Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Aug 1907, p. 8

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fi fi gi He i fe iH i 1 2 Ee =i $7752 i is i 1 E and! in Toronto on Wednesd wagon driven by ting it and "its Miss Gould climbed that she sew the and them she near: auto wrenched ud guard. Miss recovered con- 's Wagon lost yesterday "He is a sailor. Tt is not known where >the soured the Ti h ited a . overhear one would very of ome, Just want one. more. chance," said the Indian arrested, taxed $3 'and costs. Amos Green, ¥: was iquor - Labian Lebar; - another. sailor, erea- ' ne Ri a baat when drunk, yesterday. He, too, was given a chance to reform. ¥ The Very Latebt Culled From All . "Over The World. near Port Colborne, The C. P. BR. will supply 1 000 box cars to transport western wheat. Joseph Gibbons was elected business agent of he street railway men's un- ion, 0. . * John Turnbull, Toronto] was elected president of the Canadian Association of Master Bakers. Hamilton aldermen have discharged the captain and crew of the sand pump for loafing. . 'An' unknown mean was struck by a G. T. R. - engine at Brock avenue , in Toronto. alk inspector -will be ask- ed to report on the condition of sev- eral buildings at Londow, Ont, a buggy on the speedway, Toron- to, and réceived serious injuries, The Montréal street railway com- and deliver freight cats in the city , | fimita, Ex-Senator Sir James Gowan was ay. He is ninety-two years 'of age, and had been seventy years in public life, Ed Steop, member of National Workmen's Federation, * who assaulted French minister of War Piequart, has been fined $40 and sent to pren for four months. A cable to Victoria," BU. Téports a tremendous earthquake in one part of Japan, a typhoon at Kobe and Osaka, ond disastrous floods elsewhere, Hum: dreds of lives have been lost. Muriel Edwards, the four-year-old daughter of Wesley Edwards, Brant- ford, - swallowed. 5 gold locket and chain. Nhe is under medical treat wont, and is doing well. ini, How To Prosper. Taronto, Mr. Rutherford, gave point: ers on advertising. "Every man in business," said 'he, hag a business 'worth advertising, or Te should not 'have the business. It would be better business for him to be busy with some other man whe has a business worth advertising, most other mortals, you are in lor profit, and 1 un whi i to "we Anesd the The steamer Oglesby ran 'ashore; Le from (says there was need of a At the Master Bakers' -Convention in| whiout he married in Canads, and who died there. The girl, who passes as this niece, is their holder ' work hus to wait on the diving and plices 5 tion, i -------- - Accident Greatly Regretted. . The accident to the steamer St. Lawrence is greatly regretted, ad it means hundreds of dollars loss to the Folgers, ha g as it did at the height. of the river séason when thou- sands of tourists Ca are coming to the thut the repairs ean made y. ------------------ Board Of Works A Mistake. The board of works is continuing its expenditure y on' by-roads and neglecting the "down town thorough- fares used by eversbody. Lower Gordon, & narrow, one block street, is now being water-tabled and otherwise improved, while Princess street remains full of ruts. 1 . - near, Nuttall, amb aithourh ha ad They Worked Excellently. . , he was gi v his liberty, and 1aC8 A Yetias Bounelly wt that be left witha kind "thank you, sir," [U0 worktrs than four Royal Mili tichacl MeNally was in the same {tary College cadets who, recently, boat as Nuttall. He, too, had quite {helped him at .a wreck 'at Cardinal. a resond 'on the police records, but | They showed great endurance, inteli- was allowed to go. oe and activity, - They worked Frederick Bouchier and Walter Gau- arteseight hours at a stretch and at thier, sailors, went on a spree ag [the b t kind of manual labor. soon as their bout arrived from Mon: treal. F. X. Cousineau In Toronto. "Nou ean both go," but don't come | F. X. Cousineau, at one time pro- back agen," said the magistrate to prietor of the Bon Marche, hing street 'east, Toronto, is