 10 degrees stronger, $3; No. 8 for special cases, per Sold by all druggists, or sent repaid on Fooelpt .of price. R : rece pamphlet. Address : Jug Boston Coo MEDIOINE 0a, TORONTO, OKT, Uormerly we Effie FARMS WANTED. EXPERIENCE, vility (and good judgfhent in ¢ have tation in the and, put us in touch with a long list of prospective buyers if to market, vantage to We 75 " T iat pos agree perfectly with'the most grocer to send you a box to-day and try-it for yourself. 0 a large dairy farm with good build- ings in good locality. . J. Lockhart, Real Estate Agent; 159 Wellington | {| o Lone. CAE AD T aside RELIA- values rvined for us an enviable repu- Real [state Business ABSOLUTE you wish place any Real Estate on the you will find it' Lo 4our ad- commupgicate with us. want at present a choice farm of or 100 acres, near Kingston, also St., Kingston, Ont SALE OF OUCHES THIS WEEK. I --, 4 Wire Constructec 5 Wire Constructec 3 Wilton Rug Couches. 8 Velours in Fancy Patterns. This week at sale prices. James Reid, from the stage. Plympton, one I ever sighed to a Julie Kate Claxton, known from one en of the country to the other as the (a 3 ! creator of the big part in The Two [rich widow in successful melo- How about Lot-|time, and the great Humpty Dumpty, soubrette, whose |is living in ease { Orphans, ' the most | grama of them all? wonderful x { twinkling shoes never have been quite | filled? And Marie Jansen and Mar-{. E. Manola F {Jolly Surprise? { Gaylor gone, and become qf ' Warde? Can Janaushek be placed, or Morris 1 has Myers? Clara Lawrence Hanley, | best Shakespearian | errcan stage. living last he home is in Detroit, i Uniyérsity_of Michig: Rhea's _compaiy, found in which | shown as having been reared nevertheless, with three - likable "men the plans of their parents? The: pret- tiest and cleverest of the three Was very much of one A couple of years|Garman writer to be a mark of insolence institution Land swagger y inimitable | § : rince Mataya in Wang, accepts who, Georgia Cayvan. ago she 'died in a public Mm poverty. once as the P her vandeville engagements at a figure at which she once would have snapped {ic the In the days of the old! extravaganzas the Chicago Opera House, when die Foy was chief comedian, who was more popular than May Yohe? Later | phe Hope. * that her. fingers Henderson married lost the What how the Their Names Are Unfamiliar the Present Generation--Some Living on They Amassed. Where do all"the actors go: poor week in which sone _does not hear of this actor or actress retiring It's a poorer week in which some actor or actress whose name was once a household word does not retire: unhonored by brass or cymbals. these players? instance, becomes many © thousands that used to applaud Law- rence Hanley know w Where is Mojeska and what is Geor- How about Rhea, or Frankie Bailey? annie Where Effie and reporter, but regarded as caught her? {in compa ative poverty Hackett, an that The Della voice and Lord the lost toga to died: in California, his Fnificent voice ruined, his onge power- | ful frame wrecked? {star with Edwin Booth a what of a ranch in Southern California, with | rer husband, the Count Bozenta, save | when she is playing in the "one-night | Modj Amazons, three girls Fox, diamonds Sold in three de her family notable and was last seen in New York "on her uppers." Marie Jansen lives in obscurity inithat a man who wes New York, as Marion Manola does in Fanny Rice is in vaudeville Elisler is "talks" and Frederick Warde has cast lecture Rice has whe onc m actor! and who left the| an to become an | final cared for the little tomb. and spoiled now am (OTTAWA, Onv.) One of the beft equipped colleges in the country. Complete courses: -- Academic, Art, Elocution, Swncgraphy, Domestie Science, ete. Unter, Lapring x Finishing coutses arranged for. Address: Yo a rich, golden brown, |SANITAS - VASTED CORN FLAKES déficate stomach, Tell your 1 Leather Couches. 1 Imitation of Leather Couches. 