synopsis of Canadian Northwest | HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS. sec of Dominion | dhe North-West Pro | person the sole head of age, g / may be t, at| e land | , 2 a ; 1¢. : ed Rosé Tea tz. at anv Sub-Agent's e the Jocst Agent by the Sub-A, the expense of we applicant, and if ~nnlie foe is a on Jeseipt of the tele-| ;am such applicauon is to have priority and} i land will be held until the lini pa pers to complete the transaction are received) : ~ by mail. 1 In case of "personatiwm th | 5 from one i Larter fe | . forfeit all ariority of ciaim. ° i An application for inspection -- be made | in 'person. The = applicant must be eligible for homestead entry, and only one application for i ion will be received from an indi | vidual until that bas been dis | hackage and tion of cancellation proceedin the applicant | yor i will be entitled te prior right of entry. Applicants for inspection must * state in | what iculars the homesteader is in default, | and if sul tly the statement is found to be incorrect material particulars, the appli will lose amy prior right ef the Jad become vacant, or if entry should bas been gran it may be summarily can ® Duties--A settler is ired to perform the | J sonditions under one of the following plans:-- | : (1) At least six months' 'residence upor snd cultivation of the land in each year ing the term of three years. to If the father (or mother, if the fathe: is deceased) of a homesteader resides upon = farm in the vicinity of the land entered for by such homesteader the requirement as te residence may be satisfied by such person re siding - with the father or mother. (8) If the settler has his permanent rem | dence upon farming land owned by him in the Vicinity of his homestead, the requirement may be satisfied residence u such land | Before making application or patent the | settler must give six months' notice in' writ irg to the Commissioner of Dominien Lands st Ottawa, of his intention to do so. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST REGULATIONS. Coal.--Coal mining rights may be leased for cant re-entry ur | it, and a large selection. See rorth $25, reduced to $20. worth $48, reduced to $40. worth $80 (special), reduced to es, reduced to $5. ges, reduced to $9.50. reduced. a period of twenty-one Jeans at an annual + rental of $1 per acre. Not more than 2,660 EADING UNDERTAKER, acres shall be leased to one individual or com pany. A royalty at the rate of five cents per PHONE 577. fon shall be collected on the merchantable coal mined. Quartz.--A eighteen years of age, o over, having .discovered mineral in place, may locate a claim, 1,500x1,600 feet The fee for recording a claim is $5. At least $100 must be expended on the | claim each year or paid to the mining recorder in lieu thereof. en $500 has been expend or paid, the locator may, upon having 8! survey made, arid upon complying with Sthes requirements, purchase the land at $1 per | shine ll Metals. Kire departments, » Steamships, Auto- 'desiring a brilliant of tins : . Quart, Half ' Gallon. acre. | The "patent provides for the payment of » royalty of 2 1-2 per cent. on the sales. acer mining claims generally are 1 eet | Bi ini i 11 00 f square, entry fee $5, renewable yearly. | I obtain two leases tc An applicant may. dredge for gold of five miles each for a term | at the discretion | i of twenty years, renewable : of the Minister of the Interior. fi * The lessee shall have a dredge in operation | within one season from the date of the lease jor each five miles. Rental, $10 per annum | for each mile of river leased. Royalty at the | rate of 8 1-2 per cent. collected on the output after is oaetens $10,00¢ W. W. CORY. y gt the Minister of the Interio N.B.