to your nd it will you. vapor. rwork it with derive an abiding the meat diet. that *" Malta-Vita" look better, and use. s a tonic. that ever went try it. ITOCETS. | Success oven never smells e and stuffy, as do the at majority of range AN ns. \ food cooked in the | dora is more health- JINN 'as well as more appe- ng and satisfying. \ f your local dealer J not give you complete rmation about the dora, write direct for EE BOOKLET. 22D I, \L U , ST. JOHN, HAMILTON . McAuley 95 Princess SI, etween Corbett's Hardware tore and Taylor & Hamil- n's, directly opposite An- ove's. ' COME AND SOME AND SEE Us eee ea a «os R : tASOLINE. Put in Your Tank at Our Dock. A large stock of Dry Bat- ries, Spark Plug and Coil ways on hand. ELBY & YOULDEN LIMITED: & Buek's Happy Thought Range, the best for cooking or heating-- Those Bilious Attacks come froma Disordered Liver, intl To you know the one remedy for sluggish. torpid liver. Y toe sloggishy Abbey's Effervescent Salt: tones .up--strengthens-- invigorates the liver--~ ° prevents you from ever being bilious. Equally, good for stomach and bowel troubles. And is the ideal summer tonic for young and old. ; wa Atall druggists. 25c. and 6oc, a bottle, Transform |: | 5 5 Your! ; . Hitchen "Into A Cheéery 'Dwelling Room By Installing BUCK'S HAPPY - THOUGHT RANGE That's a factor you must keep in mind. And the nhew-comer to Canada wants a stove that suits all purposes -- " ' Burns any Fuel Brighte th A Makes Cooking Easy hy asthe Hichen dependable, and greatest fuel-saver. the strongest, the handiest, most Ask your local dealer; or write us for our illustrated Catalogue., Sent free on request to any address in Canada. 8 She WM. BUCK STOVE CO. Limited Brantford Montreal 'Winnipeg FOR SALE BY .|McKelvey & Birch. KINGSTON. Thoroughly and scientifically cooked, rolled into filmy cakes, and then toasted Il lsANITAS TOASTED CORN FLAKES agree perfectly with the-most delicate stomach. Tell your grocer to send you a box to-day and try'it for yourselk, 5 oh , CamABL 13 Gas Stoves & Ranges sortment of the : We carry in stock a nice as Chicago "Jewel" Gas Stoves, ledged the best stoves manufactur- which are acknow : : ed. Examine them before purchasing else- where. v All orders for disconnecting Gas Meters promptly attended to, . i ; ne ¢ ' - ~{ ELLIOTT BROS. 77 Princess Street. A Pale Ale, palate- ble, full of the virtues of malt and bops, and in sparkling condition, is (LONDON) the ideal ne nounce its purity, and d look no further. Now, when' chemists an judges its merit, one nee Jithe trade lost since the strike began. tf} Crease. + THE DATLY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, AUGUST 24th, 1907. BELFAST BEING ~ RUINED.Z0% Belfast, Aug. 24--A prominent! ménufacturer told me to-day that it willifake years 'for Belfast to recover ranches of business have been All Branches of Business Have Been Injuriously 5 Affected ey Baconctl aff among the fost rN ane but they have had-to warn the farmers throughout thesnorth not to kill any more pigs | GRAFTS OF MEAN PEOPLE. | o | Live Without | . Working. It is really astonishing what a lan c| number of * people there "are who will] take infinite pains to' avoid work. And | the queer part of it is that they really | give themselves much trouble mn their | ate to obtain a living without | laboring at any fixed task. | Not long ago a novel trick was prac: | tised by & man going about the streets | of London, but it scems impossible to | think that he made much out of it un- | Jess there are an abnornial number of | exceedingly #@olish { Ed people in existence. | afl the strikes are spt mMpossible andle 4 Woeted, and Some of the most Hn. ted, for 1t mn Passing a man casually, he would glance | thoy Rie Hstries of the Ulster capi- | carcasses, B Bincss as thus been dis {ar his back and say, "Beg ver pardon, | ; Theil Sept has bee 5 verted to he Irish bagon-curing | sir, but there's a fot of white stuff on standsull si g he x jas seen at ay CENTES, uthe majority. of far-|{ your shoulders." Those who were par- C since the July holidays, and | mers haw crespited their pigs lticular about their - personal appearance | the pfice of flour must inevitably in- E e. Most of the grain comes trom America, €anada and Austrglia, a small proportion from Liverpool, and the bulk of it is dealt with Yor supply fo Ireland. But supplies are being exhausted. "Three large ships, with full cargoes of grain, are lying in the harbor, un- able to discharge. In consequence of this blockade the Liverpool stores are congested, and further-orders for Bel- fast flour cannot be received. Ameri- can and Scotch millers are already profiting by the helplessness of their Ulster competitors, and shipping flour to the north of Ireland. Even now there is a' shortage of good flour in Belfast, and, the bakers are, | "anf told, forced to resort to inferior quality for bread. Mgreovér, freights have risen on shipmgnts via Dublin, so that the local congestion cannot "be relieved in that way ous foodstuffs are affected; for exam- ple, the price of linseed cake has risen £2 a ton No one believes that there will ac- tuilly