Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Aug 1907, p. 3

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BAD BLOOD oats Togs ears hades, veal 1 ean truthfully say thal 1: 1 have taken only two boxes of the: Clarence R. Stiri, Sheridan, Ind, - Best For The Dowels "~ . Pleasant atable, Potent. Tanke O04, Do Good. At on Wear on or Grige. 1c. Be. Se. Hoe v Een re monnine tabiss stamped C OO. teed to cure or your money back Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. Goo ANNUAL SALE, TEN MILLION BOXES -------------------------------------- eet EXCLUSIVE UR STORE Latest Designs for Braiding Persian - Lamb Jackets and Fancy Etons. W. F GOUDIE R, 76,.78 & 80 Brock St. ~ Phone 700. e Optical Work Carefully and promptly ex- ecuted mew style, mounts and specially shaped lenses made to order. Repairs of all kinds. Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted. - Suede Gloves," 5c. a pair. Navy Suede Gloves, 75c¢. a pair. "Black Silk Gloves, 99c¢. a pair. : Black Silk 75c. and uy White 75c¢. a pair. White Kid $1.75 a pair. ; Gloves, ilk Gloves, Gloves, Fall Dress Goods Our complete stock of Fall Dress Goods is now in stock and cer- 3 tainly the range is a swell' one. Call and get an idea of the cor- % fall rect things for wear, iNew Goods ARRIVING DAILY ' = ' . Newman '& Shaw - - 'Was not it should have am entirel be ted disappeared from my rots are just hm," > " ' : : = as THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21st, 1907, ; | TT m-- ---- -- Ee | EOS Rte: & pending a vacation with the Rev. J1.| beautiful bi Thule ba" Bart i. -- FINO i Chiles. Villiers, Johnson street, will | Judge wd Jr RR fou 4 | i . leave again on Friday, for Worcester, |ing over fed' ir | nN arm ga or i " b 0 Nn Mhss. Those who have met her wish | with Mes. Bermingham - B 4 eed she could make up her mind to re-| Mrs. Heard Popsteis ap from OL Vinol is af delicious as a fresh 2 ene 4 main in. Kingston. . tawa. o WE ew nu orange, an as spothing as can be | [6] l h Mrs. Arthur Matheson, of Otiawa,| Dr. and Mrs. R. E. are ex : : nthe. weal, imitable stomach. It | OWIGHE | dr drs Namen. of Oven l Dr 500 M5 wma Fo i «| CONDENSED ADVERTISING | i, SAMA coaxes back lost appetite, improves Sessessiaasaiveseenes beer having € delightful summer in|fo the United Kingdom. They siw RATES . -- er digestion and. Greates strength | ' Yoacouver, left on August 13th, for |much of Edinburgh, Glosgdw ant Lon: Sing ous _BoL 1CIES COVER MORE OF A gob BRACRLET, WITH i % | : it i ii ol 8 ~ | = . 3 3 LB > 4 '. hm whale span Wo | sive Nok I | Lt Sh mo, i, Co 8) gn 3, Ber reo |" eth El aiiel BSH SN SO A Taglor. wife of the agent of the Bank { of Montreal, in London, England, are alWays read with interest. A very clever woman (hut £0 charming' that {she condeals the fact), artistic, musi: cal, and literary, she made many { friends as Miss Henshaw, of Montreal and later, after her marriage to' Mr Naylor, when Slid came up to this par of the world and lived in Picton and Desevonto, and "during her visits tc Kingston. Mrs. Taylor now lives at "Fairfield," the romantic Berkshire house, néar stronglys recommend: Vinol to all wh. are weakanil run-d8wan from any caiise particularly to delicate women and hilqren, old people and for those whe have pulmonary toubles: : Money back if you try Vinol 'and are not satisfied. GEORGE W. MAHOOD, DRUGGIST. Ascot," and within a J Sas driv e of Surrey and' Bucks, where Mistress Anne Mervyn, one of the tbeauties 'of Charles II's reign, lived, Here this charming Canatian, woman has surfounded herself with much that is grtistiv; Beautiful, 'ancient and-his ttoric. "Fairfield" has its ghost, too _ said to be that of its mistress in the long gohe time; Mistress «Anne, jeal- ops of 'another beguty, Nell Gwyne resolved to go to "Kingswydk," whicl Tie smear. and is connected with "Fairfield"! by an underground, 'pass age. What the beauty of the latte: mansion meant to do to the beauty of "Kingswyek"" no one knows, for as she stepped. cautiously along the pass age someone killed her with a dagger \thrust. ~ Now Mistress Anne 'walks' and opens. Kairfield's" drawing-room door, uagxpectedly, and does other things, all of which add to the inter esi of Mes. Taylor's beautiful home Miss Brenda - Taylor, the debutant daughter, who was presented not: long ago, adds an aitraction all her own tothe romance of----the-old house: . 