Exclusive Fur Store. TO ORDER. plomi-Fitted and Bex Coats in LISTEN !. e make © : pile make our own Shells for Pur W. F. GOURDIER 76, 78 and 80 Brock St. 'Phone 700. Optical Work Carefully and promptly ex- ecuted mew style, mounts and specially shaped lenses made to order. -. "Repairs of all kinds. Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted. -------------- Wide Width- Silk Rib bo! all colors, 15¢. a yard. 3, Ladies' Fast Black Cotton Hose, 2 pairs for 25c, t Ladies' Elastic Ribbed Vests, White, SI : eeveless. Special, - 7jc. 4 Men's Balbriggan TU: nder- wear, Shirts and Drawers, § Special, 45¢. a gar rae 53 Men's Soit Bosom Shirts Whi go hite Collar Tops, 2 for PREY, all reduced in | Phong Sheds. must go, room for.F: Goods arriving daily. st, Eal ------ Newnan & Shaw J : I The | take f nen | York, and Dn or" ¥ d mus' life in Kingstop by the glad {lantyne, and Mi + Emil Ballantyne. | yne, _ Miss ¢ Ballant | and. her law, Mrs. William addelier duughtygin law, Mrs. William | 15: Ra McCann, + M ". C. Barbe: Mrs. A. P. Knight A {Larke, {Damon Trassell, of New York nd Med "Prank Bermingham got | C } n and . M got | Colharne, husiaxtie f elon home Trofs | arid is the sweet singer who charm can See' just | ec people k i bs , " ar » her clever young ality, Shen Dothvoic_anedperson- have been inthe days year or so ago. The 'guests were: Mrs. J, rs. Neil O. Polson, | AJ erhert: Spegeer, Mrs. W. Baker | ¥ Ji ~ marriage of Miss Cory 3 Louise of Colborne, ta Mr. . ' Clarence Ra hy rk, will place in the Presbyterian chureh, next Wednesday, Miss staying in Kingston a | valve, Spread of Flames and Saves Life and Property. What is known as the Elmer fire gas | | has been patented by J. Elmer, | ehief of the Kingston fire department, | p Oe | This new device is for the parpose of | rd | stopping the cause and spread of Bre, | ee gt THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, tL FIGHTING : FIRES ge ob PATENTED. « {was the Elmer ' Fire Gas Valve so) Lalone., Tk ol acti ony of Prihce: aN SDR Tar SIS ny St Shorey. a» emiieagme mp ------------------T AT ONCE. MAN Io WAREHOUSE. Ee wee wn "Me od CHE Edward's native sons, is dead, xt the ad+, -------------------------------------------- Ia QuNERAL SERVANT TO GO. TO | FTA Sor wil Given: Ap* o of t; years. "He APPLY OR|A FEW SMART GIRLS, FOR STEADY orky wages. Apply to King street. : SUMMER C01 Stores Hy Broek < of his | 3 . T > 3 i re. T* Wi | and shves life and property YOUNG MAN, AP ONCE: ness 'of old friends t5get him back. Mrs. T. Merrett, William street, had | he propert; ing, ING RE ft : | A merry party lo of Mr. and|a delightiul and upexpected little omy Fred oteuatiittes eli attics, spaces | > ---- Biv F + Wolds Toh: ston Hosiery Coy. Ars. Cornelis Rermingham, Hr. and) ily Theisen sparty, on Thursday | os, schools hs ing i i 2 a ars ng fe a ~ : ME! Nie. Willian Befingbam, Judge and| when Mr. and" Mrs. Fdward Mo Hay, (of, salioe.S ng. , OYmS a | gon of 'pie' OF the Barliest 'settlers, He - -- | FOR DRESS-MAKING DEPARTMENT, 3 Nr O'Reilly, Hon. William {and' their three lovely ward Merritt, | powder which 8 8 bul fic spreader, | 27% 0 On Hallowell and had been'|A 'SOON SALESMAN, FOR. CLOTH | skirt waist i and rs Ra y 5 hildren, drop- | when touched. off 'by an explosion o ps 3 : 1 ing , also. good sulesmas employment. Good Wages, Harty, Miss Kathleen and Mr. = W. {ped in on her, on their way from Glen | heated airs The relief for this is giv "farmer till last Sow vears of his for F ne Department, Applyi Apply 'Bteacy & Steacy. i : Harty, DES Mes, 5 J. Harty, | Island to Honea]. Miss' Helen, 'She | on bythe Ener et Tor aie ghee fo, W he' ved red, ith his by letter to Box "1.B.," Wiig office, | BRICK DWELLING, NO, 181 Mes. Ha pers. Henri: Punet, [eldest of the grandchildren; -is avery fora . i : hi, at" the family