= YEAR 74. NO. 198, FURS OF QUALITY St. Petershurg, Aug. 24.--Following a seriotis._ogdthreak of soldiers along the Manchurige border, the latest of a number of mutinies General Pante- leef has filed with the czar pecial report declaring that the erian troops are completely out of hand. In the event oi a general revolt the gen- res the soldiers will without doubt side with the revolutionists, In the latest outbreak 400 mutineers barricaded themselves in their 'bar racks and Yeld at bay a battalion of sharpshooters: detailed fo capture them. They inflicted heavy losses on to please you, because they are made of the best quality of Skins . obtain- able. Faultless: X: ness in fit, and Fo : correctness of style make them superior in every respect eral dee pe longer, are more ter and longer service The he the sharpsheoters while eighteen muti- John McKay Fur House, 149-155 Brock ST. | | SERIES OF The Siberian Troops Out of Hand in Manchuria. ¢ MUTINIES - injured by the burst "eharter of the Koote- The artistic ' ay Central railway. . : * . 1 hay sold . London, workmanshipol The Troubles End in Serious Outbreak--Soldiers on. "i fis Bie, pores havin our uh = Side With Revolutionists and They dest ek amosiics of A. Gis | Hage Been Divinely vites. ras : nett, the bank manager, in ; tion, and. they Defy Officers. The, To svn seo are guaran! -------- p-- \ sity solicitor, of Toronto, died sud- | . | denly at Wellington, Prince Edward | Sviavise, MY. Aug. M.--That he by the colonel of the mutineebs" regi- ment to 'break up a revolutionary! At meeting which the soldiers "attended. tors' They declined point blank to obey an| £600 was order to, dispense: Instead they went! gle to their "barracks and defied the col-| A MoGuigan onel to punish them. | GPR. and late of the J Fighting continued all night and in| tem "lies y ill the morning the surviving mutineers land Me. 3 surrendered because their ammumition| At Lindsa! had been exhausted. They were im-| charged per prisoned but last night" other mem-| fur smuggl from bers of the regiment broke open jail; was EN Sin freed their comrades and the whole! gather, the absconding teller of the party escaped across the border into! Bank of British North America, has | Chinese_territory, {been extradited; and sailed from: Lon- This is only a sample of frequent| don for Cana | counts, Sy : | elbourne the bill raising sena- | Ingersolls are tatives salaries 10] providence in the 'specially formerly of the | name, J. Hill sys- | tic, 4s at Port- [rence in Ngyt ' | H. D. Ingersoll Ont., Eimmon Marshall | and restored to Being connected with the | herself and husband. Algonquin Park, | the mother-in-law of } | soll, of No. 239 | was recently cured of paralysis indicated by an all to her faith. i "Mrs. Ingersoll, in CENTRAL ASIA INVOLVED, el Corsets ve been a great suc- rate considering the teeter Our store is filled with good things especialy suited for Campers Fishing Parties Picnio Parties Mail orders carefully packed and | ber promptly shipped. A Anglo-Russian Note Remains Un- 24. --Negotia- ress regarding sment, and it documént has an immense worked out, of the delay. It that the agree light before Septem As already stated 00: Corsets, all sizes, be . 25¢., 39¢., 49¢. sizes, Toc. with all points in Cen women we have ever c J ral "hich Anglo-Russian in- : . as. en 0 terests iit come into éontact, em ived and will be rea- Ymporters Of Fine G ¥W¢. bracing, among other matters, Per BAR OR i ine Groceries. ia. Thibet and Afghanistan. Tt will | sizes, 18 to 28 inch. BEE Of Eine Grogs Th Ar with Chine or SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE the fur eastern situation. iol Although the treaty will be of a Earl Capt. John Scott. neors were killed and: thirty-five were | wounded. ed mutinies which have occurred it Siz| - Mrs. Palumbien, who has bécii Eau] since her cure, had walked about out The outbreak followed -an attempt | beria, reported by General Panteleef.