Mo | | Are Likely Pinned Under The Wreckage. AN 5 inns Ton i - . | THAT WOULD HAVE SAVED | ALL THE MEN. i measure. . The Quality, Style & Fit $| Guaranteed. Furs SELECTED and ordered now stored free un- till wanted. We carry the finest stock of Fars and Fur Skins in § New York Consulting En- gineer Telegraphed the Man in Charge to Take the Workmen Off the Bridge Till He Ex- amined It. : J Quebec, ~ Sept. 3.~Matters * 1ofiain | very much in statu uo with regard to the Quebec bridge disaster, save that | the people here are gradually recover- : ing from She Stupniaesica ni which o , the news ol e catastrophe w p- Central Cafidda. ceived. Although a at has been kept both at thé bridge and in | the river below, no more bodies have : | been recovered, and it is believed th John MeKay Fur House, | most of the ie ne . 149-155-Brock ST. 'Q [are still pinned under the wreckage, two hundred feet below the "surface of FARMS WANTED. the river. A jury wif empanelled on Saturday morning, and the fifteen bodies so far taken from the river were formally identified, and burial permits issued EXPERIENCE, | bility and good judgment jin values | have gained for us an enviable repu-| tation in the Real Estate Business and put us in touch with a long list | by Coroner Jollicoeur. The jury also visited the scene of the - accident, and of prospective buyers. If you wish to placa any Real Estate on e { i | | | | | ABSOLUTE RELIA- as advisable to spent * several hours going over the again meet at the court hoyse, at the market, you will find it to your ad- 76 or 100 acres, near Kingston, aiso| Of the government. Mayor J. G. Gar- oo day evening, 0 consider whether it is | TJ. Lockhart, in the matter. ruins, I hey then adjourned until | luesday morning, when they will Market, Yar ! r same time the formal investiga- communicate wit) s. | ti n i \ y e) Taage to, Pe hsh us. | tion, which will be opened on behalf a Ia dairy farm with good build-| heau of Quebec has also called a spe- ings wood locality. | cial meeting of the citizens for Tues-| take any public action Real Estate Agent, 159 Wellington 8t., Kingston, Ont | A Warning Telegraphed, New 'York; Sept. 2.="The lives of all the men, killed in the collapse of the { cantilever bridge in the St. Lawrence things especially suited for | might have been saved if a telegram | sent from New York, Thursday morn Our store is filled with good | Campers {ing had been received and heeded, ac © gee ww § i cording to the statbnient made to Fishing Parties | day by Theodore Cooper, of 45 Broad- | way, who hus been consulting engi- ». . . ow in charge of the work since the Picnic Parties bridge was started seven years ago. : Late Cooper feels keenly the accident y ; | that cost So many lives and ro roach] mptly p wily. packed and, od RMSE "for not having Visited TY g ped | work in two 'years, although his ill- Jas Redden & C health has kept him close to town, bo | 0, | and he has tried to obtain his release Import of Fine Groceries. | from responsibility, of serving as con- { i A 3 x | sulting engineer in this work { of his poor health. Roller Rink "Thursday morning my inspector ® | came down to my office," went on Skating at 2.30 and 7.50 p.m. Mr. Cooper, "and told me things did BAND EVERY EVENING. | Y well for the ~ bridge, He Seleot is not look though it ought to be looked into] Patronage. I wired the mah in| TAKE NOTICE. immediately, charge of the work there to wet off | the bridge at once and stay off it un- I have the best line of Heaters Iever | til' it could He examined. 