| Kingston, H. FOSTER EZ | Stes. North Kingand Caspian 5 i for Pict and imtermediate | information from J.P. GILDERSTEEVE & KIRKEATRICE | Ticket - JAMES SWIFT & Co. hy give you the most heat for Jou ue money--*'best and goes The FrontenacLumber and Coal Company. A. CHADWICK, MANAGER. Successors of The, Rathbun Company. Phone No. 87. Employment B in the ia Eero ghee Chey tates us ov a wit We ve never failed to do it. Mod- erate Rates. Wri for particu lars and catal Fall Term Opens September 3rd W. H. SHAW, T. N. STOCKDALE _ President. Principal. ersRRINNINERIIIIINeIe It you wish to be successful et- tend The ' ht clusses. Enter at any time. tes very moderate. 'Phone, . no», METUALFE, President. J. B. QUNNINGHAM, Secretary. 'e deliver it to you clean and cho slate, at the very bottom 4 4 4 4 4 4 * 4 $4.90. | Kingston to Toronto & Return | Meals and berth extra. Tickets good going August> 26th to Sep- tember 7th. Good to return, leaving Toronto not later than September 10th. For further culars and tickets, call on J. P. HANLEY, Ticket Agent, .& 0. N. Co. AG. B.A, Toronto. | How Science Has Helped Them to | Store. - IN. ENGLAND. | Work in the Sea--The Use of An Electric Lamp. London Daily News. The Admiralty trains divers, and every British warship carries at, least one 'representative of the craft, and fre- quently more. There are training schools iehoois a1 at Portsmouth, Davenport and mg of the difficulties. with which | divers have to contend is probably not realized by a landsman--namely, that the greater the depth, the greater is the * | pressure of water on the man's body, "and the greater the labor and exhaustion of working. The naval authorities limit their men to a depth of 120 feet. The greatest depth ia which a 'man has de- scended is said by Siebe to have been 204 feet, and the pressure at that depth was extraordinary--namely, 8814 pounds to the square inch. One wonders how any human being could stand it. Twelve fathoms, or about jo feet, would be enough for most men. The ears and nosewould probably begin to bleed, and the pressure on the heall would be very seridus. A . practiced diver can, of course, descend much deeper without such unpleasant sepsations. His dresy costs more than & hundred pounds; it is of tanned twill and rubber, and nrade in one piece, with a big open- ing at the neck. - The helmet is of cop- per and screws on to the~shoulders so tightly that the water cannot penetrate the joint. Airis pumped down to him by a pipe made of canvas, and rubber and outlet valves, which only open out-- wardly, are placed it convenient places to permit the vitiated air to escape. These valves are extremely important, a by them the diver can regulate his ly of air. "" addition to this pipe, the diver has a lifeline enabling him to' communi- cate with his assistants above water. This was formerly done by a series of concerted tugs or 'jerks on the line, but the method" is being" supérseded as a means of communication by the tele- hone, the wires being conveyed by the ifeline. He therefore touches the but- ton, and talks as if he were in the city. Another great improvement is the use of the electric lamp, though in some West Indian waters a diver can see clearly fof .some distance. In other waters again the darkress is intense twenty or thirty feet down. The weight of the dress is extraordinary, and is necessary to enable the diver to main- tain his stability. His helmet weighs considerably over a quarter of a hundred weight, and his boots" taken together, about as much, while if these be not Stifficiens, he claps lead upon his' shoul- ers. Fishing By 'A Fish. From Puck. Fishing is a noble sport,' for such as have the proper temperament. Nervous, impulsive fishes naturally find it. no, great fun. Patience and the philosophic' calm are requisite to the 'highest enjoy- ment of fishing. Fishing is a dangerous "sport; "but danger within limits adds; a charm. 1: it were not in some degree dangerous it were not sport. The appeal is both phy- 5 | sical and mental. The powers of body and of mind are at once taxed, and a delightful and salubrious balance of effort induced. : A worm never tastes as sweet as when it has been 'smatched off a hook, and the weakest digestion is not incom- moded by it; while getting away after being caught brings an enlargement of spirit such as they who have experienced it include ever among: their choicest sensations. Some sensitive souls object to fishing because of the toilsome part it imposes on the human being at the other end of the line. This is gomg too far. What are, these hurrans oe created for, .if not for our uses? Proof Of Innocence. \ From the Circle. A Southern negro was brought into the court room, accused of stealing a neil hbor's chickens, {ister George Washington Shintopp. did you steal those chickens?" asked the Judge pointedly. 