Suits Are Ripe: or tham, also, we've the right sort, too )d deal we know, for the "right sort Boy means something, oking,, durable Fabric, cut in . many ether with the best of ithread, 'doub.e trong at pojnts whete ¥he. test is sure 50, fl FE bode $5, $6, $6.50, $7.50, $8.50, ys' Norfolk Suits, at $4. and $6.50 Three-Piece Boys' Shits. Boys. ts. New Stockings. New Collars. D. BIBBY CO. | ORS 2 (3s, ORONTO EXHIBITION y in the manufacture of %Aids for the afflict bionesl more practical and"graceful limbs Cox manufactured. Our materials result of 48 years 'of experience. than are specially iclent space at the Toronto Exhibition for our Foromto to make it w point rs & Co, rch St., Toronto. : ang gee wiethe T0 THE WIS a r Furnace and Pipes fects, remedy them now. T YOUR SERVICE. /EY & BI BROCK STREET, eer RC ; 16 1000 Island Cards Beautifally Colored and all New : Designs, for 25¢. an for 18c. >... 8 McAULEY. ok | 1 3 ] EA po -- -- bg te WE CANNOT SAY T00 MU m-------- CENSUS BUREAU DIRECTOR. These Women Say, in Substance, That Before . _Z& They Took Pe-ru-na They Were Miserable. - They Were Weak and Wretched. After Taking Pe-ru-na They Were Restored to Health and Usefulness. This Is the Whole Story In a Nutshell. | If Pe-ru-na Can Do Such Wonders For These Women It Can Do the Same For You, The housewife is the one who is best aple to judge of the relative merits of famil medicines. It is she they knows the many uses of Pe- runa in the family. It is upon her testimonial that chiefly depends the popu- larity which 'Peruna enjoys. } (Snes | SUNDHEIMER {&= Stronger Than for Years. Mrs. Cggoline Sundheimer, Clarks,La., writes: "1 am feeling yuite well now. been: for yesrs, and I do believe that Perunasaved my life. «1 gm very thankful to you for your advice. - 1 will advise all 1 can to take your medicine." 1 can Pe-ru-na Gave Health. | Mrs. A. E. Stouffer, Capioma, Kansas, writes: | and strength; itis the best medi- cine that was ever made for | women. My friends say they never saw such a change in a} woman. about Peruna. nruch for it." A Remedy For Women. ' Ttissnféto say that we have] thousands of letters written to >» | repeat the same sentiment to be found in Mrs, Stouffer's testi-| | monial: "My friends say they never saw such a change in a woman." . Over and over again this sentence is penned by grateful women suffering women in finding a cure. Peruna is agreat medicine for women. It cleanses the inside of the body in much the same way that water cleanses the outside of the body. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, AUGUST 24th, 1907. CH FOR PERUNA Health Prevents London, Al t 24.~The prompt ac: tion of ingridge, the medical officer. of health for the. city; Five Southwark children were taken vegetable poisoning were found, and Dr. Collingridye was at once inform- ed. He su in tracing the source of the nuts and stopping their sale. Avplication was made at the Tower Bridge court yesterday for an order for the destruction of ono and a half tons of the nuts, It was stated that they were a new variety from South Ameriea,and were rancid, Dr. Millsom, medical officer of health for Southwark, who made the appli POISONED NUTS S cation, said those seized were intend-! holiday. The consequences of their wale and hig department. has prevented an might have been terrible. epidemic of poisonify in London Owing to a technical Siffieulty the to Guy's Hospital seriously ill, after | struction of the nuts, but it was an- eating nuts which they - had bought | nounced. that the importers had stop from cos re. Symptoms of | ped their sale. - Prompt Action of London's Medical Officer od for salent Blackneath on a bank magistrate could not order de- At the Mansion House Court four- teen hundredweight of the nuts were ordered to be destroyed. In addition to the five cases treated at Guy's Hospital, another has been reported, but all the patients are now at of danger. "The cases were very severe," said the house physician at the hospital yesterduy, "and if there had been any delay in their treatment 1 talk