1 don't had, 1 have also an enormous stock of | wi 5 telegram Furniture, that. I want to. dispose of at | XDOW what happened to the telegram. very low prices, as 1 want tho roo for It may have been delivered during the Heaters. TURK'S.. Second-Hand Store, morning or afternoon, or it may be 3% Princess slot. : | that the strike of telegraphers tidd if up until it,got to the bridge too late I have not received any details of the accident mysell yet, though late on] Tharsday 1 pot word that the bridge had coil: "I ordered my inspector to go there] at once and gather all the details he could. When he comes back, I shall possibly be in a position to advance some theory as to the cause of the accident. It's too early yet to say anvthing definite because we don't know enough on which to base theory." because | While Spanking Her Seven-Year-| ob Old Son. Cheboygan, Mich, Sept. 3.--Mrs. Fred. Williams, living at Bear Point, on Crooked lake, near here, was sev- erely injured, and her seven-year-old son was probably fatally hurt when a dynamite cap in the boy's hip pocket exploded while the mother was spgnk- ing him. fhe little boy had bern sent out in the field where his father was using dynamite to blowup Stumps, and had slipped ope of. the percussion caps, which Mrs, Williams was: using, into] «Three Swallows" Irish Whiskey, his pocket. He returned to the house, Famous for over a century, : where his mother called him in to be (Of hirhest stahdard of purity, punished for some childish misdemean- | Distillers to His Majesty the King. or, Mrs, Williams used a shingle and | the first blow exploded the cap in the boy's pocket. The explosion tore a large. hole dn his hip. sod. a "¢Three Swalléws.'"* Sir John Power & Sons, The preliminary el ne for the third Russian' Douma are now in full progress. : "Fresh on Monday," MoConkev's high class candy. Sold. only at Gib n's Red Cross drug store. Good Prospect For Corn Crop. | Every one, with. corns will be pleas ed to kndaWthat. Putnam's Corn Ex-| 5 trator is sElarantond to. cure hard, | DAILY MEMORANDA. soft or bleeding cortns--in twenty-four Wonderland every afternoon and even- hours painless and sure is Putnam's-- | \"& & trey it General . . Wednesday. Hospital Governors, 4 pm. Rifle tearnd from Great Pritain, Aus- | tratial United States and Canada are at Rocklifie competing for the Palma trophy. WHIG TELEPHONES.. 243--Business Office. 229-- Editorial Rooms. | Pietro Marguso {rms of Norway, and suitably L neighbor, who iy obbing Department. Red Cross worm powders, ey box. ) oF Prove JON Cololf Printing a Specialty. e---- Only at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. g Wade's tooth paste, in. tul at Wade's drug store. Gibson's Drug Stare, Market Square-- | hes, 15ec., try Open till late each evewing. ---------------- _ _It-surely adds to a good . meal to have it served in good dishes. ' WHITE AND GOLD SETS We are selling at $12, for a complete set, You have | THE FIRST TIME, Result failure the first time to a merchant of the 'right sort" whoiadvertises is merely an experience. Nothing is real- ly worth while that does not involve patience and preser- ance. An axe was never sharp- ened with a single turn of the The Daily Whig is always on sale at} { guilty. | 3 { Joseph, the motor boat Frances { Priest, 1 Bl { injured, {your dr {tablets {everywhere iventics, for they 'but decidedly | Preventics i tiaxative, pothing harsh nor sickening. | Gy CANADA AND FRANCE Have a Complete, Commercial | ! Understanding. Paris, Sept. between France and Canada on the] subject of a 'mew commercial arrange: | ment have resulted in a complete un- | derstanding. 'The agreement on this | subject will shortly be signed. The terms of the commercial accord | will not be announced until France! and Canada have completed all the minor details, bat it is ndorstond that each comntry has granted the other a more favorable tariff on ex-| 8. Field- of fin- Paris, Sept. 2.--Hon. W. ing, the Canadian minister ance, will leave here to-morrow for! London, to lay the new commercial treaty between France and' Canada be- fore the 'Br.tish authorities. After- ward Mr. Figlding will return to Par- is, to arrange the last of the minor details of the treaty. He told the As. | sociated Press to-day that it would be impossible at present to announce the terms of * the treaty, because. it must be presented to the British awth- orities gs well as_to both the Cana- dian and French parliaments. 