0, sah, jedge; fo! dat." "But it is stated on good authority that a bundle of feathers was found in your back yard the day before Christ- mas." "Dat 'sinneration, jedge, des proves mah innocence, ¢oz' how could de fed- ders be found in mah back yard de day befo' Chris'mus, when mah wife didn' pluck dose chickens until de day after Chris'mus? . Ah is too 'spectable This Unusual Liniment. Smith's White Liniment does thor- oughly what ordinary liniments do in part. It cures any inflammation, heals in- juries, relieves pains'. and aches of ev. ery kind. It docs so much and acts so pramguly : o and Puce rad that no be without it, Get a bottle 3 should _ at Wade's Drug sin di---- The sis we hide! in' 'the basement always get up into' the. parlor when Steamb at at Co, Limited: 1000 ISLAND ROCHESHiR ROUTE Mente 00s inoue at 5 gm. for Rochat or, Day Quinte, calling at' Ne tor Thiopswsd N. Yi vin The "Steamer Aletha sares on. Mondays at Lake Ontario & Bay of Sula} we have pany. ARE DRILLED AT SCHOOLS William Dean Howells William Dean Howells, noted auth- ar and the itor at various times of important magazines, was born at St. Martin's Ferry, O., on March lst, 1837. Mr. Howells received the bulk of his education by private studying while working in numerous newspaper offices. He was honored with a degree by Harvard Univeristy. in 1877. Be fore this, however, Mr. Howells had already made a successful start in literature. He worked up from a com- positor to an editorship in a newspa- per office and after he 'was successful he was given the United States con- sulship at Venice from 18681 until 1565. While travelling abroad he met Miss Elinor GG. Mead and married her at Paris in $562. His most popular now- el, perhaps, is "The Rise of Silas Lay ham," He makes his home now ™N New York city. Bodice Of Line And Lace. The bodice design illustrated is a good model for various materials-- the ' origikal being in linen, trimmed | with hellvy lace. The skirt, which is not shown in the sketch, was stitched in plaits about 'the hips, and had the fashionable stitched band trimming about the lower part. These bands were put in in a new way, the single band abové the hem being four inches in width; then two hands each three inches wide were set. in about eight inches above, . Missionaries Getting Sense. Hartford Courant. First and last, the tablets of the an- cestors and the ceremonies performed before themi have worried the Christian missionaries in China not a little. At the recent centennial missionary confer- ence 'a Chinese gentleman of rank and intellectual equipment told them it was a mistake to call these ceremonies id trous. An Enghshman of distinctidn told them the same thing 'years ago. After deliberation they adopted the fol- lowing minute: "While the worship of ancestors is incompatible with an en- lightened and spiritual conception of the Christian Church, yet we should be care- ful to encourage in all Christian con- verts the feeling of reverence for the memory of the departed which this cus- tom seeks to express, and te impress upon the Chinese iii general the tact that Christians attach great impostunce to filial piety. rite Consolation. - Harper's' Weakly, A lady who had recently moved into the sublirbs was very fond of her first brood of chickens. Going out one after- noon, she deft them in charge of her eight-year-old boy Refore her return there + was a thunder ° storm, The youngster forgot the clicks *ddfihg the storm, and was dismayed, after it pass: ed, to find that hali of them had been drowned. Though fe: aring the wrath to come, he thought best + breast of the calamit it to be discovered "Mamma," he said. contritely, when his mother had returned--"mamma, six of the chickens ave dead." "Dead!" cried his mother. "Six! How did they die?" The boy saw his chance. "I think--1 think they he said, : o make a clean rather than leave - died , happy," ---- |. A pint pottle of beef, iron and wine, our own make, only 50c., at Wade's drug store. Ror on . prieties--w: as injudici wus enough on one Fete ---------- i EEE "Be kind