-- I ---- RHEUMATISM MUNYON'S 3X CURES you a mbago or sci 8 oa atl a owarlen anl natter how chromic ? Ask your druggist or Munyon's 8x Rheumatism Cure ang ee hbw quickly you will be cured. If you have any kidney or bladder foutle get Musyow's Special _ Eiduey Pai ons Hodtit Munyon's men 2%0ves lost vowers. strong and Exclusive Fur Store. TO ORDER. Semi-Fitted and Box Co Fur and Fur Lined. "" In LISTEN! 'We make our o sh Lined wn Shells for Fur W. F. GOURDIER 76, 78 and 80 Brock St. 'Phone 700. i i . Optical Work Carefully and promptly ex- ecuted mew style, mounts and specially shaped lemses made to order. Repairs of all kinds: Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted. coox Mepioins Oo. ToROWTO, , Gormerly Wis Clearing Decks FOR FALL TRADE. READ THESE SAT- URDAY SNAPS. -------- Ladies' Print Wra Colors. Special 98c ppers, Fast Ladies' Elastic = Ribbed Vests, Sleeveless, Half-Price, 7jc. each. o, Dress: Ginghams, the 1 i . Be. 1 and up, also all Muslin Reta up to 35¢. a yard. SATURDAY one price to clear, 10c. a yard. Ladies' White Law i Jackets up to $1.35 > Drea . ach. - URDAY, 50¢. each. ° i Sar Men's Soft Bosom Shirts 3 izes. Special, at 50c. Draken Some extra good snaps i 3 n Dress Materials, suitable ro school vear. Tome in and see them. Children's Buster Brown nd L9ths Sfubbary Dresses, (1 ra 7 s), and up. SATUR me price, 'only 9c. : DRY Fall Novelties arriving daily" Visit the store oft ew things. \ en and see the ws Himself, tieeds fio talcum -- no witchbagel-ng "eream"-if he uses "Royal Crown" Witch-Hazel Toilet Soap The witchhazel inthe soap allays all irritdtion -- takes away the smarting and burning<heals 'the cuts--ledves the skin soft and soap -- but cooling and delightful after At Draggiuts and Dealers. « | Beaver Flour actually makes B bréag to the 'barrel ! thanany other, Itis the richest in Clateh~=atid itis the gluten that takes up the water, Beaver Flour -- pound for pound -- MORE leaves of bread--MORE cake=MORE pastry than any other.' Your first baking will prove this. Try it. AT YOUR GROCER'S. It is said that Ontario bank share-| holders" will. be convened before long, to re-clect' officers and receive reports Gibson's Red Cross drug store. HII MILLER'S MILWAUKEE MALT EXTRACT THE BEST. bv H. WADE, Druggist, Cor. Brock ind King Sts., Kingston. = ESSER 2 * SOLDER - FS BABBITT Canada Metal Co.. Ltd. Torooto. Ont | SCHOOL DAYS APPROA And the Boy's thoughts are him Clothes that will resist the Clothing is Made 'by Our he Best Makers in_ this country, and is spee Special Di Boys' Suits. 3 : . i \* Two-Piecé Suits; 5 Boys' Regular 2 Boys' Shirt Wajsts, reg. 75¢. for : Big Snap--Men's Soft Colored Shirts, Saturday, 49c. per pair- : 3. ais \cial Saturda , Mews Pants, reghlar 81.50. 'Special Saturda ,. Men's Suits, new goods, ¥ [ETT SEARCHED FOR GIRL FOR! | New" York, "Aug, 23 After years' sbarch, eovering gir] he logdd 'and persuaded her | Singer, after' two months of wedded ife, and then, Yepentant, to take | own life; into the flat they found the couple weaver, Teich wanted her to mar him. But he was possessed of such but Teich wus insist Germany secretly to wpe and came tosAmerica five years ago. many for her. in vain. Then her par ents admitted to him that she was in America, but refused to tell him where, The voung man then came to | America. Failing to find her in York, he went to other cities in the west: and. cast, but his search was fruitless. He: returned to New York, and recently met Emily on the street | mire "Tim, {| The tragedy followed. Busy Over Beans. Picton, Aug. 21.