| cessful barber in New York city. for | of doors and spent the afternoons on | said, 'Your wife shall 'be healed. mal dn | twenty-eight years, died ut her home | her pinsza. She says that the is foal-| Having wade a thorough search ~~ re | on Siaten ling perfectly well and expects to ¢on-| around the building to satisfy himself tinue wo. When questioned about the | that no persons were concealed near- by. he felt sure that he had received a Russian consul-general in Can- | cery much wider scope than most | The Nicholas de Steuve, ic in Winnie | similar 'arrangoenicits of recént years | ada, hly provide for the wain- | peg, arranging for the opening of al . | "North Pitcher incident, fuflier-in-law anc Four : in rn. at Niagara Falls, . N.Y. : (lai : ; than two cent. of the po- I Cl ed T 4 pulation of th ippines voted at s aim + 0 the n The CP pegotiating for the Family Mother-in-Law of Woman Who Professes to Husband's Prayer. favored by way of miracles, de- passed by- seventeen votes to ty j-seventeen Yotes to | spite the fact that one who bore the Robert G., was a strong agnos- ed occur- h Pitcher, in which Mrs. wos saved from death health by the faith of Mrs: Ingersoll is Mrs. B. H. Inger Pleasant avenus, who by | what she claimed to be a miracle due! Pleasant avenue, she said her 1 motherin-law lived / FCoE Fy ap ny 0a: im . A : . ® » Healed In 'Answer to af North Pitcher, but declared that she had net heard of a miracle like hers in connection with them. _ Acvording to a'report received, H. D. Ingersoll, of North Pitcher, a farmer, auctioneer, dealer in stock and conductor of revivals, stated at a meeting at the Methodist Episcopal church that when his wife lay at the point of death he prayed and heard a voice telling him that she would be healed. . He is claimed to have announced at the meeting that he went to a hay barn standing in the centre of a large field and that it was there that he prayed for her recovery. The voice that camo to him is claimed to have i divine gnswer. it will rong tefance of the status quo, while »s- | Russian con ate there. « ! suring to all powers equality of com | Marconi will leave England for Cape | 0 Breton some time in September, and | METEORITE FALLS. mercial opportunity. Co-operation | will be provided for only modifica- | upon arrival there it is likely the wire- | ------ A - tign of the' political situstion legs. servies will be inaugurated. | Customer About to Enter Store Curious Judgment ~ Given By - { Fone, sen have been niombed ne Has Narrow Escape. Tribunal. { Wore Sixty-Year-Old Waistcoat. | (70 at Rn of I pare food bil | Watertown, N.Y, Aug. 24.--What is| © Geneva, Aug. M.~The tribunal 'of | London, Aug. 24--A prominent fig- | has passed ® he British House of | said, to be a fragment of a meteor | Boudry, a little = town on Lake Weu- . i t fell in front of the store of Bush &| chatel, gave a curious judgment. yes ure at the dedication of the new bells |] rds at the Holbrook parish church, yester-| "Vistount Emlyn has been chosen as day, was Frederick Wase, anonagenar- | {he prospective unionist candidate for jan. who wore the white waistcoat in| the Guildford division of Surrey in | which he was married sixty véars ago. | succession to Mr. Broderick now Lord | Co., with sufficient force | concrete sidewalk and into particles, Fhe carbon in appearance the touch. Leon E picees ei ) : , ay Middleton. , Beautiful mew soap, 'French and | Judge Gunn has. set September 4th, | to enter the store as it fell and nar 0 gribunal considered the case a Ls make, at Gibson's Red | he tate of tho fire investigation | Fo% escaped being struck, | motommurder, and ordered: Souverain high ite : | to inquire into the met hods' employed » to pay 81 to the victim's brother, © ¢ AW O! - v | . < * * . , : + Manicure orange wodd sticks, « at | y fire brigade at the Edwards fire| New powder pufis at Gibson's Red | and $8000 to the victim's fiance" as Gison's, Red Cross drug store '] : ¥ pute i$ ' * | on Sussex street, Ottawa. : Cross drug store. Phone 236. i indemnity, | One acre of ground may be so culti-| ) | : to break the chatter itself resemble and were hot to Enos was about | DAMAGES FOR MOTOR MURDER terday. A young man named Souverain, while driving a motor car, accidental i ly ran over a man, Killing 'him on the ot. and Tapestry Curtains, Black Bedroom Suites, (Marble Bedding, Pillows Glass and Tim- nut and other Top), Hair Mattresses, Springs, Rugs, Crockery, Ware. ALLE The 252. A, Auction Sale FURNITURE. Question of All Ruler Openly Aug. 24.