i. street, twelve r ox re Edith] i : 'aver young music Fs { for an- emergent 'escape of air. ring 8 hs 1 ett LADY PIANIST: ALSO LADY ve than IR. ey Xs. Migs Mabel Brown. Cloves Young musician, and hus. ben This new device stops the spread of [erotsto in welifion strect: He was a goo FIRST-CLASS CEMENT FINISH |= cushier, who : ALSO en. | AS inp {mmediute EM Fapnces. Su livan, Miss ny g& some very creditable things in | fire, enables firemen or any person to isciple 1A: <7 et Statiiuiin, Syfuciie Universit Wo Health, streryth Teapuctapiity "ply to Frederick Marion Redden, Miss Frances Camp- | h® way of pasding difficult examina- | stop a fire ir few ds y ts | Perhaps the Higet successful garden |, are Bu rE TA nsteaction cesontial, Must live home, M ara YOtY Bilision aproet. | Miss Loretta Swift, Mr. Robert tions at MeGill. : ph = fin 3 Ny a Jn secs, preven $ {party held in Ricton this season wag a ng ng | { short. Address "'X. Ya %., ¥ KLreighton. oy Ww. Kent, Mr. Karl we Bevard Marsh and Miss Fdith | of suffoeativh a ry rr Shot on fhe AT of Rt rEuly § 1 itch. FOR SALE, Fg Handy. and Mr. James Swift, Jr.,| rsh lait, vesterday. for Montreal, | poi aaah Re | Roman Ca! ,-on Wednesday Sh a : 3 ) i 4 a, an Touts ) ean .'| poisonous gases, enables firemen to i A : : THRER GIRLS, TO WORK IN PARER : 2 ' Sook the Rideau King gt six o'clock, {' wie ta Boston, Washington, and | locate danger at ouce, saves property evening. po Pn of susie, DETECTIVES ; SHREWD: RELIALLE REE RLS] Ras, light BISONS GRAPHOPHONE, BETH fon Wednesdhy eyening, for Clayton. Nae ork. They 'will reigrn to Can-4 from being damaged by' water, and given by the Cili . was hear ns Be ene er y "| © work, steady employment. Apply at Yoh Deak mt bought 8 ; fn arrival" there of the train from be) and will sail for England from | saves 'cutting and damaging roofs. by "the wveral t there, _ J wary. Write H. 'C. Webster, Ladian: | once, to Kingston Hosiery Co. itd. reet a A Few York, with the happy pair on et | The device can be worked from the pra Je a 3. Yer ), apolis, Ind. i Xing St irs THREE PONIES, 13 HAN oH foard, there was such a display of The Rev. Joseph and Mrs. Forsvthe, | ground, eve when + building * which will be for church purposes. - t RL Swill de: sokt Ek eit: ofc. £8 Lov who. Rave bien vigiting Mie HonGmic An + even when - buildings are {jg hor day Ww I'he a very quiet holi- 5 1 "WANTED--GENERAL. Apply al this Office, 3 drew or) s, ghleiam, Vig , ete. us never | Na han Lake aes 3 a in | they 1 e stories high, and ean be | Jay: in town. There will 'be io. cele SMART BOY To ASSIST IN MAlLc| : . " Sas Che whelevihagyas was iHaminats: - ARE, T ack in town | , © 8 be < , electric- We is u i partment on onday wnt PE bi . and the voriferdh welcome 4 the With oh and Mrs. Grout. "They Hae To phy sens: Ron batt aourtighe Ml = I do Hh Tarenoons,_ ard ) pura A FY - on eanbenionos ON pare ar gar tron A 4 b tt may leave fox thei site >] rat Power, ' ) Tove, p . ernoot: / ne ger, it poderty conveniences, . \ ; "male members of receiving party rent oa ey 2. th ir home in Ottawa, | The principle is to save time and | any Haus being planned, BY Whig office. Aly ny or. 1908. Apply Box "LPG Whig Drury, "#74 riuctes. Sets, v0 ee he Joly return | he Rov. harks ad Ne. Masters | oh ahead 5 te fre |e. Jk Re Hit Shue irom | oomed oA 20 ROOK SKINS. WITH Au Ronan Journel rival Cabs 'have! rety 4 Shelburne, *] Bra Tos or » past seven years in iChisgga, where: ttended WMetho- . ! ' power Broel o and a van met the revellers, taking N ; sed to Shelburne. | Kigston: total 640; insurance carried, hicaga as wha et A Solr o thor juny ROR DITCHING JAPTINGL, JOB CLEANING ASHES ouT. OF | = yer, Can be i Lat hem to Mrs Cainajins -Reomingl AF iss May Villiers, Johnson street, | 3.500.000; 1 tater per. vent dist. conventions Th apdeoh ; mes, De- | track aid Yallanting on ingaten. and | TO re or eollars, oF other vogeege | aay time. Apply o X n lo MTS. Ry mingham s left, vestarda Faroe di rE i 1088, "C Bq ler 2 nt. 1! the mat | o way. for particu rs, | y oe » S 8 ? oR min. ny i rE | Sr nt Eo aki | Bp ER Ha, SE at oe. |S BRICK WoUER- 0 AYDEN 3 . be . | chi SARA ¢ x . - : y y 8 ; were ready with 'more Greek fire out! Miss Bdith Davidson, after an ex- | machine. a n A. Norman and Miss leorn - are - } bam St., south of Johnson Bt, . of doors, and a delicious 'upper with-| tended visit ine Chicago, and Minhen- | In' 'the, cape of a building on Se sriending a week at Wellington." Mrs. | arm VOOGALIST, WHO CAN HEAD | FoR FEW MONTHS FROM SEPT. |. tedrogns, hot Water Junafe. Avply 1 in. 14 was early in © the morning he- polis, 'hag returned and is now camp- te-firumen wseund to the top. an find | Calvin nnd son. Lesalie, of Belleville, music, readily. 'Good voices required. | 1st, or Oct. loth, furnished house, street, © Hh fore the gay party hroke wp, after ing at Fourteen Island Take, Verona the "five channel. The valve in the |, ra snests of her sister, Mrs, Ww. | but hi training wot essemtiall | or {Wo OF three rooms with or ithe sm -------------- Soaee more telling 'the doctor and his Mrs. So Huntin: Si v Yerona. most direct lin® will have discharged | Famty. A. B. Wilson, menager Bank State qualifications in ful. Address out bourd Apply | Box 45, #| AUTOMONILE, 20 HP. OLPSMOBILE Wie how very, very welcome they her sister, Mi wk M amy soh and | the Bxplosive or fire gas thus pre- | of Montreal, has returned alter spend Sivger,'t Wiig -office. office. pe Touring Car, seating b i 0 TY 3 2 ry her sis iss sel Mills, are home Ie " ts $ fof ) Her - ig 3; Lar, were. Mrs. (PL CH. Primirose, whom [from a delightiui trip to nh me | venting the spread of the fire as the ing three weeks 'at Algonquin Park. a i em A ------ mm ---- in eX RB A y Wi prery one vrefpembers still as Miss up the Saguenay. Ss . current of air draws the flame and| Nr: Fenderson, New York. is the Angrove's: et Wherry Steefs, shared in all the eclat = Mrs. William Newlands, Be 3 fire into sali, and thus 'the flame is! guest of her sister, Mra, (Dr.) Moffatt. ~ X x : . 3 '» Y ands, Bagot street, 1th + " = $i the. jollifeation, for'she came homed returned from Ottawa, to-day er | sontalized. 3 hen ull fies Sirgen have ¥. and "Mra. J, & Oaylow. London, , SOLID BIICK HOUSE, 02 WRLLING: i Ir «. Bermi £ spending a few weeks wi ! Ix | to do is to follow down and cu out {ive visiting in town. Mrs or ton St. 0 rooms, ba ; at with Dr. and Mrs Rermingh am, spending af 3 wal with her daugh- | (ha fire, 'the fitst water having de a hi on Bo Tg] inieonis and, scutral iene, est Mrs. Henry Hubbell, Bagot street, Miss Jenkin, Princess street, is the § troged ns foree at seat o fice. The guests of Misses _ Gibson, Main street. Yr Usion AS i - gaked a ftv ladies to ten, iv (guest of Mrs. William Boyle, Napaneqgy miching,. hy i Sraving a She § Roa E. G. Hicks visiting Mr. and Mis, ee es thite Fraser. & 2 Tora | 4 r Bre. is Np. chant (3. Gibgon, Paul street, hos: returns ' CUT STONE FRONT RESIDBRC fiernoon, to anlet Mrs, White Fraser, | Mr. RR. Logah Roe, Renovo, Ti WH gles elegy air. and Laer js I'. G. Gibson, Fa ' return K of Ottawa: a camping for _p few weeks Presque | of the fire geting away from the five: | **o Viotoria, Texas. Miss Olive «- Prof: Halstead, who has used . hl and bo tae 2% hee oe Isle Point, 1 ai \Svilentinm to spend: 0 Cooper. Belleville, and Miss Mary B. ; : oA bob oe Ma (ROOF The chaperohes at the Yacht Club [a few EE oes JURED Topping, Woodstosk, are visiting Mr. ne Whip'b-oouiepece Sol ites top, eonteining keke, fave on Wealncoday, were Mee J..