to every one | all suffering wome I cannot say too | Jones, Burning Springs, Ky. «I suffered from | catarrh for many years, but since taking Peruna I Dr. Hartman from women wko feel strong and well. AsTused Peruna and Manalin while I was passing | through the change of life, I am posi tively convinced your beneficial reme- dies have repieved me Mrs. Mathilde Richter, Doniphan, Neb, «] suffered with pelvic catarrh until I 3 | who are more than willing that we | Wrote to Dr. Saris, a Stier Stig wok agin and am stronger than Thave |, suid use their-tvords to assist other | ravi net 28 You! I A an whieh I am truly thankful: I never felt better in my life than I do at pr Etta Booker, Dundurn, Sask, | i I rs. Mrs. E. T. Gaddis, Marion, N.C, writes: "Before I commenced to take Peruna I could not do any hard work without suf- fering great pain. Peruna snd I took analin, and can say with pleasure they have done more for me than sny other medicine I have ever taken. Now I am as well as ever, I do sll my own work anditnever hurts meat all. I think Peruna is a great medi- cine for womankind." From Grateful Women. «1 'was troubled with sappreased and painful menstruation. I took Poruna according to your directions, and now I am well."--Mrs. James Eigh- "Peruna has given me health | perience I can candidly say that Peruns |is the remedy for female weakness. «From a personal test and from the testimony of many others I 'shall not hesitate to recommend it, especially to n." -- Mrs. M. F. DYING. GAYNOR IS Green's Companion in Flight co Canada Ill in Jail. New York, Aug. 24.--A despatch from * Macon, Ga., to the American shys that John F. Gaynor, conyjoted in the : federal court with Captain Green of compli¢ity in the Savannah harbor frauds, and who is confined in jail here pending an appedl to United States supreme court, is in a critical condition. He is racked by coughing, has lost the use of his legs, and phy- sicigns say he cannot live unless re moved from jail. They have asked the department of justice to allow him to be removed to a healthy resort. Mrs. Gaynor, on fine days, has been allowed to drive 'her husband about the city, acchmpanied by a United | mey, Grape, Mich. "We have been using Peruna for some States marshal, : time. To ak from astandpointofex- BS or 4 PRESENTED WITH CLOCK. g-- Fireman Smith Remembered By His Comrades. Fireman William Smith,-of No. 2 station, who was married, this week, was waited upon. by the members of the fire department, and presented PE-RU-NA FOR PELVIC DISEASES. with a hendsome clock, the fire lad- dies at the same time extending fo Mr. Smith and bride, their best wishes N.W.T.,Can. ssi __ , AN ------ DYING of all my ills." esent." FROM NURSING, for a long and happy wedded life. Mr. and Mrs. Smith subsequently called upon the, firemen. apd thanked them for their kind gift, and also took oeeasion 'to return thanks = to tho firemen for having decorated their homu for their return to the city. ee ------ "FAVORS COBALT GOIN, Would Use Metal For New Five Cent Piece. Vancouver, B.C., Aug. 20.--Divector of the geological survey, A. P. Low, in an interview favors coins made sult hetter thap the Cobalt metal is light as nickel and harder and brighter epin, 1 favor it "lother guests of honor being the bride, irom Cobalt's silver. He says it would 1 : silver five ommt pieces, which are too small. "As the Nineteen members of this remark: able family are still living. The father died 'only 'a few days ago, and two children are dead. Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman were also fortunate in their financial affairs and accumplated a large amount of pro- perty.