--The canning fac sion to Belleville steamer Varuna will take an excur ' . North King to assist in a camp meet | reengen en at See Bibby's special | thr wrpicce, suits. SAREE SEI WILLIAM ST. 5c. Caps, 18¢. 3c. egular § A Budget of News From a River RT Gananoque, Aug. . 22.--At the i FIVE YEARS. Nédurt, JE. Davis es charged 45 ig Ire ing dru $2 and costs. W, Toole fuith, very ttle J and W. Brown, charged wi i on the pastures. Te Msdsred Her After -They profane language, rE -- YA dried ad en Married But .Two Jdoyd, : charged a young man with Months--Suicided Afterwards over-driving a horse, * withdrawn. M. ~~" iDillon, disorderly . conduct, $2 and es 2 : five posts; J. Leakey, drunkenness and dis- » miles on orderly comduct, $2 and costs. Case ' gainst R. Benson, enlarged for a | by settlers next ui. in milk ae 4. oF short pasturage. Some tity of rifle cartridg- from the place they | two continentsyshuling Teich found they, : z to | week; "Gafi!' Shiel in § mitry him, only tokill her in a fit of state of inebriety. Ss was on in Tn 8 his went to Ivy Lea | by accident, She finally consented to | Neighbors in the apartment house { : say that there was 5 ouarrel in the I'eith apartment vyesferday, because | Emily xefused 10 get up to partake of {yjononald, Newington, at F. C. Bell's; | | the © breakfas li o preakfast Julius he srepared. : 5 iy | > ! had prepare Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Slater, Utica, are quite busy tting up 1 g i I heans: on account of the dry weather { the crop is short. Tomatoes are com- ing in slowly Ii rain comes the tamato apd corn crop. will be average Lome. The St. Andrew's church exour «d Trenton was\ {will nftended. The steamer Ella Ross was chartered for the occasion." The ihe mow in progress at West Webster, | £6.50 boys' FEE ¥ + + ¥ * "+ ¥ strongly centered onha hard wear that every healthy bo sally selected for hard usage. noted for their fairness. scount of Fiite Men's Working Shirts, reg, 50c¢ all sizes, 210.00. Special Saturday, only 87. GANANOQUE GLEANINGS. Resort. A dozen young fn and maidens | on actoun 3 Inst evening, and | time ago a quan Pistol shots vesterday aroused th ITaR delightiully * entertained by Mrs. i oa : tents oa lurday aol he Laine: Mines Grace Darling and | were stored, in, and a short time ago, | Wokt Teth. steer Pema t house hi ildred Sfainden went to. Alexandria a boy getting some Hh #] eich and his Bay to attend the wedding of Miss ed, and when the police broke {Bella Cline, last night. Y tte e Ex-mayor "W. J. Wilson, confi v p niDasioup, Both goon died, his home on account of illness, ed 5 on, Thad mily Herter lived in Germany when again. Gananoque Inn, owned by A. she first mes: Teich, who was a «ilk |A. Walsh, is for sale.. The friends of Frederick Tomkins | and committed for trial. will hear, with interest, of his mar- violent temper and Emily feared him, [riage to. Miss Arvilla Shultz, Fair The girl loft 'grove, Mich. "Fred" was for many vears on the staff of the Gananoque Journal, and for some time past has | For two years Teich searched Gop-ibeen on the staff of the Enterprise at 1 | Fairgrove. A largely attended pienic was held this afternoon at Richard- son's grove. An enjoyable time was spent during the afternoon and wound | New | 1 with a dance in the evening. ! The followihg are visiting friends and relatives in town® Mr. and Mrs, {William Webster and son, Lyndhurst: | Arthur Wright, Fort William: J. W.'