Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Aug 1907, p. 8

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sf v2 iE 8 # is These goods are untloubtedly going tobe much higher in price, and you will save by making your purchases ° 5 ®. 5 = . tt IT] F Le H pee Higa IH 1 t fF : H : 3 E fy i i i f ] i yf i I { i boro. i Friends in town who have heard of the Irwin Grover's illness, at Norwood, | parents were told that someone had | will be glad to hear that he is quite seen him in the vicinity of ue | well again, . the day after his disappearance. .A| Henry F. Wilmot and family, of friend who visited a psychologist in | Frontenac, street, left today, for Tor- . , amd other relatives in the ity. Miss Mabel Hunter, Barrie street, ro- home, yesterday, after three weeks" visit with Miss Dogan, Peter- i onto, "where they will reside at 50 {adopted another name (which, by Close avenue, : way, was his mother's maiden name), | Mr and Mrs. 8, Cannen, Auburn, that he had gone to New York, thence! NY., are here visiti his_ sister, io Francisco, and had enlisted | Mry. J. M. Connor and his 'mother, there as a seaman on board a-United| Nr Cannen, 35 Cherry street. States warship, en route to the Phil- Rev. C. A. Jones, Kingston, on = the lippine Islands. All efforts to secure 8 | querannuation list, is spending a few teave of his whereabouts have proved in Ottawa. He is the guest of futile. If he could but realize the! "Ww. Garrett, 249 Lisgar street. deep sorrow that broods in the moth- 8 : od. wife, Birm- S's. sd others hepste, he would not | ingham, Alabama, and Charles Small- long tate, ving, send ridge, of San Francisco, have return- the word of hope so long awaited hav A ---- LOST LIFE IN Wiarton, Ont., Aug. 21.--This town wis the scene of a very sad occur- or . All summex. there as Voganville, one or two'houses of ill-fame, to which the residents ob- * MALODOROUS PAIR | death. RAID ; pair and on Tuesday FP. Gilbert, an old and respected citizen, organised the boys to make a raid on the out- fit that night. The work was accom- plished. The tent was pulled down and the couple rotien-egged. Mr. Gilbert paid for his indiseretion with his life. He struck Mrs. Thomas when the woman lying on the ground, pulled a revolver and placed three bullets in his . body, causing instant The woman is under arrest and an inquest is being held. BELLEVILLE SENSATION. Naked Man. Bellevilie Ontario. "alock, ® Yad jo PF b o a you a ng on Marshall Roas aboot & mile west. of ¢ i which she Young Ait toils, 1 E 7 ie x i 1] Fgiis Tn i il i 25. iF EB 5; : ' 3% » = i TES 1118 4d i 2 » £ § = i i : | ok Phd, i fs fe G. ed to the city for a visit with old Mr. and Mrs. B. Hughes afd Mrs. F. 3. Anson, and two children) of the R. M.C,, left on Monday to visit Mrs. Bailey, Picton, and the Sand Banks, |case. for a few weeks ; Charles ( Sinnott, the 'well known been taid up weeks, with a severe illness, but was able to be out on his rounds again to-day. John Martin has returned to Chi cago after a visit with his Jarents and relatives here. It is twenty years since Re visited Kingston before, and Tater For The Baste. : 1 Inspector Kidd has been be- mh Tose Sew y Sith | ow oa aban ivesd Io candidates in the po 1 ex: Lamina The inspector says that he does SDAY, AUGUST 2is¢, 1907. ce Rawle Topanto, in vii w| ~~ SALTLAKECTY. e, . % eo $i n ------ Shorter and wife, Yorker, are | His Was a Happy From Jn SOR. ils Suffering--Well Spoken of Napavce, is in the | op Salt Lake Tribune. ni and wile, Roch- | The death of Dr. Alexander Camp- in the city. bell Maclgan, on 10th inst, was a loft, to-day, to happy release from suffering, almost Comwall. "3 beyond 'endurance, An infu do, the ~wife, of Dpaville, seven ycars ago ca a in the city. SP encration of the spinal cord, and .