--The situation ir improving. Advides re state that disturb Auctioneer. Telephone London; Persia' is not 1 in London \ ning Chairs, Carpets, Pictures, steads, Springs, Mattresses, rt BHuds, SOilcloth, wv Ca , Souvenir y, Glass afd Tinware . The Auctioneer, 243 reet. provisions sopul ered illeg in the bazaars even go so fa r. cand the sitimacy is open on t Iv discuss foes. Nome wnce of our Summer Discussed in Public. ae to break out The shah is not ques nd public WEDNESDAY Aug: 28th, 10 a.m Walnut Parlar Suite, Carpets, Pic - rere memes = (Clock, Wooden Works, over 100 years | vated as to yield a revenue of $3,000 | --------====== ou), ancy pues, Rockers, | Writing | a year, was 'one of the points in the | , Hall , Fine Silverwear J Rp MP » Cutlery, Black Wainut tion Tahic speech of F. D. Monk, M.P., at the| wd Sideboard, Chairs, Couch, Cushions Lachine hortitultural exhibition. Wal ee ------ Lord Strathtona's report on British it continues to im- prove, and . are making the consumers hous; 'a fact" that | Canadian exporters should notice. 'Lawye The new Canadian buildings in Loun- | {trade states that Hllegitimacy of Persia's] irawingy forth considerable | criticism. Some say they will dwarf | +. | "The current rumors regarding the the Church, of St. Mary le Strand} 5 A : but the architect maintains the con-| Rome, Aug. - | movements the claimant to the ! (rary . - | throne of Persia seem to gain strength | Angus McDonald, foreman of an ex-| scene occurred in the dai - and the latest information via are was struck by passenger | MKanp, yesterday. of law courts ances » 335 Brock St... THURSDAY, Aug. | again all he Soumirs, onl Sinn le tan js to the fest ny the pre- | train No. 67..at. Hyde Pack and in-| Ferri, a Pn ei A Bhles re Ae a a a ating their 000 armed Bamdan oh I .- { jured so seriously that he died five | ligmentary deputy, stood up gnd re pointed to that cabinet post, issued a om Table and ed: | Hein we en Pence and |inforcements fx BE AE ol Ere" | minutes after reaching the' London, | fused to argue the case before the| general circular manifesting his in- : a state of celence RIN ements from Tabriz and other | g,¢ hospital. court on the ground that one of the | tention of purging the Italian bench habitually guilty | of incompetent or unworthy adminis legraph operatorsagain | assisting judges was to cease working with | of bribery and corrupt but the chiefs, after a| Signor "Ferri added, specified in formal he had handed to t towns. The national assembly is full | discord, nothing de- | finite being done. Meanwhile the shah shuts "himself- up in his palace at Teheran, and has quite abandoned the | The C.P.R. te | asked the chiefs | non-union men, { long conference, succeeded in persuad | ing them that such action would in dive Ba seri - of trouble and practice, w actice, r DID JUDGE ACCEPT BRIBES rs Refuse to Plead in His Court Investigation of Charges. 24.--An extraordinary | Sigmor Giacomo | the prominent lawyer and _ par hich | would be found denunciation, which | he king's proecura- - investigated. Hence the session had to be adjourned sine die. Apropos of this incident it may be mentioned that Signor Orlando, min: ister of justice, on being recently ap- at | government then began a ssecutions against various members of the judicial bench, who | were charged with corrupt practice in Genoa, Catanzaro and other places. trators. The series of pre Everything here even toa paper of pins is worth your while. ' Snaps §. For Saturday a SUMMER CORSETS-Go strong and lightweight, at LADIES' VESTS---Lace med, white, at 10e. AER White, knee 28c. $15 ir LADIES' DRAWERS---Pure length Drawers, at LADIES' T. ~All Now ; $20 kinds, at $10. TABLE LINENS * At 25c., 35c. and 50c. They have no equal at the Success