--Unauthorized publication of this ad vertisement will not be paid for. { ne | , 69-71 Brock S SEALED TENDERS . ADDRESSED to the undersigned, and endorsed "Ten- der for alterations, additions and re- pairs to Block 'U' Tete 'du Pont Bar| racks, Kingston, Ont." will be received | at this ofice until Monday, September y, 1907, inclusively, for the work above | described. | Plans and specifications can be seem | and forms of tender obtained at this) Department and on application to H. P. Smith, Ksq., Architect, Kingston. | Persons tendering .are notified that ten- ders will not be considered unless made | on the printed form supplied, and sigun- | ed with their actual signatures. | Bach tender must be accompanied by on a chartered bank, order oi the Hon Works, | of the| be | an accepted cheque made payable to the ourable the Minister of Public equal to tén per cent (10 p.c.) amount of the tender, which will forfeited if the person tendering ir Couches. ion of Leather Couches. on to do so, or il he fail to complete | tender decline | to enter into a contract when called up- | | J ns. the work contraceed for. If the a be not accepted the cheque will be re-| turned. : The Department does not bind itsell to accept the lowest or any tender. By Order. FRED. GELINAS, Secretary Department. of Public Works, Ottawa, August 15, 1907. Newspapers inserting this ment without! authority from the ment will not be paid for it Leading Undertaker. i The 9 "Phone 147. : y SURANCE CO'Y ie eiiasemccrsannes' TORONTO, ONT. ® been administered ? The following * sufficient and satisfactory answer : received in Premiums $56,120,891.90, Depart- THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY advertise | | gv 31380,349 80; ESTABLISHED 1863. - - oe 64,591,781.532. President--Sir Richard Cartwright Ao. Baty re - a 8,470,889.62 Money loaned on City and Farm Pro ts Policyholders the Company has perties. Municipal and County Deben- 8 ago the Camadian Life earned: and tures. Mor es purchased Deposits | received and interest allowed S. C. McGill, Managing Director. Office, 87 Clarence street, Kingston. C. H. Powell, Carpenter and Jobber, 103 Raglan. St. - Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. iNew Carriages, Cutters, Harness etc., for sale. y known us 'Canada's Leading Com- you cheerfully given at: the offive, J. 0. HUTTON, M SUMMER WANTS Screen Doors and Windows, Ios Cream Freezers, Lawn Mowers and Charcoal Irons. = STRACHAN'S ANK' J HOAG.' 7 9e 83 Princess Street. Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 a.m. The. best' place to 'get an all round Lunch in he TONY Meals of all _ kinds on shortest notice. English and Chinese Irishes a speciadiy« lates B. Chocolates. ié Best. The girl on. the front very much in evidence. Sale. of Horses every Saturday.| --_-- i -- t | | | | 1 | NewYorkChinese Restaurant *v Near kia rs. Ba v Some with Eczema-- V: h Brief Items of brother, for a Yew days. Mrs, Storms Wades to Island and Rescues| ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager Worst Case Doctors Ever Saw | Interest Easily Read And | ig convalescent after her illness, Seven. : A. B. IRELAND, Superintendent of | --Scalp in Dreadful Condition-- | wt Married At Lyndhurst of i. Oyen a ele) Yoetr ree : 3 Tried Many Kinds of Patent Med- | Pleasant Valley Items. Lyndhurst, Aug. 12.--The home of {day by Ms. McNally, of Bige, who, : DER 3 icine but Could Get No Relief, | Pleasant Valley, Aug. 20.--Rain is |Mr. and Mrs. G. White, near Lynd: | accompanied by a friends wevt Wl BANK MONEY OR RS . { very 'much n Farmers are well | hurst, was the scene of a very happy | their children at low water tq. bathe * ' "SUD AT THE POLLOWMNO RATES © = > (un with the grain harvest, which event on Monday, the 12th inst., w from. the shore of Sligo bay. _ , $5 aul URAEE. c+ ss Cesssnsazteasan : PERFECT, PERMANENT lis very light. The blackberries are a |their daughter, Ada, wits united in | Aw the tide was coming in quickly Over $5 and net : ' | failure here for lack of rain. Visitors: |Inarriage to J bh M. Somerville, | they returned to shore. - Suddenly they " g0 "- v% CURE BY CUTICURA J."H. Nicholson, Dundas, Ont., at|Beansviile, Ont. The ceremony: was, heard cries of distress, and saw seven - - - | George Barr's; Mrs, George A. Phils veriorme! by the Rev. J. N. Beck- | children standing on a little. island, | These'Orders are payable at par at any office in "ip : { Tipps, 'Smith's