| Fofd, Ottawa; Mrs. and Mis€ Berney, | | Kingston, "at Robert J. Webster's: | '¥dith Mav, Maud Francis and Charles F. Servi son's; Bi W. Kendall, Oshawa, at | John Thomson's; Mr. and Mrs. J.T. | , Oshawa, at James Thom- | N.Y., at T. Shipman's: Samuel Mex Cormick, Listowell: Mrs. John P. Me- { Cormick, Lyn, at James H. Rogers The following, visiting friends and re: latives, have returned home : "Walter Haig te Vancouver, B.C. ko A Thom= fson to: Detroit. Mich.; Mrs. R. Ste Vene and R. Kidd to Kingston: Mrs. D. F. Fraser to Montreal. The following Gananogueans are visiting out. of town: James Latti more, in Watertown, Potsdam and Montreal: Ruby Cotton, in Yarmouth, Maine: Lizzie Karr, Lottie Smith, Mrs. George Kidd, Mrs. John Kidd, in to marron Jo Span. 2 Jeree | Kipgston and Harrowsmith; George A Wil 1S SFr 0 go, as at 18 Our \wiiimarsh at Merrickville. EN a Sulina [Whitmarsh at Mervicksifle to-night for Rochester 'by steamer Hay A Light Crop. | for 1907; everyone had plenty)ok bam | room, no stacking being necessary, as| | the crop was very light. The grain { which is being harvested, is a fai terop. The very, dry weather is afiect- | | mg many of the wells, also the pas { tures. Mr. MeKane, Kingston; was in| | this locality, last week, buying lambs. P. Walsh has loft for Water-| a | good position. Patrick Corcoran has | returned to his home in Kingston af-| | tor a few days' visit with his nephew | I. Barrett. Joho. Lang has returned | { town, N.Y., where he has secured weeks' visit - with J, Sheehan. tors : John Madden, at W O'Connor, Cale Ye ng's; T. Golden, at nor'ss T. MaDermott and sister, Mrs F. William, guests of George Hamil- ton: Mrs. Walsh, at P Egan's; Miss M. Barrett and Miss M. Young are| with friends in Kingston Beautiful 'hammocks cheap, at. Rout- | eee METALS ley's, 173, 175 Princess grec; braneh, | 354 King street. Fifteen dayv's sale of dry goods, at Carrigan's. ." See Bibby's new boys' clothing. rving-a- New Suit. Buy. y gives them. Our prices are en Per Cent. On All Some Other Specials for Saturday 2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00 to 6.50. hipe-Proee HES $3,003.50, 1.00 to 8.50; 'Boys' Regular 14 to 17, regular 75¢. Special *95¢. per pair. 15: EY &CO., The Store That Sets the Pace . * $ -------- ~ ~ > Have Done Serious Damage in te} She Tong period of hot, dry weather, dbrbig tiisiaonih, © country bas atl , and the hay crop very light. Fives have swept over 1 mountains and "bridge on Cross a large quantity | SUT ETRST.CLASS U Sy. -------------------------------------- A JOB CLEANING ASHES OUT OF 'There is a great shrink- eR CHING | ingore amd | FOR FEW MONTHS FROM SEPT. Erte nt, TY tered apply ta F. ay, I Superintendent. i. ne MALE VOCALIST, WHO musie;, readily, Goold 6g were mu mill, found several boxes, belonging to the militia department. 3 ol : v LEAHY'S : RD PE ME ER Be send ta Be rk is 1 estimate. FURNISHED ROOMS AT 101 BAGO FURNISHED ROOMS. A a Salons Apply' 'office. = kien Ste tor a. Prion ight A to cal hv J he . Lytle, Gemeral Carter, st. ist, ov house, or LWo on three rooms with or With: . out bourds Apply Box 45, Whig office. I days to investi- | gate, 'and on Thursday last, the own- | ouR._ED rp diy! MORE OF ------------------------------------ ther | BRICK DWELLING, NO. 181 DIVISION at rooms, extension er of the mill was brought before B.| A. Oshorne, Justices, | ys Nip--1 IAVE A NEWLY PATENT | noxt it is intended to hold an open -. dnviee i vive me sad to air meeting in a grove r which these servites will afternoon and evening, when | Il be delivered by several | distinguished clergymen' of the Metho- | dist Episcopal church, from New Jor sey amd New York state, who for ges | | eral summers, have been here campl and fishing, and have a summer cot-| tage built west of Anden J. Waterson, Box "N. FOR AUTOMOBILE WORK, TARE nen, tires drill maker: grinders, two turret inthe EE T------ Company