at St. Mich: ael's hospitels Tordnto, suffering from kidney trouble and a dislocated leg. Mr. Cousineau a a vi hi Kingston and sli in the-eorrrdor of 'the Hotel Dien, injuring his jeg. He has been at St. Michael's hospital since Saturday and will probably re- main there during August. Late. remy in Sears. the Sp The of Sears were terred taraqui cemetery and was vices were Laing, assisted' by Rev. Canon Start. Nickle, Arthur Cunningham, James Redden, Charles Livingston; William Waldron and Pr. Anglin. ? Charges Neglect Of Duty. Dr. Evans desires to state that went 'down. to the board of health meeting at. 4:20 p.m., Tuesday, and that with John Lemmon apd Dr. Hanley they found that no quorum had been lared, amd Dr. Ethering- ton had left. The meeting was bill- ed for 415 pm. Dr. Evans ing. He had] inténded meeting i charging the medical health officer and the sanitary inspec- tor with neglect of duty in not hav- pany has aoauired the right to haul ling forced certain property. owners to | put their promises in ition, after the board had so ordered. The resi- ts in question, he declares, should summoned to the police court. Centre Street Walk. The Centre street concrete walk has not yet been laid, and will not be un- til the city engineer gets advice from the city solicitof. It will be remember ed that n survey of the street was made recently hy T. W. Nash, D.L.S,, and he found that pearly all the pro 'pertios trespassed om the street, fenc- es being built on city property. It is understood that the residents will raise no objections. The original street line has Nash, and it must be followed, for the street is very nacrow. If is marrowest at the King street end, where a fence feet. Band In Macdonald Park. By permission of Lieut. Col. R. -E. Kent and officers of the 14th regiment P.W.0, rifles, the will play the following programme wnder the direc tion of Watscn W. Walker, bandmas- ter, in Macdonald at 8 o'clock : March Little * cis wie: Bowe. Mestion Overrere. aay Chie . © Hare Intermezzo Roma MWehena' Comers. Walte--" Enchantments Aret Selection Marftam'* . Wallace / hie "ee ROLPh. Wate, Sg = vies Yow Coed Ss on & Williams. ore M; . Dea Montreal, Aug. 15.--An Englishman Serene hr Rh Books In omen ty (ook Jo d istrat t the § . prisoher is atried, but is a sister Rout God 'Save The King. = TRESMP STAN oT oidiaw & Son. | ba |THE maz Tait is. . | responses to the calls to go out ' | turned over to them. late George on Thursday morning -- ins Ca a ¢ meral took place from "Heathfield," of a private nature. The ser- by Rev. Douglas The pallbearets were Messrs, William he [she asked to enlist. been. staked by Mr. | will have to be moved in about tem | Park, this cvening, Alberti. Jorn" Yeadier | sdw Mf. Nye on the track. A man and Accused Goes Up For | it and writer of verse. Twenty years Ji F OF AF. ' i EE ------ 5 v " ¥ EE IR ROM BOTH SIDES. i S------ The Railway Operators Remain at Work--What the Two Sides Have to Say--Operators at Wii peg Quit. "New York, Aug. 15.--There is little change in the oS earaph strike Situa- tion, as far as concerns New York and othor eastern cities. Both Western Union and Fottal Sokegtaph compas ies profess to oroughly sa! with the progress made toward mox- mal conditions. Ons the other hand, the leaders of the strikers declare theix. cause has been strengthened by the in many of the cities where strikes had | not already been inaugurated. ' The hope of the strikers that the | order of railway telegraphers would | make common cause with the commer- | cial telegraphers has not been realized | yet. The Western Union and Postal people insisted that the railroad oper- ators would stand by theif contracts with the various railroad companies, | who, in turn, would fulfill Sei sbli. tions, calling for the handling o eh commercial business as might be Conditions Refused At Toronto 1oronto, Aug. 15.