Falls, at her father's; |Sted Athens, 'assisted by the Rev, | which is completely submerged. at hi (Yukon excepted), and at the principal banking yous a Sho § Bow ftv | George Barr's. Mr. and 'Mrs. George Mr. Archibald Henderson, London. | water, The children had been caught They are negotiable at $4.90 to the £ sterling' n I Nor ton four mchiths | Bare and Mrs. G. A. Phillips at ' H. [dey Ireland. The marriage took |-by the tide, which had completely cut| They form an excellent method of small epreading quite rapidly until he was |Sears', Mount Chesney. Miss I. B, place at noon. Only a few of the in- | them off from the mainland, and at small cost, and may be obtained delay at any office Dearly covered, We had all the doctors | Grant, J, H. Nicholson and Mrs. A: {timate friends of the contracting par- {Though unable to swim, Mrs, Mc but no one helped him a particle. The | 3 2 | ly gowned jn white silk. T ildre Che i But mo cue | i a | George Barr and Mrs. George A, Phil-| g9 1 jn silk. The presents | vor to rescue the children. The island Sooo [Fas sometiing tareitie, and the lips, Burridge, Febmoy and Salem, to the bride were both numerous and |ie fully a quarter of a mile distant, ever saw. At times his whole body | Visiting friends. Miss Grant at Har costly, and a y_ sun of money | and several times she was almost ov- and face were covered, all but his feet. | rowsmith. I pen also. The happy couple left | ercome hy the strength of the incom: 1 had to bandage his limbs | L on the afternoon train for tide. his scalp was just dreadful. many kinds of patent medicines before trying the Cuticura Remedies, but all to no avail, friend teased me to i > : + : Beamsville. L coated with slimy mud. She eventual: Cuticura. At last I consented, when |B. Hewtirick, Perth, A by | Mrs. Somerville is well and favor | ly succeeded in "reaching the island, my boy was three years and four months sSimp-hor daties 2 as h urned to {ably known in Leeds county. A-grg-.| and then the most difficult part of her old, having had eczema all that time |resiume her duties 'as teacher. Miss J. |duate of Toronto Conservatory of | task began. and to use all three of the Cuticura Reme- dies, the Cuticura Soap. helped as well as the Ointment. months; in six months he was well, but I gave him the Cuticura Resolvent One year =-- using twelve think -- and always used the Cuticura Soap for batt and do now a good | i , 2 | . i Soap ge bathing, Sd do in Wa fuse Siption ere, Js and Mrs. E. J. Mc- | John Danby continues very low. she bd Sane, but by making u Joug Was well, and his skin became perfectly | arlane and chi dren visited friends in | Visitors : Mrs. Hogan and daughter circuit, she Was at lengt! enable to £4. when cured. Mrs. R.:L. Risley, | Lanark, Saturday and Sunday. | Bay City, Mich.: Mr. and mg » | reach the shore safely, though in an Piermont, N. H., Oct.' 24, 1905." and agony with barber's itch. skins but they did no good. -One day I saw a Cuticura advertisement and 'bought around us and some from larger places, FOR THREE YEA | 2s eed suffering untold misery, I He was better in two bottles, I i | t "Last winter I suffered t pain | tri jalists and all kinds of remedies, a single set of Cuticura Remedies, and the results were great. 1 was cured. nut St., Phila, Pa., Jan. 30, 1906. (or in the foi sixty) to Purl world In one month M. H. Berg, 1501 Chest~ Internal Treatment for | Aguits Soap to Cleanse the Skin, Cuticura | in, 8 rm of Chocolate Coated: Pils, fy the Blood Sold out Potter Drug & Chem. Corp. Sole Boston, Mass | a Mailed Free, 48 page Cuticura Booklet. Everyone needs something to create and maintsin strength for the daily round of duties. \ There is nothing better than an Ale or Porter, the purity and merit of which has been attested by chemists, physicians and ex- perts at the grea' exhibitions. a 9 ASK FOR (LONDON) AS. McPARLAND, Sole Agent. Lead 6806668668 Lhe Shs & Albert Soaps Lak. Mrs. «. Noutreal Skin Protection Forskin comfort, skin health, kin beautyand for protection against hard water, stroag sun and wind use "Baby's Own" Soap. Tt