| physicians have "been surprised that he lived so in his distressing im 'larg Bowmen i a tempers Es os i has gove to coi erate habits all Chaumon spend li- | life, account for wonderful vital- , Ty Ie 2d ity. A and » half ago, with Miss "wi Tepve for fee i s journeyad throug Jones" Sane this -- on a few Xi to bid farewell to his days' visit. RE aged mother, and the two sisters, re- Mrs. R. W. Grant, of 661 McLaren sidents in this city of his boyhood. street, Ottawa, is on a two weeks ¢ His effort, wae more then "appreciated it to Kingston. y the relatives visited. a H is visit- | Dr. Mntlean had an imate dislike ing her tr and Mrs. [to newspaper notoriety and his wishes J. hb Harlem. in this must not be disregard- Mrs. . Kingston, fed. The Salt lake Tribune gives a i brief o ne ol career, an active Ont, Jn the guent of Mies "| one while health permitted. It declares William | Younge, ter known|that he was a worthy tative among sports as "Bike," is 5 shies an Vi vida en, spending days i ity » vie, w Harvey nar Bey he ¥ con- langed, being the fifth son of the late sins, Buffalo, aye visiting Harry Fil- | Charles , Kingston, and Jane son, Princess street, for a few days. MI 1 Maclean, who still survives. Mrs, James McKenna and her was a true, stalwart, out-spok- daughter, May, and Babies, have gone en man," says the Tribune; "a sturdy, to Beeler's Bay for a fow wecks' visit. | Yi€oxous denouncer of luwlessnoss and Miss Kate Gallagher, Syracuse, is vice and will be much missed and re- visiting Mrs. F. Gallagher, Barrack gretted in Salt Lake. The sympathy street, 1 port Only oneiplace. in Kingston, y 'Where these | and Huyler's, d8ld only at Gibson's v 28 ie 1 a HN LAIDLAW & SON. | _ SAVE ON THESE LINENS! Doylies aud Centre Pieces, trimmed with -- Renaissance lace, the pretty substantial kind that is now so popular. 10c, 12%¢c, 20c, 25c¢, 90c. Samples of a few designs in our show win= dows. These are greatly below their real va- lue and cannot possibly be duplicated. - of the entire community goes out to his widow, Susan Mariner Maclean, and his only daughter, Miss Aileen. himself was. loved, revs ed. Two bright, lov Some years * The funeral ser- vices were conducted by Rev. R. Stephenson, an intimate friend of the family, and though intended to be! private, the cortege was large and re- presentative. Dr. A.: C. Maclean was born near Ki , June 22nd, 1855. He gradu-| ated from the University of Michigan | in 1877. There he studied under his | older brother, the late Dr. Donald! Maclean, LL.D, who occupied the] chair of surgery at Amn Arbor for eighteen years. Upon his graduation | Dr. A. C. Maclean was given a posi-| tion ashouse surgeen in the Univer- | sity Hospital at Ann Arbor. A few| years later he was appointed medical | director of the famous "Iron Silver Mine," at Leadville, Col. He held the two positions for about eight years, | then moved to Salt Lake City in| 1889. For eighteen years he worked | hard and built up a large practice, | his causing him to overwork He and respect- boys died himself; Fy and the injury to his, spine seven years ago, obliged him to| give up part of this practice,but he| did not fully withdraw from the me-} dical work until 1904. Since that time! his health has been gradually Hailing, | the nervous system becoming more! and more affected and his sufferings increasing. The solicitude and sym- | pathy of Dr. A. M. Maclean, the only || surviving brother of six, leit nothi | undone for the comfort of the invalid. The two brothers were devoted to each other from infancy. A GREAT RAILWAY ROBBERY. |] Registered Letter Pouches Were f ; Carried OF. Omaha, Neb., Aug. 21.--The biggest robbery of the United States mail ever pulled off ocourred between Denver and Pure Bleached Irish Table Linens, in a variety of dainty new patterns, ~ Z5c Yard. A particularly Fine Table Linen, of good weight and in quite an assortment of new designs. 99c Yard, We mention only these two, but we have others equally good values in their why at 50c, 60c, 80c, 95¢c, 1.20, 1.49. Omaha, last Thursday night, when three through registered pouches, two of which contained $250,000, were stolen from the Burlington railway fast mail train between Denver and Chicago. Although the robbery occur- red on Thursday night, only now has the news leaked out. To-day every || postal inspector and secret service man in theyentire - west is working on the irs ------ Stabbed Old Commander. Victoria, Mo., Aug: 21.--Cept. B. J. Waters, commander of James\ N.| Whitehead Post, G.A.R., here, with | an old musket and bayonet, last night, stabbed to death the former commander, George Patton, following a Quarrel over the arrangements for ---- Table Napkins Special values at 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 2.00 per doz. Special values at 2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.50, 6.00 per dozen. Crash Towelling .8c., 10c., 12i¢. the veterans': annual picnic. The stab- bing took place in the post hall, and Waters grasped the musket with which he slew his comrade from the wall. was a civil war relic. . Fire At South Mountain. Brockville, Ont., Aug. 21.