ac PECULIAR SEAS yn HAS BEEN EXPERIENCED IN = o war. ONTARIO. v 8 ---- % | wishes east on their wed- yo x ding will continue ir | Crops Better in the West Than the ; {Hn ie: aad vil con Tor Shee East--The Rainfall Has Been 8 aioe Oi Married Decidedly ° Light' jm; } Sosy Ta Be Geoie , Places. ied : we Se 8 athedral an Tues- | (| CLL had a peculiar season, the ma took place i . Ch second | A cold, wet spring. put ¢ back sud a of lave, Mrs fodloy, of | Several weeks. Afterwards there were Barriefield, to Willism Alexander Van- | Weeks of dry weather. The nights have 8 been uniformly cold. Raing fall- en in somé parts and passed by other Parts only 4 short = distance away. Thunderstorms hve been less than usual but such as we have had have left - behind their quota of . burned buildings. : : Everybody was predicting - a miser- able hay crop, and: in the eastern part of the province there certainly was a light crop, but reports from' central : and western Ontario showed that the + 1 Malta-V vield was much better than it was | : expected. But the fact that the hay: HE ADQU ARTER og oa buyers are active now may be taken makes musc] #8 an index of what prices may be | . ali "Iti the ston FOR, : g the coming winter, Corn was sown ' And Seal Skin Sacks ws liberally, but many fields show the ef: that "nutt AND i] ; Ht TH iy Ve gone west following them. POSITION OF THE CHURCH. | fects of the early cold and the dry Le -------- weather. Many fields have. suffered | In Relation to Labor--Sermon By | severly. Strange, though, there are Canon Starr, some erops hard to excel in any year. St. George's cathedral, Canon | Picked fields in various parts tell the with pale 1} Stare preached on Sunday morning | Same story... . . sig wings: A very lovely mneok-{ on the church's position in relation to] The story {old of the oats is just as . pearls, with true lovers knots the labour dom. i romantic 4 one. "Very good fields of P L hd k t © pendint, servante of Labor Day was' the re-| this eereal flourish alongside of extra orsian am at g S the bri cognition on the part of the govern- | Poor ones, But a8 a rule the grain ment of the importance of labour men | Crops are yielding a good sample of 3h and labour organizations, and that| clean heavy grain. » the church endorses anything in the| This. week the farmers Were jubilant real interests of the man who works. |'over the light rain in Ontarigiom W. . ' He ted that labour men seemed | Tuesday. A steady downpour would a church against them and| have meant millions of dollars' to the EXCLUSIVE FURRIER to that the of _ were silent because farmers. From east ta west the, pro- vince is languishing for rain; to help , under Meant Die Dunn, El- Her sabannne AREA een Fivradareans EE A Tee a rias, ef Coy viva ees va pol mnomomnagme] oncecccme® i 7 al vocomeon~Tal g % i al CORO mmm OEE | mms ia 0 8 Felococoowoal wl QO OC ™ im wlooemmoosn 322 shi I ~looo~oooes Mul 38 | Laerosse on 8; Shamrocks, 3. cumsehs, 3. salt rhoum, eryaipelas, piles, ete, Bé., at Wade's Urug store. i Yate SPunn and Tur- urcott, Tu Muller, 5 ladies' race--Misses Lennon, race--Buas, McKee, Gallagher. rds race--Barnes, Watt 3B ne. ladies' race--Mrs. Hart, Mrs. ay 's race--Henderson, McGrath, f-mile race-- Mrs. Hart, Misses Lead- uller, race--Nicholson, Joyce, xf i a - race--Barnes, Lennon, )g race--Stewart, Loshe, Darragh. men's 1 oF 2 7 McQueen. Mrs race--Lennon, Hunt, Barnes. ; pg dash---Wilkins, Nolan, Len- Consolation race--Tina," Elmer, Len- A Bion men's. irace--Nolan, : White, Lennon, team, A Canadian bow! team defeated ihr a fear nS, 'gnu defuaded u to 13.. Saturday : Cornwalls, Nationals, "Chauenr" Elliott's Oswego baseball now leads the Empire league of ew York State. : The touring Canadian lacrosse team ted a team representing West Australia by 14 10 6. Coming racin tes in Cangdg are: Ontario J ub, Woodbine, Sep. tember 14th to 2lst; HamiMon Jockey Club, September 