be a bread famine in Belfast, but the millers have undoubtedly suf fered heavy loss through the complete paralyzation of the dockers' and car- ters' services. Extraordinary efforts have been made to secure supplies, but as 1 write, they have been unable to reach any arrangement. for unload- ing the grain ships accumulating in the port. Exports as well a¥ imports are held up. The greet linen houses have dif ficulty in filling orders, and in this coifhiection. America suffers especial ly. .One of the largest firms, driven to desperation by, their inability to ship goods, finally dispatched sixty- 'a one cases to New York by carting them through the streets in the mid- dle of the night The head -of the firm rade on the motor-lorry himself, and, the strike pickets being asleep, the goods were smuggled away safe? Another firm tried the same meth" od and succeeded in making one ship- ment; but a second vanload-was dc- | - cidentally delayed. until daylight, when the pickets came on duty. But for the prompt retreat of the lorry, it from the accessories Lancashire imported of usually Thousands on the quays, where ments are piled high m hopeless com- fusion? Police-escorted clerks, tem est . Most of tite cartage to and from the | supplanted them haye been subjected continual groans and abuse as they drive through the busy streets n semi-state, with their "uniformed scort, It is most pathetic to see a nild. middle-aged accountant, be speckled and quite harmless, sitting fi a van in an obvioysly apologetic treme difficulty 1s experienced in making shipments propfily, and evey greater difficulty in Kirin returner 'empties' front Englan Thirsty Blackpool is in a terrible state because of the threatened inter supply «of holiday re- of thousands of accumulating on ference with its frethment. Tens empty bottles are side of the channel because the that striking carters will not allow them to 'be delivered her Frantic" and abusive appeals for assist- are received here daily from Blackpool landladies, who wish whether the stock of ginger ying to hold out, and, if not, so and be done somewhat ance irate to know beer 18 R¢ will they with it This 'is the headquarters for the rope-making industry. Most of the cord used in the self-binding ma- chinery for harvesting comes - from Belfast. The harvest seasom at! hand, and orders for rope Yémain un- filled, One manufacturer who had 100 tons decumulated for harvest orders | hired the conventional 'motor-lorry | and took it to the docks himself at] the riskeof having both 10rry and rope | destroyed by pickets i "It might 'as .well be burned .in the street as rot 1m the warchouse," hey said to a more cautious merchant who criticized his daring The ironmaking and engineering in- dustries are completely paralyzed 1 will give one example Messrs. | Combe & Barber, one of the largest] iron founders and machine makers in Belfast, 6. Their cartage please say 1:0 als is has been done by firms since black-listed, ard they can: not get access to the quays, where they have 130 tons of pig iron await ing removal Meanwhile, their stock being exhausted, 200 men are dle. They have, moreover, 0 tons of finished textile machinery which they 1 cannot deliver 4 Timber merchants are also among | the unemployed. Building operations are 'delayed, for jt' is impossible to ~ JAMES McPARLANR;8#lcs Agent, lated timber" fron the quays, whert they resemble barricades, and are mi the market. | will thus The be smaller than for many years. Last year, for example sthere were 12,174 tons of aerated water exported, and 54,784 tons of linens ed from the outside world 31,135 tons of flax, 12127 tons of hemp, 100,000 tons of irom, But for 'these unfortunate strikes this would have been a all branches of trade. noser been better. Philadelphia Record Sepator Knox, who is receiving many iby political yisitors home, is telling them a new story about | soon as the President Roosevelt g | ! The president," he says, Vari-| prised by a Kansas delegation at Oyster {pouch he carried. When he had col Bay not long ago. The president ap- | lected a pound or two he would sell it peared with coat and collar off, trousers {to a tobacconist {| Another dodge worked on likely hitched by belt and head. to, see you; busy putting in my hay,gou know. Just come down to the we'll talk it over while I work' Daioh and sident. ME Roosevelt But, + behold, the oor! presidént to sot .in the 'where's all the hay sir; since sir,' came a man's voice from the loft" London IEXpress. t Wi thought of the woman who wore it that gave us one of the prettiest of the tune {ul and Mis wife were one day enjoying a y stroll in the S suddenly the composer exclaimed: "My dear, 1 have a waltz in my head. -give me a scrap envelope. 