8 ee Fill up your coal-cellar with our famous Scranton Coal ; every shévelful is a shovelful of satisfaction ; in every pound there are six- teen ' ounces of.the best of coal goodness. v Coal 3 ® Our Scranton will Mrs. A. W.. Cook kod i 3 o£ . « ¢ asked a few peo give you the most heat for & ple to "Hazeldell" t6 tea, on Mon your money--*' 'best and goes day, to meet: Mrs.' Elkins, Mes." Herb farthest." > The Frontenac Lumber and Coal Company. A. CHADWICK, MANAGER. $ Successors of The Rathbun Company. Phone No. 67. ert Patton, of Prescott, and Mrs, Pat ton's sister, Miss Takes ee SPPPFPOOODE Mrs. Hugh Nickle, Earl street, gave a little tea, on. Monday, for Mrs. Kar! Folger, who is sa much liked by every one in town. Mrs. Nickle's aunt, Miss Dickson, Miss Edith Folger, and Miss Jessie Dickson, her sister, helped her with the teq things, and among the .o guests were Mrs, IF. W. Albree, Mrs a. J. RoVlert<on, of Tweed; Mrs. E A OLUTE « | H. Marvyn, of Syracuse; Miss Carrie sm-- and Miss Fthel Waldron, Miss Louis and Miss Florence Cunningham, Miss Blanche and Mise Flossie Hudon, Miss Genuine Carter Ss ¢ Bell Carruthers, who carries "Annan ACY | dale's" hospitalities" with her wherever i iver Pills. ™ | - . . - Little Liver Pills. Minnie Crothers, Miss Beatrice Tandy Mise: Marion Redden, Miss Kathleen Harty, Miss' Aileen and Miss Eva Rogers, and Miss Loretta Swift. oe ee | The Carruthers" farm, on the front { road, is the Mécca of many a small | party, on. pleasure bent, these days A few ladies incliied for bridge, the younger gitls who want a romp and a swimg all ages, find a hospitable wel- |.aome fron' the thatélaine, Mrs. John | Mrs. E. T.'Taylor, is thinking o organizing a croquet tournament te Must Bear Signature of | be aval of the first week in Septem bar on her lawn over at the R.M.C. » - - - SfeaFoo | | an_enjeyablé See Pac-Simile Wrapper Below. Mrs.J. J: Harty, Barrie street, gave little supper party, on Among her guests Cornelius Berming Panet, Mrs, Beres- | ford of Chicago, Miss Marion Redden | Miss © Kathleen Harty, Miss Mabel Brownfield, Mise Loretta Swift, Mr {R. R, F. Harvey, Mr. Robert Creigh- | Tuesday evening. | were Mr. and Mrs ham, Mrs. Henri Very small and as oasy to take as sugar. FOR HEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. | ton, Mr. W. Harty, Mr. Arthur Mac FOR TORPID LIVER. | neg and Mr. W. CL. Kent. FOR CONSTIPATION, ° Dr. and Mrs. Edward Ryan are ex FOR SALLOW SKIN. | pected 'home from their trip to the FOR COMPLERIOR | | Old | Comntry, on Saturday. : . a IR HEC vrs. a || Mrs. WW. J. BR. White, University of | 3 Vepetanie, on Corel | avenue, who with her children has at. Rockport | been spending. some. time September CUE SICK HEADACHE. | Camp, will be home about . Joseph and Mrs. Forsythe, | . . who have been' with Canon and Mrs. DIAMONDS | Grout, Brook street, have gone out vi ppar- | Svdenham for a visit. We have made every prepar | to Sydenhs 2 be a ation to have a complete aa Mr. and Mrs. James Craig, Princess a few days in sortiaent. We buy direct from street, are spending the cutters. Every stone has { 4d are Sj = our guarantee. did Qian Solitaire Diamond. Rings, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Stevenson, $10 up. | Stuart street, are spending a vaca: i Twin Diamond Rings, $60 | Mr | { tion at. Sydney, Cape Breton, Rings, | Stevenson & former home. | Mr. and Mrs. Gene L. i Stone {rom $25 up. Beaupre, of Call' and examine our ' stock | Toronto, after spend few days 1 onto, ¢ spending a ow } TR yoursels. » | with Mrs. R.. Beaupre, Johnson street, Kinnear & d'Esterre, | have gone to, Dawson Villa," Wolfe Jewelers, 4100 Princess St Island, for . the remainder of their | visit. Livingston, Princess for a three weeks Toronto. : of Montreal, is McNiece, Queen Miss Jenni street, left to-day, visit with friends in Miss Edith. Elliott, visiting Miss Violet street, Mr A. H. Genge H. Nicholson GRANITE wife, Sher- and visiting Mr. ing day for Cadboro Bay, two miles route from y. ta Kingston. from. Victoria, where they will spend|They will take up house on Wellington some weeks. It is pleasant to know Ft ; mn that Kingston friends are often. tn the | Miss Sarah Flsaagan willbe home mide of Um members of this old | this Beli from her outing to London, gston family. | i S ein Mes: John. Waddell, William street, | Mits pha; 'who be, Tien ud her 9 lietle girls, have Rome [Xe we dav for ar . rn o¥n to 4 - | Buffalo. Wi ile hem she was taken by Miss Annie Cotter and Miss Florence her entertain a trib: to, Mom Forperi, Alfred street, came back Jaren Tomorsast Mes cimath uy last week from a little trip, and the | Nes non Klanck, lore, iy latter left town again, on Tuesday, for | *"y J i Beynett. : Clergy strost Ottawa; Miss Cotter will remain at; ei few days vith. Mis S. home for a good long rest. S Spiing a tL. hig bios Mrs. Edward Merrett, of Montel, |: Phillips, of » at her camp who "with her children has been spends wo WE thn the : Lautonting ing some. time at Glen 1, will | pote,» eave there to-morrow. ss Ada | Ty td : al o eng t 48 announced of ; Bates, who has been Mrs. Merrett's! Mics Jessie Mnloolm, daughter of guest at the Island, will return 10{Mr and Mrs. RR. Malcolm, Toron- aun with ber. rt to, to Mr. Rex. Ewart Nicholson, of Mrs. Beresford; hicago, who has Toronto, The murringe will take been at Glen Island this summer, has | place- in October. been in town for a few days. Mre. |' Miss Alice Wallace, Port Hope, to Beresford is gifted with a clear, rich | Mr. Atkinson. formerly u master at and powerinl voice, whigh hes been | Trinity Colle highly trained; her singing has a Wh Merl. lichted many of those who had the! Hattic Evangeline, daughter of Dr. leasure of listening to it. Mrs. Beres- | (Galbraith, to Mr. William Arbusthnot ford sings a great deal from the ora-|Lytle, Collingwood. .. rau torios. w | Miss Isabel Biggar, cldest daughter wl lof C. R. W. Biggmr, K.C, to Mr _ Mrs, Henry Kavanagh, of Montreal, | Christopher Charles. Robinson, eldest is the guest of Mrs. D. Phelan, Johu-|son of the late Christopher Robinson, son street. IK.C., off Beverley. House, 'Toronta. Major W. B. Lesslie, who. has been |The wedding fr ] will prabably be celo- out from India on furlough, and has{brated in Paris in, September. School, and now liv. . . . boon with Mf. and Mrs, William Less-| Miss Maury Margaret Murray, of lie, George street, for a visit, has|Pans, Ont, daughter of the law sailed "for England to pick up Mrs. Thomas Murray, and the 'Inte Mrs. Lesslio and their children, and- take {Murray; of Paris, to Mr. Henry Say- them east again with. him. | der Kissamy, of New York. Miss. Jessie. Macpherson; who has| Miss Madge Matkay, youngest heen spending a' delightful ten months |dnoghter of the late John Mackay, with relations and friends in England, | Ruddle road, Fraflilgar, to Mr. C, B, freland and Scotland, is in Canada Patterson, of Port Moody, B.C, for- again, reaching Ottawa 'the first of jmerly of Oakville, Ont. "The wedding the. woek. Mrs. Kenneth Fenwick, who [Vill take place'in September interided coming home, has stayed for | (Continued on page 5.) v few days in the capital to be with] as FOUND DROWNED. the home-comer. | | Mrs. Here Mooers, Jr. and child-|A Young Cook Went Out in a refi, Barrie .street, have returned from | Canoe. a visit at Tamworth. | ° Gananoque, Aug. 30.