"during the hot ' and buy equipped Repair Shop. -- Moore & Co., ty, go _& specialty of same. -- GEO. - | surance that it will be condoped by 2 | Ootober:- Jan't that correct ? ¥ | that the Turks would net object. tod return of the 'Jews to Palestine, that they might restore it by their labours. But 'who can believe the un- speakeble Turk? Who can trust him | out of Jin the chartered institutions. ' The Montreal Gazette disapproves jf the; interference of government with y.| private enterprise, its blinded by a desire to help 'any poli- tical party that they will rush to apologies for conduct that is 'contrary to all sense of ordinary decency be- tween man and man.' The late liberal government employ- od special officers: where it 'was sus- pected that the law was being evaded, despite the vigilance of the local in spectors. That is excusable. But the detectives. have confessed Ha¥ they were hired for "a different purpose. They have been eager to make men sin, or violate the law, so that they might be p ted, as the Recorder indicates that: these are liberals for] whom the government has no use. This kind of business is not justifi- able, and the temperance paper that applauds it does the cause it cham- pions a very great injustice, The Mail says Mr. Graham, in castigating. the detectives, has committed a great in- discretion. Yes ? Well, it is an indis- cretion he can repeat with every as the people. ---------------- VIRTUE OF THOUGHTFULNESS, The innocence of the Ottawa Jour. nal is surprising, It notes the num: | icicle," Wide fame. ous ever undertaken by ay ex- y tion in America, which means the J tenn. : Rewards For Missing Husbands. +| police stations. offering rewards. for in- Joicy at wife : | and fathers .'y. EDITORIAL NOTES. . Montreal's birth rate is thirty-six Per thousand. No race suivide down there, 2 Lo -- One reads that the council has said 'thus and so. The Whig understood that the adjournment would last until talked of by Mr. Borden. His platform now is "reasonable protection." Isn't that already in force ? Sir Charles Tupper is now credited with creating the idea of the All-Red Line, If some people pursue their in-| vestigations far enough they may find that' Sir Charles created the earth. | -- | The Toronto News holds out for the] conservative convention, but Mr. Bor- 'ceasary, though 'one is referred to ns "a "feast" and 'the other as "an The poor fools who*have heen trust- ing their savings to a pfivate banker in Toronto will have little sympathy 'in their tears. The people who want to bank their money will find safety Mr, ' Borden is therefore rebuked for his squinting at public ownership of -the public utili- ties, Saturday Night does not give Mr. liberal " government will 'be returned to. power. It is a wafe prognostication. 'The men who undertook to clean up learned a lesson. But at the expense of 'one life. Mob law never accom- plishes anything, ' : ------ : : . The mistake every municipality mak is not adopting a' form of debenture ny which the small investor can put hig ;money. The English councils * like to sell their bonds to the smaller capitalists. This Praggice is commend- ed 'to Canadians. One of the English y Mr. Fyfe, of London Mail, lays = the fnormous consumption of patent me- dicines to the large use of tea and coffee at meals. The people must drink something. What would Mr. Fyfe sug- got? i pid . The headquarters' stall is inviting trouble in advocating the appoint: ment of adjutants for the field artil- lery brigades. The headquarters' staff is not acting in the interest of the liberal government and the_liberal. party, and the sooner this fact he- comes the better, PP A Gorgeous Spectacle. _ The Battle-af Badajos, better known in history as "The Siege of Badajos," one of the most exciting and stirring incidents of the Pepi a war, will be presented on a scald of "magnificance and magnitude that hak never been excelled, even at the Canadian Nation- al exhibition, the spectacular produc- tious at Which have attained world- A novelty will be intro- duced in