'How- ever, he said, the document had not been signed. u DECEASED WIFE'S SISTER. ian Castigates the Clergy . or Their Attitude. « London, Sept. 2.--The head-of the English clergy's advocacy of passive] resistance to the Deceased Wife's Sis-| ter Rill is causing. much discussion here. The Daily News says the Bishop) of London will probably find his views! widely divergent from those in Cdn-| ada. | A Canadian who spént years work: ing in philanthropic circles in poorer London, asks! "Who is the Bishop of London that he should call such mar riages I should like him to give vent to such sentiments in Canada, and- he will find his level. Tt is an abominable insult to us and other eolonies for the state cler- gv to talk in the arrogant way they incestuous ? s00N 0. The Daily News asserts that among colonials resident ta London there is strong resentment against the lan enage applied to these. unions hy the clergy. { --------t---------- SCARED BY BLACK HAND. Will Return to His Native Italy. 4 Oneida, N.Y., Sept. 2.--Pietro Mar-| guso, an Italian, in company with his brother-in-law, will sail from New| York for Italy. Pietro 'got a Black | Hand letter telling him, t3 go to One- jda,_ Castle and. place $400 under th "the 0. & W. track and if he did not comply with 'the re quest he' would be killed. The Italian at once Iwcame frightened, sold his stock of shoes, his accounts and the| little store which' he occupied, to George F. Tygert, and with his broth- er-in-law left town. i } | Shocked to Peath at Buffalo, N.Y. { Bufiglo, N.Y., Sept. 3~Two Polish lads, Tony Carola and Guiseppe Zeppa, both about thirteen years old, were shocked to death, yesterday, on tower which carried high voltage from Niagara Falls power | houses to the Lackawanna steel plant. | There was great delay in getting the | current shut oif, apd for nearly three hours the bodies hung in mid-air with the blue playing about DEAD IN MID-AIR. Two Lads i a steel flames them in plain view of thousands. | Gallantry At Sea. { Montreal! Sept. 3.--Arvid Jacobson, | on behali of the Norwegian govern ment, has presented Capt. George A. | Cotterrell, now. marine superintendent hers for the Elder-Dempster line, with silver cup, bearing the inscrib Jd in both English and Norwegian, in recognition of his gallantry iu saving the Hvesdol the crow of the wrecked Norwegian bargque Wellington in thd | Atlantic ocean on December 3rd last. » magnilicent Child Her Own Life. Buffalo, N.Y., Sept. 30.--Esther Spear, a fourteen-year-old orphan, | committed suicide by Towing Par- is green. The girl had destroyed a number of letters belonging to in return threatened to have her sent to jail, Fear that | the threat would be caryied out drove | the child to take her life. reap » Crusade Against Slot Machines: Oswego, N.Y., Sept.2. -As the re- sult of a visit to thix section of two men from the state excise department, James Mulligan, bartender at the sa- loon of Edward Golden on the Boule vard is awaiting the action of the grand jury on the charge of _operat- ing a slot machine: 'Fhe machine is said to have been of business. Mulligan pleaded | | not Motor Boat Exploded. Sept. 2.---At Lake Quebec, St. ex- ploded, was burned and sank. Julie manager of the Lake St. hotel, was severely burned and while Frederick Valentine, the neineer of the boat, was so fright- fiy burned that he may die. Joseph e fu To check a cold quickly get from uggist some little candy cold called Preventics. Druggists gre not only sale, certain _ and prompt. ine, no contain nd quin 2.--The. negotiations | DN SALISBURY PL |#truck by lightning, {England and the Grand Duke Mic | union fis | writer for various other publications in Golden's place are mow dispensing Pre! 4 An Assistant Bishop Will Disobey. = » TROOPS HOLD MIMIC DISTRICT ' WARFARE, 1s PROGRESS OF THE G.T.P. J ---- This Winter Will See Men at Work - on the Mountain Section. Vancouver, B.C, Sept. 2.