-Local Menager McMichael of the Great Northwestern Telegraph company, at a conference with the striking' operators, absolutely | refused the men's terms that they | would return to work on condition | that no operator would be required to| work with American offices that are on strike, «Sig vy 3 . TS SE, Pat SPECIAL SALE EMBROIDERIES All Day Friday and Saturday. We are having a clean up sale of all Sum- mer Embroideries, and for To-morrow and Saturday will offer every yard of Embroi- dery and Insertion at ; 4 20 Per Cent. Off. >] - HHISISISIIICISIIIISIISIGISIIINR Ww Wi * WILL KEEP OUT. x * 3 #.. Oyster Bay, N.Y., Aug. ¥| H# 15.--~President Roosevelt | # will not concetm himpgelf | ¥ personally with' the tele- | ¥ graphers' strike,. according : 'W to the best information ¥ # obtainable. ¥ - . * HASOIRISINISIIISISICIICISIIINIRIO TO JOIN NAVY. i { South Dakota Girl Wants to En-{ List as a Nurse. { Buffalo, N.Y., Aug. 15--Mary Clif- ford, twenty years old, who has lived all her life in Yankton, S.D., tried to enlist at the United States recruiting office, yesterda vr. Miss Clifford did not want to enlist a8 a Yegulay sailor, but as a nurse if she could be assured that she would be axsiiiind to the United States battleship Minnesota. Miss Clifford's desire to go into government . service follows a long search for her brother. Last March her parents died. Her brother, Hedy Clifiord, left . home nearly two years ago amd enlisted in the navy. It was found that he enlisted at Buffalp and is now on the battleship Minnesota. Al 25¢; Embroideries for-20c: oe 5 All 15¢ Embroideries. for 12c. Allji0c Embroideries for 8c. All 12}¢ Embroideries for 10c. And so on through the entire lot. When Miss Clifford found that her { brother must serve three years more | Unfortunately, the naval recruiting | office here does not enlist women into | the service and Miss Clifford's re- quest was denied. She said she would {go to Newport, R.1., and there see the | captain * of the Minnesota personally jand either get some sort of employ- | iment aboard the ship or get . her Ibrother released from further service. ---------- Qur Assortments -- OF -- | WAS A ST. THOMAS MAN. | Vietim of Poisoned Oatmeal at ! Regina. |. St. Thomas. Aug. 15~E. H. Chase, | has received news of the death of his | | Sovindpw, Cyrus Winters, Regina, from arsenical poison. Winters hoard- ied at a restaurant, the proprietor of which loaned some oatmeal to a | {Chinaman, keeper of a rival eating | {house. The Chinaman returned the | ontmenl, which was used, with the re- | {sult that a number of hoarders were | taken violently ill. Three of the vie- | tims were taken to the hospital, and | Cyrus winter died. An analysis of the! oatmeal 'revealed arsenic. Investiga- | tion developed thas the Chinaman had | plenty of oatmeal in stock and had | no need to borrow. He was arrested | and is still in custody, Winters was | on employee. of the London Cement | company, and was aged thirty years. {He leaves a widow and child, who have Igen living with Mr. Chase here | since his son'in-law left for the west lin May. Mr. Chase has left for Re {gios, to bring back~the. remains to | Inwood, where deceased's mother now lives, | _ Motorman's Muvder. New York, Aug. 15. Frederick Nye was struck by a Lexington 'avenue | trolley car, and died at the Harlem Hospital. He was crossing the street | when the car rushed down upon him i at almost top speed. His skull was White Goods Are Complete and our Price the Low- + est in Kingston. Quality Considered. White India Linens, 10c; 124¢, 15¢, 20c, 25¢. White Persian Lawns, 15¢, 20¢, 25¢, 30¢, 35c¢. White Drill for Skirts and"Snits, 156, 20¢, 25¢. White Pique. . White Persian Mull in dainty checks. = White Sheer Linens for Waists or Siiits. White Linens for. Waists, 8 qualities to select from, 30¢, 35¢, 45¢, 49¢, Hoe, 69¢, Toe, 90c. | fractured and he wos injured internal: ly. The motorman was denounced by | men and women who 'declared that he did not try to stop his car whim he | a woman became 'so demonstrative that they wers taken fo the station house along with the motorman. { ick Nye wns an assistant edi. {tor of the World," but was known! throughout the country as a hvreor-! tago he was ns widely known in the {west ax was "Bill" Nye, the famous | ~~ | BARGAINS IN SHOES FOR THE LITTLE FOLKS. | Monteeal, who is a nun. Pi Pretoria, Aug. "18. ~The ' . tive to his Mon pusiness have not blacknacis er of enema of humorist, ts whom; however, he was been found. ih made against General Botha, wl was 10 have received | v Shot May Prove Fatal. money from the te concession- | pra irulent Hay Fever. 