--A sad fatality Mrs. William Newman, Lormneville, is| took place a short distance from this with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-j town, among what is known as the liam Allen, Clergy street. | Admiralty Group of Islands, whereby Mrs. W. H. Sparling, Colborne|a young lady, a native of Finland, street, is at Battersea parsonage, for| Miss Veiti © Ritkka Kaohn, about a few days. | twenty' years of age or therenbouts, Miss Olivia Elliott who has been{lost her life. The full details cf the staying with her brother, the Rev. Jo-| incident 'will probably never he known seph Eliott, Cataraqui, left on Mon: at least not until "time unveils eter- day for Tweed, and will pay gp visit| nity." The unfortunate young lady there before going home to New York. | came here from New York, a short Mrs. Elliott has also had with her | time age, and was. employed as a the Rev. Archibald Elliott's two child: cook at the island residence owned hy reri from Carleton Place. They have| Prof. Nicholls, of Ithaca, N.Yi, and also gone home. oboupied 'by a fomily-named: .. . . New York. Mrs. Herbert and her sister, the guests of Mrs. Baxton Brock street, fara few days. Mrs. George Maedonnell, a visit. Mrs. R. hag been in S¢ Ww. Brigstool. town -for a fortnight or| was found in six feet Mrs. Bird happenin D. Miss Ftta Kirkpatrick, King street, is home from a visit to her sister, | Mis. Frederick McGachen, in Orillia {ed for F. Cole, Mrs. W. W. Sands, Bagot street, has| was' Brought gone to Muskoka for a holiday. a Miss Frances Campbell, of Balti- more, is the guest of Mrs. Winthrop Sears, at "Heathfield." undertaker. The body over to town in the Sons, Coroner Shaw, promptly notified, and considered an inquest Y.. is staving with her mother, Mrs | the deceased have been notified, but William Skinner, Gore street. Miss Alice Sears, who is camping on | details' of burial have nei, heen the shores of Lake Winnipeg, is hav- | ranged. ing a most enioyable time. {~The fgdéral "i Mrs. Clark Wright, Colborne sireet,; Graham Turner, and her little girl, have gone to Perth | James Turner, of this town, for a visit. Mr. Norman Crothers, Dr. McDow- Jl. Mr. B. Dalton, and Mr. Frederick McParland, intend making a garrison finish to their cruise down from Tor- onto with the Temeraire, by sweeping in under the eves. of all the girls, at three o'clock, this afternoon to St the pastor, Rev. Henry Gracey con ducted a" short funeral Sere there the remains were taken 40 Gan may: interfere with the perfection of jand Mrs. William N, thé programme. * . te Tw. names of her daughters. Gananogue defeated Thousand Tsland Dr. and Mrs. W. Kidd, of Chicago, : and thelr family, who have been at Park baseball, to-day. Score 19 to 4. Wolfe Island, have now gone. down Visitors: Mrs, D. Jefferson, of San to Rogers' farm. Mr. Vernon Crothers | Francisco: James Bedard, is with them. . J Miss. Connell of Spencerville, is vis} Mrs. Fern Fredenh: iting her brother, Dr. W, T. Connell, Dr. Warven~Murphy; at "Queensview." . A. Reid, Ottawa. FA : Miss Gertrude Barber, Montreal, is| Visiting: Miss Pear] Latimer, in To the guest of the Misses Dunnett, Wal- | ronto; Mr. and NregB A Scott, at lington street. Wiltasie's cottage. : Langdowne: re W. brooke, Aue., are Genge's brother, Mr. R. Clergy street. Mr. Charles are visiting Mr. Brock street. E. Genge, 48 AND MARBLE ~~ WORKS 149 SYDENHAM ST. | (COR. PRINCESS.) Hyde and wife, Detroit, Thomas E. . * . Mr. and Mrs. John Innes of Toron- to have: been paying Mr. Innes' aunts, the Misses Baxter, Sydenham Eprosl, short visit on their way to stay wit ------------------------ FLIP IOOEE : $ Sous E Mrs. Norman Eraser, m Aylmer, Que, ¢ Mr. Innes' friends have been delightec o® . $ COAL ! 