to your stomach and it will be kind to you." nsoov. Don't overwork it with too much meat--derive an abiding benefit by lessening the meat diet. It's a proven fact that "Malta-Vita" eaters feel better, look better, and are better bv its use. The 1 malt' s a tonic. The best best cereal that ever went onto a table--try it. 10c, all grocers. No indiscriminate mix- ing and re-mixing of cooking odors in the Pans dora -oven, consequently there is positively no chance for one article to ba taiated with the flavor of another. Rather, the delicious natural flavor of every article is retained to the fullest exteat. That the Pandora oven . is ventilated in rcality you can prove for ycur own satisfaction beyond a shadow of a doubt. Just moisten your finger and place it in close prozim.ly to the three small venis between oven and fire-;ot doors. You can then feel quite distinctly the current of air being drawn towards and through the vents. Try this little experimcnt on your neighbor's Pan- oven .is a real success. « When you open the door, Pandora Ventilated So is a Real Success The Pandora ventilated' = the oven never smells close and stuffy, as do the great majority of range ovens. Food cooked in the Pandora is more health- ful, as well as more appe- tizing and satisfying. If your local dealer cannot give you complete information about the Pandora, write direct for FREE BOOKLET. dora. So scientifically - perfect is the Pandora * system of ventilation that the air in the oven is constantly being rencwed with fresh air and the cook- ing fumes carried out through another set of vents in back end of oven and from there to smoke pipe. The arrows in illustration show how the fresh air is distributed throughout the oven and the way the odors escape from -->© - LEMMON & ONS. C. H. Powell, RUDYARD KIPLING'S WIT. Came From His Maternal Grand- father. © 3 Rudyard Kipling undoubtedly got. his wit from his maternal grandfather, Rev. George Macdonald, a Wesleyan | clergyman. Ih the days when | young | he afterwards married, the father-in-law | to be--an aged Methodist with extreme- | ly strict potions in regird to the pro- | 27 BROCK ST. occasion to enter the parlor without y for giving any warning of his approach. The | consequence was that he found the sweethearts occupying a single chair. } Deeply shocked by this spectacle, the old | man tolemnly; said: "Mr. Macdonald, | when | courted" Mrs.' Brown she sat on | Cream Freezers, one side of the room and 1 on the | and Charcoal Irons. other." Macdondld's reply was: "Fhat's} STR.AACHAN'S SUMMER WANTS what 1 should have done" if 1 had been { general healing | tures. Mortgages purchased | received and Interest allowed. S. C. McGill, Office, purposes salve you fhe used. It destroys germs and k eeps | iittle 'wounds irom ming serious: opes through infection. Cures eczema, salt rheéum, scald head, cold 'sores; than any TRY A POUND of i erysipelas, pikes, ete. In big boxes, Pde., at Was drug plore. . { PM Clary | \. LONDON, TORONTO, MONTREAL, WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER, ST. JOHN, am Carpenter and Jobber, 103 Raglan St. etter eee. Macdonald' was cotirting the lady whem | Wm, Murray, Auctioneer New Dartlages, utters, Harness | Sale of Horses every Saturday. ---------------------------------------- Sureen, Doors and Windows, Ios Lawn Mowers courting Mrs. Brown" = Cleveland | Tem Leader. LOAN AND I INVESTMENT SOCIETY * Dandruff Or Not ? | "ESTABLISHED 1863. | You ean choose. Wade's Oiutment Fretident- ight mers. Bester Tot gonarat besiony. | Doren: Municipal snd County Deven. | " Deposits | 87 Ci Managing Director. [teries, Spark Plug and Coil arence street. Kingstow. | dlways on hand. T. McAuley HAS REMOYED TO 93 Princess St. Between Corbett's Hardware Store and Taylor & Hamil- ton's, -directly opposite An- grove's. ak COME AND SEE US Phose No, TH. = GASOLINE. Put in Your Tank" at Our Dock. A 'large stock of Dry Bat- -- SE inom SELBY & YOULDEN LIMITED: 'Brantford A Transform Your! Hitchen "Into A Chee Dwelling Ro 'By Installin; BUCKS HAPP) THOUG RANGI That's a factor you must 'wants a stove that suits a Fuel Bar akes Coo Buek's Happy Though the strongest, the han fio Ask your local dealer, « free on request to-any ad the WM. BUCK S Mont FOR SALE McKelvey KINGS rolle to a Fl -agree perfectly with grocer to send you a --------------------------" Gas Ste < * We carry in Chicago "Jey acknowledge ed. Examine where. ' All orders fo promptly att ELLI¢ 77