3 WHICH THE PEOPLE. USED ft. EAE RR A of all f hat became, of Eben | with a song and dance. of the greatest Ro- t? | stock of Bobby | which he produced, made Elisler, and |several fortunes and now Frederick jer show in New York. 18 re | Ida Mulle, for instance, or Geraldine Ulmer, or Maggie Mitchell, or Helen | up to a few years | hour upon the perhaps actor on the Am- Who knows that when him' by an" obscure | stoek companies. mag- | ness@as good old Mrs. e an actress of great dramatic | | power, who maste red the English-lan-| resting Fortunate- | She ng in MRS. GRANT NEEDHAM, Lacy Pama. REV. W. D, ARMSTRONG, MA., D D., Presi. "Thoroughly and scientifically cooked, | ditributed to the rolled into filmy cakes, and then toasted | The Leading Undertaker. A "Phone 147: the the were as boys, made small -- v Frankie . Bailey heads a burlesque show 'this season, the same Frankie and type as large as that which decked out the name of any of the princi- pals. to all but name. ; | Eben Plympton, the Beau Brummel| of Romeos, lives m a little cottage] Money near New York and emerges now and then to accept at a high salary an > It's aleasy engagement. Lotta, the _sou- brette, uses her real name, Lotta and thousands of dollars in real es- tate. So has Maggieg Mitchell. The younger, generation know nothing of them. Yet they once | fountain presented to the citizens of | San Francisco was a landmark, But] the stately, scholarly exponent of thei subtlest roles, once was a soubrette| braith, a leading man, well known in| i companies, made a lot of | d|money in California real estate, Los Angeles. Denier, the premier clown of property. Alone of many brilliant extrav and the world. She is in vaudeville now. They come and go. fret little are their of Macbeth, they and then stage seen no more, est Home, maintained for aged Others go to their relatives. Others the | tug along in harness, playing in nfinor | S i Some die in har- | during the run of Grammy, that Clyde os®a a co-| Finch wrote for the farewell tour or Lawrence {upon which death rang down the cur- She lives on tam. a SERMONS IN HATS. and Virture. What lation, if any, does the man- a .» might play in it, just] : th te) 1g a Since died | DET of wearing a hat bear to the char- i France. | whose | {acter, of the wearer? The answer is given, as | expect, by a learned German. on criminal the hat in its relation to chdracter,Sanc had! long experience. {head is a sign 'that on one side. and being in debt; nearer to bankruptey is wearer, "dl forel over the ! words of has | sumph to. keep up spite. {other labors. Thus, he has his boots equally: may the | trustworthy official. If they are | this diagnostic sign, however, we told, is more to be relied case of men than of women. Kept Her Busy. ' 9 Harper's Weekly. Ottawa Ladies College { A prominent physician of Baltimore ed to Cobalt after spending a i pF. Me t tells of an amusing experience of the here | residing in a coal miners, | cottages," 'says the doctor, | in their sleeping rooms. I laid in | stock of thermometers, which | just how the thermometer would | ture. "As 1 was { head of one establishment, | observed my He b | displayed at | | tions. Yes, gir,' answered she. 'I'm Very rough here and examined the about the _ | watch the thing all the ! hangs up there,' temperature. time | "What do you do when the tempera-|, oy, with friends here, ture rises above sixty eight 7' 'I take it down, sir, an' put it working on the bridge, | outside till it-coolg off a bit.' Corrigan's. {but it isn't in love: It's almost as difficult to bel nice things vot hear of others as others say of you, ' " Modelled upon sclensifie principles a series of curves of elegance is eomprived im every pair of D. & A. Come, | You can buy s D. 8A." Indeed, she was a principal in| Qgcurrences In The City And) Crabtree, now, and has thousands { new cupation. All. re who work all days ir : 0 P AYGOCTS | ho get Supper, turn in and work, till dark on Mr. Joseph Gal- |, and | Rothwell and William la few weeks ago was martied to alon a Tony | Kenney, of Renfrew, is his brother, place. The Hornerites of this ¢ and has much real intend holding (a camp meeting dn 100 "0d Miss' Wartman, Bath, at J. - Lanark next week. | 3 E. Rice, whose "1492" was only |very good crop this vear Janzas many farmors ave euiting it. 