- One interesting - feature is that the stork brought the children one at a timesand that, during the Hoff Mrs. Hiram Calvin asked about, ten] married ladies to tea, at her Garden Island home, on Thursday. The same day Miss Etta Callaghay entertained a number of girls at ted at the island, among them being Miss Nora Gordon, Miss Aileen and Miss Eva Rogers, Miss Kathleen. Kirkpat- rick, Miss Mildred Jones, Miss Mildred Cooke, Miss Lillian Kont, Miss Nan Paterson, " Miss Irene Swift. : » - - . The Misse Brown, University avenue, gave a very enjoyable bridge party, yesterday afternoon, for their visitor, Miss Regan, of London, the Mrs, Kenneth Ireland, and Mrs. Henry Kavanagh, of Montreal. There were three tables in play, and when the game was over some people came in for tea. '|, Misses Grace 'and Fern Oram Mon- treal, returned homie, to-day, after a threo weeks" visit with Miss Jennie Twoddell, Queen street. Major and Mrs. F. D. 'Lafferty are Another Very Successful News. factures in 1599, census. He was appointed director of \the census burdau in April, home is in Washington. BALLOONS FOR CASA BLANCA The Reports of Dissensions Are many twenty years of married life a | joc i \ A year ons are being forwarded to Cas child arrived every your. Blanca, Morocco, from the fini LATE SOCIAL NEWS. Surdatotio: park for use in locating (Continued from page 3.) ports that thefe tween the cabinets of Paris and Madrid, and stamps as false the state ment) that Spain that their forces take part in an expedition Morocco. Continuing the note says: "The French government has never |g altered take such an expedition." ceived Kaid Dyalimoul has raided the local tribes: and returned much booty in his possession, depar srelense of Kaid Maclean. According to during the twelfth 1905, His Denied. Paris," Aug. 24.--Several captive bal- . An official note issued denies the re are dissensions be of Fronte has proposed to into the interior of its resolution not to under- Rebels Raid Tribesmen. Madrid, Aug. 24.--A despatch re from Mélilla says the rebel : to Tetuan with two imperial kaids as prisoners, and Alcazar In Danger. Washington, Aug. 24. Cable infor mation has been reported to the state ent to the effect that the Bandit' Raisuli has defeated. the large force seni 'aguinst 'him by the Bultan of. Moroeco, in. the effort to: seourahe report the important city of Alcazar, which is distant only two days bythe "Public Opinie she as firmly denied, to believe though sixty-four sides over the court in a district A ICTED MAY GET NEW ° Hau, Now sion! in Favor of Dr. Awaiting Death. Berlin, Aug, 24.--Public opinion ia Hau, ire The crown counsel ak tin} she was in & the consequences might have been ; implicated, and serious. Simon Newton . Dexter North, the Lindeneau director of the United States census] the day of the murder, Three rr rom bureau, is another newspaper man | ®% on the other hand, offi STORK CAME ANNUALLY. who has made a bie success in Wash. they saw him there that day; py -- ington departmental circles. He was|most at the spot where the murder Couple Married Twenty ¥Years| born at Clinton, N.Y., and graduated took place. , Have Twenty Children. from Hamilton College, in 1869, He| His word as Sioux City, Towa, Aug. 24.--South married Miss Lillian 8. Comstock at| to carry little weight, akota lave claim to the honor of Rome, N.Y., in 1875. He was editor of nobleman he NOW caine Dotnsed ed being the Tome of oné of the largest the Utica, N.Y., Morning Herald from | ®X8 y Weans of A Me & PO aitedl Statrs, that of | 1568 until 1886, but went into _the| lage hire eh ot Mausheim. He ha Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hoffman, who government. service as the chic sta. | Came ban 3 oulati 3 live on.a farm in Brookline county. tistician" in the department of manu- result. of "house 8 ong years old, in his letter he proclaimed his attachment to Fraulein Olga Molitor. His trial, it seems, will undoubted. ly reopen the Hau cate from the be gmnning. : Divorces Granted For Asking, Geneva, Aug. 24.