3 to welcome his: bride. Fhere is every @ : h . ikity Mrs. Fraser 'and her The sudden changes in, Weather & yrobability that] J ought to sat. the wisdom - & ! I be here some time _in Sep Putt in same good Coal ° . soll po J Conl. Ts the kind that ? tember. iv sends out' the most heat, and Miss May Vil makes the home comfortable | 11 8 X Non-alcoholic Sarsaparilla thera is mone better mined. We deliver it to you clean amd: If you think you need your doctor. without slate,.at the very bottom doctor, ft yo 2 Prives. BOOTH & CO., | to try Ayer's non: ta, ask yoar doctor. ' Phone 183. Foot of West Bt @ PHPEVHODOPIS DPR often. Keep inciose We tive formulas | baby Wi Jers. . who has been foheriien [24 ladies. at the best monthly a oe for Sold only in Kingston, a BEST DRUG STORE, 124 Princ cess' street. Mailed on receipt of ricew§ Hughes, | J! of Mrs, Cornelius " : yi : ; a Captain and Mrs. | to-day, for St. John's, Que. It is hop-. | od that the: militia department will | are fit to bring Captain Folger hack | here some day, and that a not long | distant ome. <& | = "os sae | Mise Daisy Fortescup is now: the | guest of Mrs. J. F. Baker, Alwington avenue. . Miss Eric Black who has heen with Mrs. J. R. Black, Mack street, has re- In the quietest Fdith Malone, sliy of ative irresponsibility "Sf assumed a owas SS hi Hélnon- ton, on August © be Jui noon Carey married bef. to . Gilbert Stotey, and they bavé gona to live in tomed to St. Luke's Hospital, in| Viking, Alta. ; Chicago- - Capt. A. HN. (Mulone glye his Miss Mary Middleton, who has been daughter away! and Ms FORA iri nan, of Olds, Aita., was her brides: : h lations on Clergy : the. gusst, of her retine maid, and as the bride said in a loeb street for €he past week or so, Te turned. to Toronto, v y- | ; "Mies Mary Fdwards hus been spend-jwore her mithee's wedshing gown" of ing the week with her grandiather, the dove grey milk; thus lial the hap- Rev. Stearne Tiche, Johnson street, |piest day of her mother's b with her ay to b hool in -Willets- own. . 2 idan nds : The marriage tpok place "in All { » a eee Saints" church, Ail. Jtesent, af. the Dr. and Mrs. William Workman, of jofromony, which was Nat aned by New 'Westminstes, B.C., : s B. Ca {in tvme and Miss Emily Ballantvne, of jand Master Travers, and Mrs. Carey's | Stratiord, ate with. Mrs. William [SiSters, the Mispes Shibley. Myny, | Workinan, Alfred street. {many good wisheh go well to This nice. Miss Katic Workman, Alfred street, girl and to her husband. | went up to Trenton, yesterday, to re EN {visit friends. A map suigoly, me keg. uf his pund to Pr. F. Bermingham, of Brooklvn, marry uni 4 w jt - the. cow | NOY, is bringing his bride to town, hes nade np hers to dd so. | toni d ; will be the- Some at oa to-night, and they will > fe Te 2 x Ra he i Adams of | Yesterdiey " she was left Patton, of Prescott,| alone, the residents attéhding a pic- Miss Tukes, have been | nig and not returning: until about nine Smith,| o'clock mn the evening. She was miss- | ed, and some search made but fruit University | lassly. The seiych was. resumed this avenue, has gone down to the sea for | morning, and an empty canoe helong- ing to the island ound, ut, eigh- of Cobalt, | teen feet from the lam ng he body water, by two young men named McAllister. Dr. and by in their boat were summoned, and at one telephon- | launch Go-Now, and taken to the: em: balming establishment of ™. Cole & nadowne, was viewed the, remains ew unneces- Mrs. E. BH. Marvvn, of Syracuse. N.|sary. In the meantime the relatives of |'no Teply having yet beem received, the ar | the late Elizabeth | thing over relict: of the late] took place from the residence ol her daugh- ter, Mrs. * Thomas Richaitispn, at Andrew's Presbyterian church, where / From s, King street, was omitied from among the Ki ton; Mrs. O. Burleigh and eg Mrs. George Hawley, Napanee. is the! . Returned home: Mrs. W. ¥. Haines quest of her sister, Mrs. Herbert! and daughter, io St. M ay Mise Saunders, Alice street. Lindsay, to Toronto. w= at, Karl Folger, left, a yl ter, looked lovely. 1 bride, heppeli; | and Mrs. Bal. {Wedtling music were Mra N, B. Carey TS. award: Animus charge for one in v at Gogwin a Insurance Emporium, Mark- et Square. s ; HELP WANTED-MALE, * 3 YOUNG MAN. ABLE TO aT UR take charge of skate room. Also two or thred boys. Apply at Roller Rink. | MEN . FOR PITCHING LIFTING troack and ballasting on Kingston and Railway. For particulars, apply to F. Conway, Acting General I -------------- HELP WANTED-FEMALE, | A HOUSEMATID. APPLY IN THE evening to Miss Hora, 45 King St. -------------------------------------------- GENERAL SERVANT. NO WASHING. Apply Mrs! O. A. Macpherson, 102 Earl. street, DINING ROOM GIRLS, WAGES" $20 per month, Apply at once tw British American Hotel Office. EXPERIENCED Agfly in the evening, to Mrs. Fred. W. Atbree, Einily street. AN HOUSEMA 1D. AT ONCE, A COOK, REFERENCES roguired. Apply to Mrs: Walkem. Uor, Union and Beverly Sts. in the evening. | INTERNATIONAL ence. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE 'addition : LA ; A GOLD PRACBLET, SET WITH A ix able if 35s i 8 £35 and receive suits mon om SEA rates. Before renewing old'or ng business get rates ir e-------------- & Strange, A y BLACK, FOLDING ° ADVERTISING Tai, Tf EDUCATIONAL. be Hb wwarded b: POND Sse mee I ---------------------------------- . SUMMER COPY NUS, Stores and S00: ni a Brock street. 4 Sel n, office, 57 Brock St. Offico hours, 9 . to 5 pans rddy Svening, 9. J. XK Carroll, repressmtative. Clarence St. Apply to J. By | i Dr. Ryan, cornet Mom occupied ok Sti hy treal an TWO DWRLLINGS, NOS. Princess St., one large, est w other small, oon! h FOR SALE. os Apply. 249 prontainng | oi A 20 FOOT SKIFF, WITH A 3 HORSE Chi 3 power Sroskviite - new i ON hii gy) 187, DETACHED yeur. Can ween ingwton, 289 AThert street, any time, Apply Whig office ANY LADY CAN EARN TWO "Tats & day GUFIDE spare Gime, pay that ms slefinite full time. Pleusant on ladies. Mrs, David. son, Delivery *'K,,"" Brantford, On: tario. EE -- 3 eT WANTED--GENERAL. STREET ber. 30th. 8." DOL~ work cal A STORB, ON PRINCESS before ox "A. ree ---------------------- IF YOU WANT YOUR HOUSE PAINT- wd, ceili kalsoniined, wall's ete, od at low charges, send to T. 156. Rideaii St. for estimate. DR. G. W. BELL, HAS RE- moved to hispfickd block on Clarence street, just atove "the Post. Office. Calls. by telephone telegraph promptly attended to. or or Wy y ot 9 rooans, modern hy condition, near 's College: Rent moderats & CUT STONE FRONT RESIDENCE, No. 2 George St., Mushy 38 03 Be, rk es high. (oof Garden of WM. NEWLANDS, OF- fice, second floor over Mahot's C, S.. KIRKPATRICK. ISSUER OF store, Gorter P Marriage Licenses, 42 Clarence Bt. ahroe . 'Phone, 508, 4 608 ENGLAND'S INGRATITUDE sa ---- One of Florence Nightingale's NEWS FROM VERONA. . -- . The Summer Visitors Are Overtax- ing Hotels. Verona, Aug. 20.~Seocord Storms' | now house is nearing completion; it is up-to-date. L. Clow, Hutingrton, has the contract. The High Fills school: house has heén reshingled and a fine new slate blackboard placed in posi- Brave Followers Now Living on Public Charity. z London, Aug. 21.~The most inter esting personality in the workhouse at Minster, in Kent, is Miss Emma Fagg, who is in Her eighty-first * who half a century ago was one 'of the devoted band of nurses who, under the banner of Florence Nightingale, tended our wounded soldiers in the Crimea. The daughter of a builder at Bridge, near Canterbury, she determined to adopt nursing as a profession, and went to London to be trained. When the Crimean war broke out she and five other nurses from her hospital joined the staff at the hospital _at Scutari, just before the battle of Bn kerman, and went through the 'terrible time of tending thousands of wounded soldiers until pence. came and she re- turned home. Miss Fagg earned her living by nurs ing in various parts of East Kent but Minster poor house, She had to give up nursing, and spent Some years us *an indefatigable seam- work - became infrequent; so, twenty- two years ago, when she was some- sixty. she gave up the struggle and' sought the shelter of the in time when her health broke down. There, to this day, she is in charge of the making of flannels for the in- firmary, for vigor has not entirely left. this slight woman with: the snow: white hair, the undimmed hluwe eyes and the touch of color in her cheeks: She talks of her terrible experiences the vacht club Ladies' day parade | anoque ¢émetery for interment. - sharing he waE 4 though hey were y . . FAY 1 ren ings # Mr. airs ol ves v, ¢ . this afternoon, but wind and waves last evening s rt port the name of Mr great longing--to see Florence Night ingale again, Lady Rose Weigatl and several oth- er women are trying to raise a little fund to enable Miss Fagg to spend the days that are left her outside" the warkhouse walls. re p-------- An Undergraduate. "I wopder," said the tall man in the -suit of faded black, "if 1 couklin- terest you in a new and cheap edition of the works of Anthony Trollope." "I don't know," answersd the man at the desk. "Go ahead and let me hear what yon have to say." "Ev student of literature knows," ke said, "that Anthony Trollope was one of England's grentest novelists. It is true, perhaps, that He wrote for a limifed class." And se on, for tem minutes Y No," said the man at the desk, turging aguin to hiv work, "you have not guccertled in interesting pie a bit." "That's all right," rejoined the tall man in faded Wack, 'replacing the sample volumes in his valise with im- perturbable composure. "IL lnvé just started out canvassing with books, and | was oply practicing you. Good afternoon." . Year, and stress. Age crept on her, however, and | these | North street. Quite a number took in to do what you don't wat to doy tion and. other improvements a to the interior. Zara Reynolds has com- | menced to build his 'new building on {the corner of Muln and Sept streets, i it wi y ann new: a Ravn Storms is adding a ----------.---------------------------------- reer | COUPLE: OF OFFICES OV 3 DR. 'MeCARTIY, OFFICE LATELY! @ N ER ron ! on ; wp, L. ¢ Ete coin - ow cellar, "Dhllimrd room, or basement | Loc nl Le ARCHITECT, OF: room, double: drawing roms ; s dining room, I 4 seven bed- fice, Cor. Queer und' Bagot streeis. beth room | ee es pe ion (vaAtomary wash POWER & SONS, ARC S, Mi and hot and water fu buitoons, chadt's Bank Bull 3 > house heated hy water lot snd Wellington stroots. "Phi with stabling, oarriege houses Po - - . J Monservante' room Address . Win. [HENRY (Be SMITH. i on the prem He Avehor, But ding, i hod NN not' juew xitehen and woodshed "hig tht apiritual constitu : aw . t ; Ee i Set se. ho i SHS | through haying, and all marshes, | which other years has been left stand: ling, have beén cut. The grain is be ling housed and with the exception of loats, a fair crop will 'be harvested. {Farmers have been selling off quite a {number of their young cattle the {feeding of live stock will be. quite ex- |aive this winter. Potatoes have {heen struck! with the blight and the loutlook is rather unfavorable. | G. Border-has purchased a fine pleas {sure waggon from the Connolly firm, | Yarker, and it has" bren greatly in re {quisigion ever since driving the Four- life has neither time to do,so. Address, Mr, Casson for free litera ture. ' ------------------------. NO GREASE OR DANGEROUS DRUGS. ------ : Tn '"Herpicide,"' the New Scientific and Successful Dandruff Treat- ment. nor inclination teen Island Lake campers to and from the village rr train, for there bas | Have you dandruff ? Then you have beon a larger number this season than | 8 contagious parasitic disease, . un lever before. Mrs. Johnson, Coder: | pleasant, un i thy and one that wi eventually lead to baldness. To cure it 'vou must destroy the parasite that eats at the Soot ok Shs huis, The only preparation for destroying tl is Newhro's Herpicide. Charles Klein, of Laramie; Wyo., says: "Herpicide al- layed the itobing, cured the dandruff and stopped my hair's falling out 3 and it in bringing a new crop of hair. Herpicide is free from grease _or dan- gerous, drugs, and makes hair glossy and soft as silk, One bottle will con- of its merits, Sold by lead: Strom cottage, has been overtaxed ith guests while Bay View has been {well filled. Mr. Irons and bride, guests {of Mrs. Johnson for: two woecks, have returned to their home in Toronto. Mise Mofirath, University avenue, is [the guest of Miss Hattie Davidson {while B. J. Watson and wife, of Chi- leago, TH. are guests of Miss Watson and Mrs. Davidson, at the View. They are having great luck fishing. A num» ber of black bass have been caught, ranging in size from three and one half to four and one-half pounds. Mr. Watson says the price of sach fish in Chicago is 30c. per lb. Alexander Munson, wife and family, of Pleasant Valley, spent Wodnesday with friends at the camp and had {some good datohes of fish. J. Brown; | Winnipeg, formerly toacher at Veroma school, after an absence of five years, was a welcome guest at the camp last week. 0. Godfrey' and wife, Chapleau, rads. WE af KAISER"S SHORTHAND: : v : at A, 6G J. MeCarty, wifo and family, secom- panied hy Miss McCarty, Toronto, af- ter a pleasant sojourn camping ambng the fine lakés in this vicinity for over two weoks; returned: Friday. Pr. Bal: lantyne, Kingston, a late graduate of Queen's, is building up quite a fine practice; Frederick and. Floyd Ran- dall, Watertown, gre visiting at Mrs. Aldrams", Riverside. James Craig, Watertown, N.Y., is among visitors in this locality. j His Spelling is Arbitrary and Con- The Kaiser is never weary of desi ing new writing paper for-himself. Tis latest design is for a paper to be used lern. The Paper and enw are two colors--white znd pale blue. In the middle at the top of the sheet of are the words in 'S. 1 Hohenzollern." Under this is the imperial crown, also in gold, and under the crown comes the Perth Paragraphs. Perth, Aug. 20.--We ate having nice {showers of rain occasionally; but the potato" erop around here is thought tohe a somphie failure. Pie fire Sy rang, to-day; it' was only a | blage, and was AL Mise Sarah Strong, dressmaker, has par- chased Mrs. McGregor's property, on ter motto, "Honi. and this again by the gol the Fr ¥ ing is e a the coloring 1s done separate sheet and en: Kaise Til ETE ei y the Arr Jann. thur ton, |: who left, some weeks ago, for North is, of course, known that some Ray. repotts a busy. place thers. Mrs. use thé Roman character in wri M. Stanley and daughter, Annie, re- turned from & visit to Dakota: Miss Edna Berlangette loft, Sunday, to commence ddties as teacher at the 'erry. Miss Mabel Smith, Ottawa, is reriowing acquaintances here-and will also/ spend some. time camping near Portland. Mrs, M. J. Torey returred, to-day, after spending a pleasant vis jit in Ogdensburg and Prescott. Mrs. Batrick McGarry is holidaying at For guson's Ralls: : : rmans the Gotitte letters: The Kaiser uses' both in the same sentence, often in the same word. 'He writes his name in half a dozen ways. 04 : But it is in abbreviations where the " ont There is really no appropriate time who is engaged in doing the work of hw f 4 i on board the imperial yacht Hohenzol tii eagle sur- cat mumjority still use the pointed ¢ Lak i Wh OT 3 Bs

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