lid. Toromtg Junction: INTERNATION Lady's Fancy Jacket. nce Schools | | BEL WANTED bel "tod. repr | IA GENERAL S VANT TO GO TO ET -------------------------------- ply to 207 Willem SE. a een 1 A HOUSEMAID. evening to Miss Hora, 43 King St. GIRLS. WAGES Apply at once to British Moe. 0| ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITEOT, OF: 'American Hotel Of fice, Cor. Qu een nfl Bagot streets. Sorin BRI FOR DRESS-MAKING DEP Apply Steucy & Steacy. cashier, who needs Must live home. Hours very dress X. Yo 2." Whi | For wear with light summer 'dresses IDR. Sangster, Aug. 19.--Farmers are| Dr. Ryan; ,torner Godwin's Insurance Emporium, Mark- et Square. . 3 Ansurance . assets $61,187,315. la addition to which the poli have for security the unlimited labilit: of all the stockholders. Farm sod perty jusured at. - lowest i rates. Before remewing a or giving Strange| i | { LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE] re ed C A wew business yet rates from range & Strange, Agents. a EDUCATIONAL. office, 57 Brock St. Office hours, 9 Jam. to 5 p.m; Saturday evening, 7 . XK, Carroll, ive VETERINARY. R. G. W.-BELL, V8, MAS RE- 'maved to his brick block on Clarence street, Just whove the Tost Office, Calls Ly telephone' or telegraph | A promptly attended to. ARCHITECTS. LA coup OFFICES OVER THE COUPLE OF OFFICES OVER : TWO DNBLLINGS, ¥ St, one small, other Apply 299 Brock and _kitohen SE ats i FOR SALE, amarante meee oat ¥ bro | BIMSON'S GRAPHOPHONE, WIT bo bought cheap GOOD STRONG. harness amd cart cheap, Drury, 374 Vrincess stagets WORK-HORSE, : Y, CORRESPOND: | AL erunton,. Pa. local | oO ween poly Wo oR SOLID BRICK ham ot 3 xp ~, id 3, 20 HP. OLPSMOBILB h 0 JAF OLPSMOB POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER- chant"s Bank Rullding, corner Broék and Wellington sti . 'Phone, 313. HENRY P, SMITH, ARCHITECT, 'Phone, 345. ee ------------------------------------------ WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF- fice, second floor ever Mabood's Dr store, "corner Princess and Bago! streets. Entrance on Bagot street. 'Phone, 608, MARRIAGE LICENSES. 0. 8. KIRKPATRIUK, ISSUER OF he Marriage Licenses, 43 Clarence St. 'Phone, 5068, blouses with separate | | cloth skirts, this jacket | most valuable, and it can be made up either in fancy or plain material. The | above was made ef. black tafieta Both back and front are: plain s laid in plaits. at ~dge_to give the desired fullness. The | lower edge is platted and, finished with | a belt. Buttous, are used as a trim- | | ming. The sleeves are plaited at the | | top and have turnback cuffs. - {through cutting and storing their hay | If Your Business is tising, Advertise it For tHE LaTE PETER oBRLN. |THE From Plum Hollaw. ; d \ Pham Hollow; "Ang. 22.--Mrs. C. H. to hie home in Burndge, after a _fpw| Smith 'and Nia' Hell. Knapp: réturoed Visi-| home, after a fow' weeks' visit in T \ B. Barber is &t' Frank- | Mise Annastasia O'Connor, at J. |ville; this week, with fer mother, Mrs | 000 Daley's: Misses Katie and Maggie | Dowsley, who is seriously ill Francis : h of his son, who he said 'was g i 4 e t | sey, i § . 3: #1 searc s mn, > he ¢ v Lake, guests of Miss [\ackeberry is able to be around ait a a ) Mitinie Barrett; M.