--A judge who pre Berne has been severely reprim for the manner in which he conducted divorce cases and granted divorces literally for the, asking. A couple who disagreed went. to the judge, and told their story, and in some casos even Wrote of: their trou: bles to him, asking for divoros, No counsel appeared for the ; inter ested parties, nor were state ments confirmed in any way wits nesses. In about a week after poti- tion a divorced was granted in due orm, " It appears that the judge holds the theory that couples who do not agres aro better apart than living an' une happy life. ---- To Vote On A Fur Coat. A large meeting of the committes in connection with the 'Made in ada" fair was hold 'last even ports submitted show tha #pace is being © taken able donations have been The Lipton Tea Chase & Sanborn Ns i by vote (the eost of five cents) was acod) The charge for entran bition was fixed at ten cents for to the exhi- the y = Young - Lad Nursing Parents : bac : , ] * on account of its color, It should he ck, . at the adjutant's residence, | ; f Tonk : tt { CORSETAND HOSIERY | "rey mies ™ | ich i Siti om mn 1) Ge fine, allen snd. en eu fo fe Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 2 biter, in be confused with twenty-five cent piec Irate, i Blai i the Re ------ i -------- ; aged mIXLeo, near death, here, hav: | oe." He notes the marvelous growth Mr. Kemieth air, of the wal AM RME » Filled | ing succumbed to fatigh incurred ir | of British Columbia a, g Military College, who was married in ih OVS PERF R. Vacancie . * . ° | a remarkable feat of nursing. Pifer's England, on July 27th, will be back She Rode Horses and Stepped he Yatandies ou the hoard of direos | father, three weeks ago, became ill at STOCKBROKER AS BARMAN.|™ Janada with his bride, about Sep \ ore oO e Mu o . Canada. : Girdl : 18 to 28.25 { Johnstown, ninety niles from Pitts tember 8rd; N York ire: al x . having besn filled, the bopndigh now Tape Girdles, sizes, o 23, c. burg. and the lad went to nurse him | Loses M u Mr. John Dawson, of London, Ont., ew York, Aug. 24.--Mrs, Agnes| constituted, comprise ihe Batist Girdles, with Hose Supporters, 50c | Mrs. Pifer then took the fever in he ses Money and Forced to Ac. iiing his mother, on Brock] Lake, as she wan known to genera: members : Robert Melvin, : ist Girdles, se Supp 8, . | home hore, and the boy, for thre cept Employment. street. tions of circus lovers, and who, in her | Guelph; E. P. Clement. ©, first Long and Medium Length Corsets, all the best styles 'of Fweoks, went hack and jorth botweer london, Aug. 24.--George Austen Mrs. W. Gi. Whitehead, of St. Paul, | time, was one of the most famous | vice-president, Berlin; F. C. g g 3 ! aul, ; ' t ; the Leading Manufacturers, 50c., 75¢., $1, $1.25, $1.50, $2. | {he two couches, waiting on his father after 'being a member of the Stock | Minn., is the guest of Mrs. KE. J. B. baroback riders and slack wire per: | second vicep ident, Hamilton; Rt. ' ia Hose Support?rs, 25c., 50c., "75¢/ +, bv dav and his mother by night. Hi Exchtnge for twentyrsix years, has | Pense, King street. formers, died late on Wednesday even: Hon. Sir Wilirid Laurier, ries of Foster's American Hose Pportite, Rots Dota iw 2 said to be dying, while both. father lost all his money, and, in order tc Mrs. Melfort Boulton, of Toronto, is|ing at the home of her son-in-law in | Canada, Ottawa; J. Kerr Fiskon, To~ $1.50. and mother will live earn a living, has taken the post of | staying with Mrs. John Hamilton, at Jersey City, at. the age of . eighty-ong.| ronto; Ww. J. Kidd, B.A., Ottawa; Wils Children's and Ladies' Tan Hose, 10c. to 15c. Juma ut a little hostelry just of "Maitland House." years. Mrs. Lake's career was an liam Snider, Waterloo; ? alter D. : > bey : i 08 DIES TO EASE WIFE'S BURDEN oorgate streét. Miss lota and Miss Vera Carson,| eventful one, and was marked by two sardmore, Toronto; Sir H. Montagu Children's and Ladies Open-Work Hose, 15¢. to 5c. { Mr. Austen at one time had gy large | Brock street, came home, this week, | tragedies, both her first and second | Allan, Montreal; L. J. 'Breithaupt, Children's and Ladies' Plain Hpse, 7c., 8c. and 10c. | Commits Suicide Because Depend business, and kept as. many as five from their visit in the states. Mr. [husbands having heen assassinated. Bertin; Hema CEM London; George Wend st Black G Hose, 15¢ | ant on Her "| clerks. "To-duy I have not a pen |and Mrs. Robert Carson are expeoted | She was born on August 24th, 1526, | Wegenast, menaging director, Water- Women's Special Fast Blac erman : se, . | Nee ord : ie th ny he says "+ threw up the spong: | on Tuepday. . . 