is the best for every toilet purpose for babies, women and men. Its daily use keeps the skin smooth and the complexion begutifully clear and fresh, POVIVIIIIIYYYY h 4 » h © h h h h h h h h h h h h h hn Beware of imilations and sulstitules, - ts convulsions. bel pltveal So - Sole Proprictors, Montreal. a1 | + | fal} v Steps 1S NOW | Deo! { PPLY 00, 3 The season 18 | Ofenerul Agents for Canads. at hand when she stoops to hi sorry for his ® . Aw soon as a man is satisfied "with I 'Only all-cream ice cream in the city ndself, the peighbors begin to fool Price's : ~~ UNTOLD MISERY : NEMS. OF MEGHBOR | WHAT} | Occurrences LE. Barr,~at J. Ellerbeck's, Saturday; | 4 irjousl; Shite Nettie Roe Tour, We {and was always Willing to help in| her arms, and bidding the others cling Mrs. J. M Melntore] Srmection with church work to to | to her, the brave Irish woman com- lis recovering: {and children, Arnprior, are | friends at Wilbur. | engaged { weeks | Kingston.- Mr. ayd BARBER'S ITCH | ance. The rain | afternoon and evening will be of great | me | steam thresher, | turned to his home at Coldbrpok, N4 to the heavy gale, but shortly | Ottawa, on | Court Glenvale, No. 1250, 1.0.F., { number of young people went into the | Schpol has deceased: a casket bouquet from | ston, took place here a few days ago, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, "WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2lst, 1907. IIS A MOST. HEROIC DEED, IRISH WOMAN SAVES CHIL- DREN FROM DEATH. At Risk of Her Own 'Life She Dalhousie resort. Me. ond Mrs, E. Walker, spent Sunday of last week at Parham, visiting, Mrs. McKinnon still continues Yet ow. A trained nurse, Miss Milton, in attendance, Mrs. Comelius, Kingston, spent a few days with her mother, Mrs. McKinnon, last Mrs. J. Campbell, Kingston, was visiting her sister for a few days. Florence Walker is visiting her WHIG CORRESPOND- ENTS TELLUS In The City Aad tics were t. The bride was neat- into the water to endea- Nally rushed in, Her progress was made the more dif- points of interest, alter which they fioult by the fact that the ground was Lines From Lavant. : i i a will settle in their new home in Lavant Station, Aug. 20.-Miss L. Allan, Shar Lake, is visiting her | Music, she i an accomplished musician Taking the two smaller children: in | give pleasure to her friends. The peo- iple of Lundhurst join in wishing Mr. {and Mrs, Somerville a long, happy and prosperous life together. menced her struggle landward. The rapidly rising tide had already rem dered it impossible to return the way visiting The carpenters are at present improving the exhausted condition, with all the chil- dren. § | Katie Cornett is spending a coup | sek li le of | Fluke and daughter, Lula, of Opini- rh ipso: pit i A. Week's, over Sunday; Mr. ' s. D. Crawford | and Mrs. G. Rooney has returned fi spent Sunday with J. Millar, Snow | Ki ' ) eturned from Road. " ar, Show Hugin; where they were © visiting BY BRITISH MAILS, The titles taken by the new peers are: Sir James Kitson is Baron Air- dale, of Gledhow; Sir Montagu Samu: ol-Montagu is Baron Swaythling of | Swaythling, in the county of South- | ampton; Sir James, Blyth will be | kmown as Baron Blyth of Blythwood, {in the county of Essex; and Alexander Peckover as Baron Peckover of Wis- bech, in the county of Cambridge. The British head is shrinking and British muscles are degenerating, was recently charged by scientists, is was refutdd at the meeting of the Brit- Gleanings From 'Glenvale: Glenvale, Aug. 20.