25th to October 5th: Highland Park Club, Windsor, October |b 5th to October 19th, The Canadian pacer Gallagher won the free-for-all at the Michigan State fair at Detroit in straight heats. from Dillard, Online and Elbrino. The first heat, 2:06), established a new record for the State Fair track. Heals Like A Magic. Wade's Ointment is more than a i pplication. is icide. It heals, it infection of wounds by germs and it destroys the germs or parasites that cause annoying Siibisotn skin diseases. Cures oczema, scald head, cold sores, Ia big boxes, matour" fishermen of timation of the local holds the record for the season's best catoh. >: ---- 'September 10th to 13th $3,000 in rings; ,600 race Progtamme. Grind ve a ngarella, aerial in ancetsion aot. ing Japanese in five distinct gets. dash--Ratty, Wilkinson, hav .|velvet, and black and wh ce--Campbell, Hatton, [® : ladies' race--Mrs, Hart, Mrs. a 11; Te. Ma 'The bridesmaid, Miss Florence Egan, of Lyons, NY ad he bride's cou- sin, wore white ted silk crepe, the flouncings on the slirt headed with of ril the bodice also trimmed with: ri ruching, and i and berthy of Limerick with it was worn a pink and white feather boa. "Her hat was of white Neapolitan straw, with black ite plumes, her bouquet was of pink carnations, and her ornament the gift of the thoughthully made in the ole leaf of pearls; in the Hay lead Ber thoughts The . grooms the bride here wnd of the groom in Sudbury, before settling down in their new home, ------ O'Connor-Keating. " At un later hour, balf-past seven, St. ry's cathedral had oer wedding furty Within its walls, The bride was sy rances Margaret Keating, daughter _of the late Mr, and Mes Patrick Keating, and the groom, Dr. P. J. O'Connor, of Gananoque. Rev. Father Hanley, roctor of the cathe- dral, celebrated a¢ the nuptial mags, and performed the ceremony. The bride wore ao smartly tailored suit of white cloth, with blouse of lag, and a white felt 'hat, with pale lueSplumes. Ter ornament was a pear! 'necklace aud cross, the gift of the groom. Miss Gretta Shields, of Gananoque, was the bridesmaid, and also wore a becoming 'white cloth suit, and a white hat, with cogue feathers, She wore a pearl crescent, given her by the. groom, and t man Dr. Joseph Quigley, wore a pearl scarf pin, the groom's gift, The bride gave her husband » carbuncle ring. : Among the guests from out of town were the groom's father and mother, from Long Point: Mrs. Bain Shields and Mes. Le Que, from Gananoque: Mrs. J. O'Neil and"M'ss Marie O'Neil, from Rochester, N.Y. After the wed: ding the bridal party drove To the home of the bride's aunt, 'Mr. and Mrs. Martin Meagher, Bagot street, where She wildivg breakfast was eaten, calth of the ha ir drank and portions of Tar rll ding cake distributed for dreaming on, The breakfast tuple was very prettily ai Stat -- . Kingaton's Famous Fur Store. ts t---------------------------------- NEW FALL. Ask u han- Swrilpe a jump from 'summer hats ol one "aad ninety- will say "lst of So it's time for a change-- aod you'll fiod it u pleasure to select a new one in our new store. Watch oir windows. so endanger vince, The clergy well knew the faults on but of principles. that men even so to them." principles on 'which brotherhood of man. \ petitions of the life Al taught that the accomplishment of , could only be "through |every : a worshipping humanity. fered and dignified fied sacrifice, and that by the cross o honest labour hood would be finally won. In conclusion Canon Starr urged al mocracy, to partake of that deemer of mankind? HERE FROM SOUTH AFRICA. J. WF. Stofman a Visitor in the ~~ City. J. W. F. Hoffman, Dame street west, of 479 Notre Montreal, well- of the has been visiting in the.gity, the gnest of Mis. J. R." Weir," 130 Alfred Stroet. Mr. Hoffman has been in South Africa the past six years, in engineering and investigation de- partment for the government. He left on May ISth, and on his way home, made a tour of England, reaching Montreal on July 20th, afterwards proceeding to Victoria, B.C., on bisi- ness. He left for Montreal Saturday night. Mr. Hoffman is an all-rownd athlete and the champion cyclist at .Johan- neshurg, having won many valuable prizes. He says that the young men there go into athlwties in real earn- ost, and that one of the features is that of gathering together for social purposes. ¢ Mr. Hoffman was in Soith Africa, during the war, and on one occasion Rgured in a stirring chase made upon hi ruger, . GIVEN HEAVY SENTENCE. ---- Four Years and 'Lash For a ' Brutal Crime. Sherifi Cameron, of London, arriv- ed in * Kingston Thomas Cavender, aged twenty-three, a farm Inborer of Simcoe, who was recently found guilty, by Judge FI. liott, of criminally assaulting an eight-year-old girl. : Cavender, whose crime was a 'most brutal one, was sentenced to serve four years in : the penitentiary, he. sides receiving twenty lashes uphn the bare skin. ten of the lashes tobe ad- ministered when he first enters the prison, and the remaining number up- on his. release. Snakes That Bark ! « A Clayton despatch 'to the Syracuse Post Standard says: 'Reports reach- od here, to-day, of a wonderful »dis- covery made near Gananoque, when two huntsmen came upon two snakes that barked like dogs. The hunters were in swamps near the Cana- dian town, where they like the bark of a beagle. in- pvestigation ths hunters were astound. ed to find the snakes making the dog- Tike - noises. Both snakes were cap- ur Brought up to the village, ames Forsythe, a wellkfiowr Rename A Ta has come on to jn they feared to offend the capitalist, their bread and but-| out the pastures and root crops. ter. Such was not the case. When the , J i; : clergy did not espouse g party cause| the province received slight nourish it was because they felt, as ministers of Christ, it was outside their pro-|€ood, but not enough. er. Thirdly, it was the standing re- wroach againet selfishness, because in recovery, that act of 'worship. men looked above the petty jealousies and sordid com- below, and it|ai nd suf] tively due who sympathized with labour diffienl- weak heart nerves, ties and were on the side of sane de- ikidde or controlling nerves holy | Shoov's . : sacrament which unites us with Him quickly these ailments disappear. Dr. who is the great elder brother and re- Shoop, of Ey es -------- Johannesburg, where he. is stationed, Porney Hirtschman Tells yesterday, with | Bee, Parched, burning land throughout ment from the bélated 'shower, It was Where the bush fires are spreading devastation on every hand, the north both sides, and the position of the| country is hoping for all kinds of church was not on the side of party | wet to help the farmers and thé crops. The principles of ; him who said "Whatsosver ye would | viice was about a tenth of an inch, should do to you, do ye | while the weatherman promises that In general the rainfall over the pro- towards the end of the week, a warm He then drew deductions from the| area will sweep the Dominion. holy communion as setting 'forth the| The 1 h . 4 the true| the province of Ontario, 'broken in a protracted drouth throughout measure by the general rains of Tues- First it is a sacrament of a renewed day, is likely to have far-reaching and life--a' life of power to men which serious 3 \ would enable them to live as breth-| dairy industry but all lines of agri- ren. Secondly, it has. the. pledge "of - uni- tv. A united participation in the life| been garnered, the -j of Him whose life expressed and whose crops are reported from all parts as commandment was "Love one anoih- being in a bad condition and in many "» effects upon mot alone the culture, : While the harvest has practically all silage and root places so far withered and parched by Stonlach troubles, heart and kidney ilments, can he quickly corrected with fia prescription known to druggists the excessive drouth as to be beyond |. ywhere a# Dr. Shcop's Restorative. The prompt and surprising: relief which ._ Fourthly, it declared that He who] this remedy immediately' brings is en- artin | wrought our salvation, toiled labour and glori-| upon to its Restorative action the controlling nerves of the f| stomach, ete. A weak stomach, caus- the crown of brother-|ing dyspepsia, a weak heart = with palpitation or intermittent pulse, al- || ways means weak stomach nerves Strengthen, Restorative and see how Racine, Wis., will mail samples free. Write for them. A test {will tell. Your health is certainly worth this sample trial. Sold by all dealers, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bradley with their little daughter Marjorie, are vis- iting their sister Mrs. Frank Bryant, | 3 170 Queen street. Mr. Bradley was un- able 10 go to the wedding of his son, known in Kingston, and a graduate! ny William Br lev, at Winni Royal Military Colleve, ha#| soem 1 iirc: 8% Wiknipeg, on accoont of ill-heglth. William Swaine, piano tuner, Orders received at McAuley's, 'Phone 778. Only all-cream ice cream in the city at Price's. His Part of Story The Case Fully Reported," Proves the Work Was Done. 'By Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Ww Halifax, N.S. Sept. 3. <A well- nown resident of 93 Sackville street, Perney Hirtschman, whe hae been «in a Somewhat serious condition Adtely, has recovered, and says: Six months ago my appetite fell off and my health became * very poor, I had terrible attacks of indigestion and. of- ten was unable to sleep at night. My Poor color showed what an ilk man 1 was. 1 tried numerous reniodies, but thedenly gebiine one was De. "Hamil- tons Pills of Mamdrake and Butter. nut. Two hoxes cured my indigestion, My appetito increased and my strength Came back quickly, To-day I have ga fine. zest for my meals. 1 Igel as Strong and healthy a8 5 young boy. eauise they are so cleansing and" co ton's Pills should he uped by every person, My wife uged them regularly wigh grand Fomilin" SCIENCE PREVENTS BALD. NESS. The Fatal erm and Its Remedy - Now Facts of Science. Tt is the rarest thing iy the world for a man to be mecessarily bald. No man whose hair is not dead at the roots, need be bald - if he will use Nowbro's Herpicide, the new scalp antiseptic. Herpicide destroys the germ that cuts the hair off at the roOtx and cleans the scalp of dandruff and Jeaves it in A periectly healthy condition, Nr. Mannett, in the Maryland Block, Butte, Mont., was entirely bald. In less than a month Herpieide had re- moved the enemies of hair growth, and natare did it's work his head with i los, and in six w a nor mal suit of - hair, Sold by leadin, deugpists. Send 1 in stamps Tor tonic in their effect T think Dr. Hamil. A Mich. "Two sizes, So. amd $1, Mahood, special agent, eae sample to. The Hernieide Cg. Detrait, aw 76° 78 and "80 Brock St. 'Phone 700, © Optical Work Carefully and shomptiy ex- eouted new style, mounts and specially shaped lenses made to order, Repairs of all kinds: Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted, Will be the best time to select your New Coat for Fall and Win- ter wear. Our stock is now complete, but will not be very long, as many ladies already are casting longing eyes at some of the lines. The cannot be duplicated in this city = at the low prices we are quoting Dress Goods Are in.evidence this week. Piece after piece of the very latest Paris- 1an ideas are now in stock ready for your inspection, ve . All kinds to suit all R purses. : ; 25¢. to $1.50 a Yard. sien Abia OUR EXHIBIT, ONTO EXHIE MACHINERY EB Se We have received They are all in Show "op "The Best $2.( "The Ki RX This Hat is now | it to give good satis E '"The Knicl i + This Hat has an s i fortably at 'once. x There's a somethi i 'individuality" and ' i in buying and the ex the distinctive air tha " Like to Si K re