4 in Boehme, Alswwe, but was Jreoughi loo, Ont, « ork ug 2 or 0 3 > 3 : - -------- Women's Fast Black Cashmere Hose, 25¢c. tort v dive years old. conmitt Sabon 1, wit two months ago, but I am glac : to this country when a child, "Her . - f he five years old. committed = © | to say 1 owe pM Miss Julia Horsey © y i Wi . . Bribery For Firemen Boys' Ribbed Cotton Hose, 8c, and .10c. I by inhaling illuminating gas, yester Fsay | ove no one 3 Pony. Noor ia ko Sait Sidn rma Yor Horstun Montreal a 24.--Al ' J J Flos { : NE gas. yesier ¥, Miss Jessie . 2 , He leged bribery Boys' Best Fast Black Ribbed Hose, 10c,, 12}c., 15¢, 20c., | Go Sere i Tey ee fee hi TERRIBLE VENGEANCE, Brock---street. - to Record Breaking Time. cases among firemen has led of | graced by having 1 wife sapport : > he 4 sizes, 5 to 10. him. He had heen n guard th Mise Marjory Duff, of Gueiph, will] Montreal, Aug, 24.--Sir Thomas| Fire Department Hencil, 60 institute- ? | Ninh _-- Sen ny a bot Fa Man Throws Antagguisy Into Red | I hore, nex wok. sndewill je the Shaughnessy has received a telegram i inyesiigution, Teh said hese a { : ie TR ™ ne at ers. guest of Mrs. isuy Duff, Princess - Ye aA ¥ , ireman named Ste. Marie paid a man . sq: | been ill since last October ! oo from the Japanese consul nt Ottawa, ' The Leading Millinery | Mrs. Kolz is employed in a clerica' Canonsburg, Pa., Aug. 24. --James BU Kenusth Mundell, who kh hoe Hon. Mr. Nosse, congratulating the named Suery tho hs of hos to sp~ and Mantle Store itn 1 lub In Sixth avenue [Jad and Charles Davis, employees o | oo doo" Shree weeks I roo] Canadian Pacific railway on the re-| cure his influence wit Surioin. aldes . he left home, yesterday morn the Standard linplate company, quar wil be home wont work in Hamilton, | .5rd-Breaking speed of the Empress of | Tit, He wanted $0 be mage Totemans ing her husband said relled in the milly yesterday, anc Mr. and Mrs Clinton Crawford India and the fact. that the Japanese Thia sors of Sug d li "Don't work. too hard. 1 know 1 Jack, who is of . powerful physique trom Painiore 'and Mrs. Io oD ond mails dated August 8th, were receiv- coming vomintn; a general inves: rr A [un on burden, but I shall not live seized his antagonist, earried - hin , ; and Mrs. F. ©. Davies | 45h Ottawa, at three o'clock, yester- tigation will take place. Ba . bodily to a cinder pile furl and Master William Davies, of Corn- : fox -------- long him } RR ! and hurlec } 04) pent the early part of the week day afternoon, making only fourteen At 'The Red Star " . i T [in the wife returned howe -in the j him into a mass of red hot cinders | C8" My. WJ. Fair, King street days over a distance of seventy-five ' le * Great Bargains | evening she found -Kolz dead Davis was protmbly fatally burned TE. a By ug gis hundred miles of sea and land. Bananas, 10c., 18c., 160., 20c., 25, Opposite Grand Central Station | | ------ Ba - Mrs. Kenneth, Irland, William : domn. < \ » IN NEW YORK om Blind From Excessive Smoking. Whe Late Mrs Ta TC Z stroel, will receive her bridal visits Views Of The Standard. - Youd woe he : ; A Wvery convenience " modera Spe Ottawa, Aug. 21. William Wagner, ay ons in . mes Cousins. during the second week in September. London, Aug. 24.--The Standard Ce jo an, bee loos ols Rooms $1.00 £ day 4nd upwe a young man residing at 250 Albert | "REG (TOC pe | A ito dato will be mentioned | says that Sir Edward Grey will com-| (000%, SCH it " Sead Scent any for New York Gity street, went completely blind sudden- | aly. en red the home of Jame: | or mit a blunder fatal to his well eam: Chocolates ol ity. . [ly Wednesday, from excessive smuok- SoReins, Rea.. Eneprive, on Jub Lo Me Guy Bilkey, who ins been visit-| od reputation if he allows himself to Lowney's box ¢ oelaten. y po! re ------ | ing, and remained so until this mern- beth je bi i at wile Eliza ing his brother, the®™ Rev. Charles | be used a second time as an instru Reine pickles, J5e . 