1 forget it." ing of pockets it was found that neither would have been overturned and the of them had a letter, not even contents destroyed | man's The linen trade is also suffering|struck Frau Strauss lack of raw materials and|snowy cuff. "Fhe composer from | cagerly, ant in' two minutes that cuff pounds | was worth of supplies have been damaged] Still the incoming ship-| Strauss was. frantic, { make a wild | third part of his waltz ringing uncer- | carters, | tainly in his head: porarily transtorined . inte 1 i 1 4 1d tumble the -packing-cases about, in=|bethou Ligherself of her collar and in he Jelayed evriting, the Situation hid tent on securing what belongs tojan instint the remaining bars of "The {be filled, bit if he wrote at Once X would be sure to get the place. What their firm, and caring nothing for the | Blu linen houses has been in the hands of outractors. whose In te went RB al A member of the-school board of a | who, did not know him felt sorry for strike. The unfortunate clerks who | certain Pennsylvania town relates the this unfortunate state of affairs and sad case of a young woman who failed would give him a stamp, or the price of to pass ment as teacher in the public school of | that place woman was asked by the daughter had the titude, and gazing with mute appeal "Jinny didn't pass at all. 'Maybe you letter, ufter gong through all his palit grimy strikers, who bombard him won't believe, sir, but them examiners |ets, with the result that some shasitabie a Sa hes y asked the ' poor girl about things that | woman who was passing wold ask him Rith quaysice epi , | happened -vears before she was born" bis trouble, and give him a penny, or RY is not a pleasant manned" inf py cn. cs Weekly. + two-pence, on hearing his talk Tt was which to spt nd one's holidays bat -- -- «aid that he had admitted' making as from indications it 1s about all the MIN sik 3 is ; liday the majority of the Belfast Uneasiness In The Stomach. nuch as a doffar a day by: this means clerks will zet this summer. Employ-{ That's the complaint to prove the TT ™ rs are in no mood to discuss pleas-{ merit of Polson's Neryviline. Cures Not one in twenty are free from ire jaunts nausens and indigestion, at once, set some little ailment caused by inaction Jelfast is the great centre of the| tles the stomach and makes vou well, | of the liver Use Carter's Little Liver erated --water--industry, the peculiar] and all for 25c. per hottle. Pills. The result will be a pleasant wuality of ghe water making it espe wurhrise. They give positive retiof cially suitable for this purpose. 'Like| The plowshare and praning hook Mark this in. favor of father : The sther industries this is suffering from| qupply is not evidently to be abnor woman who is charging things to fa congestion of supplies There is! mally increased by Hague prapositions | ther at a dry goods store buys more plenty of "raw material" here, but ex-| for disarmament. freely and with less worry than the at Wade's Drug Stose. os lave been closed since July! transfer the great piles of atcumi ~ would thank the man and ask him to} wipe it off, accompanying the "request with a tip. Of course, it 18 unnecessary to say that there never was anything white on the back of the man addressed, | and tha it was solely for the purpose ot getting the tip that the kind working- | man took an interest in the strangers | toilet. el A much more lucrative trick was re- ported some time ago. According to | this statement, a well-dressed gehtleman sauntered about the streets of Sydney, | New South Wales, stopping a passerby | every now and then in order to ask him {for a "All" of tobacco as he had left his {pouch at home. Not many smokers would refuse such a request when made a respectable stranger, and would at his Valley Forge [hid him fill his pipe and be welcome. As r generous stranger would be would transfer a capacious nO attempt ta supply nish: bacon ; factories ort returns for. this year will Belfast requir- 1,248,281 tons of coal. record year for Business has One On Roosevelt. {out of sight the borrower "was sur- | the tobacco from the pipe to mopping his fore- | . |looking gentlemen is that well-worn de said, . 'delighted | vice which might be tered the trick But I'm very [pipe fake. As the victim urries"along it | a crowded street he notices a man whe is smoking a big meerschium pipe That is to say, he would notice hm if he were looking, but as he is in a hurry, the chances are that he does not, and he is therefore siirprised when he collides with the man, who lets the pipe fall to 'John, John! shouted the the ground, which breaks it into sev- i hayloft, | eral pieces. Of course, the owner of the £ "valuable" pipe raises a great lamenta- "*L ain't had time -to 'throw it back, |tion over his loss, and calls 'on heaven you threw" it up vesterday, | 10 witness thé clumsiness of the victim : *} | The former says that it is all the fault of. the latter, and loudly demands com pensation whale tenderly picking up the { pieces. He actepts the proffered money and the quick solatinm 'with the remark that the pipe was worth far more, and then goes up a side street to "fix the "micerschaum" ready for someone clse This trick used to bring in quite a decent dmount, but it has become so well known: that it is seldom tried nowadays In Glasgow there used be a re spectable-looking old man who was reputed to make a living out of postage stamps. He frequented the bétter class of cheap lodging houses, and dressed