'A. lost of Clayton, paid a short runs. a_sum- | gister. er When Marie | this place, Miss Margarot Wainwright was the wife of Louis|Wayside, is visiting her cousin, Miss | a|James, she was called one of the fin-| Hollinger. > ye i are | est' Shakespearean actresses in : In the words Some go to the For- week, actors. spent Sunday dast in Pittsburg: J. Tait, Kingston, has the contract ior building a new residence for Mr. Headgear Tells of Both Villany : |Ward and son, Tendall; we should | In a book ; psychology, published at An sipzig, says The British Medical Jour- started at, + - 5 e 1 ; Anal, Prof. H. Gross has made-anumberdas a : y fang 10% the De marking in| co cervations on the way of weaping {Kenny and Miss Agus--Horan; Roehes--\- Misses --Ldythe_and Mabel suitable manne g \ ce of his former star. ¢ her relatives jt has formed conclusions of the accuracy {of which he has satisfied himself by a FOS! He holds that a hat worn exactly per- [is spending a few the pretty | pendicular to the vertical axis of " a man is upright, Rochester, hin 1 Yo but a pedant and a bore---Men who are renewing old acquaintances here, Oveigentle and amiable and full of the milk Meagher and Miss Anna Marshall, Bel: | | of human kindness wear the' hat a little leville, spent Sunday at J. C. The wearing- of the hat {er's. ' side 1s said by the gre rejoicing over the arrival of aS Mrs. MeAteer is spending |you, Kingston, at R. Ellerbeck's. the | Mona Farrell, According to our. German authority, {wearing the hat on the back of the head may be taken as a proof of recklessness the further back it the | at] Op the other hand, if the hat is worn | ead, 1t indicates a man of difficult temper, sulky--in short, ip { the Scottish song, "a | The professor has not neglected the science of footgear in the mudst of his observed s down the heels of safely be put {down an energetic man of business or a worn down onthe outer side, the owner is gifted with imagina- | tion and is of an adventurous spirit. If | they are worn down on the inner side, {he is weak and undecided in character; are upon in the | early days of his practice, when he was small town where. by his. family here. | fag the majority of the workers were | "1 was greatly distressed by the un- | 'sanitary conditions prevailing in their 3 ¥ £ "and Nori i] last | : : d dama, o grain | among other shings 1 tried to explain Af g | to each househotd the importance of tho west end. of G.- Akrogd's and '1 | maintaining a wholesome atmosphere' yb 00 ™ : were households, where they were most needed. 1 took pains to point out, to each family in pn, ter, Laura, are at W. J. Arthur's for making the rounds one : : er ! 3 on the new agricultural hefl is being | dav. 1 inquired of the vomun ot the rwpilky pushed forward. Messrs. Bruce thermometer proudly ad e the end> of a string, ren "Morton spent a week of J. H whether she had followed my instrue-| goimes", N B. Holmes, Athens, as it ------------------ - % Filteen days' sale of dry goods at Friendship may have the true ring, | the kind of rine that is | ealeulated to satisfy the girl who is rr ------------ eee ree -- ; i - "oN k wo ERIN . Att valuable watch while pie WERE ARE STARS 1 fowrs jo.2 feature of the local "cul NEWS OF NEIGHBORS ine ulus gold bh Jy g a Er . to, have been visiting I -- nd irs. WwW. Y Mr. a TELL US . | Westbrook, Aug. 14.--The re-openjig of the Methodist ch took place on Sunday, the 4th Jat. Rev. F jeind tems iS , Kingston, prea ed in the ¥ har Briel T of Lr. y rge congregations attend. Interest Enaily Read And led. Uataraqui choir rendered OS | valuable assistance, A Jarge collec: S-------- tion! was en. A number from here . Barriefield Briefs. |attentcd Sarterly meeting 43 Cuter: i Aug. 14.