sucoeeded in calling a passerby - who |" hes demand' for money is ---- -- -- ---------------------------- meeting . . . pods, and we have n at he is not of royal "de- energy and interest in his subjects | hm . AUCTION SALE OF "hich he displayed when } fe ws breach of eomtract. | tor x hie » dis : en he ascended | 8 § 3 3 a or. : La 4] t er asin uid he d pla n he ascendec xe Rew, York, taking, Sin over the The president was dumbfounded, and | The dean oh, the judges in the afore price _ FURNITURE. oi ahah pore 0 BCom, {gi fom, he dh, NA 1 nel wh wet lh theo mentioned Clallam Sy waa com ' 9 e Mrs. E. ¥. ORFORD, '250 It the outcome of the jong and dilatory | Petersburg state that the Turkish Ran s er hr hot nd tall to he proceeded with: but all the oth} lomned lo. a years suspension from - street, FRIDAY, Aug. 30th, JU ho delimitation business. . The force which recently * crossed the Per- aney last night § and mortally | or 1awyers in the court, one after an- office. This step on the part of the p S e in Magnificent ( Nordheimer) Cabirbt : idices have, as usual, heen sian frontier 'is now stated to be | wounded his wife as she lay asleep in: other, announced their adhesion to, central government seems to have in- . Piano, MaBogamy Parlor Suite, ers ne montis past, and | marching with fire and sword in the | bed. He then shot and killed himself. | Signor Ferri and declined to distuss| stilid courage into the ranks of the - or Drasings: Flt rao , Co OL PAY "the control of their {direction of 'Urmia,. having en Toute | The great majority, of the Doukho- | pusiness before the accused Judge! lawyers, who are co-operating in the FULL OF Brass Fender and --Andicons tat: nd Jet Toose their pas shelled the Christian village of Me- | bors in the North-West seem to bel Vignoeehi | till the charges had been | arduous task of judicial reform. other Rockers, Morris and Pasy Ciwdirs the-Christian villages in the (wan, destroyed the church, killed | Prosperous. Yesterday there was ship- v Oak Dining Suite, Dinner Seti, M x 1 Upmis he Persian troops | Bhout---ninety. persons. including . wo | ped to them from Gleichen. Man, 205 | Tm re | ma er aud Oak China Cabinets, Oak Ill y of Urmia. "18 LC} oumtry- | me J riod off ten | SDERdId Hotes, tha Tat of 500 order ; i { : ; and Chair, Clocks, Brass and Iron s to assist their country- | men and children, and carried off ten | CAN'T SELL THEM | no_new contracts except such as. are steads, Oak ge ether Dre or powerles girls. ped from one ranch, at a total cost of . | absolutely Rosary al to di ® : MARRIED, Chiftiniors, Sim Sewing Machine - = | $30,000. ---- . s v o0ens 5 x 9 ow Ostormant Matirepece, Imperial OXON | er - " p-- m-------- | en | New York City Unable to Dispose | tinue all work, es Fhontl 'which | CLARY wHALEN In X Range, 0X ove, Gas | A k y i 4 deat avd Kitonen Potros; Wheel Barrow DAILY MEMORANDA. | A HALIBURTON BRIDE. A TYPHOID EPIDEMIC. of Bonds. . | city's interests. This does not apply | rel of the Sacred Heart ain arden vols and o rartholomew's Day. ---- New York, Aug. 21--Owing to the | to work on school buildings nor to| HA MS, DUCKS articles, Cosy Corners, 5 is St. Berths Park, 8.30 p.m Clubbed Into Insensibility, As- Impure Water the Source of ney {a the money market the | contracts where large numbers of men) $ at greatly r Read ALLEN, The Auctionext. | every afternoon and even- saulted and Robbed. Infection. city sof New York has been obliged to | are employed. ~ - sat greatly reduced Poi Bay Steuben > : toreq pills &| Minden, Ont, Aug. 94.--From re-| Harrisburg, Pa. Aug. 94.--Accord- | increase the rate om interest on | This is the first time in twen ar -------------------------- boi Tag George 7 7 ports which have recently been receiv- ling to the state department of health | it has now for sale irom 4 to 44 per | that the city hes Je * New England Chinese Restaur- : SR Efatory Battle of Blad-| ed here it is learned that Mrs. W. H. | there are now ninety cases of typhoid cent. In addition the mayor issued an | pay more than four per cent. DIED. : a Secution of Hans! Shewfelt, of Blind River, Ont?, daugh- | fever in Ridgeway. The source of the | orderto the heads ch-nll city de- | STEWART. ~Tn New Y City, on . ant, 331 King Street. ( : How, C.F: Fret Sind, ter of C. H. Crofts, Ingoldsby, whose | infection, a case of typhoid on the | partments, requesting then to limit Revolving Birds' Nest. Aug. 22ud, 1907, tha Lywil . 