214 Pri w-- NEW THEOLOGY 'MAR { ine. when ha partially recovered his | al "oy ased was born it | Bilkey, left for Toronto to-day. ment of American enterprise. The peo- ards -& « enlc, nouty A'S 60 Hysl Cushion® 'Fram vision He was attended by Dr. T Cod . sverty four years ago, war | MZ Clancy, of Port Huron, who | ple and goverpmentof Newfopndlynd street. "Phone 775. y slop asdyion ame, = . 8 . - nia ast aw . i mrs. Y, + Ve 3 i > Coaster Brake, Bring Handle Bars, }i Clergymen Forced From Pulpits| A. Watterson, who pronounced the Fig whurgh _wcademy. wher has been the guest of Mise Flanagan, | cannot ha expected to - assent to a etc > | h : Lhindness. due Be aratten. Wamior, | a (aha . wag DEI ipal. and Rev i : Tr : Free Methodist Conference. - . 00 Becduse of New Dogmas. blindness due to cigarettes agnor, | My Shirley the superintendent. She Barrio street, left town on Thursday. | continuation of the _anomalous op- Tm 1th ion of the Kast One NOW $40.00. Cardiff, Aig. os Rev x 4, Camp however: sucks Rythiog Dit 8, Pine: held "second * class coflificate one | uy Te. ee 1 of promsive interference with their rights. | nde Rt the Free Mothodist Sc 4 iheols ith. good}| bell appeared at Llandu no yesterday, bit as he ncoiges i 8 tayeht sucessfully in several school "he engagement 1s announced o + oan Ca ge gh i Wheels, 70 8 on behalf of several young ministers | same result followed. n Camden 3or a aayora) i gr Mied@Ethel Isabel Nelson, fifth and To Start For Pacific. chara will convene in. the Frys Moths $5 00 T0 $10 00 who had been driven from thelr pil. 00s hats are s Nn She was married about = forty-nim: | Youngest daughter of the lato Dr. A. | Oyster Bay, Aug. 24.--The United menoing Wednesday afternoon "August " UY. its in éonbequence . of their accept-] Bibby's new hats are swell. lohrg ago and has since lived just r Q. Bristol, of Napanee, and younger | States Atlantic battleship fleet will | ¢ i mber 1st. i " On the arrival of Norris & Rowe : k A : : : okth, 2.30, and closing Septem oh a ance of the New Theology. : {. On the arrival of / 1 iS little north of the village of Enter daughter of Mrs. A. 8, Bristol, Onk-| start for the Pacifie, next December, Business sessions each ¢ Jam; re & C He 'wished that some meant could be | canvas hare was fond Sou in pri. She leaves besides: her hus J 1ilie to Mr. Henry Gladstone Fisher, according to un. official statement is- |} 000. services, 2.80 os pam. "All J. R. C. Dobbs sp] vied to Ftp thems --not--as makers pont: oi vax foun ye al and, "ten children and six grand New Denver, B.C; and eldest son of | sued by Secretary Loeb at. the direc-| RIO coma B. R. Joues, general sus . . of schism--they "did not want that--| ane an 4 ro says pi a re children. Ter children ares Mrs. Reu tho tute Henry Fisher, - of London {tien of President Roosevelt, The fleet perintendent; Cs i sect 171 Wellington St. Tt oy ovide n platform for. the ut- {DAIS SENSE o man is whsolutély {1 oy Milligin, Controville Minnie, New | Eng. The marriage will be celebrated will 'consist of sixteen battleships. The |{ 0 ~~ Pr sibs y terance of their message despite the es a J y 'and was pickec:] York pity: James, Watertown: Ed |in St. dude's church, Oakville, on | destroyer flotilla will leave for the : : " Se re taterance of the churches {up in Sada che wan a Lo = Lund, Nicola, B.C Mrs. Sidney Reid | the afternoon of Wednesday, Septem- | Pacific about the same timo as the |, | Accident At Granby, Que fepeesssaessstssttttts The openipg" of a fund y iggest oP ae ve a rea Spl Whitewater, Masts Stakbart, Saska- | ber 25th, : * floet, but will not accompany it. Fatal 4 side A 24 While Daniel : gl, anti Mr Campbell said there oh ated hoook tos, in fangy pack: loon, Sas Wp ohnston, at hore. T - 1 ee 2 ivi 2. hi carriage When You Buy : ould be a consultation on the pro ya te 8 ee i rs nm WE 81 Thouith failifiz in health for some - The Lynx Is Ugly. Boer Girls Prefer Britons bic i onl driving, bis him yosal EE Tlectal t : '| monthe she was ahle to be about the] A large British Columbia lynx ~ ay oy : : and i ) 3} rosl L ot Hoa $2 d Ee la aotorn loon oda) ey the at. of: uplt hus | Protorin, Aug. Daughters of | headforemont fo (0 Ren or died 7 See Bibhy's swell $2 derby = da , . : Of wid ant} Boer | i ¢ y flicting injuries from whi i & C O A L * New Cigarette Danger. Sale" of RG pairs stockings, 25c. Vipee death, who! die Sauk away with-| mals at Lake Ontario Park. The ani- Orange River in tho Trangias] 2 Te, ini consciousness. ¥ 2 Paris, Aug.' 24.