--School re-open- P Buaget From Parnan. ed on Monday with a lagge attend- Whe Aug i Pocham and the which fell, on Friday | has Ts Suing tho Don we , ¥ | has been. the scene of great. excite Ik ne ing to the forest fives, which n 1 have heen raging around - the district opevating his | of Pan. Wagarville. Friday H. Orser re-inoon the fire was at its highest, owing, Y.; after spending a few days with [the rain began to fall and the Tobi his mother. George Bell will go to|showers of the might almost extin- Wednesday, to. represent | guished the blaze, but all are in hopes tt : , atiof rain.' The farmers have finished e high 'court of Eastern Ontario. A haying, which is a very poor crop. |ish association at' Leicester. Records | r re-opened, and the chal wenly years ) - | back country in search of long black. dren have cot] their studies in en that he Yatarough Col berries and report berries quite plenti- | real earnest, Mr, Butler is back again | boys average five pounds heavier and ful. Visitors: Leroy Watts, Kingston, |to resume his duties as teacher. Rev. | nearly an Eh taller than those of at E. Clark's; : Mrs. Hartman, Miss/ Mr. Cox= preached in the English | 1885." A hatter who furnishes for six Roberts and Miss Rose Creamer, Wat- church, Sunday morning, and Rev. G, | schools vouches that hats of twenty- | ertown, and Maude Binnington, Have 0. Tredennick, jireached in the Metho- | two and one-half inches ciroumforence lock, at J. Cramer's; - Miss Nellie dist church in the evening. Earl | formerly were rarely demanded while Guess, Cataraqui, at G. Topliffe's; Mr. | Bertram is home from Queewston, {now they are needed continuously. benefit to roots and corn. Sidney Al- p8rt has. commenced Dr. T. and Mrs. Henry Coulter apd Mr. spending Mis vacation with his pa- The oldest pensioner is Sergt.-Major | Timms, _ Williamsville, at B. Coul- rents. c Alexander Mancor, late of the 30th | ter's; Miss C. Sherbineau, Kingston, | Dr. Waugh visited Parham on Sun- | Foot Regiment, who resides in Old {at J. Clark's. das Yrs. Cenge dpe returned to By. Chester Road, Birkenhead, and is ---- denham, after spending * a few sks | pinety-si Id. He w | Hartington News. {with her son, Dr. Genge, We are nor Hol en a pension of half 'a crown per day in 864 -- { Hartington, Aug. 20.--School has | £1ad_ to sea Mrs. Donald Wagar beck, i on eo Ay, » » OC ge 'Missds R. and J. Sigsw 3 Misses : J. Sigsworth, have : ny 0 returned to their respective schools at Howes: Willie Barr, kere from Wolfe Mountain Grove and Burridge. Rev. |}: is spending af days with S. H. Browne, Mri. Browne and Gay- his. parcats and friefi. Miss M. The Prince of Wales, accompanied by the princess, opened the new out-pati- ents' department «i St, Bartholomew's hospital. The premises, in three main | blocks, have cost £130,000, lord, visiting friends here, have re- Wright has returned to her home in Miss Spencer, one of two ladies who | turned to Lockport, N.Y., Sepa jugsion._ Goutye Smith, who has | gecompanied Percival Spencer in a bal- ed by their niece, . {been sick for the past few weeks, is [loon ascent at Hucknall Torkard Hazel Wartman, |j, : 3 3 mproving slowly. i 'arrie who will spend some time with them. " @ slowly. 'Miss Carrie Barr (Notts), at a height of 3,000 feet drop- [Mee F. I Trowsidle is ot Lindsay, (oat Sunday Willie parents at pod from the ear by presi, and whe! » eXpee Tenia | o Be wowry and J. N. | descended safely to earth. ere she expects to meet Dr. Trous- Sputh have returned from Orillia, Capt. Nott-Bower, commissioner of dale on his way from Kenora, where having gone in the interests of the | he has heen practicing this summer. | Oddfellows and Robecca lodges. J hr Albxpnder' Simpkins and daughter, | Ayerst and his daughter Cl te n Lillie, of Syracuse, formerly of this|{N.Y., ary visiting his brother Ge - place, were in the village last week,| Ayerst. . ai Hatee police for London, states that out of 593 persons arrested for serious = of- fences 200 were identified by finger prints as having been previously com- having brought the remains of Mrs. | -- vieted. 5 . Simpkins, who died in Syracuse, to| y For attempting a Sg the A Lively Runaway. Devil's Isle refugee, Edward Guerin, Harrowsmith, for burial. The masons| | are at work rebuilding the wall of B.| @aonifton, Aug. 15--The rain on Charles Smith was sentenced at the Campbell's barn. Visitors; Mrs, E. A. | Friday was much welcomed and was Old Bailey to penal borsijburle for life, iteen years and "Chicago May" to penal servitude. Smith wildly cursed the judge "The Van -Luven, Kingston; Mrs. Hogle and | received with gratitude here. On | sister, Odessa; Misses Grace and Lillie] Wednesday, Rev. L. G. Rocke united | | Killins, Parham; Gladys Knapp and M' marriage Mr. Jackson and Miss L. Effie Clow, Sydenham, and Ina D.