-4Mr. Toners' (qui on S y last. . > G. ' Beds : | Smith and daughter, Lorraine, © ill soon be ready for oe | men in the village | turn in the city, house wi after | onet's house, Mr, Toner | who farmers. hased a handsome | is a complete | At Ferguson's Falls. Ferguson's - Falls, Aug. 14.--John | to Manitoba. Mrs. T.! visiting David Herricks, of trip this place T The wild hay isa | and a great | Yule, | visit to her | Command, of | A. Doyle, of lan | hi A. Mrs. Thomas Ine Maple Lawn Tidings. Maple Lawn, Aug. 14.--VWilliam Me- Adoo, jr., lost a valuaife horss last Mrs. R. Draper and R., Hartman. . W. Reid is erecting a stock. A great many from here at t tentled the social in the Glen last a week and are looking forward to any other in the near future. Visitors: | ® Rea, - Willetsnolmb; E. C. Barrett, Point Road; T, Keenan, Kingston; Mr, and Misses . Gorman, Oswego Mrs. Chicago; D. Fowler, Cunningham, Cush on Mount Chesney; B. sion. Visitors At Marysville. i M4--=Mrs Josoph | dered a solo in splndid voice. The } ] Howard, farmer's | Colling Bay, paid a visit to "friends spent Sunday wih the father, Archipald Campbell. Miss An- | he ston, Mise Mary Ls, James |M Mr. and Mrs. James Horrigan) at the Marysville House. | . and Mrs. Cummings and danghter, | Foronto, wera recent vigitors of Kd- | mund McNeill. Reports From Westport. Westport, "Aug. 13.--~Farmers are fin- ished haying and report a very light | t crop. The low land or swamp hay is | © above the average. Hay { Toronto, after having spent a . week with friends there. were national figures, and the Lotta |) hl (Cisne Tabor and in helping | Hospital, is not recovering as rapidly his peighbors. A. Rickey is the younger generation of playgoers | With worl for the does not know either that Mrs. Fiske, Stanton has ) | pleasure skiff. it ailure in this district. crowded | 8% her John | Jamima f | past six weeks with her son, at La- fargoville, N.Y., rejurued home on Sa- | turday. Monday to 8 friends at Ottawa and Carleton. Wil- liam Bevin and William Howie have James are gone [Seon . ames are gone |wilam Gates and to, . her |X hall, of New York, at C. L. F. |Sproule's; Miss Noble, of Kingston, at Brown, of Hay Bay, at J. Howie's. -- . Glenvale, Aug. {prolonged drought. {wells have drie loxisting even of drinking water. las tures only afford a mere existahoe lor cattle: Joseph Cramer states tbhut the milk total is much lower than he has | known it to be in previous years, The | crops also are a total failure und many cases are not worth the Gilbert died cement building for W. Dowling's fafa [To 8 visiting list mention is made after a pleasant visit with friends a 1S ' : and also Mrs. McCrary, of Sydenham, GG. Sweetman, Toponto; Mr. and Mrs, a visiting at A. C. Orser's; E. Rich: ard Mr. Cramer's; Michael Saturday last; Edward Elliott spent | Master James Clancy, King- ulay at T. Hawkey's, : James Moon's, at Conway. ! Quarterly meeting was held in the Methodist | Sunday afternoon Miss VanOrder ren- nie Fahey is visiting friends n King- erous. Napanee, and daughters, weeks with Miss | Orser's; Miss Gertrude Welsh, | Toronto, at W. Pillar's; E. R. Elliott, spent a few days this week |Cataraqui, at T. Hawkey's; Miss Maud Meagh- | grandson, | Grain . William Frye. Sri. News From Westbrook. ed home on Wednesday last from , PP. M. Gross, is still in the Kingston General Mrs. fricnds would desire. the Gates, after spending ine Smith left on Miss Lor oft week visiting spend a N.Y. Visitors: family, of Toron- at F. (ates; Mr. and Mrs. F, o to Syracuse, Sproule's; Miss Robbe, of Syden- Sproule's; Mise McCabe and Miss The Crops At Glenvale. 13.--The farmers in s comnninity are experiencing mary conveniences from the effects of the Most all the up, a great scarily har- Mrs, Joseph Cramer, who returnnl tertown; Mrs. Wood, Brandon, Man. THE CANADIAN BANK B. E. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager A. H. IRELAND, Branches Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England in| surrent rates and paid quarterly. delay whatever in the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of i the deposit. or con Head Office - . «+ Toronte The Standard Bank pays interest four times a year on all Savings Bank deposits. : KINGSTON BRANCH J. S. Turner, Maaager A J COR. PRINCESS AND BAGOT STS. OF COMMERCE % HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISUED 1867 ue wmintane Essien Ls | Paid-up tal, $10,000, 000 Rest, - - - 5,000,000 Total Assets, - 113,000,000 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED COMMERCIAL AND FARMERS' PAPER DISCOUNTED - SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT =n Deposits of $1 and upwards received j; interest allowed at The depositor is subject to no KINGSTON BRANCH, CORNER OF KING AND PRINCESS STS : ©. STEVENSON, Manager. is visiting at Hawkey went to Watertown on | son, of /l'oronto, the excursion Mrs, George Gowan and son are visiting ~ at church on Aug. 4th. On fe, Summer visitors are very mum- Among them Mrs. Robinson Winnipeg, at Mrs. I. iss Wood and Russel Pillar, iss Georgie Amey, Kingston, at. J. | lerbeck's; Mrs. McFarlane and | Sydenham, at G. Toplili »: r. and Mrs. Rodindyzer, Florida, U. 3., at J. Wartman's; Miss Rhoda Dar- ------------ BATTERSEA BUDGET. a -- Crop Fair--Fruit and | Potatoes Poor. | 1 Battersea, "Aug. 13.--The farmers are | hrough cutting and storing their hay | rop for 1907, Everyone had plenty of | is selling + barn room, no stacking hing neces- | here now for £20 .a ton. C. J. Sheagle | sary, as the yield averaged only about has finished his contract on a number Loek, John Whelay, son, Dauthier, Ottawa, are the guests | | of Mr. and Mrs. L. J, McCann. Miss Stasip = McCann, Watertown, N.Y., weeks' vacation. Mrs. Thomas Egan is |v visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. | M. J. McCann. Mrs. Edward Mu-t'r | ( was here for the last couple of weeks | nursing her i proving. She Dakota, to-day, mence here goon. M: J returned ta her home in | ¢ McCann, Jr., retum- | t wool | was conducted by R. J. ston, on the following Tuesday, ser- vice being held in the home by | Rev, Mr. Waddell, after which the re relatives. . T. vacation visiting Cann is svending his with Inverary Jottings. | Inverary, - Aug 13.--~The electric week © did considerable crops." The hail stones broke all of the glass out of |. Dr. A. E. 8 Freeman a 3 " City and family have returned from camp- | a : is - : | Messrs. John and Bert Mier. ac- bi Nien Panny thee ent companied by Walter Lyons, Sun- Y bury, proceeded last week to Bolling Locks. Mrs. Min, Hughes and davgh a week, © Mrs. H. Teepell is recover the Kingston general hospital. Work gnings- are rusticating at W. R. Mrs, W. Wills and two child- pe "oe pro- | vincial sinspector of apiaties, pasded | bees | Lin this locality. Philip Arthur, wife and family, have returned td their home at Regine, fafter s ing al . McGrath has. a large number of men and teams Mrs, James | Moore ia_gnite poorly at the home of her father. ? I ---------- . i Forfar Personals. Forfar; Aug." 15.--William - Mattice, | Brockville, spent Saturday, last visit | ing 'his parents. Mise Hazel Horton, jeve the | Delta, returned home on Sunday after | it visiting her cousin, 'Mrs. C. Coon. On Satusey evening the local football | team played a [friendly game with | Opinicon, which resulted in an even score, 0-0- Alter the game was com: leted the ladies served supper to th teams, which was. greatly appre | ciated. Mr. and Mra Johnston re | turned from their cottage and spent i Saturday evening at their home here." Mrs. Wiltsie and doughter, Miss Mar- | garet, and Mrs. Service, Athens, were guests of Mrs. Young ently. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Graham and Mrs. Kendrick, Portland, were visiting at the homes. of Mr. Hales on Sundav. Miss Bessie Cofner, Kingston, who has been holidaying with het friend, Miss {Letitia Myers had the misfortune to: 5 nurse-in-training. | ers and fishing is<home for her two | making things hum in this burg and | husband, who is im- | tracted illness at Mr. Nolan will com- | faithful member of building the cement sidewalk | church for many the | | last week to take a lucritive position {with the Keewatin milling company. | | mita 'mine, which | dicate the proper degree of tempera: ; ro rath ¢ | Visitors : Mra. (Pr) B. "Bridge and} ing after undergoing an operation 8% 4.0m of Albert City, Towa, at her na: Lake,' of Kingston, and Miss Lake, Edith Myers, has returned home. Wise | a load to the acre. The grain, which of buildings he put up at Chaffey's | 18 now being harvested is a fair crop | Cobalt, is home | and will yield well as it is well filled, visiting his family. Mr. and Mrs. New! The fruit crap is very poor and the otatoes have again heen blighted, A ocaseless swarm of visitors, camp. have been tourists icinity during the past month. Mra. Hanky, Sr., relict of the late Hanley of Milburn, passed ith inst., after a pro- reorge away on the the advanced age | Mf eighty-seven years. She was aj the Methodist | years and highly es- |. cemed in the community. The funeral Reid, King- the | naing wera conveyed to the Sand Hill semetery. Four daughters are left in home. Wakeford G. 8 left for Hamilton | The family will follow shortly and take up residence in the Ambitious will develop . a they they have leased: brook, where mother's, Mrs, T. Hogan's. Miss Ed- Inverary, at Teano Lake's: Miss Mand Robertson, - Morrisburg, Penn, at G. S. Wakeford's: Mrs. "Ferguson and child, of Trenton, at Ww. H, Jam: son's: Rev. Mr. Ebersole, and family, Brighton, at J. L. Sears'; Miss Lily Anglin, of Kingston Mills, at Ww. a4 Anzlin's: Miss Amanda Knapp, King: ston, at, Mre. Knapp's: Miss Werden, Pittsburg, Pa., Mr. and Mre. James McMillan and Wiss Mabel Chown, of Sydenham, at Dr. 8. K, Lake's; Dr. | Joseph Robb, Mountain Grove, at John -Robb's: Ross. Hartley, Holyoke, | Mass., , at W. Hartley's: Mra. Brown, | Hbleoke, Mase, at 8. K. Lake's; Mr. | Vanalstine and family, Napanee, at W.- Sutherland's: Mrs. Russell Wilson and | danghter, Montreal. Mossrs. Samuel and Uhatles. Jameson of Saskatoon, Man., arrived home this week. Don't Stare Your Hair What do you think your doctor would say about feeding your hair with Ayer's Hair Vigor, the newkind? He knows that it feeds, nourishes, strengthens. The hair stops falling out, grows more rapidly, and all dandruff disappears. cn ence Acts like a Charm 1a "DIARRHOEA ... ic 0 our tpeitic n CHOLERA . '. DYSENTERY. Checks and arrests thoss too often fatal diseases-- FEVER. CROUP, AGUE. The best Remedy known for COUGHS, COLDS; ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. Eifectoally cuts short all attacks of SPASMS. Is the oaly palisative ia NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, TOOTHACHE Chlorodyne is a liguid taken in drops. graduated according to the malady. It invariably relieves faa of wiithever kil ; creates a calm refreshing Mechs allays sreitatson of the nervous system when ail other remedies foil, wo bad effects ;. and can bs fe hen when no other medscine can be tolerated. INSIST ON HAVING Dr. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. The immense succéns of this Remedy has given rise to many imitations. N.B,--Every boitle of Genuine Chlorodyne bears oa the samp the same of the investor, Dr. J. Colla STRENGTH COMES FROM WHAT YOU ~ DIGEST, NOT FROM WHAT YOU EAT is taken up and di- gested by the most" "delicate stomach. It makes good muscle ; i . and rich blood. A boom to dyspeptics. CONTAINS MORE NUTRIMENT THAN MEAT OR EGGS. ' All Grocers--13¢. a carton, 2 for 26ec. Everything reduced. This is a money saver for you. r Sideboards and Extension Tables. SIDEBOARDS, worth $30, reduced to $24. SIDEBCARDS, worth $20, reduced to $16.50. SIDEBOARDS, worth $16.50, reduced to $14. EXTENSION TABLES, worth §25, reduced to $21. EXTENSION TABLES, worth $5.50, reduced to $5. IRON and BRASS BEDS, red-iced from 10 to 25 per cent. Over 40 styles to select from. Prices range fro:n $3, $3 25, $3.75, §2 np, R. J. REID, The Leading Undertaker, "Phone 577. SOLDER = BABBITT METH we the formulas {.0-App0e. Canada Metal Co., Ltd. fomia ¥