|cottage on the luke: © | A LADY INJU : and Mrs, E, C. Garbutt. x ip a. . Kingston wr ming billiard aco ants an . Campbell, 1 vo artin, Mrs. i ¢ 1 -- n room, Hbrary and rs R E Rent, and MR. F. Browafield, | Mr. and Mrs. N. B.. Hamm, of Wil- {A Bunch of Personals From! THATS WITH.ANARCHIST. Poon, bath room and all Mo The dance was Sp ily enjoyuble for [low Glen, Napanee, amiounce the en- | ; Gananoque. ; . pt «"Thanks for the good position comiendl Stations? Wash fhere were purtnegsito spare for the & Reient of sit ouly daaghter, {| - Gananoque, Aug. 23. -- The steamer Easy to Be Have in Uniform, you. have given my advertise house heated by hot Water, irls, and 3all had a jolly evening. abel Augusta, to Mr. Clarence Drum- | America took out © ar xtra large! Says King. TNecessAr ED of the visitors Stoke Wh ap mond Smith, Toronto. The marriage | crowd om Gananoque on her tripto! Paris, Aug. 24. King Alionso. has Healy 2 Tvs pind i ne aay po on the pi preciatively of pur Yacht Club and will take place in August. | Ogdensburg this morning. Mrs. Thom: | yecepted from the Patristic League of ' + ediy i - -- the delightful hospitaiity Taf its mem | Se oo 0 0 { as Baker wet with a very painful, bul | French women a book containing over the Whig the very best m! pi n FOR SALE OR TO 5 bers. 1 ? iss Muriel Iredale, of Suksex, Eng- | not serious, accident, vesterday morn- | 100.000 signatures, commemorating the Canadian papers, and have adver: bude Ms 8 Cad os vv land, is the guest of Mrs. Daniel God | ing. Breaking: through one of the lanarchist outrages at Madrid, which tised in most of the principal PREMISES, CORNER KING: AND Mrs. J. Ms, Campbell.' Sydenham dou, at the prineipal's residence boards' on the platform in the vear of | marred his majesty's wedding day. Hopi in t our dnt street. gave a young people's supper Colonel J. Gi. Holines left, "yester- their - residence, she 'fell, with her fulll One of the delegates. who presented ones. Hoping again to use ¥y party after the Yacht Club dance, in t pe fee London weight, on her right hand and arm. | the volume warmly congratulated the paper at a later daté, I remain Ape honor of<her. Hay Island visitors. Mrs, John cKay, :Jr., Sydenham | which was seriousiy bruised. Medical | king upon the courage he showed on ys Among the guests were: Miss Belle street, and her little oirls, are home |aid was summoned, but, fortunately, | that aceasion.; .. Yours Faithfully, -- ete 4 Craig, Miss May Smythe, Miss Emily from their summer outing. no banes were broken, and she will be | "What ' French or Spanish officer «(Sgd,) .F, HALSTEAL.'!' -- Smythe, lies Mabel Dalton, Miss | Mr. and A. Fisher, of Ottawa, who aroung¥again inside of a week. { would not have done the same Te: e a = Edith "Hubill, Miss Madeline Higyins, | have been spending a delightinl holi- The meeting of AC.A., at Sugar|plied his m#jesty, adding jocularly. DR. McCARTHY, © Miss Mugjorty: Merrick, Mr. Kroes ua at, Algonquin Park, staved a few | Island, for 190%, was brought to a{"lt is so easy to be brave when in "ovcuphed by DF. Gildersleove, Mr. George Smythe, Mr days. this week, wit Mrs. Fisher's | close, to-day, the major portion of | uniform." be i treal and B. Dalton, Mr. Alfred Rudens, Mr. cousin, Mrs. Buxton Smith, Brock |the campers coming to town and | Accompanied by, Queen - Victoria, * Reyes, Mr. Gordom Merrick and Mr. | Street, on their way home. leaving by boat. for their respective | King Alfonso the other day cnered a Garnet Lockett. Mrs. Campbell, who Mrs. H. Munro Grier is the guest of | homes. The body of Veita Riekka | tobaceonist's shop in San Sebnstain "iy EE makes a "charmingly thoughtful hos { Nre. J. H. Rirkett, at 'St. Lawrence | Kaohn, the young Finnish lady | and recognized in ope of the gustomers v POWER & SONS. ARG : toss, had tlecorated her house very Cattage {drowned at Nicholls' Island, was ian anarchist wrol on iy gectnd fin | -- ee . Zand Wellington Phone, 312. brantifully« with -- pink and whito-as- |. 1155 Bella Fraser is coming down buried, to-day; at Gananoque ceme- {connection with the Madrid eutrage. u ters. kin ! Shes | From, Teoma, on Monday, ne og tery, no word axing heen, received | is majesty shatted with Je ox, HELP WANTED--MALE. REAL ESTATE. lt 5 £1 HENRY P. garth, oo cpr, . a » » spend a few 'days with her sister, Mrs. from any of her friends or relatives {and then pinned in his goat a: Trosv ® CALIFORNIA, WIT, 18 SUNS 2 ' s ner ware The Couitey: Club Has had its usual | J- M. Campbell, Sydenham street, bn rs. Moore, Iroquois, spending wev-| taken Jrom a bunch which the, queen | WANTED HAVE A NEWLY PATENT. | LIEORNIA_Wi 3718, SURSHING | tHihons, 349, 2 NOt ¢ 4 hs a her way - back to Albany, N.Y. Mrs. | oral weeks with relatives in town, has | was carrying. ed device ; baviog big sales thro | climate and produotiony, is the Mecen $ quota of quiet little luncheons, high | R J | agents ; Traveller nceded 10 AAS the Homeseoker. Write Pacific MONEY AND BUSINESS. teas and dinners _this wee The | Campbell bad a little house party | returned home. Miss Webb, Brockville, | sn get | appointments ; no canve will ast Investment Cotipany Backfc | Han cuisine is popular, the wu the | from Hay lstand for the vacht club | arrived, this evening, to visit Mr. and | THREE CHILDREN. DROWNED. | pay selary and expenses Ww. ly: F.l mente, Celifornie. ' OUR POLICIES. COVER MORE oF BE ti er ives att ap | Jance--dires. Watson and ier, son, and | Mrs. William G. Bates. Chilion Jones ---- " {Li ucarson, Hos SLY Branord. | ; - iiding and te then any other petite , a" Miss. Ella 'Watson, 'and Miss Marie | is with friends in Brockville. Mrs. | Upset of Skiff Beréaves Family of | pr to. PERSONAL. { company offers. 0 t t & petite, and * the company i lways ES ; ue Rinirs { - ? | Godwin's Insurance i i well-nssorted; and therefore pleasur- Oghbdrn ; ; _ |and 'Miss Carrington, 2 ingston, are} . Norman . {FOR AUTOMOBILE WORK, THRER ttt ant oA SGN APO ! able Re I i Miss Belle Craig, West street, is| guests of Mr. and. Mrs, Theodore Par. | ag 0. Aug. 24.--Three children of| first-class lathe men, three drill RETIRED WEALTHY GENTLEMAN, | ¥ . \ ER ping bre 1-6 ie. a SN RAR | dn, oe Be WH | i i SRS i | Me. Artin Klugh, Wellington bh ter, is with friends and yela- {40 6h padian | fro © 'company for| Will gusrantse steady employment | matrimony, Box 94 Elgin, lil i body Sol Tor wn add street, gave leas: little . Miss J. Drummond, The Avon-| tives here. In 1 : 4 i » | and will Pay. b t wages to first- | ee tesemsearrsasemes | a ' n . i Lo t, gave a pleasant httle pieni fe wah T te SO Slonner is twa | North Jastings, were drowned at] § andda Cycle & Motor | a " ' | hich the policyholders have for party to 'Kingston Mi Thurs. | MOT is going up to oronto, on | Clarence C. Skinner 1 % > A¥0 | Gilmour thirty, miles eth sal hare. | Pn he Co LK ARE CU LONEMOME 3 I AM. } security the uniiol } 3 sto; h \ TN ed Sli so ake' Dry y it. Mich. Miss | & s 3 of re, Jompany ., To o J . Y ~ weak | £ bs day, in honor sof her v Mrs. | TR Bass ges a org ii d family by ke Fatale n Detroit J uest | Wednesday afternoon. r. Green bad | besarte ok win De riheu | the 'stockbelfore at y pro. . Gardiner Harvey. The members of tha | 2 I> ae ne wii Pt emis Tia "1H. Baker.) | been swmmering at Wads th's Lake. | LOST. | view ta Matrimony, Box 104 gin, | rates, Before renewing oid Ox Jicnie drove down in a van to the A unnyside, Es Who a we guests ol the | of her brother, Herold La x, No I To js believed that th Sook) i 1. | mw wet rates from Mills ¢ 8 bor might heat ntdernut av wotel, returnec to | returned home iss urke 18 | 2 a - & . 3 ¢ A i Aw % ~ { & Stra , A tiful aN Ra Rs Aygieine night . a | Kingston on: Thursday. | friends in Kingston. Miss. Maud Cor- | Yoeie~ {atlier's Hew fifo oe 1A rAny'S LONG FAWN Wa ary s | KNOW THY FUTURE. GRD A BER | es ; ¢ a ome . ¥ i " ok | rOWS ent + » time! "ry bre 3 i { - . : asa Bi 3 picture of past and peesent wbeo- | Mrs: K i awl - Mise E. L. Burrows. of New York { nell, Harrowsmith, spen ling some time] "0 : : Cemetery. Reward at 322 Brock St, 5 | VETERINARY Klugh chose for her, party Miss | 4 gies Lila Burrows, of Belleville, {in LE te. ss arrived here on | fect, from the shore: dH win. Roscoe. | ' {ot utedy (fran, wlth forecast "for _ the | : Agnes and Miss. Mildred Macmorine, | © y ' who had been rocking' 'the hab to | wane " ar Yrs | car. Be benefitted by what the stars - oC TEIN ate of acmorine, | pe guests. of Mrs. Stephen Rough- | a holiday with her parents, Rev. and BEL <I : | WATER "SPANIEL DOG" MEDIUM | Fou toll you, Send birthdate ond] DR. G. W. BELL, V.8, HAS RE- Miss Tibbitls, of _ Boston: Miss. Daisy | Wb 70 ant : rs). C: Carnell ! sleep, discovered the i size, answering to the aa of rr with Bo. silver to Veron Melwn,| moved to his brick block on Clarence Fortescue. the Rev: Charles Bilkey | tom: King ae mio | : 3 oe arnell. ing iii vacation [he saw, the heats ho Doc." Finder Dledke return 10 Dr. Syracuse, Indiana. | street, jUst above the Post, office. and his young brothér, and Mr. Leo a EY TD an ls tech Gg Ale '{ The body of the little, gir) on was | RB: Sparks, S304 Privorss wn. | Calabi thophone of lograph - nard Birkett. iss Kathleen are home in orts- | in etroi Miss ellic Lake, at} 0 C8 first, and He nett | and receive a reward, EDUCATIONAL, | prompily at to. 4 > alia | mouth rem: little Metis. | Sweet's. Corners, has returned home. | A a TE Grech -- | ------ 3 Mrs Arthu Klugh, - Wellington Miss Macaulay, King street, came | Misses Myrtle and Toa Wright; viwit--| and. Willie were JO dt PE hp | INTELLIGENT AGENTS. ' | [INTERNATIONAL ORRESPORD-: MARRIAGE LICENSES. { . Arihur > a » x gion | 'hack,, ob Chuveday, from her sixjing jor some 'weeks past at Athens, | Re Jo | e-- mt "ence Senos, nton, --Fae,--local | TT 3 wt a small t al: | eeks. stay at Metis. | have returnéd; Mrs. * Charles Root, | : ] #7 |\N EVERY TOWNSHIP. VERY LIGHT 57 Brock Ht. Office hours, 9] 0; 8. RIRKPATRICK, ISSUER OF "noon, in honor of her. visitor, Mrs Mid Moy Ross, Alfred street, is an | with friends in Almonte and Carleton | Five Genera > | work with good salary to live men. | a.m, to b p.m. ; Saturday evening. 7 | Marringe Licenses, 42 Clarence . . Gardiner Hovey, of: Guelph. Af the Kingston colony at Metis | Place, has. returned 5 |. Losion, Avg. H.-Fingugarations | - Write to P.O. Box' v86. Mente} b. 3. K/ Carrol, representative. | Thom, M6 2 5 . dther'c 8 ; . : { au Foy : i sel 4 M + WSR who is home, but, Mrs, Walter Macnee| Mrs. O. Burliegh, accompanied by | of. one family, are living Gates: | wa me emt me m------ wos. GW. Gi Bout, Brock steths | fer party will not be hoge till her sons, William and Francis, is with | headsonTyne, their AgRrgaT AC 4 wa TeSterdayL gave ofa of the enjoyably A ah oe in Gouverneur, N.Y. Mr. and | totalling 288 years. Willa, and James ' - . . " ; > morn] Heels teas to which all her y eRe Mrs. William Meggs and family are Stockman are fou and v years 5 -~ iy friends lik : han like So much to go. Her drat: Mr. Cyril Knight, of the geological | with friends at "Rockport. Mrs. Hor- | old, respectively, their father '38 thir \ ing-room had many flowers, chiefly id i Toronto, spent | ace Griffin leit, during the past few | ty-five,- their grandfather, fiftyseight, 8 5c had . ' pink and white asters, decorating it survew = departient, Tor M a 1 a : i z it) y lati thei reat nitlfa the: ight 1 . v 1 antl swhite asters, tefornlng oo FN eck-ond with Dr. and Mrs. A. F.|days. to spenC 8 week with. relatives | their great-grandfather, eighty, anc dl Miss Grier was in sharge of the je bi ay in Rockport. = Misses W. Gi. Rogers, | their gheat-great-grandmother is in : 1SIN 9 ve Se or a CS. a things Canon Groat and the | MRSC LF Mipay, Alice street, is | George K. Tavlor and Byron Heaslip | her 104th year. s EEA S i uring the past few " . - Rev. Joseph* Forsythe, in whose wife's honor the tea .was given, were both Present, and did much to make the afternoon pleasant. Among the gues were : Mes. Ladd, Mrs. R. S. Fo i Mrs. T. Merrett, Mrs. R. C. Carter Mrs. Shirley « Going, Miss Rogers and Miss Emily Rogers. * - - . Mrs. William Workman, .Alired street, asked a few people to tea, ves | terday, to meet her 'sister, Mrs. Bal- | | 00 YOUR LOOKS ~~ - | QUITE SATISFY. YOU ? Is vour'golor fresh and rosy ? : Does the glow of health shine out in | yor cheeks ? i Do vour eyes listen" with health. or | are they gull, dark circled and tired 7 | Alas--yeur bloodless face indicatys | trouble. Your watery blood menaces your health, What you need is the | "toning, elfansing assistance of 1 Hamilton's Pills. They will clean out the gverplus of hile that makes your skin® so murky,--they will put. ew life into the-stomach, brace up digestion and make ypu cat sufficient fooa 15 got a blood supply ahead: Good blgod always means more Strength vigor,--that's why Hamilton's Pills - are so. successful in | uilding Wp weak, thin folks. You'll feel better: at once, your looks | Will pos : Li ¥ill improwe and thot half dead, lazy | and prevent iE CIT p or, Lite { > feeling will depart, because Dr. Hamil- | Liver Pills. a hai i ee . vertise- | ton's Pillefanliven and fortify every trith. One pill (& sg: n & 6. Small] hs ailing orgdn in the body- a | ment. Smal Pil. a : Ask youg. [riends,, your iteighbors* 3 hy 15t anyope can tell you gi, the [Sap mous good done hy. Dr.' Hami ton's Fills, but beware of any substitute. | ¢ Pe See Cmts. " CE -- * . up in Muskoka. | spent some time d Mrs. | days in Kingston. The. Rev, J. E, Starr and Starr, of Toronto, are the guests, ol} - : Mrs. James Acton at Stoney Lake. ° | Never break-guarantesd steel fishing Mr. and Mrs, Gerald V. White, of lrods, $3, 8.95 and up to $10. J. Pembroke, 'ara receiving congratula I Routley's, 173, 175 Princess = street; tiens upon' the 0 sion of the birth |and 2334 King street. i 'a.daughter; at Petitcodiac, N.Biy| Physicians recommend the red cross 2 A ust 16th { brand _ beef, iron and wine; Boe. a on ANE G. Brown, of Montreal, bottle. Sold only at Gibson's Red : aprived to spend some tinie at the | Cross drug sfore./ as si Island, a Pembroke; | BH. Cupningham; piane_ tuner, from y «0, | Chickering 8. ors . at -McAuley's Phone 778. ; The: engagement of Miss Ellen i Clark, matron of the Sarnia General} Hospital, and ¥-. d county crown attomey, v Mr and- Mrs. James: H. McVeén, Dresden; "anmounce their niece Mise Eva McVean, to Mr. | W. A Peace, ofy Dresdeny The wedding will take place on the} of Sep-| tember, is announced ®th y. Louise, eld J.-H A . . The marriage of Miss ost danghter of Mr. and Mrs Colborhe, Goderich, Ont:, to FF: Go; Burton Vail of Washington, nc, vi i take place at noon on 'September 4th, | at the: residence of her father. : The marriage ap te announced in | Ottawa, to: take. a on Septembe teh of Miss ANme-YoURt, danighter of Rev. Hs A. Hon aletho law firm of Honky well and es a: | i gh cick headacne { price . = / Rout: 1 Beautiful hanmpek cheap' a ove | 13, 175 Pr mec; beafgoh, | 354 King street: B. | book store. jus -P.. Bucke, | § Julivs at Soule of | bachelors. One. seldom ~~ S0G8 the engafement of {iu sufficient warning a woipan. in the {reet without a sKopping bag. This yeti . Heavy Infantile Mortality. - Lorxdon, Ang. 24.~1hHe "Wear of St. : . WOLFE ISLAND NOTES. Paul's, Stalybridge, has drawn atten- ------ tion to the fact thet Stalyhmidge: has | Purchasing Hay--There Are Many the highest. pergmtage, . of injpntile Visitors. : mortality in - Cheshire, Exactly one- . gs . mortaliy, in em ulyogoth, | Voll Jaland, Aug. 2313. Barty, , » | mate «of the férey steamer, has dis- 1906, to the coreesponding dete in the "5 his threa-vear-old stallion to present year were under twelve months posed old, pk | more than half of the total [2 city gentleman for a handsome sur. He ds well bred. Gene Beaupre, To- island visiting rela- tives. Miss Spriggs, city, is engaged as teacher in the village public athool, Mise McDonald in No. J Briceland had drillers at work ih his mht Were under hi i of pee: ronto; is on the Church As 'Tunéhéon Room, Liverpool, 'Aug. "94. THe "Rev. HW. to as 3 So "od "the, gEniine oy Shi Vee 6 Yson's nl TC rah wild alors 180. jiillk W. Boyne Bunting, rector of Porlock, | Somerset; complains of vandalism by | holiday makers. Within thé la¢ 'three months he had io projet against one | party eating theirflunch in his shurch. {and int another party 'who cliim- | ed the bells, PREPS > { -------- { -Haymeking At 89. Aug. 9.---Mr. 4 of. Bomby, "Westmoreland, eighty "mine - ang eighty-five well, ahd water raided to a depth of Em ---------------------- {w ho "are ) vers ald; ively, have harvested {the hay, erop from their ten-aere meadow without assistance. "Mr. Har bison forked 'the hay, While his wife loaded the sart. . re Chess By Telephohe. Pretorias Aug. 24.--A chess match {by te e between players at | Johanneshurg and Pretoria has results led in a victory ior the Golden City by six games to three : ROS 10,000 Blawts, Pills, drow "ne het kr cit {for 250, - ; yA a seventeen feet. Miss Mollie MeGrath inl home from St. Louis on a month's | vacation. Miss May Cuff, Watertown, was visiting her awnts here last week. George Hammond, the popular bari- tong, is moving .to his cottaje in the village, and expects to make a great many improvements, and also convert his water front into a bathing re-| sort. Two of onr local oarsmen, James Dawson + and H.C, Hoban, have a bet on' to see who will be champion of Marysville. "This will be decided on September 24th, one of the main attractions of the Marysville fair. Miss Alice Fitzgerald, a trained mrse from New York, is the 'guest of Miss Ola Hinckley." Miss Luoy Keys, Chatham, is visiting Mise Mandl Kyi. W. L! Allinson is putting in a new set of scales: + Miss Imiu Pyke has ldt to Jaks charge of Ber school at Sharbot Lake. William Busterd, of Hie lsland, goxd al 'the new carpenter, late of | is at present en- | residence of Colin arlow, © building a winding stair way. The busy hum 'of the many stonsn threshers is to be heard at this season of the' year. 1 of his residence in the village. "Fred- erick Constance, hay buyer, is getting it on the move 'this week . Miss Nora: Greenwood wi Toronto to entef Radis MeArdle has left to take charge of her school in the dgity of Alberta Miss. Davison, Pleton, was the guest of Mas. Pryner last, hy Miss Me, Donald, 'Amherst Island, at Mrs. Michael Griffin |, has erected a new lawn fence in front |. ill shortly leavetor | | Yoretta Abbey. Miss THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT In every ideal. It is of what life ought outlining of follo pm in caNor and action; ture. gf anes Rucadlt's. Edward While has tecently ' relyrned from Hamilton, REV. C. W. CASSON, OPTAWA. i} The Ideal In . the soul is capable. It differs in case, but whatever it ma it A the chief religions duty ol Ww or fulfil it. It is this ing aml fulfiling its essence. to realize his ideal in his life even thotgh he deny the fact. In life's ideal is religious reality. " Address, Mr. Casson for free litera Unitarian. he Soul. has placed an hg hl, igs the highest deed of which soul Go the pi Sw _be, the. soul to follow- . that constitute reli- Let a man ens antl -he is a religious man