3 ; NE 655. 1 . Victoria Bridge opened, 1860: marriage took. place only a few weoks | watershed, has been located: Placards | the expenditures of their respective | London, Aug: 24.--A pair of spar- Stelat, we, of & 4 Rexul "PHO pa. ie ago, was brutally assaulted and rob- | Warning the citizens to boil all water | departments to the lowest bie | rows has built a nest on the weather AA ¥ Reaular Dinner, 11 a.m. to 3 pm. . hed at her home last weok. H seems | have been posted in the town, and | point consistent with efficient admin: leock of a school building at Jarrow- 5 Tickets for $1. Also meals to orgcy ELEPHONES. | od : : at all as before "a a.m: to 3.30 WHIG TE t that she was alone over night and circulars printed m different languages | tration. s : ton-Tyme. , a.m. SI' JUB, Proprietor. 243--Business Office | was arpused by someone entering the | have: been distributed, finforming the + The action increasng the rate of | | . : | house through the window. The plucky | People what precautions to observe, | interest was taken by the sinking Japanese A Sober Race. i 25,000 Women Wanted. little woman was game and imm i | ee fund commission. The bone "siffec | "Fokin, Aug. 21.--~According to sta: | London, Aug. 24.--W. Barker, late of y | ately arose got the gun and lpvelled it | will Made Deposits. {are those known af the corporate tistics issued at Tokio, sixty-five per I: : Trawich; who emigrated to Canada re . 1e at | 2 the intruder; but thinking that it! New York, Aug. Baermiog nd of | stock of the oy of New York and the [cent. of the Japanese are tevtotalers. ----- cehtly, i ter to his rela me Daily Whig always on sale at opt possibly be her husband she the United States reasury Cortelyou | pesessment bonds. 3 ---------- ' tives, ig) At 3.000 women "ob Ginson's " x ariel Suanre { a at in mistake, lowered the | announced a new plan of depositing | The mavér's order ta city depart Only all-gream ice cream in the pity - erators are wanted for the factories Open t+ 7 cifle whén © he rushed upon. her and | government funds in New York, Bos-i ment chiefs directs them to enter into at Price's. - Te i : 2 : R or ti > ton and other cities, to afford relief » NESDAY, AUG '28th. in Ontarip Fl choked her till the blood ran from ' | PORT WHA. § Tom= 3 . |i : i { to the money market in the roach: | Tm ---- RTER J. W 7 Original : her mouth; then, with a sandbag or |! oney m n app - pany in Goethe's Immortal HH lrleininleiviefe linet So | something similar he pounded her toa] IDE ¢Fop moving period. The secre | = { iy i : ot Cl « . | State of insensibitity, robbed the house | "HFS. Soumeelng max} Seek 5% will : FA U rr. ol ' | of money and, other valuables and place each week at such points in hel 3 3 ~ 3 LLING OR INTEND + > Dinner ets i vooke his depature,. Mrs. -Shewlelt re- | country ae ae shall dosigusie, Rp ; . J a ao os Xen Bn wirat & Te fo] n ] + | covers sciousnes t' had t ~ {ernment funds to- such amon as he | ie ; lsschn Oe CAT - | agvared. eqacicusness SUE a oho | deems sufficient to prevent an acute ; . : ' a21 Feet of Electric - 800 Eteotric- ---------------- nd > { monetary stringency and possible | . [Flpwer Flume, 4 Instead of Allowing Them. to Pass He Becomes i: ) reportid the matter and the husband | the height of the crop EL SOON Links 1 hana 1 | g It surely adds to a gf | was sent for twenty-five miles away. great vt ; y : . : gore. JI mre a served in || Siar to say. Nee. Shewiel fm | moving er | Aggressor and Invites Attack UR vi h good dishes. | erly Miss K. Crofte} is quite weak | Likely Murdered . { | 3 . The ¢ buys his from th ous' shock and injuries * Ey > { . I RENE i" A ca SLR grower and soon SEE THOSE HANDSOME A She thinks he ald identi: Chicago, = Aug. 24.