-An ad vance party of two hundred men have arrived at Port Essington for | Pacific coast wection of thé GT.P. It is intended to have one tho men {at work this fall on the hundred mile | section from Prince Rupert east to | Kitsilas Canyon, ' where the Copper {river joins the Skeona, where is the | heaviest rook work on the entire line, | Atlantic to Tadificc Iv will take two {years of construction. % The canyon is the beginning of a {hundred and eighty mile section | Kitamaot to Haelton, which Foley | Bros. and: the Farsen company are building. Jt 'is also heavy, requiring {many tunnels, and will take a year Church Struck By Lightning--Re-jand a half' under mest favorable con- ported 'Royal Engagement. ditiovs olay yon, do Jot initnd Yo change their invariable: policy of en Suiting, Dock _Jabaters fn | ane. only white lator. The work Antwerp Are Violent--Stored| ¢ Kitamaat will be in full swing in English~®Strike-Breakers. {two weeks. Work on both sections is S 2 Re a to be sulglet in divisions of one to | London, Sept. 3 Ree. Dr. Thoen}eo "ol 5; continuing through the | ton, the assistant bishop of Munches- | winter, as they regard it the most, | ter, iready, Bue delieg the instructions: | 1 ohio ye oe rock blasting | jssued 'to the clergy by the Archbis- The be Fr tthe Tia $ i x : Ri » beginning of the year wi 800 hops of. Gantt er ishob u | the construction in progress from end ! bond, raw. deocused wile's sister's) to: ond in, these most, difficult of all a + od sections. The most. urgent problem law. Jshap Hhoeston has ars tomaining will bo a forty-mile gap se- his clergy and 'parishioners that aM |p 4ing Kitamaat from the Skeena kind of. souial br Feligions boycotting | Go. of these who, with a clear conscienee, | ° : take vento p of the amended law, To. oe She whole of ha ROE Jus Ri rt" elon" 1 |Log 4 Inuriet J the' phot the highest fHogres. hich will . © Rupert, this month, where they will A: stato. a are rich wall CON remain three weeks. The largest con tinue throughout the week, COM- | act in reconstruction work in the menced, yesterday, on the military {0 CE eG To PR wins awarded to arca known as Salistiiry Plain. , The McDonald and srowski Fe en- troops of ope district arc being pitted. gineers, both formerly of Toronto, for against those cof another, 20.000 men mile i ball of 4 In thraer of all 'ranks: being engaged, this be- " : wl a. tes Ol: Sunue's Shree : : quarters of a" mile cach side of Kick- ing the ultra strength of the Alder 5 0g to "os war Field: al h shot command. Licut.-Gen. lan Ham- mp rhe x ivi ent ve Also in e- | eam sh soviprohy, [eesti of ASG fe, le trict, with ten thousand troops, potiditure of 'a million dollars, and playing the part of an invader Irom | (o ke A; 1 half "Blue Land," described as a country Lote take a year and'a hall to com- situated several days' steaming from plete. "Red Land," upon whose shores Ham ilton has effccta] a landing, with the object of capturing the capital, "Red Town." The defending force is under the 'command "of Maj.-Gen. Sir Fred- erick Stopford NEWFOUNDLAND FIRM Claims the Right to Enforce the Colonial Laws. St. John's, Nfid., Sept. 3.--The New- foundland cabinet held a meeting, yes- terday, to consider despatches from the British secretary of state for the colonies, relating to a modus yvivendi between Great Britain and the United States for the coming fishing season on the 'west coast. It is stated that the Americans have agreed to abun don Sunday fishing and the use of pute seines in Newfoundland waters. ey : .y insist, however, upon the right St: Petersburg, "Sept. 3.--The holy ey iuist, ows ini gr Hos allowed Putkin, 'who. is un- to hire col fishermen outside the r a oy Struct "By Lightning. Lemberg, West Prussia, Sept. 3h Roman 'Catholic - church, here, was yesterday. Four persons were Killed and = sixtogh men fd children were seriously' injured in ve panic whith followed. Allows Anarchist's Marriage. onial : b Yor mile limit. The colonial cabinet re rani wp fet Ao righ be min irder" $0 legitimize his [hich require that citizens 'of - the ehild. colony must obtain a license . first from the government before they oan be employed by foreign fishing vessels within colonial waters. It is consider ed probable that an agreement for the fsenson will be reached within a few days, the dispute at large to be sot- tled by The Hague tribunel. | Reported Royal Engagement. Copenhagen, Sept. "3.--Reports of the engagement of Princess Victoria of ael Alexandroviteh of Russia, are revived, and in responsible quarters are con- frmod. The grand duke will accom- pany his mother, the Dowager Expres of Russia, on her coming Scandinavian auise, when he will meet Queen Alex- andra and Princes Vietoria. Canadian Syndicate Retaliates. Ottawa, Sept. 2.~The trouble be- | tween New York opposition news- papers over the work of Gutcallt, the Buster Brown. artist, is extending to Canada. The New York Herald has . {threatened Canadian Japers usin Men in San Francisco | Busts DErow n, with ey ~ Yesterday. breach of copywriting it. Meantime San Francisco)" Sept." 8.---The labor | the Canadian newspapers' syndicate of parade, yesterday, resulted in Montréal, who own the Canadian the shooting of men by em- copyright in this series, have started ployees of the united railroads. The [injunction proceedings against the were attacked by. the para New- York Herald and their ropresen- JIf-defonce opened fire. | tatives in Canada to restrain them Six shots were fired. The men, who [from. im yyrting anything containing did the shooling, were arrested, but Buster pictures into Capada, LABOR MEN SHOT By Car two car men ders and in Brown sists this contention and claims the | Brookville Pr : tat Tia {locomotives to be used on the heavier grades of 'Distant Places. TH WORLD'S TONGS GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- SIBLE FORM. or-- Matters That Interest Everybody |! Notes From All Over-Littls ofé. Everything Easily Read 'and Remembered. H. Maynard was instantly Killed near Lowell, Mass. while attemptipg a urop in a delecfive parachute. King kdward sent hifeympathy to the trends and relatives of those kill- od at the Quebec bridge disaster. United States tishernen have agreed not to use purse seimes, nor to han on Sunday on the west coast of New. foundiand, 'I'he Anglo-Russian convention defir ing tho spheres of influence of the two yowers in the far cast was signed on Saturday. ' Frederick" Harding, 'a wealthy paper box manufacturer of Patérson, N.J., committed suicide. He shot himaselt through the -heart. 3 A. A. Beattie, of Russell, blew out the gas in his room in the Central hotol, Brockville. He had a close cal but will recover: An artillery = officer at Odessa, Rus: gig, accidentally dropped a bomb, which he way examining, killing him- self and four policemen. " At Teheran, Miran Ali Ashgan Khan, premier and minister of the interior, was shot and instantly killed as he was leaving the national council. Governor John Harmon, of Send: wich jail, Windsor, Ont., is his own prisoner, having been committed on a division court judgment. A thirteen-year-old boy named Wil- liam 1. Yuko met his death by drown- ing in the Yonge street dock, off Geddes' wharf, Toronto, on Saturday evening. Several thousand inmates of British prisons were releastd on yuday, when the new rule for the remission of wentonces on account of good conduct went into effect, The body of suffocated by gas the man who was | last: Thursday night | , Toronto, fi that of . James i§ their apprecintion of the hunar done the town in the appointment of Yok G. P. Graham as minister of ruil ways and canals, Ex-Justice Alteil B. Parker, of New York, declares he line "no desire ever again to hold public office, and that in this respect his views had not changed since his defeat for the pre gidency in 1901. The Chilean goverment has pur: chased twenty-five heavy American much into the season, 3 = Artists and Fabrics are here now tg undertake vour order, Madame Richard im charge. a "Quarterly Style Book Now Ready. : the state railways. They are found to give better service than the English or German engines, The fruit crop in the London tion is ~ likely to be almost a com- plete failure "unless rain comes at | once. Nearly ail the fall varieties of apples are scares and of poor quality, a relnion which is gencral through- | out Western Ontario. | The Welland canal was open on Sun- day, and will bo kept open Sundays for the balance of the season in order to facilitate the. movement of vessels. sec ! Steacy's} several rioters who were seized by the [even their own paper. This will affect police were released. the Sunday. editions of the right away. Tribute To Mansfield. London, Sept. 2.<The death of Richard Mansfield is almost the sels in the theatrical world of Lon Prominent actors amd managers No. Trace Of Child. Ogdensburg, N.Y., Sept. 2.--Mrs. W R. Stewart has returned from this city to the home of her father, John ier McMullin at Brockville, so far 01 unsuccessful in securing the return of don | d { her daughter, who is alleged to have unite in paving iribute to his genius, been kidnapped at Brookville by W which they declare has not been Stewart, the father. Mr. Stewart equalled since Booth and Irving were a well-known magazine and news-| the hey-day of their carecrs. All paper man, having been associate odi-| he. papers follow Hhe announcement. tor of the Cosmopolitan, editor of 0 his. tleuth with long and apprecia- the Times Magazine and a special tive sketches of his struggles and triumphs in both England and Ame- rica. i ably described as "Americgts foremost actor," and for his i producer and stage manager he is Troe of America." Jub » is Inve as well as having held editorial posi-| pe tions on New York city papers. Nun Likely Kidnapped. Travers City, Mich., Sept. 2.--City and county officials have appealed for | assistancg in what is thought to be a mysterious case of are to-day organidog a systematio | ,ry search for Sister Mary, & beautiful | yesterday, entered the capital to at nun, who disappeared from lsadore [tend the consecration of a church to convent a week ago. Sister Mary left [the memory of hix grandiather, Alex- the convent gate Saturday afternoon, |,uder 11, "who wns assassinated in intending to returm within an' hour, | March, 158(, on the spot where the She has not been seen or heard edifice' was raised. The date of the Sisters at the convent are firm trip, coinciding with the conspiracy ition that she has been |(rinl just closed here, plainly was de- . : signed to FYaise: the loyalty of army and the people. It was a com- plets success, and no untoward ihei- kill ax a The Czar At The Capital. h Petersburg, Sept. 2.--For. the se kidnapping, and {cond time since "red Sunday" (Janu- 2nd, 1905) Emperor Nicholas, ot ol Ace. in the eo | Kidnapped. LL Paap" | Mrs. Stanford White Dénjes Rumor [ New York, Sept. 3.--Mrs. Stanford dent ocurred | White, widow of = the architect, who eT | was shot to death by Harry K. Thaw, | denied yesterday, the 'report that she ness, g lis to be married to Charles MoKim, | the side, guaranteed to those using of the firm of MoKim, Meade and Carter's -Little Liver Pill. One a White, of which her husband was for dose. Small pricy. Small dose. Small { so many vsars mn member. Mrs. White pill. | returned to New York Saturday, on| Canadian be | the steamer La Lorraine after a stay in Italy of several months. naused, constipation, pain jn Atlantic liners may der to meet competition from United States ports. . Fruit jar rings British Drink Spirits. 5e. dozen at 'Gibson's' | Southampton, Sept. 2.-- Rev. Charles drug store. IM. Sheldon. of Topeka, Kan, sailed | C.PR. Live Hor New York, to-day, of the steamer | sayy thers will be Louis after a four months' tour |nwwhér of cntile pints "and qlharts, Red Cross Stock Agdat McMullen a riduction an the shipped from the { Herald called the "Becrbohm | the | k po tgeeh Prompt relief in sick headache, dizai-+ 2 * 1 compelled to reduce their rases in or BORN. 2 BOYD. --In Kingston, on Sept. 1st, 1907 a som, vo ne end Mrs. J. R. Boyd; 451 Princess street. Cp HICKEY .~In Kingston, Sept. 8rd, 1907. RE I oO J Hickey, 198 " Parl street, a pon. ARMSTRONG, ~In Kis 1907, tos«Mr. and Mrs. strong, 82 Rideau St. a Y D. POTTER--HEMLEY ~In Kingston, Monday, Sept. $07, bY Burke, sm HH, Potter, H poth of Kingston. The Welland canal, with the close of the present season, will experience the busiest year of its existence. | Rev: Vietor Gilpen, of the Unitar- linn church, London, Ont., came out {openly, Sunday night, in a sermon for { Sunday street cars. "There should be la tolerant observance of the Sab- bath," said Mr. Gilpen, "There [should by the most open means of | transportation to both Port Stanley land Springbank." { Commencing on Saturday, Septem- {ber 7th, R. Borden, K.C., M.P., ithe leader of the conscrvative opposi- Ition in the House of Commons, 31 I make a tour through Ontario. ie {will conclude his visit to the pro vines on September 17th with a pie {nic at Beaverton, after having ad- | dress] about a dozen meetings, He ave for the far wpe: A TERRIBLE ACT. ston, Aug. 31st, W. H. 'Avie daughter. thedral, late Patrick Keating, to I J}, O'Connor, of Gananoque. : - KEANEBY--WALSH At St. Cathadral, Tuesod, Sept. we Br, b u . ther Keaney, Cousin. 7 Aho. Vi Keane. Loreto, ' of the groom, Burnest of Huileyhury, Ont., to Mary daughter of Michuel Walsh, oity. : ' ANHORN--MEDLEY.~In St. Georgé's Cathedral, Kingston, on Tues Sept. 8rd, 1907, by the Rov." Can Starr, William Alekander hom, of tisburg, awed' Charlo Medley, second deughter of the eo Fraser Medley, and William Medley, Barriafield, wills then le | 1 | Po | | | ker Players Poured Turpentine on Miner, and He is Dying. I Washington, Pa., Sept. 3.--James Connelly, a miner of Avella, near { here, is dying from treatment received 1 at the hands of several fellow-work- | men. Connelly remonstrated. with his | companions who were playing poker.| | Tt 'is allaged they. threw him to the] { floor, tied him, and after pouring tur- pentine all over his body, then turn him loose. Connelly - was foand frantic w th pain, running wild- ly in the woods several hours later. formations have been made against Uonnelly's companibng, all of whom have disappeared. Mrs. REED er 0 £ oad CILPATRICK KILPAT rg vie M., naa daughter A, Kilpatrick. Vi 2.30 o'clock, At rest, jn Marlowe, Grace Edith, od ~ Diphtheria, need months and six faye, ae Fresh, MeConkey's high class candy at Gibson's Red (ross drug. store. Grand Opera House. Three nights and Saturday Matinee, Commencing THURSDAY, SEPT. 6th: Mr. W. L. Stewart Fresenis the Stoddart Stock Co With MISS LEAH STODDART. inl In a Mammoth Murphy's Fanious KGRRY Gf The great Wo 4 ¥ hore ugh i in {wonderful grindstone. Every successful advertiser has won out by "staying 'with it." knowing it to be the most important factor in his business. "Know- ing it. pays' and "making it pay' is the spirit that wins. red | seen nothing as nice before. che Bovuite Lr -- Robertson Bros. {Taken at the "endeze stage" Preven- [of Great Britain. He said he found west this year i ties. will prevent Pneumonia, Broc- more drunkeniwss bre than in Ame- | H. Cunningham, piano tuner, from Ychitis, Ja Grippe, ete. Hence the rica, especially. among. the women: Chickering's:. Orders ~ at McAuley's inwme, Preventics. Good: for feverish The Americavs. Pe added, consmime hook elors. Phone 778. {children. 48 Preventies 25c. chiefly beer, while | "Fruitatives" are. 'sold nt G Trial much intoxicants, : boxes, 5, Soll by sll dealers. British drink spirits largely, Red Cross drug store. . ] : S H wi pra ha gh 1 IR "THE BELLE OF Sheewi | 10-15-26 Seats now on. selec g ibson's rl