neatly, though poorly. He had a simple, but apparently. very successful, method of working. He was always writing jn answer to advertisements; after having sent off several letters, he would hear ot {another place likely to suit him, so, of vourse, he applied for it at once. Unfortunately, when the letter was written, he found that he had fo stamp, that he had used the last one, and that he had no gmoney to! bay anothee, If 'Ah, gentlemen,' he delighted barn with me and | barn hustled delegation seized a pitchfork there wus no hay on -------------------- > The Blue Danube. a. Tinen cuff Strauss 'Waltzes. . Johann Strauss park honau when at Quick to of paper or an old I must write it down before Alas, after much rummag a trades happy thought | She held out a clutched it bill. At Hist a mate followed. was incomplete. and was about to | far home with the | manuscript. Its spiration dash Suddenly his frau Danube" decorated its surface. hard lines! And he had been out of work for weeks and had now come to the -end of his tether. Of course, those Out Of Her Class. It seldom happened that he was refused, as the more lucky men in the place would generally give Wm the penny. Under favorable conditions, he would carry two or three bogus 1étters {4nd get several pennies Sometimes he would take his stand near a. post office fooking ruefully at the her examimatibn for appoint. (onc The mother of the disappointed young a friend whether succeeded in running auntlet of the examiners "was the reply in mournful tone, Hundreds Haver Been Made Well by Taking Advantage | is, when eaten regularly. Fruit is na-| valuable tonics and internal . tures laxative--the finest kidney regu- Fs lator--and the ideal skin tomic. fortunately, the medicinal principle of fruit occurs only in minute quantities, In order to consume enough fruit t | relieve Biliousness, one would al=o cons sume a large amount of woody fibre or pulp, which would upset the stom- ach and impair digestion. "way to get around these diMoulties. He' pressed the juice from apples, or- anges, figs and prunes--and then fore- od ome more atem of the bitter prin. ciple from the discarded orange pels, into the formed a new compound, having al the curative effects of fresh fruit--and 50c., | timid womgn who charges to her hus | band Two quart fountain syringes, ---- . - - -- "wpolish that . Jast longer. Polis © When you buy a- ysting shine. 2in 1 Shoe "Jeather food, causing it "If you ask for 2in1 it is { that will take 'chances on his h reputation : 'a substitu him more, but it is worth it and is the same price to you. uu. $ : THB MEDICINAL VALOR.OF © FRESH FRUIT ¥ One of the Greatest Wonders of the Age. on : © PAGE NINE y / a of an Ottawa Physician's Discovery. -" Everyone knows how beneficial fruit in a highly intensified degrees. Them tics were added and the whole into tablets. J Un- derful Liver Tablets you hear so much about. * Fruit-a-tives cure the most obstinate cases' of non-actich of the bowels, biliousness, headaches, sleeps lessness, nervousness, Ridney trouble, rhenmatism, sclatica. and neurs! They are the greatest blood purifying medicine In the worl, while thelr actess jon on the skin, In clearing and besutls, tying the somplexion, is nothing short: of marvelons. Ask your druggist for " Fruit-a-tivea and see that you them. 50c & box, 6 for $350 By MILL postpaid, from _Fruit-atives Ottawa. § An Ottawa physician dlacovered a concentrated juices. This Penn EstherS CT RANGE. burns either wood or coal with equal facility. The \S 1 change in the Penn Esther from coal to. wood may 0 be made in thirty seconds. The cm EE only alteration necessary to burn wood consists in removing the lin- ing-of one end of the fire box and inserting a perforated, cast iron woodegrate, which is supplied free with all Penn Esther Ranges. When this end lining is removed, the Penn Esther will burn a stick ot wood 24 inches long. The advantages of this are obvious in country sections where wood is ex tensively used for fuel. © Call'on our local agent or write us direct td RTE ant be -------- e lete trial; and if should wish to nts & week, or less than two i, ¢ It will not interfere Jurgen ey enticiat inp Fe rn hy trea for ir cave, entirely free, In a wrapoer, by retu a Br book--WO As oY ICAL ADV: Rn why women . ow they cure oY 5 Se Roelt id learn to think for he Then whoa "Tou mus Hom," you ean decide for yourstif, of wo! y t remedy. It cures all, old or young. To Mot 1y + pap! treatnient which speedily and effectually cures Leucorriica, Green Sickness and Painfel§ Irvepulat Menstruation in Young Ladies, Fliugnne:s and health always result from its /horever you live, I can refer you to adies of your awa loca yhaknow and will 1a tell any sufferer that this Home Treatment really Cures all woman's mes and well, x Phony phim and robist Just me your address, an 1 the free ten days' trea obiist sls offer Add \ : Te A SIME RS, Ba, As ew WINDSOR, Ont, | a Qomp pair of shoes buy also will preserve and keep them J as well 'aie give a brilliant and Polish is @ true to remain 'soft and ~ ~ » a poor dealer by trying to sell you v3 in 1 costs