--French cigaretie } two undervests, 26¢.; two pairs dress| Ani 8 H Nowed the a aneoury al . exhibition yesterday, in af their preference for British suitobs. ae % From # | smokérs are in revolt against the | ghields, 23¢.-strong hose. SUPPorers. thir oat 'vestiog placa in the Motle Jge Pu ing case with a wire front. | Members of the South African Con- Try Bibby's nifty $2 hats. 3 ® | aunlity of the goods supplied. to them | 95. New York Dress Reform odist cemetery, , C A {-The lynx did not appear to like the! iubulary especially stand very high | Seven men were killed by the ex: & quality Iv. A Jee Re : list cemetery. Centroville, | erowd of. childr 1 the f fl yoy ; » + ® | {hrough the government motiopay. J I'ry Bibby's new 'school suits, ! 1 pL bl. children around e front of |), the favor of Boer maidens, and an |plosion of' a boiler on the steam- WALS »> B * he Debats ai ud i the cage, and at times i ° » member of the staff of the - outs Birmingham manuipcturers declare | Bounty F v 0 Sh at tu : was very ugly. | old burgher who was asked recently if rge at H on. s ' . i broke one of his teeth, yesterda¥. | that the new Australian tariff willnot | = unty For Wasps. B child was pushed rather | close 10 | he would like to see the force abolish- | Try Bibby's for boy's clothing. You et: enuine ® with a cigarette which contained half | fect their trade for a long time. i Cardiff, Aug. 21.--8ir Oswald Mosley the netting, when the animal's paw ied, exclaimed : "Abolish them ! Why, Sale of Dip Hip Corsets, with hose g g y a hairpin. Matches, bits of wood, Faney belts of every description. [has ofiered a - penny each for queen shot out coming vely gear _child's | they're all to our girls." orters, 500. OD York Dress Re- Scranton, as Wwe 3 i { horsehair are frequently | White wash belts with pretty buckles. | wasps to prevent a threatened plague face. The cage should have been plae-T Ton 2 ' ® wire, anc orse are i ro 2 hells ttiy C y T rt Re . at S------ rm. PY p found in the alleged "pure cigarettes | '1ge; New York Dress Reform. of weeps in the neighborhood of ed on a table ont of reack of any onel a < H yon can't - have your w take handles no thi ng 3 which the government ! Zea Bibhy's great $2 hails | Rollestayn, near Burton: id was Deut, as a scratch from the| Renfrew Bonds. consolation. from the Tact that every ¢lse hy > FREE a Chown mp erved Hoada he : . BH wact would not be very pleasant. oot, Ang . 24 The id of man epee one. Wi RY ro A Recor Ro ander: ¢ auiek elie from al Specia summer corsets, afc and . enfrew has apphe o the galway oe Bil ab &* FSIS IIIRIVIFISIIIIIS London, Aug. 23 roth = fh. Find: of headache 250. bok | 86c.; and A0c. tape girdle corsets for Tey Eibhy's nobby #2 hats. and municipal board to permit theis-|. The tem comman Bldard Dela Sy his. wile. and ing eleven pounds. ten and onc-half | For run down svitems. take Dr. jane New York Dress Retoym. Sh oe Bpation, hilitanes and | sve 'of bonds at five per cent. instead | trouble to B or rd Delaney shot hiss Bn ws, caught: at: Rosdon, Essex, by | Chown « _Specia Tron~ Tonic: Pille,| All-cream ice cream, bricks, any sic wadach ve, t ie . Chown's Little | of four per cent., as apthérized by | get around t committed suicide at New Yort oul Lo 5 pyitlestone, e tablichcs a | 25. and 50x iflavor, delivered ot any hour, gt | Pink Lexatives, 5c, tha legislature, The scarcity 'of money Prices. makes the bigher wnterect Be + presented H. J. Strang with a che for $1,000, : record for that district bibhy s new hats are dandies. : - Bibby's for boys' good. clothing: