Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Aug 1907, p. 7

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sale, in our window, a Women's Oxfords and a Patent Colt, Vici Kid ular prices from $3.50 em qut at once for »W. we have placed all nt Colt, Vici Kid, Gun ox €alf High and Low )and 5.00.values. For n Our Windows. ° thy' d Muslin Waists >gular Prices mley's. ckdouble faced Peau de Soie dye, soft and pliable, 'Special at The. per Goods Remnants, all lengths little girls' ; and all marked at quick , every one fre sh and new ollowing prices : educed to $1.00. educed to $1.15. educed to $1.50, 1907, inclusively, for the, work o if he hil to_ co does not bind itself Public Works, Ottawa, August 15, 1907. Tenders for Hoisting Engine, Boi. ler and Steel Derrick. TENDERS ADDRESSED To Typ pudersigned wh Ottawa, and marked on whe envelope "Tender tor cage, Boiler wud Derren," wiki be received up to ut 3th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 905 for supplying and derivering at Vun- a ouvert, 5.L., a double cylinder tunde = poisting engie, Winch with four hoist- mg dreams and LWo winch heads, an up ngot steel tubular steams bLoiler of ou horse power capacity amd o siructura steel derrick" for the British Column Buoy Scow . Specitications of the machinery and plans of the derrick can be obtained at the Department here, at the Canadia: Government Lighthouse Depot, Frescotr out at the Agency of the Departwent ol y ¢ wa. lle nrector of the Sorel Shipyard, at the Agency of the Depart ment of Murine and Iisheries, Quebec and at the offices of the Uollectors of castoms at Toronto, Hauvuiton, Kin ston, Ont., and at St. Johns, PQ » jerers must furnish plans. of the « amd engines offerpd aders for the engine, boiler and der- rick separately will be received or for together. An accepted chegue on a chartered Can. adian Bank; equal to 20 per cent, of whole amount of the tender must acc pany cach tender. The cheque acco panying the tender accepted will be for feit~d, if the party tendering declines to contract or fails to complete the work contractedafor. The cheques accom ¢ the unsuccessful tenders wil voile Tex all when the tenders recaive cousid- n. Jepartment does not 1 itself t cept the lowest or any r Newspapers inserting this ac seroent without authority from the partinent will not be peio wv iv Pe F. GOURDEAT Deputy Minister of Marine and Fisher- fos Ottawa, Canada, 21st August, 1907 Petttt ttt ttt tote If you wish to be successful at- tend The A « Kingston Business College Limited, head of Queen street CANADA'S HIGHEST GRADE * i business school, Bookkeeping, tele shorthand, typewriting graphy, and all commercial subjects thoroughly ts competent e Ci Day ang night classes any time. Rates very moderate 'Phome, 440. 3 H.-F. METCALFE, President & J. E. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. VEEP PT REI PERE GASOLINE Put in Your Tank at Our Dock. A large stock of Dry Bat- teries, Spark Plug and Coils always on hand. SELBY & YOULDEN LIMITED. - Diamonds enter Uanada duty free. We buy direct on cutters, therefore, When buy from us you save middleman's profit stone we sell has our tee. Souvenir goods, Belt Brooches Cuff Trays and Hat Pins Kinnear & d'Esterre, Jewelers, 100 Princess St Phone 336. :{ COAL! SOB ® The sudden « © ought to st ® putting in sc ® soll good Coal. @ sends out the most heat, and & makes the home comiortable ; it's & the best woney can buy, and @ there is none better mined » & We deliver it to vou cle . without slate, at the very 5 ® @ Prices, 2 BOOTH & CO., ¢ Phone 133." Foot of West St 4 y a > as POSSE 00S $e QORPRANLARALAL0L00004 NOTICE. We remove to larger }Temises by September Ist, and will otcupy 206-208 Wellington St As an AUTOMOBILE GARAGE, and fully equipped Repair Shop. Moore & Co., 18 Montreal St. C. H. Powell, Carpenter and Jobber, 103 Raglan St. Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness etc., for sale. 2 Sale of Horses every Saturday. : ; LOAN 'THE FRONTENAC ESTABLISHED 1863. resident--Sir Richard Cartwright Money loaned om City afd Farm Fro- perties. Mumioipal and County Deven tures. Moi purchased. Deposits received and interest allowed. S. C. McGill, Managing Director. Office, 87 Clarcnce street. Kingston. i " h - NewYork Chinese Restaurant 83 Princess Sirest. Opeh from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 am o_o The best ce to get an all round Lunch in re ey esis of all kinds on shortest notice. English. and Chinese Dishes a specialty. TRY A POUND OF NYBR'S 233% SAUSAGES Dominion Ammunition h. ne and Fisherics at Moutreal, at! power second to ndpe. f your If your dealer won't supply you-- Dominion Cartridge Co. Lid., Montreal, Stop That Cold To checkgarly colds or Grippe with "Preventics™ sure defeat fort Pneumonia. To stop a cold ventics is safer than Jo let it run and be yen#ics will cure ew x gaken eariy--at the sneese Jeeply seated cold. bus, ttle Candy Cold Cu 3 no physic, nothing keine Tics (hy al ighly safe too: 1 you feel | hi 7 Sneeze. if you ache all over, think of forest your Chi. It is feverishness, ni ) gp ies Preventics' od Te xes for the pocket, also in ventics. Insist on your druggists giving you Preventics "ALL DEALERS" h pthess veual sickness. And don FIFSPIIIIINIIINIIIID. Only carefully selected graine--the choicelt grown in Canada--ure used. Such wheat requires no elaborate_pu- is why Bread, Rolls, Cake and Pastry-- made of Beaver Flour--ase 0 whole- Deniers, write for prices on all bends of Feeds, Coarse Grains and Co seals. T. H._ Taylor Co, Kingston Post Cards for 10c 1000 Island Cards Beautifully Colored and -all New $2 15 City Cards, Colored, T. McAULEY. ' S 0000000080008880080800e8 when You Buy COAL" 3 FEGERGVV ERE P. WALSH You get "genuine Scranton, as w¢& handles nothing Fue GSIIIIIIIIIIIIVIIIIIP MAKE OTHERS HAPPY Do not compel someone aching back or limbs this winter your system-0f Rheumatism a eulvey diseases, making you The CLAFAIN CHEMICAL CO. Limited, i En FARMS WANTED. | economic action h stands our other self-governing eolon- and put us in touch wi Si y J Lockhart, state Agent, 150 Wellington st., Kingston, Ont death of five men Chicago proves the soda fountain over monn, The Beast is Now Fast Passing Away--But a Tradition and a Memory in the District. It is noticeable that the early | western travelers speak of the grissl | as the "white bear." It is so oh seri y Lewis and Clark, and Jas. | O. Pattie, narrating his father's ex- | pedition in 1824, spoke of the. number and unusual ferocity of these "great white bears." So great were | their numbers in that early day, that | in a singlé day's journey Pattie count- | great ed two hundred and twenty of them, |, capone has been advanced a big eight of which had attacked the party and were killed. This was on | Sept. 15. 1894, while the party was | | passing through the territory now oc- | cupied by Cheyenne county, Color ado. A few days later, further south, the camp from their onslaughts each night. So much for the "solitary" | nature of the ggzzly back in the twenties. Was Once Monarch. v Writing of the period of the early forties," Gen. Fremont, in his me- herds of these monsters feeding gre- gariously under the oaks of San Ber nardino; California. Such testimony + tends to show that this great grizzly | was not always the lone wanderer liked the valleys better than his pres- ent dreary and solitary abode. In- deed, the explorers of the West found | Way is to extend from Georgian Bay | him equally at home in the parched, | fastness of the Great Basin, in the | fertile valleys or among the ice-bound peaks, whether feeding"upon berries or bison, herbs or human flesh, and everywhere, at all times, "monarch of all he surveyed." Making Last Stand. But he is passing. In the places where, seventy-five years ago, two hundred of his powerful tribe could be counted in a day's journey, he is now but a tradition and a memory, and he is a lucky sportsman who gets one shot at a _nizzly in a life- time. Driven to the in-.cessible re- treats of the mouxtains, he is mak- ing his last stand against a which has already robbed him of those myriad herds of buffalo, ante- iope, and elk, which were once his prey, and from hfs icy summit, where only the American eagle sours, in solitary grandeur he looks down upon a hereditary dominion which is to be his no more forever. We have known him but a hundred vears. Was there ever so mighty a monarch with reign so brief? We | cannot compute the exact rate at which he is disappearing (it is- far easier to get at the mortuary statis- tics of his enemies), but, as events go, it is likely that there will still be tigers in India and lions in Africa long after the last echoes of the grizzly's how! has, died among the peaks and precipices of his mountain home. But he will die as he lived--die as be- | those who kuow | | comes the American monarch--"the | dian here more concern than all the | gamest of the game." FLIES AS DISEASE BEARERS. The Common House Variety Are a Menace to Health. The United States Department of Agriculture has started a crusade against the common house fly and is | carrying on extensive experiments as to the best way of banishing it from Re abodes of man. The fly has been found to be not only a nuisance, but a menace to man's health. Its | hairy body carries both disease and leath. Many epidemics which sweep over communities in the hot season have been traced to the fly. Having its origin in filth, it brings with it the bacteria which breed in filth. And as it moves about, now crawling over refuse, now over the food on the ta- ble, flying from the lips of the sick | to the lips of the healthy; it is said to be more dangerous ¥ modern society than were the wild beasts to primi- tive man The high mortality among the chil- dren in the congested districts of a city, where - families are closely | crowded together, where refuse ac-! cumulates fast, where food is often kept in living rooms, 8 due to a | large degree, so scientists now say, to the fly: Infant diseases chiefly prevail in the hot season, when the flies abound. Dr. J. T. C. Nash, in | The Journal of the Royal Saritary Institute, giving his experience as an English health officer, says that the | fly is responsible for the death of many children because of polluting he milk which they drink "It is a matter that has been en- tirely overlooked." _said Dr. < 0. Probst, recently, "but we now Rohe, n ™ an | agent. of importance in earrying the | germs of typhoid fever. It was for- merly believed that the germs were only carried in water, milk or other liquid food. Flies both breed and feed 'in places where the" germs are to be | found, and then, flying into = our | that the common house houses, no doubt often carry i germs and deposit them on our food. | "The | that the geese are kept by the farm- | ers on their farms very much as fowss | root of evil," though in the Bible this fo' run in | proverb is found -------------- Canada Leading. Me RW. "M.P., one of the in est contractors of the old country, re- cently was a vis to Toronts: He spoke here 'the Toronte Metho- 000 ship this country he no AnNOUNCe- men! ts A few days ago he arrived back in Sogiand and Ghis 'ah interview to London News, which is published as : \ ing in this for the company which will undertake the construction of this new' ship canal, in conjunc- tion with Messrs. C. H. Walker & " Co., the firm of London engineering moirs, speaks of having seen great contractors, in which Mr. Perks is a partner. They were interested in the construction of the Manchester Ship T Canadian ship canal which will en- that we now know him to be. and able ocean-going steamships to trans tends to show, moreover, that he once | Port the grain and other produce from the interior of the Dominion direct to {down the Ottawa River to Montreal {and the St. Lawrénce. The plans pro- vide for a depth all the way sufficient to take any vessel drawing up to 24 f terway, di interior with the Atlantic liner ser- vices, should prove an invaluable aid to the rapid t of the pro- ductive resources of Canada. "My . Mr. Perks, "are | FRIDAY, AU of significance on this schetne. £20,000,000 Canadian ca- and all estimates, etc., are now for the consideration of the _ Government. ; r. R. W. Perks, MP. landed from i she White Star liner Celtic, from New the grizzlies became so numerous that | York Sunday. sight, R @ as bien ght The twenty men were required to guard | this enterprise, andl during that per- iod he has traversed the route for the th canal end to end, act he mew scheme is to provide a Liverpool by water. The new waler- GUST 30th, 1907. ly to a trader, ape The statement is merely self- | praise, which is not actionable. lao on the ground | eet. Obviously, a great Canadian wa- tls conpecting the fertile now all - formulated, and ready for presentation to the Canadian Govern- ment, and I am to see the Dominion | Premier, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, on the | subject in London next week. I Jide carefully*serutinizsed and checked fhe estimates of revenue and all the vari- ous engineering details, and I have conferred with myefriends in America and in Canada as to the best methods of putting the business into practical form. That has now been done. I shall, after. my interview with Sir Wilfrid Laurier, probably return to Canada {to get the business completed." INDIANS TALK BLOODSHED. Chief of Oka Tribe Resents Enclosure of Land. A recent despatch from Oka, says: The fact that Chief Angus Corinthe has announced that there will 'be | bloodshed in Oka if the fencing at Lum 4 ioe for | public land is with," gives ways of the In- | < ee ------ 5 £8 : i false statement. T! r i or a case for libel, but oue for dis whi paragement of - The defence sought dismi own circulation, presenting in merely circulation books and not orig inal slips from which entries had been ade. The defendants' counsel al a the books were not Admissible, but merely hearsay evidence. ee commen Great Minds Think Alike. Few aspects of the march of thought are more interesting those cases by means few or far be- | tween, in which leading | the world %, scientific covery A i i t haw Phildecthi on ndependent lines, and communicated the results to the | world ah the same time, in some > stance even on . | are tos apt to treat this, even where experiments were not carried out by men known to one another, as mere out great ideas on same day coincidence. But looking at these remarkable synchronisms it cannot Be lightly a missed as mure coincidence world-famous 'memoirs of Darwin and Dr. Wallace on the heretofore tittle understood subject of natural tion should both have been fore the Linnaean Society on the same day. The same may -be said of the inator of the telephone, Graham scourge and blessing to-day, on February 94th, 1876, only earning his immortality by a Ad narrow squeak, since or aha Gry. lying at the Philadelphia tent yoy a similar protection. later another inventor, King His Majesty is one of the grealest jent armor and he alarmist rumors that have been sel | puthorifies on ancien afloat at different times during the has set his h last few years. Almost every year | many as possi there have been, 50 to speak, pocket | once formed part of the Crown col- rebellions here, in the course of | lection, but which have now dri | which, at various times, the provin- | into the possessi cial police and detectives, as well as | of them are treasul those of the Dominion, have been call- ed out for service. The outlook, how- | custodians to part wi ever, has never before been so ser- jous as at the present. Those who | some valua know Angus Corinthe know him as | owners. a careful, deliberate man, whe would | not openly proclaim such defiance as | newspaper he has done unless he had thougiit the | just purch matter out carefully. In connection with this it must be | remembered that a little over a year ed a messenger to ago he deliberately tried to bring things to an issue by cutting down a | been of tree on the disputed domains to make | but, a flagstaff for his property in the vil- lage. He defied the gentlemen of the seminary at that time fo put him in jail; but, thanks to the Recently, His Majesty read in 1 that a Polish collector had ased, for $250, an old Eng- ish helmet. dating from the Wars of the Roses. Immediately, he despatch- Moscow to recover the treasure. The Pole had already flered $2.500 by a dealer for it; knowing its value, he declined to séll. The King's envoy, however, had orders to secure it at any cost, Land this he finally succeeded in do- of | ing after a payment of $30,000. The the latter. who are somewhat tired of | helmet is now in the armorer's room the constant trouble with the Indians, | at St: James's Palace. nothing serious happened. In the present case, whatever oc- | curs will not be at the instigation cf the Board of Health of the province, which objects to cows and other ani- ! mals roaming around th the vil- | lage. The village authorities have been rdered by the Board of Health to en- | close the meadows, and, owing to! threats, bave asked for the protection of the provincial police. Is a Goose a Bird? In a decision by Judge Waite, the Board of General Appraisers in New | York have decided that Canadian | quotation, | ciful to his beasts," as comin | the Bible, though the Seriptural form is "The righteous man regardeth the | life of his beast." . The quotation from. .Isaiah reads. "Shall a nation be born at once?" but | this is habitually corrupted to "A na His Majesty is constantly being of- fered spurious antiques. but these he is at once able to detect, and not one' of then finds its way into the Royal | collection. Misquotations From Holy Writ. The Bible is misquoted more than 1 have heard the "The merciful man is mer- from any other book. Al are not wild, and hence are | ii. shall be born in a day." | not to be deemed "birds" within the | meaning of the Dingley tariff act. The issue directly aflects the itportation | of the geese in if mn | many quotations attributed | The collector assessed the geese for Bible that are not 16 be found in it. duty as "live try" with duty at | <pyalted to Heaven in point of pri- . | vilege" does not appear in the Berip- | tures, nor does "Not to be wise above the rate of three cents per whereas the importers insisted that "Born unto trouble as the sparks rone to sin as the sparks fly upwaid.". There are fly upward" is quoted, " the geese should be admitted as | hat is written." birds" free of duty Their Cotten | jon was that the are wild, or | ) is destruction. on a A denying he claim dlp | Ce Of hi ee aan evidence 8 Waite says: are generally kept, Absalom's long hair was not the { was caught fast in the tree. Nowadays we say "Money is the The Cobden Club issues a reply 10 1 the fields, and also kph withi n clo- | money is the root of all evil." the proposals before ference, and says resents t evoluti pendence in pol jes will stand to-morrow e pamphlet eriticizes the prefer. The un counts the | value of Canadian preférence, "which | Canadas cannot increase if she is con- gistent with her protective policy. It also states that the Canadian bounty poliey is hostile to the validity of pre- | ! Aus- ence proposals and dis ference. The New Zealand and tralian proposa protection Capital Offence. There are five capital offences un- ! * Jaw--murder, high treas- Ger. Biitith n the port of Lon. corms. on, piracy, arson i dou. and attempts to destroy public | arsenals. the Imperial Con- "The significance | of the Canadian poliey is that it rep- ! he mast fully conscious evo- lution of the colonial principle, an jon not towards closer union, but consistently towards larger inde- | itical, military and | Where Canada to-day | ls are merely instra- { is a sun dance. ments to increase the stringency of sures. 'The importers | the wild Canadian goose the | mestic goose. The Se Bact that they may contain some wild blood' and have some wild tendencies would not, we think, warrant us in finding | that they are free of duty as claim- | ed." The decision will ly have | the effect of raising prices of | to hotels, réstaurants and in- ividual consumers. The Moki Indians are sum worship- ers, and their Christmastide festival | Tt is mach like the | midsummer. snake dance of the NE ab -------- A Corn Dream Realized y Just realize' what @ comiort it | {would be to be free from all your | returning Then -rememibér that you can | cure all of them with Peck's Corn Cure. In big boxes, Me, at Wade's|nen's and Colgate's ta drug store, ' 'that they | | Bible at all. i | four an ' he a a E The Juotaion "Cleanliness is nat are of a wild nature, ¥- | to godliness" does not appear in t brid, resulting from the mingling Fon Ppe: A Greedy Little Fish. or two, twenty-one little trout, each od from three-quarters of an inch to "| inch in length. | Chesp Exéursion To Watertown. Going Saturday, 5 a.m. or 2 pm, Monday. Only $1.25 retuss. med ci-- X Avother fuk Hoag's. for anything in the store. This is our loss and your gain. Come to the greatest sacrifice sale, we have yet had. the goods, but we would ask you to } let the loss be what it may, No I offer will be: CL - We cannot describe. come to our store FRID i 50c. On the Dollar. = qyis sale is genuine we I an going out of business on. count of ill health. 4 but not a news- that if the statement were libellots "and - actionable al plaintiffs had failed to prove i case, having failed to prove A and SATURDAY If you want Diy Gqods at Jd pioneers in ames Johnston, ; re Bell, who applied for he patent oy a ELLIOTT BR y ; : . eart upon acquiring as ble of the pieces which We carry in stock a nice assortment of the Chicago "Jewel" Gas Stoves, which are acknowledged the best stoves manufactur- ed. Examine them before purchasing else- where. : ya Sh All orders for disconnecting Gas Meters promptly attended to. a ~ = 97 Pine on of others. Some red in national mu- | seums, and no offer will induce their th them. But nearly every week the King acquires le specimen from private to the It was his | head, and not the hair upon it, that "to read, "Love' of Summer Furniture Sale & Reductions from 15 to 20 per cent, and a large selection. our stock before buying. PARLOR SUITS--5-Piece Su'ts worth $25, reduced to $20, PARLOR SUITS~2 3-Piece Suits worth $48, reduced to $40, PARLOR SUITS--1 5-Piece Suits worth $80 (special), reduced to . LOUNGES--Our $7 Velour Lounges, reduced to $5. LOUNGES--Our $12 Velour Lounges, reduced to $9.50. Bed Lounges and Davenports, - all reduced. R. J: REID, LEADING Dy x ( Ee OH : i: Where reason dictates, and you'!l buy them here. There's all the reason in the world for doing so. We've the lowest prices, as comparison will show. We are in a position to give you the strongest guarantee for the greatest service. Prices start at $1.25 and run ERTAKER. up to $3.50. tan Reid & Charles, SUCCESSORS TO D.J.McDERMOTT, 111 PRINCESS ST. i "PHONE 646. The little fish known as miller's | thumb--the fresh water sculpin--is | one of the natural checks on overproduction of trout and salmon. Tt eats the égge and the young fish. It is found in nearly all trout waters. { Tt is very destructive. At an experi- | ment once made in the aquarium of the United States fish commission in Washin ; a millers thumb about one-half inches long ate at a single mea], and all within a minute Brass and Iron Bedstead, in Fancy Designs. We at Special Prices. i 3 : Also Feather Pillows, in the best of Goose, Duck and Also Lock Weave, Hercules Springs and Susitary 3 mes Reid, = ™%d ment of Men- m powders nt . THIS WEEK. 'PHONB 577. BEDDING | SUPPLIES

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