the shape of a mili tat- t00, . in" which five or six ban i take part "iB Bh venibE the Slog vIn connection with this WPlendid_ produc. tion some very movel and al fea- res iti pyrotechnics will be introdue- . This feature this year will be at once the most expensive, an entire world, London, Aug, 24, --Notices were Posted yesterday outside metropolitan to. 1 ie 81. Adequate protection is no longer | men | ' i ricans | den and Mr. Foster don't think it ne [0000S Go \Mocratio and absent. | than to the morals. of Widrton, who essayed [outer' covering, "| to purge it of the sociaf evil, have assortment of at ih- | conte to be a Yul mmer AUGUST 24¢h, 1907. me "Chi: and Franc are ) summer dances wi t coats. That is cruelty to aninmle, The rational costume for oa stunmer dance is a bathing suit. Whitney government is weaken- ed, the Graham opposition is strength- ened, every time there is a su : to the h and thirst of the spoils- nd that their party should 'put office holders on the street, just, use they are liberals. How Hughes Acted. A new duughter having been born to Governor Hughes, of Not York, Hat tleman i 3 Sd wend hanting for Mr. Rilwy, who ap to then had escaped punishment. Who would have supposed that Ame- : 'the annual sum of $28, minded waiter ? But they da.. The waiters. not confess it themselves but they d it and applaud ' it, and what are we going to do about it? Why absolutely nothing. It is the consumer, who has to pay . the | waiter's wages, whether directly or indirectly, and if he does not wish to Pay thom in. the form of tips, then he can do so in the increased cost of his dinner. Tips or no fips, the oon- sumer pays. The only choice he his in the matter is as to which pocket the: mohey is to come from, as "'the waiter mist Jive '--at least he says he must, It Curé® Ecrema Quickly. Nothing 'ean be more: tantalizi treat Ecvema with a poor remedy. Only an Ointment that's pow- Borden 'much comfort in his campaign. | erful' and: penetrating can restore the ( Break Into Observatory and Steal : Tt reasons that beyond a doubt the texture amd integrity of the skin--can wibdue the itching and pain. Physicians who have watched the suc- cess of Dr. Homitton's Ointment say it cures +; It penetrates un- der 'the Shargughiy forms a new sdbdues irritation, gor stroys every trace of the disease. dealers sell Dr, Hamilton's Ointment in '50e." boxes. , 3 | ------------ # ' New Life Belt. . Portsmouth, Aug. 24. ~The utility of a new lifesaving x tus hap just been, 3 lore the board of admiralty at Portsmouth. It con- sists of two _insubmersible cushions attached to each other by side straps. One cushion rests on the chest, the other on the upper part of the back across the sh ,* the connecting straps being placed under the armpits. "Immaculate Soda Glasses. At many fountains glasses are mere- each glase is set aside after use and is then thoroughly"washed in hot soap suds, is rinsed, dried - and' 'polished with a clean towel--just as you would do it in your own home. Wade's ice cream soda in such glasses tastes bet- ter and is better. Wade's Drug Store. Plague Of Frogs. London, Aug. 24.--The Rye and an adjoining spur of (the Chiltern Hills, |oépt issue. He had been in near High Wycothbe, are nightly over run "with a countless - host of frogs: Logal residents have had to seek fresh promeaades, and a crusade ggainst the frogs is being planned, 1,000 Islands--Rochester. Steamets North King and Caspian eave 10:15 am. for 1,000 Island points daily except Monday. Return- leave at 5 p.m. for Bay of Quinte ports and Rochester, N.Y. J.P. Han ey, agent. Women In Politics. conslsting soely of omen, have been established here jo urpose of support to the dandide tes of ng bor par- ty, and the Orangie Unie in the elec tiéns to the new parliament. t+ * Mining In A Churchyard. Cape Town, 'A . 1 24.~The church- yard attached to the Weslayan phurch at Grahamstown, Cape Colony, is re- ported to bo. very. ich To pou, $ - Light Weight Summer Clothing. Prevost, Brock street, has a splendid ght summer Extra value in clerical black coats. A great variety to choose from. I ------------------ Transyaal's Drink Bill. Pretoria, Aug. 'M.--~According to Dr. William Hosken, of the Transvaal lative any} 313,750,000, or - population, was Lin that oc + on drink during re last adminis ve year. ------------ Consumptives Cured. London, Aug, 24~Two or three wo! who were treated by the Chalinsford Guardians for con- sumption, have recovered. The pati- énts were placed in tents in the open' air on very light soil two deep. i -------- 'in work- nese 5 : is partially 3 the news that white there. roquire eight dollars ly rinsed in cold water. At Wade's Polish laborers. doti - three : + « Para en rhe Hh for ion Years teard, with a request that it might be ------------------ FEARFUL ITCHING BURNING SORES -- Ecaoma able, but Completely Cured by Two'Sets of Cutiurs Remedies "HIS SKIN NOW FINE AND SMOOTHMAS SILK him the ry During ma worse it grew. day it would get rough and form ght it would be- amed, and badly swollen, le pulning itching. ink of his suffering, it nearly heart. His screams could tairs. The Suffering my son made me full of misery. tion to work, to eat, nor told me that my son's and gave it yvement, and by the the second set of Cuti- Cuticura Ointment and Cuti- ours vent my-child was cured. is now twelve years as fine and smooth as silk. Michael Stein- man, 7 Sumner Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y., April 16, 1905." FOR WOMAN'S EYE Too much stress cannot be off Srp, ve, ra ore 4 "Mailed Free, How to BURGLARY ON MONT BLANC. Valuable Articles. Geneva, Aug. who were unaccompanied by guides dr porters, ascended Mont Blanc from Chamonix, the other day, broke into the Vallot Observatory, 15,780 feet high, and "extracted" some articles of value. The Alpinists, on the theft bei discovered, were traced to an hotel, and were forced to give up the purloined articles, which they stated they had taken as souvenirs. Soon after the four climbers left Chamonix. Their names have not been made public. CHINAMEN FOR DENMARK. To Be Imported By Way of Ex- periment. C gen, Aug. 24.--A meeting of Danish landowners at Roskilde, near Copenhagen, decided, yesterday, to import a few hundred Chinamen by way of experiement as substitutes for The Poles are giving the employers too much trouble. The Chinamen will be employed principally in sugar-beet farming. Given A Denial. Mrs.. Thomas Reid, Bath Road, de- nies that her husband, who unfor- tunately has been found to be insane, did any violence, as alleged in a re- 4 poor health for several months when, final- ly; the pain grew so intense as to derange his mind, but he never mani- fested . any fierceness and only had hallucinations. He did not clear to the woods, but came. to. the city, where he was quietly taken in charge and transferred to the hospital, where, it 'is hoped, he will have a speedy re- covery. Mrs. Reid says he 'was al- ways a quiet, industrious man and a good husband. 8 The Garden Of The Transvaal. Pretoria, Aug. 24.--The new railroad between the Rand and Zeerust, which was recently, opened by Lord Selborne will open up the Marico valley, the richest, and most fertile part in the Transvaal, to the markets of South Africa and eventually of Europe. Dur- ing this season 5,000,000 oranges have 'been sent by the Marico farmers to Johannesburg and other centres, Bottle's Long Voyage. Portsmouth, Aug. 24.--A bottle was thrown overboard from a mail boat between Dover and Calais, on May 20th; containing an addressed post- posted by the finder with a statement where it was found, The postoard has just been received from Schleswig- Holstein, having been discovered by a fisherman off that coast. < AT FORTY, Some of the si that life has pass- ed it' zenith fr doy Exertion is followed by fatigues that are not quite worked off next' morning, and the be- od ginning of that slow decline is com- m which culminates at seventy. At forty men and women should he careful. Nature needs a little help, ond no temedy dquals oR orsasone as a 8 ing system bailder. It re- pes producing new blood, by supplying 'food elements to rebuild the nérvovs system. : In this, way. the decline which sets in'at y is postponed bh, ozone, The vital fluid is renewed, surplus vig- or is created, the nervous system is invigorated. ' ; With incressed appetite, sound and strong unérves, you are bou feel better<you will surely feel efiormous th. F e has your Health; try it. Thousands wu it every day. Just one tablet before He} = old, and his skin is | The season is ripe for tham, also, we've the right sort, too That's saying a good deal we know, for the "right sort" } of Suit for the average Boy means something, It msns'a good looking,, durable Fabric, cut in . many style, and | i it together with the best of ithread, 'doubie § @8tra strong at points 'whet -¥he. test is sure Priced at $3.50, $4.50, $5, $6, $6.50, $7.50, $8.50, See Our Special Boys' Ndrfolk Suits, at $4. See Dur Special $5 and $6.50 New Caps for Boys. New Shirts. Three-Piece Boys' Suits. New Stockings. New Collars. THE H.0. BBBY 0. | ¢ o 24. --Four Alpinists, VISITORS TO ed." Childless Gambler Leaves Fortun without a living relative, John Quinn, onia of tie proprietors of | gambling house entire estate, amounting to m th $1,000,000, to the son Me James May, Jr., who will.get the fox. tite When he is twenty-one, is only eight years of -age. in ing reached gS. nn, the son of May, a partner of his, and estimate that the time the?lad is tweni : " * increased - $10,000,000. will have se | genuine Blaud's THORS & (33, "MANUFACTURERS TORONTO EXHIBITION We have made al lifelong study in the manufacture of Aids for the afflict Not being able to secure sufficient space display, "we ask 'every visitor to Toronto to make itu point most modern devices in our line. No human agency ever fashioned more those which Messrs. Author and Cox manufactured. prepared by the firm, and are the result of 48 years of experience. practical and" graceful limbs than Our materials are specially at the Toronto Exhibition for our ana see nilthe Authors & Co., 1 135 Church St., Toronto. ra r-- A WORD TO THE WISE | "Look at Your Furnace and Pipes and if any defects, remedy them now. WE ARE AT YOUR SERVICE. | McKELVEY : 69 and 71 BROC BOY ,GETS MILLIONS, -- to Partner's Son. ! Reno, Nev., Aug. 24 --Childless and the Palac here, has willed his James May. now r hav- sixty-seven himself, met ame attached to the child. Friends property be the Postage paid on wil orders for t Tron Tonic Pilly 1. for meals, 50c. per box, at all dealers. out-of-town ou tnd 2 {3H 3 Red Cross reg cour "a * Gibson's See & BIRC K STREET. Kingston Post Cards for 10c. 16 1000 Island Cards 2 rg Beautifally Colored and all New Designs, for 25¢. ot 1S City Cards, Colored, for 18c. °.. T. McAULEY. These Women Say, in 8 They Took Pe-ru-na Tt They Were Weak and After Taking Pe-ru-na T Health and Usefulness This Is the Whole Story If Pe-ru-na Can Do Su Women It Can Do the The housewife is the one who is best aple to judge of the relative merits of family medicines. It is she that knows the many uses of Pe- runa in the family. It is upon her testimonial that chiefly depends the popu- larity which 'Peruna enjoys. h MRS. CAROLINE SUNDHEIMER Stronger Than for Yea Mrs. Cggoline Sundheimer, Cl writes: - "1 sm feeling quite well nd work sgsin snd am stronger th been: for yesrs, and I do bel Perunasaved my life. «] am very thankful to you advice. - 1 will advise all 1 ci your medicine." I Tape Girdles, sizes, Batist Girdles, with Long and Medium the Leading Manufactu Foster's American 1 $1.50. Children's and Lad: Children's and Ladi Children's and Ladi Women's Special Fe Women's Fast Blac! Boys' Ribbed Cotto: Boys' Best Fast Bla sizes, 5 to 10. SPENCE Great Barga BICYCLE 4 A'$ 60 Hyslop Cushion Coaster Brake, Spring Ham etc, NOW $40.00. Sc ond- Hund Wheels, wi tires. $5.00 TO $10.04 J. R. C. Dobbs ¢ 171 Wellington pte Cosessassesrssses When You B COAT From P. WALS You get gen Scranton, as «¢ handles noth, ¢lse. FeeIeSPISRIIFIES Bekdard Delaney shot hi then committed suicide at presented H. J. Strang wit for $1,000. . : :