-0'Connor, at T. | his recent T James O0'Con-| Gilbert; Delta, were guests of A. Lil- | Io with the aid of . he 1 4 1 that it s | programme at Chawtey off ~Tharsday Dung a | LOOKING FOR HIS SON. [ftalian Reached City From: New An Italian hailing from New York, | Kingston, last night, in ns; of the bunks here. ie could not spenk a word of Eng- some local Malians, Trenton that the Kingston, and he train for that place. . B. Newsome spent last week | | the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ling character, when folice headquarters. yag over his rights shoulder, but i#| to the contents of the bag he divulged his name, was an odd-look- acdomppaicd by her | Geprga Percival, Stanton, Bmith's, | brother Italians. Constable Filson sup in the Malian language, and when % {the man started to jabber away him in his native tongue, all that he could do was to smile | years. ; Visitors CH well Miss Mabel Dunham, 5 and remark, Con- | stable Filson thought best. | do under the circumstances, | morning. The child, nine months old, vice here last Sabbath. : 3 rp pt | ono The Charm Of, Children. | (Joel Chandler Jap:tlt 3 Haste Remus' ~ We know that: We're metele repro |who was employed in a bank in Tren- Prof. Sclin's excavations on the during what has been produced before; | ton, Ont. Then all was plain sailing. | ite of the ancient city of hho. pte up yielding 'unexpectedly rich trénsires. local Ttalian,- and he did so. Lvery listed time then, to find out what: {the pran wanted. explained that direct from Ndwv York, land that he was looking for a son The stranger was told to show "has {the contents of his pocket, and it was differ- | found that he had a ticket for Tren- [that of Science the professor writes we are only living or alittle lower sc ton, via the Grand Trunk, apd that he alse had a cheek for some baggage | we dare give it full play. This is why for that place. this | which Was AG hover | Constable Filson hustled the stranger Trunk station, phadews. land got him on board the 9:16 a.m. |(hickness, rising from a stone founda- 'gestures | train for Trenton i , They have not heen | with | from Cape Vincent, last night, and conventions. of their | mistook Kingston elders;. they behold life as it is, and | appeared they enjoy itito the utmost. » | They, flit aud flutter about us, and | Kingston suddenly they disappear, some becom- |gratitu hopoemy people we [when o | over and above {vet as palpable, o8 4 | Their movements are ofcthe spirit. brouglit - into a dulk conformity (he right track by the | Italians, and~ showed his Los. igrh: Lisi some of them DL fel brome an shane, some hout to leave for stagion. primiti e us, and some |The conductor on the train was told of vey rough ond | nitive hand Sef {In the i city remains of yo of ing the dull and k into the hospitable courts the Italian's story, recalled becaukn they - are deal competently of this. world. And then | to take their places, #0 New York Tribune. t we have a constant s that he reaches Trenton all right. The Tale Of 'A Dog. i Shor, and even | been told . vat and sweetness all | . . for 39¢. fretle lived hare wopre- | An of sentations of the wa have in them a per tion of the story season of .innocence and the M akes Hair Look Rich No need to ask if you want your hair to look 'wich, bealtly, and luxuriant. We know you dol. Ayeria Hair Vigor, new improved formula, will give it just that gppearance. ing. Ask your doctor, pg gs A i oe lB i In the sitting the villa was a comfortable . ' Day. hour when bqrmohair, which the old lady enjoyed Lincoln's Last Day But she mearly always found he dog. Being afr she hever bade it | 10 get put of the chair, but instead ata wi y personal bodyguard, . William H. te the 'window and call Crook, who atiended him, 'but who the | Was off duty on the fatal night of slip | the assassination. Mrs. Margarita oc window and the old lady would COME. HERE SATURDAY FOR YOUR C WANTS - RON 127 Princess St. hair. looking out, appearec cited and set up a tremenc + wonder whet can be the matter," | devotedly