2 | Hay fever promises this yi to | | Quobes, Aug. 16--Arobie" Mega | ari belors the war, wan conclude ire severe, tnd many aes sireody | hare by Dr. Hewitt, of the Trangeon: | Mr. Brey of the aptuad, [Mieting. The moat Dositive- ire' Ir} + {here by Dr. Hewitt, : + Brogtenbacl, one sotused. | "Cp gnrehorane," which destroys the | tuntal sailwayc: feo 1a Toque, and ne snteneat "16 Shige yours, peval and gives impediate riod, | - probably die, from '=u revolver | servi: Mr. de Wass, oditor of | res quickly. Sold by all dealers. $1 { ot fired, it is alleged, a! Land en Volk, ap of the necused (or (0 monthe' treatm! gabe dha oid wed Dll AL CRE nL | arres vo § y i.' I nid | of the railway 'service, and taken to | wns sot called upom to decile whether| JOP)" lof Bor, faker wontons, =| | Three: Rivers, r Geers] Batha lind be eid or not: {ends ent ho in ure 40. haven' wie | = - / RUBSY Jud thinks he ought 16 make them | See Bibhy's_boe, saps. by the jury, was ol with' oven vi puoapied Sra Rho oo lf Me ha fo lh gl up. bottles, Se. and 75e., at Wade's view, declared ho intended 10ivet a mun wldom a an ain a: le bring action b the arown for un- | fumity fo look in a mirror: . Corrigan *: justifiah ret, rive Fs for Christy's Fnglish caps. we, = | Prawn thauvioster's point of view, n 8 o Bere, {mercanary wretch is a bachelor who £ 3 i = ~ Some mall Vote of Bummer Goods, hroken sizes, {hat we are sell {Ll ing at cont to clear out. You will find every pair a bargain. . 1 Table, sizes 8 to 104, Childs Chocolate Lace Blucher cut. Oxford aid The Shoes, regular $1.50, now $1, 1 Table, sizes 8 40 10§, Child's CHocolate Strap Slippers, various kindh, some two strapr, regnlur $1.25, now Sc. 1 Table Boys' Chocolate Blue her Boots, izes 8 ing shoes, now $1.25, We have wuit cases at $2.50 that will wear, The Lockett Shoe Store. to 10}, good wear- | é YEAR 74. NO. ------ ------------ Stole, 36. A Large Pill Muff, $6. Silkey, Beautiful FUR, We make everything we and guarantee éverything John McKay Fur Hou 149-155 Brock ST hid A na SS ag Sad Our gtore is filled with things especial.y suited for Campers Fishing Parti Picnic Partie Mail orders carefully pac] promptly shipped. Jas. Redden & Tmporters Of Fine Groce eset Sc High Class Moving Pictu WONDERLAN To-Day and To-Moxx "THE POACHER." "POOR MOTHER." Tatest Nlustrated So Open afternoon 2 ©. Open s, 7 Saturday afternoon, 1 Tuesday, Children's On Day. : : Sc. ieee Daily Steamer S From Kingston, TO THE 1000 ISL Ck T, I. Park, Alexan« s "dn River points. Capta Line leaves Swift's Whar, dail excepted, 2.45 p.n., returning lowing day. Round Trip, $1. WALTER L. VISGER, ) THE FAST STEAN ECELWAT & GEOR! For charter, by day trip or W snd camping excursion at sh ss Capt. Géo. Hammon Haron Hotel, Kingston, Ont. Usion Hotel. Kingston, Ont New England Chinese ant, 33! King Str "PHONE 666. Regular Dinner, 11 a.m. to 5 Tickets for $1. Also meals s before, 8 a.m at LEE 3 v BE, Proprietor. AUCTION SAL T MURRAY'S AUCTIO! Broek St., Parlor Set, Be Spril , Mattress, Parlor, & Four-. Tables, Chamber ing Glass, Dining and Kite r articles, AOANING at 1 i SATURDAY. MURRAY, A IT 1S A FACT. t od stuf Where you will do that r Stoves, Fumiture and 'S Second-Hand Store FURK'S cess street. NOTICE ANTE 18 a 4 FoR Bog 5 } received till | 1907, will be Oh FLEMI erpicide is gold in Ki Gibson's Red Cross drug st BY men work overtimi . comes to, dispensing: advic For 74: years British Whig b . the printing bus has tried to Kk van. We . ough something abou ness. We 'thin If you want attractive something clever.and us prepare jt for you. are moderate for good ® ship: BE TiSH |

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