~The body of | Cape Fown, Ang. 24. While he was | himself. By this time he was fearfully | -- after An% the cutting out, ETS } fo the rohber. Her brother, Alfred | Fvandor Melver, a wealthy contrac on a shooting trip about fourteen {torn and mauled about the neck, arms | To-Night, Vaudeville. s then the cultivating, picking, WHITE AND GOLD 5 Crofts. upon hearing the news, . im-| tor. residing in Prairie, avenus, Was miles from his home at Hegulory, Wnt, and 'thighs, and was rapidly growing i -- Fe inni T i rd. 1 Ek mediately started to Asit her. | found, . yesterday, in a stairway - Cape Colony, this week, 'A. E. Clarke Lexhansted. { ' Fug . ar - : EE bolihg and Nisin A We are selling at $12, for Sing tel chi vis ling. io a basement in a house t Kuir, a British gettldr, had a terrible | Just before he sank to'the grgund | ALL NEXT WEEK this week at cost eT oe" Fan) LA 4 complete set. You eo , hotel pL For $3 1 Twenty Sith and State Hrtets i # fight with jackals ; | unconscious one Jarge® jackal a '3000 Feet New Movin, alres . « : othi as nice 'belore. | Telephone (nr ues kor ,000. { were marks of violence on the boNy,!. What he took to be a herd ol buck {on his shoulders and buried its tevth ' 2 4 old alr ady, but we profit." . t's geen B { Boone, la. Aug. 24.--Dr. H. P.| and all of the money and valuabl approaching him turned out to he a lin his neck, and he remembered noth- 4 x wos sucsgsstul pan 2 Punsen, of. Story county. has bots | east heen taken. i The otics believe mek of Pane' jackals, the laree | ing me: When he reageered hig 'g . : siness mu Sax made the defendant in a 3,000 dam- | Melvor was murc ered and thrown | variety so much dreaded by farmers | senses was in a sheep keaa wi Song. , any size its profitable conduct. He Robertson Bros. it, filed by Miss Alice SicKee, | down the stairway, "land herdsmen. Instead of allowing | four friends wha hal saved his life. oAdmission to Grounds Free oe . rents a store, employs clerks, ee -- chief operator of the night telephone {the pack to past unmolested, he fired | They came' on the scene as he was | ars. * FC buy his goods, then exhibits - lee service of Cambridge. Miss Mokee al-| ak s and killed the leader. {lalling, and as the infuriated beasts : 8 with Milli of Bonds. | ; : : i: them hefore the public. Every meee, Montreal, "managel [lege that Dr. Hansen called her some | Missing bd ons Of Bonds.| The others wivanced on him, and |were rushing on him to tear him to GOOD NATURE ran hs names, and even| Washington. Aug. 24.--Edwin . H: before they surrounded him he killed | pieces a few shots and a Co ined | Hyon bi : .. | three more and wounded two. Then a rush. seattcred the animals in all dic Lad ne grank. IN = of! the Me I rans step dis of equal importance, i head . 1 x 2 and like a. piece of machinery ' and i company, is wanted threatened to throw her from the tefe- | Putis, unt 8 * ago a tru 1 0 | wounded . & one defective part affects the | Boot and JOST Creditors. The shoe | phone exchange because she did nt | employee of the American National fgrin{ fight againsi overwholming odde | rections. f whole. = for defraudipg M8 ally owned by hix | get _a message through as quickly as{ bank, is missing, and there is a war hegmn, for he was alone in the bush.' ' "The lever that drives success- company x pring K nd B. L. White (he wished. ! | rant against him. charging misappgo- | Using his rifle as a club, Mr. Kuir dis- : Iully the business of the King- | brothefin aw, 1. Ba © pT - priation of $11,000,000, of certificates posed of a few more of the brutes, ston merchant is the'use of the "in Bostan. de of pure fresh lime | Sir Wilirid Laurier has returned to of Erie railroad stock, Potts belongs | but his. weapon broke and he was left | They sent © advertising A biz DOC Wade's drug store, Ottawa. i ; to an old Virginia lmily, * lyith only the two barrels to. delend 8 y , ay ¥ pe colmnns of the « Shoe Store, "5 sselve uncomplimettary fow dave ago a trusted "After taking him 'home, Mr. Kuir's rescuers returned, and found twenty: j which i "ne TURK or, Friooess Catch the