attachefl to him, sad he . bar nd then the dog. quietly slipped into the chair. Died at His Residence on Earl { Street. | i . { The death occurred at his residence, {259 Earl strect, on Thursday evenimg, of Peter O'Brien; after a long illness. |The deceased, in his eighty-third year, {had been ailing for some time. He {was well-known in the city and sur rounding country, and made a host. lof friends by his courteous, gentle { manly bearing. A few years 'ago, Mr. was placed on the [O'Brien was . mayor of Gananoque, when he was in the milling business | there, Deceased was a Roman Catho- {tie amd a liberal. Four daughters and ona son are left to mourn. The fune- He carried a big {ral will be held at Gananoyue, on | Saturday morning to the {Catholic church, where a solemn re= |guiem mass will be sung Vor the re {pose of hie soul, His family have the sincerest sympathy of a host of | friends. r Lb An Infant Dead. Lillias BE. Lake, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Lake, 161 Nol- street, died at seven o'élock, this son { man to Some |was the joy of the houschold, land It took many friends Join with the sorrowing parents in their time of mourning. The Walls Of Jericho. | Philadelphia Press. Tn his last letters to the Vienna Aca- that over a hundred men are digging at five different points. One of the most interesting finds is the historical city wall, built of burnt' | lime bricks. lt was some ten feet in the wostern wide of the city : tion. shed here on the boati {he wall was nearly forty feet in and | width, At another point a private: © | house was found built over another {house of a still earlier epoch. Other discoveries incl lamps, and stone, some houses. have been unco' % ancient Hebrew lettering proves that the old Hebrew characters were in use, Prof. Selin-hopts Ho renéw the ex- v ] ald of a dog that is. as § vork intet. In its. They bring | good as any fish story that has ever jenvting Foe I wink he and probably. as true as! Ci. dope has opened up a wealth Sf material for the student of the pre- \ An old lady rented a furnished villa i , : tod. Garden of Eden, and | jor the summer, and with the ila 3} Israelite and Canaanite peric gal reproduc- | Jarge dog als : -------- erention--<the Loom of The last day that Abrabem Lineoln spent on earth is a subject of intense He iy interest for everybody. No one could tell more ghont that day = then the Spalding Gerry has compiled writ- ten Mr. Crook's narrative of that last 1 dog entered the rooms X i | and -found the old lady in the ¢ day, and the events that just preced- | He strotied over to the window, and, | it, for the September n ex. | Harper's Magazine, It is valuable, un- number of jous. bark-| written histofy. In common wi of Lincoln's entourage, Mr. Crook was ollow Secretary John exclaimed the old lady, rising and go-| says: #1 can follo Huy and say : He was the _greqtest Jan 1 have ever known--or shall ever Ww, CK HOUSE, 32 WELLING 10 po = ¥ HOLY, Desirable and centre ark, Apply to R. I Angle, ete. Anchor Bujding, Market Square. | CUT STONE FI : No. 57 George St.. house, 28 by Not Worth Adver- Two Kinds Of Discontent. There ave two kinds uf discontent, There is a paltry and unworthy' dis- content, which is a i diss satisfaction with the work given us to do, and rewards allotted and the honors hestowed upon noble discontent which spriligs from a profound rev the holiness we have npot--aw ness as that which shone upon the world like the mid-day sun, in the life of Christ. Tt is the discontent of the endowed man of genius, who always believes that hi work could be better done ~H Address, Mr, Casson for free litera-