--Fire com- pletely destroyed the dwelling occupi- ed by George Barry, of South Moun- tain. The blaze originated from the stove-piipet in the kitchen, and spread rapidly that nothing could be done save the building. A considerable ion of the contents were. rescued. The loss is partially covered by ia- International Not In It. N.Y. Aug. 21. "Anson R. Flower, dirgotor and member of Snajuce sompuit tee of the _lntetny- company, is absollitely. no Joynisticn the re port that the International Paper Solpdnp ia backing the movement to consolidate the western paper mills. The International has ne mills west iagara Falls. . Wouldn't Use Lash. Z the Delaware whipping- n that it is a failure, and' ihg "to further lash 'prisoners, As- . Meserve, warden of the New- castle county workhouse, near here, and one of the leading, criminologists of the country, has i bigh class 'comdy is" 86d, McConkey's w Red Oross "Drag Store. America anather of her fam- | ous tours the Thousand Islands, Thursday, 2.30 p.m. Fare 50c. H day's sale of dry goods, at' 8. psy hown will accept a dim of piano pupils at 126 Wilmington, Del. Aug. 21.--Disap-| wats proving of Glass 'Towelling 8c, 10¢, 12lc, 15¢. "SPECIAL SALE OF A { SPECIAL SUIT CASE. _ Tt is not often we get the opportunity of offer- ing the public 4 bargain in Suit Cases, But we X have just secured a lot of 50 Cases, all of which we * will clear out at a low price. These Cases are made of Heavy Waterproof Canvas, linen lined, : solid brass bolts and locks, leather corners and I some with steel corners. Some are double locks. We have these Cases in 8 different sizes. We * will 'sell them all at the same price, which is re- ¥ markably low., See our window. 5 Price for Any of Them $3.50. § ee TRS ur, Skins Foxes in Silver, Cross, Black, White, Brown and -Red. ® Russian and Hudson Bay Sable, Eastern Mink, Pure White Royal Ermine, Seals, Baby Lamb. Otters, Persians, ete. -------------------- John McKay Fur House, 149-155 Brock Sm. 2000000000000 H S000 v TENDERS FOR DREDGIN( TENDERS: ADDRESSED ro 1 undersigued and endorsed 'Tender Dredging at (Port Hope, wil, be coivegt up to and mchuding Satur August dlst, AWOT, for iredging quired at Port Hope, Durham unt. a Combined specification and tender can be obtained at nent of Publ ¢. Works, Ot must include the towing and from the works, Only le employed ~ whach are Canada ut the tume of ders. Contractors must | gin work within thirty day vate they have been notilic coptance of their tende lenders will not be made on the printed | signed with the aciual derers; An accepted cheque on a ch paydble to the onder of the Homnov rks the Minister of Public Wi r thousand dollars (81,000) mus 0 C pany each tender as security d i comnection with the dred foriwed. The cheque Will case of nmon-acceptance The Department does to accept the lowest or y By order ; "PRED; GELINAS Secret Department of Public Works Orta wg, August Newspapers in went without aut ment wilt not be Our store is filled with | things especial.y suited for Campers Fishing Parties Picnic Parties Mail orders carefully packe promptly shipped. Jas, Redden & { Importers Of Fine Groceri a -- New England Chinese Res ant, 331 King Street 'PHONE. 665 Regular Dinner, 11 a. 5 Tickets for 1 Also at all hours as before, 3 a.m. LEE JURE, Proprietor. GOOD NATURE I you buy, ! 1 am mo crank. ay. trade with us, you will aleays) ed right. TURK, the Secomd-Haz er, 8Y8 Princess street. Bodies Of Canadians Fou London, Aug. 22--The body M. Kennedy, a ( Belfast, who was 17th, has been di On the body were African medals. believed to. be who was drowned at has heen washed ashore wadian Vist m frowned « at St bt The Wf Kennedy's de the san at Ball © $1.25 Watertown Return Tickets going Saturday, O @ 2 p.m., returning Monday. ern H. Cunningham, piano fume Chickering 's., Orders at book store, Phone 778. i See Bibby's new boys Are You Good Figh for com closely} The success may be pared to a prize fight. . battle fight between you an world. Every year of yi is a round in the battle trade conditions offer : portunity for you to your strength and to trate your forces. It is cellent time NOW to ge stock in trim for .t goods that are to Summer Special Sales 'this and in addition ting your stock in goo it places at your « much "ready cash. talk with ¥ phone call will bring |

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