| Mason. both .of this place. We are Powley, Kepler. | pleased to see Miss Black's good na- tured countenance in our village again: She has returned from Hol- | ten; Mich., where She: has: been spend: | colity than all want of law put to ing her holidays with her father, Dr. | Ether. ; Black. : The stone sch . | While the king and queen : were mo- a ook will not toring near -Chippenham, a thunderbolt Limited Liabitifv companies and the Married Women's Property acts have," declared Judge Edge in London, "been the means of more ras The Late John Hudson. Charleston, Aug. 19.--~John Hudson died at his home here on Tuesday morning. His illness dated back for | open until September. Miss Rush, the | » several years, but he was able to be popular teacher, is still holidaying in | dropped, ploughing up the ground and around until about three months ago, | "Sunny Alberta." A goodly umber | dismantling a tree just in front of the ' when he found it necessary to romain | from here went to Campbelliord, on | oyal car. : a" im his room the greater part of the | Wednesday, to help the clans' cele- | "Jack" Watson, thirteen, of Love time. All that willing hands eould do | brate. Miss Pearl. Wood, Newburgh lane, Woodshire, near Croydon, when was done, but to no avail and he | is visiting at J. B. Haight's. Miss crossing a cricket pit h, was struck on passed away at the age of sixty-eight | Lillian Foster has returned from | h® temple by a ball and killed in- stantly. » In spite of all the evil things that have been said of it, this summer has produced finer flowers than have been scen ip England for the las ten years. The vicar of Long Eaton has receiv- ed the £4 rayal bounty on behalf of Mrs. Murcott, who has given birth to four children. voars. Of a kind and gentle disposi- | Brighton, where she has been visiting tion he made many warm friends, who | relatives. On Monday afternoon, while will be sorry to hear of his démise. | Mrs. Henry Barnes was driving from About forty years ago he married | Corbyville, her horse became frighten- Jane Ann Leeder, who predeceased him. | ed and ran away, throwing the occu- | about twenty - years ago. Deceased | pants out. Mrs. Barnes was rendered | leaves five sons and four daughters, | unconscious for several hours and re- to mourn the, loss of a kid, atid loy- | ceived a severe shaking up. Her lit- John, ing father. The sons are: on | tle niece, Nora Fairman, w lightly | 0! . Le - the homestead; Michael, Charleston; | injured also, but ber St which The oldest licensée in Eungland--Mrs. Robert, Watertown; Thomas, Brewer's | she held in her arms, escaped without Jobson, of Bumper Castle Inn. nenr Mills, and James, Athens. The daugh- | even' so° much a® a scratch. - Miss York--has just died at the age of 103. ters are: Sarah, Julia, Nellie and | Evelyn Rorke is at Frankford renew- ees Frances E., all at home. A large con- [ing acqdaintances. Miss Muriel | What Papers Are For. course of people followed the remains ito Trevelyan, where high mass was said for the repose of his soul by Rev. | Father Crowley. after which interment: of | Miss Mabel Deni- | at C. A. Cal! returned to | Clarke, Frankford, is ' the guest | Miss Luella Rorke. ¥ | son, Napanee, visit { lery's for some time, The complaint is head that when a man or.a woman £5 wrong the fact is spread out on the front page under {was made in the cemetery. Thezfloral | her ». Miss Norma Calle > la heading that cannot fail to attract, - |tributes ipeluded a pillow bearing the t peri er Mrs. dere bar but nothing is said about Ys they. 1 > who Io sands of men and women right. day after day. Not long ago The Woodstock Sentinel Review was farnighed with certain edifying ex- amples of what a newspaper ought to be. The intentions of these people are all right, no doubt, but they forget that it is the business of newspapers to print news, and that the majority of men are honest and nearly all wo- men good is no news- It is fortunate aghters of | turned. to her daughter's, Mrs. Henry I the | Farnham, after spending' a very pleas- sons, and a cross from Mrs. . Levi | ant holiday with friends in Frankfort [Southworth. The pallbearers were: | and Stirling. Miss Evelyn Palmer J. Kavanagh: oJ: Keyes, C. Slack, E. | leaves, to-morrow, for Toronto, where | Shea, R. Foster' and M. Heffran: {she intends taking & course in a busi-! ness college. Several from here took | Mississippi Matters, | in the excursion to the Picton orphan- | Wississipri, | Aug. 19~Our little] 30% ou Thursday. Hite Tomio Watts hamlet is experiencing a lull, outsi 1s holidaying in Ron, Messrs. {word "father," from the dav | i tl J, H. Sutherland & Bro. KINGSTON BRAN PRINCESS CORNER OF KING AND PR C. STEVENSON, Manager. me CH, sms enn Esther's RANGE i without a cent of extra cost for fuel, will heat an additional room aboveyour kitchen, * . or if a drum is used up-stairs, it will wares ; several rooms without a cent of expense for fuel, beyond what is required for cooking. This extra warm air pipe. may be used practically all the time; the only occasion on which it is necessary to shut it off is when the oven is be- ing employed for bak- ing. No charge is made "for this Hot Air Attach" ment, -- any purchaser of a Penn Esther may have one on requigt. Call on our local agent or write us direct for TAYLOR & HAMILTON. Suitable for the Advanced Summer Sea- son. A Call Will Be Appreciated. The House of Good Shoemaking CLEARING A [ eA Ton ¢ la * {pf the commotion of the steam shovel | Silhurs, Bellet! oe anion, Ligael} {hich is still in the pits here. Re-or-| Fort "URCY Crags pied aig | ganization of the Independent. Or | pulpit in the Methodist church, here of Foresters by Mr. Watts, of King-| * "gq 4.0" evening. Although "an old man, Mr. Cragg has lost none of (the old-tize vigor and enthusiasm that was so characteristic of the fathers of Methodism. The anthems rendered by the choir were truly an inspiration. The Holiness Movement holds its meet- ings at the home of W. A. Keller. ly such a gommonplace that it . is taken for granted. { Besides it is very questionable if | the ideal newspaper, as some people conceive it, would be very satisfac- | tory in the end. Imagine what the publication of such items as these | would mean : "John Smith went to! an excursion yesterday, and feturned home sober." "Wiliam Jones, manag-| er of the People's Loan company, is to be congratulated on the fact that he has not yet been arrested for fraud." "Mrs. E. Perkins, Smith-Jones gave terday, and' although | { Mr. and Mrs. W. Renton and children, | after 'spending a few weeks at the Al-| i lan cottage, e Dalhousie, return-| { ed 'to their home in Kingston, last | week. Miss Agurtha Steele, of Peeks- | kill, N.Y,, spent a month with her| { parents here, and returned tor her du-| | ties in the hospital at that place last | week. Miss Nellie Steele, who has been ? It Does Cure Rheumatism. | recuperating from an operation' some Nothing penetratés to the very core | n-smart tea yes | months ago, is expected home this of the pain: like Polson's Nerviling.| there was a large attendance of ladies! N.Y. Her many| Rub it in, and ease comes at once. of the best set, nobody's character | | Results guaranteed. Sold evérywhere | was hopelessly destroyed." "Mr. Fph-| | raim__Browh, the wesl-kuown church | | member and Sunday-school supeyin- | resh ov | tendent, has not so far as the. public | | | kdows, gone wrong," . ; week from Ithaca, ! triends will be glad to greet her again. | Mrs. s and , 'and Mrs.|in 23c. bottles. Dolan, of Perth, also Miss Halliday, | | ---------- of London, were recent visitors at| Price's chocolates are mad | | Mgs. W. J, Allan's, and slso at the Sn ~ 33 1-3 OFF Regular Prices. . ON TUESDAY MORNING there is ing to be a general clean up of all SHIRT VAISTS in stock, and there's not the least thing wrong with them. All the séason's best styles, not all 'sizes in every line, but all sizes in the lot, from bust measure 32 away. up to 44, at Thirty- Three and One-Third Off. Cru